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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1956)
450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials ANYONE FOR PING PONG" a piece h, i4 Jxl pin i."mk low as 13.85. nnocK-apan pine-Don. ttanrfi Dart ninv. ft. tall SanU CI cutout. laui plywood COLGAN LUMBER CO 3020 N. Liberty Ph. EM vvc inaiALL plastic wall tile Formica counter topi, fir At Birch cabinet, Let m five you free tstimate on vour re modeling now. Montgomery Ward it Co. Ph. EM 3-3101. FOR SALE: 2 . 7x8 St rand -Steel garage doors. Ph. 4-W04. Like new it reasonable. re ei hew fresh-milled old it serono growth lumber 2x4 to 2x12 m to 24-foot lengths Dp I He red prices saiem $30 rer thou minimum. Ted Muller 4-0523. 474 Floor Covering INLAID linoleum $1 79 per tq yd. R. L. Elfttrom Cj. 260 b Liberty. VlNYL floor tile. 10c each R L Elfitrom Co 260 b Liberty 480 For Sale Miscellaneous! CONLON Mangle: Scandalli Ac - cordion, 120 bass. Ph. EM 2-7576. SeV 9 x 12 rug it pad. Special S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. BEAUTIFUL Mink coat, full length, large size, sacrifice. EM 4-4279. CONCERTONE tape recorder. one. Drice S375. lisprt vert. little. 2tm with Shure Mil;e thrown m. Em 4-2462 anytime asi. aun. BECORDS for sale: One of Saiems largest Classical col lections. Any part or all Em 4-2462 after 6 week days, any time Sat. Sun. Coving must sacrifice tv. auto, washer & dryer. 2 pc. chrome set. 2 pc. sectional; wringer type washing ma chine; .V) & 52 Chev. will sell either. 4340 State AIR FOAM pillows bv Goodvear. SPECIAL $3.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. JVEW braided all wool multi colored rug. .10!i x 84 feet. Percy Dunn, Bt. 2. Box 207, S 1 Iverton. Ph. EM 3-7973 . Sad IO phono mah. console $55 Hapy Duggy $5. Ph. tM 2-5072, AVE Si at Glen Woodry's oh" new mattress sets 2 only New twin box spring and in nerspring mattress sets $40; New full or twin bx and In nerspring mattress sets $46.66: Reg. $1H) Superfoam sets now $68.88: lovely Simmons Reg. $119 mismatched box spring and innerspring set $74. 5u; new King size Simmons mat tress sets $8950; Solid foam Ifs bargain time at Glen Woodry's 1605 N. Summer. DAVENPORT ti chair. Youngs tow n sink unit, refrigerator, elec. Range, make offer EM 2-7830. CLOTHES line. Aluminum urn breJlatype.EM 3-4213 .eves. JIM VAUGHN meat saw En ten prise grinder. Sanitary scale, 3935 Silvcrton Rd.E M 4-5742. flEW 9 X 12 rug pads $8.88 Glrn Wondry, 1605 N. Summer. 220 "THERMODORheater," radio & record player comb. Lionel (ram it ace. EM 4-973J.. I OIL HEATERS, Spark & Cole man, iikc nc. A.iaie v. ruff links, ear nns, nfK laces, pins, rings. 648 N. 20th, 1 Ph.EM 3-9487. f(EW taylor made seat covers to fit '51 to '54 Kaiser, $18. After 8. EM 3-4821. BLACK pony fun coat, cheap Ph. EM 2-3886. HEAVY duty garden tractor with extra equip., make offer. 1940 Lana Ave. EM 4-4258. TELEVISION ANTE N N A. SPECIAL $9.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. VAC. cleaners, all makes. $12 50. 1321 N. Capitol. EM 3-8007. tDlr.) EUREKA "vac. cleaner. $29 95. 1321 N. Capitol. JM 3-8067, jDlr.l TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs, files, sup plies. Rocn's. 4j6 Court. EM Pit Run Gravel PH, EM 4-4747 NEW 9 x 1 21 1 nole u m A . 98 Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. C. isne poit flood quality Treat-d or untreated. Poles Ph. EM 4-3031. LARGE generator on truck for ; .sale. Ph. EM 4-9352. BOYS 21 in. bicycle, also Kodak Viligi:nt wiih 6.3 lense. speed gun flash alien. Ph. EM 4-0009 1373 Brenner Ave. WlLlTRacrifics auto. Ironer. like nw. Ballcnnn formal, size 12. Pn. EM .-40fip. OIL CIRCULATORS FROM $19. ns. Used Md-e Mart 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. wo6d"cifc"ul"ators $3t 50. Used Mdse. Mart. 27,0 S. Llb ertv. Ph. EM 4-6T.71. OPEN TON'ITE Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. JGIRLSbicvcles. good cnort. 17" TV. good cond. EM 4-5063. P IT RU G RAVEL PH. EM 2-6171 GARDEN tractor, chain it skill saw; elec. fence.Em 2-2341. pRfZEw inning crocheted wool Afpan. cheap for ouicl: nal. 4083 Durbin ( 4 cor) EM 3-82:19. 481 For Rent Miscallaneoui FOR RF.NT: Hospital bed. Ph. EM 3-8617. 183 Wanted Miscellanaout WANT fireplace screen, EM 4-0069 or EM 4-3381. WANTED several thousand cord of wood, all species. Ph. 3-7721 Mghta EM 4-5633. 464 Miscellaneous Rug & Upholstery Cleaninjr BRING new life lo your rugs A uphnistery; clean today, use tomorrow. LEE BROS. 4M0 State 5t. Fn. EM 2-7001 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST 1 CASE.5 PR HARRY SEMI ER. Dent!t Adolph Bldg. State A- Com S.s. SALtlM Ph. EM J-11 , 486 Machinery & Tools rORMAL cub tractor v.ttl belt puiJt. pio. .'"'-''' H lireccer attachment; mile norm oi aonn , school. Rt. 1 Box 137 Turner, i SEVERAL used welder See st 790 Stewart St. Ph. EM 4-7544. 490 Futl OREGON FtTL iawdust. Green A Dry Wood S k H Grrct Sfarrn IA37 Broadway. Ph. EM 3-5.VU , .ANER shavinr 2 unit load i h. 5Kv'-.e 7-1722 Nlonmouth KTHl ' Wie-- for sawdur ' TJ'sVri. n-.e a Chip M, Q.-i r,,nt Fuel C" 1420, 450 Merrhamlise 3-9081 490 Fuel CAPITOL FUEL CO. I SMALL c-mente- loba. Build Dry oak. ash At mapie wood reP'r. EM 4-2029. Chulce slab it block wooa WANTED- Work foe T D d mixed dry or green Dry mill j fiXyff' 3-2784 '' T ' 1420 Broadway Ph. EM - n ... . Old growth slab it block wood L0U'S ree service, tooolng, 12 cord. Also ok wood. any icngtn Prompt delivery Pn. f ale,., EM 2-0U4. - WEST SALEM FUEL - Dry ireen wood Tube or pusrmut sawdust 15Z5 Edgewater Ph. EM 2-4031 HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST t: WOOD EM 3-8444 ANDERSON'S slab wood, 2'j-unlt load l23.Ph. EM 2-77511 , DRY Iff' Fir wood. Pick up at mini ur aei. cora iois. rn. EM 4-3081. wanted : Several thtyisand cord", of rurk-free wnnriTfir or nem ock. i't. km 3-772r niehM 1 EM 4-56C3. 7. , , SHAVINGS: WE DELIVER PH. EM 2-6171 500 Bus. & Finance S25 to 5250(7 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAr9AoNiS. iiB L,iDcriy Ph 7- COLONIAL Investn'J P n"1 tvroperty Loans " . , Purchased. 687 f0?;'223 Intcrtst. Ph. M -0.94. PRIVATE iJey p j,030- interest, rn. -" SEASONAL CASH IN A SINGLE TRIP Get cash for shopping needs or diner seasonal t-xpenj-cs in one visit to office 1 Phone Beneficial, give a lew facts, then come m! Exclusive! Nationwide Credit Card presented to every cus tomergood at over 1,000 of fices! Beneficial likes to aav "Veil'" Phone tor a l-trip loan, write or come tn maay LOANS UP TO 11,500 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. (Personal Finance Co l Ph- 2-:464 105 S Hlen LOANS $50 00 to $1,500.00 ! Buy What You Need Consolidate your bills. Finance throueh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 132 S. Church St. EM 2-2457 515 Investments PRIVATE money tn loan cash ror contracts & mtg s. B. M. Mon rr V R ""'nier, 311 Chemeketa. EM 3-6841. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948 Specialists In Office Placements F-Medtral Exp. credit. lypmg F.p. T. Leeal Steno $1.25 hr. F-Payroll taxes, posting 25-35. temp .. open F-Steno. accurate typist, fiiTiiroc !0.4n l2O0 M Busmcss for couple open ' M-Credit trainee, coll. eood potential $275 M-2 temp. tax. a-e exp open Best Wav lo the Best Jobs 49t State St,. 411 Oregon Bldg. WANTED: Couple to operate drive in store, guarantee plus percentage. Must be neat ap pearing. Write box 433 Statesman-Journal. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in office personnel PHf h. prcshytenr "ii."i 384 N. Winter EM 2-0836 Vour lulure is om APPLICA I IONS tp now Dting taken for Statesman oicycle routes Several -outes will n open Applicants must he sc compsniecl tiv their psrenis or have their written nermis slon Apnlv at th Clrrulatlnn Department of the S'Vei an Journal 604 Help Wonted, Men ACC'T., tax exp. temp, possible perm. Ph. EM 4-8437 for in terview. I WANTED experienced TV tech- nicmn. p.rmancnt pnsninn M115I be top need apply. Hih. n. None other ider s. 363 N. CREDIT TRAINEE Expanding Co. seeks young man for salaried position w ith ex cellent opportunity for ad vancement to executive re sponsibilities, tirnup insui nrc nairf vacation: retire- ment Income plan; profit shar ing etc. Age 21-0. high school n press arv, some college pre ferred. Auto necessary w ith mileage reimbursed. Call 4-2203 for appointment. Pacific Industrial Loans 118 S. Liberty 6" Heln Wonted Lodv WANTED: La n1 v fr child n.,r hnm 115 W Mille re- dur- tn) rhnrtl riV. frOTll Jan ui.ll ' hohaved. Will pav high pn. e i' A rare of 3 children. EM 2-3235 LADY 1 care. h"ucuork ft child in. Ph. EM 4-1827. 609 Commission Work EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTl'XITY FOR 3 n?at appearing ladles are free travei at various times to on co-noanv r-.ntact v nrk f'-r W-al "rgani 7atiins in We-ten Oreg"n Tht 15 stead'-' e-npln; rr.ent. Patter th.-n a-.erage wars P. us mnnthlv b-nur,. Cp.t he p ful hut not necessarv. Ft perrma! Interview only S-e J F Foster Senator Hotel Mon. Dec. lTlh. from 10 a m. to 5 p m. NEED J mer , .ho Jr. 1 Mnf , .vn heloful hut not nec. EM 4-:60. t or inieric . . ,,J OIU 3Qiei neip " uimcw WANTED: MEN & WOMEN Tn g" I either f' work i,rrrertnte!y or p-TI Tirr.e r.-n esenr.a:. apj o. tn Mr Crej. Tuei. 9 a 3 pm- Dec. 1? (off S Cot,"', .-ALE... ,n - ..... MAN 21 Fu:r C & pirk up i v. ttk , gomrn. to itart. EM 3-8337. 510 Money to Loon 1 6 fl ft y 9 600 Employment 612 Work Wonted, Men a-TTI KKTk' tsf'-r desires work. , EM 2-1892, 9-12 a.m. Cut P. cabllnj. EM 4-8501 :C" . -t- , OI contract. EM 2-1842. PAINTING Inter, cood bruhet. Job or hr. Hea. EM 3-3035. YOU want 11. EM 4-8283. Carpenter Repair Work rn. p.:vi z-ii.-.'i i ' nXnFVTFn I C Sblr or ,'ontr"' 1 joo loo small. EM J- Charlie Greene, EV '"m FRKfc estimates us f lt'uVt inas or druinbw. ut' strom Co . 2W sJSy Palming flff'PW Aid Wevrf Wonted. LodV ol ' 7 wavtp7-' Laundry, mending. yf&ENS 'A SPECIALTY. j-..ig to my home. Ph. EM (T.L hab" fit eves, you- hf.-ne-EM 4-9540 between 6 & 7:30. CWLn car 1- - h' or day. S. Salem., EM 4-3462. R'lFFLED curtains- laundered. EM .1-9610. GENERAL CLEANING BY HR. EM 2-11 lft WILL do ironln 'n m' home. South Salem, EM 4-3462. IRONING, my home. Englewood dist. EM 3-8580. CW1.D C.--C, Is' dv r'eTf 75c, hr. 20c 4 Corn1. EM 2-9572 CHILD care by week or month. DRESSMAKING A- alterations, v,iih. is. uoj n.m-iijo, R' "Aft. day or night. Ref. EM 3-8858. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing. Mrs. Poe. 665 N. 16th. EM 3-3643. EM 3-6349. 25c hr. day or night 1 615 Situations Wanted HEMSTITCHING DONE AT J551 MARKET. EM 2-9724. FAIRYLAND Kiridergirten" it Nursery, now rehearsing Christmas Prog i am: those In terested Ph. EM 2-7658 or EM 2-8147. Care of all ages 25c hr. 7 to 11 p.m. 855 Mission. SC H AR FFBR OTH ER S Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields. Power Ditching. Backfill. EM 2-5568 or EM 3-5072. LIGHT crawler rltwi. !e'"lirV. grading. EM 3-7012. L. Kurth. ATTENTION. Root leak. Rerool now A: save $ repair work, gutters cleaned. Also will heat all cntnoetltton. KINGS ROOF CO. EM 4-3722. SMALL carpenter 1ohs. good work, reasonable. EM 4-1424. 618 Education U. S. CIVIL SERVICE JOBSI Manv now npenl Start high as $.140 month. Qualify NOW. experience orien unnecessary. Get FREE 36-paee book show ing jobs, salaries, tests, re. quiieinenls. WRITE today: Franklin Institute Dept. 147I-F, Rochester. N Y. URGENTLY NEEDED MEN 18-37 to train a Telegraph Operators .'or Railroads this area. Salary f-XV) up. Jobs uatting. G. I. anprnved. Write Box 4.)1. Statesman-Journal. 620 Day and Contract i. 'a. 3 yo shovel, crane, hoe drg. line. 25-ton mobile cranes. D-4. D-7 cats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 1405 N. Front St. EM 1-2461 700 Rentals 02 Sleep. Rooms, Boord NICELY furn. room, also nsmt apt., close in 539 N Winter LAllGE clean warm rm. Cook- ing. Indry pnv. 735 N. Church. r Otitn for gentleman. EM 2-454T, A ( vt r reas. rinse In. WANTED Man to room and uoard. 1880 Center. : r.orr'nir.ii - fihT t 12 rMm' HK pnvilegeT I everything lurntsnea Nice lor one or two. izu. t.xira Den- room avananie. dks 3. mm SLEEPING rm for 'lor"a, 790 2 N. Church. EM 3-4335. I NEWLY dec light nskp. rm. 1 1 vr- fort-ib' '-flv. 2 blks MAF. $25. EM 2-7830. jy nicelv furn. sjccnlng rm., men j wk. l.m M ') ' ;-nt 1505 N. Capitol, EM 4-6134. CLEAN, warm rms. TV., close in 213 S. Winter, EM 2-1722, 70S Aportments For Rent CI.N 2 r 32 50. Prlv i . part!" fit" ' entr. shwr. EM 3-7-::t. LARGE 3 room apartment. I pmate hath, entrance. Laun- I drv. first floor. Large yard 1 with plav apparatus Small familj 140. Extra room avail- ."a---,., CLOSE IN 1 rm. furn apt, uttl. ; $28. 765 Marioiv i,H ZS22.I 1 B. R. furn. apt. private bath, j free washer, dr $9 51 prr wee or EV 3-8841. (. Ph. EM 4-4020 CLEAN furn. 2 rm. apt. 355 S. X-rrri.-r-rivE 2 rm." apt. furn EM 2-7515. COM; Oi. TABLE a-it r- - 17th EM 3-1000. rm furn. Center $44. furn 3 FURN. rr-.f . pvt. bath. trance, util rm , utilities, rirjre. fr'g. Off st. park. $:!8. ' L.1 2-MUi. hnn(V 9 hrlrm. turn, ant Ph I EM 3-6434. 3 RMs unfun in "lod-'-n "'x ; range, refrig $45. EM 2-7520. I SALVAIJOKE Afl S ! ONF t 1 Mr 1 -ange I refrig. furn. EM 2-3841. vim - apt. 420 So jo-.h. EM 2-6875. -'V t p1' -ip, nrn o- not. 153 STS N 3th. EM 2-7743. BDRV co rt an. $4S mo. EM 2-1M. F L. Knapp. Bkr. ApU FURN 3 r . pnv bath, ''"e f'j'e b'dg . parking spsct. EM J-7310 mornings it e-e. 700 Rental 705 AporHntrnM hi Kent1 or Ph YOU'LL like this very cton comfortable f urn j decorated. Gnxwrf Avr Also light hskpg. r'T M J-VSM DESIRAU r?'.U'!-:,r,?"i or IX J. EM 4-7172. re."'- "-" " i' i .,., a. uin ai., near .nop. cent' f HE "( & bus. CENTURY. I9fil CENTER New Irg. dlx.,2 bdrm. Apts. LE MAR COURTS 1 bdrm. unfurn.. range, refrlg., some util. Adults. 1-135 Trade MODERN Furnished Court j h"rtrfpm Weft StI " n EM 4-6875, evenings EM 2-8743 4 RM. lurn. apt. Closo m, , tiv, ent. 935 Oak. Ph. EM 2-6776. HOUSEKEEPING rm. rcas 696 N. Cottage. FURW rm-. 65 '"c. u'Mles. 1133 C hem eke la EM 2-3430. CLEAN cozy warm turn. Util. 450 S. Capitol. apt. Colonial manor. 2 rm. furn. 1225 Chemeketa. EM 3-7934. LARGE & convenient 3 rm. furn. & carpeted apt. 1055 Edge water. 3 RM. furn. gr. fir. 3 rm. furn. 2nd. fir. Ps-rfAc reas. 280 N. 18th. EM 2-6787. CLEAN furn. 1 rm. apts. Close In. 633 Ferry. 14-3 rm. furn. apt. front. All util. furn. 597 N. Liberty EM 3-7695. FURN 1 hdrin an! ?U pn. grounds Rd. $55 mo. EM 21580 diler d p.m. iTRMiTrn. "am. $507T06S Madi son. EM. 4-4754. 3 Rm turn nvt bath. ontrai'-V $37.50. EM 3-5833 or EM 2-2563. 740 FERRY Irg. 3 bedroom re eat r& aec unuim water, aouhs. cm vuuis. COURT apt., extra nice, furnrs rms., bath, TV, laundry, park lng avail. Inq. 1348 So. 12th. CLEAN bdrm. apt., refrig Ac ,0J" furn- ls0 uw. EM 2 RM. bsm't aot.. prlv. hath, $35. 1113 N. 19th. EM 3-7641. LARGE well furn. 2 rm. apt. 2nd fir., gas stoves. $30 mo. Washing facilities. No pets. adults pfd. Pf. reai"red. 2164 MapleAve. EM 3-7117. FU RN ., close" to "State "bldg. & Shop Ctr. 3 rms., pvt. bath. 1246 Center. FURN. 1 bdrm. elean. ettrf $63. 735 N. Capitol, EM 2-4379. FURNISHED APTS. FOR RENT REASONABLE rates, close tn location. Water it electricity furnished. See Mrs, Griffin, 770 S. Commercial Apt. No. 1. FURN. or unfurn. 2 bdrm. court" Near North Hi. 812 N. Mth. CLEAN, warm, 2 rm. apt. close ln. Lady 645 Ferry. EM 3-4527. 2 RM. furn. !5 mo. Elderly gentleman. EM 3-5276 eves. NEWLY decor, nicclv furn. 1 rm. apLLady.$25. EM 2-7830. 1 RM. &kltchencte S25. lt "r., prlv. btuh.entr. EM 2-0763. CLOSE In mod. furn. 3 rm, apt. pn. lm a-Buu excepi aai. FURNISHED APT. ATTRACTIVELY furnished new court apt. One bedroom. Auto matic washer it dryer. Close to town. $62.50 per mo. The Sharron Apts. Corner ol Fir Be Kearney Sts. (One block south of Mission two blocks wept of Commercial! To inspect call Ralph Eyre EM 3-6124. 706 Duplexes 3 RMS.. Nicelv furn., redec. gar.. Adult5. 1835 N Capitol. BEST"ncwCl 2 hHrr"- ntc-,-t'. attch. gar. So. Ph. EM .1-7811. VERY nice "irg. liv. rm.. btn-h kitchen, util. rm. At gnr. Near ous Scu it Shopping. J0. EM 2-2114. CI.FN. warri " rm. nt.. c'"--e In, lady. 645 Ferry EM 2-4527. 3" FURN. ronni. Adult 40. 244! State St. Ph EM 4-4351. NK'n v fttm lex, So Couple only. EM 3-3763. 707 Houses For Rent 1 BDRM . hse., partly furn. South $.. Em2-5025: CHILDREN WELCOME. 4 bdrm. vard $65 EM 4-8989 or' EM 2-3551. frig. Inq. 1815 Lee after 1 om. n.- 1 orlrm home i-ith t-tnve. garage, close to hop. center (South). Ph. EM j 4.3 ja. ;3 ! 2 bdr- bdr" house Immilat v-. Ph' EM 3"MI3 0r 852 MiH 4t' txira nice 2 oar..-., ou ne.., .n- . siae tun., ? i"- r: rr rage. inq. J.ia 1 ryon, RDRM. nouse, garage, $45. EM 3-7523. BDRM . stove, refrig . laun- ory. gar., Jtiia fnriiann i,a. EXCELLENTLY "located 3 bed room house, carpeted, fire place, completely redecorated $!M). OIIMART A CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St EM 2-41 1 R 1 RDRM , fireol ivr. refrig.. gar. Clean. EM 3-8471. fur.. $15. 047 Mill EM 4-4000. BDRM. mod. clcai 1 suburban large iiv. i home. gar. Lvtra Water furn. Call b'ire a m. or after 5 p.m. EM 2-2673. 4 Rti'T ulr h. garden space EM 2-8841 Irg FREE 12th month-Almosl new 2 bdrm. house, auto. heat, elec range. h--sd. firs. Insulated Auto, wasner. dryer available. 22.10 Maple Ave. ! 3RHPV "h"e H1"-''' Dlst j EM 4-2418 after 3:30 p m. UNFURN. 4 rm. house at garage 6 N. Cottage. 2 "nrRMh'- -. "b :- -" 4 Corner Diit. $55. EM 2-Of80. NEWLY decorated. 3 i:n. pal tered house 1230 Lancaster Dr. EM 2-4'22 or EM 4-6.J57. 3 RM house $11. EM 2-6479, 1984 N. 4th. ! - LARGE 6 room house, two bath room, newjv redecorated, meal location, $100 a mo. EM 3-7030 , 1 1 nnRf hnmo Hlr nour T A ml host (trvnlare lr 1ml South $73, EM 3-4235 after 2 j p 1 NEW TYPE" 3 bedroom. $73; 3 nenroom in Mission, us, 2 . bed roc n F m 1 e 1 -V'-Vl BrfiarlM "a Realtv. Pn. EM 4-3361 1 VERY nice 1 bdrm court un t'.ove. 2443 Market. EM 2-1158 UNFIT - . ml furnace. $1$ EM 2-6830. CI FA!-' 2 hdr-r- ome i-'ose in. $!5 mo Call EM 4-fi' ffF" 1 r .( -., 2i?,i Stlvtrtort Pd. EM 2-3803. 1 BDRM flren! . Hownfov n lo- cation all util Furi. $70 mo. 240 N. Cottage. . I MO Roal Estate 806 Houtei For Sal SANTA ONE OF THESE HOMES COULD BE YOUR XMAS PRESENT: A Redwood finished 3 BB Ranch itvle home. It hai a (Ire place, insite utility and lot., or huilt-ins. If! landscaped down to a creek. 1 In excellent condition. Asking price, $10,930, Ttvs Is different. A brand lly room. 3 RRs. L R , and corner lot in a new addition. South. Price $14,000. Terms Liberty Gardens a 3 BR. home with separate dining room, eating area in kitchen, inside utility, a nice living room with fireplace. 1'3 baths and double garage. Corner lot. Price $13,000. Terms. This on ft nlHor hut ha an .vr.n1l.nt U,.llnn I. ,. wood. Beautifully landscaped lot-all kinds of roses, other mnvrrs una kiituok. t ntis,, L K , UK., snfl Kllcnen possioie 3 BR. upstairs. Low down payment. Asking 8.450. A two-year-old home just walMng for an occupant. Located North. This has a charming kitchen, good sired living room, bth with shower and tub. Attached garage. A low down payment will buy this (9.250 home. Owner transferred. Has left this lovely home for someone to take advantage of. 3 BR., DR.. I.R.. kitchen with eating area, l'j bath?, inside utility, douhle xarace. Corner lot with lawn, shrubs and oak trees for summer shade. Make an oner on tnis sn.200 Home A. A. Evenings call- Helen Lewis. 2-4591; Mr. Hoover. EM 3 - FOR SALE 1 bdrm. house, big BUSINESS SITE TRADE for smalt one or 2 BJrm. home, this 93242 Lot In an in dustrial zone has a fair 3 Bdrm. A- den home fully Fur. Batli Ac half. G-arage A- util ity Hse. St. paving A- sanitary sewer, full price onlv $8500 aril or take $1600 down Bal. at $50 Mo. 5'; , EVE. call RM 4-2805. ED LUKINBEAL, RE ALTOR, 433 N. HIGH. PH. EM 2-6680. 801 Business Opportun. Restaurant It Bakery Comb, in eluding living quarters, 1380 N. Church St. Equipt., furn. PROFIT FROM The Coffee Break Habit With A Business Of Your Own EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR SHIP AVAILABLE THIS AREA AND SURROUNDING TERRITORY. According to Time Magazine. September 10th issue, last year one com pany alone grossed approxi mately $14,000,000.00 entering to the national I v accepted "Coffre Break". National dis tributor of quality automatic 6 to l Combination Hot Drink and Hot Soup Units haR proven plan that will pav you sub stantial year around income year after year in a new, busi ness of your own. Some part- time operations avatlahle. We f!ive complete on-the-job train ng tn assist you in netting your business operating. Equipment reaches enormous mass markets. Example: 20 units doing 1955 national aver age would earn exceptional High yearly income $1,790.00 to $8,578.00 starts you. Liheral financing to qualified parties. Act now write or wire, giv ing name, address and tele phone number. Dent. 131E, hox 4S4. statesman-Journal. LICENSED Salem Nursing nome. wen equinppn. excel lent reputation. $6,500 down. Particulars, experience, etc first letter. Write Box 440, Statesman-Journal. AVAILABLE for lease Modern uo it going, 2 bav Service Sta tion bv Union Oil Co., at S. 12th A- Mission. Moderate In vestment. Good potential. For information, stop at Station or call 2-9285. 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent 2 BDRM. range, refrig . util. pd. 1062 7th, W.Slem. EM 3-7212. RENT within reaFonf Newl norm, uniurn. hse. Adults, near Gen. Hosp. 2251 Drey- FOR lease: 2 bdrm. mod. home, attach, par., elec. heat, wired for warher. dryer. TV atii. Avail h"ir Tan. 1st. Ph. Wk. day EM 3-3904. UNFURL 7 Hdr"rhV " for drier $45. EM 3-7987, West Salem. 1 nnnvi ....... .. dryer. $45. Sorcnson, EM 4-22!3 2 ORM collage, part furn . ga ra8 "0. No pets. 831 Jaion i'n. z-zuf. FAIR MOUNT Lute hiitit "j rm .v. a.- . aj-.o. ai iatc e.u. citi .i-irjrio. 3 RDRM. house. Hpvesville Dlst. I $60 per mo. EM 2-3136. BDRM.. full bsmt.. oil lurnace. f-reoj.. ?r. Cio- to "h-'i' i ."oliywood Center. EM 3-3161. 1 rjiitf.M 'nt" fenced yd garage, im 2- 3513. f rm. house. 5'tfi N. 17th St. Inr. 13f5 N. 5th St. Ph. EM 3-9374. Furnished Houses I r- 1 1 B. R nif-ely fur. house, a:e. S Salem. I.iS. 2 H. R. fur. house, quiet street ; garage, $6:1. B. M. Mason, Rit. 1 Ph. EM 3-8841. 3 RM. furn. house with garage i hy wk, or mo. 3235 Portland P.d. Clean, nicely furn house on bus line, I hrf'-m. Adults. No petv EM 4-4H9B. FOR RENT : "2"bdrmfurn home tin-" - " f -e, dur ing sofsion. EM 3-P010, 3 HDRM home, r-id .r Ph. KM 4-.VMH for information. CLEAN alt "elec." 1 bdrm. rot-t--oe -"tiilts. laundry. Call EM 2-27W. $.cfl"l BDRM. eHlecTbusTtop, nue i"r neaouv errplrn. m lo r fed I17S av., ";t (v FM 4-1S48 af.r 3 p.m. or EM 8074 Stay ton exchange. F''RN - 'VI----S -,r-- nr. bus. EM 3-7541 after 12 no. 1 BDRM venet:?n hlln'i' new ret rig in - ulatrd, gas mg 2 r-at( f rd- ' ' 'ui $43 mo. Jan lit. EM 3-851. , L'RO ,.-::; Stat bldgs. it Univ. EM 2-3826 v. ten !708 Fnrm$ for Rent TO LEASE 30 A farm tn K-izer , . . t-... . i r 4t. 1390 Harmony Dr. EM 4-784.T . , , , ' 714 Business Rentotft t - 'WAN'TKh - hlH iSvtn' .o, e or lr per targft ranje. call F.M 4-7100, ffir rms. it ware use EM 3-4111 I 780 Moving & Storage 1 Larmrr Tran'-frr A Storage Com.ple'e movirr r-ui Sfrti fr,r B L K I N : 1 V. k M'jver. Pi, EM I-OW TOST storage H L. Stiff Furniture Co. EM 3-9183. 800 Real Estate 806 Homci For Salt SAYS new home with built-in range double garage. Located on a nice EM 2-7504; A. E. Beckett. EM 8810. $1,000 dn., new 1 bdrm. home In in. aaieui. in. i-on. By Owner: West Salem. 2 bdrms. basement, fireplace. F.A. heat, sun deck patio. Large view lot. $11,500. EM 4-1498 after 6 p.m. FOR CHRISTMAS Kingwood hts. English type 4 bdrm. 2 fireplaces, lovely quiet Inc. See to appreciate. 817,500, $1.500 dn. Em. 3-7212. For a Couple, $8,950 Have to go some to find fault with this comfortahle 4 room home with riinnetlc. 2 roomy hed rooms. 13 x 18 1 1 living room, insulated it weather stripped. 3 yrs. old and in very good condition. Short lot on paved street, bus by the door. Reasonable terms. Enjoy Trees? You can nave your own park with two nice building sites on the Little Pudding River among the trees. About 5 acres wooded on this 6.32 acres. There Is a nice little A room home with large utilltv room. Excellent soil. Lots of water from the 6" cased well. Price $11,000. Will take small home in town on a trade. Call us day or evening. E. J, Zwaschka Realtor Ph. EM 3-4035. 1745 Grant St BY OWNER 4 yr. old 3 bdrm. nome, an. gar. Low down pay ment. $7.9:.0. 2415 Hyde St., Ph. EM 4-4931. 26G0 BLUFF FAM. kit., party rm.. 3 flrepl., 3 sett plumbing. EM 3-3434. $900 down, imm. possession. Nicely furnished 4 rm. hnme, H. W. Floors, fireplace, base ment, furnace heat, sareae. rlore In N. Salem. Bal. like rent. $850 Down, Imm. possession, 3 B R. home, one floor, roomy. cican, comiortanie, fine lot. garace, garden, bus line. North. Onlv $6230. B M. MASON. Rlt. Ph. EM 3-8841. EM 2-68.14, EM 3-3542 CLOSE IN Enslewood Dlst. 2 hdrm home. Partial hasement with furnace. I Lot at reel to alley. Outside fireplace. Only $4,500. Ask for i-nn M'jrrav. pnone em .i-h2.W, Evenings Dallas MA 3-2633. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Church St. EM 3-92M IDEAL HOME FOR LARGE FAMILY CHECK THESE PLUS r r,Ai uiir.a 4 Bedrooms Den In Base ment Walt lo wall carpet, living A dm rm Hotpoml dishwasher m Hesulnul drapes. Enclosed back yard Fruit Trees ; m i.ioe in scnoni v oui j Low upkeep , O Shower In basement 1 Located No, near Market PIim manv other money -saving advantage inHi'ding; 41, pet. Mortgage $70 Monthly (,-,nenta Total Price Only $10. "150 For Sate Rv Owner Leaving town first of vear. Call EM J-6765 for appointment it details. rpntnr t-iv likll IjIjA I LOSE IN off State St 3 Nice umis all Fur. with stoves, M-- I frigeralors T.V. Hookup, ga- race for each, $180 month in-1 ome. B'o Mtg. may be as-, ed at $90 Month on $fl.0frtl loan. eed low al 117. .MtO, po! sihllitirs of trade. Eve. cai) FLOYD MrNAIaL ED LU KINBEAL. REALTOR. 4.1.1 V. I HIGH FA'F. PH. EM 3-7764 days EM 2-H6B0. OPEN HOUSE fto 4 p m. Cloe in Suburban off N. River Rd. West of Del Mkt. store at 2fl2 Wilshire. ne 3 bdrm. home, dhl. closets. Irg. liv. rtn with frpl. din. rm ' sliding doors, birch kit. nook. I baths, hdwd. firs . util. rm . dhl. garage $13,750. $2 500 dn. Pn. EM 4-5177. 4 BDRM. $10,000 PH. EM 3-8470, FOR SALE or trade $4900e7ju"ity in 3 h'-rm. 2 bath mod. hon.e 1750 S. Capitol. 2 BDRM. HOU?E PH. EM 4-7281 MR OWSER! Glen Wood' will pay lop price fot your furn I v appliances, cm - i HERTZ-RENT -A-TRUCK Ph. EM 2-6062 rj rfnuiii .-jo i borne, tile bath, frpl, birch I Kiienen. rorced air neat. Ji't Mard Dr. Owner EM 2-8148 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR, Let us snlvc vour h imt Ptd$. I Pi. Ed 4-3743 iill ExJgev. ater ) rr. ri i-iB.s rfj.u no, LQinm 1. r-D L'L'T 1 , i. i PROPERTY three a. rr Plii". net. r.ear'1 Bedrm home, kn'.fy p n I. R-n , tood Spring W'r 1 ') nown ee mh WOOTTEV F.e EM 3-ff ED LUKINBEAL. REAI T't, 4,, ti. HIG4, 94 4 IF mi KOI) Real Estate 806 Hornet For Salt Buy Roal Valu ..With Confidant- 605 CHEMEKETA h,v Dr,V wtth n,r 3 bd' room home. ' acre east. would like to trade for large aide, home close to State Buildlnis. For Information call Dale Rayburn EM 4-6875 or Ev it Sul. call EM 2-2045. , Over 100 Acres. Fully equipped com til ne tractors. Irrigation equipment. Plenty water. Stock including 150 head hogs, 200 laying hens. This would make the best dairy farm. Close to town, mail and school bus at door. Surfaced Road. 4 bedroom home with modern conveniences. Low down pay ment, easv terms. Call Ben Griffith EM 4-6375 or EM 3-8760. . 4 BEDROOMS THIS good property In only $11,500. FHA terms available. Living room 2.1x14. Dining room. Nook. Fireplace. Base ment. Garage. 3 BKUROOMS 4 ACRE THIS fine home la onlv t vir oia. fA oil neai. wan-wan carpeting. Garage. Fruit. Nuts. $11,530. Terms. : BRAND NEW I DRIVE by 39 Apple Blossom; j ii inr a snowip- nrtir luh- l family room. Doublt plumb-! lng. 814.500 Terms. I Kerry List With Eve. Marian Lehmann EM 2-6688: Oswalt EM 3-7735; Violet Bishop WEST COAST REALTY . 3053 Portland Rd. NEW 3 You will be happy in this dandy sts. Also trees, see mis tor cure. Just su.vuu. sea anytime. Call Mr. Carpenter, eves. EM 3-6648. HONEYMOON COTTAGE rurn. 1 bdrm. home, Eist of city. Full price $3,950. Good terms. ALSO 3 bdrm. ranch type home for lease ieavens eves, lm j-'md, . IMS BEST BUyS 322 NORTH CHURCH ST. EM 4-3311 KEIZER BEAUTY Ideal new home and ready to be moved into. Large living rm with frpl, separate dining rm, 3 bdrma, l'i baths, FA heat. HW floors and att. dble garage. It's realistically nrired at $11,900. Call Mr. Sword, eve. EM 2-804$. A "BIG FAMILY SPECIAL" Brand new hnme with family rm. 4 bdrms. 2 frpls., l'j baths, extra large kitchen with hrk area. Inside utility, therm ostat controlled heal each room, dble alt. earaee located suburban south. Priced at onh- S Iff. 950. N (,. "Dan" Isaak. eve. EM 3-6297. OWNER TRANSFERRED And must sacrifice this dandy home that Is completely insu lated and weather stripped. HW floors and ven. blinds. Combination screen. Nicelv I nil reaped lawn with frpl it covered patio. Will trade for Sta vlon home. Price only S1500 Call Mr N 'Dan" Iiaak, eve, EM 3-6297. VARIETY STORE Good set-up for man and wife Very clean Hock. Shows good Income, Good location on huv highway. List of equipment and fixtures Included in the asking price of $1,500. plus In ventorv Terms "rn"' Call A) Uaak, eve. EM 3-3538. WE NEED YOUR LISTING LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Eve EM 4-MOC1. EM J-01R0. EM 4-W1M. EM 2-H04. EM 3-71041. EM 3-3.158. II no answer dial EM 4-2248. 20 ACRE- FARM all under Irri- gallon Has 2 ndrm. clean home. R;trn and silo. I.nraled approx. 13 miles from Salem, CALL O. V. HUME. j j u ar(iMi.ama-.i norm, nome, nv. rm , uin rm , ramuy room, nircn Kitcnen wnn nreaKian area, utility rm., 2 firt place, I hath. full hasmt. Dble, garage Pi ice : K. LAY MON C $Z2,tU. CALL. 11. IS YOUR PRESENT HOME BURSTING AT THE REAMS? Move into this fine ft bdrm. hjine and breathe again. There a nice liv. rm wtth fireplace din. rm., kitchen, bath, full burnt, oil furnace. ! CALL J. E. LAW IS BEAUTIFUL AC RER FOR SALE -You will hunt a long time before you will ever find an acrrage like thu. A very, i irt n :li i eiit j Tuning through trees, plus 8 n tr bldg ipol manes this an iflel i-etting for a country hnrt.e. ririie-ln South. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON PLEASE STOP IN k PICK GRABENHORST I AO S. LIBERTY ST. EM 2-2471 Evenings it Sundays call Salesmen RalDh firure EM 2. MA Mn Richardsan EM 4-81'M Ron Hud- kins EM 3-1712, H K. Livmon - v Hume EM 2-5a08 Walt QUALITY Homes Built To rir- " "'"' ?our ""Y V" ouogei. as ro-li rG I PH a-V2 'Member of Salern Home Bldrs. Ann." BY BUILDER 10' r DOWN MOVES YOU IN TODY OR BUI1 D TO SUIT ED FISCHER. PH. 4-58.13 2 APT reiirtenre. Iirae agraffe A lot $5,500. 81,000 d-jn HM 4 nil Capital USE 800 Real Estate 806 Houiei For Sol 5. loan. 514 I 1 GS Buying - Building Q PHONE EM 4-6879 Hoover School District. old plastered, 2 bedroom home. Newly repafnted inside. A nrat home Inside and out. Hardwood floors, auto, oil heal Separate dining room, large lot 68x164. Priced low at $7,600. Call Henry Rund to see Phone EM 4-687$ or eve. it Sun. EM 4-1720. DANDY LITTLE HOME IN KE1ZER. Can be boufht with a low down payment. Located znl,rrii bedrooms, living room, dining ! room, kitchen, tile bath, at- tached garage with lots of and garden. 'Price $9,000. To see can uean n.iarr iiiii-oou. Eve. &. Sun. EM 2-70H). SPACIOUS HOME CLOSE in on 17th 4 bedrooms. Bti steenini porch. Huge liv. lug room. uai'Ke olning roo.11 Basement. 1 car garage. $19.- 950. Terms. 3 BEDROOMS TRADE FOR close-in property. This nome is lUDuroan num. un n acre Lola of apple trees. Ga- rage. $6,000. Terms. INCOME PROPERTY TWO houses on 100x223 lot In nuin oaiem. wvo in j-ucu- room: rent out 3-room home. $6,300. $500 down. Us Office KM 4-33K1 Frank Vlasle EM 4-2870; James EM 32flflfl; Jim Hatnsey km 4' EM 1-7632, EM 4-8995 BDRM. home, city sewer, water, paved with option to buy. Call Mrs. WK SPECIALIZE IN TRADES OR EM 3-7820 FOR THE. DISCRIMINATING Smart i story quality home lor those who enjoy living. 3 Bdrms, family rm, beautifully tiled hatha, dble garage, plus the, added feature of a family pool. Located close to bus and school on naved si. and with city sewer. Price t24.0O0, Call Mr. sword, eve. em. 2-BU48. SWEET & LOVELY Charming one story ranch home spotlessly clean. Extra large dining rm, very attractive frpl, HW floors and situated city bus. Ideal for heginners or elderly couples. Onlv $11,500 CM Edna Morgan, eve. EM 4-60.18. BRAND NEW 3 Bdrm home located lit the city uilh all city facilities, porccrl air oil beat, dole garage. ItW Floors, completely insulated and wealherstnpprd A good vaiue (ii on iv ii 1 wiit. -'I .vir. Crawford, eva. EM 4-5020, SUPER MARKET Located at Intersection of two important highways. In center of fast growing area. 7400 sq. ft, floor (.pace. Large parking area. 3 bdrm apt Included. Future prospects unlimited. Gross on drv groceries $223,000. Price $70,000 for hldg and land plus Inventory. Good terms or owner will lease on attra- ti'-e t Call Al Isaak eve. EM 3-3538, REStjRT PROPERTY 100 ft. frontage on little N. Fork Sin Hum at Elkhorn. Beautiful I v wooded lot, dandy swimming hole. Restricted. Only $760. CALL RON HUD KINS APARTMENT HOUSE Oppoilte State bldgs . Gross Income 1.1. Ifi. Ownrr leaving Salrm Price $OT.non CALL WALT 8f)COLOFSKY KKI.KR -Sunset Ave. 2 bdrms. ith floored attic for third bdrm Stairway In FULL BASEMENT Nice party rm. with fireplace and har. Large lot with trees and shrubs G. 1 Loan, onlv $13,900. CALL RALPH BRUCE CANDALARIA SHOPPING CENTER 50 x 30 room avail, ahle lor IMMEDIATE OCCU PANCY. Ideal retail location, excellent store front, abun dance of nff-itreet parking, Salem's fastest growing ihop ping district. FOR DETAILS CALL C. L. GRABENHORST LP YOt'R 19:7 CALENDAR: BROS., REALTORS EM 4-5507. J E. La LM J-311J, Socolofsky KM 3-883! OWNER Leaving state offem for sale 2 bdrm. home. ig. liv. rm. wltn flrepl . family rm., nue kit chen at separate utility rm. Large lot, beaut IfulW land s' aped. Can get early potaet-kion. Ph. EM 4 i89 BY BUILDF.R"new 3 bdrm. .home, birch kit , dishwasher, Irg rms. it frpls . dol garage u ith forced air furnce. EM 3-3120 eves. BY BUILDER v 1 bdrm rustom bull' home. t New 1 bdrm eust. enrgs location. EM 2-707L V Journal, Salem, Ore., 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sot IN C 3 Zone North. 90 x 100 cor ner lot & adj. 50 x 100 lot. Each lot has a 3 bdrm. house wttn concrete bs 't. ren tal record. Fine IVl. gar., suit able for shop on Corner. $12,000 Reus. dn. pymt. EM 4-2438 wit. ends or after 5:30 p.m. APARTMENT BUILDING. 8 I reniala. furnished, close in, tenants nay utilities, income about $200 per mo. plus own ! era apt. Wtll sell on terms or trade on large farm or income property St give difference. SERVICE STATION & REPAIR GARAGE fully equiWd. llealtii forces sale of this pav. lng business, present owner over 10 yean, real property, equipment it Inventory all goes. Easv terms or trade. See W. H. Steveley Salesman. Pi 1 ".. TQTQ (- nQflPQ ( NiidiiUJ uu. . .... KtALlORS 167 S. High EM 3-3151 qqt '. re...rr. (n,U. ' -r- - 1 RENTALS for sale, low down paym't. or trade. 3473 Ahrams 808 Lots For Sole LRG. Suburban Bldg. lot located East. EM 2-7809. ct" reirim For Sole ACRES Royal Ann cherries S. E.. $2,500 $030 down. iM per montn. Eve. EM 4-2714. gy OWNER S 10 nr n A tracU of good well drained in I 2 ml Tom 4 Cnrnir. tM MeJS. ' OTfk A ,U.U IIIOMl4lI VC 852 Used Can For Sal M PLYMOUTH suburban. Clean, good tires. I3!6 Chem eketa. No trade. $10l!5. ESTATE SALE 1030 Packard Sedan Call EM 4-4443 50 CHEV. Deluxe 4 Dr. clean car with radio & heater. $305. Warner Motors. 678 So. 12th. 46 FORD Sdn. good cond. Beats walking. EM 3-3441. '51 KAISER sed. 7 2 tone7 priced toseti. 2213 uaiel EM a--iw. '55 FORD Crown VIctoHiin, Fordomatlc, radio it heater. J?11 J"crn FA 7-2flfU. 56 CHEV. station wairon 9. door" "up 'ti 2: C,"I!B53 Auto Parts a R.poir. '49 Chevrolet Carrv-all $295. Very gbod cond. EM 4-0349. 51 DESOTO custom sedntT 1 owner!Jt493:Pn. EM 4-7626. 52 Nash Amb. Cust. 4 drT radio! air cond. dual range hvdro matic, 2 tone, low mi., extra clean, consider older car trade, rcas. EM 2-4057. 1333 Norway. MUST sell by Monday. '58 Chev v-n power gnne, ranin, heater, turn slgnAls, a dr., low mileage. No trades. Ph days EM 2-6433, eves. EM 4 6027, 1955 BUICK Century Riviera. 18.000 ml. clean, $2,000 EM z-.i!itm. 55 DODGE Custom Rnval . cer Hdtop, will sell $1995 or irane. 55 FORD Vie. Olds. mtr. trans. continental Kit, white will sell $1050 or trade. 818 N. Liberty Aot 2. Ph. EM 4-tHij alter a p.m. 53 FORD Custom 2 Dr., radio it heater, very clean. $895. Warner Motor Co., 678 So. llftii 1935 FORD I passenger Count rv S dn . excel, cond. St 950. EM 2-67.11 After 8 it Sunday. 30 HUDSON 2 Dr . clean Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Cars Commercial A- Chemeketa "END 'of YEAR SALE- Continues at CAPITOL Chevrolet Cadillac Union it Com'l. Ph. EM 3-3173 900 Display Claw. to wit Til ifef MilHBL 11 SWTS III STYLING PERFORMANCE ECONOMY TRESTIGE FUN With Room for the Kiddies In the Back Seat at Our New Showroom 2005 Fairgrounds Road (Just north of U. S. National Bank, North Salem Branch) Iritiil to The Finest in 2085 No. Capitol St. Mori., Dec. 17, 1956 B50 Automotive B52 Used Cart For Sato OLDS Inventory SALE 1356 OLDS SUPER 83 Holiday Sedan, radio, htr, hydra., power steering, power brakes, autrontc eye, whit ualls. One-owner, low mileage only $3545 19.-6 OLDS 98 4 Door sedan, radio, Mr. hydra., power steering, power brakes, white walls, tu-tone paint, one-owner, low mileage. Save money on this one at , $3645 IMS OLDS SUPER 88 4 Door Sdn., radio, htr., hydra., power 6 way seat, fouer steering, power brakes, Intcd glass, white walls, tu tone paint, backup lights. One owner with low mileage. A real nice family car $3245 56 EXECUTIVE CARS 88 HOLIDAY CPE. Radio, heater, hydra., power steering, power brake, whltt walls, tutont paint. SUPER 88 HOLIDAY CPE. R ad to. heater, hydra . , power st ferine, power brake, dual exhaust, padded dash, back up light, and tutone paint. SAVE $$ SAVE $$ ON Conv. Holidays Sedanl REMEMBER! If it's from Loder's . . . It's Good New Car Showroom Open Frl. ana Mon, cvea, LODER BROS. CO. Oldsmobile 461 NoHigh EM2-7973 FOR SA1JC, reasonable, '51 Dodge 2 dr. Wayfare, good cond., new tires. EM 3-4914 49 CHEV. Deluxe 2 Dr.. radio. heater, nearly new tires. $293. Warner Motors, 678So. .2th. 47 MlRC.,"radlo. heater. $178, Call after 5 p.m. EM 3-35t7. Used Auto. Parts Bales & Brady PH. EM 2-4513 NOW WRECKING Chev'a, irom '48 to It ?49 to M '51 Fords Rutck .. Ply. 6 cyl. Kaiser Chrysler 8 cyl. Ford Console Mere ., Packard Olds. 'W .'49 .'38 854 Trucks, Troil. for nol 2 WHEEL TRAILER $20. Ph. EM 3-5367. '51 G.M C. flat-bed truck, 1 speed. 3317 Hamel. EM it-0510. BCA AJmttA rr Truck ' . WANTED to buy: Old A wrecked ears tt trucks. Ph. 4-4108 days, 4-2411 nites. 862 House Trailers FURNITURE for 5 rm. hous Including deep freeze to ex change (or house trailer, 1940 Lana Ave. EM 4-4238. The People's Choice New IU3( ttllimore woum numrp NOW ON DISPLAY Sec Them Today! RON'S TRAILER SALES, East of Meier it Frank Open Evenings EM 2 -680. TRAILER TOWING Ore. Wash. Cal. JAVHAWK TRAILER CONVOY 21140 Portland Rd. EM J-KH1 900 Display Clasw. see Foreign Cars EM 2-6602 o o