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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December, 15, 1956 Pape 2 Section 1 THE CAPITAL" JOURNAL jBuilding in Pacific Northwest up tor i ear, Down Last month Dolar volume of building in the Pacific Norhwest at the end of 11 months surpassed all previous -records for any 12-month period, 'Equitable Savings & Loan asso ciation's statistical department re ports. Surveying 47 larger cities, Equit--blc found accumulated value at Uthe end of November to be $346,--295,444. This is $9.9 million ahead of 1954's record annual figure and Change Nov. '56 Nov. '56 over over Nov. '56 Oct. '56 Nov. '55 Oct. '5 Nov. '55 79.950 231.980 122.500 -66 -35 15.905 12.410 43,538 28 -63 15,350 71.534 38.699 -79 -60 101,572 146,310 141,350 -31 -28 322,000 239.975 219,520 34 47 566.015 2il3,444 210,049 178 169 175,150 83,760 125,430 190 40 123,309 203.6IS 68,100 -39 81 56,340 166.243 13,610 -66 ' 314 38,050 77,051 94,357 -57 -60 331,212 256,610 162,243 29 104 54.250 14,965 2.879 263 1790 114,250 191,750 114,400 -40 .-1 3.541,585 4,999,585 2,401,180 -29 47 112.235 88.205 65.180 27 72 2.960 1,650 9,000 79 -67 220,988 395.304 245.459 -42 -6 74.645 170.625 112.155 -56 -33 296.745 192.638 138.314 54 115 6.252,511 . 7.747,654 4,327,954 -19 44 City Albany ; Astoria -Baker 'Bend Corvalis tEugcne Grants Pass 'Klamath Falls 7,aGrandc HJoos edford Ofcgon City I'cnaieion Portland -Roseburg St. Helens Salem Springfield The Dalles Total Oregon Rains Aid to Power Outlook : PORTLAND Ui R.ilns which ;fell in Washington and Oregon this Cpeek improved the power outlook ;d the Northwest slightly, the -Bonneville Power Administration 'said Saturday. - The hydro capability has tem- .poranly increased, and most res ervoirs have recovered to near or above rule curve levels, it said. Sufficient BPA hydroelectric power will be available to serve the firm and non-firm require ments of utilities and 480,000 kilo watts' of the non-firm industrial load through December. ; However, the weekly report said an analysis cf the expected atroamflow through April 15 indi cates there will not be sufficient BPA hydroelectric power to meet me non-lirm requirements of util 'Jjics or industries beyond Dec. 31. Shattuc's II fArrlinllu ImuUa 111 111 MIMII J IIIVIIG II llll All tktr ftUndt to mtt II fh nw fwmti of lh III 111 Chiltau. II Wt knew that you will llll I llll food and fac lift Its III III you did Mar; fill I llll . lob Shattwc will bo on II llll hind to Introduto tha Jill III naw owntn to all hit llll J I Shattuc's Chateau HI 2985 Silv.rton Rd. I 111 Op.n i .M. lo 1 A.M. W..Uy II llll Sundty A.M. t II Midnight llll II Fr Hcurvilioni Ph. EM. 4.6646 II Completely Remodeled Centrally Located BANQUET FACILITIES Group Meetings From 10 to 100 People 440 State for fine food , . . Our Menu Is Matchless Prii. Winning HAM nd ROAST TOM TURKEY with all Ihe trimmings jutt THE SAN SHOP Th' rZr Jot Portland Road t North City limits For Orders to Go-Phone 2 6798 rr Completely Remodeled In limultful Swedish Atmosplwre i ill T Can Eat For Din tiers-Open 440 State St., 8e .yS,Wi ruBi-VV: I indicates the area may well sur- pass the previous record at the end of December by close to $30 mihon Pacilic Northwest building was down slightly in November with $21,809,584 valuation reported. This was 16 below November last year. Dwellings accounted for $6, 365,033 of this, a figure 10 be low November 1955. Lumber Orders Show Increase J'OHTLAND Wi Lumber or ders nt Western Pine Assn. mills totaled 71,737,000 feet for the week ending Dec, 8. That was a gain of 10,023,000 feet over the previous week but 21 million feet less tlianr the same week a year ago. Shipments totaled 65,838,000 feet, a decrease of 414 million feet from the previous week. Produc tion, including purchases, in creased from the previous week figure of 66,679,000 to 69,715,000 In the latest report. For the year to date, orders are six per cent less than for the same period of 1955, shipments show a decrease of four per cent, and production down one-half per cent. 60 CHINCHILLAS BURN VANCOUVKH. Wash. (UP) Sixty chinchillas were destroyed last mgnt wncn fire damaged a two-story house used to pen the animals near here. Cyrus B. Wood, owner, managed to save three cages containing three ani mals. Firemen said they believed the blaze was caused by defective wiring. "Afomapim xrmoot.. WHfKW FOOD ft 60001 16H4 Phone EM-35016 99' Sunday 128, IS -IAMBUR6I?S 95' jjflh Clean-up Follows N. Santiam Flash Flood Nehru Flying To U.S. Talks NEW DELHI, India WV-Primc Minister Nehru flew toward the United States today for talks with President Eisenhower and other high U. S. officials. President Rajendra Prasad was among those seeing Nehru's party off. The Prime Minister is expect ed to begin his talks with Eisen hower in Washington Sunday. The whole trip will take about 12 days. Those accompanying Nehru in cluded his daughter, Mrs. Indira Gandhi. He Is flying in an Indian airliner to London. There, Eisen hower's plane, the Columbine, will pick him up for the flight to Wash ington. Nehru planned to spend four or five hours in the British capital tomorrow. He might sec Prime Minister Eden, returning today from a vacation in Jamaica. Jury Indicts Congressman SCRANTON, Pa. Ift-A federal grand .Jury late yesterday indicted Hep. William J. Green Jr., Phila delphia s Democratic chairman, a former congressman and five contractors for alleecd "fraud and deceptions" during construction of a huge Army Signal Corps depot at nearby Tobylianna. The grand jury said Green, for mer Rep. Herbert J. McGlincliey, also a Philadelphia Democrat, and the five contractors conspired to circumvent standards and specifi cations in contracts for the 33-million-dciiar depot. The indictments charge that Green, a member of the House Armed Services Committee which was concerned with building the depot, received $10.01)0 p a y o I f money and another $20,000 collect ed illegally through his Philadel phia insurance business. Woman Free of Murder Charge PORTLAND (UPThe Multno may county grand Jury yesterday refused to indict Mrs. Klondcan Kloiftc Allen, 22, of Portland, on n first degree murder charge. Police had booked Mrs. Allen in connection with the fatal shooting of 24-ycnr-old Belly Jean Scott of the same address. She contended the shooting was accidental while 'she was fumbling with the safety catch on a pistol. Police Given Drunk Guide SACRAMENTO, Calif. (.-Cali-fornia highway patrolmen are getting a guide to evaluate drunk drivers. The new enforcement aid a 44 page illustrated booklet eUis.siUes Ihe drinking drivers in six stages of intoxication according to the amount of alcohol in the blood stream: 1. Dry and decent none to .(V per cent. No drinks at all or jut a nip. 2. Delighted and devilish- 05 to .t, per cent. 2 one-ounce shots of whiskey or 2 bottles of beer for an average person. 4 Dazel and dejected .30 per cent, list count of the drink. V Dead drunk 4 per cent. Who caresh bow many drinksh" 6. Dead .5 per cent. At least 15 ounces gulped within a short time, says the coroner. CHINESE TEA GARDEN ltl Chinese Foed QtraH Jrnttiun bod Ioo ViDtlie twlri. I.artr or t)m. l ull m 2!0:3 for lii'iirnutiin Chinese Food to Take Out 162' N. Commercial St. Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday S a.m. A crew of 25 men working under the state highway department supervision are shown piling and burning drift wood and debris from logging operations carried by flash flood down Sardine Creek to form a dam where the stream passes beneath North Santiam highway. At this point the stream backed up, overflowed the high way with drift, and carried away sections .of guard rail. (Capital Journal photo). BBC Depicts Prostitute's Life On TV, Gets But Few Protests LONDON (UP)-The British Broadcasting Corporation showed the life story of a prostitute on television Thursday night and about the only protests today were from viewers who thought ant should not have picked an Ameri can to lead her to ruin. The government-run BBC de voted 90 minutes of its evening tel evision service to a dramatic and analytical portrayal of the problem of prostitution. Nothing was held back in the life story of Jackie the prostitute except the bedroom scenes. In "Without Love" the BBC pre sented what it believed to be the typical life story of a girl gone Anita Ekberg Frees Husband HOLLYWOOD lfl Swedish actress Anita Ekberg early Satur day bailed her husband, British actor Anthony Steel, out of jail after he was arrested on suspi cion of drunk driving. She put up $263 at West Los Angeles police station. Policemen George Toliver and E. R. John said they arrested Steei, 38, as he was driving his wife's sports car 50 miles an hour in a thick fog that limited visibil ity to 100 feet. The officers said Steel sped on for a mile after they turned on their red light and siren. Top Geologist kills Himself DALLAS. Tex. Wi Dr. E. L. Detiolyer, 70. possibly the world's greatest authority on petroleum geology, shot himself to death in his office here Friday. Justice of the Peace Glenn Byrd acting as coroner, ruled it a sui cide. DeC.olyer's fabulous discoveries of oil as early as 1910 shot him into international fame. He also was chairman of the literary weekly, the Saturday Re view f Literature. Hl'BHY Sl'KS ACTItKSS I.OS ANGKIiKS Lfi-Kcal estate developer Martin A. May. 28, is suing actress Anne Bancroft, 24. for divorce. His complaint charged cruelty but pave no details The couple was wed July 1, 19.S3. There have been frequent separations. A financial agreement was signed last Oct. 23. Dance Tonite nd Every Sat. Might Sheridan Eagles Hall 9:30 P.M. to 1 A.M. Admiision S1.00 Western Swing Music By The Silver String Rangers "aMaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar i flfffi St- $1l r DKKS0N" r J l u Mne7s'n.h M Salem Q 7T wrong. Parents had been warned well in advance to decide for themselves whether the story was suitable for their children to watch. The prostitute, played by 25-year old actress Clare Austin, was first seen as a girl of 17 arguing with her low-income parents about the frustrations of teen-age life in a provincial English city slum. Jackie, addicted to heavy make up and tight-fitting sweathcrs, left her grimy home in the industrial mid-lands for the bright lights of London. There she found romance with an American airman who was going to prove to you there's at least one good American in this country." He seduced her and deserted her when she became pregnant. lhat was about the only part ot the show the British public was annoyed at. BBC reported it re ceived only a "negligible" handful of protests, but many persons were reported to have called in and objected that it was a Gl who caused Jackie's downfall. Sen. Steen to Resign Seat PENDLETON (A State Sen. Lowell Steen announced Friday that "for personal reasons beyond my control," he will be unable to represent Umatilla County in the Senate when the Oregon Legisla ture convenes next month. Steen. a Republican, said he bad prepared several bills for in troduction at the session in Sa lem, and it may be necessary for him to be present. However, he said be would formally resign as soon after that as possible. The Umatilla County court will name his successor. Steen, a rancher, is serving his second term as a senator. DA NT SHIP REFLOATED ' POItTLAND (UP The steam-, ship Charles E. Dant, which ran into trouble off the Philippines , recently, has been refloated in ! Mngaycn Gulf and will be moved : to Manila for probable drydocking j this weekend. States Steamship Cmpnny officials said today. They said divers reported no visi-1 ble damage to the vessel which grounded during a storm. j DANCE - T0NITE! DAYTON LEGION HALL Mutic by LYLE and the WESTERNAIRES Every Sat. NigSt :30 to 12:30 A dm. 1.00 T Inc.) I 9 I U.S. to Stress Missile Curbs In Arms Talks New UN Negotiations Expected to Start Early in 1957 WASHINGTON 11 The Eisen hower administration is reported prepared to put new stress on thei desirability of controls for long- range missiles in forthcoming United Nations talks on disarma ment. Renewed U. N. negotiations on the long-stalemated question arejifornia suggest that the universe expected to begin early next year, j may be an "oscillating" thing In preparation, the administration, like a toy balloon that is repeated has undertaken a restudy of U.S. Jly blown up, partially deflated, policy which, officials said, has then blown up again, resulted in no basi. changes. This tentative conclusion is Informants said the major prin-. based in part on studies of stars ciples have been approved by a thousand billion billion miles President Eisenhower after study from the earth and racing out by the Defense, State and other ward at speeds exceeding 60,000 departments. I miles a second. The prospect that the next few I- years will see the development of intercontinental missiles capable of carrying atomic or hydrogen war-heads, it was said, has led to a conclusion that new emphasis should be put on this type of weapon. Accordingly, missiles will be added specifically to the list of weapons which this country will advocate should be made subject to limitation and control of an in ternational arms agreement. There is little real hope, how ever, that any U.S. emphasis on long-range missile, controls will have much effect in dissolving the main obstacle which has blocked efforts at an effective arms reduc tion agreement for the past 10 years. This is Western insistence on some ironclad system of inspection as contrasted ith Soviet Russia's refusal thus far to open her terri tory to international inspection teams. Some slight hope has been gen erated here by the latest proposal from Soviet Premier Bulganin for aerial inspection system to extend approximately 500 miles on each side of the Iron Curtain. The hope is that this may in dicate some lessening of Russian objections to the "open skies" pro posal which Eisenhower made at the Geneva summit conference jn 1955. He recommended that Rus sia and the United States open their skies to mutual aerial in spection. Administration insistence on; some form of aerial inspection re, mains unchanged, officials said, j Interest Open On GI Loans WASHINGTON uwrhe Veterans Administration said today lenders may stipulate that GI home loans now being negotiated shall bear the highest interest rate permis sible when the loan is closed. This was a recognition of the possibility that the new Congress may increase the maximum GI home loan interest rate, now 44 per cent. GI home loan activity had dropped off, in part because of a shortage of available investment money. NEWBERRYS 241 N. Liberty OPEN TONIGHT! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ENDS Hgpj' STARTS TOMORROW-OPEN 1:30 20"- Ct .Mt4 04 Deduction VAN JOHNSON VERA MJLB ZJfecesto J Baker Street CECIL PARKER -m-HENRY EPHRON I I -PLUS- Astronomers Detect Evidences Universe Expansion May Stop By FRANK CAREY WASHINGTON Tentative rpnorted todav that the universe may be expanding at a dnu'cr rale This challenge to the concept of many astronomers mat tne cos mos will forever continue to Dai- loon out into an undefined void was contained in the annual re- port of the Carnegie institution ot Washington, privaie rescarcn body. It said studies made by astron omers at Larnegie s mi. n uson 'and Palomar observatories in Cal- Jeanette and Nelson to Sing Together for 1st Time on TV By ALINE MOSBY United Press Hollywood Writer HOLLYWOOD (UP) After 15 years, the movies' most romantic screen couple even though each married another walks into a tel evision studio Thursday night to sing together again. Back in 1941 Jeanette Mac Donald and Nelson Eddy ended those MGM movies they did to gether, and no more does he bound through the forest in his Mountie uniform or gaze at her in rapture while she sings, "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life." Today's young movie-goers know only such screen combinations as Piper Laurie and Tony Curtis and Elvis Presley and his ' sideburns. But to us oldsters MacDonald Eddy successes such as "Naughty Marietta," "Rose Marie" and "Maytime" were memorable films even though Eddy's acting was understated, to put it mildly, and the stories were sugary. Television Milestone Thus TV fans will see a mile stone when Miss MacDonald and her celluloid swain reunite for their first television appearance on the Lux Video Theater's special holiday musical show over NBC. This is quite exciting, the spirited, vivacious Miss MacDon ald declared today. Vi e ve been asked to appear on television be fore but one 'of us always has been busy. We finally made it this time because one of Nelson's club dates was cancelled." I The MacDonald-Eddy combina- ! tion began in 1934 and established j screen history until the couple's contract ended. . "I did not want to stay because j I would rather be remembered j kindly by fans for our good pic- BAND INSTRUMENT RENTALS $2.00 Per Month THE MUSIC CENTER 493 Center St. TONITE! Award Winning Comedy "DOCTOR AT SEA" VistaVision and Color - r5 t wakny ej. HENRY HA1HAWAT . "-- " i NIGEL BALCHIN CINMaSOPI w MaDison - Jean Pierre Aiimoht The Carnegie astronomers said their "still too crude observe tions. if confirmed, would mean that "the expansion of the uni- verse) will eventually siop, am contraction will set in Other astronomers said if the concept proves to be sound, such oscillating of the universe would take place gradually over billions and billions of years. They said the Carnegie report constitutes the first observed evi dence, however tentative, to sup port the theory of an oscillating universe, which is not a new one. Still another concept held by some astronomers is that the uni verse is a steady thing one that never has expanded or con tracted as a whole, although in dividual star systems within it may do so. Astronomers generally define the universe as including matter, en ergy and space. Many say it. is ex panding to some degree. They tures than for those dreadful pic lures the studio later wanted me to do," she explained. During the past 15 years Miss MacDonald has been a successful concert artist, with an occasional TV appearance, while Eddy turned to night club and concert work. But their , fans did not forget them. Letters Flattering "I think it would be great fun if we.did another movie." Both Eddy and Miss MacDonald were single during their team days,-but for reasons known to them they wed others. This, how ever, has not stopped fans from thinking they are husband and wife. "People ask Nelson about his wife, Jeanette, and fans call my husband, Gene Raymond, Mr. Eddy." the singer said. "Some times Gene goes along with the idea and signs his autographs Nelson Eddy. "Nelson and I used to date each other before I married Gene," she added thoughtfully. "We always have been good friends, but, well, it was just never a romance." ' OLD-TIME DANCE Larson's Orchestra Over Western Aula , Every Saturday Night Admission 50c Larry ah, Cascade Range Riders "The Northwest's Finest Western Band" Aumsville Pavilion Every Sat. Nite Starts The Greatest Of AR Adventure Classics! ta kill tor kBli 9n! TWO YEARS BEFORE Thejviast LADD DONLEVY WTUltM BARW BENDTX ITTZGERALD The Greatest Western Adventure of Them All! Joel SleCrea Brian Donlevy "THE VIRGINIAN" Both Theatres Continuous foerytmngoin; Tlic jiuiii: 3 They were caught with their I SCANDALS I SHOWINGI Maureen O'HARA John FDRSYTHE wTimHQVEY 1'fUm.tH concede they have no present an swer to the question of what "space" can expand into. Dr. Caryl P. Haskins, president of Carnegie, said confirmation o. the ML Wilson Palomar data "may allow conclusions of a fun damcntal and far-reaching nature about the geometry of space, and about (he mean (average) density of matter in the universe." END ADvance for 7am est Dec 14 Meet Set on Milk Request PORTLAND to Directors of me urcgon Milk Producers Assn. will meet here Monday to consid er a request by Portland area dairymen for a milk price in crease. Meanwhile, the monthly federal-state dairy report showed that milk production in Oregon was lower than last year despite a national increase. Milk prices here were reported to compare favorably with other western states. November production in Oregon was estimated at 77 million pounds, 3 per cent below a year ago, while U.S. production was up 1 per cent. Mickey Mantle is the first to lead the American League in home runs two years in succession since 1942 when Ted Williams did it. SCANDINAVIAN SMORGASBORD Dinner Entrees $2.50 Rttirvitiom Prtftrrtd 1 p.m. lo S p.m. Sunday Only Kari's Smorgasbord 'CASH NITE' T0NITE CRYSTAL GARDENS ADMISSION 80c ENDS TONIGHT! "Davy Croekett and the River Pirates" "Boom Town" Sunday! by popular 44mqn4t Show from 1 P.M. Today! HELD OVER 'ft - f f' ft l, T 7. Jock Mahonejr "I'VE LIVED BEFORE" In Cinemascope and Color "PIGSKIN PEEWEES" A Selected Short Subject WITH yjjfcf lW AM