: ) Papre 6 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salon., OreRon, Saturday, December, 15, 19W INSIDE RED CHINA- Commies Have Built First Hospital for Herb Doctors Editor's Note David Lancash-1 ire's extensive Ir-vcls in Commu-j nisi China took him to a hospital,, where he found a slrar.se mixture ol We ter.i techniques and centuries-old practice. He tells about It in this dispatch, last in a series this week. By DAVID LANCASHIRE PHI PING W Is your circulation, a litllt slu3"ish? Got that tired, ' runcov.n fccl:n;7 Then take the bines from a t'ger, srind up line and cat. Got the sniflUs? Munch a pill made (rem a g.-uniu-up ce:itipeoc. Your ac'.yy.'i hack? Well, dried hi'titcs are an excellent pain killer. Doctors in Communist China say these rcmc.-iies taken Irom Chinese medical journals written before the birih 'f Christ nc tuiily work. In Pcipins the tradi ticnr'ist doc'i:s v-hi t'se the rem edies pre tnl:mjr burincFS vy (rom VWte'.'n-lr-.Tod medicos, .v-n "ct rf Pni''.lce "The Chinese physicians have been pr.-.cl'cing 3,000 years, but this is the first time they have ever had a hospital of their own," said Dr. Wei Ching-ming. director of the Hospital of Chinese Medicine. "Mo5t of our patients have al ready been treated In Western- mnthod bosnitaN and have come out "ticure''. We take them in here, and the ncrcsn'ajje o( suc ccssiu1 cures is really quite amrzinp." The hospital, with tilting Chi nese roofs and (lower-filled lurt yards, is set in a block o( Chinese summer houses juilt during the Ming Dynasty 500 years ago. Its offices and diagnosis rooms I "Foreigners are inclined to con- are filled with glass-irontrd book-'sider us as quacks. That's ridicu eases containing medical tcxt-;lous. It takes us (ar longer to heoks thousands of years old, 'learn traditional medicine than a p-inled in flowing Chinese script j Western doctor spends in school, on rice paper. They contain "1 myself studied for 11 years herbal recipes and general rem-! under our village doctor 40 years edits which clash with practically ; ao and had to memorize about every principle of modern mcd- '3,000 prescriptions. Now that wo ;cjnc have been recognized, I'm a teach- Tralned In Japan cr myself. I have a couple of Dr. Wei is a Western-style sur- disciples who follow me around geon trained in a Japanese col- a"d me w'nll wrk- lege. Here he serves strictly in1 At the moment, Dr. Tang was an administrative capacity, while worklnK on a Pal";nt su.l,cr'nS the traditionalists do the prac-: 'rom n"vus "nausuon. n. nau t 'ri I "ctn uiMjntnjit'u uy a ncsu'iii '"e hove 13 Western doctors 0nhsPilal around the corner. The tin s'off here, and 51 traditional ?or was vln ,hc resigned- inen, he said. But the Western-; "J. ' ,r.- job is only diagnosis, and "For neurasthenia, the Western ed , ,ZJ ,h 5,.. v ,v.' r it" a Patient medicine and n - 'T . m ? 1 , " him sleep it off." said Dr. siMUitions are held between the . mii,,- ,,. mac. tv.o schools, but the traditionalists tli. tde work." fhinrsc medicine men have been practicing in villages and in the back streets of cities for cen turies. They use knowledge hand ed down from father to son. but arc unawaro of the reasons behind their cures, 'A traditional doctor can do Tanc. "Here, we use massage. "A few weeks ago, a patient in one of the Western hospitals was due to have his leg cut off. It was paralyzed. Wc don't believe in amputation. Still Has Both Letts "We brought the man in here and treated him for a few days with herbs. He's up and walking around now not walking very many things an orthodox man wei, but he has both legs. cant. But he has no theoretical i Aside from the use of medicines j knowledge at all." Dr. Wei said. made from tiger bones and ticcr j "No the Communists have dc- urine, dried bugs, frog powder, ciaca inai uninesc mcmcine snnma powdered deer horns and dehy bc developed even further. Since 'drated snakes, about the strang- 1'J.ifl, almost all the hospitals in Pciping have established tradition al clinics, and Western and ancient doctors are exchanging informa tion." Takei Longer lo Learn Dr. Tang Chun-san is a 5-year-old practitioner of the old system. He observed: Woodburn Minister to Preacli Farewell Sermon Sunday Night WOODBURN (Special) P.ev. Milton Chugg will deliver his final sermon Sunday at the Woodburn Church of 'God. He will speak at the It a.m. worship hour and give hi, farewell sermon at the 8 p.m. .."Christ Confronts the World To day" will be the sermon topic of Rev. Robert E. Van Sunday morn ing at the Woodburn and Bethel Presbyterian churches. Worship service at the Bethel church be Ii'C, JZ J?? T8 pc"plc,' in the Tang Dynasty, service. tin: lhu;:g will Join Mis j fins at 9:45 a.m. followed by Sun (amily In Canada. Rev. Edgar ! day school at 11 o'clock. Services Bush. Ile'i' n-nn lor Orc;on ' rl the Woodburn cbi'rch bc.'Jn with Chrnhrs (' Cr , ' in b- in-, v; n('av school at 9:15 a.m. and terim pr.:lor at the Woodburn the worship service at It o'clock. church until a regular pustor Is se cured. Other services Sunday in clude Sunday school at 10 a.m. and young people's meeting at 7 p.m. The Advent communion service will be held Sunday, the third Sun day in Advent, at 9 a.m. at the Woodburn Methodist church. "The Divine Drama" will be the sermon topic of the minister, Rev. Ormal B. Trick, lor the II a.m. service. A nursery for small children Is provided each Sunday by the Eve ning Circle during the morning service. Churches Set Yule Programs For Lebanon LEBANON (Speciali-Chrlslmas concerts and programs will start Sunday, with the Evangelical United Brethren choir presenting "The Gift Supreme" at 7:30 p.m. John Friesen is director and Mrs. Orvilte Pcttengill is pianist. At the First Methodist church Mrs. Donald Benson will direct the choir in concert at 7:45 p.m. "The Other Wise Man" will be narrated by Mrs. L. O. White at the First Christian church Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Musical numbers will be given by Nina Crenshaw, by Judy and Ann Morse in duet, by the women's trio and by the men's quartet. Children of the Seventh Day Adventisl school will present a Christmas program for parenLs and public in the IOOK hall at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Ruth Lihby is in charge. est practice is acupuncture, the science of needle treatment. By pricking the patient with long, springy needles, the medi cine men say they have succeeded in curing deafness, paralysis, nervous disorders, and have even achieved a certain amount of suc cess with polio. "But most of our work is done with herbs," said Dr. Tang. "We even have herbs that will cure a I broken bone. "Most Western medicine Is founded on theory learned from autopsies. We don't believe in cut ting up, our ancestors, and be sides, a dead organ is not neces sarily the same thing as a live one.' Patients Given Choice In other Peiping hospitals, a patient is given a choice of tech nique. The diagnosis of the two teams is often the same, the Westerners working with their school knowledge and the tradi tionalists measuring heartbeat rhythms with a method developed group will meet at 6 p.m. with Carol Hamagc in charge of re-! freshments. The Westminster Fel lowship meets at 7 p.m. with Da vid Znsloupil in charge of the worship period and Gail Brundidge the refreshments. Friday evening Mr. Mato of Cnrvallis, a refugee from Jordon, spoke at the Bethel church. Help in bringing the Mato family from Jordon was given by the Bethel group. "Precious Promises" has been chosen by Jtev. George V. Spring er, pastor, as his topic for the 11 a.m. sermon Sunday at the Wood burn Christian church. At 8 p.m. he will speak on "The Power and Privilege of Prayer." Sunday school is at 10 a.m., junior church at 11 a.m., Christian Kndenvor at fi:3() p.m. The Marion county Christian Kndenvor rally will be held Saturday, Dec. 15, in the Liberty Christian church in Sa lem. Cars will leave the Woodburn church at 6:45 p.m. The rally starts at 7:30 o clock. "We had a man Irom Pakistan in here not long ago," said direc tor Wei. "He had been in and out of modern hospitals all over the world for the past 30 years, but the internal disorders persisted. "I took a look at him and could not do a thing. The traditionalists took over and cured him in a mat ter of days." He paused, then added: "Amaz ing." LEG A Li NOTICE OF 8III-RIFF'8SAI.K ('it No. 4.14119 CANBY BUILDERS SUPPLY. Plaintiffs. ) VI. 1 it JOHN . LEE, i DeOnrinnt I STATE OK ORKCiON t i ai County of Mnrlon I Pursuant in an Order of Sale. upon rxct-uiioii. issuoit mil or the Cinult Court of the Slat of Oregon. for the t'ountv of Marion, dittcd 51 h dny of Dci'i'ii.tier, l!i5ii, 1 will hHI all the njihl til It- nml mirror of the nhove tunned dr fend.) rt is, m and to the following dcsui ihed leal prop- rnv, io-wii: lit'KiimiiiK at nn iron pipe which I' Smith 11 IT Wtst. 2M.10 feet and North 78 IT West 4!l 0 feet from the Nortnwes corner nf the Jus eph Ctuiivhill Donation Land Claim in lowiihliip 4 South, Ranee 1 West of the Willametet Merid ian in Marion Count v. Oregon; thence Noitli 7R" XV Wet 125 42 leel to Hn iron pipe: thence North 12' .IfT Eanl 7W1 42 leet to an Iron rivet In the center ot the Hubbard Hroadacres Hoad: thence South 75 40" along the center line of sma ii on a. bw u leet to an nvrt: thence Soutt, 19' 4R" Wet 757 Ki feet to the place of begin ning, in Marlon County. Oregon Except from the above described trad of land a right-ol-way for road purposes tiring h stup of land ?) feet ude. adjacent to and along the North boundary of said tract. Said nale to bt held at the Went t Marion County Court Salem. Oregon, at 10 00 k A. M. on the 7th dny of Jan uary. 1157. Said real property will I be sold at p-.itihc auction to the huh e.'t hutticr for rash. Dated thi 6th dav of December, l!):fi, at S item. OrcK-m. DKNVEH YOUNO. Sherilf ol Marlon County hv A I. MaUtrom, Deputy Pate ol firtt publication Dec, t. lll.Vi p in. will center around tne 1 1J)3fli U B.13.Z.',2V Rev. Paul Gray, pastor, will de liver the sermon at both the 11 a m. and 7:45 p.m. worship serv ices at the Woodburn Foursquare church Sunday. Other services in clude Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. and the Crusaders meeting at 8:30 p.m. The Christmas program will be presented Sunday, Dee. 23. di rected by Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Gor don Knutson. Sundav school with practice for the Christmas program will be held Sunday at 9 45 a.m. at the Woodburn Immanuel Lutheran .1 U Tl... ,...f,.-.r. lr rltiuc I will meet ot 9 a m. and Pastor House a Hems will speak at tne u a m. worship hour. At the Bible Baptist church in Womihuin Sunday the topic (or the II am. worship .service will be "If Any Man Will be My Dis ciple" by the pastor. Rev. Paul Hornier. The meeting at 7:45 A Christmat e:mtat;i, "O Come All Ye t'uithiul." will be present ed Wednesday, i:t 8 p m. at the First Chri lian church under the direction of the Rev. Gerald S::v- ihrmc "We Deceive Ourselves," VPT. The Itrv I. (1 Whilo will 1 fnllrcinti Mm enni of rm'riil nt inns n,rr., Ih,. i ,1 i ,u. nu a ... c.. AUM1NIMTR ATHIV NOTICE .... ..... .. . ... ,,.,,.... - , UIk im ui . wo I ICE IS HERKHY (il VtN lust rated in costume by tin Hho js 9 45 am. i.r.si Sunday cerliti-j petty Jean Luceio has. by order of members anil in music hv senior : cates were presented to six peq- i ih circuit Court of the state of aj ;,,, 1 , i1 li' , 111 -Oitfon for Marion County, been ap- and junior chmrv Mrs. Ray Ay- p(. comoMing n course In lead-; po,ntc(1 .dmintmratrix ot the E-tatt ers is nrgam.t. the rnneert will rr-hip ctifcatton. Receiving awards ot Adoma t. Lucero. were Mr. tfCtievieve Aiinrrinn. Vii'. Klrovce Aiider:-"i. Mr-. Kdna Ce'l'Ms. Mrs Anna lv(', Mrs. iolin C.'r.iphell and Mr. Matjcrie follow family ni - lit dinmr al 6 t." p m. "The Si'iiil ol C'.ifis.ni w" , he pii'M-rlrd by the .i Lud lin pioveniinl A:.tv ol the Gituvh ot Jesus Christ ol LaUrr Day Samts Wednesday, at 7:"0 p in. Ihreclms are Mrs Sterling Plait and Mrs Robert Knksen. Primary mem brrs will present several numbers A play describing a (amity's quest (or Christmas happiness. "Je.vas Is (he An wer," will be given Thursday a: 7:1 pm at t'u Ass.-mhly of Go 1 cluinh. Tht Rt . . Johnnie Johnsinn is assistant pastor, Mrs Kd McKinney and Mrs. Lout Greer are in charge. ! Sundav services at St Mary's Mrs. Chlford Watt and Sharon ( Kpiscopal church in Wiwdburn will Williams are in charge of the 'include colrtir.it ion of holy corn program for Criminal Wcslev an : munion nt R a in., family services Methodist church Thursday al at 9 a m . holy communion and if timet Don Lucero. Defeated. Clich e Megistry No. 17 01.1. All pfion havitif claims afjinsi t.iio etatf are required to present litem, duly 'erllieri. with pioper .michers to n.'io aninininrairix :::e Pioneer 1rut Bui'ilmi. Salei IMfHun, ii:tim six niontht from Hie ...... drtr of thi notice Regular services will be held Haled aid drl puhluhed Now 17, Sundav at the Woodburn r roe Mcthrdivt church The pastor. Rev George Norsworlhy will peaK at nolh the 11 am. worsnip BKTTY JKAN 1 t'C ERO Adni 1111st 1 Mtr ix of the Estate of hour and the combined inspirations service at 7 p in. Sunday school is at 9 4. a m A Christmas pro gram is boms planned Irr the Sui' d;v eiirol huT Decn'b'T N!rs. Vvvw ick. Miss Ne'iln Tnillinrer and Mr Klmer With.un are the : committee in charge. p m. The Rev. R. A Keith of Leb anon will pres.de as preslnler at a sectional fcPow ,h:p meet me al the PentmUal Chtirch nf God in itiarv' SaltTday T'iim sirf-s fftC it AvtVl a-M,&r nwti 1 J notv Ivt "1 dL 7 a m. And l)v set ninn at II a in. according lo Itev Ronald It. Katun, vicar. Next v cek hnlv communion will he cele brated at to it in Tuesday ant 7 a m Thursdav. Dec "('. ffi ad rt :on ihrre will be cfimmunton on tfcrrxj t trXr d.i. !(-. 9 at 7 known a Den Lucero. Deceased. PHO ll.N HHO I FN SPFEHSIKA. attl Pioneer Trut Building. Sjlem. Oreuiin AtIoine for Adininiti atrix s.i;.2i.Di.i.u APMIMSTR.TCRS NOTICE NO I U K t.s lir ltKHY C.1VKN th.it ForeM Urown ha. by order of the Citmit Covirt t f the Slate of Oregon for Marlon County, bet n appointed admimtrator of the Ktate of Nancy A Brown Deceated. Clerk' negntry No n.o.vi. All person havlnf claim afatnt aid estate are required to present them, duly vended, with proper iuirhrT to xatd administrator at .110 Pioneer Trust Muildmg Salem. Ote ii within nx inonlht from the dte of thM notice Oted and tlrt published Pec 1, roilKST P-IUHVN' Ailmini - tr.it or -f Hie F-tate of S.i. A It-own Pe. e...ed nmiTFN. IIHOTFN A SPFFHSTBA Ho Pi.M-rer Trmt Huiltlit'S AiVof n?) t O for Admi ator l)f ; l..15.2i.M T I ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify 36 DODGE pickup with 46 motor. 0 ply. tire Ita. 1940 Plymouth bu. cpe. 51.000 ac tual miles M, 3i65 Pleasant View Dr. RENTALS for sale. low down paym't. or trade. 3475 A brains BDRM , rise., partly lurn. South $30. Em 2-S025. MODERN, clean 2 bdrm., 55. tin '.-ho:i2. CHILDREN WELCOME, 4 bdrm. oldr hse. Frplc. oil heat. Ig5. yard. 165 Ph. or 2-35j1. WANTED: Laundry, mendln;. needle work; WASHING NEW S";?.!. "lVi-lier Cairn Terrier.. Parrots, 400 AririiUure 450 Merchum.ise 405 Pets 1451 Houiehold Good LnvriirCTFB nnnnies. Ideal 1 OVER nite Chri-iti n a present. Mrs. At- kini Ph. MK. FOR CHRISTMAfC-2 Male Pom. puppies, will hold until Christ mas 1015 N Church St. 3 TOY CHIHUAHUA pups 2 months old. Reas. Ph. Cervais 2-422. DALSlATION pups. F. $10. M. $13. Jit. 5. Box 425. Ph. 2-2602. EXCELLENT Boxer Puppies, very reas. Terms. Ph. 4-6851. ext. 308. FOR "SALE" Smalt "Christmas Puppies. $3 PM- 2-3123 MOORE Pr7TS HICiH echool senior boy want rt lime worK. in. jt-nsto. WANTED $4,000. Will pay $4,800 in 36 mo. Have steady em ployment. Box 456 Statesman COKCERTONE tape recorder. price tM3, useo very reg. collie Pupa tor inriMins. Birds. Birds hoadd. Open eves & Sun. 4CC5 stale. BOSTON terrier female. 9 wks. old. 'vill h''d Ml n "' tntai. 105 River Street (North). " SIAMKSE KITTENS Senlpolnt. Very affectionate. , 3-8831. little. J2WI with Shure Mike thrown In. Em 4-262 anytime Sat. Sun. i RECORDS for sale: One of Salem largest Classical col-Jet-1 ions Anv part or all Em 4-2462 after 6 week days, any time Sat. Sun. MOVING must sacrifice TV, auto, washer & dryer, 2 pc. chrome set. 2 pc. sectional; wringer type washing ma chine: 50 & 52 Chev. will sell either. 4310 State NEW-braided all wool multi colored ruR. 10'j X 8S leet Percy Dunn. Rt. 2. Box 207, Silverton. Ph. 3-7973. WINCHESTER, new mdl. 88. lever action, snnp winy o times, cost $12!l.!iS, sell !or $100. Robert Thorpe, 810 Ever green. Mill City. Ore. Ph. 4207. NEW Sranda!!l 7 switch c- ordion. szia, rn.a-iai. XJSKD radio 3-speed phonograpn TV comninnnon, ocduiuui imc new mahogany console. $156. HEIDER S 363 NIHWn: USED table rndlo phonograph. AS lOW as IU.W llC.IUf.il a 363 NIiRh. MORSE Super dial sewing mach. TaKe over conir. EM 4-900U. GIBSON refrlRcrator-completely overhauled nt.iur.no o N. High. WRINGER washers & auto washers in exceneni canamin $25 6t up. HEIDER'S 363 N. ingn. USED Montgomery Ward range nice it clean $45. HEIDER'S 363 N. High. PARTY room furniture 1-3 off. new. 11 1 1 1J tt. a .too f "(" w7"6lL circulator for sale. Reas. Em 2-3500 or Em 4-1032. MINITMAID cooker used very little. Km li-mnz. CHICKENS, goats, pigs, heifer calves, rn. i-oyoa. COCKER pup. Will keep till cnnsimas. cnon waa. tral Howell.Ph.4-1043. FOR SALE: Puppies for Christ mas. EM o;a. GIVE a Hobby Horse, the Ideal Kill lor cnild WO .v. iwi sale. 31(10 NeeL EM44372. FREE holly with each trett pur- Christmas Trees. Open till 11 eves. Grnhm-Laws, 1680 State, Em 3-355. I FOUND: 2 mo. old blk. wh. Shepherd puppy, low i-iaza. Ph. EM 2-5533. LOST: Male shorthairen ttcr- man roimcr. iuiir mu, lie. 3898. Ph. EM 2-3583. 4819 Elizabeth. Ph. 4-63f8. Call alter 6 p.m. PUPPYLAND, also regist. males at siua. rn. -uw WEIMARANER pups. A.K.C reg. Deposit will hold till Christmas. Ph. 3 70!2. TINY Chihuahua pups," pedigree. Exc. Christmas Gift 2-3473. BIRD Paradlse. birds. trop. fish, 3180 Livingston-1342 PEK. puppies, tiny, playful, lovelv. Your choice only $25. Ternis. Doulas Kennel. Scotts Mills, Ore. FREE: Afreet ionnte 4 mo. kit ten. Ph. EM 3-6040. euests? Simmotu Hlda bed. 935 Downs. 3-Vtt. FOAM rubber KING SIZED bed Brand new for onlv $UM 'J5 Used Mrtse. Mart. 210 S. Lib rXVjVh.A-SXW. . NEW solid maple bunk beds with mattresses $79 50. Ued et from $19 W Glen Woudry 1605 N. Summer. SpfECE twin bdrm. el with soring mattress $60. Full si7.e spring &. matt mm $ each. lt'25 Child Aveh. 3-31U7. DIINCAN Phvfe dining room table & pad. $35. Ph. 4-32U7. PARAKEETS, baby hamsters, Trop. fish, tanks it equipment, wholesale prices, open 24 hrs. 3180 Livingston 2-1842. A.KTC. Black it white cockers, 7765 N. Winter. $25 St $13. Ph. 3-7674. MALE Boxer, reg. 4 yr. old $15. Ph. EM 4 0017. FOR SALE: Toy terrier puppies. 2-2376. YOUNG parakeets, cages, feeds. Mickey s 3825 S. Com'l. 2-2755. KEITH'S PUPPY FARM M60 Center Ph. 2-7089 Puppies all kinds. Buy & sell Aft noon & eves, no sun. cans 410 Fruit & Farm Produce APPLES red golden delicious eating or cooking, 2-5c. lb. Bring boxes. KM 4-2390. BRl"TEoat straw 30c bale. Ph. 26F5 Salem. tDlal Open.) LIGHT-colored walnut meat halves 6ac. a id. rn. zaiua. FALL Gravenstelns & King Ap ples, $2 bx. Joe Lucas, or chard Heights Rd. Ph. 2-5958. EXTRA large franquette walnuts 40c. in. in.2-zeiSL ORDER apples now. Rt. 2 Box 5l Mrs. uerniK. 4-2401. WALNUTS 25c. lb. Call 21189 or 325 Bradley Dr. HAY for Sale: Alfalfa hay. 1st cutting, $30 ton. 2-6122. HAY for sale HI. 1 Box 138, Gervais. Ph. Salem l-zui TOP quality plants for less at Middle G rove Nursery 4!izu Sllv Rd We Give SA-H Green Stamps. EASTERN Oregon Alfalfa. Ph. days 46432. Alter 6 p.m. 2-2789. PASTEITRI7.ED whole-milk, 7Se Kal. itomoRenizea iac, '7 Bai lor 40c. Clcary Dairy, 2-3035. COOD eating potatoes $2 per hundred. Kd Mueuer, tn. 1 Box 2B7A. Indco. .i ml. South Y Cafe. Ph. 2-4379. Bring sacks 300 Personal 312 Lost end Found LOST: Pin. 4 gold points with silver, brilliant center, in or near izaaK waiion t-iuu. m. EM 3-4040. LOST: In Salem Heights area. Ans. to "Twig." Ph. 2-4553. Reward. . $10 REWAlib for lost bicycle. Phillips mane no. iwin.i.. !0 S. 14lh. LOST: In the vicinity of D. k lliompson, wniie n-iium: 1 collie, name "Patsy." has col lar It license. Ph. 2-52H0. 314 Transportation WANT rider to share expenses. Leaving lor new YorK. uec. 2fith. For information, 2-9501, WANTED- Riders to Portland, Ph. 4-0018. LARGE selection of used furni ture and appliances. All re duced for quick sale. Daven ports from $15 lo $75. Davenos $19 to $39. Chairs $1 up. Re frigerators $39.50 up: Swing rockers $5 up: wood-coal cir culators $15 to $29.50 misc. lahles cheap 8 pc. dining sels from $35 and scads of other mdse. priced at rock bottom Your best buys are at Glen Woodry 1605N.Summer. Shag Rug' tinted. We can re store their present color or make them a new shade. LAUNDERETTE (U block E. of Willamette U) 1255 Ferry St. Ph. 2-4555 5 ROOMS of furniture including new Fowler nryer. ueiux: double oven range, with grifJ dle on top 21" T.V. New G.E. auto, washer. 2640 Portland Rd. - $147.77 NEW 9 pc. living room group. inc. new daveno matching v rockers, 2 end tables, 2 table lamps, coffee table. Glen Woodry 1605 NSummer. FLTTAlwuTsized beds. Special $7.95 up. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. Save time -Save money For the Beit Professional Services mam exp Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! ACCOUNTING SERVICE Leon A. Fiscus Ph. 3-5285. IfiOU 4th St, ADDING MACHINES Buy as you rent. All makes Roen -Typewriters. Ph. 3-6773. EXCAVATINO APPLIANCES WEST1NGHOUSE Woodrv Furniture Co. 474 So. Com'l. Ph.4211I BEDDING CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re novators New mattresses 3-4069 CXbinets EXCAVATING & Grading. Ditch ing. Earth Moving a specialty. Hon Oljen & Son, operated by Mr. Hen Otleil it Emll Otjen. BIS E. Rural Ae. I'h. 3-3oaO. 45 Court floOR ""COVERING'S NORRIS WALKER Paint Co. Floor-coverlt'g Division Quali ity installations Linoleum, As phalt A- Rubber Tile. Wall tile Free Estimates 4-227P. GRADING Js" DOZING Kitchen remodeling, cabinets. lazy daisies, lonnica top 4-4253 CAR PEST K R-C ON T H ACTO B Home Building & Re-modeling Will Build, or help you build. Ralph M. Scheidel. Ph. 2-0701. CEMENT" CONTRACTOR Contractor 10 yri. exp. Prompt Service. E. Drake 4-6339. CE.MENT WORK Cement work. House raising, leveling and foundations. Ph. 2-62B0. BE THRIFTY BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE $30 dn. will buy a complcle household of furniture in cluding appliances. Automatic fry pan with lid $9.95 2 piece dresser suite, includes dresser with mirror, full size bed $49.50 Reconditioned It guaranteed ranges & refrigerators. Club reclining chair used very little $49-50 6 piece dinette set blonde $12.35 rua 515 S. COM'L. PH. 4-3319 LARGE deluxe Frigidaire, late model, refrigerator, frozen food storage this is a beauty $169.50 Save $150 on a nearly new 19 cu. ft. deep freeze Now $249.50 Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. GOOD used furniture for sale. Call after 6 pm. 570 Mill St. CORSETTIERB "CHARIS CORSETTIERE 2380 Lansing Ph. 2-9519 CRANE WORK 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand At Gravel Co. 2-2461. BULLDOZING $5 50 nr tir Ex cavating, trencnin. tile lay ing. ptics. etc Enoch 1. Maerx. Ph 4-3517 alter U m.T DOZING" LEVELING Ph. 2-01152 D. PANTOVlCH BULLDOZING clearing roads', ponds. D-4 D-6 cvryall. V. Huskey. Ph. 2-3146. PLUMBING PLUMBING. Remodel it new construction lie, plumber 2-9556 TREE pruning, topping, also shrub pruning. Free est. 4-93n2 RECORDING STUDIOS ALL types of music or speech recordid by Connelly. 2-7821. ROOFING PAY-LESS ROOFING NEVER Knowingly underbid. Repaira. Ph. 4-2615. SAND & GRAVEL SALEM SAND Ac GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and top soil. 1405 NL Front St. 2-2461. wallTng sand AND GRAVEL 1625 McGilchrtst Crushed quarry rocks and gravel. All size for roads, driveways' and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE, Garden sand, bull-dozing, shovel and dragline work. 3-9249. VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL CO. Crushed & round gravel sand & con. mix. 2-4002. SEPTIC SERVICE Hamel's septic tanks cleaned. line service. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404 or 3-3072. HOWARDS Roto-Rooter seweri septic tanks cleaned 3-5327. MIKE'S" Septic service. Tanki cleaned. D'rooter cleans sewera drains. Phone 3-9468. TELEVISION TV Service. $3 50 per call at home. No lix. no chg. 2-0817. tt, itS i m: Salem's oldest home owned Co. Hundreds of local rci"crnca, freeinspection. Ph. 2-0781. W A L L CLEANING RESULTS perfect. Save paint. Modern Wall Cleaners, 2-4287. 450 Merchandise 454 Sowing Machines GIVE HER THE FINEST A new Singer Sewing Machine for Christmas. New Singers from $9990. no down paym't.. no monthly paym't. 'Ill 1957. Come in or call now for Christ mas delivery. Open every eve. 'til 9. SEWING CENTER 130 N. COM'L. Salem 3-3512 Dallas 3-3968 Woodburn 2-7912 BRAND new Morse sewing ma chine, $100. Maytag Wringer washing machine, good cond. Itlon, $45. Vincent Ernst, Woodburn Ph. 2-6498. 456 T V. & Radio 10 USED TV sets. $30 & Up. Wills Music Store. G-E. TV, 21" consolette, mahog. Ph. 4-7345 after 6. THE BEST SERVICE for less. Hanson TV. Ph. 4-9644. 414 Poultry & Rabbits DRESSED FRYERS Special Price. Ph. 4-1327 25c, lb. Valley BIG FRYERS, 23c LB. Ph. 4-1327 WILD DUCKS & GEESE Dressed at Wing's Poultry & Hahbits. 3985 State Ph4-391B. BABY Chicks hatched vr. round. Valley Farm Store, 4-4621. BABY Chlck--for meat or eggs. 9x12 HOOKED Rug. good cond. See 1887 N. Front before 8 p.m. LATE model deluxe double oven Gibson electric range $147.59. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. HOOVER vac. cleaner, $19.95. 1 321 N. Capitol, 3-7067. (Dir.). MUST sell all Furn.. like new. 1520 Pearl St.. 4-0667. REAL clean oil circulator $39.50 Spark oil circulator sb-.i.au. Large 200 gal. oval oil barrel $34.50 Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. ELECTROLUX vac. cleaner. $29.95. 1321 N. Capitol, 3-7067. luir.i. Send for free folder. Wilson's 1 FOR SALE: Solid Mahog. Din- llatcnery, Lyons, ULrU'K !-Z.ht3. Ore. PH. 418 Lawn & Garden OLD coarse mulching sawdust. 2 yd. Load $5. Dei. 2-35.fi. 3 16 Personal A COMMUNITY service for sin cere people irouoien wim neoi. Credit Advisory Committee of Sale-n Retail Credit Associa tion. Write Box 455 Statesman Journal. Flowers for all Occasions. J AR Y FLORIST. PH. 4 3391. Capitol Shopping Center. MADAM Hazel. Psychic reader. advise on an anairs. Portland RdPh. 4-9265. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. PM S Commercial 2-2108 g-ZBM HF.LP! C'othing. shoes, furni ture, toy.', etc. needed NOW for neoriv families. Ph. EM 4-5HI NOW or brine Items o 341 No. Com'l St. St. Vincent DePaul store. SHOP the easy way Give a gift certificate from Minnie urove Nursery. 4!i20 Silverton Rd. We (jive SA1I Green Stamps. I i iiHOI U S Ancnvmous rur No, 1 2088 N ComT 4-2248 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sale RFC. Jerscv cow freshen Dec. 15th $125. Ph 21164. PONY saddle, bridle, martin gale. Like newPh. 4-8662. SADDLE good quality." exc" cond. 4-7974. FOR SALE or trade 3 yr. old buckskin Kclrilna. Gaited Gen tle for anone. Ph. 4 0706 eve. SAI.FMMratCo locker" herf. 21c. Custom killing, cut tins and wrapping. Bacon sliced free A- trailer loatird HtrHBAHn"sqo.ih" for jto. kfred 15 per ton in field. IT hanked o(l Ph 2 403 Livestock Wanted 420 Seeds & Plants 422 Fertilizer PEAT Moss from chick trays. 75c sack, valley rarm store. 424 Farm Equipment in? rm. Table it 6 chatrs. Ph. KM 4-1217. 4610 N. Lancaster Dr. YOU SAVE MONEY when you buy at uien wooary i. isew o pc. Wrought Iron dinettes $39.50; New 7 pc. sets $79.50. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. NKW "Brass Firescreens $12.95. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. 458 Musical Instruments STEINWAY A lovely console with grand piano tone. Case slightly damaged tn shipment, worm while savings. Other spinets from $475, Wurlltzer Electronic Piano, $385. Open eves, 'till 9. STONE PIANO CO. 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials 470 Building Materials raw a No. 1 painted shakes & WC J10 .75 sq.: No. 2 painted snakes et UC ts.lii $.; plaslerDoara sm.; -., pia.icruu.tra S1.B5 sht.; V plasterboard $2.65 sht.: plasterbase. 34c yd.j No. 1 oak fls. S210M: No. 2 oak fie. S115M: 215-lb 3-tab compo. Bhlnilei 17.85 iq.: 45-lb. roll rig. 52.50 ea.; 65-lb. roll rl. 1.145 ea - BO.lb. roll rfl. H.OO ea.: Kraft paper S2.40 roll; !," hardboard 11.90 Iht.; V," hardboard 52.25 aht.: Iron rooflnf tlO.50 so.; 8 i 16 box palls 59.75 keg; A-3 grade " blrcri ' fir shop 54.00 sht.; . fir shop 54.55 sht.: fir shop J5.20 sht.: V sheathing 52.30 sht.: !i" sheathing 3.00 sht.; sheathing 5.1.45 sht.. 5x9i" ping pong tops 9.95 ea.: 1x12 cedar boards J120M.: ixlll spruce sdg. J120M.: 1x10 cedar board & batt. 5I30M.; "A" grade mahogany doors S4.15 & up; "A" grade birch doors $7.20 r up; 1-panel fir doors $5.00 ca.: 2x4's bunk load lots No. 4 S24M. No. 3 $52M.: " shlplap bunk load lots No. 4 $29M.; Weiser key-ln-knob sets $5.00 ea.; bath sets $2.55 ea.; passage sets $2.05 ea. ALL PRICES FOB. YARD CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE DELIVERY ARRANGED OPEN ALL DAY SAT. C & K LUMBER YARD LANCASTER. Jt CENTER PHONE SALEM 2-1M0 WE pay top cash price for pianos. Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. Keith Brown Specials We have just bought an entire carload of distressed ply wood stock. Here are some of the prices. $75 per M 3-8 $75 per M 1 2 $90 per M s $100 per M t. $un per M i'xWxV" SIS $3.20 Sheet 4'xlO'xV SIS S4.00 Sheet 4,xl0'x'.a" Sis $5.20 Sheet i'xlO'xii" SIS $5.20 Sheet 2 pieces Pinf Pong Tops $8.78 let nnnni?- 2'0" to 8'8"xl Vr Mah. $4.00jtup 2,0"x6,8"xl i Fir $1.75 2'4"x6'8xl a. 10-lite French $5 00 Inside door jambi No. 2 $1.96 ea. Mah. Jambs .$4.80 set TOC USED ORGANS Folding organ $150. Spinel styled reed organ $5. Ham mond Chord Organ, excellent. $H95. Hammond Spinet, li:e new. $1,175. Wurlltzer Spinet, maple finish $1,150.00. Connson at a church mode), save $700. Stone's, 12B0 State. Open eves, til 9. TRUMPET, Olds, like new cond. 10" RCA TV. comb. 12" TV FM. Ph. 21900. MOVING Make offer on 5 rms. of furn. inc. Deep freeze, elec. Refng. ic range, D.R. set, roll away bed, Bendix washer, Bdrm. iirt. Daveno, Table Lamps, Chest-o-drnwefs. Garden Trac tor, misc. items. Come & make offer Fir! 4760 Macleay Rd. '54 SC. CASE Tractor. 1 bot tom roll-over nlow. 54 (. asc 7-ft. mower. 3317 H.imel. Ph. 2-9510. 1952 TD-6 Tractor. Looks and runs like r.rw. Call 4-4380 weekdays after 6 p.m. l Dealer) 425 Auction Sales THOR automatic washing ma chine, $30. Hoover upright vacuum $20. 6f5 S. 18th. H. L High CHICKERING A striking large grand. Refin ished in gleaming ebony. Ideal for advanced pupil or teacher. Stone's, 1280 State. Open eves, 'till 9. AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S " TONlTfc 4B4fl CFNTER STREET A A I. KM SINGER Vacuum Cleaner. Ufcd very little. Cost new $89.50. Will Fell for $35. Ph. 2-6078 HAVE vou seen our new MAPLE . Ph. LSr.CTK'N" You li ao Dcuer ai Glen Woodry 's on new solid maple furniture, It's made to Inst, never goeB out of style. Save at Glen Woodry' 1605 N. Summer. $10 DEPOSIT holds any piano for Xmas Delivery at Tall man's Gigantic Xmas Piano Sale! Pyts begin in Feb. We carry your contract! Hurry and Save at Tallman Piano Store. 3M S. 12th, near S.P. Depot. Open every eve. ORGANS, new t used. Lessons. Rentals. MORRELLS Organ Sales and Service. 363 N ilistr.. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT SALE Accordions. Save up to fiO'i Band Instr. Save no to SC Fine old violins. Hand made. Violins reduced 75" THE MUSIC CENTER 3 Center St. 2-5371 Eve. Ph. 4-4746 4x8'xi1" R G Mah. Panel 18 Stained shakes w-u $3 84 $8.95 CLOSE OUT ON PAINTS Ccmentico Masonry Paint Reg. Sale X 1h nackaves SI. 15 $ .75 25 lb. Bag $4.85 $3.00 Cin Dek Enamel Pints $112 $ Quarts Gallons O.S. WHITE $2.04 $1.60 $U.25 $5.57 KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD 235 N. Front Ph. 3-9111 We Give S&H Green Stamps 464 Sports Equipment Elec. wall heaters 5.000 W. list $!)8 now SjH.75. console gas heater list $0.25 now $47.50. 2" soil pipe St fittings cheap. Outlet boxes 22 cents. " con duit 11 cents. Toilets $23.50, Campbell Supply Ph. EM 2-2771 ANYONE FOR PING PONG? 1 te 2 piece 5x9 ping Song tops, uow as h.oo, nock-apart ping-pong stands. 6 ft. tall Santa Claus plywood cutout. COLGAN LUMBER CO. 1020 N. Liberty Ph. EM 3-9051 STEEL Garage Doors, complete with hardware. 1 43.50. in stalled. $53.50. Metal avet trough, 13VjC., built-in 4 burn er range, S82.70. Toilet, $24.50. 8-in vent fan, $19.95. EPPING LUMBER CO. 3740 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-6123 WHOLESALE Mulino Sash & Door Prehung door, wood wfndowi. Dale Vogler, 4-8720 USED building materials for sale at 992 Shipping. Sat Sun. only. Ph. 4-1233 eves. ELECTRIC wall heaters. 25 off 52 gal elec water heater, $65. 12-2 wire. 4bc ft. In rolls, LiRht fixtures reduced. 3 pc. bath set. $120 Built-in ranges, bath set. $120. Built-in oveni & 4 burner units $195. Outlet boes. 25c. 14-2 wire. 4c ft. la roils. Apex Electric At Plumb ing. 1410 Broadway Ph. 2-1868. 452 Appliances USED refrigerators. $19 25 & up. Ai Laue. App., 2350 State St. BALDWIN SPINET. , price at Tollman's greatest Xmas Plnno Sale. 395 S. 12th near S.P. Depot. Open every eve. ELECTRIC Hawaiian guitar with amplifier. For info. h. 4 5068. PIA"NO At ORGA NSALE Closing out four brantis New Spinets. $395. New Blondes, Reg. $1015. Now 1550. Grands, reduced 507. Electric orean inerial. $550. WESTINGHOUSE roaster with 1 Electric piano. Make an offer. Furniture, si: cast Iron, nr lous hand ivory, ebon; ss ware, china. ss, copper It var carved oriental At teak wood 7 ft Ph. Sunday, December 16 ; i 1 r.M." MOLALLA AUCTION CENTER j i, Ml. WEST OK MOLALLA, ! ORB. fimi 1 row i ; mm LIVESTOCK hmer. Claude t'A wards, lit. 3. Box 8r:K 4-lllJ CATTl K buyers I. ft H. Snethei CATTLE, horse, E. C. McC'ndlth. Rt 297 State. I -1345. ;-43i0 l,0 Merchamlisp stand & baking dishes practl caUyjnew Th. 2-7820. 25cu. ft. AMANA FREEZER. USED 1 MONTH. New Guar antee. WHY PAY $729.95"' ? ? Yours (or only $450 FULL PRICE. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. FOR SALE: A-l shape. GLAD I RON MANGLE $35 PH. 2-606 LARGE-Duo-therm Oil Heater. Thnr Mangle, both giwd ond. IfiSA S. Liberty. Ph. EM 3-90jO. AUTOMATIC elec. water'heaT- ers 30 gal S;5 H5. 52 Kal 162 75 juflsnn s. iisri. unm i. LEWYT vac. cleaner. 1321 N. Capitol. 3-707. 50 pianos to choose from. Terms. THE MUSIC CENTER 493 Center St. Ph. 2-5371 Eve. Ph. 4-4748 UPRIGHT Lester piano & bench, mahogany. Ph-oo. PIANO SALE! Last week of Tall man's biggest Xmas Piano Sale! Save up to 50"r on all stvles. makes, finishes. Pyts. begin in Feb. Open every eve. Tallman Piano Store. 395 S. 12lh. near S P. Depot. "A Mile From High Prices." GIBSON guitar A amplifier, like new. Ph.J-6498. SPINET TIANO BARGAIN Will discount tor quick saie. icr; responsible pari' CHRISTMAS SPECIALS from "Santa Claus" Taylor NEW 16' Burchcraft Big Fisher man. Was $434, now. . . .$319.50 NEW 15' Westerner Fiber Glass Was $560. now $379.50 1955 25hp JOHNSON new power head. Special $299.50 1958 lOhp Wizard Outboard Was $240, now $109.50 2 25hp Johnsons One with controls .... $249 50 One without controls. . . $189.50 Lot of other 1 PRE-INVENTORY SPECIALS Salem Boathouse 100 Chemeketa St. Ph. EM 3-9303 30 H P. Evinrude. and 26" boy's English bike:Ph.3.9932. CASH paid for used guns, mod ern and antique. Cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway. 465 Photography at yr r farm . 3-618. 451 Household Goods CATTl. F tuier. A. F Sommer. 1360 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-9067 TOP vah pri es at cur p'.are Rjy Coiel Ph. 4-.VM Collect CONSOLE radio' sole electric si $4.S: dit'taphom t-hiffjrobe S-V sa tphnne S5: ' AOS Pets 1 lr 112 .V cheap: con tnr machine $19 50: larct Conn B Ohrn i rei-ord' 7 FT Frigidaire good condl. Call 3-798 after p-rn. LASY Sptndrier washer with auto, spin rinse, excellent con dition. 535. See at 695 S. Elma or Ph. 3-6012. $29 95. Credit Mgr. PO Box 226. Salem iPir.t. ; j5oo ACCORDION Italian make. ' ARGUS C-3 complete with syn chronized flash, ex. condition. $45. See at TW Capitol. KODAK Bantam with flash & case. Like new. Ph. 4-4504. write , WE rent TAPE RECORDERS. BRAND new qt. Presto Cooker Frvcr. will sell for $20. Ph. romnlete w ith case, stand music .Nearly new $275 2-7497. NATIONAL Guitar, case ft am plifier. Ph. Silverton TR 3-4609. MrEwan's. 245 North High. COMPLETE 111 F Leica, fla tele-lens, with case. lh. 4-6 CHRISTMAS HERE? (N0-BUT WE'VE GOT THE SPIRIT'!) MATERIALS GALORE! Big job, little Job inside or out "It's here somewhere" ". V, 3x8 birch plvwood $3.15. Mahog. $1.89 and 4x8 birch ONLY 18c FOOT. PING PONG tops (kind you win on!) 'i $7 98. i $8.98, i $9 98. Table legs $1.29 ea. MODERN Tapered wooden legs 8" to 29". Iron legs $3.75 set. ReJ doors for tables $3.95 PLYWOOD (panel or 1000 uses) 4x8 lnt and ext. Cut to size l no charge! "Littler" ones at "Littler" prices! Tremendoui selection. Imported wood pan ellncs, 20 different woods. 67 designs!! quality at Its bestll DOORS and doors, birch $7 93 up. Mahog. too! Oak. pecan, and even birch fig., all at real savlngsl NAILS $11 25 keg. Paint $2 50 gal. GOSH come see visit spend time Our pleasure Re modeling? 36 mo.. Nothing Down AND a good lob done II Try us won t you? We're at near as your phone. Open All Day Saturday PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3545 Portland RoadPhone 4-4433 FOR RALE: 2 7x8 S.raTdsTeel garace ..oors. Ph. 4-9404. Lik new ic reasonable. 466 Bicycles BOY'S 24" bike, good cond. 517 50 . 990 Cedar Way. 3-6520. BOY'S 24" BIKE PH. 4-7975 IW electric heiter REPOSSESSED Lewvt vacuum 4 iW therm afrt RFD feir Ale rurebrrd cocker pupp . Ph. 4'7JW ee. DOGS boanled. Corkhaen Ken nels Luciie Lund. Rt. 3 Sii prten. 3 787. PUREBRED Boston Bull Pup-pie-. re.nl v for Chrit na? Ph Siherton THimlv .1 4702 Rt 2 IT'i I. W TKn'fcery. 6 ml. K nt T.'tenI'ole RFC. rr.l nvkc puppie 4" mns h.:d till Cnri-tni is HF..rT!FUL !.'n rer- B rr :5 HF.Al'TlFll. Rcc B-t-n Ter- cleaner slightlv used Mav br purchased at $5 per mo. M.Hl-rn Appliance Cen'er. 1141 S Com'l. Tn .4-9353. Open 1 GIRLS 26 4 1 rPTT HFAl.THY. i lor Ciiristnus.' GERM Police k l h. "3 4718. vlv K fern jp for sale. FURNITURE l-r 7 rm. home.! 3-);:S MiCain A. See Sal. Sun , 4: M.m. SOLID black walnut marble top antique side tvurd this is in excellent condition. I14l 5 Glen Woodry. I1 N- Summer. f ORIENTAL nig '44x78: 2 fir lamps: 1 mirror A2iX9 antique Ir.vuf. I iv ah. dim !c.n table: 1 Mrm set. dressing tab'e (-"lest tin bed w.m Mnng ft matt. 1 hile dree ing tabic lie mah chesl. 701 N Capitol ONE of fie cle-icst 8 pc dern dinmr t-. we'e ever h.id. 5 trvirs. n.' s hot chair, (."-able liHf, matching buf't. i and hinging -trror. $139 .V. en Wodry 1 N. Summer. ever; e e. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wah ers. drvers. ranges it retries, in SO A- up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St. USED PIANO Wills Musi: Store. BLOND SPINET PIANO A beauty. Huge reduction at Tall man's Ris Xmas Piano Sale. 3oS S. 12th. near S V. Depot. Oren every eve. 462 Wan red Hshld Goods $10,000 CASH To spend for High grade L'ed Furniture A Anoliances Ph, 3-5110. Paying top Price for GIRLS 16-' chain driven tricycle good conn, sis zwu namei. Ph. 2-T533. 7338. , $12. 2 POY'S bikes for 24" si;e $6. Ph. ' BOY'S 26-i Huffy deluxe" $25. 776 E. Judson. Ph. 4-8816. BOYS-26 'English "bike. $27 Ph. 4-6680. bike. nttr Rndf Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer CASH FOR FURNITURE I'SFD w.nheM $15 A up Mod- VALLEY FURN CO. Ph. 2-74T2 lyrZw?'"' ,Ul ""CASirKOR "CHRISTMAS' WF PAY TOP CASH I BUT Ftm irr Crnler. 1141 4-1T53 IMli Nfiri, t-'ft up irMirrn ...., inn. iivrfS i ft MISCEI LANFOVS ARTI. CLFS xoMGt. rem, , tfa cna . ..vrf-rt. fo.l cond.. 4JP S I A11 materials (or sale in our Salem yd.) Old fa'hinned " stale blackhoard 35c rt. Steel sch. seats with wide arm rests 12 50 ea. 1x4 used V G flooring 4S per M 2x10. 3x12 No. 1 dry Jfi5t. S5S rer M 8 It. Fluoresccrt lifihts S20 ea. AIO Mt ether bldf. hrgains FOR RFNT or leae Ire. ware brick bine. -Wntown In- L V D TTED I Pfl quir. H L. Ml Furr.. i-u J f 1 JJ 468 For Rent. Mic. ISED MDSE. MAST. c.ittase after rro S LIBERTY Imisc. ' tecus PH 4-S371 TO PLACE AI) r4 r'nrtland Rd. ftOXi 4 mi. Nort .nf Saleal i North it Totem Q Opea all day Saturs crpIi'Cour lrHONK EM. 4-6S11 0 O IP0 OC06Jt-V O o o o