Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 17, 1956, Page 20, Image 20

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    -rPiffgfi iPSSfction 3
Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 17, 195(5
Electors Cast
Ballots Today
For President
members of the Electoral College
for whom the people actually
voted in the Nov. 6 presidential
election formally cast their votes
today for re-election of President
The depositing of their ballots
In the state capitals is the second
step in the nation's much buffeted
hut endurinp electoral process
The third and final move is made
when Congress in joint session j
counts the electoral votes .lan. 7.j
Barring nnie totally unexpected ;
development, Eisenhower u ill be 1
declared the winner by 457 elec-J
toral votes to "4 for Adlai E Stev-
enson. The latier earned nnh
seven stales in the popular count.
A winner must pnll 2s electoral
The total popular vnie as tab
ulated by The Associated Tress
was Eisenhower 3&.57.V42fl. Stev ,
enson Jft ft of, with Rhode Is-'
land's tte still unofficial pcnriinr.
compleOon of an ahsflntee vote '
Voder the Constitution the elec
tors, equaling the number of aen-1
a tors and reprejvntativr each
state has in Concr, r free to,
vote as they pieaw. Actually it j
has always been the custom fnrj
an elector to cast his vote for the:
candidate receiving the highest
popular vote 10 his state.
Are They All Full of Salt, Pepper?
Q Bl
: Oaf
Party Head
Police Break up
PORTLAND Police stfpped
In. to end a Portland housewife's
A K yrar hobby . . . rollrrtlnt tall and pepper shakers, result
eil in ihiK ruphnard f rows and rows of the different-shaped
hakera. Mm. Clareoea Ta'asend. 960 Broadway, says she hai
ahakers lhat bare coma tram Alaska and as far off as Australia.
She aas three ather fall cupboards f shakers. None of them have
contents. (Capital Journal phala)
Shaker Collection
Groivs Each Day
Capital Journal Writer
Mrs. Clarence Townsend, residing at 960 Broadway in Sa
lem's first home erected by Methodist missionaries in 1840,
I a roniaoo ngusrwiir i , ., , , u .
Kodav "revenge" on telephone " pernaps oaiem a muy eaicnaive iuiicliui .....i.,,
solicitors. I shakers. During the past 16 years she has acquired 948 pair
Irritated by the last (nlirita-j now displayed in (our large cabinets in her home that is Sa-
tion trnm a pnotograpny siumo i lino, Mrs. Townsend nad 96
the middle-ased woman told the pair of salt and pepper shakers
me miuaie-aaca woman ""u "ic pair 01 sail ana pepper snaki'rs i r1
cajler that she was going to turn hut she did not then regard herself Stll f'll 111 it I Iff 'K
the tables. She did-calling the bun,! a collector. ''What shall "V
In London for
Refugee Relief
studio about every five minutes! t do wilh these?" she asked Clar-
dicing business hours with such ' Mce. her husband. "Why," replied
remind:.' as "I told you 1 would
inVi "It s me again."
The studio owner finally called
police. They traced the call and
found the woman expecting them.
'I just wanted those people to
know what it's like to get those
unwanted telephone calls con.
Itantly," she explained,
agreed lo (, it.
Hillcrcsl Girls '
Will Get Girts
A group of downtown merchants
will provide girts for girls al Hill
crest school who will not be able
to . go lo their homes (or Christ
mas. The project was suggested by
the Salem Credit Bureau and gifts
will he distributed next Monday.
LONDON (fl Louis Armstrong
blew into London Monday to play
his famous trumpet for Hungarian
relief. The 56-year-old jazzman,
who learned his music in a New
Orleans school for waifs, found
Otto John to
Get Off Easy
KARLSKUHE. Germany m
The prosecution Monday demand
ed a jail term of not more than
two years for Dr. Otto John, for
mer federal security chief, on trial
for treasonable relations with the
Communist Kast.
Federal Prosecutor Max Guide
asked that John be given credit
for the 11 months he spent in jail
during investigations of the case.
Jonn claimed time and again
that he was drugged by Dr. Wolf-1
gang Wohlgemuth and taken
across the border in to Kast Ber-i
lin on July 20, 1954, where he re-!
mained 17 months.
The defense is .scheduled to pre
sent its arguments Tuesday. A
verdict is expected tn he returned
by the end of the week.
Guede said mitigating circum
stances in John's case Included
the fact that he returned to the
West and that he was one of the
plotters of the abortive attempt
to assassinate Adolf Hitler July
29, 1944.
:.: .-:.v'!-?4':'
Byrd Says It's
Certain Taxes
WASHINGTON (fl Sen. Byrd
(D-Va) says it Is "very evident"
that federal taxes cannot be cut
any time soon unless -the govern
ment cuts back on foreign aid and
nonmilitary spending at home.
Byrd, chairman of the. Senate
Finance Committee which handles
tax legislation, said yesterday that
"in the present state of the world,
defense expenditures should not be
reduced and may. have to be in
"I sincerely hope the President's
next budget will attack this prob-j
lem," he continued, "and deal j
strongly to eliminate every non-j
essential public expenditure and:
allot one half of the savings to'
paying on the national debt and !
the balance to much needed tax'
Byrd made It clear he feels
there should be no tax cuts unless
there is . balanced budget and
the reductions can come out of a'
Treasury surplus.
The Eisenhower administration .
has indicated strongly that it will q rp IS
oppose any move in Congress next i.YlPt.PV i ilflTt. 8
jvui in itumt iaAia.
Byrd, without mentioning a spe
cific figure, said he believes "vast
economies can be effected in both
lun-ixn ma ana nonueiense expen
ditures at home.
Neutral, Says
Syrian Envoy
NEW YORK laWThe Syrian am-
hattirfm. tn the United Slates savs
reports of Soviet penetration into direction while there is danger
He said sabotage of the Iraq-to-Mediterranean
oi' pipeline "was
the result of the Israeli-British-French
invasion of the Mideast,"
"We would like to see the Mid
east return to normal in eery
way. But to have on now in one
blood may flow in the Mideast is
something else."
his country are "unfounded" but
that "colonial Western policy is
pushing the Arab people in that
Dr. Farid Zeineddine, on a radio
and TV program yesterday, said
Syria is strictly neutral in the
Mideast situation.
Syria bought arms from Czecho
slovakia, he said, "because we
were unable to buy them elsewhere."
Sir Winston Churchill braved the
worst winter gales of the year
Sunday to make a pilgrimage to
his mother's grave. The aged
statesman laid a bright-berried
holly wreath on the grave of his
mother, Jennie.
Demos to Select
Precinct Leaders
Tanzan Ishlbaihl, ion of a
Buddhist priest and an outstand
ing economist, won the presi
dency of (he ruling liberal
Democratic party today and Is
virtually certain to become
Japan's next prime minister.
Ichiro Hatoyama has resigned
as party president and says he
will resign the premiership
soon. (AP Wlrephoto)
Gina: Censors
Her Mother Is t
PARIS tfl Gina Lollobrieida
pulled her mink coat tightly B
No Payments Til
1 s(
I SflffTloe l
Brand New 1 .11
that American censors are far
around ner Monday and declared uj
are far S
stricter than her mother. H
Speaking of her film "La Belle S
di Belles," which met with the m
censor's wrath in Boston, the
i llnlinn nr-fi-At. cairt "Uti mnthar
The Marion county Democratic , wn0 nas . ri(,0I.0U.' conceDtion of
decency, has seen the picture 10
times without the least embarrass
ment. That is a guaranty the cen
sors should have taken into ac-
1957 Portable
central committee will elect pre
cinct committeemen to fill vacated
posts at a meeting Monday night
at 8 p.m. in the Marion hotel.
In addition reports from county j count
officers and various committee The Italian star spoke to re
will he heard. S. W. Horn, county porters at the airport on arrival
chairman, will preside. I from the United States.
Whan you buy cither a Norge
range, refrigerator, freezer or J
washtr S
S 2040 N. Capitol Ph. 4-6761
Clarenre, "get yourself a shaker
hobby." And that is exactly what
Mrs. Townsend did.
Additions Come Slowly
At first, new additions to her
hobby came slowly. Presently,
Iriends learned o( her interest and
Sne then shakers literally poured in
irom all pans oi inc worm, mcy
came Irom Alaska and they came hiinsell in select company,
Irom Austria, some were mailed
Irom Julian and other bear post-; was
marks from Chile. And some. Mrs. ' first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II
Townsend adds wilh a wry smile. : and the Marquis nnd Marchioness
came from the antique store. o( Donegal.
In her collection are shaking : ,,,'S;'ltl,',"0'" ,said Ho"' Gcr"
dogs, and a tricycle thai bears ld;, al '0"do" welcomes you."
i-hakers lor sail nnd ueiiner uuun 1 1 hunk you, Daddy, said Arm-
its rear axle. There ure shakers
.shaped like beer bottles and a
Ltir,knr n.n.ln t,f n l,.:ii-iu. tt.:ir-h
seed-there are coon ealuig wnl-! ' " ' u 11 ""-piece noyai , border guards opened fire at the
akers to """"onic wrcncsiia mr ine!sOThern Albanian horder post of
At the airport to welcome him1 A III' ill! -in TVrrkt-e
his the Hon. C raid Lascelles, , 7 V l,,'ln ,aI1 I OOpS
Killed by Greeks
; strong.
VIENNA Ifl Communist Al
bania's official Radio Tirana Mon
day blamed Greece for horder in
cidents in which Greek border
guards killed two Albanian sol-
Armstrong will appear at Royal Hier. and ininrH .r.i
Festival Hall Tuesday night, ac-l n,. hrno,i,.ni niimH nt
Valley Dates
lord mnyor of London's Hungarian
relief fund.
Sir Laurence Olivier will intro
duce the trumpeter.
BROOKS (Special) Waconda ,
Farm Bureau will meet for an S
p.m. buffet supper Tuesday at Wa-i
conda srhoolhousr. Mel Cummings .
of the Orecon Stale Game com
mission will address the group fol- j
lowing the supper and the public
Is invited to attend.
BIIOOKS (Special) Garden
club will meet Thursday, Decem
ber 20 with Mrs. Henry Rasmus
sen, east of Brooks.
V1CTOK POINT (Special)
Christmas program will be Fri
day, December 21 at 8 p.m.
MONMOUTH (Special) Annual
Cringe Christmas party will be
Saturday, December 22 al 8 p.m.
(iifl exchange is scheduled with
the women's gifts designated as
to he aprons.
ermelon shakers and shake
simulate a rocking chair.
In her array of specimens there
are shakers portraying nearly ev
ery race and many of their occii-;
1 pations as well as manv species in
.animal kingdom, real or imag - j vedV.S Frolic Ht
Husband Make, Some 'j , )(. J J,
Not all of Mrs. Townsend's shak-. ,.,..,. . ...
POHrLAND i.D Pacific North-
Dlaces. Some were made for her . wcst Swpd(,s ht,,ri hoir traditional
by husband Clarence, who has a
Kakawija twice on Dec. 10 and
again on Dec. 16, each time kill
ing one Albanian soldier and
wounding others.
tion were the drinking of Yule
GUig and the singing of songs.
way with tools, and others came
Irom the hand of the late Ally
Vealch, an oldtimer In Salem, who
served with the volunteer fire de
partment in the 18HOs.
"Of course it has been fun,"
Mrs. Townsend acknowledges;
"lots of fun." And then she added
casually, "This old house, you
know, has only 18 rooms and the
way this hobby its growing VII
soon be out of room for expan
sion. "
Lucia Pest at I imberline Irfidge
on Mt. Hood Saturday night.
Blonde Anita Onlen, an exchange
student from Sweden, played the
role of St. Lucia, who destroyed
her eyes because their heaty at
tracted a h-alhen nobleman." She
whs denounced as a Christian and
condemned to death.
Merrier aspects of the celebra-
Christmas sheet music and
collections for all instruments.
Op.n Ev.ry Night Til :O0 f .M.
Cap. Shop. Cnt,r Phone 2.870S
UNION tlll.l, (Special) - The
I'nion Hill Orange Christmas
party and business meeting will
be Friday night December 21. A
hot supper will precede the meet
ing. Kach family is asked to bring
randy or Ihe display lahle. It will
be served later.
nesriay baa been sel for Ihe annual
Wlllamina hich school Christmas
concert. It will be al fi..10 p m. in
Mary Stevenson hall Included
i ill be selections by the SJl voice
Choralier chorus. I h e rom-prl
band, Christmas carols sung hy
the audience. To coni-lude Ihe
band and chorus will present Ihe
"Halleluiah Chnrus" from the
DALLAS (Special) Annual
Christmas party and program
sponsored hy elemenlaiv Parent
Teacher association will he at
7-10 p m. Monday, at Morrison
Mrs Waller Schinitkr will play
several numbers on her marimba
and musical numbers will be pre
soiled by Lyle and Morrison stu
dents. WOOIim'tlN i Special I - Mem
bers of Methodist Women's Society
of ; Christian Service will meet
Tuesday at the church for a
Christmas servire Mrs Charles
Cajnpbell will read the Chrislma
story. Members will bring sack
luncheon and coffee and dessert
vdl be served hy the hostesses
They are Mrs. Ralph Sehern. Mr-.
Hi F Monnier. and Mrs. W M.
Burke Carols will be sung Mrs.
N. F. Tyler Is program chairman
WOODBl'n iSperiall-A well
child health conference, immuniza
tion clinic scneduled at the Wood
burn public library Tuesday. Dec.
18. 1 to 3 .VI p m. Appointments
miv bi made with Mrs. Don Bar
rett. WOOnmTiN 'SpeeiaD-.lumnr
r.fle club meels Mondav at 7 IS
p.m. in old city hall at Hubbard. ,
Generators Given
MelSary Trsl Hun
I WAl.I.A W.M.I. A m - Oflicial
lest runs will be given Kn;4lish-
made generators at the McNary
Dam nowei house on the Colum
bia River this week
I Test of unit 14 will start early
this week. Col. Mvrnn K. Pace
Wed- Jr.. district engineer, said. I'nii
13 will be used for technical de
terminations. The two units are the first Kng-lish-maniilaclured
generators ol a
large caparily to he installed in
lh" United Stairs
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