-..-J..'-...T". SaTem, Oregon, Saturday, December, 15, 1956 Page 4 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL RADIO PROGRAMS lLM ISM. KOCO MM. (OAT 1411. StOIN Sit, COW KEX UN SATURDAY P.M. 8: 9 HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 5 KS1.M IAOCO Kli :1 Y iOIN HEX KM.M K()( ( KOIN KfiW HEX 6 I 9! 1 0 KniN KfilV KEX lK(XO KOIN 1KGW lHO( O KEX KSLM Knro KOIN KfiW KF.X Newi Country Sly It Jack Kuzlah Jack KtzHah Sports Pop Tunei Pop Tune Wally'i SporU sal. HiU SixnOK Sews-Weather U.N. Record Hnrmon Sotr Frank Cos Sporta Sports (Monte Ballou Monte Ballou Sporli Hob Blackburn Bob Biaekburm Bob Blatkhurn Hawii CalU Hawaii Cnll Weatern Ser." (Western Ser. ew Pno i'linco Rhylhinairei Rhythmiirei Entertainment Entertainment iRoinaiue Romance 61( Revue b.u ricvut 610 Revue Basin St. Jazw Bod Blackburn Run Blkukiuirn Boh bUfttmirn bo., b.i'i. l, n :Wrst Serenade West. Serenade liance ''Arty Datu-t -rl Word of Life Word of Life Rhv tnmnirea RnvthmHires IKRLM KOTO KOIN KEX SKM.M KOCO KOIN f K r. W KEX KSLM Knro KOIN m;w KKX KJH.M KOCO KOIN KG IV KEX Day Dreimi News Vce. flreitont rtiiKinh snow- Day Dreamt Rumpus Room Runt Ct i fwi Vce. Fireatone AclKlnv anu Rep. Rrurtdup Rumpus Room WorlH Tonit Vre. Firestone Adttins Show Vre. Flrrstnne Ad kins Show Newt Ncwi Tn'ic Table Music Adkinf Show Fulton Lewii News 5-Star Final Richfield Hep Newa iMusic IRutnpui Room Tun Table IMusic Aukiiii Show Ore neffiiirrea Rumpui Room Cap Cloakim. r)i-" rnp lMWr Snadowa Liftng Sh'riowa liwtet tv huinj Rumpui Room Cap. Cnakr-n. Music Rumpus Room Sporta Desk ri-' r.. Country Editor True Detective True Detective 'Rumpus Rfom ("hsinb'r Foium Da ore Time Oancriand Mflodiet Alusir R.iriipus Rmim f'hanibrr Forum r.ince I line DancHand Metotliea Newi-Muile (Mus Mldniftit iMui Mlflnlrht Mm Midnifht Darvr 'lime (Dance Time Dance Time fiance Time Danceland iDanceland 'Danceland Danreljmri TUESDAY A.M. FBI f20 Rpvue Schools N.S.-McMmn Nv.-!n'irta nil Henry Heck H.irper FBI A20 Revue Resources iN.S.-McMinn Dance tvarty Henry Heck tin j per WnoV Weekend Wnd Weekend N S . -M r M 1 n n j N . S . -M c M i nn N'eivs-Spnris Dinre Hurly Tun- Tnble Tun 1hle 620 Revue fi20 Revue Wna Wei-kend Wnd. Weekend Child Beyond Jimmy Wakely Jimmy Wakely irirand 01 Oprv Grand Ol Oprv Wnd Weekend Wnd. Weekend tN S.-McMlnn liVS.-McMtnn Dance Hrty D.mr Party (Oil Henry Gil Henry Heck Hni per Heck lim ner Wnd Weekend Wnd. Weekend News Di-nce Party (Oil Henry liar re lime KSLM KOCO KOIN new KEX News Newn-Spnrta St. Final Dance Time News Dance Party news-hporis Dance Parly 'Mi Parly ISports Desk Dance lime (Danceland Dince" Party " Dance Party Dance Party i fief Prr Good Eveninf Dance lime Dapr-ethnd Dinre Party Dance Party IMusic Dance ICol Henry Dance Time Child Beyond Dance Party Dance Party Giw1 Evening Dance Time Dancelnnd Dance Party Dance Party Mus, Midnight Mus. Midnight Mus Midnight Mus Midnight I'anceiana uanre lime nance lime Dncelilnd Dance Time Danreland HOUR 00:00 SUNDAY 00:15 0C:30 00:45 7 8 9 H6W:30 Church Hyms hOIN -3P Church of the Air KSLM Melodv Joum'vMelodv Journ'v Muile Church Relli KOIN E. Power Biggs E. Power BiiiS'Crturch of Air Church of Air KG W ha bin i'ulpit Hanio Hulpit Church Hymns Another Chance kex oame com. join wavy Here a to veta Inquiry KSLM Coni'v Baptist Salem Aead. Back to Clod Rack to God KOCO Never Know 4-H Club Naiarene Ser. Mus. for Sun. KG AY WaJe .Club WafUe Club Wafife CluO KGAY News KOIN lAv. to Learn lnv. to Learn Salt Lake Tab. Salt Lake Tab. KOW Voice Prophecy Voire Prophecy Dr. Barnhouie Dr. Barnhouse KEX rajth in ourTFalth in our TFalth in our TFaith in our KftLM Bible Clasi Bible Clan Voice of ProphiVolce ot Proph kui u mui for sun mui tor sun Mus tor Min. Mu tor him KGAY Roberta Organ Roberts Organ lilt Review KGAY News KOIN Jewish faith St. Francis' Forrn'n Affairs. Suim1.iv News' KGW Scandlnav Hr Scandinav Mr Scandinav Hr Sciudmav 11 r JiEX Parade of Hit Parade ot Hits I'uade of flits pjratle of Idls Chrlillan Sel. - v3I.M News . I (KOCO "itk ivter'an I'resoviarun Manh Mel Frank A Krn'itl Music Ma nil Ml -Jon Hi to Hem. Mi AY Hit Review Hit Review 1 1 I Review KGAY Neus OivOIN Slorv Master Art Museum Serenade Hack Sleiling )UiW Muic for Sun. Music for Sun. Kternai Light Flrina) Light KM.M Join Navy Concert Mln'tr rirst Methodist 'First Methodist KOCO First Hapttsl First Baptltt First .laptuf F'tit Haptlit KGAY Calvary RaptlitlCalvary BaptlstlCalvarv Hnptlsl'Calvary Haptlst KOIN Kymphonette Symphonette N. Y. Philharm N. Y. Phiiharm. KGVf Church Service Church Service Church Serve. Church .Serve. KEX News-Weekend Weekend Weekend Weekend KSLM .sent ' Music Mennonites Mennonltes KOCO World News Sun Matinee Sun Matinee Sun Matinee KGAY KGAY News Serenade S(enade KG Y KOIN N. Y. Philharm. N. Y. Philharm ,N Y. Philharm. N. Y. Philharm. KGW News-Mom mr Vrntor Monitor (Monitor KEX News-Weekend Weekend Weekend Weekend I KSLM Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade KOCO sun. Matlnet Sun. Matinee (Sun. Matinee Sun. Mattnee KGAY Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade KGAY News KOIN Percy Faith Hr. 'Percy Faith Hr. Percy FaJlh Hr. Percy Faith Hr. KGW Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor KEX News-Weekend Weekend Weekend Weekend 2 KSLM KOCO KGAY HirIN KEX 31 , K K 4! Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun Matinee Sun Matinee Sun. Serenade Sun Scrnide Phils. Orch. JPhlla. Orch. Monitor Monitor Newa-Weekend Weekend Sup. Serenade Ruh Matinee Sun Serenade p'hiln Orcli. Monltnr Weekend Sun. Serenade Sun Matinee KGAV News Olympics Monitor Weekend KSLM Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun Sereiuule Sun Serenade I KOCO Teenage Tunes Teenne (lines I'eeniige I lines reen.'ne I tinea KGAY Stanley Butler Slnnlev Butler Slnlev Puller innlev p.-ili-r KOIN News Unlv. Rxp. Itound n ItoiuutlKound n Round KC.W Monitor Huh Cnnsidine liniets:illiui Citinels.MUill L KEX News-Wee kend iWecke ntJ Weekend Weekend I KSLM Rtin. Serenade Sun Serenade isunilav Cnn Suiutav Con. KOOO Teenage Tunea Teenage Tunea Teenage Tunea Teenage I'unea KGAY G'l'wn Forum GTwn Forum Airtline Air Time IKOlN Jtike Box Jury Juke Box Jury Radio W'rkshopitliidfo Workshop - KEX News-Weekend Weekend Weekend Weekend HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 arK 7l K K IK 8 K K 9: . KSLM KG AY KOIN 'KEX "KSl.M KOCO 1 K I i A Y I KOIN KGW KKX KSLM I KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX "kslm IKO( O KGAY KOIN KGW KEX Jubilee KGAY News (H.-ibhil Rhovy jVunderhoof Keep Time KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX 5! ' KILM KOCO tKOAY Ikoin Pkgw KEX .KSLM ' KOCO IKOIN KGW KEX News Musie iLuttieran Hour 1 ulheran Hour Teenage Timet Teenage Tunes iT'eenage Tunei Hi, Tiiere KGAY News Sigh Off I TeeniKe runet Music Hall 'Music Hall CHS Newsroom CHH Newsroom r-ewi-Moniior Monitor III. There 111, There News-Weekend iWerkend Weekend Weekend Walt Wlnchell Front Page Newi JNewa Teenage Tunea Teenage I'unea Teener Times Tenia s Tiinei Indiclment Indictment Jack Ilcnnv (Jack Mennv Old Dusty Old Dualv 70.00(1 Children Brit. Revue Drew Pearson Jimmy ridler Bergen Evans Home Demon. 7; KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 8 KM.M KOIN KGW KEX Guy LombardnlGuy LombardolDrew Pearson iMusic i'eenaer l nn le.Tiar i une Ternage lunet 'I eenafe Tunet Johnny -Dollar IJnhnnv Dollar IGunsmoke Gunsmoke Meet the Presa Meet the Presa Youth lYnuth Growing Pains Growing Paina Greatest Slory Greatest Story Muale iMusic iMusic iMusic Suspense Suspense Milch Miller Mitrh Miller Music Festival Music Festival Music Festival Music Festival Arfmnt. in Ore.'Argmnt. In Ore ll-ook to Sky Sports 9 inmNrwi Mils Mitch Miller KGW Mini; Fahval KEX Hi-FI Time IDave Hosa Vallev (Music IM Itch Miller Trees. Show (Treaa. Show Music Festival Music Festival Music Festival Hi-Fi Time Hi-Fi Time Hi-FI Time KSLM Hr. of Decision Hr. of Decision Music IMusic KOIN Sun Nitc r'm Mus. Memor. Face the Nal'nlFace the Nat'n KGW Rteh Reporter Vna Newt Hr of Decision Hr of Decision irwi-j,poris Aiusie Music Music KEX 1KSLM ntil. News-Musle m KGW Catnolic Hr. 1 KEX Music I . IMuste iCatholie Hr. M usic IMusic rm Council Music ' I iMusic City Council Music MONDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 7i K K 8; 9i . KILM r Kt; AY (KOIN I KGW ' KEX .KSLM Ikoco KGAY KOIN KGW KEX KSLM IKOCO T KGAY IKOIN KGW KEX KSLM IKOCO I KGAY FKOIN KGW KEX Val rarmcsst Vel. rarmrast Val Tarmeait Niwi arm News Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. Kt. A V News News America ''in Klnck i iifnk Kfii K'm.-x New iVanderhoof (Vandcrhour Vniulerhoof No.j-Kp Time in i-u i line ... t t m.e . . i ,. t Hemingway HkTst Gang H kfst Ciang Npws We,st Jultllce West Julul.e Mnrn. Mag. Mom Mbr. Mom Mag. KOIN KlOCK I'-M'-n Vfws"'- N.v. Nrw IVanderhoof Vniulerhoof Ne ivtefi lime ii-ei iin.r Ne' A Weath Juhilee K 1 1 A IVanderhoof Cliff Engla Family Altar Hihte Inst. Itihle Inst. Jj'WB Ti;nes 9 Time Tunei A- Time Tunes A- Time HrrhB Show Herbs Show Ileitis Show KGAY News i"um. Newt Vllle V,. c t"v ;rn c,-e - fWi . iVanderhnof i IVanderhoof IVanderhoof ' Keep Time Ki cp i ii. ucei. nn.t . .e. i in. INews Pastor"s Cati iHsrgain Counter ('Urine Tailing Clarme Calling TUrine Calling nero s annw item snow hdAT ru s KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX News New s Herb's Shot Breakfast club IRreakf-ut club IBreakfnst club tRreakfst club iicep lime Keep l ime IKeep lime News 1 1 2 li i 2i K 3; K K il KSLM KOCO KGS.Y KOIN KGW KEX Ktl.M KOCO KGAY KOIN KfiW KX KSLM I Ktl( O Ki AY KOIN I KGW KEX "k slm" Ikoco T KGAY KntN K G W . kslm" Ikoco t KGAY Ikoin r KGW KEX KSLM KOCO I KGAY I KOIN KGW KIX (Tello Test Wings of Song Wings of Song IClanne Calling Clanne Calling Clarme Calling (Claiev Dyer Herb' Show KGAY News M Prki"s Dr Malone 'Aunt Mrv IGirl Manies I IU New 'Whispering Sti. iRuss Conrad IHusa Conrad IRins Conrad Queen for Dav Queen for Day Nes Herb' Shew Nra nrke Chef Gmo Cofiee lune frA IQueen for Dav News IClanne Calling Clanne Calling Clanre Calling Dinner Winner Dinner Winner I iukv 7 I u.-kv 1 Mippir... Mr( Hrion Sink I' R-h 'il HHr,m True Story (True Story Konnie Worth IKnnnie Worth Ctmiad;Hu Conrad (hiss Conrad ,W k " Vail "."eeasl" w?-riv Shr,w K,v s,,mv K.iv Show u Hollies Records limn Crier KtiY News -Go-llin Mrrry-Go-nml 5 KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX Mitchell Rpts. ipjul ILirvev M, Wlllam. Mat. Will m'Me Mai. WillVine: te "Mat A ill.io-tle Mat t?ru'. ,YmAXY S1"nv Ka'v s""w K,vv Sll,,w Rol iea Records Hollies Hi cordsitollie s Records Kt, Y News i.otmey Time c-iiiic ( ...ir.,.. i ,,. c,i'r" i K t. iMeiry-Go-Hnd Mei ry-Go-Hih Menv-Go-Hnd jS.(oiuail nusjLoinao iv.v, t ,.tu .,. lum.d WIlTm'tte MatJWiM'm ttt Mat Good News MalPiee News . Sports Clanne Calling Cl.ti me ( ailing Claru-r Calling iJ. ljiv Sn,nv '-a-v Show 'Kjisv Show C.orifrey Time cifr,- l-me Ruth Arnion v.-v-v- er Nfwa IMerry-Go-Rnd Mri i y-Go-Hm) IMnrv-Gu-Hnd '"-Conrad iliivM.mi.o ; , . v M. Wlllam. Mat WilUm Mat "willa'Mat. Tello" I est ''y s'low r'J'V Show K.isv Snow Rnlhe S Records Hollies Records Hollies Records' KG A S News Rarkitage Wife OH Kunrtav 1 ,ke I iiir'v Take Thrv News IMeiry-C.o-Rnd Mei ry-Go-Rnd Merrv-Gi..Rnd News. Conrad n,ls.v tuniwa iu. - Ciiuo ... ..'i (1, Fulton Lev-la Hrmingu a? Here i nswer S.vnBavM C"1 . Ruinpua Room Rumpus Hoooi Rumpus Room Rollie a Records Rnllie Records Roihp s Records I m is(f'i Art Ktrkham Novelette Nevnier e(r.nrf Vanderhoof IVanderhoof IVanderhoof IVandeihoof Ne -rii,uMi H-a h'rn i.q W1t Km ni,m Btb 4i Ray rtob & Ra Rob J.- Rav SrortsScri"pe Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Rumpus Room KGAY Newt Sign Off I'd Murrow New. Weather Torn Rmnn "-antc r,o Vanderhoof IVanderhoof IVanderhoof iVar.derhoof NertS-B.acub'H Bon Hm-nufn Ran HI Jcuroirn lu-no 6 7 KSLM Newt Bill Drundld News 'SamHTe KOCO Nttvs iVinei.&unrl'n Knn ti.sn rA'm ,--m KOIN Spor1t-Ne Uweli Thomas Anos n' nty A i"i "V ndy KGW fd. P. Morgan) MrCall (Mytterv Time IMvitcrv Time kX News'rtiai :kb n Bob Hlackoum H'.h riuiKnm Olmpi. KSLM Gabriel Heater Serenade Railin Rnur i'akhfi KOCO Newt Rumpui Room Rumpus Room Rumnus Room KOIN Melody fVelodr IRmi Cmihv Aiming KGW Music iMinir Mnsie Musie Itrx BfibAdklnt 'RobAdktnl lAdkint Show Artkini Show KSLM IKOCO KGAV KOIN KGW Kt Vail Farmcast Vail, rarmcast Vail, rarmcast Newt Farm Newt Morn Alag Morn .Msg KGAY Newt America KOIN Kmc KOIN Klock 'KOIN Klorlc Newa IVanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof News-Kp Time Keep lime Keep lime Keep lime Hemingway Break. Gang ;Break. Gang iNewt News West. Jubilee V.eM. Jubilee Morn. Mag. Morn Mag Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock (Headline News' On NeWS Newt IVanderhoof Vanderhoof News iKeep lusc iKeep luuc Cliff Engle (Family Altar (Haven of Rest Haven of Rest News Tunt & I line 'Tunes & Time Tunei A- Time Herb's Show Herh -inn Hern s Show KGAY News Consumer N'ws'Vule Newt IShellev Serend SheHev Srr. News IVanderhoof IVanderhoof IVanderhoof Nes-Kp Tb-iej ..... nine IKeep lime Keep i line "Newt IKraft Newa Pastor's Call iBargaln News IClanne Calling Clanne Calling Clnnne Calling Herb's Show Herb's Show Ross Show KGAY Newt U'rnriv Warren 'llniv.trrf Miller Helen I rent 'Midim Breakfast Club 'Breakfast Club 'Breakfast Club Breakfast Club News Keep Time Kecp Time Keep Tlme Tello-Test iWlngs of Song Wings of Song IClanne Calling IClanne Calling Clanne Calling Herb's Show iHerb's Show KGAY Newt nit Pe'i'ii D' Vlnn lAupi Marv tChef Gino IGirl Marries (Whispering SU. Buss Conrad I Buss Conrad IRuis Conrad IQueen a Day Queen for Day Queen for Day Clanne Calline Clanne Calling Clanne Calling Dinner WmnerlDinner Winner Rollie's Records Rollie'a Records Haooii"'"" A,r H"rton strike r 'n-'i nnnr'i' True Story (True Storv jKonnie Worth IKonnle Worth News fRusi Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Chron.-ofAir News- (Top "Trades (Vail. FarmcaBt News Easy Show Easv Show Easy Show Rollie'a RecordsiRollie'B RecordsiTown Crier KGAY Newa News-Weather Corne Get It I House n;triv 'ou.-e P-rh Mitchell Repta. Paul Harvey Merry Go Rnd JMerry Go Rnd News lieu Mcijuwin Geo, ulctiuwan Faun Newa Wlllam7MaL WilLam. Mat Wiitam. Mat. iWillam. Mat. j News IKa-.v Show -Easy Show K-i-y Show Itiillie'a Record.! Hollie s Records Hollie s llecords'Kt; AY Newt Newt News Herb'i Show Nora Drke ABC News Coffee Time KSLM Newt KOI O News KGAY KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX -It'. -((I Merrv Go Rnd IMerrv Go Hnd Merry Go Hnd Merry Co Knd News-Conr.ul Ross Conrad Kins Curirml Huss Cmiiatl Travi'l Plv.luvv. Shown to Rotary MOLALLA 'Special Visiting flo.aijnns at Tuesday neon's Mo lalla Hotary mectinz were John Brown ol Oregon City: and Wil liam Mcrrio:t, Hay Glatt and Bert Willcford from the Woodburn club. Molalia guests were Howard Peter son, superintendent of Crown Zel lor bach corporation; and Luther Kousn. The program was provided by the Woodburn visitors, with Glatt giving a commentary while Mer- riott showed colored slides on a projector of 8 series of pictures Glatt had taken on a Mediterran ean cruise in the spring of 1955; from Gibraltar and Casablanca to the Island of Malta, Cypress and into the Jloly Land: with several slides of Israel and the adjoining arao pan 01 Jerusalem. Aid Dystrophy Fund ALBANY (Special) Albany's muscular aystrophy drive was success Chairman Jason Ander son, Jr., announced Wednesday, He said that total collections amounted to $873.27 which is (223 more than was contributed last year. HENRY By Carl Anderson DEVIL'S FOOD BAM : DEVIL'S cTL ANGEL , CAKE CAKE WISHING WELL R.liil.r.d U. S. P.t.nt Office. 763R275463758 Y ft A FHOYR I BtTO . A 5 7 6 i j 5 5 6 2 ii 1 4 6 urtcE.ciiHirtoc r "3 027 485784 6 f C E GVORWBRE-REA 5 3 8 728453672 N I H RCH8DCOTKM 5 2 6 " 4 8 3 i 7 5 8" 4 8 T E E CFANROA I 1J P 3 726 5 7 4826758 O N U R R Q X Xj I I TT O I 7 4 5 8" 6 7 2 5 3 8 4 6 7 EDENS RTTRGSES T.TERG is pltasant little came that will five you a message every day. It is a numerical puzxle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters In your first name. It the number of letters Is or more, subtract 4. If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result Is your key number. Start at the upper lelt-hand corner of the rec tangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you. O It". Vr WtllUm J. Milkr. Dillrlbutt. by Kiai rmuif. f.Mkitr. In.. l"l ACROSS 1. Walked 5. Kxtinct bird 8. Opposite of to 12. Resounding 14. Cord 15. Fineness 16 Chills and fever 17. OrKan of vision 18. t'oult-nj 111. l.iHy "Jil SupptT 21. Atlriitum 22. Topt'itlry 2.V Ktnbi e 26 Arlili. iul lani;kuiie 29. lli-i i nig sauoe 30. Billiard stick 31. Portiro 32 Piece of metal . 33. Kind of nail 34. Stratum 35. Low gaiter 37. nashful 38. Famous prirefiphter 40. Blackbird 41. Kaint 44. Italian czar 4 Mallow 47. Kiiiil u-ated 4.1 Ancii'nl P.ilfstinian p. oplc 49 i."l life lluid 50. Light nicUl 51. Kivt-r baiTirt'S Solution of Yelterday'a Puizl. DOWN 1. Woods plant 2. De pend 3. C'.iiholic form of Hosra 4. Kollow after 5. Madness ' -f J v I. 'is l' 17 I . Is f 'o i , " 7 .. . 77" 7v IT 75" 7? j8 y. Tj Ti : , j 7i 7T "J fj9 ' V 17" "35 - I I I 1. II I . I - I t. Formerly 7. Dined 8. l)l.i;e II. Stillness 1U. Bui dm 11. Submissive VS. Paris uf churches 19. Implore 20. Twitihing 21. Color 22. Flap 23. Wins! 24. Convince 25. Center of a wheel 2". Female deer JR. Paddle 30. Movable bed 31. Utter 33. Owns 34. Let down 36. Languished 37. Church law 38. Branch 30. Fps-shaoed 40. Half: prefix 41. Information 42. Article 43. Army meal 45. Container for liquids 46. Free pa.1 rtMi at sua. Knler lo Till, Sew and Fit. This Printed I'ntirrn is scw-casy and thrifty! Handy apron can be made from a 100-pound fecdbnR a perfect kitchen cover-up. Sew a hall-apron too; with scraps for pretty 'heart" pocket! Printed Pattern 9226: Misses sizes small HO. 12': medium 114. 161. All given sizes: a 100-pound leedhag or lli yards 39-inch. Thi. av.!n-n. nnttern eives nerfeef fit Pomnlete illustrated iw Chart shows you every step Send 35c in coin mo stamps please' for Pattern, with Name. Address. Stvle Number and Size Address PATTFRN BUREAU. Capital Journal. Bnj 4. Old Chel sea Station New York II N Y For first elass mail Inelade aa eitra g ccale per f atlera. BWfhM$!rfTf I utb II fmiKLWYi hate people Kue poesm-tY.! "teN tNBSTw.BAa' nDW531 A ACTOM'fl (knTn UsMiDie want to be people IVUO I TE copezation I HATE people riffirA'-NE5 4LCANE I4i nff V ACTOR f y L TOR ' s ' AN AC10.J OUT MAtE f .' TrTTS WHO ) ABOUNP 9 , lllV N.WEB CANVON VKHOM l Wtpfi UTS)) sS S 0iLf KJ-1 1, f MfSmH -TlT e :;-jLi aiv bepeesent! i wis-H M k JJo If v' 'J "' - i ' asssS Il 4r- 4l !j XWM) TELL ME HOW ' (ft Jfef W. I'lfff t I uvmm llllllllIM M!i Bf - "M -xvtt "he missed the T1 e WMW VWW HUM llllll' -L gunam KICK--AWTHERE'S N iis (!sil s! ilrls lill c i vntw r r m msivm i i mmmryy. sii mtmm.r " - 1 - JUST Jrv WE'RE RK3HT HEE6! X1 SARSE. X OH, I JUST X ICAIvfT l A 1 "ii9fS 16 MILES FROM DHLLBUP.S.IW-'RE A GENIUS! . ( . fl A,., r ' . LOCATE US M MINUTE ---Tfi- 10 MILES FROM ARQUS,yHOW CAN VDU TELL 1 V LANDMARK J I HtFVILLE 10 $5Si ONTHEMArJVJI feCI 5M1LES FROM-j-TWnjOLT V 1 1 LLll ' pl iiV?$&&fi'ii&'&J:Jj I I f I l lyOU HAD HI6 GUH MIKEX IM NOT THE KINO t;C!S?'S;iSi'zi I J OKAY. YOU YELLOW LITTLE J IU WHY DIDVT YOU J OF A HUNTER WHO, I I EVER NEED HELP. I DON'T HAVE 70 TELL 1 I te:JoiV?!fJk d RAT RUN FOR YOUR HOLE eTt'l 1 ( FINKH HIM -y75H00TS QUAIL IN A I I YOU WHO'D GIVE YOU THE GOLD OUT I I tXtfiJK. - pV -tT III tf--- Y COOP. 8055 "LITTLE I OF HIS TEETH J I " ' iiWbijj.l ij w -TTZ V , I fn T n eufcrrbBsexfioi ruce, ca$t apbipt w the palp sesins one big time-" wb UHUP. 1 ktwircot- r " ntpeontmH6seMr, mj, acsossa walrus who hap seoH-" - A iAM I vvrl ( VCjowtS f but me 6otta 4ir J oip a penchant foe pokes an' Zl JUrfoiH'T mean i ot' moose M $T7v mmi Unusual Cl.alr-Set. Filet crochet BACK SOP HAHP AT , ' JWTH TKEHELPOP A II tf TH6 HWIPAV" J milSSecW &f? W ' M combined with spider-web stitch, g j-M ffflfi T'yte Biff WgfiOTTA6o"ir I IW ' ANT THg U INArtf&MAf J MUUtffmi. f lorms this unusual chair-set or 8 , A WWW CJ lla MuSe J IrVWJACUlAWK, rZZ P rTkr Crj . scarfends. A pretty way to pro- 0jiK WJ M f00(fjf fjjjl, X0- al?ernl7S6fl: Crochet chart, dl- rJ y f Q-V- '-f 'WjvU ri. inches, matching armrest. Done so vrwt &!?) Hi - riwi ivfi ft? nsMJ itfXiSi Q? quickly, in line cotton. jJX 4 ( IT 5 AS "ZZT. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In ' is jSVAlI itV'QLil lUf A rrfjm Y coins for this pattern add i cents -i.."- r--1 I , XjJJJ J-L1 for each pattern lor tst-class mail- raBBw , -r-l U ' 1 1 I flyp3 inB- s,"d " Capital Journal, I II ( otn to TBKE n CHflNCE- m f3RR-f5ET ITS GOIN'TO BE Y Household Arts Dept . P O. box f PAPERS -ALL. THE RECENT A THE OLD COOe-SENO fl WIRE- L i A l?EAL WHTTE CHRISTMftS-HUH 11t 168. Old Chelsea Station. New I MAGAZINES-NOT A WORD TO V THEN BE READY FOR ANYTMNG I -.-I (TU- F3 JUST TUEStfQY TH 2619 -- - York 11. f Y. Print L :nlv ( (a I GIVE ME fl HINT OF THE 1 V J. IA FOR ME THra TIMEl . " NAME. ADDRESS, TONE. AND g IffTUATION 1 BE RUNNINQ INTO-1 1 "T W--l " Two FREE patterns - printed t' ll I " fe J., ,l' p , B Jjff. " ?' in our ALICE BUOOKS Needle- A iV- MA. IQ :if li I W I F fil L JC'-' " ' - craft book - stunning designs , An . Mlh ii 1 'B I I "' . $1?K& - . for you. our readers! Dozens of a J( . ,ttW. M M&Wl li I I fe 3ES , fiT-'i Se.-' oej- Im'jynd d'M 4 (g.b - 1 V -L Sew and fit I- -.. -a,. . ynm-WMfM!?.iMl 1i!rrsssZLr-ii-.. ( r.-ru' termites is gSSa uti Ah'termiteT) j&$s0$wMLn 0& " m--JSjsb&h 1 ! vi 7 I ' AH what spirit fT rrS where i clean el brushqivdu have a great' i )W arevou l C V'a. . WHAT EXPRESSIOM'& . OFF MV BRUSHES I GREAT TALENT HOW I WISH 'tHIMK W WtflttttH . irmoTotATftYi ii u mm &vzm3 l-iZ r-wV 0 ft i LLLtK tttLtm 1 iv M' tt.ioi i-saysgpc i -fhffiK - 1 ""-Zl "T T'TI" ror f EEIN6 MT LAT T I PONT WANT TO IT'LL BE NO INCONveNIENCE V THAT4 W I yiP)''Wti7 E,AUWTHA.' PATIENT NOW, MIS INCONVENIENCE TO AAE I CAN CROP VCHJ OPF VERY KINO I M f .' fWV, '. Ll I 5P I PONT WANT TO lUSEKieWT LOCK.' fU. BE THII01I6H I YOU, PR. C6AN .' ON MY WAY TOTHE HOf ITAL.' I OP YOt', J t r'i . " IT NOW. MAL.' I'mN. OVER IN A FEW MINUTES I I'LL CALL A CAS.' POCTORy - . .. TV C USlNfe A POCTOR'S PWONE .' . " AND WOULP 8E HAPPY I Wlf) M I TTSi , , " Xr, S PONT 80THER COMIN& HEE If fZ L TO PRTVE YOU HOME .' ( I ' VSaiV - VTSS k BECAUSE I'M LEAVING S -o, MVr W" I 'mmzjm mm - " T""" l.r. T.ifU .iTlcrimTucu I . . ' Ov -rc i Ti z . . - - r V,r -""rMsss I I ! J I l X r ' I M ar -Z.ssssssssV- m ,L. vi c& luvm urvc - rLnu fi irnT sz bp- U"l-LV - C rv" flzvrsi 1 ; latTTHLMOLnlWND THEMj dont BLAMtU F0R.I iu mi nwn ,us RlMCVXl CAfcMOi IP SOMtlMINOl til TOWC WANTS M5fmN PRKENTS.HE5HOULD MAUt IT A FIVC POUND BOX Of A550RTfJ MONEY i r1 BV THt WAY. THIS NOTE CAME WITH THE P05IES! I OPENED IT, NATURALLY, ALONG WITH THE MORNING MAIL 1 RALOk 1 -TV"