Salem, Oregon", Saturday, December, 15, 1956 Local Paragraphs Women Meet Englewood Wo man's club will meet Monday at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ellen Fisher, 1055 North 20th street. Trip Speech Subject A recent trip to the Holy Land will be the subject of a discussion by Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, minister of the First Baptist church, at the Salem Kiwanis club meeting Tuesday noon at the Senator hotel. Window Broken Someone threw an apple through a window in the rear of his house about 9:30 p.m. Friday. George William Brass- city 'police. Several instances of I apples being thrown against the hack of the house have occurred ' recently, he said. Movie Contest Judging of 8mm. and 16mm. movies and the elec tion of officers will be the ma jor items of ; business on the agenda at the Salem Movie club meeting Tuesday night. The group will meet in the Salem Memorial hospital chapel at 6:30. Kinnan Services Services for William Kinnan, 78, who died on Thursday at a local hospital, were conducted at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon in the chapel of Howell Edwards home . The Rev. Stan Irving officiated with concluding services at the City View ceme tery. Minor Damage Minor damage occurred when cars driven by Ruth E. Swart, 3910 North River Rd. and Thomas Owen Tate, 1335 East 'Nob Hill collided about 8:55 p.m. Friday at Rural and South High streets, police reported. Crash Reported City police reported a crash about 9:05 p.m. Friday involving cars driven by Bruce Allison Estes, 4785 Sunny side Rd. and Maye E. Lenhart, 630 North, 14th St. near Vista and South Commercial streets. Both cars incurred moderate damage. Consecration of St. Paul's Set On December 20 Consecration Services for St. Paul's Episcopal church, Liberty and Meyers, will be held Sunday, December 30. The ceremony will be at 4 o'clock with the Rt. Rev. Benja min D. Dngwell, bishop of the Oregon diocese, officiating. The Rt. Rev. James.W. F. Carman, bishop coadjutor, also will be here for the ceremony. The church was dedicated three years ago, the consecration service coming when all Indebtedness on the church is completed. Following the consecration event, there will be a reception In the parish hall. Jaycees Schedule Yule Party for Kids at Chemawa Young Navajos from the Che mawa Indian school win De guesis of the Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce Tuesday noon in what will probably be the first intro duction of some of them to Santa Claus. Santa traditionally visits the an nual party and passes out Rifts to each of the visiting youngsters alter a lunch and program at the Marion hotel. The Law Wins Again ALBANY (Special) A 61-year-old Albany man who kicked and wrestled with an Albany police oi ficcr after thc policeman attempt ed to halt a fight between thc man and his ex-wife, was fined $25 and given a 20-day jail sentence in Municipal Judge Willard Bodtkcr's court Wednesday. Miller Roscoe Haley was charged with public in ' tnxication and resisting arrest Tuesday night. Pick Library Board MOLALLA (Special) -New of ficers for Molalla library board were elected Thursday morning at a Bbard meeting. Mrs. E. J. Ire land now is chairman of the board, succeeding Mrs. Harold F. Ridings, who had been board chairman the past three years. Other officers are Mrs. Cecil C. Snyder, vice - chairman; Mrs. P. K. Stafford Sr., secretary: Mrs. Harold F. Ridings, treasurer. Mrs. Ethel Blalchford was hired again as librarian for 1957. RAIDING CHARGKD PANMUN.IOM, Korea IP-North Korea charged Saturday that an armed raiding party from South Korea killed a resident in a North Korean village and kidnaped a teen-age boy Dec. 2. The U.N. Command labeled the charge "completely false." Mid-Valley Births SALEM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ROCKHILL To Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Rockhill, 166 Gerth Ave., a boy. Dec. 14. BAXTIAM HERRON To Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Herron, stayton, a gin, uk. i 10 LYNCH To Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge C. Lynch. Rt. 1, Stayton, a girl, Dec. 11. SILVERTON HOSPITAL HASLEBACHER - To Mr. and Mrs. Alan Haslebacher of Salem, a bov. Dec. 13. rT.-V-nU T- Mr ,d VrS Glenn Danfnrth. a boy. Dec. 13. TERHAAR To Mr. and Mrs .. ...vmnnd Terhaar of Mt. An l, a Case Continued A charge of ob taining money by false pretenses against Logan Walter Delp, 30, 3510 Williams Ave., was contin ued to Monday for arraignment on Delp's appearance in district court Friday. Delp was arrested Thursday evening by sheriff's deputies. Christian Men Meet A joint district meeting of Christian Men's Fellowship. Willamette districts 9 and 90, will be held Monday at the j Pearson would not discuss his First Christian church. J. Al own chances of election, but prc Head, president of the Salem Chris- j dieted that state senator-elect, Al- tian Mens fellowship, will talk ot. "Alcohol and Our Responsi- j lne b:M Pm- Dinner meeting. Harold Jones will be master of ceremonies. Hammond to Head Judges PORTLAND (UP)-Judge P. K. Hammond of Oregon City was elected president of the Oregon rV s,, Li h. annual yesterday. He succeeds Judge R. J. oreen of La Grande. Also elected were Judge William Wells of Pendleton, vice presi dent; Judge Alfred Sulmonctti of Portland, secretary-treasurer, and Judge James R. Bain of Portland and Judge William Fort of Eu gene, directors. The judges decided against seeking changes in their retire ment program during the 1957 Legislature. Instead, they voted to recommend to the Oregon Judicial Council's executive committee that a study be made of the re tirement problem. This action followed a report by Judge Wells, chairman of the re tirement committee, who said a survey of judges showed that they arc dissatisfied with some fea tures of their retirement plan. Yiile Movie, Party Slated On Dec. 22 Two hours of movies and treats from Santa Claus will be waiting for children of the Salem area next Saturday at a party at the Capitol theater sponsored by the Salem Trades and Labor council. The party will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at noon. Alfred Chivers, chairman for the party, said that parents are welcome and the show is for all children, not just those of organized labor members. Brief welcoming remarks will be made by Mayor Robert White and Charles Schmidt, superintendent of Salem public schools. Thc nativity story will be pre sented by Dr. Paul Poling, pastor of First Presbyterian church. - 4 Salem Debalors In Final Round Four South Salem high school debaters Friday reached the finals of the Pacific university high schools ' speech tournament at Forest Grove. Peter Erickson will compete in the finals in the oratory division while Donna Stone, William Richt er and Kenneth Savage will vie in thc humorous interpretation di vision. Ladies Auxiliary Christmas party. Exchange of cards and gifts at Dec. 18th meeting. (Adv.) Poinsettias Prize plants. $2 25 up Jary Florist Ph. 4-3391 (Adv.) You needn't be a whiz to get Wash, results with Classified Ads. Dial j Annabelle Rose Osuna vs Leslie 4-6811 for profit-action. (Adv.) . Joseph Osuna: Complaint for di- vorce charges cruel and inhuman Poor Ma' She cooks and sews treatment, asks custody of child for us men all week long. Show and $50 monthly support, her vou care Bring her and thc Barbara Dixon vs Harold E. family out to The Pine Inn for ixon: Complaint nr .divorce, Sunday dinner. Don't forget we; charges desertion. Married Dec. tiinudj u . jv;n!15. 1955. at Waynesboro. Virginia. S ii h uh ,Adv l S'ate vs John Harry Vinton: De Portland Rd. A ' Ifendant's motion for dismissal of Rummage Sale Dec. 17th .22.0 Kholinn St. iACV.Ji" ";:,,. , . . , .. , T T v Al Laues v-miiii - " - up 10 iuu rice v.." ......... on all Large Appliance Purchases marip helnre Lnnsunas. ..- St. Ph. EM-24195. (Adv.) V Before vou buy your Camera for Christmas, it will pay you lo shop McEwan's. 245 North High Adv.) nv,-, t nrh 136 South Church. rinen fi TO a m. to 7 P m. (adv.) r ror tne one on J' " -"- gardens-a gift certificate in at-irar-iive Christmas folder from lufer Landscape Co. Ph. 2-2061. , .' i 3 Apt for rent, 2 rms. furn. or unfurn. Court Apts. Ph. 3-7440 ' adv. 1 ri Small holly trees witn Drigni rea berries. Make your selection eariy -- . c- ph. 2.2061. I Infer Landscape to. rn. GIFTS GALORE to help you complete vour Christmas shopping swiftlv dailv in The Gift-Spotter Classified. Check 'em now! (Adv.) Kitchen and fancy aprons $1 i Adv.) tO S2. lW D St ,.,,..,.,. . u t"Y" I ,t-w:,h D..1 tfl 262 N. Cottage. Candidate for Senate Job in Salem Friday One of the candidates for presi dent of the state senate, Walter Pearson, Democratic state sena tor from Portland, was in Salem on Friday to confer with state of ficials and arrange for living quar ters during the 1957 legislative session. irea corbelt, Portland, wouia do named chairman of the senate ways anu means cumhiuu. son was previously state treasurer. It was also nredicted by Pear son that the 1957 legislature would complete its work within 90 days. The last session lasted 115 days. Pearson said, "It is my opinion that the 1957 session will get down to business shortly after organi zation of the senate and house and that legislative operations will be expedited." jor Oregon HighwaysOpen All major Oregon highways were open today but motorists were ad vised to carry chains on U. S. Highway 30 with snow flurries re ported at Baker and rain at Meacham. The State. Highway Department in its morning renort of road and weather conditions also suggested carrying chains on U. S. 39o be cause of snow flurries reported at John Day. Spots of ice were noted at Che mult on U. S. 97, at Willamette pass and over the Siskiyous. Temperatures around the state included: Government Camp 37; Warm Springs Junction, 39; Portland, 47 Wilson River summit, 40; Sunset summit, 37; Astoria, 48; Tilla mook, 50; Salem, 46; Corvallis, 44; Detroit, 38; Eugene, 42; Rose burg, 39; Grants Pass, 44; Med ford. 38; Siskiyou, 31; Coquille, 41; The Dalles, 42; Bend, 32: San tiam pass, 32; Ochoco summit, 26; Willamette pass. 32; Klamath Falls, 25; Pendleton, 40; La Grande, 36; Baker 38; Ontario, 27; and John Day, 35. Mehama Man Hurt MEHAMA (Special) John Mar tin Lingaas was. treated at San- tiam Memorial Hospital for minor injuries received when his pickup truck rolled into a ditch near Me hama Junction Friday. Talbot Woman Hurt TALBOT (Special) Mrs. Ga lena Winn recived a painful in jury recently when she fell in her home. fne is Dcing treated in Salem hospital. News of Record CIRCUIT COURT State vs Donald Douglas Cuts forth: Defendant ordered transfer ed to Oregon State Hositpal for mental observation at defendant's request after pleading guilty to a charge of forgery. Raymond Wallaces administrator of thc estate of John Foster Wal lace, deceased, vs Reldon E. Owens, Jr., administrator of the estate of James Anthony Jennings, deceased: Amended complaint asks for $20,000 judgment for al leged negligence In an automobile accident June 18, 1955, which re sulted in the death of Wallace. Jennings and a third occupant of the car. Elsie I. Knight Black vs Jerry Black: Complaint for divorce charges cruel and inhuman treat ment and seeks restoration of plaintiff's former name of Knight. Married Oct. 30 at Stevenson, , charge of aUempted burglary Henry D. Mullins vs George Ken I neth Austin and Helen E. Austin: .order dismisses case with pre- ijudice , Ved D mmm , C(,r((. Kln neth Austin and Helen E. Austin: Order dismisses case with pre judice. DISTRICT COURT Vinlel Ernston. 1375 Hall St.. .found innocent on a charge of nettv larceny. William U. Miller, 3745 Portland Rd arraignment set for Dec. 17 on a charge of forgery. MARRIAGE LICENSES Peter Channinj? Hyatt. 20, 1894 Berry St.. student, and Donna Mae i Weber. 18, 1894 Berry St., student. Anccl D. Swaim, Jr., 25, Inde pendence, logger, and Ellyn M. Butler, 18. M0 Boone Rd. I.lovd Sheldon, 26, 1245 South 16th St., student, and Peggy La- ler. 25, 408s' Glenwood Dr.. lazier labelcri NOTICE All Member, of Hoisting and Portable Engineers, Local No. 701 A meeting will be held at 8:00 p.m., December 19, 1956, in the Hiring Hall at the Salem Labor Temple, 445 Center Street, Salem, Oregon, for the purpose of discussing the AGC wage propoioli for 1957. It is of great importance for all members fo attend. Heart Operation Tot Doing Nicely Little Terasa Schiller was reported "doing nicely" in a Portland hospital Saturday ofter undergoing an operation Friday to repair a faulty heart valve. The five-year-old daushter of Mr. and Mrs. James Schiller, 1190 . North- Cottage St., is the second one in the family to undergo the ! operation to repair a heart valve that failed to close properly at birth. Her older sister, Janet, 8, 1 was operated on three years ago for the same problem. Thc Friday operation was con ducted at Doernbechcr hospital by a University of Oregon medical school surgeon. While the little girl was reported doing fine, the family was re- Wilbur Watt, Lebanon, Dies LEBANON (Special) Wilbur W. Watt, 64, of 384 Center St., died; late Thursday at the Lebanon Community hospital. He had lived in Lebanon 10 years, coming here from Boise where he had lived 25 years. He was a meatcutter by trade. He was born at Guide Rock, Neb., Jan. 9, 1892, and married at Star, Idaho, Sept. 2. 1916. He is survived by his wife, Ada Ruth Watt, Lebanon; three sons, John W. and Clifford E. Watt, Leb anon, and Frederick E. Watt, Jamesville, N. Y.; a daughter, Mrs. Vcrla V. Calicott, Lebanon; three brothers, Elmer, Superior, Neb.; Walter, Boise; and John B. Watt, Long Beach, Cal.; two sis ters, Mrs. Myrtle Hunt, Toppen ish, Wash., and Mrs. Verna Lam bert, Cambridge, Ida.; and 10 grandchildren. He was a member of Pilgrim Holiness church of Silverton. Services will be Tuesday, Dec. 18, at 10 a.m. at Jost's Funeral chapel. The Rev. Henry I. Brown of Sheridan Church of the Naza- rene and the Rev. John R. Price of Silverton Pilgrim Holiness church will officiate. Burial will be in the Lebanon lOOF cemetery, Scio Woman Dies at 83 LEBANON (Special) Mrs. Anna Catherine Brock, 83, of Scio, died late Thursday after an extended illness. Funeral services will be Monday at 2 p.m. at the Huston Funeral Home with Dr. Harvey J. Schmidt officiating. Burial will be in Providence cemetery. Mrs.'Brock was born March 30, 1873, near Ontario, Canada, and came to Scio 58 years ago. Her husband was the late John Brock. She is survived by three daugh ters, Mrs. Myrtle Cyrus and Mrs. Eunice Valschweid, Scio, and Mrs. Mabel Martinez, Los Angeles; a son. Jack Brock, Los Angeles; two sisters, Mrs. Edith Christner, By ron, Ontario, and Mrs. Jennie Stevens, Los Angeles; a brother, Richard Crummy, . Dresden, On tario; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Thornton Rules Change of River Costs Landowners A landowner whose land is covered by the changing course of a river loses title to that land covered by the stream. Attorney General Robert Y. Thornton ruled Friday. The low water mark as deter mined by observation is the bound ary of private property along a navigable stream, Thornton ruled. Three Corvallis gravel companies had brought the question alter a change of course in the Willamette river covered land to which they held title. Artificial Hip Adapted for COLUMBUS. Ohio 11 Because dogs get hit by automobiles, hu mans who are crippled by de formed, dislocated, crushed or arthritic hip joints may be able to walk normally again. Col. Harry A. Gorman, an Air Force veterinarian, has developed a ball-and-socket hip joint and successfully used it on 53 dogs, Ohio Slate University announced Saturrfav aaiuraay. Within thc next few weeks, a modification ol the oorman jo ni be placed in a human for thc first time. Made of stcllite, a chromium- cobalt alloy, it is expected by doc - tors to outlast the human body. If successful, it may mean relief for persons crippled with hip joint defects. Dr. Gorman got the idea for a man-made hin inint alter noting thc growing number of injuries toj dogs from automobiles. Many in juries affected the hip joint, he observed. Designing and producing an artificial hip joint for dogs be- j came the subject of his work to ward a master's degree in vet THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, tcd ..doing nicely.. als0 Thc parents stood by at the hospital during the operation, although Schiller admitted they felt much less apprehension about the oper ation this time. It is not con sidered a high-risk operation, he said, and is rather common. And, of course, Janet had come through it with flying colors. Life expectancy without the oper ation is about 30 years, Schiller said doctors had told him. With the operation, a complete normal life is expected. PO Delivery Due Sundays Delivery of Christmas mail parcels will be conducted Sunday by Salem post office employes. Postmaster Gragg announced Saturday. He said that due to expected heavy mailing, the post office will deliver both mall and parcels next Sunday, also. Gragg said that while Sunday deliveries are a bit unusual, this will enable Salem area citizens to receive parcels and mail at a faster-than usual rate. It will also spread the department's work somewhat, he said. Portland Man Crash Victim PORTLAND (UP) Charles Everett Farrcr, 26, Portland, was killed early today when his auto mobile collided with a Union Pa cific freight train at a crossing here. Witnesses said Farrcr drove his car into thc side of one of the boxcars -without any apparent ef fort to stop. It was Portland's third traffic fatality of the week and the 40th of the year. Man Witness As Car Hits His Vehicle A Salem man was a witness to an accident involving his own car Friday night, city police reported. Harold Clyde Burgess, 4310 Oak- man Dr., told officers he was walking near his parked car in the 200 block of Hansen St., when he saw a car driven by Grace El len Hughes, 3165 Earhart St., strike the rear of his car. Mrs. Hughes was suffering from shock after thc accident and was taken to the home of a relative, ofliccrs said. She gave no state ment as to the cause of thc acci dent. ' Th- Hushes car incurred con siderable front end damage and was towed away, police said. The Burgess car was damaged only moderately in the 6:40 p.m. acci dent, they said. Toy Drive Started LEBANON (Special) A com petitive drive to collect toys and gifts for children of Fairvicw home near Salem will start Mon day, sponsored by thc Girl's lea gue of the high school. All classes will be involved in the drive, said Nancy Adams, advisor. Thc drive will continue through Dec. 21. Joint for Dogs Human Patients erinary surgery when he was on near peak circulations for both State. Lale in 1954, assisted by his wife and Dr. Roger Ycary, then an Ohio State veterinary student, Dr. Gorman implanted the hi joint in ore of his own dogs with an incurable disease. A day after the operation, the , "u - I balanced its weight on both hips equally, and was not hampered in I ,h vjcjnjy 0 trccs and fire plugs. wh f;orrnan t00K cxami- ,,,:. ,' his decree. I)r. Jud s0 D. Wilson, a Columbus sur-,tion jn be taken for the Marion j g,.on specializing in prevention ! couniy s Tuberculosis Christmas j an(j correction of deformities, was; sca 1 invited to sit on the examining ' ' t board. He became interested in ; the joint and followed its progress, j Dr. Wilson v.-ill perferm the op- , eration to place thc hip joint in ! a human. Dr. Gorman is now stationed at me scnooi oi aviaiion incuii-im- ai Randolph Air Forcr Base, Tex. He recently installed a joint in a dog while 3.0(10 members of the American Veterinary Medical Assn. viewed the operation via - j" - , In San - 1 c'.5ca cl11 f1"15" san . Antonio, Tex. AUFRANC'S 1 CHRISTMAS GIFT PACKS J I FOR CHRISTMAS MAILING i All Local Products ... let your friends know about Sslem i I MANY FINE ASSORTMENTS J I FRUITS, PRESERVES, WALNUTS 3 AND DRY PRUNES Meals Served The Salvation Army's migrant hostel In Salem was In use for the first time Friday night when the first meal was served In the redecorated home. Preparing for the meal here were Mrs. Earl West of the Salvation Army and Mrs. Willinm llaggcriy. who with her husband Is caretaker of the home at 146 Marion. (Capital Journal Photo) Clarence Nott Death Learned Funeral services will be held next Wednesday for Clarence Nott, 67, who died at Boise, Ida., Friday. Nott was a resident of Eagle, Ida. at time of his death. Thc deceased was a farmer in Eagle; sister, Mrs. Grace Cook, yer in a Eugene mill. He was raised in thc Aumsville area. He served in World War I and was a member of thc Boise Christian church. He is survived by a wife, Grace, Eagle! sister, Mrs. Grace Cook, Portland; and a brother, Roy Nott, Portland. The service on Wednesday will be under the direction of Clough Barrick Funeral home at 1:30 p.m. at Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Entombment will be at the Mauso leum. Illness Fatal To Salem Tot Michael L. Lidster, 2 !4 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Lidster, 2075 Laurel Ave., died Friday at a Salem hospital. He was stricken with a convulsion last Wednesday. The disease which took the life of the small boy resembled cere bral palsy, tho attending doctor stated. Results of an autopsy were not complete. Until Wednesday thc child had been a healthy, normal boy, the parents said. Michael wan Horn on .nine , 1954. in S.ilem and is survived by two brothers. Paul and Kenneth, in Salem, and grandparenls, Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Lidster, Regina, Sask., and "Philip Diemcrt, Prince Albert, Sask. Arrangements arc pending at Virgil T. Golden mortuary. North Salem Yule Concert Set Thursday Dramatic and singing groups of North Salem high school will pre sent their annual Christmas con cert, "Chants de Noel," next Thursday at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium. A special fealure of the program will be thc appearance of a Salem barbershop chorus, thc honato Aircs, who will sing secular Christ mas numbers. A Christmas play, "A Certain Star," will be present ed hy the drama classes pi student music numbers will in- ; cide Christmas selections b- thc orchestra directed by Richard Mc- ; ciinlic. Thc choir and girls glee will sing numbers accompanied by Judic Seamsler. Nancv ("in and Joan Picha, directed by Howard Miller. - ' h i ih nri hi nilpe. Give A Musical Instrument With lessons For Christmas CvfliO Open Kvrry Night Til 9 P.M. Capitol Shopping Center I'hone KM-28.08 at SA Hostel I SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRISTMAS X-Itay Unit Sets Salem Slops on Monday, Tuesday The mobile chest X-Ray unit which is oocn to the public, will be in Salem on Monday and Tues day from 9 a.m. lo 9 p.m. The unit will be stationed on Ilieh street in front of the Meier & Frank store. This service is under the co-sponsorship of the Mar on county Tuberculosis asso ciation and Marion county health department. Yamhill Picks ASC Leaders AMITY (Special) Commilleo mcn were elected this week to supervise the Yamhill county agri cultural stabilization and conser vation program in the seven com munities in which thc county is divided. The balloting in this election was conducted by mail. Committeemen clcclcd from Amity were: Tcd Richtcr, chair man und delegate to the county convention; George Dercavc, vice chairman and delegate: fllcn Wes ton, regular member; Ernest Hoh erlson, first alternate and. Charlie Reed, second alternate. At a Inter meeting attended by the community delegates to elect the county commillce. Glen Patty of Amily was elected first alter nate. At the latler meeting thc delegates took into consideration thc ASC program for 1957. 2-Monlli-OldCirl Passes Saturday Anila Fay Wright, two months old infant, died Friday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and i rs. George Wright, 1690 Boone ltd. Thc infant was born on October 8, 1956. Funeral arrangements will be under the direction of Howell Edwards Funeral home and an nounced later. CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREES While Fir Douolai Fir Fr Holly, MiilUlo and Fir Bought 17th A Stai St. C. I. Kuablor Bark Free Sawmill Wasfe or Cordwood Any Amounts You don't hove to be a logger or fuel dealer to qualify. All you need is a truck and o wood source. Top price$ and cash. For further details contact WILLAMETTE PLYWOOD CORPORATION AUMSVILLE, OREGON P.O. BOX 208 Planners Will Ask Legislation On Road Through Fairgrounds Slate Fair Board Okays Extension Through to Silverton Road Extension of 17th street through the state fairgrounds will probably depend upon the Marion and Polk county legislative delegations. Members of the Salem planning commission said Friday they will ask the Marion and Folk members P.. uitt Rites On Saturday SHERIDAN (Special) - Funeral services will be this Saturday at the Pershall Sheridan funeral home for Cyrus Martin Pruitt, 73, who passed away in McMinnvillc, Thursday. Interment will be in Green Crest Memorial park in Sheridan. Cvrus M. Pruitt was born Nov. 15, 1883, in Eureka Springs, Ark., and attended schools there. He married Susan Main there in 1908, and they lived in Idaho and Cali fornia before moving here in 192U. Survivors are his wife, Susan, of Sheridan; seven children, Ern est Pruitt, Roseburg; Eurella Ly tic, Portland; Chester Pruitt, Port land: Virginia Hampton, Sheridan; Eunice Russell, Portland; Cyrus Pruitt. Albany, and Wanda Lam bert of Arcadia. Calif.: two broth ers, Carl, Astoria, and Phillip, Bremerton. Wash.: a half-sister. Blanche Warr, Salinas, Calif.; 21 grandchildren and 16 great-grand children. One son, Glenn Pruitt, preceded him in death in 1953. J.R. Alexander Dies at Dallas DALLAS fSpccial) John Roy Alexander. 29. died unexpectedly Tuesday at his home, 1019 Haytor St. Mr, Alexander was born Aug. 2, 1927, at Vernonia. He was mar ried to Nell Vickcrs at Salem, June 9, 1951. Living in Salem until 1955, Mr. Alexander moved to Roseburg, where ho lived a year before mov ing to Dallas In 1056, - He was a member of the rirsl Baptist church of Dallas, the Knights of Pythias in Salem, and Salem Post 136 of the American Lesion. Surviving are his wife, Nc'l, and two sons, Roy Blaid and Mark David Alexander, all of Dallas; vcrlon; Helen Grabski, Salem; tour sisters. Betty Hackney, Bea- Roylcne Oilman, Burns, Ore., and Edwinna Jonnson, toiumoia, Services will be at 10 a.m. Mon day al the Bollman Funeral Chapel will! the Rev. Lloyd T Anderson Officiating. Burial Will be in (he Willf.rm.fln Nntinnnl PPmHTPrv At foruana. O.If. Lipps New Heart Chairman Memorial contributions to the Oregon Heart association totaled $18,053.75 to Dec. 1 to help with heart diseaso research, according to association reports. Thc memorial fund of the associ ation, which is financing $30,000 worlh of research at present, is entirely sepnrate from support of (he county heart fund campaigns. The contributions arc made in tribute to memories of deceased relatives or friends and are used exclusively lo finance heart re search. O. II. Lipps, 1102 Park Ave., is Salem's memorial contribution chairman and can supply contri bution forms. Acknowledgments ol gifts are sent to families of persons in whoso memory mey are made and the amounts are kept in confidence. EXCLUSIVE IN SALEM PC Jcwcicrs anno 0 LS k fMIMi'A ltslfZJ fifr rapsiiin-rT Tit p Zi ruMiiHsii r,-..-ral . Jewelers Since 1926 PHONE 304 KEEPSAKE f geckos y-EtfgM'Bfj 1 J to Introduce a bill authorizing thd state to dedicate part of the Jaw grounds for street purposes. Planning Commission rresiaens Robert K. Powell said W0 fair board, which met here FiUiay, is agreeable to the nlan for e::t?nsion ol 17th through to Silverton Road. The state now must dedicate the necessary land. The extension through fair. grounds property would actually be mostly along 16th street, thus bringing the proposed new street closer to the edge of the fair grounds. Powell said the 'roulo. would curve from 17th to inn streets near the west edge: of the fairgrounds. This is nart of a plan wnicn the citv croun has been working on lor some time to make 17th street a cross-town arterial. Pluto, Bloodhound,,'. Object of Search DALLAS. Ore. Ufi NorHian. Wilson's bloodhound, Pluto, which frequently has been used ' for searching out lost people, was the object of a search Friday. The dog broke out or was freed from his kennel Thursday night. So the next day Wilson and sher iff's deputies started looking for the animal. They found him mear a Boy Scout camp about , five miles away. Deaths Anita Fiy Wrliht: , At the residence of 1600 Boone Ad. Dec. 14th at the age of 2 moa. Sur vived by parents Mr. and Mrs. George Wright; Sisters Miss Karen McOy of Salem, Ellen Wright. Salem; .Bro thers Gary Wright. Meivin Wright, Evereu wngni; urenory wrigut-au of Salem; Dennis McCoy of Salem; George E. Wright Jr. of Woodburn. Grandmother! Mrs. Mae Wright, Woodhurn; Mrs. Lilly Broyles of Sa lem, services win oe ncm mon. uec, 17th at 1 p.m. in the Chapel of tho Howell-Ed wards Funeral Home. In terment Belcrest Memorial Pack.. Clarence rtott: " Late remoeni oi cgie. jaanp in Botce. Idaho Dec. Hth. Survlved'by u-ife Mrs. Grace Nott. Eagle. Idaho; Sister Mrs. Grace Cook, Portland; Brother Roy Nott. Portland; Services will be held Wed- Dec. 19th at 1:30 p.m. In Mount Crest Abbey Mause leum. Entombment Mount Crett. .Dir ection of CIough-Barrick Co. Malcolm Chltm At the residence, 813 Falrvlew Ave., Salem, December 14, et the age of 61 years. Survived by wife. Ruth Uniem, aaiem; aaugnier. mry nun ChUm. Salem; stepdaughters. Dar- lene Miller, saiem; Mrs. unarie-a Scott, San Diego, Calif.; brother, Eliua Chism, Salem .Announcement of services will be made later by the Howell-Edwards runerai i-nap-el. Salome W. Fuller Late resident or zoo a. in o. in Tucson. Ariz.. December 12th. Sur vived by sister, wirs. tmma i-iooper. Junction City, Ore. Announcements of services win do maua vy u Virgil T. Golden Co. Roy Glover Al local hub ii 1 1 at. kcvu.uw Late resident of M Market St. Sur vived by wife, Mrs. Trances Glover, Salem, daughter. Mrs. William Gib son. Junean, Alaska; 3 grandchildren .i.n ..iriivi. Services will be held Monday. December at a;M p.m. U the 'Chapel of the .Virgil T.G-oJden Park. Rev. George Swllt will om- cl.te. Mlrh.Pl L. I.ld.ttr Al a. local hospital December Hth. Late resident of 2075 Laurel St., Sa Irni, Survived bv parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. I.idster. Reetnd, Saskatchewan. Canada: brother,, Paul and Kenneth Lidster, both of Salem: CIrandfather Philip Dlemert, Prince Albert Sask. Canada. .An nouncements will be made later by the Virgil T. Golden Co. Ronald A. Reus! infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wajden Rcust ol Aumsville, Ore., December 14, at the age of 2 mos. Survived by two brothers. Dennis Ray and Rick ey Allen, and three sisters. Jennr Linn. Vickie Lee and Ruth Ann. all of Aumsville. Ore.: grandparents. Mr,. Flossie Reust. Salem: Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dodd, Seattle, Wash. An nouncement of services wilt b made later by the Howell-Edwards Funeral Chapel. By WALTER MORSE ' T.ast week we recommended using fast panchromatic film, a tripod, and a cable rclease'Jor shooling outdoor Christmas lights because ol the long exposures necessary nr this kind of photogra p h y. Now, for a pic ture of the in door Christmas tree that will retain all the s n a r k 1 e and glamour of the original, you'U need the same film and equip ment . . . AND a hand flash unit,' with a carton of medium size flashbulbs. Here's how: lendinhragm at fl'l. T (hf. Christmas tree lighl " tn rmm 'Chts' i bulh m thc (lash unit ar set your Turn: on lights ana Place nd hold it a little above and lo one side of the camera. Open tho camera shutter fur approximately one econd. and flash the bulb wnne the shutter is open. Repeat this shot twice more, using settings of f16 and f22. This is called "bracketing tho ex posure." One of them is almost certain to be just right for pro ducing an excellent print. Here's what happens during that one-second exposure. The tree itself and the gifts around it arc exposed by the split-second flash from the flashbulb. But during the long exposure, the faint glow from the tree lights will register on the film so that they will show in the final print ... Try it. ; You'll have more fun, giving or receiving a fine new camera . '. . because there are always new wavs to keep this great gift new anil exciting for everyone in the family. (Don't forget to include plenty of film . . . they'll want to record all the festivities of 'the big day!) ... KLAS1C PHOTO, two locations, 54B State St. in Capitol Theatre Bldg., and 1146 Center, tenter 1st .store open Monday and Fri day 'til 0 J.m. Fret parkin ZEIS-To Mr. d SWs. ' l-'a Stli a 1. I2'9822-. O r.n rnoni h'bib' - ih (adv.) ,