Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 17, 1958 Page 8 Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Your Attempts to Help Just Made Son-in-Law Shiftless Look.' For rftt Kldt! g By DOROTHY DIX DEAR DOROTHY DIX: A year ago my 20-year-old daughter, & DAW CROCKET 8 Libby, married a young man whose first wife had deserted him and their 2-vear-old. mentally retarded child. He had a very poorly paid WRIST WATCH I Foratt Graait eat, rawhioW Jaath- 2 r it rap with Wtiiern daiign, Mu & ieal powdarhorn gift bexl Fully tf (uaranfacf, job, did considerable drinking, and was certainly unable to care for the babv. We made every sacrifice to help them. We found him a better job assisted in getting a home together, gave them a second-hand car and paid many medical expenses. We all hoped Danny would get on his feet and realize bis respons ibilities, but he did not. He lost his job through negligence, leaves my daughli"- alone with the baby hours on end, and takes no interest in I J J lis. 1 A $6.9 5 Volu.l Price Slashed to his home. We have been carrying them entirely for the past month, but can t afford that much longer. Wc may have to take them in with us C UAB NITES How can we help the situation, or arc we doing too much already? Fran G. JtlVr SUNDAY irir, J I rrviv r. H- iuCWY- I IM'JIin UTI i I ! X t I ! ! ! I I DEAR FRAN: It's hard to fare the tact that It's possible to br too good for some people. Instead of helping Danny, you've encouraged fchilflrssncss by your generosity. He had no real reason to work when he knew your ever-ready check book would take care of every thing. Let Llbby and the baby come home, hut tell Danny he must be ahlc lo support his family before he can join them. He may simply disappear, but It's a chance that must be taken. , DEAR DOROTHY DIX: My boy friend has moved 100 miles away. Wc had been going steady for three months when he left, and he promised to write every day. bo far I haven t heard a word from him. and he's been gone six weeks. My cousin, who lives in the same town says he s dating another girl. Depressed DEAR DEPRESSED: This looks like a clear-cut ease of "out of sight, out of mind"! Pack your mementos In moth balls, and get Into circulation again. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: My boy friend and I arc invited to a wed ding. He is to be an usher, I merely a guest. I think wc should send a wedding gift with both our names on it; he thinks wc should give separate gifts. DEAR VIVIAN: He Is right. Joint gifts imply permanence In the relationship of the donors. Take a hint. Don I be too obvious la stak ing a claim on the boy. Keep the "he's mine!" tag under cover till he gives the go-ahead. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Several months ago a construction gang came to our town on a special job. There were many young men in the group, and I fell in love with one of them. Mel and I doted for several weeks. When the project was finished, Mel left. I cried bitterly on. our last date, and have been crying every day since. I'll never lorgei mm. DEAR LOUISE: Try (o sec Mel's point of view. He was lonesome, away from home, glad of a pleasant companion, which you were. He had no Intention of having you fall In lave, and your unhapplncss Is. I am sure, distressing to him. That's II, and that's all! Nell week he'll be off on another Job and perhaps another girl. As for you, you've lived through another emotion, which is always a maturing experience. You Mill get over it; you will find someone else. Dry those tears and come back to humanity. Holiday Food Featured by Unit Members EAST SALEM (Special) Asso cialcd County Women were asked to feature foods cooked in Holland; sauerkraut, Dutch Apple, Dutch Cherry cake and Dutch Cheese Wa fers were specials served at each holiday unit meeting: Kdina Lane unit dinner was held t the home of Mrs. Frank Caspcll, with Mrs. Frank Caspcll. Present were Mrs. H. Howard, Mrs. M. S. Stephenson, Mrs. II. A. Biskle, Mrs. Kenneth Dallon, Mrs. J. F. Dougherly, Mrs. James Gorton, Mrs. Henry Singer, Mrs, Floyd Thompson, Mrs. Harold Ecshenbaum, Mrs. Garrett Jenkin- son, Mrs. Myrtle Suiters, M r s. John French. Gifts were exchanged and money contributed to purchase toys for children of Haven Rest home. Mrs. Seymour reviewed a project of last year with a demonstration in gift wrapping. Lansing Neighbors unit met at the Grace Lutheran church for luncheon served by Mrs. Wendell Sehern, Miss Hilda Ask and Miss Olga Ask. Attending were Mrs. A. M. Mocn, Mrs. Sam H. Echloimin. Mrs. William Kuiper, Mrs. Lloyd Straw. Mrs. Mavnard Nelson. Mrs. lrwir Sion, Mrs. Gerald Van Hess' Mrs. 7-ina Scharpnack. Mrs. Ellis nuswrll, Mrs. Frank Dunkin, Mrs. Joe Zajic, the hostesses and a Burglar Slack Under Low Car DALY CITY. Calif. HI The design of those new low-slung cars came to the aid of police. "hey found an intruder under a l!l.r)7 model in an automobile showroom. "Come out," colled Sgt. Dave Hanson. "I can't," was the answer. "I'm stuck." Officers jacked up the car and released Uie man. They booked Winfrcd Ivanhoe, 26, on suspicion of burglary. Weyerhaeuser Shipline Elects New President TACOMA 11 The board of directors of the Weyerhaeuser Steamship Co. Saturday elected manes ii. ingrain as president, succeeding the late J. P. Weyer haeuser Jr. Donald Watson continues as vico president and general manager. the steamship company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., of which Ingram was elected execu tive vice president Dec. II. guest, Mrs. Charles Kemper. Swegle unit met with Mrs. Ralph Hein. Dinner was served lo Mrs. Wallace Segwin. Mrs. Ronald Nopp, Mrs. Harry Jennings, Mrs. Alma Shipley, Mrs. Glenn Larkins. Mrs. Harold Holler. Mrs. David Karn, Mrs. Rex Peffer, Mrs. Clay Ion Ciibb, Mrs. Maiv Swingle. Mrs. Oscar Wigle. Mrs. Dan Stiuif fer, Mrs. Mcnno Dalke, and Mrs. Illein. Everything you cook will be more delicious because of Controlled HeafL W y , SHAM y i ' V cooks tN, ff..--jr MORE Nty. ' '.y r0Unl' WATII.SIAUO ILIMINf You tin immtnc the en tiff pan in water right up to the control panel for easy waihing. II II f SlaTW 1 W W W W Iff C0NTR0UED HEAT Jmr FRYPAIM Correct U,niT.iiiirc (or imI are thown on the IKY l.l'IOL m the handle. Set the dil-ou ftct per Im CON TROLLH) HfcAT (or haion, rftR, pancake, etc. New. iquare thapc. POPULAR 10-IN. PAN $19.95 Glasi Lid 2.00 Aluminum Lid 3.00 LARGER 11 IN. PAN 23.95 GUss Lid 3.00 Aluminum Lid 4.00 GIANT 12 IN. PAN $26.95 Aluminum lid 5 00 VOLLEY BALL SET Complete with official molded rubber bill, poles, net, ground pegs, rope end instructions. ,98 MAHAL Perfume a Real Paris perfume In a b e a v t f ul fluted boffte! COO t Scant lattt 5 timai long ar than eo- I CL.'ll HT' T leva IH mm DORMEYER BLENDER Liquifies, purees, blends choice of colors $29.95 0028 Value Mm ELECTRICMIXEr DORMEYER f With Juicer nd 0t9A I Criniler UgB I Keg. 38.50 I VAJ& iW r 1J w I Arthlrr I GIFT NYLONS A 98' Elli EKCO 8-PIECE KITCHEN TOOL SET Valval finiihad hanging rack with 7 Ekco Kitehan Tools $3.95 Value f nQ At Owl I 70 3 ''nffl 18-IN. PLUSH POODLES Anniversary Clock PERFUME FLACON ELECTRIC BLANKETS Choice of Colors single double control control 75 0095 Mm Mm Disney Character PLASTIC BUBBLE BATH BANKS I 5" raalittte raplieal I Sparkling gold-kUC l"1 tone oackaael M w m Wmm. Wmmto Reg. 4.95 Values Smart and sftj. Saucy Sporting Berets end Metal Chain Leash $98 SCOOP! ADMIRAL 3-Speed Portable PHONOGRAPH Volume and tone con trol, dual needle, at tractive case. 2995 Q95 Value 17 TRAMP CLOWN $M 9afff cosfumed.' I , Fuiiny aced, wf o I I bright metallic hat! I ee ti Mm. O O 1 . Valuel M. 15 7" tquaau foys tflfad wtth 21 bubbla b1nil Adorably 100 colored! Each All purpoia iheari in regular or dark team. Choica of 3 thadtt. LB IV It's OWL For BIG-NAME COSMETICS COTY KINGS MEN DANA REVLOH OLD SPICE CIRO IENTHERIC RUBINSTEIN MAX FACTOR . " M .issssssssssssssssssssssssVUtkltsltsKRWJ Royal Coach PERFUME J49 Novtl way to give perfumel Regal Coach KELT 1.00 $25.95 Value WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC FRY PAN popular square shape nrw open handle easy to road dial spread even heat with copper tone lid 1W 111 -mmm". 1 AW V. I Baautiful A cata with a AA .leu. O00 BEKINS TRUCK Friction Cab & Trailers Over 25" Long! Full color rapllcai. Raar anal lido dcori opan for loading.' $4.95 Vaia! Kvfon FUTURAMA LIPSTICK In Gold Foil Boil 35 71 N MILK yitf MonnlBg Um Lady COOKIES 98 ay IM t WIN PANDA BEAR t 21 Inches Toll bubbla bath with milk, in unbraalc- abla milk bot tl.i. f , ' T (.old Red & White Candy Bowman ELECTRIC TOASTER Ntw Compact Dasignl Pop. toatt up axtra high! (.old Itecl & White Candy 0ft 6-PACK CANES . . . 29' LmU WESTINGHOUSE PORTABLE RADIO ,"1 lompicie wun Hauenes ana Leallicr ft XV Case Reg. 27.95 Now at Owl mmm. Fun for Xmas Stockings! GIANT CANES .... r .iV 7 ELECTRIC l33iai Corn Ponncr - - r i e No Stirring e See I'nrn Pop Thru Mass Top 3.95 199 Mm VALUE At Owl ?rr"M F 03 f V- t . home at 5c. 10c, Also 4 v i,8r DA NRnwrANFf i ..- " : . ' IV -. rerppermmt 5e, 10e and akv & BARBER POLE CANES 19 r-'l 'OVX" .il' & Jumbo 8" Candy-filled Jumho 8 Candy-filled ass M CLOWN BANK.... 59 59' - i S.ft, toJdly pat W?l e " I la Ckrlrtmal eolon. Irt .' : 5S5 Q98 j3C ' i Veluel Mm '.?f 88 ;p3Vnntr.ii I I mwxpm its Candy Loaded Plastic CH00-CH00 Rock wood Chocolate BAG '0 GOLD.... fK.. ! Fleer Rubble Gum Filled JkM, m STOCKING 29' Barbara Ann Chocolates AtiorUd can'ert coatad with fich cKocolatal $1 v!u! Pound G'ft Box 79' 'rti i Owl HelidoT CANDIES Holiday M'x. lb. P.lli. I 2 on. Cr..mi ( J, II,,, 12 , If -MFk Cello Bags Your Choice 35' v,v v. sr a INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED CANDY CANES Just the right size for hanging on the tree, tving on packages. CELLO BAG Canes OO' lor OU 4'.' STEAM IRON Latest Model F 60 Reg. 14.95 llgg Now al Owl Reg. 9.95 Compact TRAVEL IRON 5 99 CLOCK RADIO Reg. 26.95 24 95 Planter's Holiday NUT PACKS 149 Cocktail Peanuts, De luxe Mix A Cashews. Gift box. All for ELVIS , :r.s. latest ELVIS RECORDS on 78s, 45s 33s 398 Priced from GRILL & WAFFLE IRON Reg. 19.93 17 88 L Aati. flavor Candies! J " ' - k 5c Packs 49 yS"; Uatttrcratt or London Tower t 111 IPST "SsSrV! W&SS - LUAC DKIAKd I I -Wiflw V I V6ZWi.J fin,,t Impott.d plpa. bandcraflad by Eur.- I t W SfjW' I if ji-Sl Unccdditionally T ' I , I 31 I mVjrJtiX -'r Birdseye Briar Pipes A AQ I ! 1 12-01. Boi Rd I Grata I Ef, J In wida vari.ty of ityl.i. Each Iat7 k RIBBON CANDY J W4u&-W l" 3-s,or ,'e,, O AO IV iUrLiRmnmW Al1 hnd finiihad. Glovad and LA Pure sugar, AQm MritmSlfjBt boad. Reg. 3.00. Now only Wl Christinas il Give Him Famous Wm. Penn or v gsestjit STOCKING 1 Rob't Burns Cigarillos 1 ::j;t!Z r.:.vivr.t: " Mi- 138 1 25c - 39C I Vo" DVl fartactot or " PrfBl K&l ch.,t..t A White Owl Perfectos IJ.-ahX. '' JFll o( 4 5 .cVi (or Hi marry. i QF ftTVI V-B, .TfJ Stuffing for His Xmas Sock- iixSjJJ J f Chocolate 1 Robert Burns Classics ,S?ZSM i santa flWRi ".'.d; 2.32 I l g 4 .1. Santa h VJllfcll "tiC I Xr, b! Yummyt jtrtTTjl For file Family Sonfo Wno Smokes! vjx' A 49c vil Rob't Burns Panetelas NtW 6LIMMER LIGHTS If One Ones Out The Others Slav Lit S.f.115 . ft0 Minjlimpi leO NEW KLEENEX 3 PAPER NAPKINS L 49c 15"xl5 dinner siir Buy now for holiday rntrrtaininc. 25c Boym