. Salem' .regn. Friday, December 14, 1956 License Renewals Due Soon in City THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section I Page 8 - . a Cap Ul jri.F YR Worten wh ftOT magazines, vac A, mother JZ r' !r uum cleaner cosmetics, brushes, It'.llce 8"ls. appliances, left! J? "ne"al "me ' many handed monkey wrenches, etc. Si.Mie More Involved Renewals for them are a little ..... ...vie uivuivcu man Mime, lur iney billboards, tear npori thn anr,Pn.,Ql r k r drive a cab or nnt t.ar.h Annii:n t salem businesses, city treasurer Howard Brandvold Issued a re tninder Friday. H you erect down buildings, ZtZTZillTjL ,PHoe department brings a In ; i uiei-K oi ineir record tor any ar- i.e. ta .tart mi 1"d "rests or anthin8 else that would ih. " Zi, , . " January 1 "a j make them suspect to the home- Artual v. tt . r ,u . "" their records are clean tint ih r 11 1 01 anv serious blemishes, the okay , u.,u,wlu aoiu. 1UUSI of the general business licenses expire at the end of the city's fis cal year, June 30. Solicitors Need Licenses But there are enough of them who do need new licenses on Jan uary 1 that they should take note if they haven't already renewed them, he pointed out. Amonff fhnco 1! -..0 ... ,1Lvulg license! brought up to date are the solic Some fill cnlinilnrc tinnnens nrn currently active, including many of the salesmen who work for some of the 14 companies that carry multiple-salesman licenses. In addition, at least that many rrmra ara onnnr-illit icenorl attnh year to groups who travel through me area selling magazine sub scriptions, household gadgets, etc ii, it i c ule 5011C" Brandvold said, uors-those door-to-door men or 1 Others needing to renew licenses are taxi operators both for driv ers and cabs, machine operators, building wreckers, electric sign, dealers, second hand dealers, bill board companies and some util ities. Fees vary. Some are based on the business and may be either a flat fee or a percentage of the gross income. Others are based on the number of units involved such as the number of taxis, vend ing machines, solicitors employed or buildings wrecked. The utilities pay on the gross income. The amount they pay may not be de termined for several Vceks or months when the final auditing of their books for the past year is made. Liquor-dispensing licenses are also more involved because they come under both city and state laws. The state does the actual li censing after approval by the chief of police and city council. About 75 such licenses are issued in the city, Bradford said. Near ly all of them have already ap plied for and been given renewals. Speaker Says Understanding Needed in South's Problems RETURNS FROM SOUTH Illahee (Special) Mrs. Ed Dra ger has returned home from Rose burg, where she was called by the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Sidney Shaw, A man whose accent indicates beyond a doubt that he has spent many years in the South, told members of the Salem Lions club that understanding and constant pressure will ultimately solve the problems of segregation. He was Dr. James R. Lyles, head of the school of education at Willamette university, who came to Salem from Charlotte, N.C., where he was assistant superintendent of the public schools. Dr. Lyles said he believes segre gation of the two races is wrong and that the supreme court exer cised great and good judgment in handing down its integration deci sion and the manner in which it should be implemented. Nevertheless, there are many in the "deep south" said Dr. Lyles, who would go so far as do away entirely with the public school sys tem rather than accept integra tion. This would be poor, policy, in the speaker's opinion, who said that the public school system is "most essential in a democracy." Dr. Lyles said he fears the in fluence of the "lunatic fringes" on both sides. He pointed to recent happenings in Clinton, Term., as an example of what can be ex pected when disturbing elements in both races take extreme action. One ray of hope in the situation, said Dr. Lyles. was the "real warmth of affection that has exist ed between the races as a whole for many years." This is particu larly true as it applies to individuals. turning from Australia, said here Thursday that she now feels "pretty good." Mrs. Johnson is staying with her husband at the Reef Hotel. They plan to visit the adjoining islands in the Hawaiian group and then fly home on Dec. 21. Eugene Woman Is Hurt on Mariposa HONOLULU Ul Mrs. A. West Johnson of Eugene, Ore., who was knocked unconscious when she slipped and fell on a deck of the liner Mariposa as it was re- INSTRUMENT SALE Accordion Save up to 50 Band Initrumanta Savt up to 61 Fin Old Vlolini Savo up to 75 THE MUSIC CENTER 493 Ctnttr St. FURNACES Complete Installations Free Survey & Estimate 36 Months to Pay Eve. 4-8790 or 4 8821 Eve. 4-8790 or 4-882 OIL OR GAS Comfort Clean Thrifly Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Broadway ' SAT. fOly kV fik- December ervice Station - 395 So. Pacific (SOUTH 99E AT 12th ST. JUNCTION) IrSivjav O IMS $2.50 to $4.50 Value With Purchase of 10-Gals. or More Texaco Gasoline ,4 Mite i.J: 12 -Y.Z f "P" Till i rl3 FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS mam GIFTS FIRE CHIEF HATS LOLLIPOPS ICE SCRAPERS COCA COLA PRIZES ELECTRIC FRY-PAN TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE 5 OIL CHANGES 20 GALLONS GASOLINE WE FEATU Tires, Batteries & Accessories Guaranteed to go . . . through ice, $00 mud or snow or we pay the tow) 4uw uown puts a pair of TIRES on your car i fl Xr BECAUSE i'' yK SHES LVgive'' exotic Jj slippers A collection so pretty that It's a shame to keep them at home we suspect several of these styles might show up at a Christmas party. We know they'll delight the heart of the prettiest lady on your list. , 1, 'Miss Jewel' In white, black or red leather, jewel trim. N, M In 4Vj-9 $6.95 2, 'Tiara' lace mule by Daniel Green. Pink, light blue, white in N, M sizes 4Vj-10 $8 3, "Taj Mahal" in while, blue, pink or green printed gold kid; N, M, in AVi-9 $5.95 Matching gold kid belt $3.95 4 'Show Girl' by Penaljo in black suede and vinylite in S, N, M sizes 4'j-9 $13.95 Mail and phone orden. Plus shilling cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. WOMEN'S SHOES STREET FLOOR l:.