Capuai Journal, Salem, Ore., Mon., D?c 17. lOnfi Every Night Except Saturdays The Best Place to Shop . . . After Al! (HQ -SnJ" JJ' A-sjj' Tr i ThrM pain of the most dlvtnt nylon fi,'T( ' IlM? I lf rf with o complementary VvwW 'l'flSUBm''l ? ft ' iJfaSr I TSvX JSfe--- A''lW?Styl''-' magnificent Shocking Pink ::; It -tiWp, jb to8J& V V frtljtt', - . olway. lov.d and long remembered. i , J . . vli ff 1 . RUSSELL STOVER'S FRESH CANDIES! DlSCOUMTTO BUYERS OF Russell Stover , Give Silk Scarves 50' to 398 ASSORTED CHOCOLATES They'll know you gave the finest, freshest candies you can buy! Choose from many tasty assortments, wrapped in Lnnsimas paper. RUSSELL STOVER CHOCOLATES Everybody's fav orite . . . "Assorted Creams, chocolate covered with a few butter bona. "Nut, Crisp and Chewy" centers . . . or . . . "Assorted" a tempting variety cf all 28 dif ferent Russell Stover chocolates! Mb. box . . 2-lb. box . . .$1.33 $2.60 3-lb. box . . . $3.85 5-lb. box . . . .$6.35 FAVORITES Delicious pecan roll, fudges, fruits rolled in nuts, but ter bons, caramels nut crunch and jellies. (No choco late covered pieces). Mb. box $1.35 2-lb. box $2.60 .und io DlSC .no 90 JU v Oiscoum 35 pound' o mo- whn 15n S V .i,i discounts Vrhristmas RiM rv.ft Wrapper SpeCJl, cTusive " n.... GIVE CANDY THIS YEAR! Give The Best-Russell Stovers FOR HOME FOR FRIENDS FOR EMPLOYEES SPECIALLY GIFT WRAPPED - WITH CHRISTMAS PAPER and RIBBON Order Your Candy Now! o Millar's Tnr I1,a naur.) , ......... .. .... nbilh aiiiaiicsL scarves: Squares and long ones . . . plain and print ed onea and atripes. Head atoles in plain jersey . . . long sneers etc. some priced up to $5.00 each. Christmas gift wrapped, of course. Main floor, Hankie dept. White Wool Stoles 2" Charles of the RI12 capture! hand beauty In this charming Christmas gift Soothing, smoothing Hand Lotion In a sparkling cylinder, A cap tive Christmas tree sits atop to set a Joyous holiday mood. Stuff it in a stocking or suspend It from a tree-a gift of beauty In a Deauiuui gut. plus tax. White wool . . . Nylon . . . Orion shrugs make pretty and useful gifts! See these tii.-iiMajuu jn me .nanxie department this week. 1 Christy Novelties . . . Soft Toys 59c, 1.00, 1.98, 2.98 Mr. Sno Man, Miss Sno Belle, Rhythm Dancers, Squcakie Clown, Circus Camel, Baby Doll, Baby Skunk, Real fur kittens AU Dlltnn.. - 11: j . cm., ni.ii uiiviiiuio iiuvciiies, nanKie oepi. Main floor. No. 1. n . ...... ,i ,.v.vj. Empty when you give it . . . filled when her own shade of made-to-order face powder is hand-blended at our Charles of the Ritz beauty bar. Now, either pressed in the "empty" gift compact or loose in the "empty" gift powder box. Gift Pressed Powder Compact, $2.00. Empty Gift Powder Box, $1.25, $2.50., . J All plus tax CLrLcTL&k FREE TURKEYS FOR CHRISTMAS! Miller's are giving awoy 15 big turkeys (15 pounds each) to the fifteen lucky winners. Tickets are being given now and until December 22nd. at which time the drawing will take place in the store. No purchase necessary . . . just ask for your free ticket. oCeld Jace 3t, .Santa! Here Are the Most Popular . . . SLIPPERS in Town! Women's Shearlings All Wool, of Coursel ( No. 2. No. 1 (As Photo) Red, Blue, Pink 4's to 10's No. 2 (As Photo) Wool Lined, Blue, Red 4's to 10's L95 5" No. S. 3rd Floor Furniture Department Invites You to Shop Thru For Gift Suggestions. Many Exclusive Lines of Furniture and Home Furnishings. No. 3 (As Photo) Wool Scuffs In Pink, White, Blue. 4's to 10's No. 4 (As Photo) 495 6'5 Wool Lined, Zipper Fastened Wine Color 6's to 12's No. 5 (As Photo) IJ95 Men's Wool Lined Scuffs Block or Wine. 6's to 12's N C Men's Wool Lined Opera P"0? 0 O Wine Only-All Sizes S Handsomtly Off Wrapped O