Page 3 Section 2 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL' Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, DecemHer 18, 1956 ' Yuba City Comes Back V -VV . - 'I U 0 : 'H IIT-J I max- ? t 1 Bob Hope Will Entertain GIs Overseas for 15th Christmas 1 r I'Xi vtV r J?, . ., .iv', ;. ,i' sr. '' 'Vjl ntUi... ..r n r' I'n fi . to ir Wirlf W Till SH . YUBA CITY, Calif. This li Plumii Stmt main shopping district tin ll It looks today with Its Christmas decoration. On Dec. 23 . of last year this area was almost completely Inundated when ' flood waters broke through the Shanghai Rend levee on the Feather River. At least 38 persons died when they were trapped by the onrushlng water. (AP Wlrephoto) Yuba City Has Erased Flood Scars in Year Steps Taken Thai '; Should Avert a ; New Disaster By BRIAN DUFF YUBA CITY, Calif. HV-A new Yuba City, with a strong new spirit, has risen out of flood rub ble of its grim Christmas of 19SS. The broken levee has been parked solid. Homes have been re built. business buildings re modeled. The streets are dry and clean, and most of the flood scars removed. Yule trees are going up in homes where a year ago water and mud covered everything. Gay nd colorful decorations brighten dow.itown streets where rescue workers had traveled about by ooat. Stores art jammed with shoo' pers, and business Is good. Dale Tressler, president of the Yuba City Merchants Assn.. reports sales up as much as 40 per cent over last year. A toy dealer says: "The children of this town Court Sticks By Bus Order ' WASHINGTON (ffl The Su preme Court Monday refused to reconsider its Nov. 1.1 decision banning racial scgrrgntion on lo ial buses. ; The clerk's oflico said official notice of the decision now will be mailed to Montgomery, Ala., in two or three days. The notifica tion procedure had been delayed by the request for reconsideration. . The plea had been made in separate petitions filed by the city ol Montgomery and the Alabama Public Service Commission. ; The city's petition said the No vember ruling left unanswered various "vital" law questions. The Public Service Commission said it had wrongfully token from Alabama the state's police power. FAMILY MOVES LYONS (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson have moved to a new place recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cox. missed Christmas last year. This time their parents all seem to wont to make up for it." Many townspeople say they are in belter shape now than they were before the flood. Miss Helen Ferguson came home to find her little house had floated into the next block. "But I found out I had a lot of friends," she said. They put up new siding and installed patio with an ultramodern sun roof. "It's nicer than It ever was, said the delighted owner. City Administrator Edward Mc- Combs said: '"Jvery one of those houses that was reconstructed had to be re built in. accordance with the build ing code. Many of them are stronger and safer than they ever were. Something Is being done to make sure yuuu City Is never caught without warning again, said Col. Wilbur R. Pierce, the new full-time director of the coun ty-city disaster office. We can never guarantee the levee won't ever Teak again." he said, "But we can assure people that they will be given timely warning. ' The colonel, an ex-nrtlllervman. snid an early-warning system co ordinated with Mo Slate Depart ment of Water Kesources and the U. S. Weather Bureau will civo plenty ot advance notice of flood danger. Mrs. Ruth McCamobell. Red Cross chapter director, said the Ited Cross spent four million dol lars in Sutter County on flood re lief and rehabilitation. About 7,500 families suffered some sort of loss. Nearly 4.000 received Red Cross grants. The organization rebuilt 14 homes and repaired 1,192 others. "And yet of nil the families who suffered, I only know of about a half dozen who gave up and left," Mrs. McCampbell said. Hans Miller, executive director ol the Slitter County Housing Au- moruy. estimates that only ahnut 50 families throughout the county still haven't been ahle to move bock into their homes. Yuba City replaced its nijivnr. police chief, city administrator and four city counrilmcn since the flood. Now it has grown together again closer than ever. People are civil minded. And there's a feeling that "we all came through some thing together." Silvcrton Lodge Iloltls Homecoming Cliini Feed, Election SILVERTON (Special) An nual homecoming clam feed Thurs day night of the Silverton lodge No. 45 AF&A.M drew an attend ance of about 20 former residents who still retain their membership in the local lodge. Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge. who of ficiated as "grand chef." is round ing out better than 30 years of master-minding the preparation of the food. Assisting him this year were Dr. A. W. Simmons, Harry Carson, Sr. and Jack Fish. Officers named for the coming year are E. S. Jackson, worship ful master; Ben Sprick, senior warden; Keith Berg, junior war den; E. A. Finlay, treasurer and John Middlemiss, secretary. To serve with them are George Mor row, senior decon; Steve Mead, junior deacon; Earl Hatman, Jr., senior steward; Harold Johnson, junior steward; Art Bollinger, ty ler; Ben Eckley, chaplain and Dale Lamar, marshal. New officers were installed at a public ceremony Saturday night. Clark Bachman of Salem, past master of the Silverton lodge, was installing master assisted by Art Bollinger, installing marshal; James . Hollingsworth, installing chaplain. By AI.I.VE MOSBY I'nlted Press Hollywood Writer HOLLYWOOD (UPl-Bob Hope, Hoik-wood's traveling Santa Claus, I takes off for Alaska Wednesday for his ism year oi entertaining the GIs at Christmas time but this time he'll make it home Christmas Day. Only live times since 1941 has the ski-nosed comic been able to return to his own tinsel and nolly iat home for Dec. 25, but he hopes I to fly home from the Far North in time for the holiday tnis year. "Unless the wealhcr snows us in." he added as he shook the mothballs oul of his parka at his San Fernando Valley mansion. "But I always get the Christmas spirit wherever I go. The boys put up trees for us. Santa Clauses greet us. there arc Christmas car ols. 1 always get a tremendous kick out of these trips. I always go at Christmas time because that's when the hospitals and 'camps want you to be there." Household In Turmoil The Hope household was in a minor turmoil today as Hope planned for his 'roupe of 200 to make the annual excursion, an event that is becoming an expect ed treat for servicemen. Last year he went to Greenland to thaw out the boys with Anita Ekberg. He wound up with a head injury from doing a pratfall. This season his back "still hurts "Tney me from last year, but he'll be hopping over furniture with base baller Mickey Mantle in a skit. The Hope Christmas present for the boys in uniform doesn't in cljde a sexy sweater girl this trip, but the more wholesome types Heggy King, Ginger' Rogers, and Carol (Miss Universe") Morris. He's even taking along a college choir from Purdue University that he heard on a recent trip to La fayette, Ind. Hope and the crew will tour seven Air Force bases In the freezing weather, and then film his Dec. 28 NBC television show at Anchorage. In his home the comedian has an amazing collection of mnmen tos of previous Christmas trips around the globe. He treasures' a dog sled carved out of ivory from his 1942 trip to Alaska. Last year the GIs gave him a walrus tusk inscribed with their thank. On another tablp in his office Is a huge ash tray given him by GIs in Germany on another junket. Once a paralyzed boy in a hospital gave me a wallet witn my face 'outlined on it," he said. knit socks, all sorts of things. I guess our troupe coming to see them is like an old friend, or a relative, arriving for Christ LYONS (Special) Mrs. Monroe Walker underwent minor surgery at the Sanliam Memorial hospital last week. The walrus, a land and sea creature, gets Its name from a contraction of the Norse word of whalehorse. ILA Calls for Boycott Halt NEW YORK Wi-The Independent- International Longshore men's Assn. has recommended an end to an informal waterfront boy cott on handling Iron Curtain dip lomatic cargo. William V. Bradley,. ILA presi dent, voiced "grave concern" for diplomatic repercussions yester day in urging longshoremen to end their boycott. Pier workers have refused to handle Russian consigneJ cargoes mostly on the luxury liner piers along the Hud son River. The ILA decis'on was taken at a meeting of the union's Atlantic Coast District Committee after receipt of a letter from Under secretary of State Robert Murphy. Murphy wrote that the boycott mignt cause "retaliatory action by the Soviet Union and its satel lites regarding shipments by the United States, causing a "paralyz ing effect on the functioning of these United States missions." RADIO PROGRAMS kslm nto. koco 4se, koat mi. oin we. taw sze. hex us TUESDAY f.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 51 .rr.'' ....... . ... 7-M Cl ATTESTS TUAT VDti IHCHlLt? THINK I Moliilla - Barracks Plans for Party MOLALLA (Special) Amel L. Peterson of Canby and Harmon H. Yeary of Aurora joined Champoeg I Barracks No. 205, Veterans of World War I, Thursday. Arrange ments were completed for annual I uinslnins parly. Fourteen barracks and auxiliary members attended Salem barracks Christmas party Wednesday. First nomination of officers will bo made at the January meeting. CONCERT GIVEN LYONS (Special) A Christmas concert was given at Man-Linn school Tuesday by Stnyton band and Glee Club. ACROSS 1. Sum S Cooking vessel 9.Chlrt 12. Ascend 13. Government organization: bbr. 14. Epoch 15. Comes together 18. Sigm'ies 18. Employ 10. Scarcest 21. Jog 24. Proverb 26. Opposite 28. Island off N.Y.C. 32. Collection of facts 13. Oil of roses 95. Insect 36. Arctic 38. Perfume 40. Measure of distance 42. Sewed edse 43. Strenuous 46. Skill 48. Beginning JO. Arlut'l stsnd 54. Noise 55. Amer. writer 51 Healing device 57. Perform 58. ltather than 59. Article ot belief DOWN J. Head covering P A CIAHO FITHB1R1AID a 6 iBjjR aThHuIo vJe: L L TlElR 'AlTjEHElT OlN S TlYiL EHEIMillNlNiT L EiSlSlOjN SHTiEiTiOjN PlAII N1TH tElRrnp'FJD LIAlT eIrJaZJBs UlRiEl R A- !L P H C L Ol N I T R H TIE. D iILH GToHEjD nU YQlRElRlE,bBiD'lE ATR Solution of Yesterday's Puzzlo 2. Crude metal 3 Cravat 4 Sagacious 5. Not so much 6. Seed con tainer 1. Mumc drama 8 Scarlet birds T"T" J 4 t l . li I to In i 1F" IT 77 ; T5 --Ti rj . -! '"-"ia- rr" Z 1 22 1 23 7T 75 . I ili. --, T Zb 27 v 28 1 30 51 A 32 j .; 33 34 . . 3b ' 36 37 T 38 J? '' w :.' j 'w 4? '7. . ',: ? ' ) '!v 50 51 152 143 ?; 54 SJ SB 9. Measure 10. God of war 1 1. Gone by 17. Russian city 19. Direction 21. Snare 22 Nevada resort 5.1. Ere shaped 25. Hi-strain 27. Kind ot onion 2;1 Nanow ri'ait 30. Peruvian ltnlian 31 Stalk of a (lower 34. On the ocean 37. So be it 39. Landed property 41. Sinimg voice 41 Soft drmk 44 Hrrnie 45. Oul 1ft 47, He pose 4! Knghsh letter 51. Male child 52. Night before 53. rerm.t Easier to cut Sew and fit OS il WJJL UMI t) MM. i 9078 14'i 24'i Printed Pattern Klcr to fut, Sew and Kit. li s a PUINTI-iD Pattern (or titltc-sa in;. work saving sevvinc! Step m juniper and blouse are the perfect fashions for half-sizers ilesnned to slim your figure, lit perfectly without alteration: Printed Patlern W78: Halt Sizes 14. 161,. m,, jo!,, 241,. I Size 16 jumper. 4- yards, 39-inch lawn.-,, yarns, a This easy-to-use pattern Elves ' a- perfect fit. Complete. Illustrated i 1'Cw ( hart shows you every step Send 3c in coin 'no stamps please' tor Pattern, wilh Name, Addtess. Stle Number and Size Address IWITF.liN Bl'HF.AU. Capital Journsl. Box 42. Old Chel sea Station. New York 11, N Y t-'or first rlass mall Include an eitra I cents per pitleri. 8 9i SLM Bob St Raj? Bob it Ray iBob tt Rav Snorts Final KOCO News Humpui Room i Hum pus Room I Rumpus Room KG A Rollies Record Sign Off i OlN Ed H mutow piews-wMiner nnm nsrmoB n frt Mca KGW Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Mel Allen tABC News KEX BuD aiauKDurn Boo tiin,iuurn huu tudcttburn tnju Uuvnourn KSLM News (Bill Brundlge iNcwsreel tSam Hayes KOCO News pongs buna own bongs bundnwn ISones Sundown KOIN Snorts-News (Lowell Thomas Amos "n' Andv !Amos 'n' Andy KGW Ed. P. Morgan McCall IMystery Time (Mystery Tim KEX Bob BlacKburn iBot BiackburniBuO Blackourn iBuo uidchuum K SLM Gabe Heater (Eddie Fisher (Mubic Music KOCO News (Rumpus Room iRumpu Room Rum pun Room IMeloay i HasKetoaii Hasktball (Music Music (Music (Adkini Show lAdkins Show lAdktns Show KSI.M N. Sil -S. Sal. N. Sal.-S. Sal IN. Sal.-S. Sal. IN. Sa).-S. Sal. KOCO News (Rumpus Room (Rumpus Room IRumnus Room KOIN Basketball (Basketball (Basketball Basketball KGW World News iMusic (Music Mubic KEX Adkina Show lAdkms Show -Admits Show vi.;;i s Shuw KOIN KGW KEX Melody Music Adklns Show KSLM N. Sal.-S. Sal. N. Sal.-S. Sal. N Sal.-S. Sal. IN, Sal.-S. Sal. KOCO Newt, umpus itoom litumpus oom iitumpus Kontn KOIN Basketball Basketball Basketball IBasketball KGW Music Music Dance Time (Danre Time KEX Adkins Show lAdkins Show iLifting Shadws Lilting Shadow! Music News lOance Party Rumpua Room Rumpim Room Rumpus Room Basketball Basketball .Basketball DaiiPe lime iDance Inns Dance 'lims Country EditorJanceland , I Danceland IDance Party KSLM Gabe. Heater I KOCO News " KOIN A KGW KEX Basketball News News WMWOTftf.- OM B N DON'T AGUE 6 WITH V THAT MARDLy 1 t-rVJL. WHO IH WHV A(J?" THAT ONB-TIME JO& I VOU 1 V HOlEWAN W SE&W FftlE 1 J PICTURES DOES THIS HILTON SH.LS. C0 IMfiCAELCT P2l,C A STgADV flAOVIE-60cK ' br ...I-- rjL C6NTLCAAAN CALL &WA OP COUB5E. I COULD OSTLV HftVE BEEN -ItL BET HEtL IPENTiPV to up" TO VOuB. MIND ? Mi7S4ie I ? hj If COULD DSVCLOP "WTO L THE ACTION 4EOUENCM H lSVi',l il f I fll V.l J I BU wm m I urnMBlV. ' " J Wl H II inflBF lr y 1 jfgl , I SI III! a - j c.t imw. mm : i R . .;- -J JBi. M-wnirf t VvrJ TrrmhU f HflT Ay fTt 1 6-. I W Five Miuures-uiK Lf OKy. "jnixV foKind The Tiny R7l Mo The I MW. SCOOT iiTV- N rn"J f L MS MiD TM TO PlAttr A COME. J Secret fbcJcet Or Re agsthiar' -J,-6MC I MJllO. NOMAD ) J- r ruf boll of film- Ju boy.' U m mC. X ' V ' I A i sssMfy )i vi v , liPveuwAtffioeoaACK JsuinwEWA white beaw.J fiETAnffl,gwsircwNHecg VAume vmone$T- I 1 HflMB. TVrlT ISNIDWW WITH A CUflSTMAS-TOlWPWWSSLp JV I TDlP HIM I WA$ A 1 II iita r 1 1 at i rv?.' 1 1 it, wsmmmmmm, mur ...o ess I CflRS-DON'T HflVE TO DOOQE I '( IS THAT ONE f DONCHt-FfitKX imw FflMCY CWS-POOR, WOHDERFtA. WwjB'l ClFl- H kimj boaf-Ftn ... -.nsi t: mo in imiiu UHUUT uocu M W f- UHUUY 'MC IVHOUUI iimuu m ww-THose Xgrow V J'SSrri y U this HC r OOOPATW.) H mi itt vhn nn ARnLiiTELV II Kt .iiict VciVMwcpnl r T kKinui it's f BUT VoO 1 M MUTT DIDNT LEAVE N IITRE i FIREWj ICANNEOIHTD H.RE I RUSH BUT I 1 SOMEBOCV WMMZ- : mstfkfK rmsr wjesza I W ET M m KTHSS K7. I J,I M hop pgErcjpiN& Vd icue tue? s i 4uppoe T wo, I wont peny rr7nmTi tr THAT TCV PONT U M0 A TCONc. BOX lOV W1U. CEV 1 ( FATHER X3U &'6 W . I FATurP TFI I MF KMOW. S 1 LVk.FD IM M.4 DFK THAT. WONT I 1 MP Tltf KFV FAP4 W -r.tV. I 1 1 OF AT HA'.E VOU V WAKTHA.' sEfatlsgktj ANP THAT ITS &ONE I lOU, MAiTHA ? i ASO BUT I V VfijSwJ I JtersSSiW!!!!"1 I IHArtlKEVKMAPAAUGfiKTlOX ""l I Jj "'I'llI? I "' WReV I ZafflSlW'w)fiWJi11 0fTSXTAAD10.OlDONT 't CAViO . HfeT NO!-.. A V J -c-.-r;c- AV . iL.j A u r Jt FI-"T 'WPliLt n TO BREAJt THJ9 - ig1 t V K Hv-V W I - i T . . I 4. . ' 1 . SA 1 I i I IM mi 1 V W M 1 - 1 W K AW m a 111 1KSLM Big City KOCO News-Sports KOIN Basketball 1KGW Dance 'limt KEX Danceland (Bin City Silent iBasketball iDance lime Danceland IDance Party . IMusic Mldnits IMusic Mldnit IDance Time IDance Time IDanccland Danceland ' WEDNESDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 .KSLM Vili rsrmcast 11 f arm cut ,ViU rarmcait Nsws ' kuax Farm News morn. mac. Morn. Mac. ikuai newt KOIN News America (KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock, I KGW Vanderhoof 1 Vanderhoof I Vanderhoof Vanderhoof rKEX News-Ks'p Tra.Keep Ttm Keep Tim Keep Time -KSLM Hemingway KOCO News KGAY Morn. Ma. ' KOIN KOIN Klock KGW Vanderhoof KEX Newa Brekf. Gang iBrktfst Gang IWest, Jubilee U'esL Jubilee Morn. Mag. IMorn. Mag. Headline News Frank Goss Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Keep 1'ime Keep lime News West. Jublle KGAV News (Harry Babbitt Vanderhoof Keep Time KHLM Cliff Engla Tamllv Altar Bible Inst. Bible Inst. KOCO News Tunes Ac Tims Tunes tt Tim iTunea 8t Tim I KGAY Herb s Show Herb's Show IL. Ross Show KGAY News ftOlN Cnsumer News Vaile News Shelley Srnade Shelley Sernad KGW Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof KEX News ' Keep Time Keep Time Keep Time KSLM News News Pastor's Call Bargain Countrl ' IKOCO News Clann Calling Clarine Calling Clarine Calling I kgay Herb s snow Kerbs Show uierb s snow lkuay News IKOIN Wendy Warren Howard Miller Jlelen Trent Mid Morn News " KGW Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club I Breakfast Club KEX News Keep Time Keep Time Keep Time KSLM News KOCO News KGAY Herb's Show Okuin iv or an uraii KGW Chef Glno l'V rnfr. Timm (Teilo Test Wings of Song iWlngi ol Song Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Clarine Calling JCIary Dyer Herb's Show iKGAY News tMa Perkins Dr. Malone Aunt Mary ABC News IGirl Marries j Whispering St. Russ Conrad Russ Conrad (Russ Conrad KSLM News 1 Queen a Day Queen a Day Queen a "a KOCO News Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Clarine Calling KGAY Dinner winner Dinner Winner Rollie s Records Rollie s Records t KOIN Happiness Mrs. Burton iStrlke It Rich JPat Buttram KGW True Story True Story IKonnie Worth IKonnie Worth KEX News - Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Conrad KSLM News KOCO News KGAY KGAV News 2 koin News-weather KGW Mitchell Rpts. N. W. News Top Trades Easy Show Easy Show Rollle's RecordslTown Crier ICom Get It (House Party Paul Harvey Merry Go Rnd. Vail Farmcast iEasy Show KGAY New IHouse Party Merry oo jtna. Geo. McGowan Geo. McGowan 'Farm News KSLM Matlne Matinee Matinee IMatine KOCO News Easy Show IKasy Show fF-asy Show KGAY Rolhe's Recordsinollle's Records Hollie s RecordslKtiA Y News KOIN Godfrey Time Godfiev Time iGodfrev Time Godfrey Tim I KGW Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go Rnd. ! Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go Rnd. KEX News-Conrad IHuss Conrad !Russ Conrad Russ Conrad .KSLM Matinee (Matinee (News Matinee I Koto News tosy Show Itsy Show Easy Show ' KGAY Rollle's RecordsiRollie's Records Rome's Records kuay News K01N Godfrey Time Godfrey Time iRuth Ashton N ews-Weather "KGW Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go Rnd. I Merry Go Rnd. KEX News-Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Tello Test KKLM Matinea IMntlnn IMatinee kKOCO News Easv Show Eaav Show Kasy snow ' KGAY Rome's HecordsiRol ie's Records Rome's Records k.uay wewa IKOIN BackstaKe WifelOur Gal S'ndyTake Thirty ITake Thirty FKGW Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go Rni! KEX News-Conrad iRuss Conrad IRuss Conrad iRuss Conrad KSLM IKOCO Hemingway Here's Answer Sam Hayes IRumDUs Room I Rumpus Room iRumpus Room koai noiue s necoros'nouie s necoras Koine necoras ixuv x nrwi IKOIN KGW KEX Art Klrkham IThm AlexanrlerxlNewsDaDer INewsnaoer Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof Bob Blackb'ra (Bob Blackb'rn Bob Blackb'm Bob Blackburn aKSLM Bob it Ray IBob it Ray Bob & Ray Sports Scop KOCO News jRumpus Room IRumpus Room Rumpus Room KGAY Rollie'a RecordsiSian Off IKOIN Ed. R, Murrow Newi-Weath. Tom Harmon IFrank Goss rKGW Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Mel Allen ABC News KEX Bob Blackb'rn Bob Blackb'rn !Bob Blackb'rn IBob Blackburn rK.SLM Dinner News IB 111 Brundage INews Sam Haye 'KOCO News Songs at Sund. Songs at Sund.5ongs at Sund. IkoIN Sports-News (Lowell Thomas 'Amos 'n Andy Amoi 'n Andy IKGW Edw. P. MorganTom McCall IMystery Time Mystery Tim KEX Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn KSLM I KOCO f KOIN ' KGW KEX ! KSI.M KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Gabriel Heater (Silver Seren'deHl Forum (Show Tunes News IRumpus Room Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Melody Melody Basketball Basketball Fights I Fights ' j Fiehts Flehts News Adkins Show Adkina Show Adkins Show (Day Dreams Whistlin' Tun. IWhistlin' Tun. Rumpus Room 'Rumpus Room Rumpus Room I Basketball j Basketball I Basketball (Music Music Music Adkini Show Adkins Show Adkins Show Day Dreams News Basketball Music Adkins Show v KSLM News IKOCO News IKOIN Basketball FKGW Music KEX Adkina Show Fulton Lewis Sweet it Sw. Sweet it Sw. IRumpus Room Rumpus Room Rumpus Room I Basketball Basketball Basketball Music Dance Time Dance Time ,Adkina Show Lifting Shadows; Lifting Shadows uaonei neater i music News IMusic KOCO News IRumpus Room IRumpus Room 'Rumpus Room KOIN Basketball I Basketball 1 RatkMhail I Ratkothaii n KGW News Dance Time iDance Tim IDance Tim t K1X News Country Editor! Danceland Danceland irng, ouuers KOCO VnlM To.WiV.ll IKGW Dance Tim KEX Danceland Gangbusters Muslc Basketball iDance Tim Danceland (Mus. Tonlt TDance Tim ITJanceland IMusic Mui. Tonlt IDance Tima Danceland THURSDAY A.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 KSLM Vil. Farmcast Val Farmcast KG A i Farm News Morn. Mae. I KOIN Newa America KOIN Klock Fkgw News Vanderhoof KEX News .Keep Time Break Ganc Val Farmcast Morn. Mae IKOIN Klock Vanderhoof Kccp Time '.ik. Gang News KGAY News IKOIN Klock Vanderhoof (Keep Time News .KSLM Hemingway ' Kin o Tunes & Tims iTunei St Tim Tunes ft Tim Tunes & Tim KGAY Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. M.itii. Mae. KGAY Npwh KOIN wiilN Klock ''MfllnM 'v';nn Harrv R:)bb,tl KGW News Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof KEX .News mcu i in it mi m i line Keep Time t KSLM Cliff Engle Familv Altar Haven of Rest Haven of Rett ) KOCO Wally's Sport Tunes St Tim iTunes Ac Tim Tunea it Tim i KGAV Herb's Show .Herb s Show Herbs Show kt.av v.,,.. 'KiHN ',mimer N'wj n.iw vill (.nv s. r nd hniu cr. KGW News Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof KEX New s i.etp unit: m-fp mut K ep l ;me . KSLM News iNows IPator's Call iRnxin rI-." I KOCO Newi-Sports 1490 Tun St. 1 1400 Tune St, 1490 Tun St. J KGAY Herb's Show Herb's Show Hfrb's Show KGAY N'ew KlUN ".n -i.r -n mvrH VM. Helm Trent 1 Mi'mnm KGW Breakfst Club 'Rreakfst Club !Breakfst Club 'club KEX News KeepTimi KeepJTima Keep Tim f ksi.m News fienotest iWtnga of Song iWlngs of Soni KOCO News-Sports I4 Tune St M3o Tuna St uan tm i Clarey Dyer Herh's Show KGAY News 1 4 'Ma Perk:ns 'Dr Malon- Aunt Marv ABC News Girl Marries jWhispenng gts. I Russ Conrad Ruia Conrad (Russ Conrad 1 KSI.M News Queen a Day njjeen or Dav Queen for DaT KOCO Newa-SportS run St Ti.r- St" M Tur. St 7 KGA1 Dinner winner Dinner Winner Rnllto't: rh. oil--. D.ri W.? "'1Rpir'" - ,i'rs. Burton Strike It Rich Pat Buttram ime aiory irue aiory . Knnnie Worth 'Konnle Wnrth IRuss Conrad jAuss Conrad KGAY Herbs Show , KOIN Nora Drake KGW Chief Ginu KEX Coffee Time News I Russ Conrad WISHING WELL R.liitered U. S. P.l.nt OAc. T4I253T284T AYCHYCOYOQix v "3 5 3 i 3 8 2 7 4 8 T O I V E 3RUG RGHHR 5 8 5 ? 8 2 ? 4 6 5 3 8 " J' rWAEASATLTRY M 8 4 12 7 5 8 3 1 2 6 4 8" TOETTEOEDLgf. H 2 8 5 5 I 4 2 I 1 n 6" 8EAXABASPA C E H 7 S I 1 s i I 2 ifi' HPHARYI IIEUV R I I i i t i ' e 5 ' S "i BTAXEILYYSFTS HERE is plMSint littlt fim Uiat will i ivt you nwsui t tvery dy. It Is numricil puolt dtsitned to spU cut your fortune Count lh letters in your first nimt. If the number of letter is or more, subtract 4. If the number is leu thsn t, tti J. The mult U your key number. Stsrt it the upper left-hand corner of the ree. Unile ind theek every one of your key numbers, left to riiht. Then reed the mesufe the letters under the checked nurej fiI you. 1114. kr WU"" r. Dc4 kr n, rmmm ka.lZ'11 o