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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 17, 1956 U.P. Editors Rate Hungary Revolt Biggest 1956 News THE CAPITAL JOURNAL , 'w """" in entries or the ba at we realized Hunsary was the .biggest news I what an uncommonly big news . -.. ..u os "ie year 1', nad been." Johnson said biggest news year since the out break of the Korean War. That is the opinion of editors of United Press client newspapers who cast ballots in a country-wide poll. The editors made their selections Dozens of stories on iho li.t which would have qualified for the first ten in other years got only a handful of votes. An example is what happened Aug. 7 in Cali. Co lombia. A fleet of trucks laden with dynamite blew up in the mid dle of the city, killing 1.200 per- from a list of 36 big events num. mated in nis weekly letter to client sons. But so manv other 'world. editors by Earl J. Johnson, I'P shakers' happened before and ad vice president and general news er Cali thai we forgot the inci manager. dent ourselves until it turned up The Suez crisis was voted the , in our chronology of events." numuer iwo siory 01 me year and Johnson pointed out the wide Sinking of the Andrea Doria 1.219; ine le-utuion 01 j resident fcisen- range of subject matter of the 1 5. Collision of two airliners over nower was number three. stories. In a year of wars, revolu- the Grand Canyon 911; 6. Death When we began writing down tions and disasters a romance I of six Marines in a night disci- Grace Kelley and Prince Rainier . was voted into the "big time." ! Another interesting selection was ; Don Larsen's perfect World Scries game, a feat that worked against the Olympic Games, which in an ordinary year would have been al most an automatic choice, A point-rating system was de vised to show the relative popu larity of the various choices. Un der this system the standing of the first ten was as follows: 1. Revolt in Hungary 1.931; 2. Suez crisis 1.581; 3. Re-election of President Eisenhower 1.449; 4 plinary march and the sentencing of Sergeant McKcon 636; 7. Vio lence in the South over school in tegration 581; 8. Wedding of Prince Rainier and Grace Kelley 482; 9. Don Larsen's perfect World Scries game 394: 10. Soviet down grading of Josef Stalin 349. The next three runners-up were: The kidnaping of Peter Weinber ger; the blinding of Victor Riesel . and the rioting in Poland. - -I Editors of United Press client newspapers abroad now are being I polled on their choices of the ten I biggest stories. Early returns indi cate the lists for Europe, South America and Asia will vary con siderably from the selections made by American editors. LOWEST PRICES IN THE STATE 0.SCXEE5 BEEF Eastern Oregon Fat Grain Fed Beef Half or Whole (K,ncv) 21c ,. Beef Roast (Locker Wrapped) 20c lb. On Custom Curing, Bacon Sliced FREE SALEM MEAT CO., 1325 $. 25fh 5l.r Salem TAI.LMAX'S CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE All Pimof Reduced la Price! "S New Spinels $389 All Makes, Stvles, Largest Stock In N. W.! E Z Terms PylJ. Begin Feb. Open Everv Evening TALLMAN ' PIANO STORE 39S S. 12th, Near S. P. Depot 21b. Pkg. Mb. )). Pkg. JJC No. 211 1Cr Can 6o-L I! Can I ' L HoLOOft. Tin O'C l oz. 41. Tin l I 49c 28-01. in Jar J'L Can 59C Can 59C l ib. AO. , pkg. OC 21b. bag 2.03 21b. bac 1 .89 Avoid a Last Minute Holiday Rush! Shop SAFEWAY and Save CAMPBELL SOUPS 6 z 9c Sj.98 Soda Crackers pe Hi Ho Crackers Sunsh,ne Frozen Pineapple chunk Pineapple Juice I)0,e fro"B Nutshell Cashew or Mi,ed Poultry Seasonino Crown Co,ony I Mince Meat Empre5S i Minra Mas! N'"' j I'llllbV I IVOI I Fig Pudding Kku Plum Pudding TiL Walnut Meali T1"d I Nob Hill Coffee uJM Airway Coffee i,b.bag 95c 'Edwards Coffee i.ib..1.07 ; Fresh Bread51"" Tom & Jerry BaflerS Snow Flakes Aero Scamper Uquld Atl"gm All Meat Base Varieties Reg. 2 for 33c. Here's a real Safeway Savings. FRUIKME Holiday Brand-Assld. Fruits Nuts 3-lb. Tin EGG NOG lucerne Ready to Pour Full Qf.. 2-lb. can 2.13 loti 28c 1Jiar 69C 10oz. 7Q. Can 'L 56c CIGARETTES Popular Brands Christmai Cartom 10-Pack Carton 65' 1 .73 Prices in this ad are effective through Wednesday, December 19, at Sefeway in Salem, We reserve the right to limit. Every itme Safeway telli it uncondition ally guaranteed. STOCK UP FOR STOCKINGS $ Candies JOR CHRISTMAS BORENE 23-01. Pkg. Saves All Laundry Problems 35 C-20 Detergent E 99' (or automatic withers Dial Soap .227' Prolactt your complexion Dial Soap 2 S 37' Slops odor beloro it starts Palmolive Soap 3 Z 29 Belt hidden dirt Toilet Son 2 E 27 aihmere lor mild coi, " i cars Vel Defergent 37 S 73 Save 10c on gianl site Be sure you have plenty of Kraft pro ducts, to help you celebrate the Holidays. Parkay Margarine Old English Cheese SUc(d Kraft Dinners Kraft Cheese French Dressing Miracle French Dressing Cracker Barrel Thir 31c Mb. Pkg. pS 43c Pkg. glass 8-02. btl. A-og. btl. 13'ioi. pkg. Cinnamon Rolls Pil,sbury Jjj Party Snacks Handi-Snacks 6 park 6 ol. KINGAN Sliced Dried Beef ei. Tin 29c Lunch Meat 12 01. Tin 29' FAB Dolcrsonl. Has more active dirt remover. 47-oz. Pkg. 13' SlJrf Gels nylons while Pkg. m e Cleanser with 2 1 Vi 01. 7 A OX foaming action Pkg.""- M e el King site 32-01. 3 LUX LlQUIQ hf conomr . ml I Best lor the 12'i-oi. 12 IS Lux Flakes m- Meat Balls Tllaul. 13 '2 37 r. fn Haley's brand. De- 13 01. 39 Beet Mew t,n ww try Haley's Chin " 39 Vlllll Con tame lonighl tan Box 07 Barber Stix Candy Canes Safin Mix Pk',b; 33c Old Fashion Chocolate Drops rk',h: 39c Old Fashioned Mix ,1. 39c 100 Filled Mix Pk',: 39c Xmas Stocking Mix X1: 29c The Perfect Chrittmat Gift Roxbury Assorted CHOCOLATES Rich chocolate covered creams, nugarts beautifully packaged Mb. $-549 Box J e Marco and Ion Brand Xmas GROUND Ml 39' SAFEWAY'S Featuring a Wide Variety of Broad Breasted Christmas Turkeys 100 Pure Ground Fresh Boiling BeelTKu,.,,, 15c Pot Roast ,b. 45c Round Sfeakr'cu'.'.Sod . 69c Oysters K,ic 69c 39c FISH STICKS Captain's Choice !i 35c Sun Ripened Sunkist ORANGES Medium Large) n. 1212 i. 15c 3.49 '..4.59 Juicy Cello 5 lb. r q Wrapped tag JC Florida Grown i lb. IUC SWEET POTATOES 2 ibs. 29' Delicious with your hoi day feast. Luscious Red-Ripe Beauties Cranberries 2 lb.c:8':e45c Florida Pink 96-Size Grapefruit 6,0, 49c Fancy Quality-Juicy Tcngelos ib.l7c Every en it Firm & Rip Tangerines ib. 15c Un boys Llothmg for Christmas Giving! rum kr trm nun n n n ei i n n -: hi lf At At 111! it MIIMIII1M Colorful, Comfortable Styles for Active Boys in Cotton Knits and Flannels xew t.oiorrui. Lomtortob e : . , 1 III wv t I VII IMII I UI1U A Vt! f ' J-"- . "TZ.'- Aee B W We : ' 1 . nm J" J II T I I ' T r.7. V aal . . 6VJ.-.V1 lKl : U u Mr B' -S fc-!OWMCVirv'l l rut 111 III ill I Roy Rogers knit pajamas for littlej cowboys Soft combed cotton with nylon reinforced double knit cuffs, collar and anklets. Double crotch , . all around elastic waist Blue, yellow, gray or green with contrasting trim. Sizes 4 to 12. Sanforized'" washfast cotton flannels Pullover or coat styles In handsome prints. All around elastic waist, adjustable gripper front. Dandy for cold winter nights. Sizes 10-18. Boyville sizes 4 to 10 2.39 2 279 Smart Boyville Sport Twosomes 6 98 Heindiomt iporlcoxt of 50 wool, 50 rayon contrail! handiom ly with rayon and act tatt slack i. Size. 3 to 8. jk. .' -V Roy Rogers araieae- : i; LncNiLLC ROBES Great for young cow pokcil Hai Roy'l pic ture right on II. Soft con on pil. Blue or tin In irzei 4 thru 10. Koy Rogers Corral of Christmas Gifts! i Air Boyville Cotton Flannel Pajamas Sizes 410 2.39 "8riK-ety" bor waist with aH juilablt gnppr front. AMovejr pat lrrt, coniraihng collar, cuff, pocbt trim. Cowboy Hats Like Roy Rogers Wears Western Style 1.98 Wool frit with whip-laced brim and ll.ding httd chin cord. Red, black, fl'ten, brown, tan. Smalt, med., largt. Boy's Gun Sets Roy lingers Holster and Gun Complete ... 1.98 Real "old frontier" ityltng in cow hide with Roy Rogert reoeaier gun. Two-Tone brown r: black, 24-30 waist. Holster Set With cap pistol and rtauvrr Only 1.44 Attractive cowhide leather belt hat Herefort hatr-ihin holster ad (heath. With cap piital, dagger. 3 to I yean, Roy Rogers Shirt Slipover Style, Laced Neck Sizes 4 12 3.98 All Viscose gabardine. Embroidered htviMhoe across chest. Two llath pocke'l. Contrasting yoke. 4 colors. Boy's Holster Set Roy Rogers Jr. Two Gun Seta Complete . 4.98 All cowhide outfit with safety ttrept. Decorated holster end belt. Two Ra peater Cunt. Dark Tan. 20-28 waist. Open 9:30 A.M. 'til 9 P.M. Weekdays S '&afmatf cc line phone EM 3"9191' JlnfiJ 550 N. Capitol r m w . 1 m tttt w r i o .