I ! Page 2 Section I ' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 17, 1956 New England Toll In Storm Hits 20 Power Failure Worst Since '38 Blow By UNITED PRESS More snow, sleet and freezing rain were seen (or sections of the New England states today, and a new winter storm poured out of Canada into the central plains and the Great Lakes region. The precipitation in the North east followed on the heels of a vicious weekend storm that killed at least 20 persons, paralyzed transportation and disrupted power. Weathermen said the storm is expected to he confined largely to northern New England. Mostly fair skies are seen tor the south eastern states to continue a thaw that began Sunday. Power Cut Off Sections of Connecticut re mained under a state of emergen cy as a result of the weekend storm that caused more damage to power lines than the disastcrous 19.18 hurricane. More than 115,000 homes in Con necticut alone were plunged into darkness by felled power lines, but the number had been cut in half by Sunday. Families without heat for two days were given shelter in Na tional Guard armories, and civil defense headquarters in Boston I sent 16 emergency generators to restore power in some Connecticut areas. Meanwhile, residents of the NEAR VLADIVOSTOK Russ Protests U.S. Aerial 'Trespass' By HAROLD MILKS "Fine weather and good visl MOSCOW on -The Soviet gov- b'l'ty prevailed in the area, pre eminent has accused three U.S. eluding the possibility that the pi- BS7 jet bombers of trespassing ' ' Imt their way the note de- near the big Pacific port of Via divostok last week on a flight that was "clearly a reconnaissance at tempt." A Soviet note sent the Slate De partment via the U.S. Embassy in Moscow demanded punishment for those responsible and that steps be taken to prevent future vio lations of the state frontiers of the U.S.S.R. by American aircraft." (U.S. Air Force officials in Ja pan, where B57s have been sta tioned since last January, said they had no knowledge of any such flight. The State Department with held comment until the note could be studied further.) can planes flew over the area of the big Siberian naval base Dec. 11 in the early afternoon. dared. It contended the flight "can be regarded only as a pre meditated action of the U.S. mili tary authorities with obvious re connaissance purposes." The note gave no indication of any action taken by Soviet defense forces against the planes. But it concluded that "in tfie event of recurrence . . responsibility for the consequences of such viola tions will rest squarely on the government of the U.S.A. Two Soviet MIG fighters shot down a U.S. Navy patrol plane off Vladivostok Sept. 4, 1054. and the Soviets charged the plane had flown over Siberia. Nine of the 10 men aboard were rescued. The The note said the three Amcrl-f United States denier the Russian charge of trespassing and said the plane was over international wa ters. communities of Spencer and Weston, W.Va., returned to their homes as flood waters receded in the Monongahela River. Heavy rams sent the rive spilling over Us banks, but dams checked the rise of the river is it flowed into Pennsylvania. A fresh wave of frigid air swept Into the northern plains and was expected to overspread the central "Rockies, the central plains and most of the upper Mississippi Valley and the Great lakes region during the day. Temperatures plunged to 10 de grees below zero in parts of North Dakota. Three Children Die Below zero readings also were reported in northwest Minnesota where three children perished when a fire destroyed their home at Gracevilie Sunday night. Fog continued to blanket parts the Ohio Valley and extended along the eastern seaboard states south to Florida. Ttflin pelted the North Pacific Coast and partly cloudy and coider weather reached to the northern Rockies. Some early morning readings in cluded Boston 37, New York 4.1, Atlanta Sfi, Miami 7fi, Dallas 54, Denver 36, Los Angeles 48 and Seattle 43. FBI Nips Conspiracy To Kidnap Beck's Son SEATTLE Ml The Post-Intelli gencer, in a copyrighted story, said Monday that Dave Beck Jr., 35-year-old son of the president of the International Teamsters Union, was the intended victim of a kidnap plot thwarted by the FBI. ' The scheme to kidnap Beck, the P-I said, was hatched at a fed eral penitentiary, "believed to be Leavenworth, several months ago. The FBI learned of the scheme, the P-I said, and warned Dave Beck Sr. and Dave Beck Jr. The FBI Captures Most Wanted Bank Robber LITTLE TtOCK, Ark. W-Charles Edward Rands, one of the FBI's 10 most wanted men before his I capture last night near Pine Bluff, I Ark., was scheduled for arraign ment today before a U, S. com-' missioner for violations of the fed- j eral bank robbery statute. I The 34-year old Ranels had been j sought by the FBI In connection with bank holdups in Kentucky and Arkansas. ! Also scheduled for arraignment on a charge of harboring Ranels was blonde Opal Oneida May. 32. arrested with him by FBI agenls In a raid on a rural grocery store she operated. Ranels and the woman had been living in a shack in a wooded area 7', miles from Pine Rlufl oil I'.S Highway 270. the FBI said. They were taken without re sistance al a store in the Dewdrop community. Ranels has been Idcnlilied by the FBI as one of the two gun men who rnhhed a Louisville. Kv . hank of (34.tll Oct 27. 1954. He also had been iilonl if ii-d as the lone bandit who robbed a I. one Oak. Ky . hank of s'i.7M in cash and (l.vnno worth of unsigned traveler's rhecks May 27. '!.',.. Russ Leaders Fly to Poland Troop Parley MOSCOW Ul Defense Minister Georgi Zhukov and Foreign Min ister Dmitri Shepilov flew to War-. saw today to work out the legal status" of Soviet troops on Polish territory. The talks may set a new pat tern for the Soviet Union's rela tionship with its East European satellites. The Polish Communist party's "nationalist" boss, Wladyslaw Gomulka, in recent talks with So viet leaders in Moscow agreed to let Russian soldiers remain in Poland but with agreement that the Polish government would have the final word on their numbers and movements. An announcement after the Mos cow talks said the two govern ments would negotiate later con cerning the "strength and com position of the Soviet troops" in Toland. (There have been reports re cently of Polish workers demand ing the complete withdrawal of Soviet troops. However, the Red regime wants to keep the Russian soldiers in Poland because they insure Polish retention of terri tory taken from Germany after World War II.) latter, the P-I said, was given careful instructions on procedures for hn own protection. In addition, the story said, Beck Jr. and the members of his immediate family have been "un der surveillance and protection" since the FBI learned of the kid nap plot. Richard D. Auerbach, special agent in charge ' the Seattle of fice of the FBI, declined to com ment on the P-f's story. Beck Jr. was out of town. According to the P-I, one of the prison inmates who planned the kidnaping was to "proceed to Seattle upon being re leased on parole." The FBf, 'learning of the plot, made an effort to nob the parolee when he arrived here. Falling, the FBI called in Beck Sr. and his son and told them of the kidnap plot. The Recks went to the FBI office I'.iC following day. Beck Sr. said: "They (the FBI) told us that during the night they had picked up a suspect. They took us into a large adjoining room and brought out the suspect under strong lights. We didn't know him but I found out later he had been a member of one of otir unions. What disposition was made of this man later 1 don't know. I ha e never been told and I haven't asked." ItAM.ItOAI) FEATURES MOVIES JERSEY CITY. N.J. it!P-The Pennsylvania Railroad will ofler nunies to patrons on two of its commuter trains Ibis week. A 16 minute him will be shown to about ii."0 commuters explaining why the railroad wants to consolidate the two trains into one. Coupon Dav for Krilifli Drivers LONDON Today was coupon day (or British motorists, (.iisoltnf and oil products went on ration for thr first time since post World War II restrictions uere liftrJ in l!Ui. The new rationing made nec essary by closure of the Sue Canal, limits automobile owners to the equivalent of ;'00 miles per month. Oil allocations for home hratinjt and industry also are rut sharply. rnrT i ii - E2 ENDS TOMORROW oth cu-THV-rox promt r i L VAHJOHKSOW-VaAMltfS, (& 23fcceta I eta. CinimIbcopC AND Nil (tUnf pmati Hilda Crane H IKMIHM ONnsoe Completely Remodeled Centrally Located BANQUET FACILITIES roup Meetings From 10 to 100 Peoplt Now jnuwiNoi ALAN LADD BRIAN DONLEIY WILLIAM BENDK BARW FTIZGERALD AM Kua-tH m nm ftsanj MM till On The Stmt Preoraml n "Vrrrai Thrill . . . After Thrill . . . Iwttpi Atreti lh Scrttrtl in "THI VIRGINIAN'' Jeel MfCree Irian Donltvy NOW SHOWINGI THI TALE OP A TOWN thai oet (twgrtl wirh hi icaridaU Umw . . . lecaute n litllt ftuldn't tall Ul Tito May Get U.S. Bid Soon WASHINGTON 1 President Tito of Yugoslavia may soon be invited to visit the United States, it has been learned. Authorities also appeared to feel that Tito a Communist leader who successfully broke away from Russian domination in 1948 would accept such an invitation from President Kisenhower. Titoism defiance of Soviet rule has assumed a new im portance in the Western world in the wake of the successful revolt against the Kremlin in Communist Poland and the bloody revolt in Hungary. i Some time ago Yugoslavian rep- Alaskan Plane Crash Kills 4 FAIRBANKS, Alaska UPl Four persons were killed Sunday when an Alaskan Airlines plane crashed resentatives put out strong feelers for a similar invitation for Tito, which Washington ignored. during an attempted landing at Tin City, on the western tip of the Seward Peninsula. The air line's office here said the pilot of the small plane and three passengers were killed when the craft crashed and burned. The names of those who died were not immediately available. The plane was just completing ' a flight from Nome. 110 miles 'southeast of Tie. City, when it crashed. Bullet in Ash Tray Hits Boy BUFFALO, N. Y. IA"I John Sell, 1J, was critically Injured when a bullet, lying in an ash tray, exploded as he and a friend threw lighted matches on it. Fly ing pieces of metal pierced his jugular vein and windpipe, author ities said. Investigators said the boy found the bullet in a trash heap and took it with him to the home of a friend. The second boy, Edgar J. Al len, also 13, was unhurt. Joe Kublsly, Buffalo University senior, passed to five touchdowns when the Bulls beat Bucknell, 91. 13. II l VI 1 W k lLV WZ V7J3a Hiooitlma Tovfswa. i i rf 1 1 : AisKf&s tr - tlut- teema ogees V. -r- m. Enjoy a Tastier, Juicier, Holiday Fowl or Roast! ft LARGE SIZE ENAMEL ROASTER Reg. 1.79 Holds 11 4 Fowl or 13-lb. Roasf Deep oval shape holds bigger fowls. Basting is easier with built-in gravy i iwell. self-bastincf rines and indenta tions. Cookie Protf and Coke Decorator Set Maid of Honor 2.69 6 fttdy for fell baking. 19-pc. alu minum ir hit 10 forming pUlei, 6 deiign tipi, With in i truer. om, rcipi. SERVICE FOR 12 AT A GLITTERING GIFT PRICE 101-Pc. Set "EVELYN" Reg. 49.95 88 Our Special 101 Piece Composition with 8 EXTRA CUPS 1 11"RounJ Chop t Cov'd. Sufjar (2lc.) 1 Craamar 1 Onvy Bawl (utility) 1 Iraad-Oliv Tray Maid of Honor Copper Bottom STAINLESS STEEL COOKWARE 19 D 11 nc " ' ; .Now at this low price you get the best in 1 J waterless cooking with new flavor seal rim. j 2 Copper bottoms mean even heating. Yi 10" CHICKEN FRYER 1 Vi QT, CHARGE IT" ON SRC 54 A 4J M Cups (Inc. ) k 12 Saucer. iZ 13 Fruit DiihM 114"-PI.I.. ! VU II 7".N.t.. : T ii io"-pi.i. 12 CarMl-Sawpi I Vg. (rsund, p.n) 1 V.g. (c.upt) 1 l!'l"4g,,.d Mail Plat Price Cut on Pressure Cooker Beg. 11.95 Q A A Maid of Honor 7.TT Bngiil il.inl.ti il.el; time, money and vitamin laver won't abiorb food oderl or It. int. E.ly-to-clean. Keep Staples In Handv Canistc-r Sal 6.49 lid.. $i 4 pc. A perfect compltmenl to copper kilchan wart. Copperton lii plaitic knobs. Coppertont lette on aluminum. 1 p" Maid of Honor Copper Bottom 4Vc zA 28 m,i AND 2 QT. DOUBLE BOILER N "7X . l 7" PRT PAN 3 QT. SAUCE PAN W !!: s rvmZP Ar&J Clothes Hamper light, Slrotig Durow.v. Fibr. Harmony House.. n.69 Wall vt nt id ltd hamnrr hai icuff raiiilant plailie covtr, Heel ribbed fibra body. Ptnk, blue, grten, black, white. Bath Scalo Aocurat Within On Poundl Wi 6 95 4e99 Modern icalt hu big 250 pound capacity; tndfosed bo Mom keep) methaniim dult-free. Wny loft colon. Copper Color Mold oer ror forty Fare if 4.98 N 4 pieces Crown, ilar fluted and ring mold: In useful lint. Ring for hanging. Make decorative wall placquei tool ll BIG ll1 2-INCH KENM0RE SKILLET PRICED 13S?ttS 8 Big cooking capacity Heat auida on henrll. BiRRcr-than-ever square shaped skillet can fA snea jn suns 10 tne end of the nan- Tfc Alllomaticallv holds heat rlialori fr 1 MB W MhfSr J 'simmer' to 420-. Signal light to show M (ff5J o wncn heat " ust rishi- 'fi i r i Sportsmans Lantern and Camping Knife Both, only 4.49 Hera t a wonderful g't for the out door man. Powerful 3-way lantern utel 6-V battery, terraied knife. Automatic Heater Warm i Cool Rooms 26.95 Don't Itt cool roomi cent wmtar totlt. Get thi hftr w'H thcf"0- I'aitc heat control; taFety tip iwnch; U l, Imeo. Universal 4-cup Coffeemakers Reg. 17 95 8.88 Now at a price everyone can af ford, a fully automatic co.-t-maker thai brewi from 24 upt of coffee in minuteil . .. ii it 5 PC. FIREPLACE SET Screen, Poker, Brush and Andirons Your Choice Copper tr km Finish wiln Hick Itlrn .... 4295 3-Pc. Brass Ensemble . 22.95 41.95 21.95 Solid Brsss Screen with Tull t'hsin ... Brass Finish Screen with Tull I'hsin ... Ve7T7 " T T . - J lL -rr' r liiiiiiiiiy w Ji! I 111 I ; ill I ll 3. Speed Kenmore Portable Mixer 2j lhs. 13.77 lightweight . . . Kie it at the table, ik, itova. E.ty adjuitment thymb control. Full i re b.r'.ti. " No-Clomp mopper 6.98 U.e mmr HS Versatile 2-tpeed Kenmore Blender Clilt Priced 29.95 liquefiet fruit, vegeiablei; pureei oupi; blendt taucet, even thavet ke cubei. Graduated lift-off glan Automatic Toaster with Silent Timer Tnast pops up.. .9.88 S'lenl timer ii new thermomtie type-m.kei your to.it the way you want III Heat control dial) bright chrome-plate. Nutcracker Gift Sett 69c vttrexkeri d all pctri. HUM plated tar 2195 Kenmore Combination Grill and Waffler Now, you can cook family-jized waffles right at the table er grill opens to double size to toast sandwiches fry eq'o, bacon and pancakes. Bright chrome-plated finish- cord! thermostat! ' ' ii Thu Th. truth lihinj (War' ee'ln.l Jill Mir..... "I'VE UVtD BEFORE" ii A CmMi.itep. Iherl in I. hm alert "PIGSKIN PEEWEES" OPEN 9:30 A.M. 'TIL 9:00 P.M. WEEKDAYS J.X SEARS EM 3-9191 550 N. CAPITOL 440 Stote Phone EM-35016