Capital Journal, octlfciii, Ore., Ivion., Dec. il, 1956 MAKE IT A MEMORABLE CHRISTMAS EXQUISITE JEWELRY GIFTS ! , 8"rantd flu,, under the discerning 'J.K 'W&k rnagnilicalion of our cfer,(,,c precifew l 'J'J1 f X '"''"'" cut to perfect proportions . f't,f, V and of Ihe (, color. May we .how you l 'he truly tuptrtor quality of these genu? WZtfr Worfc Dons in Our Own Siop. 'B' free Sketches and Islimales. J-'K Diamonds Set While You Wait. jT ( "Miwr" iiieTM au-iw"--! i v .1M-wt t" p, , ,, r. From Stevens & Son Come to Stevens & Son and enjoy discovering where a "Merrier Christmas" starts. We've gifts of beauty for everybody .-. . gifts that are a delight to choose . . . gifts that are pure joy to get. Come, we have treasures to choose from . . . beautifully gift wrapped, of course. 4& $ o&iamonc WJalcli YVahe& Jime , freciouA 1 v 9 OPEN EVERY EVENING TO P. M Monday Through Friday left: $S V &'M Pltium set Twenty-four diamondsi bracelet watch $600 Five-piece place setting $21,9.' See the Large Selection of FINE CHINA n Cadtfetc louaf- 2)ou lit Jfintridae Eight full cuts $225 Diamond Watches from 49.75 to 1500.00 (AH Prices Include Tax) la. 3 p" ' - our diamond sets-the engagement and wedding rings of which lock together for perfect fit and to prevent twisting and turning on the finger. Marvelously effective for concentrated brilliance for the way iwo can iook iiKe only one. "7 Complete J4er Sterlin (or your own) with serving pieces to match her (or your) pattern. Essential fo gracious liv ingin keeping with gracious living-are these from our collection (and many others not shown.) Some of them are particularly modest in price. CHOOSE FROM OVER 4 AA PATTERNS O(06MN lOSt WMtlOtOUGIf tOINTtO ANTIQUt 100 l9l Trade In That Old Watch J BY AMERICA'S FINEST SILVERSMITHS I Towle Reed & Barton v Gorham International I Wallace Alva Lnnt Heirloom Whiting I Oneida Frank Smith 1 ' Cod lit me J-iecei .... Hv S Costume f u Including Fed. Tax r Jine fAJatc!te5 d3a You May HrinR Your Trade After Christmas X- IS B 1. 1 1 .ST?., jrjsa. GIRARD-PERREGAUX LONGINES' WITTNAUER HAMILTON ELGIN HARVEL TISSOT BULOVA WADSWORTH GRUEN Some models as low as 19.95, including tax -A ALL GIFTS FROM STEVENS ARE BEAUTIFULLY GIFT WRAPPED -2' i?m IT COSTS 0 IORE TO SAY ' CHARGE IT'' at Divided Payments: No Interest or Carrying Charge AJable Aewel6 r lJ4and Cut EuJ(u6al CERIIFIED GEMOLOGIST-REGISTtRED JEWELERS-AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY State And Liberty Phone EM-4-2224 OPEN 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. SATURDAYS 9:30 TO 5:30 1 f