Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 17, 1956 rjyjrr.-iPiTAL journal Section 4 Page 3 Gale Storm's First Daughter I i -mm "A ; . . - . iMBrsagr Gervais Firemen Plan Christmas GERVAIS (Special)-The Ger vais community Christmas tree was erected Sunday and decorated Tuesday by the Gervais volunteer firemen. Santa Claus will arrive at the lire hall Saturday at 2 p.m. to distribute candy treats to the children. Saturday evening t h e firemen and their wives will meet at 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall for a Christmas party and an exchange of gifts. The Firemen and the Firemen's By DAVID MASON Auxiliary are sponsoring a NCff glGHDAD, Iraq IB Premier Year's Eve dance at the Woo Said vowed last night that burn Armory starting at 9:30 aq will stand firmly with the Bob Fuller and his orchestra AD. iv'est against Communism desnitc Portland have been enstntf u a chorus of criticism from Mos- Iraq Premier Vows to Stick To Jest Pact Egy ptian Trade Unions On Strike Against Terrorism' play for the evening. Tirtf" Mn be obtained from any ol vais fire members or 4 "r" mory the night of lied""- NELSONS " C,RL DONALD fSw" Mr- ami Mrs. Merle W nelson, are tnc parents of H 8,rl born at ,he Woodburn "al Thursday. The babv irad seven pounds and has beet named Debora Ann. There three other children in the jOTily, Charles, in the first at Donald school, and Clil lii and Tony Marie. cow, Cairo And Damascus. Cries from other Arab nations against the controversial Baghdad Pact alliance, he declared, were really aimed "simply and solely to destroy Iraq" and put it at the disposal of others. j He said Iraq will remain a member of the U. S.-backed al-, liance. which joins Iraq with Tur key, Pakistan, Iran and Britain in- HOLLYWOOD Actress Gale Storm, the mother of three bo poses for her first picture with her first daughter, Susanna, r 1 was one month old yesterday. The baby, whose father 1 Lee Bon nell. Is named for character portrayed by Miss Storm In tele vision series, "Oh! Susanna." BUSINESS MIRROR 'Are Industrial Mergers Good Or Bad Thins for the Public? By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK UPi The merger movement booming along in its third great surge of the last 70 years of business history is head ing for court review today. The urge of Bethlehem Steel and Youngstown Sheet and Tube to merge dramatizes the big ques tion in the public mind: Is making day of watered stocks. It led to the nation's antitrust laws. In the 1920s, bankers again led a merger movement, with the main aim apparently to provide glittering new security issues to feed the stock market boom. The one since the second World War has been different. It was fostered by corporate man a; a giant company out of two or ments, rather than bankers. The more smaller ones a good or bad aims wpre various: to add to total thing for the rest of us? It is now up to the courts to de cide whether tin's particular mer ger, one of the largest ever, would: (1.) tend to lessen com petition in the steel industry, as the Department of Justice charges; or (2.) actually increase competition, as the companies contend, by putting them in a (letter position to challenge the in dustry's giant, U. S. Steel which; Mould stili be the biggest. ; The great spurt of mergers since World War II has involved some! 2,000 manufacturing companies with total assets of around 20 billion dollars. Merger in financial, retail and other seg ments of industry would bring the total number of companies in volved to around 7,000. The proposed steel merger would unite two companies with total assets of 2i billion dollars. The first big merger movement was from 1890 to 1904, when bank ers put together big integrated combines aimed at dominating a market. This was the great hey- I Keep plenty ofWrigley's J Spearmint 3 on hand for the Holidays Am ft. You'll hear lota of "Thank W J You's" when you pass W Jd Ulia inaij fcicab around to friends serve it after party meals give it to the children. Every body appreciates delicious Wri gley 's Spearm in t G um and it costs so little. Get a supply today. capacity, to move into new mar ket areas, to diversify a corn company's products. Sometimes a manufacturer acquired another company to gain a source of sup ply; sometimes to move into the consumer market. Other reasons include: to get a company with a tax loss which would offset the other's gross earnings: to get top management personnel which happened in the auto, textile and coal industries. In spite of all the mercers, the nation's total of business concerns remains about the same. There are around 4Vi million business concerns in the nation, some 600, 000 of them incorporated. Each year some 330,000 or more new ones start up. Each year about the same number go out of busi nesseither through bankruptcy, merger or death of the proprietor. In a study of mergers in manu facturing from 1948 through 1954, the Federal Trade Commission found that nearly two thirds in volved companies with assets of 10 million dollars or more. The Justice Department's in terest in mergers is to sec that they offer no threat to competi tion. Observers point out that big ness itself may hold no such threat if monopoly isn't involved. In the steel case, that's now up to the courts to decide. BOB QUAIL ILL SCOTTS MILLS (SpeciaD-Bob Quail was taken to the Silvcrton hospital on Monday of this week. He will be a patient for some time due to a heart attack. ACROSS 1. So. Amer. rodent 6. Frequently ' Z. Small nail 12. Star in "The Dragon' 13. Cheering syllable 14. Affection 15. Able to read and write 17. English school 18. Fashion 19. Renowned 21.Fmial 23. Conclusion 24. Things to be learned 23. Siouan language 32. Son of Jether 33. English novelist 35. Sheep 36. Protective covering 38. Scorned 40. Always: contr. 42. Tumor 43. Side 47. More certain 51. Old 52. Repentant 54. Clock face 55. Self 56. MissFerber 57. Long ago 58. Scarlet 59. Costly DOWN 1. Comrades RES 0NANjf jf L I NflE t lJeIgnIcIeMa guje. GSSEiE Mdi& 1!BKH riaTrMhaIyTeir BEEiEJA THOlYBsa UOIUi I IS BDlAJwiDilM jlylAjNhEJNlEIRIA TE MiAiDEia amoW He s BiLXIDllfll InWDIAIM 5 Solution of Saturday'e Puzzle 2. Entrance 3. Large town 4. White poplars 5. Medieval money 6. Destiny 7. Topic 8. Zinc sulfide 9. Repetition , 1 2 I J ! I sS 6 7 f j4a I? II Is Ti ;'-v 71 7F " 71 24! 15 lie Tf"3 28 i? 50 j SI IT ""31 I? " " 7? 40 7" 1 3 tf i : j7 I'M SO 10. English river 11. Hollow 16. Newspaper emploveo 20. Holdtha attention 22. Anglo Saxon king 24. Ripple against 25 Period of time 26. Cebine monkev 27. Doleful 29. Spread 30. Be under obligation 31. Man's nickname 34. Emblem of morning 37. Sewing implement 39. Hardened 41. Faft horse 43. Woman 44. Exchanje premium 45. Pull apart 4S. Tiieatcr box 48 Be carried 49. Volcano 50. Raise 53. Grow sleepy If. 7 ft 7,109 sizes 1220 t.Cf). "ET"" Fashion Favorite. Favorite jumper dress fashion "must" any season! Iron-on flowers take just seconds to spark the neckline with gay color! Pattern 7309: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Tissue pattern, wash able iron-on transfers in combina tion of pink, green. State size. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern add 5 cents for each pattern ior Ist-class mail ing. Send to Capital Journal, Household Arts Dept , P O. hox 168. Old Chelsea Station, New Vork U, I V Print 'nly NAME, ADDRESS, ZONE, AND PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed a. in our ALICE BROOKS Needle craft book stunning designs for vou. our readers! Dozens of other designs to order all easy. fascinating hand-work! Send 25 cents for your copy of this won derful book right awayl Wfflse against Communist ag- Agression. The 68-year-old strongman told his people over Baghdad radio that opponents have heaped "in sults, fabrications and inventions" on Iraq "to an extent that it is' alleged to be on the verge of col lapse. "Certain members of these par ties have brought those fabrica-j tions true by agitation and stir ring up disturbances, by creating! panic among the public, by throw ing bombs and explosives in pub lic places and the buildings of for eign embassies, and trying to or ganize networks for assassina tions. ' (Heeding a call from the Syrian radio, the Egyptian Federation of 1 Trade I'nions and the Egvptian Lawyers' Syndicate ordered all their members to strike today to protest what they called the Iraq government's "terrorist cam paign." Spokesmen said the strikes were called in response to , a Damascus broadcast saying po i litical prisoners in Iraq would be tried secretly today. The Pan Arab People's Conference, an or ganization ol political parties in Lion Claws Trainer In Video Rehearsal HOLLYWOOD I One of George E. Fraser's lions has got him in stitches the kind that hurls. Fraser, an animal trainer, was rehearsing his male lion, Tuffy, for a television show when Tuffy got tough and clawed his master across the chest. It took about a half dozen stitches to fix Fraser up. eight Arab countries, urged all Arabs to strike against "Premier Nuri Said's prosecution policy against the Iraqi people.") Five Iraqi political leaders, in cluding a member of Parliament, are being tried for allegedly stir ring up trouble. Iraq has been un der martial law since Nov. 1. Schools have been closed and rigid press censorship imposed. The Premier declared Iraq has three enemies: Communism, "ag gressive Zionism' and France. The present propaganda campaign against the country, he said, is di rected by the Communists. Falling Plane Avoids Kiddies DALLAS i Aubrey S. Crutch- er, 53, of Houston was piloting two friends to Dallas after a deer hunt when he ran out of gas coming in to land. He started to make a forced landing on a playground when he spotted a group of children. Police said he deliberately stalled his twin engined light plane, vaulted to one side and crashed "just to keep from hitting that bunch of kids." Crutcher suffered a mouth cut, L. H. True of Dallas received a broken nose and J. A. Williamson, 48, of Houston escaped injury, TEXAN DIES AT 101 HOUSTON. Tex. MWFrank M. Edwards, 101, former cowboy, rancher and real estate speculator died at a rest home here yestcr day. He built a stone home in Kerr ville when he was 80, and always flew a Lone Star flag from the 25-foot flagpole in front. P 9189 irritiir!r SIZES 220: Slim Step-In. Base your casual wardrobe on this slim classic Irock. Sew-smart, you'll want to wear it every day of the week! All the comfort of your favorite step- stvle: new squared armholes. pockets for flattering detail. Ideal for rayon, wool, cotton fabrics! Pattern 9189: Misses Sizes 12, 14. 16, 18, 20: 40. Size 16 takes 4'i yards 39-inch fabric. I his c-asy-to-use pattern gives perfect fit. Complete, illustrated w Chart shows you every step Send 3-Sc in coin no slampi please' lor Pattern with ame. Address. Style Number and Sie Address PATTERN BUREAU Capital Journal. Box 42. Old Chel sea Station. New York 11. N Y For first class mall Include aa extra I eeata per pattera. ii"r,i'l!fpo'1 U&VE W T&l-N KoTUEB THAN Kie esuUCr&NCE l I TOLD YOU HOW I 'fEEL ' ' 4N0 1 M PB6PAB6P ro HCT1N6 EPEdEW&. BUT AtL TO IEAVE TH6 4IE FORCE HAVE H ABOUT THE BFlAOtK C--)B CTAV fWi 2E NOT 7BVINS TO CFE YOU A MANAC'E -. SUCCESSFUL LINE OFFICEW OT ANV 08 JEC TON TO BE - L V ilScSfe IT 17 ' PtESSUBE X COL CAWON A1ENT CONTCACT TUAT WujT PE ACTCBS OF A SOTT 7 foVUNfl AN ACTOR Tl-WvULO SOUND SO COM- tl Uflln , : SLOANE T)lO ME HOW VCU WHL MAtE VU A LOT CE TUE.O OEOECS WOULD TXA j". yP..CgNV HOUR ? II reuw.bC FCK .us MALE LEAP WEE A1QNEV THAN k NEVER BE OBEYED T- f 1 - fiiftViSSSiV C,FD IB : AM i l- " - 'Zf SCtlt ACFWT POOIIkil 1 Ciwx e.-v..UiL-B nu.. X vc- . iicl A'J. "" " L . " : THAT WAS A-A W HE. DAVm Ce'- P i-M TJsM? l fiAV- sT,6SaVVCm 1 C PfEJlr?LyFAl."-VT P! W WERE WSOM6 THINK Of cmw VI i fsif.f.AZ, IS 1 i , . WKI Of A f I6KT'-AN0 MARRIED 7 -" Jl 1 V -- Kr, Yf NIGHT, PEcoV u-w THAT MIKE NOMAD k!" 3 I fMjjLl 1 EX wu sAy )V wlwp was a bunch Ltmowmpic wAiCHAtANATAPAiRy yifowmhti T A COW, BUT J 1 AmmwKJMDtm wWwoNe mmto V lS TOlT rYpKipTpTOaMfj ISW VOU COULD HflVEFUWN-yjmXUtliqM I I MOTELSOUT INTHECSdrTtlfY-Hj BIQ ONE ONE ROOM FOH HIM - PI II KV '."ruwac-aji nu-DT wiuir wilt i nnew wmhi fitaa H1ITT lit f I IH DCUsL cno Id fcMO I I I ftUt'IH YOU MKjHT HflVt tlttrl 1 CFU? 9 U lrfB. BECAME OF ANNIE t'ri B.. II J I 41 S LCii'W-, I ' WjC. . . CAVi.;" AT 11 I - V. I I I MA Am V I I I M III""' 1 II f-L. 1 M' Ml I t-jn.t w lit a Jm. i m v aak' --ji ii a - ill n v Mil c r 1 i i i i i (i - i r ii i iii ii i u RADIO PROGRAMS ESIM KQCO MM. BOAT Hit. 1QIN tit. 1QW ft, MX lltt . HOUR 00:00 MONDAY P.M. 00:15 5 KSLM KOCO KG A If KOIN KfiW KCX 00:30 00:4$ Bob 4i tUy Bob it Hit Bob & Ray SporU Scope Neu'i Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Rumpus Room KGAY News Siffn Off Ed Murrow New WcathJr Tom Hurmon TranH r.n Vanderhoof (Vanderhoor Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof Nfwi lliat-Kb'n bou taut .vourn Bob tiliicKDurn Boo ui... num t KSLM KOCO KOIN KCSW KX 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KE. 1KSI.M KOCO KOIN KGW KKX kKSI.M 1KOCO KOIN 7KC!W KEX 1 KOCO KOIN OKGW KIX 9 News BUI Brundidga News Sam Hayes News iSonptd-Sund'n SonRi-Sund'n Sonn-Sundi Sports-Newt Lowe11 Thomas' Amos 'n' Andy Amos 'n' Andy Ed. P. Morgan! McCall Mystery Timt Mvstery TIm Newi-Oiat-KL) n Bob UlarkburniBub BucKburn Olympics Gabriel Heater Serenade Radio Rosary Concert " News Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Rumpus Room MHody (Melody iBing Crosby Almanac Music iMiwr Music Music Bob Adklns (Bob Adkins jAdkinj Show Adklni Show Day Dreams Day Dreams Rep. Rcundup Rep. Roundup" ' News Rumpus Room Rumpus Room RumDus Room Rrtht 10 i ewls Poht r t.wis World Tonite iNew Vce. Firestone Vce. Firestone Vce. Firestone IVce. Flrr stone AUKiiu. ano AQKins snow Adkins Show (Adkins Show IMusIc Ore. Reiources Sweet & Swtnf Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Tim Table Tap. Cloakrm. Cap. Cloakrm. Musle jDnnre "nm Dnre Tim rtUKins anow umng stiadows Llftnf Sh'dowi News News Tune Table Music rtukms Show Fulton Lewis JNfWS 5-Star Pinal Richfield Hep News 1KM.M Koro Music Music Rumpus Room IRumpus Room Rumpus Room Sporls Desk iChamb'r Forum Chamber Forum r mr-. tir nine Tim iHinf rima Country Editor (Danceland IDanceiand , True Detective True Detective Melodies Melodies , Dance Time IDance Time Dance Time Dance Tfmt Danceland iDanceland 'Danceland Dancelana TUESDAY 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 KSLM Vail. Farmcast Vail. Farmcait Vail, rarmcast Newa rKCAl Farm News ,Morn Mas Morn .Mag. iKGAY Newa KOIN News America KOIN Klock iKOIN Klock KOIN Klork I KGW News IVanderhoof Vanderhoof IVanderhoof PKEX News-Kp Time iKeep Time (Keep lime (Keep lime rKSLM Hemingway KOCO News KGAY Morn. Mag. KOIN KOIN Klock KGW News KEX News KSLM Cliff En I Is KOCO News rKGAY Herb's Show IKOIN Consumer N' kuw News 1 Break. Gang (Break. Gang West Jubilee Wcsl. Jubilee Morn Mag. 'Morn. Mag. Headline NewsjGoss News IVanderhoof IVanderhoof IKeep lime Keep lime Ne s-Kp Tli.iei (News West. Jubi e KGAY Newa Babbit Show IVanderhoof Keep Tim IFamlly Altar Haven of Rest Haven of Rest (Tunes 6c Tim ITunes Ac Time Tunes St rime Herh tiow Herb's Show KGAY News iValle News Shellev Srrend 'Shellev Sr. IVanderhoof Vanderhoof IVanderhoof llictp lime Keep lime KSLM News Kraft News 'Pallor's Call (Bargain IKOCO News IClarlne, Calling ICIarine Calling (Clarine Calling KGAY Herb's Show Herb's Show Ross Show KGAY News KOIN Wenrlv Warren 'Howard Miller Helen Trent iMldmnrn News Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club News Keep Time Keep Time Keep Tlmt KSLM News ITello-Test iWlnea of Sons Wlnei of Son ': Clarine Calling Clarine Calling iCIanne Calling " Herb's Show Herb's Show iKGAY News Ma Perkins ID" MHone lAimt M(rv (Chef Gino Girl Marries Whispering Sts I KOCO Newa 1 KGAY Herb's Show OKOIN Nnra Drake KGW ABC News KEX Coffee Time Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Rubs Conrad (-THEVS STILL NQS BUTtNAFEWSMiS -THEY'LL ttA(ir-QUfr DOW.V COM IEM NO-GOOD BUM 5 Y Bu1 LIKEWISE, Y AH M ( TERMITES NOT ONLV I ALL. TH'SOFT HONGRV, l r OUR TOP-SOIL ) fAARTSO'OUR J MAMMY.7 J . jot. V. rocks.- j-.. d -v H. WZf . S 1 MAXES MGHTV HOUR MUTT, THE BOYS WANNA KNOW IF YOU LL. MAKE A LITTLE SPEECH FOR US AT THE DINNER DANCE TOMORROW WlfiHT -" r . UREM K icouLOGiye a -y.n, n i UTrZZTZT I a H BRIEF FIFTEEN MINUTE II 77 I SFV I ru" UJ nvc U rtrMs rA .fJ . fhewhat5 rVNV for the dancing i I A5PeOJ6AM "f mp t ?OVC J I , B WU MAP WMAT'5 TH, BEEN ROBBER mil Z SZZZA ?krFi"lD,J WTTEIl CONFESS AU ABOUT j) LOCK AND THAT YOU ffl lock tout. jrjU'cc -. . 'lOArTD " UTyP1 V I I'MCAUINSATAXI, I 00660ML IT! .. - VOlTRt iS. &TO'' f, roMycncL- y ' LM!m7 U BE MIGHT HAPPY HEfX,CAWO! B - J Tlll !ff C news iwueen a uay vjueen ior uaj 'wueen ior uay KOCO News ICIarine Calling ICIarine Calling Clarine Calling KGAY Dinner WtnnerlDinner Winner 'Roll It's Records. Rollle's Records KOIN HanDiness Mm Purlnn Strike II t-'h P.-t Buttrfm KGW True Story ITrue Story JKonnle Worth IKonnle Worth KKX News Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Ruu Conrad KSLM Chron. of Air News (Top Trades I Vail. Farmcast KOCO Newa Easy Show Easy Show I Easy Show KGAY Route's RecordslRollie's RecordsjTown Crier (KGAY News KOIN News-Weather Come Get It (House Partv Wmie P"rty KGW Mitchell Repts. Paul Harvey Merry Go Rnd Merry Go Rnd KKX News Jeu. McUowan tieu. Mcliowan iFurm News KHI.M Wlllnm. Mat Willam. Mat, IWIllam. Mat. iWlllam. Mat, KOCO News lEusv Show IKasy Show Eflsy Show KGAY Rollle's RecordslRollie's RecordslRollie's RecordstKGAY News KOIN Gnrtfrry Time Cndfrey Time r.ndfrev i"ie odf-ry Time KGW Merry Go Rnd (Merry Go Rnd Merry Go Rnd IMerry Go Rnd KEX News-Conrad Russ Conrad iRuss Conrad Russ Com ad wiuam. Mau mews .wiuam. Mat, wiiiam. wiai. KOCO News 'Easv Show lEasv Show lEaty Show K(iAv Rollie's RecordslRollie's RecordslRollie's RecordslKGAY News KOIN Godfrey Tunc CnAfrry fi-ie Hu.h Ahton 'V-ther- Nc Merry Go Rnd IMerry Go Rnd IMerry Go Rnd IMerry Go Rnd 3 KSLM Willam. Mat WUlam. Mat Willam. Mat ITello Test KOCO News 'Easy Show Easy Show Ejisy Show KGAY Rollie's RecordslRollie's Rccordsinollle's RecordslKGAY News KOIN BnckntBBB Wifelflur Gal SndviTnke Thirtv Tnlte Thirty KGW Merry Go Bnd. Merry Go Rnd.iMerTy Co Rnd. Merry Go Rnd. KEX Russ Cmiraci Russ Conrau lluas Con rati Runs Conrad KSLM Pulton Lewis IHemlnswav iHere's Answer fiom Haves I KOCO Newa Rumpus Room Rumpus Room 'Rumpus Room IKGAY Rollie's Records Rollle's Records Rollie's RecordslKGAY News IKOIN Art Kirkham lEridie Fisher iNewnnaner Newninrr KGW Vanderhoof V ancle, -hoof IVanderhoof IVanderhoof KEX Bob ij lack burn fBou Olai Kburn 'Bob Blackburn Bob tilai-KOurn KSLM Bob & Ray .Bob & Ray iBob St Ray Sports Final KIIIJII NdWB Hiimnni ldmm IHiimnui Hnnm IDiimnm RnnM I KGAY Rollle's Record ISisn Off l KOIN Frt R Murrow Vw-Weather Tom Hrmen iTom MrCall KGW Vanderhoof IVanderhoof iMel Allen fABC News KKX Bub Blat-kuurn Hub tiiuntuurn Bob BlacHtjurn Bub BiatKburn rKSI.M News IRill Brundiire 'Newsreel Sam Hayes t KOI O News ISonffs Sundown Sonsa Sunnnwn .Sones Sundown IKOIN Snnrls-Newd 'l.nwrM Thomas Amn 'n' Andv lmn 'n' Andy PKGIV Ed. P. Mora-an IMcCatl IMystery Time LMvslerv Time KKX Bob Blackburn lub Blackburn iBob Blackburn Bob Blackburn KSLM Gabe Heater IKOCO News I KOIN Melody r KGW Music KEX Adkins Show 9l jEddle Fisher Musfc I.Musir (Rumpus Room iltumnii Room Rummm Room ' IMelndy Utasketball IRasketball (Music (Music IMusIc I Adkins Show Adklns Show Adkins Show KSLM N. Sal.-S. N. Snl.-S Sal. N. Sal.S. Sal. N. Snl.-S. Sal, KOCO Nev iRumpua Room Rumpus Room IRumpus Room KOIN Basketbnll (Basketball lltasketball Basketball iKGW World News , Music (Music (Music KKX Adkins Show (Adkins Show Adkilis Show Ailktus Show KSLM N. Sal.-S. Sal.N. Sal.-S. Sal.(N. Sal -S. Sal." IN. Sal.-S. Sal. KOI O Ncw Bum pu Room I Bum pus Room Rumpus Room KOIN Basketball (Basketball Basketball IRasketball KGW Music (Music (Dance Time (Dance Time KKX Adkins Show Adkins Show Lifting Shadws (Lirting Shadows Music (News IDance Party Rumpus Room lRumm Room Rumou Room Basketball (nasketball ( Basketball )an-r lime luance lime Uance lima Country Ed I tor Danceland (Danceland 1 KHI.M (ane. iieaier KOCO News fi K( W News KSLM BIR City KOCO Nrws-SportS KOIN Basketball KliW Dance 'Hint KKX Danceland IBi City Mieni Basketball Dance '1 lint Danceland Dance Party IDance Party Muslc Mldnltt Music MldnltS) IDance Tims (Dance Tims IDanceland I Danceland WEDNE5DAY A.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 K Hemingway News Morn. Ma. KOIN Klork Vanderhoof Vail Farmcast Vail Farmcast iVsll rarmcast Nens Farm News Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. KGAY News News America IKOIN KlocK KOIN Klocfe KOIN Klock Vanderhoof IVanderhoof (Vanderhoof Vanderhoof N e ws-Ke'p Tm.iKeep lime Kee p Time K e ep Time Brekf. Gsng (Brkfst, Gang IWest Jubilee West. Jubilee (Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. leadline News IFrank Goss Vanderhoof Vanderhoof News Kecp iimt tveepiime Cliff Ends Fenillv AMsr Bible Inst. News Tunes A Tims f Herb's Show IHerb's Show Cnaumer News Vaile News Vanderhoof J Vanderhof News Keep Time News Jews Pastor's Call Bargain Countrl. News Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Clarine Calling .. ' Herb's Show IHerb's Show IHerb's Show KGAY News Wendy Warren Howard Miller Helen Trent Mid Morn Newt Breakfast Club Breakfast Club j Breakfast Club (Breakfast Club News Keep Time Keep Time (Keep Time Tello Test 'Wing of Song IWlngs ot Song Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Clarine Calling "Clary Over lllrrb s Show KGAY News Ma Pe-kms Dr. Malone (Aunt Mary ABC News (Girl Marries j Whispering St, . Russ Conrad Russ Conrad (Russ Conrad News Went. Jubilee, KU A Y News lllarry Babbitt (Vanderhoof Keep Time Bible Inst. Tunes St Time iTunea St Tlmt L Hobs Show KGAY News Shellev Srnadt Shelley Sernada IVanderhoof IVanderhoof Keep Time Keep Time News News Herb's Show Norah Drakt Che( Glno CuMee Time Newa iguem a Day Queen a Day Queen a uas News Clarine uainng uiarine caning marine uauing Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Rollie's Rerords Rollie's Records Happiness Mrs. Burton Strike It Rich Pst Buttram True Story True Story I Knnnie Worth IKonnle Worth News jnuss Conrad (Runs Conrad Russ Conrad WISHING WELL 10S675I3748 BNOYJYEYROUOW 5 i 5 2 8 8 i 1 5 i 8 S f EUBEOUABARURI 1 3 5 i 7 i 6 ! 3 2 7 S 8THOLNIA8RRAO i 57 5 S 8 ' 7 i ii 5 8 7 AOPN TNVTBVREO I s 5 S i 7 8 8 a ' 7 ' 4 ' fc " 4 I O A DLH8WOATPB 1 i 5 S 8 i3 1 8 5 4 " i " 8 t 1 C EOPUN8REAP TS 5 i 1 i 8 8 S i 7 J ' i ' S" IROOATMLEEELY HERE Ii a pltnint lilllt fame lhal will live you a meuat every day. It Is a numerical puz;le designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters In your first name. 11 the number of letters Is 8 or more, subtract 4. If the number Is less than 8, add 1. The result Is) your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rec (anile and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the messafe the letters under the checked figures five you. Mt. a vidua J. tussr. tWrkeut to Kas imm fcaekiiA, MklZ'lt