Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December, 15, 1956 Page 2 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Kansas Not One-Man Team in Beating Huskies, 77-63 Bears and Lions To Decide Title NFL Ends Slate Sunday Except For One NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE Ea.trrn Confrrrnre W L T W L T Glanti 7 3 1 Rrowm 6 6 0 1 Rcdskmi 6 4 0 Slef Itrt 4 7 0 i Cardl 5 0 Eaglea 3 7 1' UVatern Confrrtnre Mona 0 2 0 49cra Brara 8 2 1 Pac-kerl 4 8 0 Rams W L T 4 8 1 4 7 0 3 0 ' Br THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Chicago Bears and Detroit,00" .ions will decide the Western Saturday's umr New York va. Division title in the National Foot- ! Philadelphia: Sunday', names: Hal- hall League tomorrow at Chicago's Wrigley Field, but the Eastern Division race could drag out. The Eastern Division race might not be decided until Dec. 23 if the Philadelphia Eagles happen to upset the New York Giants today in a nationally televised game at Philadelphia. Cards vs Cleveland: Detroit vs. Chi- man Bran: Green Bsv vs. Los An. gelci; Pittsburgh vs. Washington. Etglcs. Should the Giants lose, Washington could sneak in by beating Pittsburgh tomorrow and Baltimore, Dec. 23. The champi onship game will be played at ci- The Giants, however, would win ! thcr Washington or New York the title it they beat or tie the Bahama Wins, But Fans Boo '. CLEVELAND Ml Joe Giar dellos workmanlike victory over Charley Cotton pleased Cleveland fight fans Friday night, but they booed the Yama Bahama-Jimmy Martinez bout that a national tele vision audience saw. Bahama won the TV fight by p unanimous decision. lie said in the dressing room that he con sidered It a tough fight, but the fans thought It was dull. After the eighth round, with the crowd booing, referee Lou Porker went to Bahama's corner and whispered something which sound ed to those seated nearby like '.'save the show." The final round Dec. 30, With the exception of the Washington-Baltimore game, the NFL ends its schedule tomorrow with Baltimore at San Francisco, the Chicago Cardinals at Cleveland, and Green Ray at Los Angeles. The Lions-Bears game is listed at even money although the Lions humiliated the Bears at Detroit a couple of weeks ago, 42-10. Sweet Home Wins 40-35 SWEET HOME (Special) "Rolls" Roycc McDaniels, Sweet Home High School's jock-of-all- trades, led his Sweet Home Hus kies to an impressive 40-35 win over Junction City in a non-confer ence basketball game here Friday night. McDaniels bancrd home 25 tal- was the most spirited of the 10. lies as top scorer. Steve Nix potted : Giardello a favorite in Cleve- 12 for Junction Cilv. land since his vicious knockout victory over Bob Boyd here last September drew cheers as he outpointed Cotton. The unanimous decision was Giardcllo's second in a row over Cotton, who beat Giar dello twice before their last pre vious meeting in Milwaukee. Ogdahl to Talk To Central Grid Banquet Dec. 19 CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL (Speciall Ted Ogdahl, Willa mette university football coach, will be featured speaker at a ban- duct Wednesday night to honor the Central High griddcrs, semi-finalists in the state A-2 playoffs. ' Citizens of the Monmouth-Inde pendence area are sponsoring the banquet for Coach Marv Heater's squad and Gene McCarthy, area flop grower, will be toaslmaster. . Heater will introduce his team and present awards previously announced at a school assembly. Bill Blankenbaker and Roy Peter son will be honored as co-winners of the outstanding player award. Peterson was on the second all slate team and Blankenbaker was Jiven honorable mention. Dennis Hedges wil receive two awards-one for most Inspirational player and one tor-being outstand ing on defense, the loiter given by Dec Taylor, local businessman. Also guests will be assistant coaches Mux Wllkins, Joe Lorincz and Ray Coleman. The banquet will he In the Elks Lodge hall in Independence. Alsea Wins 4 Ml Over Perrydale PERRYDAI.E - With Wilbur (Mount) Vernon lend- MntalU (JO) The winners owned a 25-14 half- lime lead. Junction City won the Bee game. Swrrl Home (40) (35) Junction city McDaniels I25 T (12) Nix Danleli (0) r (4) K. Johnson Robert! Ml C - (ft) R Johnson Vavroaky (0) G fli Strome Hoffman (7) G (2) RflMell Reserve! icorlnn: Sweet Home Sleber II, Dcinn 4. Junction Clly Hurscsnn 4. C. Nix 2. Officials: Coi- ton and Kane, Johnson Makes 27 for Valselz Over Chemawa CHEMAWA - (Special) Top ped by Ernie Johnson's 27 points, Valsotz High School romped to an easy 68-44 basketball win over the Chemawa Indians here Kridny night. Valselz led, 40-17 at the half. The Redmen papooses outlasted the visiting Jayvecs in the curtain raiser. fhrmawa (44) ml Skaliam 101 r (7) Pedcrson Brown (221 F . 171 Serrln Nlltlnul. 121 C (771 Jnhnsnn Armboy (1) G (HI Dortse Satanus (17) G (SI Davidson Hfserves scoring: Chemawa fled alter i. Valselz Alslott i. renter 2. Seappoose Tops Molalla 4.', to .'JO MOLALLA - (Speciall Lead ing all the way, Seappoose High School defeated the Molalla In dians, 43-30, in a non-league basketball game here Friday night. Scnppoosc's Jack Davi.', look game scoring honors with 15 tallies. Davey Rrock and Hal Og burn each hit in for the locals. Seappoose led. 20-1(1 at the half. Mnlalla's Rees won the prelim, 52-31. Wilt 30, King 24 For Win Dons Get 60th, to Faee Olympic Champs By ED WII.KS The Associated Press It's been a week of surprises, but the latest may be the biggest yet-it scem's Wilt the Stilt isn't the only guy playing basketball for Kansas after all. The Jayhawks, No. 1 team In the nation, didn't have much trou ble winning their third of the sea son in a 77-63 decision over Wash ington at Seattle last night. Cham berlain, the 7-foot wonder, snared 30 points, but it remained for Mau rice King, a husky guard, to take up the slack with 24 points. Elsewhere, San Francisco, ranked No. 2 in this week's As sociated Press poll, pushed its all time record to 60 consecutive vic tories with a 67-48 job on Loyola of Chicago. But Alabama's victory string was snapped at 20 with an 80-78 defeat by still-unbeaten Duke. Won't Affect Record Both results came in tournament play. San Francisco advanced to the finals of the Chicago Invita tional and faces a "defeat that isn't" at the hands of the U.S. Olympic champions tonight. The Olympians, who toyed around in a 97-57 decision over Santa Clara, are not in the "collegiate" cate gory and the result of tonight's game won't affect the Don's rec ord one way or the other. Bama, which has ruled the three previous Birmingham clas sics, was popped in the first round of the four-team scrap while Duke advanced to the title game tonight against also unbeaten West Vir ginia, wich set a tournament scoring record with a 105-67 vic tory over inexperienced Missisip pi Southern. Aggies Whip Utah In another four-team, two-night tournament, Duquesne defeated Geneva 65-52 for a championship berth in the Steel Bowl against Pitt, an 89-56 winner over Carne gie Tech. Oklahoma A&M, beaten once In six starts, bumped off previously unbeaten Utah 73-68 and end the Utcs' home court winning string at 33. Holy Cross, usually an East ern power, lost its home court success record at 26, with a 90-74 pounding from twice-beaten Am herst. Little Gary Thompsonn bagged two lout shots with 73 seconds re maining for Iowa State's 3-62 de cision over Texas Tech; Morchead (Ky) nailed Tennessee Tech, 85 82, in double overtime. And Orby Arnold swished eight of 10 field shots in Memphis Stale's 77-48 breeze past Texas Western. Oklahoma, became a winner. 58-56. over Bnv lor on 15-sccond half points by Ed Abbey. Vale blew a 21-pnint lead. but clipped Penn 88-72 in an Ivy League game. Furman defeated Davidson, 75-61, in the Southern. Rebound Even Too High for Wilt 1 SEATTLE Bruno Boln (foreground In white) jumps with Wilt Chamberlain (13) of Kansas for a high rebound In Washington's basketball game with the Jayhawks here last night, but all miss ed. Kansas won, 77-63, and will play here again tonight. (AP Wirephoto) Loss of Wesley Hidden Blessing Anderson Repeats as Champ In C-J Singles Eliminations 'Swede' Rolls Big 1368 Scratch In 8 Games By BENN VALDEZ Capital Journal Bowling Editor For the first time in the four year history of the Capital Jour nal-Capitol Lanes Singles fclimi nations, the event has a two-time champion. The finals of the men s division Sublimity Tops Shcdd, 44 to :U SHEDD (Special) Suhlimi ty High's Saints defeated Shcdd High School, 44-34, in a kincs-x basketball game here Friday night, as Saint Forward Clctc Heu berger took game scoring honors with 14 points. Sublimity led from the outset and won going away, holding a wide 24-9 halftime margin. Mike Irish tallied 11 points for the host five. Sublimity won the B Snuad Dre ader three defeats, lim, 38-11. Shedd (34) Cooper S Davis 2 J. Irish II M. Irish II Kirk (44) Sublimity M Hruhrraer 2 lllades . S Ctirlstianson 3 Meters 10 SIlbevnaRpl ",c ".. msca ign nrieated i Mvruk is) the Perrydale Pirates, 44-31, in al!'"11" ISI kings-x basketball game here Fri- 'w,rnl'?!r., (41) Srappoose (151 Iliivls (101 Engstrnm (HI Towell I Si Here hj iiikiii i vrrjunie trailer! 19-11 '"sfrvi-s M'orlriK: Ni-appnnse Si-ucl-at the half. ' ;d'r 2- MuUlll Billiard 2. irrnon nipped all scorers with nine points. Davry Hiohnithai Norm Fnnk. and Wayne Phillips hit for six apiece to lend the host quint. The Perrydale Jayvecs won the opener, 35-22. Perrydale (.11) Glntrlch 12) F GllsollOl r Prink I6t c lllebenthahl (fll G rhillipi i6i (; Reserves ac-orlns peJoni 5I R. DeJonr 3 Hockema 1 101. Tlclunor 19 Reserves arorlng. Shedd. GrushotiR Milillmlty, Hraclleff lu. uinclals, . Kansas (77) (63) Washington I lleubcrscr and Gries. G F P T C. V P T I ElKiun.r 4 I i n stariv r t 9 n in ' 0 3t 2 Smarl.f S S 111 jf.,. I ,, rlihrln.c II S 2.10Boin.i- 7 2 3 IB ! '- '41 I.OSIN OWI Markers 4 1 O 0 0 2 0 'p TAI.,-! :,, KlIIK.H 9 I 24 Smith s O 2 3 2 ilallrllll I mill Johnstn.f 1 1 1 3 Greer. f 2 0 0 4. nlvifniA mm ct invt;'. MJhnsn.f 0 0 2 0 Morris.f 10 12 OLMPIA (UP) St. Martin S nnter.s 0020 Crews. 1002. jumped into an early lead over a HlllnKs.B: OOO OCo.istn.ff 0 0 0 0 nA i :rtnM nnrl n..Hfl Kinclrd.ff 0 0 0 0 Pnrlsn.a 2 0 14 " no... "' I"""" Unrlnd.ff 4-OOS '"J ' oi,-ji u.-.liuuii n-- 1 tory here last night. Total. 30 17 12 77 Total, 26 11 1.63 , ,,,,,, ,.,,,., (in( , tang, (--technical loul face ffiiarciina- and connected with only 18 field 4i 3S-77 01s oul 0 72 attempts, while the Washington .. ...24 30 S3 J ..... , c, CIlllci.Hs: Al LiKhlner. John Kolb. Hangers were hitting 33 to 53. in the fourth annual event were held at the Capitol Lanes last night with defending champion Lyel "Swede" Anderson success fully defending the title he won last year. Starting on his pet 3 & 4 alleys, Lyle banged out the two-game blocks of 503, 430 and 435 scratch on games of 256, 247, 213, 217, 189 and 246 for 1368 and 1434 handicap. After the first two games it was not a question of who was going to win but only what the margin was going to be. Staudingcr Second Rich Straudingcr bowled on the same pair with Lyle and shot a creditable 1229 scratch and 1301 handicap which would ordinarily have won the event but not against the firecracker hot Anderson. Rich was the only man pressing Lylc after the first two games and he wasn't close enough to worry the winner. Joe Boyle, principal at Stayton High School, paced a solid third with 1214, Roy Farley wis fourth with 1174, Bob Ryan fifth with. 1145 and Roy Luke sixth with 1005. First place paid 37.05 to the winner with the next five places paying 28.00. 20.00. 14.00. 12.S0 and 10.00. Jim Ramsay picked up 4.00 for topping the first round out of the finals and Jeep Epping received a like amount for top ping the second round out of the finals. Women's Finals Sunday The Ladies division of the tour nament will conclude the event with their finals on Sunday after noon at 1:00 o'clock at the Cap itol. We would have another de fending titlist as Mary Polinsky led the ladies division of the tour ney going into the finals. Dis- I It Gave Durden Chance to Be Star By HOWARD APPI.EGATE United Press Sports Writer CORVALLIS, Ore. (UP) The ineligibility of Sam Wesley, speedy halfback who was slated to hold down a regular spot on Ihi j season's Oregon State football team, may have been a blessing in disguise for the Beavers, who meet Iowa in the Rose Bowl Jan. 1. Not that Oregon State didn't miss Wesley, who in addition to his running ability was a top dcfemive performer. But when Wesley was declared ineligible, a sophomore speed de mon from Los Angeles named Earnel Durden moved into his regular right halfback, on wing back, spot in Coach Tommy Prothro's single wing. And Durden proved himself the clutch" kid all season long, es pecially as Oregon State came from behind four times in its string of six straight victories which carried it to the Pacific Coast Conference title in Proth ro's second year as head coach. Named All-Const Wesley was declared ineligible after the Missouri game when it was discovered he had neglected to report attending another school before entering Oregon State. Durden, who will feel right at home in Pasadena Jan. 1, was so sensational that he was named to the United Press All-Coast team, the only sophomore so hon ored. He also received honorable mention for Ail-American. Many opponents called him the finest running back they saw all season and for good reason. Durden was the key man when Oregon State came from behind to defeat California 21-13 after trailing 13-0 at the half. UCLA led Oregon State 7-0 but Durden's speed was a big factor as the Beavers pulled out in front to win 21-7. Against Stanford, Durden caught a pass from another Los Angeles sophomore, Paul Lowe, to set up the winning score in a 20-19 vic tory. And against Idaho, when it i appeared the Vandals were en ! route to an astonishing 10-7 upset, the Lowe-to-Durdcn combination paid off for a long pass-run which again set up the winning Oregon State touchdown. All-American Potential The Beavers suffered a blow when Durden was kicked out of the Oregon game on the second half kickoff after a brief alterca tion with Oregon guard Spike Hillstrom. A 19-yard gallop by the husky sophomore had set up the Beavers' first-half touchdown. Oregon State finally escaped with a 14-14 tie after Durden's sub stitute. Sterling Hammack, had fumbled two punts, one of which led to an Oregon score. Durden has all the potential to become an All-American before he is finished at Oregon State. Coach Prothro naturcly is high en him and Iowa's stout defense will have to be at its best to keep Durden from breaking way in the Rose Bowl game. Incidentally, Wesley sat on the Beaver bench throughout the year although he was suspended from school. Carver Leads Falls City Against Jewell, 54-35 FALLS CITY (Special) The Falls City Mountaineers defeated Jewell High School, 54-35, in a kings-x basketball game here Fri day night. ' Roy Carver led the winners with 18 points, Arnie Koljornen and Bobby Berg each had 9 for the losers. Jewel took the B Squad opener, 39-16. 'South' Takes Yawama 'Jam' Sheridan, Amity, Salem Academy, Willamina Win 'Games' McMINNVILLE (Special) The "South" outlasted the "Norlh" to gain a 75-66 victory in the an nual Yawama League Basketball Jamboree here Friday night. The Jamboree marked the official opening of the 1956-57 Yawama League basketball schedule. The winning combination for "South" was made up of Willa- mina's Bulldogs, the Sheridan Spartans, Amity's Warriors, Salem Academy s Crusaders, and the Philomath Warriors. Losing "North" consisted of the Banks Braves, the Yamhill Tigers, Sher wood's Bowmen, the Gaston Grey hounds, and Dayton High's Pirates. Willamina got "South" off to a lead which they held throughout the evening as they dumped Banks, 13-6. Sheridan held the marcin. tying Yamhill, 11-all. Amity added to "South's" margin, outlasting Sherwood, 19-15. Salem Academy bounced Gaston, 26-10, and the Dayton Pirates scored the onlv "North" win of the evening, de feating Philomath, 24-6 in the windup. The Yawama entrants will not nnpn npninst parh nther until Jan uary 8th, when three league games will be on tap. Independence Baptists Defeat Salem Quintet INDEPENDENCE (Special) The Independence First Baptist team got a 20 point performance from Gordon Detzel Friday night to defeat the First National Bank of Salem 68-57. The halftime score was 33-28 in favor of the Baptists. 1 WE BUY WALNUT MEATS For the Benefit of the Growers Who Like to Crack Their Walnuts, We Are Paying TOP CASH PRICES for Walnut Meats Call Weekdays, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Phone 3-3568 SALEM NUT GROWERS COOPERATIVE 2828 Cherry Ave., Salem SWEDE ANDERSON , . . first to defend title puting her bid for a second title will be Madpc tieke, Alma Penny and Barb Smith. SStwiBSls!' 1 HIM... Importtd Hand Loomtd Harris Tweed Sport Coats Unutually Diitinttiv W eiSTWCTIVt MtN't WW Jj CORNER OF SENATOR HOTEL (41) Al.r 101 Sitti I iOl Dixon 1 (A) HhIih-s It" Vfmon Perrvrlalf D. Sandy 1!ih1.1 Hy Hood Hivrr mimm ispti'iali - Tli. Sandy Pioneers dropped an into.'-c-ltng Sl-M h.-illcami- to the ltiver Blue Dragon here Krulav night. The game was a non-league affair. Hood River's Red Kriesnn nnl Ihe Pioneer's Gory McVey shared i Came honors, each garnering 21 1 imints icr nts night s work. The Columbia River quint Ird a' the half. 28 Hood River won the Bee opener 51-46. Sandv (M) -Airholf 10) Kins 1131 Jnhninn (3) Mr-Vev Olt HrnHjmin (Si (11) Hood Rlv.r I ll Lui-.. T 111! vlt f (21 Irlunn O (.11 Wonllrr fi (181 C.mnh!t Sandy alkini Rfi.rv.. r.nrln. 4. BJork 4 Hnn(J Rlv.r-ark.r 2 .Ofllflali: Wanan and H.ndnc. Whore's the best place for your whole family to save? EOT BKATS COVOTKS I.A GftANDK U P) - Kaern Oregon staved off a lale College of Idaho rally here last night to defrat the Coyotes, fifi-fil. in a non conference hjfckothall Dome. Larry Hiwntf. )I vT4VCtl (coring with pt.Vv D Tuan' as high UK CryM vaiA m. Today, millions of Americans will tell you that the smartest pljce lo put your sa ings is in an insured Savings and Loan Association. This is true w hether you're the family breadwinner or just member of the pijgy- hank set. You can open an account in these Associ ations for as link- a 51 to J5. You get ra-Unt returns. Your monev is mfr insured up to $I0.0(X1 by the 1-SLIC, an agency ol the U.S. Government. And you deal with friendly , ex perienced people of your own community. why not open in account al an insured Savings and Loan Associ ation unity! You'll find it's a picas ant, and profitablr. place to do business, o . Salem federal Savings riiT- eod Loan Associativa j Annniil. Courthauta I pl . Q J Residence and Land Sale The State Highway Commission ssill sell at public auction oo the property described below together with the buildings thereon at 1:00 p.m. on December 20, 1956 A parcel of land lying in the John P. Poujade Donation Land Claim 45, Township 5 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon, and being a portion of that property described in that deed to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded in Book 460, Page 606. of Marion County Records of Deeds: the said parcel being that portion of said property lying Southeasterly of a line which is parallel to and 100 feet Southeasterly of the cen ter line of the Portland-Salem Expressway as said highway has been located, which center line is described as follows: Beginning at Engineer's center line Station L4E 137000, said Station being 2267.24 feet North and 1934.44 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Poujade Donation Land Claim 45; thence South 37" 28' West 3000 feet to Station 1400 00, the Northwesterly line of said parcel crossing the East line of said property approximately opposite center line Station 1.18540. Except that portion of said parcel lying within the following described tract: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of County Road 524 with the center line of Ihe Portland Salem Express 4V, as described above, at Station 1399 18 39: thence South 72" 51' IS" East along said County Road center line 600 feet: thence mirth 17" OR' 45" East at right angles 75 feet: thence North 72' 51' 15" West 575 feet: more or less, to the center line of said Portland-Salem Expressway: thence South 37' 28' West along said center line to the point of beginning. Bearings used herein are based upon the Oregon Coordinate System, North zone. The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 9 05 acres. The former siafek property located on the east side of the Salem-Portland Expressway at Ihe Keene Road overcrossing. This prorertv is on Route 1. Box 13. Gervais. also known as County Road 524. Improvements include house, barn and garage. The property is No. 20852. The minimum price which will be accepted Is $3,000 00. Conveyance will be by Bargain and Sale deed and the State will furnish title insurance. Access is by way of the County Road. This property will he sold with complete restriction of access to the Portland-Salem Expressway. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. The rich! is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids. o INFORMATION: V. II. Haskin. Properly Manager. Oregon State Highway Commission, State Highway Ruilding, Salem, Oregon. THESE STORES ARE OPEN SUNDAY! SAFEWAY OPEN SUNDAYS 1265 2120 2575 Center Fairgrounds Rd. S. Coml. 8-10 9-6 9-9 i SAME LOW PRICE ALWAYS GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN 12 Noon Til 8 S0 SUNDAY SUNDAY DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY 248 North Liberty rhone 387 33 Wiles Drug Store Corner Court & High Stt. Phone 3-8792 Open 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. and 4 P.M. to 10 P.M. Prescriptions Film QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY AT 150 SOUTH LIBERTY IS OPKM SUNDAYS 12 Noon to 2 P.M.-e P.M. to 9 P.M. We.kdiys-9 A.M. to 11 P.M. (Other Hours, Call 3-912? or 'Central U-Orive' Truck Service 1095 S. Commercial Vans Stakes P U. FOR RENT SALEM'S HOME OWKED Phone 2-9062 'U-Drive' Service MOVE YOURSELF Howser Bros. Equipment Solei & Rental Service 1185 So. 12th Phone 3-3646 Salem, Ore. (LeboldTsW Made) 1272 State Street We Feature Hiith Duality U Piirei Ererrdiy Vi Gallon, 85c 2 for s1.65 Al Flavor, for Your Favor Also iahetitji Ftnttn Dessert "Special Order. For A. I Oon(rtrc Phone 2 9360 O