I Tge 2-Section 3 Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 17, 1958 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL -i u d fi 1( tl t! b th tii p e u in lo. t th H di Hi Id tr n dl hi 01 Si I i i t i I I I fc It 0 il ll B t I tl 1' Bids Received By Road Board On 7 Projects PORTLAND OB Two major highway relocation projects drew bids Monday as the Oregon High way Commission checked offers on seven jobs. Biggest of the projects, reloca tion of 2.83 miles of Pacific High way south from Myrtle Creek, had an apparent low bid of $1,241,507 from C. R. O'Neil of Crcswell. Next largest was relocating 7.14 miles of the Coast Highway be tween Davis Slough and Reaver Lookout some six miles south of Coos Bay. Apparent low bidder was Morrison and Knudsen, Inc., Seattle, at 1962.295. The ldaho-Orognn-Nevada High way in Malheur County, with a 16. 29-mile grading and paving job. had a low offer of $263,160 from Central Paving Co., Independence. Other jobs and apparent low bidders: Grading and paving 1.11 miles of Pacific Highway in Ashland between the railroad undcreross ing and Hclman St.. J. C. Comp ton, McMinnville, $164,263. Grading .25 of a mile and paving 1.22 miles ol the Hermiston High way three miles south of Dermis ton, E. H. Itschner, Molalla, $39,489. Grading and paving .25 of a mile of Wallowa Lake Highway and Main Street in Knterprise, only hid from H. .1. and 11. W. Miller, Baker, at $23,970. Installing lights at Rooster Rock Interchange on Columbia River Highway near Bridal Veil, J. J Walton, Salem, $0,323. Facing a New Life rarr itv vVv "it l-3 y-s- i Elks Plan Party INDEPENDENCE (Special) The Independence Elks lodge will have its annual Kiddirc Phi-;.!. i t ,t. ' S1LVERT0N (Special) - The.result in long range plans lor mc( , Dec ,4 at 1; gunmen abducted a New York potentialities of Silverton s future creation of an aimospnere 'r I party is for children 13 yeari n ' Je-elry company owner as he lett were discussed by Anthony Silvers, picasant living but would increase undcr Th(J chidren will en' 8300,000 Gem Theft Probed BURBaNK. Calif. W Two Silvertoit 's Potential in Future Discussed at Meet an airport Sunday night, police Salem laodscape architect, at theDr0Derlv vaiufs as well. ...ill Ul I - HUM. L. .LI.. . . I I -f th. 1 T " said, and robbed him of $300,000 bi-monthly forum luncheon of the in cut diamonds and emeralds. Police said David Gurfcin, 49, told them he was forced to drive a car at gunpoint through this Los Angeles suburb while one of the holdup men ransacked his brief case seeking two envelopes con- Silvers cautioned the group of Silverton Chamber of Commerce j some o( ,he pj,alls 0(len encoun. free movie, Mothers will Holmer to Talk To South Salem Chamber Group A. Freeman Holmer, Professor of Political Science at Willamette University will speak to the South Salem Suburban Chamber of Com merce at 7:15 p.m., Tuesday at the Salem Heights Community hall at Madrona and Liberty Road. Professor Holmer will ircats, and Sania. he welcomed with Friday noon at Toney's cafe. ' rf h . oun5 wno do nol ' hot coffee lo be served by host. Silvers projected many of his avau themselves of the best pos-i esses while their children anmi own opinions and ideas to the j 5jDc consutants before inaugural- ( the movie. Bill Linville will be in group. The speaker emphasized j jng developments. I charge of the party. ine power ine cnamoer oi cuiu- merce has to protect the best in- tercsts of the community and urged the group to cooperate at the local, county, as well as state levels, with other overall planning commissions. .Such integration of ideas. Silvers said, would not only Valley Grange To Give Party t vnvc fCn. til .Co-Kin. V.,1 peak on I i . ,. v, , .. lh hi,.,.f r urh imr".ul'.,"n"" TO ELECT CLUB DlltKCTOKS WOODBURN (Speciall Jake Hubert and John Kick were elect ed to the board of directors of the Columbus club for two-year lerms during a meeting of Father Kubis council, Knights of Colum bus, last week. They succeed Kil ian W. Smith and Tom P. Gorman. TODAY'S CLOSE ll STOCK QI OTATIuyS U l'n AutK lalen rieau. Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers Aluminum Co. America American Airlines American Can American Cyanamide American Motors American Tel. 4 Tel. American Tobacco AnBconda Copper Armco Steel Atchison Railroad . Bethlehem Sleel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Mach. Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio Ford Motor General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kaiser Aluminum Kennecott Copper Lihhy, McNeill 1-nckheed Aircraft l.oew's Incorporated Montgomery Ward New York Central Northern Pacilic Tacific American Fish Pacific Gas k Klectric Pacific Tel. Tel. Penney (J C.i Co. Pennsylvania ft R. Tepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Puget Sound P 4 I, Radio Corporation Itayonier Incnrp Republic Sleel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. St. Regis Siotl Paper Co Sears Roebuck k Co Shell Oil Co Sinclair Oil SnconyMohil Oil Southern Panftr Standard Oil Calif. Slandard Oil N .1. Studrl.akrr Packard Sunshine Mioinn Swift k Company Transamrrira Corp Twentieth Century Fox I'ninn Oil Company I lion Pacific 1'nlted Airlines I'niled Aircrslt t'nited Corporation I'niled States Plywood t nited States Slrel Warner Pictures Western I'nion Tel Weslinghouse Air Rrake Westinghnuse Electric Woolworth Company 14 tm-H 32 ", m ',i 24 'i 40 H 77 5 16H 73 H 73 J, 69 26 ' 1B7H 6.1 t. 44 V, .19 ( .13 V. 15 H 72 60 44 55 n 47 !4 All ', 191 7 'i d'i 56 61 ' 43 44 29 4 79 36 lint . 47 , 47 127 13 'i 57 III . Deputy Chief Not Unhappy Ahout Snoop PORTLAND OH Portland's deputy police chief, Eugene W. Ferguson, said in a statement Monday he does "not personally feel embarrassed" to learn that sheriff's deputies had raised a gambling and illegal liquor estab lishment in the city. Police Chief Jim Purcell, after the county officers' raid and ar rest of several persons, issued n statement expressing astonish ment that city police hadn't known about the activities uncovered by the deputies. Ferguson, no kin to the Swede Ferguson arrested in the raid, said he was looking Into the rea son the night commander nnd precinct captain hadn't said any thing about' existence of the gambling establishment. But, he said, he welcomes the sheriffs help. The question of county interven tion in city law enforcement was raised earlier in the fall when Sheriff Terry Schrunk was a can didate for mayor of Portland. His opponents said a raid then was a political mnoeuver. Schrunk. who won the election said he had no hand in the latest raid other than to tell deputies, who phoned him, to go ahead and no wnnt was right. SAN FRANCISCO Some of the 89 Korean orphans who arrived here early today in a chartered plane, are a study In expeislons as (hey mill about while waiting to be "sorted" for their various foster homes in America. The group were brought from Korea by Henry Holt, an Oregon farmer, who has for some lime been en gaged In securing a new chance In life for the homeless of Korea. (AP Wlrephoto) Burglar Hits Ebner Market Vacate Request Hearing Delayed puonc neanng involving petition for the vacating of a por- u;; :,! j i I """ Della VISI tourt, was ' .i'a"'l'"K':, wi-ai tmu CI-, nnstnnnoH Mnnrlot, he f - ectrical appliances were stolen ack of a quorum on the part of j in a burglary at Ebner s Park N thc counlv cour( " ; Market. Park and Market streets. Both city and county planning .sometime Sunday night, the Manon commissions have taken a stand . ...... a uimic I l-l'Uiii-u aeaitKL fhP Vara! nv l wa. nnl.l. ea oui mat inere has been Government Professor Holmer has conducted studies on local government and on county government for the cur rent legislative interim commit tee for local government for the Oregon state legislature. Inspection Set For CompanvD j Fender Damaged By Passing Auto A fender of a parked car was nearly ripped off when caught by thc bumper of a passing car Sun day afternoon, city police report- ea. Officers 'said the rear bumper of a car driven hy Orvnl Dow Ber tram. HI. I, Aurora, hooked the left rear fender on the parked car of Roberta A. Canfield, 2BS0 South Summer St., in thc 2000 block of North Capitol St., about 4 25 p.m. Bartrnm's car insurred minor damage lo the right rear fender, police said. Monday. Maurice Ebner, operator of the store, snid the thieves cut a hole in the roof and dropped to the floor where they look some 10-20 small electrical appliances from display shelves, about three dozen bottles of champagne, an assort ment of wines and some meat from the meat department of the store. Exit was made by forcing a lock on a rear door, he said. No money was missing and no apparent attempt wire made lo get into the safe, he said. Deputies were also investigating a report of a burglary at the Hub bard grndc school in Hubbard but no details were yet available early Monday afternoon. Three Arrested For Shoplifting three Salem persons were charged with shoplifting Monday morning niter a Salem superman change in the area since it was lirst dedicated and that the area to the south, when developed, would require an exit to the north by way of Bella Vista Court. Vandals Break Glass Bricks Col. Louis V. Smith, Sixth Army inspector, will make an official in spection of Co. D, 162nd Infantry, of Salem, Tuesday, Dec. 18. Administrative and supply in spections will be made throughout the day with a general inspection of the 95 men and officers sched uled for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. The public is invited for the . , . ""'' "iciuumg oem- (he uiuiioiiuiia Ull ine .mi tilMUtT Browning machine gun, 105 recoil- less rifle, the 80 MM mortar and special classes in communications, vehicle maintenance and cooking. Refreshments will be served fol lowing the evening's program. Co. D, commanded by Capt. Louis L. Osborn, has received su perior ratings for training in two previous years. Women Arrested Following Fight Two women were charged with disorderly conduct after Salem po- publicity, Eva Bressler, Alta Bode- ncc sata they spotted them fight- ker: agriculture, Lloyd Sletto, ing on a downtown street Sunday Keith Phillios. Frank Basl: Ipp- n'8nt- 1 islature Jake Meyers. Albert Jul- c-ntly with the new officers in the chairs and Blanche Wagner, mas ter, presiding over the business meeting. All officers were installed at the Crowfoot Grange Dec. 6. A 6:30 pot luck supper preceeded the busi ness meeting. The new master Mrs. Wagner appointed the follow ing committees: Building. Warren Hampton, Jake Meyers, John Lambrecht; execu tive committee, Lloyd Sletto, El mer Taylor and Giles Wagner Ahout 20 class bricks over n doorway at Richmond grade school have been broken, city police said oionoay. An officer noted thc vandalism In making a routine check of the building about 7 a m. Monday. It was not known just when the bricks were broken. Car Hits Curb, Flips on Side Martha Baker, 490 Eastwood Dr., and Shirley Henrickson, Ht. 5, Box 350, posted $35 bail each after their arrest in the 200 block of South Commercial street about 10:45 p m. Sunday, officers said. The fight reportedly involved a statement one woman made about officers said. S'll Summers Farm BROOKS (Special) George R. Kunkhouser of Waconda purchased a house and .small acreage two miles east of Brooks this week from Carl D. Summers of Salem. The Funkhousers have four chil dren. George Jr., who is attend ing OCK at Monmouth: Judith at tends high school in Gervais; Don ald is in the sixth grade at lan, Wilson Stevens: relief, Bessie Hampton. Alta Bodeker; hospital ity, Ed Taylor, May Patton; and home economics chairman, Alma Van Handel. Fern Sletto will be hostess for the next meeting with a 6:30 pot luck supper. The annual Christmas parly and gift exchange will be Friday evening with guests welcome. IOOF Picks Officers LEBANON (Speciall New of ficers for Diamond encampment No. 12 of IOOF No. 47 are Howard Collins. Brownsville, chief patri arch: Ronald Cox Sr., senior War den: Fred Hageman, junior War den: Elmer Barr, scribe; Ernest Brooks, and Harold is of pro-school Syrry. treasurer; and Floyd Far age. Mr. Funkhouser is emplovcd l"1. Sweet Home, high priest. Thc A Satem man escaped unin jured when his car struck a curb and flipped onto its side early Sunday at Stale and 17th streets, city police reported. Ray Tyler Walker, 1750 John E. .. w., iota oil iters ne losi control ot I.elloy Schillings, examinnr far o turn nntn l?fh cf rtinr nnrl lha me ll. O. immierat On nnd n.lhrr. icnr ctrnrlr Iho fiirh linnino nvnt alfzation service. Portland rnn.i Th iMt c;Ho r ' thn p3r waJ ducted interviews Mondav .in Iho mnHfrnli'lv H.mi.ioprt in lhr 3 a m kcl operator charged that thev offices of Counlv Clerk Hrnm i .nia.ni nii,. n . rinhi,.,i took some groceries from the store Maltson, wfih oersons who r h in tm.-ir ' nnrf int without paying for them. seeking citizenship papers. i Walker was uniniurcd. thev said.' I nomas Skaise and Nadic Skaise eJS earh pleaded guilty to the petty 1 ttttrttttliatti&J&7&ttttttr&tti&t larceny charges in district court, j llxrrrn n.r a a t- a j? city police said, and were sen- 5 VIA5TER HAS MADE A lencen 10 in aays in jail eacn. 1 he sentenced of the woman was sus-1 ponded. I Robert Glen Rappe. 432 Marion St., pleaded innocent lo the charge against mm, oflicers said, and trial was lo be set. Bail was set at $3O0. There apparently was no connec tion between the charges against the Skaises and against Rappe. I by thc Oregon Pulp company in Salem. and Paper i election was held this week in the I L.oDanon nan, Phagans ' PARISIAN ROOM AT JOHNSON'S Let our expertly trained staff stvle your coif fure to fit your own individual personality. Open every evening to 9 p.m. until Christ mas. Saturdays to 5:30 p.m. (and you may use your Johnson charge account). 1 ussssat Phone for EM 4-7474 Appointment or EM 3-7698 ra ' 33 39 . 13 1. 411 124 at ' 21 'j in '. 17 i 34 32 .VI '- fil SB 71 4.'. 5 'i 152 S3 4i 4S ., M 311 . 44 '.j 't I 3". '.! Tl ! Jl'IX'.E AT LAST DONS ROBE S KNCdl'RAGKS CUIIUIINC. BAKKR las Judge Forrest L. OS ANGI I.KS d'l'i-A driver Hubbard said he had learned that 8 training school has had its license all other circuit judges in the revoked because it gave students i slale were wearing black robes loo much service. The department while on the bench. This, he snid, of molor vehicles said Hie school , convinced him "I had been stub gave the students pencils with an-1 horn long enough" and he ap- swers 10 ine nrivers test printed penred in the robe at last week's 8 of MOTOROLA TV SETS At Great Savings to Christmas Shoppers Imagine! A Motorola 21 -in All Channel TV Set for only . . . " them. i naturalization hearing. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of AU Kindt, Trusses, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Hosiery Kipert Fitters Private Fltlinx Rooms "Ak Your Doctor" Cflpifol Drug Stare ! Rfctle Ssrrt'l tmn nt iihrrt fjfm totmtai PV "P P they .quk! u fl99(JM uy. klltis, whlcliivir I I :kem lis Ihi pirliet itt I I Royal bluelW tr any cklld, M for iloekln I I Light blu V iliittm, deal tartit lloek't I i Jj"1 k k llritik inkliti, Mali N S All Channel TV Set rXlL ' I for only... flk'Ji j 189" JKF- 1 i r4:; JL R I Model 21732 Charcoal All Channel Tuning 90" Picture Tube 263 sq. in. Viewing Area Advanced 4-Star Power Chassis Only $2.20 per week NO MONEY DOWN 8 1 :2 Motorola Gift Wrap Special Reg. $2.25 Value - Only 89c WHILE THIY IASTI BLOCKS 17 N. LIBERTY ST. 0lli Monday Tlmt Htday Miglm Til y IHlunUj- TU 840 P. n. lotU Ckfislmu S&H GREEN STAMPS rmTn 365 N. Commercial OpMt Every Ni'ght Til Christmas 'til 9 P. M. 4 - yrKihpy Lv"", u J t : tfrhF His Tenth.. . and His Greatest Tlirill ! Nine times before he has stood in his dealer's show room and accepted the keys to a new Cadillac car. And yet, as often as he has re-enacted this glorious event, he knows that there is something very special about today. For this is more than a new Cadillac. This is the newest and most advanced Cadillac car ever to tind its way from draw ing board to production line. And imagine, (or just a moment, thc many wonderful thrills that await him as he takes the keys and starts off on his lirst journey home. To begin with, there will be his discovery of Cadillac's brilliant new- performance. The car is so smooth and responsive that it will be a revelation. Then, as he takes the sweep of the boulevard, there will be the added thrill of those admiring glances that will come from his fellow motorists. And how satisfying it will be to find that Cadillac owners themselves have a special affection for the man who rides in the new "car of cars". And finally, of course, there will be the joy of that wonderful "welcome home" as he turns into the familiar driveway and comes to a silken stop. For a new 1957 Cadillac is the prize of any family . . . and the pride of any neighborhood! Why not come in soon for a preview of this thrilling experience? We have a 1957 Cadillac waiting in our showroom and we will be happy lo give you a personal demonstration at any time. Whether it's to he yeur first nr yeur second aryour fiftk eryeur ttta Cadillac -you're is foe a wctad'erfal anrjri! S10 N. Commercial St. CAPITOL CHEVROLET CADILLAC,' INC. Pfc- IM4IUI HMHlWIUnillMHsWai i 'fr. Of, O Qf o i, o