THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December, 15, 1958 BOO Real Estate & & 9 Fll Ml 850 Automotive 806 Houses For Sale 852 Used Cart For Sol FOR SALE BV OWNER 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Keal Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate Page 8 Section 2 OPEN SUN. 1-430 I bdrms., 2 baths, living rm. & fireplace. Dining rm.. kitchen all on 1 floor. Obi. attach, ga rage, covered patio, daylite nasemrni, on nrai, 1050 Glen Creek Rd. EM 4-6612 Open House Luxurle In The Clouds. Built h Mrs. Nest. Matter Builder of Fine Homes. This 126,500 Home Has everything. lnter-Com Syitem. 3 fireplaces, 3 sets of plumbing. Built-in Range. Built-in Dishwasher. Beautiful Birch Flnori. Luxurious Paneling. Tremendous View. " i Bedrooms. Yes, we will consider your home in trade. Open from 3-5 Sundav 1425 Aerial Way. Go out jringie itoaa to Aerial Way, then left. Don doughton showing. SMALL 2 hdrm. larjje lot, shrubs It flowers t200Q cash or Sat it Sun only Ph. 2 0460. By Owner: West Salem, 2 bdrms. basement, fireplace. F.A. heat, sun deck patio. Large view lot. 111,500. Ph. 4-1498 after 6 p.m. $500 DN. on 6 rm. house partly furn. on ',i acre, $45 mo. 4-370!l WHY PAY RENT When you can buy a new 3 bed room with 1500 ft. floor space A home you'd be proud to own. Very attractive termi. and low down payment. A real opportunity for respoiv sibJe people. Fine location or So. Lancaster. For particulars NORTHWEST LAND CO. 1748 CENTER ST.. SALEM CM 3-0.1 1H EVE. EM 2-0105 OWNER WILL SHOW OPEN HOUSE AT 6A3 CI .AO. MAR WAY. Drive out Center si. z diocks past Lancaster Dr. Owner transferred. . Drive by at your convenience Sat. and bun. ana inspect this top qual ity 3 bedroom home. Price an.itwi. terms and closing an it need cu iiiniusn i. a. jauuii SEN, REALTOR. Ph. J 7B. 1100 DN. SS a mo. neat J Ixlrm. home with lawn, shruba & fenced in yard with small rot. taire in hack. Price $10,000. Ph. I DS7J. THE FINEST GIFT OF ALL WHAT FINER. CimiSTMAS GIFT, than a HOMF. she can rail her own? WOO down will put you In a nice little two bedroom home that will abso- juteiy tnrlJf her with its neat ness and attractiveness. ItflVl down will itive you a BRAND NEW 3 bedroom home, double garage, fireplace, birch kitch en and every tblnf that she wou'd really LOVE to have. (111,0601 Why don't YOU make this a REAL XMAS? Call EM ,4-7fl. Eve: Dick Uison, tM 44163, TED MORRISON, Realtor 260 jf, HIGH PH. EM 447m .NEW a bdrm. hse., ljfliv. rm. din. tin., nook, Inside tittl., I'j plumbing, all assessments In & pd. Might trade equity lor ren tal. Price I13.H00. f,oc. 2445 Edgewood Ave. Earl Seamster, Bldr. Ph. 4-35fi!. KEIZER Large restricted lots with all Im provement! m such as curbs, paved street, water & lights. H"1dn A'Tfi SuMlvUinti 0. H. DUNCAN. RI.DR. R18 JJcnnla Lane Pn. E.Y1 4133 MR OWNERI Glen Wood ry will pay lop price ft your furn. e appliances. Ph. 3-fillO. KEIZER 'SPECIAL" $500 DOWN & you'll have your "own home" (or Xmas, 3 bdrms., fireplace, tip . top shape. Lovely large lot. Walk ing distance to irhools & shops; Nee tndsv for S'MM Eves Ph. tlrewian 4-7328 or Mangles 4-8089. CLUETT&KENYON RKALTORS rwn Talrenmndi ltd. Ph 2 MSI Ut'ItTZ liENT-A Tia'CK Ph. S-60H2 BY BUILDER New 3 bdrm. custom built home cholce location Ph 2-70J1 1 YR. old large "j "bdrm.." rtM. Kir , fenced ya rd. Ph. 4-3?ao. KEIZER See the Quality ! Before It's Built I bednn. in reslrU-ted dis trict under construction. BUY NOW It ttfii iifmh tt to vour specification, t rame V ronf u completed Family room, bslh 'i, buill in range t oven, large ardrote storage ahove garage. A quality built home 0. H. DUXCAN, RLDR. 818 t"l Lane $3.S5A 3 bdrm. horTi'wltn 'hath". riKim V utll , large lot ft. CiOOd ttlftt'k Soil. MllilH chicken house, etra good well paved street. N K. Gid trnm' VM C. A. Walters Hltr. 2 6714 or 4 6305 WKRY NEAT AND COMFORTABLE) S bedroom home South good location. Living room, Dimng room. K lli-hen and Noos Utility room, Attached garage Oh. Yes a nice fireplace Cn George C. Meed. Ke. 3 OiW. r Don MAtTUtla.J'V - ft 120 Court VlL -1H04 806 Houses For Sola i SUNDAY (Salem's Best Buys in New Homes) ii Attractive lot with large Cottonwood trees fc L-shaprd home with large tront porch it All cedar paneled don ix 3 bedrooms . . . Hi baths v'r Zolotonc kitchen . . . utility with birch cabinets fr Excellent terms . . . 113,800 4772 Lone Oak Road (Out Liberty Road to Boone. Turn LEFT follow signs) TED MORRISON REAL ESTATE 2fi0 N. HICK ALL THE COMFORTS: This wtll built vr. old home with large living rm., dining rm., breakfast nook Ac utility rm. 2 bdrms. with extra bednn. over garage, The garage is a large double one. Call Mr. VanMeter. WILL TRADE for acreage with 3 bdrm home, this S yr. old 2 oearoom nnuse on sunnyvlew. Nice clean hom Ht lot. Price 16300. Call Mr. ElUng. TO THE MAN WITH WISDOM, oorm. noma icuin t, via. ota wiin ige. living rm. fireplace ic paneling across end of room. Dining rm.. Ige. utility. Wall to wall carpeting In liv. hall & 3 bdrms. Beautiful bath with lota of bulltlns. Garden hse., swimming pool 20x40 fenced. Unique outdoor fireplace, plus fruit Ar shrubs. All this for $14,250. with $2000, down. Call Mrs Graham BUILDING SITE. 1 acre, some on terms, izuw.uu, iau Mr. DO YOU WANT DUPLEXES OR your own specifications, we nave two ige, ton on sewer rv ctty water In R-2 zone. Good rental district. Lots have over 22000 sq. ft. Both for $3250. Call Mr. Hick.. FULLY EQUIPPED GARAGE This Is a first class garage & doing a good business. Reasonable rnt. Equipment ie stock at In ventory. Call Mr. Hicks. ROfr TODD 231$ State St. 322 North Church St. Ph. 4-3.111 $1000. DOWN Will ptit you Into this well kept yr. oin nome wun nice aizen living rm., dining rm. and kitchen comh., sepnrnte utility rm., big bdrms. and bath. St, paved and on city sewer, It's a value at only $6300. Call N. G. "Dan" Isaak tvt. Ph. 3-82D7, SPACIOUSNESS Not h in B tn front of you but winderful East Vlev In thli 1700 aq. ft. of lovable home. New. large family rm., bdrms.. P, baths, dble ga rage. One look ran convince you this home la for vou. Easy nnvn payment ioo. run prire $18,500. Call Edna Morgan, eve. Ph. 4 6038. 127 ACRES Gently rolling, well-drained land. I'Hiiiy men. iiu aires in rum vation. Suitable for grnss nr grain. Suver Dlnlrlcl. $11.. 000. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. Ph. 4-5020. VARIETY STORE Good setup for man and wife Very clean stock. Shows good income. Closed hotldnvs and Sundavs. Ooen n in -v. List ol equip, and fixtures In cluded in the iuli price of $1Nfl plus Jnvcntorv. Call Al Isaak, eve. Ph. 3 3558. WE NEED LISTINGS LICKNSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Eve. Ph. 4-5020. 2-0180. 4-6038, 2-8018. 1-7108, 3-3558 If no answer, dial 4-2248 SUNDAY 2:00 TO 5:00 1374 Marilyn The look for 1P57 big fireplace In roomsfamily room with fireplace double plumbing built-in nven. rsnse. and dishwashn Why not come out and pay us there to ahow you thru. Eve. DRIVK OUT PKINGLK ROAD. (1ST STRKKT NORTH OF WILL UK UP. 477 Court St. Buy Rail Valu m With Confidant fHFMFKFTA hl'MUHPAM BAM" 4 bedrooms l't haths oni 8 eart old, All haiduottii !! tors. New (i K. Automatic oil furnace Has nice yard wtth some (nut tree and farden prt. I S Mock to bus stop. Ow ner movine In Calirorma. Pi li e I92.V) 1 1010 im ten, will hanille. Call Den Kiarr m.j or at home J-li'lW, OVKR 100 Ai'll KS rui.i.Y Km'IPl'KD. C.tmblnt tractor., Irrigation etjutpmenl llent water. Stuck including 1M hend ho 2i0 layini hen Thim w.-uid make tne ben farti to mall and school, ilus at Surfaced road 4 bedroom home ia ith modern cotu eni encei. Low don pavHient Fav terms Call Ben Griffith 4 M.J or te. Sun call 3 ITfct ThU ideal location for the tarn lumily IU. a 3 vear old Vilh 1740 s(1 (t, flnor ,,,., 3 m.-e hrrirtunw. lUlte hm,u; r.viai um (irftjw'r vtrri -uti. bum ki.'aa h rea rwuVfwl sjecrH iMwuiiri) ne tiliieo. f vJ3 tuiu Dae W KIU"UI rtvd Ca-Sj xirmi iVl V5rO rt)cjw SrV0 v "t W . 806 Houses For Sale 2 TO 5 P.M. LIBERTY GARDENS PHONE EM 4-87(8 you can't afford to pass this by. trees, east close In. Can b bought loan. TRIPLEXES. Why not build to REAL ESTATE Phone 2B591 Mrs. Graham 44748; We Specialize In Trades or J-7M0 SOMETHING NICE For the whole family we offer you this clean, newly decor ated ft mom home lontd n a 'a ncre lot. Insulated, wea ther stripped, HW iioorb, vcn. blinds. Lots of fruit, shrubs, and nice lawn. Out of stntc owner says, "Sell for $600 down." Full price only $to,250. Call Mr. Sword, eve. Ph. 2 8048. LUCKY FOR YOU That we can offer this appeal- Ing one story home with big living rm. and frpl.. birch kitchen with nice brk. area, extra large bdrms. bath. HW floors and located close t o schools and Iransp. Only $10, 2.10, Call Edna Morgan, eve, Fh. 4-0038. 4 ACRES BEST SOIL Edge of Lake Lahlsh. Alt Irrl- moo. ciean modern outer-type bdrm. home, Nice yard, chicken house, some stock and! equipment Included, Priced at just $A500, Call Mr. Crawford, eve. Ph. 4-3010. BUSINESS BLDG. 40 hv 50 bldg. for lease. Onlv $173 per mo. i-aruing spare to be provided. Will chance fro-M of hlltMtnr to f't t' -l. Call Al Isaak, eve. Ph. 3-3583, kitchen It's dtfferenl-3 bed a vlIP-Ralph Maddy will be phone EM-234B8 TURN RIGHT ON MARILYN W0ODACRK DR.) -SIGNS Thone EM-24115 Buying - Building PHONE 6873 A LITTLE JCWKL OF A HOMK Located suburban N K. 2 bed room only 3 vis, old. Owner moved to Idaho and anvunis In sell. lLtOO full pn.-e 0M) wtll handle. F.7. monthly ptv mentft. Call Pean Klrr 4 1UT3 or Eve. k Sun. call 2 7OW0. 5 ACItKS WITH V K A H ROl'ND t'HKLK 3't A pasture, 3 bed room home, chicken house, work shop, double car ate, fnimlv orchard. LiViitrd near St ay ton. Asking $ For appointment lo see call lis le Itavtnirn 4 W73 e. and Sun call J 2043. INCOMK PHOHKKTY 1 build Ingi on 1 lot. Each building has 3 apts. Two have I bed room fii-ri 2 hae 1 bedrootnt each. Cood linrallon. m alklne dutanre to town. Income (i.ij m i'ti l'i Ken Imv. P-n-ed at fJJ.JOO, f nw down, Balance 1 1 on ier month Call Henr hund t tee 4 W73. Eve. it 8mm. csrfl 4 H KM(TH Sal KM moil DIS T8 K'T l.ffflr ll ine room w iDYvrtoi-e lar-fi r.vate ti'w 4 arVren'ii -. nn.u'hr Siu.itt, wtr emfr let. 9 r t DI M 4nrS PsUMrw eta Jlrt4Wl aUOSJH A Htm Ktat: A ttlla 806 Housts For Sol 2 5 P.M. SUNDAY DEC. 16, 1956 1705 CHURCH STREET Owner transferred, 4 bedrooms, living room with fireplace, separate dining room, kitch en, full dry basement with nice party room, utility, fruit storage, forced air oil heat. Close to schools and shop ping, bun by door. Price 1 650. Dale Rayburn will show. Call EM 4-6875 or eve. & Sun. EM 2-2045. RAWLINS REALTY; 605 CHEMEKKTA Phone EM 4-U1S BEAUTIFUL REASONS NOT JUST so many rooms in mis new nome, out real anfl tangible reasons for being out standing. Consider for one. m inspiring view irom the Ing room, kitchen, hreakfjit room anrj ramiiy room! tnlov an impressive entrance hall with transparent paneling with Imbedded butterflies and autumn leaves! See for your self one of the most hejuiti. fully done kitchens In Sale n todav. and walk Into the laro iinuy room wnn tne quaint, turn of the centurv. wall. paper. This is a quality home uiruujfnnui. us tea lor SI 8,500. Call EM 4-67M for appl Ev.e: Ted Morrison tM J-j S04C. TED MORRISON, Realtor 260N. HIGH PH. KM 4-67btt By Owner: Move Into 3 bVrmT. Liv. rm., frpl., din. rm., kit., tile. hath, garage. lawn in. fenced, patio & extras. Immd poss. G. I. Loan. Dn. pym't has been lowered since Drevl ous ad & is offered for last i lino mr sacriiice at quick sale. See at 4340 McKay Dr. Drive oui a. L.mertv ltd. to Mltf turn right to McKay. See any time Sat.. Sun.. Mon. LOW DOWN PAYMENT Modern at norm, nouse located in St. Vincent Dist. Attached tarn a enclosed bark porch. Priced to sen. uniy $i.aou. owner will enrry contract. Ask for Phil Murray. Phone 3-B238. Eve: Dalhs MA 3-21)33. SOUTH SALEM Close to High niiiuui, muucm i norm, noi furnished, furniture In exc lent condition. Fireplace, s age. Large lot, fruit. Price $11,750. For particulars ask for r.a enredcr. Ph. 3-9238. Eve 3-7B25. Oregon Development (.nmilAnv Ppjilfnrci 318 N. Church St. Ph. 3-02.1i BY OWNER 3 bdrm. house. bum., West Salem choice lo cation. $9,800. Terms. Shown by appt. Ph. 3-7838. $500 DOWN. $80 mo. 3 bdrm. nome. me Dam. frpl.. birch kitchen, forced air neat. 3120 Edward Dr. Owner 2-8148. JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR. Let us solve your h me needs. o miv, sen or item call It. 4-5743 1211 Edgewater H. 4-7874 2710 So. Comm'l. A HEAP OF LIVING i this Lovely English Style Hume. 3 large bedrooms l'i b.iths- Spacious Dining Room. Plus Cheery Breakfast Nook. Full Dry Basement. Benutlful Ltndscaped lot. 100x120. Plentv of room for garden. Fruit trees. This house was Ow ner n.nii i. it.. k.. ,.. mrd. Nenr Grade A Parochial i M-nooi. si.i.wo. can rave seal Evca. 4-35M. O on UoujdMoh or 320 Court BY OWNER - 4 t. old 2 -bdrm. home, att itt. a nr. Low down oav- ent 17 850. 34 IS tlvdo Ki Ph. 4 4951. BY BUILDER lO'i DOWN MOVER YOU IN TODAY -OR BUILD TO SUIT ED Fist' HER, PH. 4-58:13 IN C l Zone North. w x too cor". ner lot A ad. 30 x 100 lot harti lot ha a 3 bdrm. house wun concrete bsm'l, Eire, ren tal record. Fine dbl. gar., suit able for shop on Corner $13, two Kcas. dn. nymt. Ph. 4-2434 nk. ends or after 3:.t0 p.m. CAPITOL CENTER YOU'LL enjoy the "convenient" location of this "deliahiiul" home. Lovely din. rm., 3 good sued btlrms. tplus an utifin lihed rm. up) full basement. A oil (urnace. Prtced a i F H A. '. Own- ' Ing Ul listen to reasonable oficr. Fvrv i'h. Mamies 4-S''8: or nrennan 4-T3JI. CLUETT&KENYON. RKALTORS IM0 Fairgrounds Ttd. Ph. 3-33S1 Ql'ALlTY Homes Built To Pleaae. We w ill build to fit your family & your budget. An low as 2 pet dn plus closing mala IC. I ) HAMILTON PI. OR PH. 3 oa. 'Member of Salem Home nidrs. Attn." WOODED LOT DISCOVER WITH PLEASURE that ou don't have to own $?o'0P0 home to en'ov m outntanding ittink Tne entire rear ard l ove: hndowed 1 osk), ithcret a firepla-e there, tool. The hon e i nt and clean. I bedroom T'.-c i hure Jut J.'TiW CI' EM 4-(tTP or Eve: Mai j.m ie Fanning FM 4-tW-W. ri-a.nDHDRRISON, Realtor 806 Houses for Sol PRIVATE! I ATTRACTIVE! I ROOMY! ! This spacious 3 bedroom home on 'j acre lot has 2 fireplaces, 2 baths and an abundance of closet space and built-lni. Ov ersize garage with extra storage space lawn At shrubbery In a beauti ful setting among trees Call Henry Torvend to show you this lovely home. g'ii m m DUPLEX Owner will lake offer this property will sell before Christmas so call Ralph Maddy now snd see what a good Investment you can make Jive in one side, let the rent take care of the jjeiyrncms. JUST Spacious 2 bedroom home only 8 years old fireplace In living room walk-In closets pecan floors separate utilltv Just 2 blocks from Englewood School price only $9,500. HERE'S ONE OF SANTA'S PRIZE PACKAGES Built for admiration on beautiful river view lot the spacious rooms and lavish use of wood and tile tells you It's way above average, but It has the features that women prefer entrance hall, triple plumbing, lovely covered out-door patio, radiant heat and 2nd fireplace in den unusually fine landscaping Call Adrienne Sercombe for appointment. SUBURBAN $230 down, bal $45.00 per month small acreage and small home locatea wonneasi on pivea road, large garage & workshop drilled well nice garden apace full pnee Juit 14,750.00 oee sianiey orown. LISTINGS NKEDKD - QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU 477 Court St. Phone '-4115. 2-411A. 2-4117 Eve.; Henry Torvend 3-36:t2. Rxlph Maddy 2-3488. Loun Lorenz 3-5590, Adrienne Sercombe 4-142, Stanl Jrown 2-551. SUNDAY 2 TO 5 4880 C0L0MA ' OUT LIBERTY RD. TO BOONE RD. 'TURN LEFT. WATCH FOR SIGN'S. THIS You'll be tjonvlnced this Is TODAY'S BEST BUY! It has all you huuiu "i fin i in a new nome, ana more man you would EXPECT at this aina?ing low price. 3 bedrms , family rm., dining rm. too. Extra y, bath, separate util. rm., dblc. garage. Ceramic tile. Insulated Patio, sliding glass doors. SEE THIS A BARGAIN AT: $13,500.00 Edna Morgan will show. AL ISAAK & CO.. REALTORS 322 NortN Church St. Ph. KM-43311 or EM-.17S20 LET'S TRADE Neat and at- tractive z Ddrm. home v large trade lot. Price $1)500. Will for 3 bdrm. home in South or West Salem, Up to HO.UUU. LALLi M. A. auAYAIUN Mc KINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT- 2 yrs. old, 3 bdrm. home. Ranch tvpe with l'i plbg.. Ige. Hv. rm. 2.1 x 13. large lot land scaped bv Nelson Nursery. This Is an exceptionally well built home. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON VIEW PROPERTY Modernistic 3 tKlrm. semi-spilt level home. Lots of windows. This Is an unusual home. Beautiful pro fesslonal landscaped yard. For detnils. . . CALL RALPH- BRUCE LOVELY FAMILY HOME on Nob Hill. From Its gracious liv. rm. and din. rm. to its practical activity room in the basement, this home Is Ideal 3 bdrms., 2' baths, auto, oil forced air heat, dhle. garage. Convenient to all schools. $18.1150. CALL J. E. LAW PLEASE STOP IN AND PICK GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 180 SOUTH LIBERTY ST. PH. 2-2471 Evening ft Sunday call Salesmen J E. l aw 3-31 IS. O. V. Hum( J-52M. Balph Bruce 2-MII, Ron Hudkini .1-8712 Mrs. Richardson 4-6981, Walt Socol QMky 3.88:15. H. K. Layman .-5507. SUNDAY FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. AT 4142 ROSELLE GO OUT LIBERTY RD. TO BROWNING TURN LEFT TO ROSELLE TURN RIGHT TO 4142 ROSELLE. TIE A. BIG RED BOW On the front door. If the Ideal Christmas gift for the whole fam- ily. See this tasleiully decorated home with a nice family room, nversUed living rm Urge bedrms. tnote the lovely closets). l' baths uith ceram ic tile. FA oil heat and located in uch a convenient area. Don t drive by, stop and see lor yourself. ONLY $12,950.00 MR. GORDON CRAWFORD WILL SHOW. AL ISAAK & 322 North Church St. TAKE YOUR CHOICE of NEW 3-bdrm. homes. SOUTH, off Liberty Bd. at 2M and 29fc Mne Rd. You'll be proud to own one of these lovely new homes, with birch cabinets, plastered garages, breakfast nook and living and dining rooms large enough lor holiday entertaining. The down payment Is $500 bill If you hsve good credit, we will allow you time to raise this amount. Open for vour inspection Sat. and Sun. after noons. Ph. Owner-Builder, EM 4-412. A REAL WE offer this new and modern home on corner lot with elbow spa.-e located lust 10 mtnutea drive from Court House. In a JlihdtViOon that hi nverl .t-..ta onrtu nii atria...-. Ik. Abundant mater and fire protection, also has an efticient nramaee syneiT. j oioctts from uitn larie closet scare, a ftm; room i finished Early Am erican) facinf nortf Good TV receotioa and fir p. LR on smith with extra Isrte lovelv freplaie. kttcben wttb e.i'in snce. lots of bul1t-tn. inr-iudinf oven and ranfe i bath off kitc'ien. l.acee bat nh U!- stll bower. ntde uti'itv, double tJirife. Built by Frank North. Triced r;ilt with vety ihhJ tei nif . Abrams Skinner. Inc. ill Masonic UKAl ESTATE PHONE HtU 806 Houses For Solo Kudr Calaea LISTED IS IT CANDALARIA - West View . Beautitullv anno tn ted horn heated and filtered swimming pool. 18 x 24 living room in Rare lea manogany. uen dwood. 3 lee. hvtrmn lit 44 family room, birch kitchen, dishwasher, 3 fireplaces. 2 baths. Let us show you all the features oi mis line nome. CALL RON HUDKINS PRICE JUST REDUCED to jij.y&u. on tnts z1, acres south. Nice 2 bdrm. plastered house with basement, new oil fur nace, small 1 bdrm. guest house. Barn. Owner might con sider 3 bdrm. house close in on trade. $250. DOWN - $3950. TOTAL i'Hiuh uiean 3 room home. Rooms are not small. Bath. Attached garage. 50 x 100 lot. This home la a good buy. CALL O. V. HUME CABINET SHOP with separate spray room plus attractive 3 rm. home. Also does Znllstone 8c Cello finish. Owner leaving Salem. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY UP YOUR 1597 CALENDAR and warmth atvina flreolace .1 CO, REALTORS Ph. EM -4 Mil or EM-37820 HOME trade school. Home nan 1 BR rvilding ! INSURANCE MORTGAGE t.OAVS i EVES; 173M of KIM 806 Houses For Sale ;e SUNDAY 2 TO H 3485 KEEN AVE. (OFF LANSING AVENUE) NEW. Quality built. Lovely pan eled den (or third bdrm. i. Double garage. Price $13,750 Reasonable down payment win nanaie. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION! CLUETT&KENYON REALTORS 1080 Fairgrounds Rd. EM 2-3S5I EVES. PH. Brcnnan EM 4-733 or Mangles EM 4-8B89 KEIZER DIST. $8200 Very neat and clean 3 bedroom home. One bedroom finished in knotty pine, would make excellent don. Large lot. Util ity room. Oil furn. Plastered Hardwood floors. Double drive way. See this. Ml&ht trade for close In home. Call Johnson. Eve. Ph: Em 3-3858. MORNINGSIDE DISTRICT 2 bedroom, dining room, bath, well arranged kitchen, good circ. fireplace, large size lot, only 9 yrs. old. One block to Mornlnrslde school. Total price $5950. $050 dn. $60 per month, no loan cost. Call Lucas Eve. Ph: Em 3-9388. SMALL HOUSES 2 small houfes. $50.00 down $20.00 & $35.00 per mo. Call Rich L. Relmann Eve. Em 3 3284. CAN YOU MATCH THIS? Dairy farm, Tillamook Co. near Clovordale. Fullv eaulDDd.1 but no cows. $25,000. Down $2,000. Bal. U of monthly milk check. Will c.nslly support 30 enws. call men l.. tteimann Eve. Ph: Em 3-3284. REIMANN REAL ESTATE PICTURE OF TRANQUILITY HIGH ON THE HILL and se cluded, too. this br ck front English style home can take care of someone s famllv tor a long time to come. FOUR bedrooms, basement, TRF.ES, inside and outside rtrepiace, NOT MANY NEIGHBORS, f you're so Inclined. A. well built home, for SIB. 500. Call EM 4-8766 Eve: Cordova Ste phenson EM 4-Q149. TED MORRISON, Realtor 260 N. HIGH PH. EM 4-6766 808 Lots For Sale LRG. Suburban Rldg. lot located EasL EM2-78O0. 2 LOTS for sale In West Salem $1,000 & $1,400. Ph. 2-1513. Pirm For Sale 42 acres bet of soil, enst on Malt? St. A location with a I future. 4 bedroom modern home. 40x(M warehouse. 20x60 shed. Railroad on back of place, long frontage on pave ment. Now for sale at farm price. $30,000.00, terms. NORTHWEST LAND CO. 1748 CENTER ST., SALEM EM 3-9312 EVE. EM 2-0105 40 acre rch. good house, pasture, creek, sprg. water, with 12 hd. stock, cat. tractor, etc. $3500 dn. or take smal Itrallcr house $10,000. Carlson Realty, Mi-Minnville. FRUIT FARM Ten acres apples, cherries, pears, and cane berries. Very close in on good highway. Very nice 3 B.R. home with flre- flace. Near school. Nets about 4.000 yearly. This Is one of the best fruit farms in the val lev. Terms or possible trade. Price $16,800. Salem Properties .JOHN J. DAN'N, REALTOR 387 N. High St. Phones 2-1333, Ralchko iwt Bick Si KaschJl0- -WI.BrauItek. 4-3320 Jim west w River no. i Acre. Price Sl.ffOOOO See W. G. KM'ECF.R REALTOR Ph. 3-4728 147 N. Commercial SALE OR trade by owner 4 Acres S. modern mansion type 5 bdrm. home, new deep welts-. Slenty water for irrigation, ust 4 j miles to Candalarla shopping district, school bus by door. $12,300, terms or will con sider clear property to $8,000. 2 miles out Skyline road, left ' 4 mile at Rosedale sign. Rt. 4. Box 663. BY OWNER, 5. 10 or 15 A tracu of good, well drained soil. 7 mi. from 4 Corners. Ph. 2-4641. 9 ACRES Rovat Ann cherries S E . $2,500 $230 down. $30 per month. Eve. ph. 4-2714. 812 Exch. Real Estate TRADE Silverton S bdrm. home I and Woodhurn income propert alue $.15 000 for a good grain ; larm in E.O. uak. rreier i 11 row n. M.r.h.l nr SMn-rtnH. i County E. Ha beck. 1590 N. Pac, W(Kxiburn, Ore. B 1 8 Wanted, Real Estate DO YOU OWS A HOUSE that " ,D'm'"'. nre iiMnj A hitcfien m. -breakfast n.Hk. dbl. r.i(te. 2 or 3 bdrms. on a nicely landscaped lot in a a xxl li t itu n dote to bus or State o(fa-e Buildmo' We h e a cash buve" who uili oa ilI0Xl to SljOOO for a nou e th t .;nsners lfii de scription Ca!l Dorothv t"irjjj ("- iiirther inform a lion, E.cs- Nelson & Nelson 1390 RKALTORS S. Commercial Ph. 1 3669. mi S. High Ph: Em 3-9203 806 Houses For Sole OPEN SUNDAY DEC. 16 FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. ' 1260 EAST EWALD AVE. YOUR DREAM CAN BE A REALITY See this New Beautifully Designed and Constructed home In Mnrninxsiide District featuring such outstanding ,vaiues as a very unique 3 bedroom arrangement, utility room that is ex ceptionally well planned, a family kitchen built for Ideal living, dble. att. earase. extra 'alf btah n-i a ver attractive exterior of Knotty Pine & Shake, DOLLAR WISE IV wonderful value. ONLY: $14,950.00 MR. DAN ISAAK WILL SHOW AL ISAAK & 322 North Church St. CHOICE OF HOTPOINT RANGE. OR DRYER. OR BROTHERS SEWING MACHINE. OR 14" PORTABLE T. V. SET (MODELS MAY BE SEEN IN HOMESI INCLUDED WITH PURCHASE OF NEW CONTEMPORABY HOMES FEATURING THREE BEDROOMS BEAM CEILINGS THRUOUT BIRCH KIT CHENS DELCO FORCED AIR HEAT LARGE LOTS $500 DOWN. ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER COSTS FULL PRICE 89.900 TURN LEFT AT SIGN ONE BLOCK NORTH OF KZlZER SCHOOL PH. EM-4S533, ROBERT B. SULLIVAN BUILDER. OPEN HOUSE Sunday 11 to 5. Lge. t bdrm. home. S blocks from St. Vincents. Near shopping center and bus. Lge. liv. room with fireplace, separate din. room, lge kit with breakfast area, 5 lge closets and attic storage, uii iorca air neat unora ana storm winaows. uarage & snop area. Shake ex terior. 8 yrs. old. $1,400 down payment or will consider trade, Immed. possession. Shown by Mike Donahoe. West Coast Realty,, 3099 Portland Rd. 850 Automotive 852 Used Cots for SoU mm From Extremely Good 56 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Hardtop style, we sold new and serviced. EZ1,' dvnaflow, radio, white-walls, two tone red & white, 6641 miles. '55 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Super 8S, hydramattc, radio, heater, one local owner, ex cellent condition, low mile age. 54 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN . We sold ,nd serviced since new. powder blue, and white, whitewalls, blue and white plaid interior, dyna flow. radio, heater, EZI, back up lights, etc. 54 BUICK SUPER COUPE Riviera hardtop In two tone blue and white. We sold new. OREGON'S OLDEST DEALER Commercial at Chemeketa Phone 4-5711 END OF YEAR SALE Continues at CAPITOL Chevrolet Cadillac Union it Com' Ph. 3-3173 33 Austin A30 Sedan A good economy rar na tuny guar, an teed. BRITISH CAR SALES 2085 N. Capitol Ph. 2-6W2 51 DESOTO custom sedan, owner. $493. Ph. 4-7628. '52 Nash Amb. Cust. 4 dr., radio, air cond. dual range hydro matlc, 2 tone, low ml., extra clean, consider older car trade, reas. EM2-4037. 1533 Norway. "56 Pont. dlx. Sta. Wag.'56 Pont. cat. cpe., low ml., comp. equipi inc. r. steering, y. brakes PhJ-6054; WANT Volkswagen, have Packard 300 in excel, cond. to trade, low mi. W. S. Wagner Rt. 2 Box 13 Monmouth, Ore, Ph.SKyhne7'13l. MUST sell by Monday. 'MChev $1605 V-8 power glide, radio, heater, turn signals. 2 dr., low mileage. No trades. Ph. days 2-6133, eves. 4-6207. 52 Chev. Deluxe 3 DrPowgr. glide. Good Condition. $630. BRITISH CAR SALES 20R5N. Capitol Ph. 2-6W2 '41 PLYMOUTH, verv clean. fixwd motor, good tires, $125. h3-M:3. 1955 BUICK. Centurv Riviera". 18.000 mi. clean. $2.000. 2-3WM . n.uuv.ju. i ctr Hdtop, will sell 11993 or . 32 FORD Vic. Olds. mtr. & trans. continental kit. white walls, will sell $1050 or trade. 818 N. Liberty Apt. after 5 p.m. ... .... ,.. ' .'"'"ma .winor Dr. Sdn. clean-well maintained, quirk saie, leaving ror service. twa, Ph. 4-063 or 4-7505. 53 FORD Custom 2- Dr.. radio A healer, verv clean. iWl-J. Warner Motor Co., rtTfl So. Uth 1953 PUNT1AC I Chieftain de luxe 4 dr. sdn . radio, heater, hvdramatlc. tinted Rlass, new tire wits white walls, only 32 000 miles. A-l shape. IfwS. Terms available See at rt N. Capitol Ph. 4-1783 or 3-131 I'sed Cars n n no n n WllSilS, Orison's Oldot Denial BEST BlA 1'sed Cars Commerrial A CMmflltl Commercial A Cheme Fh. 44711 O G 806 Houses For Sole CO , REALTORS Ph. EM-43311 or EM -37820 FREE SUNDAY 1 TILL 5 1975 Hazel ptpea to ill rooms. Hardwood Ph. EM-288M, EM-49704 850 Automotive 852 Used Can For Sal, to Extremely Cheap '41 Plymouth Convt $46 48 Buick Sedanet f 15 '47 Buick Sedan $ 85 '50 Plymouth 2 Dr $195 '49 Buick Sedanet 19! '51 Henry J good $195 '49 Buick Sedan '50 Buick Sedan '51 Buick Sedan ...$293 .. $495 .$595 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 53 STUDE. CHAMPION $1495 5 pass. cpl. overdrive, heater. 55 HUDSON RAMBLER $1895 Cross country, auto. trans, radio, heater. 53 PONTIAC CAT. HDTP $1295 Auto. trans., radio, heater. 53 INTER, i.i TON $795 3 speed trans., heater. 53 DODGE 6 4-DR. $745 Sedan, fluid drive, heater. 51 NASH AMB. 6. 4 DR. $495 Sedan, overdrive, radio, heater. 51 STUDE. CHAMP. 4-DR. SDN . $435 auto, trans., heater. 31 STUDE. COM. 2-DR. $465 sedan, auto, trans., heater, radio. 51 STUDE. LANDCRU1SER $5f5 4 dr. sedan, auto, trans., heater, low mileage, very clean. 51 CHAMP. STARLIGHT . $425 SO COMMANDER 2-DR. $.150 Auto, trans., radio, heater. BONESTEELE'S 370N. Church 3-9277 47 MERC, radio, heaterT $175". Ca!l alter 6 p.m. 3-5567. 49 Chevrolet Carry-all. t29S. Very good cond. Ph. 4-0349. 47 Studebaker Champ. 2 Door in nice shape .... $150 BRITISH CAR SALES 2083 N. Capitol Ph. 2-6802 50 CHEV. Deluxe 4 Dr -clean car j wun rauio ncaier. jwas. i wrntr Motors. 678 So. lath. walking. 3-3441. FOR SALE, reasonable, '52 Dodgt J dr w ayfare, food cond., new tires. Ph. 3-4814 eve. 49 CHEV. Deluxe S Dr.. radio, heater, nearly new tires. 1295. Warner Motors. ?l So. Uth. Ml ST sell 'M MO A w ire wheels, radio, heater, excellent cond. Ph. 2-1997. Will trade fot older car. M MERC. Monterey-HT. full power, top shape 11375. Ph. 4 -0l4fl . 30 Pontile Chieftain I Detun very good throughout, 375 BRITISH CAR SALES 1 1063 N. Capitol Ph. i vm ;30 CHEV panel. Good cond. Ph. -ijue. power 153 FORD 8 passenger Country Sdn . excel, cnd II !30. Ph. 2.6:31 after 6 k fundl 1!53 FORD cu'tm 4 dr. radio". heiter, overdrive. ITOO. Ph. 3-4166 or 3-6614. SFJ'l e trr 'SOFord' Clb. "cpe. or 50 Chev. 3-dr4 both run weiL Ph. 4-9937. ; OLDS Inventory . SALE 1956 OLDS SUPER 88 Holiday Sedan. radio, htr, hvdra., power steering, power brakes, autronic eye, whit walls. One-owner, low mileage only $3545 1956 OLDS 98 4 Door sedan, radio, htr., hydra., power steering, power brakes, white walls, tu-tone paint, one-owner, low mileage. Save money on this one at $:!64ft 1956 OLDS SUPER 88 4 Door Sdn., radio, htr., hydra., power 8 way seat, power i tee ring, power brakes, tinted glass, white walls, tu tone paint, backup lights, One owner with low mileage. A real nice family car $324 56 EXECUTIVE CARS 88 HOLIDAY CPE. Radio, heater, hvdra., power ateering. power brake, whit walls, tutone paint. SUPER 88 HOLIDAY CPE. Radio, heater, hydra., power steering, power brake, dual exhaust, padded dash, back up lights, and tutone paint. SAVE SAVE Conv. Holidays Sedanf ' REMEMBER! If it's from Loder's . .-. It's Good New Car Showroom Open TtU and Mon. Eves. LODER BROS. CO. Oldsmobile 41 Nn. High EM2-7973 Sell equity In 3 dr., 8. o'drlve, 210 Chev. Sla. Wagon. 17.000 mi., $600. H. Mallet, 978 5th St.. Stayton. 30 HUDSON 2 Dr., clean car. radio, heater, 1S5 Warner Mo tors, 678 So. 12th. B53 Auto Parti a Rtpoin Used Auto. Parts Bales & Brady Ph. 2-4513 ' Chev's. to 31 .'.8 to '91 Fords M Buick ... -51 Ply. cyl. .'48 to SS tvaiser '51 '9 '51 Chrysler 6 cyl. Ford Console Merc Packard Olds. "BS" B54 Trucks, Troil. for sole CHEV. ton pickup 1M. 28)40 rununa no. . 56 FORD ton pickup. 6 ft. bed. $500 Dn. 2640 Portland Rd. FOR SALE: 52 G M C 2 T. truck, valves just ground, new king pins & batt. New bed with 38" box, 2 speed rear axle. 3222 Mayfleld Place N, Salem. 1954 CHEV 210. make offer. Will trade lor older pick-up. 4750 Fillmore St, (Kelzer) 1B55 2-TON Ford truck. DeLuxe cab l5i3 ft. Factory made stock 8i grain bed, low mileage 707 Pine St., Sllvertdn, Ore. 14 FT. truck Van ody good cond. S150. Stayton Ph. 3F19. 53 FORD 3 T. pickup. 5 new tires. A-l cond., $675. Ph. 4-4618. 2 WHEEL TRAILER . $20. Ph. 3-5367. '47 FORD Truck long wheel has tag. axle. Ph. MAvfalr 3 2784. '51 CMC. flat-bed truck, i speedy 3317 Hamel. Ph. 2-B310. '37 Chev. pick-up, $125. PH. 2-2506 856 Wonted, Carl, Trucks WANTED to buy: Old & wrecked cars & trucks, rn. 4-4106 days, 4-2411 nltes. 862 House Trailers THERE ARE SCORES OF MOBILE HOMES But Only One Over 25 yrs. of Quality work manship. 1 or 2 bedrooms-3S to 45' Homes. SEE THE NEW '37 VAGABOND TODAY. JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2640 Portland Rd. EM 4 6P.14 The People's Choice New 1957 Biltmor Mobile Homes NOW ON DISPLAY Sec Them Tody! RON'S TRAILER SALES Corner of Center Church East Of Moier Jte Pn. Evenings Ph. 2-mn CARDINAL triM 1957 Model used only a short while. Has floor heater, elec tric or Ice refrigerator, B. F. Goodrich tires a dandy for some one. Bought in Calif. 2465 Wooddale Ave. Sa.em. Earl Seamsttr Ph. 4-3S69. alsa New awnini never used. $1650. WEEK-END 1957 MODERN MOBILE HOME WITH AUTO. WASHER. 3.tf93. (no trades, SEE AT UNA LANE IMP Lana Ave. Ph. 2-9160 17' TRAILER house, gai stow jt heater. 2-3141 Eve TRAILER TOWING Ore. WMi Cal. JAYHAflK TIAIU CONVOY 40 Portland Rd. E.H 3)11 o ,.tW 8, Aia ril. EM 4 7b o O , o o o Q o