THE CAPITAL J0UrNaij Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 17, 1956 Dons Meet Seventh-Ranked, Unbeaten Illinois Tonight Page 2 Section '4 L tl jo tt USE Risks 60-Gamc Streak in Basketball Olympians Whip I Jons in Non-Counter By DON WEISS The Aviorialcd Piths kcthall team spilled the Dons 83 52 in the windup of an invitation tournament at Chicago Stadium Saturday nipht. Since the Olym pians are no longer collegians, the game didn't affect the Dons' rec ord. Illinois, warming up for San Francisco, made Loyola of New Orleans its third straieht victim Haivkeyes Arrive in California , Now comes the 48-hour period 83-7 Saturday, and such acknowl- that Coach Phil Woolpcrt and the rdjicd powers as Kansas, North Sin Francisco Dons must have Carolina, Southern Methodist, and thought would have them twisting West VirKinia stretched their win- and turning. nine strings. The Dons take major college Washington, beaten by Wilt basketball's longest winning Chamberlain and the top ruled streak ever into George Huff Gym Kansas .lavhawks 77 3 Friday In Champaign, Illinois, to meet night, tried triple-teaming The Illinois' unbeaten Big Ten favor- Stilt in the rematch Saturday, ites. Will, who got 30 points with two If the string, now standing al defenders working on him in the SO. still is intact, then there's first game, befuddled the extra Western Kentucky's racehorses man too and scored 37 while the Hilltoppers Wednesday jn Louis- .layhawks made it four in a row ville. , for the season. 92-78. Illinois Itankrd 7lh i North Carolina went Into over- Both the lllini, sevcnlh-raled in lime to edge South Carolina 90-86, the last Associated Press poll, and and SMU smothered a good Xavicr Western, ranked 12th take a lot of of Ohio team 92-71 as Jim Krcbs beating in their own bailiwick. 1 hit for 37. The Dons. NCAA champions the West Virginia toppled unbeaten iasi iwo years nut something less Duke 83-82 to win the Birminghai than invincible since Bill Hussell Classic. and K. C. .(ones departed, learned Louisville, always among the na what it feels like to lose over the lion's leaders, bounced back from weekend but It was a loss that its loss to Canisus to whip Mnr- mnn i couni. quelle 75-B8, and St. Louis made missrii, .tones and others of the another bid for attention by de V S. Olympic championship bas-1 feating LSU 86-52. Wilt Only Manor As Kansas Leaves Stiff Penalties Hit Hoop Club For Violations North Carolina Slate Fined for Role in Grain" Star RALEIGH. N.C. Wfl North Carolina State College Monday faced the Atlantic Coast Confer ence s stiffest penalty a So. 000 conditional fine and Bears Back as Champs After 10 Years; to Meet New York Lions Lose 38-21; Title Game Is Dec. 30 ,, JIM KENSIL ineir nam.. , ..!,.. NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE Fastcrn uiviaion w h T Giants 8 3 1 Browns Cards 7 8 0 Sttelera Jtedikina S0 Eaglea W L T 9 7 0 Sprinkle, Kv?.. .1 ,, ! Chicago Bears 3. Detroit, SI; Chi- a .. h.C'"uS" caRO Caras 24. cieveiana i; an Curtailment , , y 'all them Casares, Francisco .10. Baltimore 17: Los An- of the team that had beaten thi Bears 42-10 two weeks ago. Casares went 6! yards in ona l..l.f4n,H 1.1. ret fn - IA f. 8 7 0 Dear j i i ; lead in the second period and tha Chicagoans nolo it the rest of the w L Tway- " was 17-7 a' halftime, they 4 7t) swapped TDs in the third quarter, 1 J ' and Bears won going away In tha Saturday's results: New York 21, linal period Wltn IWO touchdown! Philadelphia 7; Sunday'a results: ! (0 (he Lions One. Bears Lions 9ers Western Division W L T 9 2 1 Colts 9 3 0 Packers 9 S 1 Rama r.f lie h,,h H ,,.,.,!.;. na M..arr,w But I l'" . ureen Bay ii; n.ii. ties for its method of reV ui - 1'"JU". T C" Bear, and Washington t- . . - once again they r k - inoasKeioai. star jacKie wore- ConferenShe Na- (a fie,d oal and five """ions) In a telegram released Sunday ; ',0r .nr .h.l V, hv m r rh,n, r.! '"ok them 10 year,, H Rncii'n frm Arr r.;-. them in the runner-up aot tQ ; i as Blanda always docs, and that was all. The Lions, severely maimed Russell to Ink Celtic Contract BOSTON Ul Bill Russell. All Lid II IIUIII Atl- LOmm S- i . : U !. I.). . ' lu ' l . U -I, DUK r ,, DJJlJlt viti Dili nuadcii, AL James Weaver. Bostian ke'1., b.,' i nL T. iT'S, K'ic' and Olympic 'wonder said State was ordered to refrain f aon' i aq"J S LSSf "If.'S S?JfHlv' i iroit Lion's. After'three title year! .. PrewOT ACC tad Kged "J 'JS It lound that State officials of- 55. Then this season they roared fered Moreland transportation acK ?" i1"" money from his Mindon. La.. home to Raleigh and also offered I Moreland a fifth year of finan-l cial help in school if he needed it. was knocked out of action in the second period, were only a shadow Baylor to Scout West Cast for Philadelphia SEAtTLE (l Eddie Taylor, former Pacific Coast League base- oan piayer an(j coach. Saturday signed as a w,t rni ennt for the Philadelphia 1 l.ils. Taylor's landfall for 10 years will sign a Boston Louies con trac' Wednesday and is expected to make his professional basket ball debut before a national tele vision audience. Russell and Celtics' owner Walt er Brown admitted Sunday night' that big Bill is ready to offer his 6-10 altitude and many talents to club which has awaited such i BUItllANK, Calif. Members of Iowa's football In the Rose Bowl game at Pasadena New Year's learn deplane from Ihelr chartered airliner here Day. A crowd of 100 transplanted southern Call Sunday night to keep their date with Oregon State fornia lowans greeted the squad. (AP Wlrephoto) Lions Coach Blasts 'Dirtv' Pro Football Of Qnitlig Game Huskies have ever received on their home floor. Washington got some consolation with Doug Smart's 33 points. A Miluniikie SO. Redmond 4.1 capacity house of 12,000 watched the contest. Washington's defeat was one of three suffered by Northern mem bers of the Pacific Const Confer- fas skyscraping sophomore was ence Saturday night. The Idaho : attitude of the owners" may force COn VP on V an linn eusant mpmnrv In thn lanAnu fll knr.A T. ..u e -n . . .... , . 1 continue . : " "' ""' n il ui-hnc ludii, .m-.M, at n mi out ot t ie nro ess ona game. 3 Players Put on Jayliawk, But He Hits 37 By THE ASSOriATKD PRESS Wilt the Stilt Chamberlain, Kan- J Parker XJiiiikinn DETROIT Lfl Coach Buddy Parker of (he Detroit Lions said Monday that "dirty football grow- int out of the Farker said his problem didn't Church Loop Finishes Two Weeks Pla v Ten teams are still undefeated arise enlirelv nut of the l inns' M. two weeks of play in Salem1 21 setback that shoved the Bears Church league basketball in the ; into the Western Division cham- slx divisions. I pionship of the National Football ' Silvcrton Christian and Inde- down 38-21 in the crucial contest' at Wriglcy Field. Giants Win, 21-7 The Chicago triumph followed1 n . , . . . . ... . . mtauciun. i . c lav nr c The kicker on the fine an- '"! " J'V". headquarters will h In ca prn.i Boston, atop the Eastern Divl. nounced bv the ACC was thai it ! vmmr . ov". ' 'nnaacipnia mat , cisc0. sion standinss i the National will be canceled if Moreland stays Rave '11? 'ants ."If. aster" I Last year Taylor was coach of Basketball Assn.. always has hsd at state w tnoiit ' athletic eligihil-i 7 Mountjes of the Ereat scorers Dut never enough i-avuic v.oasi League. Formerly he neigni or Dacnooara control. was a enar-h al C..1.1- . D...n AAnA "I iln.'l ni:ni itv and imrfer hi. ,r.m .i,i... :c. ju ai 1 annee stadium lor tne ship arrangement." , world championship. The college has denied thc 1 'n ot"" 8as yesterday, Pitts charges against it and Chancellor! rgb stunned Washington 23-0: Bostian said the penalty will bei'"e V'ST, Larainals 9e , appealed ' Cleveland 24-7: San Francisco ral- Wcaver said that the NCAA i 'ied 1 d(!wn Bal'imore 3-17; and acted against State last month on !;0LAngues. rolled ovcr Grec?a,y the basis of a signed statement 1 499- That . wrapped up NFL bv Moreland mart, in ih. v I aco" 'or the season, with the tive director of the NCAA in Weaver's presence. moreland, a 6-8 sensation, was a coach at Seattle and at Brown added "I don't anticipate Oakland. One season he was gen--any trouble signing Bill." eral manager of the Tri-City team I No terms were mentioned but in the old Western International ! Russell turned down a $.10,000 League. League. Sees Trend "It's been building up for two pendence Baptist both sport 3-0 records in the Senior A loop as does Englewood EUB in the lnter- rolled at State last fall after sign ing a letter of intent at Texas A4M and a grant-in-aid at Kentucky. O.T.I. WINS EASILY KLAMATH FALLS. Ore. Ul Oregon Tech found the oninn u exception of Washington at Balti-1 trcmely easy against Skagit Val more next Sunday. ley Junior College of Mount Ver- 1 esieraay tne cears ronea HKe ; non, Wash offer from the Harlem Globetrot ters recently. m 1 v. "asningion inisnies halt Lake Cily and Monlana up- Parker, sounding off after his .. ,..,, ,c B , ,,..1.1.. vmwu wnsningion stale, ati-ei at club had taken a severe beating- ,nr. " h ..ti....'. . 1 -j mediate A and Knight Memorial toward riirlv foothall and no one and South Salem Friends in the! u Hninn nnikm i i 11 i ;( Intermediate B. win-at-any-cost wonder whether it's' worth it to'. Alsn unbcalen s far arc Jason .t .... n,ui.-ii, .it-iiiui n, r.iiKlc- wood EUB and St. Mark Luther- WEEKEND FIGHTS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HOLLYWOOD Carlos Ortiz. 13914, New York, stopped Phil again did double duty and scored feared "Monsters of the Mid way," the glory handle they earned by manhandling the NFL in the early '40s. Casares Gains 190 Fullback Rick Casares, t h e league's leading ground gainer, ran for 190 yards: J. C. Caroline I once while on offense: P.S.C. SCARES PILOTS PORTLAND ifl Portland State's scrappy Vikings gave un defeated Portland University sweeping to an 83-1 tough battle Saturday night be- 00 nonconicrence DasKetoall vic tory. Jerry Fasteen got 14 points for Tech, while Bob Deweese got a like number for Skagit. PIONEERS TOP W.W.C. BELLINGHAM 11 Supremacy on the free throw line paid off as Lewis and Clark romDed to an the Ed easy 68-46 basketball victory over o( his basketball niained. The Stilt poured What set off a barrage of pro tests trom, Parker, Anderson, prowess re- Missoula. physically and Oregon and Oregon State were; the Honrs in Chicago Sunday, said 37 points idle ovcr the weekend. ; he is thinking seriously of resign- otherwise'-from P'lT and '"? "c0"" Junior B an, Junior A; and Garden Road Christian and St. Mark Lutheran, Kim, 141'i, Honolulu, MANILA Al Asuncion. 117, Brown to-Harlon Hill passing com- W e 8 t e r n Washington Saturday Manila, knocked out Peter Keen-; bination clicked for another Chi- night. The Portland five held a an, 118, Glasgow, Scotland, 9. I cago score; George Blanda booted 40-27 halftime lead and coasted in. fore bowing to the Pilots. 60-54, in a nonconterence basketball con test. Jim Perkin of the Vikinji topped the scorers with 21 pointj. TO LEAD WHITE SOX CHICAGO tin Al Lopez, ne manager of the Chicago Whiii Sox, is the fourth former catch to lead the Pale Hose. The othen were Billy Sullivan in 1909, ftgy Schalk in 1927-28 and Jack Onj. low in 1949-50. Standings: Saturday night as the Jayhawks I Smart's scoring set a rookie roc- ruined Washington by a 92-78 ord for the home team. The only count. It was the worst defeat the liaskctkll Scores OREGON PRfcP RKSDLTS (Saturday Nlgtit Hrorri) North Silcni AS, MrMillville 49 Dayton 51, Slav ton 4.1 Wiilamina 25, Central 24. Valsetz 50, Srln 37 Albany 80. Oregon Cilv 41 Cor vail Is 62, Formt Grove Al Concordia. I Portland) 46, Star of int ra (Astoria) 41 Hurm 50. Vale 4(1 Bo He (Idaho) (2. Ontario 53 Arlington 4. Dufur :M St. Helens 38. The Dalles AT Lebanon 5.'l, Newport .'12 Knappa 4fl. Heppner .14 C'resv.Tll 55, Lowell 4;i I)HV11 DoviRlas (Port I'd l 41). Bend 45 t'atrim W(.h,i ',2, Tillriintink 5A Astoria 57. Roosevelt (Portland) 52 MarsMlerd SO, Grants PR 42 Harrihburit 3H, McKeruie 41 i.atteview nT. Leriarvllle 51 Nsa 31, Ln Gmnde ;to Waihinittun (Portland) B2. Hudtnn'a Day i Vancouver) 42 .Handv 47, Canby 41 Neahkahnle HI, Veriuiula 5f Mood River 44. White Salmon (Wash! 51 j IlAvton (Wash ) .Ml. MtltniWrrf UNirr 5 I Nelialein 41). Warrrntnn 4? ' Medford 54 North Hend 4.1 Myrtle Point Sfl Reedsport 50 Madras X;, Willametle iF.iifene) .12 Prndlelon 57. North Central i Son Kane i 3ft Kmnkhn iPmtl'rit 5n. Springfield 47 Central Otliolk TO, Hen-.nn 52 (nol'i PortUndt fiiesliam i, Jefferson I Port I'd) 45 I'nornix 45. Central Point 40 K-iEle Point 71, Pumper) 54 Hermlston 57, KenneWk (Wasn- inrtoni 55 Cntupe C;rne 47 Dillrd 45 Waldpnrl lnilailonal Tnnrnev Piwet 56. Siletr 4 i ehainpmns , Waldporl .19, Maplelon .10 U'onsoU- tioni. COI I FtiP UI SI I IJt Willamette 79 1' Smind 72 I.tntield (ifl. St. M.ti tin'a fl? Lewis X Clark b. Wentern V ashlngioii 4f Pat-idi- 76. Orei.n College (19 Portland V w, Portland State 54 I tan 8!i, Idaho 5.1 Monlana ' WashtnKtnn Slate 61 California ."in St Mnx 47 Kani 82. WachlnKt-i 7H Rugham Young yj, I'Cl.A 511 Stanford 65 Mu'e 64 Cnlorado 79. USC 7(1 Whltworlh M 7ft Loyola of Chicano 76. S.mta CLta olhor Husky to score in double figures was center Bruno Boin He will 'talk Monday' or Tuesday ' ""dows, with president Edwin J. Anderson I ''ayne ? and general manager W. N. Ker- who made 22 points. Kansas led at bawy beforo reaching a final decision. the half, 50-41. Accuracy at the free Ihrow line paed the way for Montana's vie, tory ovcr WSC. Tlio Grfizlics scored on 24 of 29 foul shots while the Cougars made only 15 of 22. rv'B of he r""" ' " , n . C0RVA,.US .Special. -C.n-.I- poinls. Top man for the winners ! Is L ;sp'":k, Corvallis Wins illi of Season period concussion suffered hv Hobby Layne. Detroit atiarter-l back. After a collision with Ed sk.nidr a i.KAfit'R Bear defensive end. I removed trom the ind,ind.i... r.,,.i game and never returned. lst Nazarene 1st Haptlst trL. . t: - j . isi nann i tic Lions jam itieaaows was Mlddlairove EUB uui to get i,ayne on snectfic Sllverton Christian 3 .1 . 2 . 1 . 0 Pet. l.flOO 1.000 was Rudolph iZipl Dhoades with 17. MSII never trailed in the con. test, hut its largest lead was only formance from ing 27-point pcr Center Bruce instructions from Bear owner iieorge llalas. Informed of Parker's remarks. NFL Commissioner Bert Bell said in Philadelphia that, "I don't believe that any plavcr in profes sional foolball would maliciously injure another player." Bell said he had received no ... ...... r lem np at mx Miar nnc nnft.n "ever trailed in Ihe con- ,....' .. V"".. V. " . .T. : nffirial smm , 1.:-. -t-.... SENIOR B I.EAGUK W Jason Lee Methodist 2 Grace Lutheran 2 Keizrr Nazarene . 1 Mennonile I C;arden Road Christian I Free Methodist t L Pet. 0 1.000 .SS7 .500 Penney's SALEM,..OREGON Open Every Night Until 9 P.M. 'Til Christmas Except Saturday! seven points. At halftime Ihe-Griz ziios led. ,i:i-2n. Utah's fi-foo'-5 forward. Millnn Kane, scored in of his total 24 points in the first half. Kane sat night. jMindays game between The game was a Ihriller all the i Bcal's an'1 I'ions- way as Corvallis hung on for itsj fourth win in five starts. The vis-' i w . itnrs led at halftime, 32-31, and . IJ ' lIOrY JlatCl 1NTKR.MEIIIATK A I.EAdt'K W L P-t KnRlewnod EtrR .1 0 .nno first Methodist 3 1 1st Congrr-aitional - 1 1 .7.10 First Ranti.t 9 the , St. Paul Episcopal " "'""Z'l 1 3 t ourt St. Christian 0 3 .000 l.DS .. n 3 .000 I out half of the second half At ihe "oi,,''ly pu"cd ",0 Kam(' 01" '"' I halftime the Itedskins led ihr. ,mfM lh,lt wen after the final Vandals. 30-2.1. High scorers for 8: tne valtl.ils were (lary Mt-Kiven and Waylin Coleman, each with 14 points. Corvallis won the JV game, 411-37. Tiile Tiilde TIIIKS HIK IAH. litt.(.CI Corvallis (S?) Cullcdpe I IS) Wntkin. in r'lmilnH 1271 (fill Fnrel drove Set Wednesday 71 riil irr i I Jason Lee Metl or lots JFpA'iFru,t,nd KUB t 1 Ilia tt f t ,j HiRhland Friend: 1NTFRMKIHATK H I.tAdlK, Knight Memorial S S.ilem Friends Clearlnke KL'R Fre Mrthndut Methodist L Pet n l oiio 0 l.non A N'ationitl Guard inspection Tuesday nijiht hns - moved the . Coin tan 2 1 F ti7i k Meeuwsen usual weekly professional wrestling CKuS!TSi to Wednesday this wevk. (tomnileil hy CR C.a.t K (ieodelle S.irey, Portlarrt uregoni Hiko Water . l. rt-i-ra Hunler Hr erves 4. Kdvvards McCutrheon Ben: Mfir.ih tst tlrove Hill 12, Jones 1. Vi :vi a 11.17 a.m. 1 17 a in. 12 P.1 p in. 2 '01 a in. 12 10 p in, 2 Iff a in 1 M p in. .1 II a in. 2 58 p in. 10 a in. 6 :t7 p m. a .' Spukane stased an eicht-noint ; 04 pni.ii (i rally at the start of the second ,. fl in In -l t '7"l""n nK' ' Him .Mnn-i 5:1 am. lm ,i,nil U,1P "iu'kc. 1W-7H. in a non p ..u p in. -o 8 conference basketball game. matchmaker Elton Owen ha. nounced. However, if the colonels or Ren i erals were to enme around the Salem Armory Wednesday they will find a trip-snorlinc Russian (iOXZAliA RALLY WINS DfW I'M t MM. . it i'tr,iii.',, n Mini, 'fl l ie l.,,,i -..i ." , ,, , : liarnen i Buiidogs .rf'r1 mn (w " ft.Xit Middlegrnve EUB ... JUNIOR A I.KAC.IK KiiRlrwond KUB St. Mark utheran First Bnplist DreRon heal Sfhool Salem Heipht First Presbvterlan First EUR JUNIOR It I.KAIil K .OiW l .... 1 .. -.0 Garden Road Christian Lutheran Deaf School Kicilt men will tanifli for Iho ov. I Free Methodist Viking By ) llll.l.SHOItO iSpeciall North Wrestlers Surmise llillshoro Event ,,lll, I. ...ill U. . .ViU'm hit:h school's wrestlins team Ihursilnv muht at Silvcrton Mirpnsni a pu-ked dcld-and them- Tc.un ' scorrv North Salem art Spvrshy winmnd the scend an- (Jreshatn :tj. K.-dmoml 27. Hills- Irmil lnitatunal tournament here n.n. Franklin 21 and .letferson I nturdti nicht. ; Itedmoml. state runner-iin last "I ra Christmas present under the ! First Methodist popular over the top rules fol lowini; four one-fall matches in this manner: Don Kindred vs. Tommy Mar tindate. Bull Montana vs. Bill Fletcher, fled Raslien vs. (Jeorse Drake, and Kobierre vs. Bob Cum-mings. Pet. l oon l.onrt ,fifi7 .500 .3; a .000 Pet. 1.000 l.ono .500 .500 .000 .000 Joe Motel 1W PGA I Chump, (iets New Joh j PORTLAND i.ff Veteran golfer ' Joe Moel of Portland will become .pro at (Jreen Hills Country Club, Millbrae. Calif.. Jan. 1. Mozel, 52. managed the now abandoned Lloyd's Golf Course here. A native of Spokane, his O -1 I I" Jon m me iortnwesi whs ai niaVUMI. the Tacoma Golf Davlon Topples Conana M. Montntia SI, U S f)I inpians M. Sr 79 eni'l"! T'i ritadfl 71. flrm,.i, tilt t urinaii V. Virint;i Tech UK Purdue B.i. Noire n.niic 7S Htrvaid 4.i. Cornell 4 W.ininiflmi A l ee 7k Vlmnia J f.eorai,, l?vu te.x..!. A A M (1 Ah Force Acade-nv M. Colorado Mine K toveitimei Kftxt iDenven 77. Colorado A,UI Ohriltn 71. Ttochelcr KQ tjetroit 9. Western Ontario ifl North Cai'illiu sintr 78. (.erge Wn.hinfit.n P2 H'ichna 9 Texa ChHstlan 7 Svraiu e 72. Manhattan IS!) Slate 71'. Tills S3 Noith Carolina Pn. Sov.ih C'an.Iina 'oveitii.M i P " V. Dnq.i' o Mnhirat (. Butler 77 S! Joxeoh s ('. L. li-set'e f(i 1 exi fit Tulane " 1- .Salle t. Niacara 71 1enneM-e 7 Sewanee 4 nrown ,j. Peni oltiinhia Prtnc. 77 Na Kansas Sia'e 84. Indiana 77 in ith-iei 1.0 la nthi Misiourl 73 Arkansai Kentucky 7. Mar land 55 Southern Melhodnt M. Xavier lOhlol 71 Dartmouth (if! Yale 57 Stetson lift. Appalachian Slate (1 KnnxviMe A3 Allen S C K.1 1 ouii ille 75 Miirouene ft AUhama HI, M:ssl.ippi Southern PRO H 1KI- Til M I. Mii'ilos s Crsults Fort V.tne 84 New York (10 M ractive l"l. St. I.oih H Minneaooiis 1 01 . Philadeinhia lid. Kainiftas '1 Philadf lohia 117. S ianif Rochester f7 pistfi 104 .year, was Invnred hut Ctiaili Herb .Inhnsrud's Vikings, with two Miph omorex ;)nd nur juniors on the siiuad. puilt-d an unct hy Hinmng eight o the 1.1 weight rlases. Vikings winning by pinning op. pc.iirnt.s in the finals of the six team event were Al Steutle, Dunne Kent and Kevin Morse. Dili, ers winning for North were Dae Thomas. .Inn Madden. Jim Muck step. Olson and Clark I.uehau, . bile I, en Hayes drew. Jobnsrud has six lettcrmen (rum List year Kent. Morse. Madden, I.uehau. Huekstrp and Haes. As eh.imp'on. North Salem is an AtJomatic entry net vear. Jill: PAI.OOKA ults of Salem m.iUhes: At 1 NSi piiined Ken T"in I'.aittes iNsi lovt to Cor- 1 NSi pinned R 'NSI lout to H. STAYTOX (Special) Stayton was beaten for the first time in baskcthall this season here Satin1-, davlight. losing to Davton fS 1 -43. 1 the Pirates led 24-14 at the half and kept up the pace in the Inst two periods. Both teams new are 2-1 this season after the non-league contest. Bill Hedgccock of Dayton was the tame s high scorer, getting 15.! Stayton got a little satisfaction I from the evening, taking the JV 1 game, 45-22. and Country Club in 1923. Winner of many Oregon and Northwest golf championships, Mozel presently holds the North west Senior Professional Golfers Assn. title. He will compete in the national PGA senior tournament at Duncdin. Kla., in January. ;-l.'f( .f Porilanaib. pinned by drew with Wehh .it Ward i7. C-.ilMree t 1NS1 dec. 4 Keller 8 Pa ton -Smith I, Full-r I.infield Posts Upset Of St. Martin's Five OI.YMPIA i.e Linfidd Collcsc of Mc.Minnville. Ore. won a stir- 1 prise nonconfprr-nce basket- 1M1 iiavtnn ball victory over the hifihly-re-r iisi Hrrisr.-oi k u.irded St. Martin's Ransers Sat r 1 l.l'.'riralk',! ur1i' n'Snl- c. tn Nmhro.k 1. infield led at the half, 40-31. o itn w..ithns ijiah sCorer in the same was - Mum . ! Rill Morhiimm- u-tth M Skip Olson got 19 for St. Martin's. ( T'StAV AVAV RCM I BABA.'.' . ' i!fT.PM!:t.i,T PAIO lkia- IV yar- K-r cf cr-V:S At A This ,.. TUVMI. t9-6ue XMtn- , - r--:--v - NiS PULSE V IS GETTING , rfT wtAKER .' ft. By Ham Fisher Men's Jackets Reduced! WHITE COWHIDE TIIIMS 0 ALE WOOL MELTON 99 Wagon-wheel insert and pocket trims are stark white leather, contrasting with the wool mel ton jacket body. It's the popu lar snap-front model with knit collar and cuffs, fully rayon lined. Terrific colors. MAIN FLOOR 9' men s si?es 36 to 46 IIORSK1I1DE JACKETS... Quilted or Rayon Lined! 1777 sizes 38 to 4ft A meeeri Pennv lakat ..i. of horsehide. one of the strong, est, besMnokinc leathers knoin! Stays supple, has nn fear nf rain . . . keeps smooth luster. Fully quilt lined. MAIN FLOOR i Men's All-Wool Flannel Jackets... Reduced to . . . I 3 SIZES 36 to 46 Wonderful weightiest warmth. Penney tailored of 100 virgin wool that makes for 100 sheer comfort, 100 eyt appeal, 100 serviceability. Fully rayon lined. wain floor Keiv Vnrk HI Rot-heiler 7fl U.3. St touii W