7' Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 14, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page 7 FRIDAY ON KOIN-TV: (6) 5 p.m., Red Dunning Show is visited by Jack Marks from the Portland Zoo. 5:30 p.m., Armchair Theater-;"Mission to Algiers" starring Bill Bishop, Kristine Miller. 6:30 p.m.. My Friend Flieka Ken discovers two Indians run away from the reservation, "Rebels In Hiding." 7:30 p.m.. Person to Person visits Sal Mineo, a veteran actor at 17 (latest movie "Giant") lives with his parents, two older brothers and a younger sister in a house in the Bronx, N.Y. Cyrus Eaton and his family will be visited at his 865 acre Acadia Farm in Northfield Ohio. 8:30 p.m., Zzne Grey Theatre Sheriff Dick Powell attempts to rehabilitate a young outlaw whose "Courage is a Gun." p.m., Crusader Nearly a million dollars disappear and Matt Anders sympathetically tries to comfort "The Bov on the Brink " 9:30 p.m.. Playhouse of Stars Detective Dale Robertson finds inings nappen 10 people wno get too interested in a gang of train rob- Ders, in a laie oi wens raigo. 10 p.m.. The Lineup A pickpocket with a ven for diamonds tourist-victim with a yen for larceny and an Insurance claim never inea are ingreaienis ot "James Sunday Case." 10:30 p.m., Portland Wrestling-Bob McAnulty reports from ring- Slue. 11:30 p.m.. Showtime on Six "Paid to Kill" starring Dane Clark, . . FRIDAY ON KPTV: (27) 4:4S p.m.. Playhouse 4:45 "Campus Sleuth," starring Freddie aiean aiiu June i-reisser. 6:30 p.m.. Best 30 Minutes In Football from each of National'League games played previous week. 7 p.m.. Cavalcade of Sports Yama Bahama of the Bahama Islands vs Jimmy Martinez of Glendale. Ariz, in ten round middleweight bout from Cleveland Arena, t p.m., Crunch and Des Crunch helps a warm-hearted woman learn growing old need not always end active life in "Hull Town." 8:30 p.m., Walter Wlnclicll Show Guests are Nat "King" Cole and Frankie Lymon and vocalists, the Teenagers. , p.m., On Trial Everett Sloane in "The Jameson Case," the court martial of a naval commander in 1852 said to be responsible for the hanging of three men aboard ship. Annapolis naval academy founded as result. 9:30 p.m., Big Story Reporters George MacWilliams and Zeke Scher, The Denver Post, were as shocked as rest of nation a year ago when a bomb hidden aboard a plane out of Denver caused it to crash killing everyone on board. Their work helped authorities to find and convict the killer of "Mass Murder-Flight 169." 10 p.m., Sherlock Holmes encounters wounded shoeless man carry ing unconscious woman. 10:30 p.m.. Mystery Theatre Man stumbles onto murder and ar ranges to look as though he committed it Mark Saber has unusual task of persuading confessed murderer to change story, in "The Eorrowed Corpse." 11 p.m., Secret File U.S.A. Major Morgan is Infiltrated into Fascist Italy in "Mission Masterpiece" as ex-patriate American Eben Sawyer to get harbor defense plans. 11:30 p.m., Tonight From Florida with Steve and crew. FRIDAY ON KLOR: (12) I p.m., Mickey Mouse Club Dogs for Great Britain. ( p.m., Annie Oakley "Annie Joins the Cavalry." Crooked horse traders, disguised as Indians, kill five cavalry soldiers and their bugle boy and try to blame Hopi tribe. 6:30 p.m.. Headline "Hurricane Story." Steve Wilson helps rescue a doctor from Florida hurricane but rescue party finds it has more to bargain with. 7 p.m., Sheena, Queen of the Jungle "The Ganyika Kid." An un scrupulous prize fight trainer comes to the jungle looking for fresh material, followed by an ex-chief mismanaged by him. 7:30 p.m., Rin Tin Tin "The Invaders." Lt. Rip Masters, by Rusty and Rinty, lead a patrol across the Mexican border to investigate Indian raids. 8 p.m.. Adventures of Jim Bowie "The Swordsman." Jim is chal lenged to duel by a count. 8:30 p.m.. Crossroads "Tenement Saint." An Episcopal minister leads parishioners on search for heroine of a tenement district. Cecil Kellaway, Elizabeth Patterson. :30 p.m., Mickey Rooney Show "Miss I. B.C." Mickey and Fred involved in a beauty contest sponsored by the network. 10 p.m., Ray Anthony Show 4 Frosh, Don Durant, Med Flory and Coach Frank Leahy. 11:15 p.m.. Hometown Theater "Not Wanted." The story of a joung girl who has an illegitimate child. Sally Forrest, Keefe Bras selle. Directed by Ida Lupino. KGW-T.V. Portland's new TV station opens Salurday night at I p.m. At 8:30 the movie "Thirty Seconds over Tokyo," with Spen cer Tracy, Van Johnson and Robert Walker will Introduce this area to the new Channel . This full length movie is the World War II classic of James Doolittle's plane, "Ruptured Duck" and the bombing of Japan. SATURDAY ON KOIN-TV: (6) 8:15 a.m., RFD 6 William Avenll. Multnomah county agent, and Bill discuss "Proper Pens for Safely Handling Bulls" complete with films, news. , ... , , , 10:30 a.m., Captain Midnight Vehemence which a gang of lumber men disclaim all knowledge of mysterious explosion's cause, arouses Captain Midnight's suspicions. . n.in . p Fnoihnll The New York Giants, after the National Football League crown, go against powerful Philadelphia Eagles in' Philadelphia. . 11:30 p.m., Olympic Highlights Final show of six-part series. Highlights are finals in swimming, gymnastics, cycling. Closing cere monies from gigantic stadium in Melbourne. 2:00 p.m.. Lone Ranger "Two For Juane Ringo" Posing as des perado Juane Ringo, Ranger "kills" himself. 3:30 p.m., Wild Bill Hlckok "The Music Teacher." 4:00 p.m.. Sky King To the aid of a hard-pressed and youthful rancher in "Dust of Destruction." 5:00 p.m., Texas Rangers "Rough. Tough West." 6:00 p.m., Soldiers of Fortune Sent into the wilds of the Brazilian jungle to search for a lost ore prospector in "River of Death." 6:30 p.m.. The Buccaneers Captain Tempest threatened by "Hand of the Hawk." 7:00 p.m.. Grand Ole Opry Ernest Tubb's guest star is Jim Reeves. 8:00 p.m., Jackie Gleason Show Several sketches, with co-stars Audrey Meadows, Art Carney, and Joyce Randolph. :00 p.m.. Gale Storm Show Susanna and "Nugey" inadvertently win some money in a gambling hall, in "A Night in Monte Carlo." 1:30 p.m.. Hey Jeannle Jcannie as cook in producer's home. 10:00 p.m., Gunsmoke Man shot down on Dodge City's Front Street: Mat Dillon learns he was intended target. James Arness stars as Dillon. 10:30 p.m.. Talent Scouts Arthur Godfrey presents three profes sional acts, with the audience picking a winner. 11:05 p.m.. Showtime on Six Epic sea-war story, "Action in the North Atlantic" starring Humphrey Bogart and Raymond Massey. . The story begins on an American tanker, carrying a cargo of high test gasoline, as she plows her way through the foggy war-time water; of the Atlantic Ocean. U-Boats and the Luftwaffe make exciting action. . SATURDAY ON KPTV: (27) .,.,,,.. , 11:30 a.m. NEA Professional BasKftoall rnuaaeipma '"' vs. Svracuse Nationals at the Syracuse War Memorial. Lindsey Nel l son and Curt Cowdv commentators. . . . , 1 3:00 p.m.. Horse Opera-' Silver Range," with Johnny Mack Brown and "Westward Trail." with Eddie Dean. 6:30 p.m., .Playhouse 27-The unfolding of the power of love at Christmas time brings a small boy and his mother to view a Christmas tree in the village square where a stranger joins them. A sudden ana miraculous change occurs in "Christmas is Magic " : 8:00 p.m.. Perry Como Show Guests are Groucho Marx and his dauehter Melinda, vocalists Jo Stafford, Johnnie Ray and Gina Lolls- j brigida. 'v 10:00 p.m., George Gobel Show-Herbert Marshall and vocalist Anita Ellis visit George. 11:00 p.m., Cinema Classics "Right to the Heart, starring Bren- di Joyce and Joseph Allen. SATURDAY ON KLOR: (12) ,v. uA ,hilrl JJ0 m., See How They Learn-the education of the hi nd child 4:00 p.m.. Spotlight Theater-"Where There's a Will A family trio descend upon a farm they believe late uncle left them: owners.? complications mount as the days go by. Kathleen Harrison, George C05:MSp.m!!Li"' Is Worth Living-Bishop Fulton Sheen discusses "Three Ways to Propose." . . 6:00 p.m., Joe Paiooka-"Career for Ann." Joe hires I maid to do the housework: Ann decides to get a job without telling Joe 6:30 p.m., Sri ot Tomorrow-Uncle Nate presents top winners in Want quest in kkho are) Cloverdale. 3 7:00 .m., RtB Theater-"Green Glove, starring Glenn w.lknei Box), Sir CMric Hardwicke An ex Gl returns to France six years after World War II in search of a priceless jewelled gauntlet. 1952 release. 10:30 p.m.. Championship Rowling Versatile Hank Lauman of Los Angeles joins the competition tonight. Hank is one of few bowleri to have three sanctioned 800 series. .'I130 p'ni" Ncw 0rl(an Police Department "Runaway Country Girl. A young country girl becomes a pawn in the hands of a lecher ous woman and her racketeer son. SUNDAY ON KOIN-TV: (6) 12:30 P.m.. Lalno Unto Mv Feet Pntertiial fnclpr-.mnlhAV vtcifc mree-year-oia and ner aggrieved parents. 1:30 p.m., Pro Football The Los Angeles Rams, trying desper ately to add to their small win column, at home in Memorial ( oli. seum to powerful Green Bay Packers. Billy Wade will quarterback iur nams. 4:30 p.m.. The Painting "The Cross" is toDic todav. 5:00 p.m., City Detective Several people stand to benefit from wealthy Latimer Marsh's death in "An Old Man's Gold" with Rod Lameron. , 5:30 p.m., Telephone Time William Talman as Lew Reese, in Scio. Ohio." 6:00 n.m.. Air Power "Counterblast." storv of the German at tempt to starve the British through unrestricted submarine warfare, auu uie ntp s decisive nigni assauu on pun oi iiamDurg. 6:30 p.m.. Lassie Ellen attempts to teach Jeff a lesson in neat ness by training Lassie to find "A Place for Everything." 7:00 p.m., Jack Benny Portions of Gilbert and Sullivan's immor tal operetta, "The Mikado," will be presented in the Benny fash ion, with assistance of Dennis Day. 8:00 p.m., Ed Sullivan Show Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy lead off list of headline guests. Others are Metropolitan Opera star nise Mevens; comedian Jack Paar: lor the youngsters, Baby Opal, performing elephant. Two scenes from Frank Loesser's Broadway musical, "Most Happy Fella." with Art Lund and Jo Sullivan. 9:30 p.m., Alfred Hitchcock New York book publisher decides a genteel Southern lady's first murder mystery may contain more tact than fiction in "The Rose Garden." 11:00 p.m., First Run Theatre "Make Your Own Bed," a hilari ous comedy with an all-star cast: Jack Carson, Jane Wyman, Alan Hale and George Tobias. - SUNDAY ON KPTV: (27) 10:30 a.m., Frontiers of Faith Metropolitan Opera bass-baritone Lawrence Davidson portrays the leading role in "The Music Stu dent," drama of a famous opera singer who serves as cantor In a small synagogue. 12:30 p.m., This Is the Life When a woman ts almost past the "marriageable age" should she let small doubts stand in the way of a whirlwind courtship and impulsive marriage? 1:30 p.m.. Faith for Today Pastor Fagal discusses with Sally and Don the "Plight of Harrassed Mothers." 2:30 p.m., Bowling Time Ray Schanen of Milwaukee and Ralph Engan of New York. Guest is Tcny Canzonari, lightweight boxing champion. 4:00 p.m., Washington Square Christmas preparations get into full swing with carolers, a community Christmas tree and even a Fifth Avenue busload of visitors to Ray Bolger's "Washington Square." Guests include comedian Stubby Kaye, Vincent Price and singer Richard Torigi. 5:00 p.m.. Topper A live turkey delivered to Topper s House eats an expensive gift, in "Topper's Quiet Christmas." 5:30 p.m., Captain Gallant Buster Crabbe as Capt. Gallant buys a sword, discovered to be holding the key to a buried treasure, in 'me sword of El Kin." 7:00 p.m.. Tales of the 77th Bengal Lancers A lieutenant in the Lancers revealed, under torture, important information to the ene my, in "The Weakling." 7:30 p.m., Hall of Fame "The Little Foxes," co-starring Greer Garson and Franchot Tone, with Sidney Blackmer, Eileen Heckart and E. G. Marshall. Drama of a ruthless family in the post-Civil War South. 9:00 p.m.. Dinah Shore Welcomes Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. Dizzy Dean, and special guest Donald O'Connor. Dinah teams with O'Connor in an unusual dance. Roy, Dale, Dinah and O'Connor in sketch show two types of Western life. 10:00 p.m., Loretta Young Portrays a warm-hearted, fun-loving nun whose Christmas revolves around a boy, a bike and a Christ mas tree, in "Three and Two, Please." 10:30 p.m.. National Howling Champions Konny Kooinsnn ot Chicago opposes the winner of the men's All-Star Tournament now in progress. 11:00 p.m., Sunday Star Time "Spy in Black," starring Conrad Veidt, and Valerie Hobson. SUNDAY ON KLOR: (12) 12:30 p.m., American Religious Town Hall Meeting "Do You Believe in Miracles?" l:0O n.m.. Transition "Magic Shelf." A magician performs sev eral tricks, then becomes the audience to watch wonders worked with sonn. 1:15 p.m., now unrisuan science neais - waai inrisuanuy Really Offers." 1:30 p.m., Building America "Shelter," panorama of contempor ary hnmehuildincf. 4.,n r'lmn.,- Tim.. D,,f nfinnholl nrtA Tri-v nrosnnl lh Jaye sisters, featured vocalists with Fred Waring, and Burma, tne celebrated circus elephant. 4:30 p.m., Medical Horizons From Yale University School of Medicine, illustrating the teamwork of doctors and engineers to speed up repair and reduce disability oi anticuu none iraciures or joint diseases. 5:00 p.m., Douglas Fairbanks Presents "Face of the Law," star ring Patric Doonan and Tommy Duggan. An American tourist fol lows tne neat oi a roonie jjonoon uoDoy aim necuiues juviivcu in a hold-up. , 6:00 p.m., Pioneer Playhouse "UUtiaws ot Texas," wun western star Whip Wilson. 7:00 p.m., You Asked For It Host-emcee Art Baker visits the home of century-old mechanical dolls in Neuchatel, Switzerland. Seattle's famous underwater police in action. 9.00 p.m., Omnibus Helen Hayes portrays a sweet and refined lady who dabbles in shoplifting in "The Christmas Tie," short play by William sarovan; men unueriancs ine tuii(iuiiK iuic ui a lonely, hard middle-aged woman in "Drugstore, Sunday Noon." 10:30 p.m., Coronet Theatre "Marshal's Daughter." A marshal and his daughter disguised as a medicine man and showgirl, avenge head of a band of outlaws, responsible for the death of the mar shal's wife. Starring Preston Foster, Hoot Gibson, Ken Murray, .Inhnnv Mack Brown. Jimmy waxeiy, tsuoay uaer. moj release. SUNDAY ON KGWTV: (8) ,.,.,, 6-30 p m., Talent Showcase Previews of Channel 8 s live talent. Includes 30-minute Salute to Portland and surrounding communi ties . . in color. Narrated by Tom McCall. 7-50 p.m., Channel 8 Playhouse Double feature "Random Harvest" starring Greer Garson and Ronald Colman. Followed by laugh hit "A Night at the Opera" with the Marx Brothers. On Television UHF KPTV (12) VHF-KOIHIV (6) Hl0fi(l2), KGW TV (8), KVAltU) Brhcdul tubjtrt to Uit minute cnans ny luiioni. DEATHS U. S By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK IP Mrs. Cora Gug genheim Rothschild. 83. wife of Louis Frank Rothschild, founder of L. F. Rothschild & Co.. stock brokers, and the last member of the immediate family of Barbara Meyers and Meyer Guggenheim, died Wednesday. CHEYENNE. Wyo. Leroy F. MacPherson, 79, editor emeritus of the Wyoming Eagle, who also worked on newspapers in Lincoln. Neh . and Casper. Gillette and vw Casile Wvo.. before joining! the Eagle in 1926. died yesterday. iS NEW ROCHELLE. N. Y. Michael J. Roche. 56. advertising g executive of the Lever Brothers IS Co., who launched the soap firm's ; 2 numerous radio programs during H the past 20 years, and with the g company 36 years, died yesterday, i w iin ..... knPn in Rnvtnn r nr :, - f-i t-w mw K V ijp .Tames P. Patton. 41.' Eastern Division g sales manager tor Inited rea turcs Syndicate, Inc., died V'ednes- pilTSBURGH r Dr. Frank g A. fcvans, 6, cniei oi me meun-ai u-. Dnnn Unanital frnm Mdl! Ul n"l , ....... 1931 to 1954 and emeritus chief U since 1954 and widely known in medical circles throughout the w NEW YORK '-Fra'"k Murphy. 71, who rose from fireman to the post of chief of staff and opera tions of the New York City Fire Department, died yesterday. DETROIT iifl Capt. Howard Menge Sr., 91, Florida riverhoat pilot, a friend of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Luther Bur bank, and one time on the staff of the Ford Motor Co., died yesterday. Michigan State and Purdue are even in their football series five victories each with one tie. , FRIDAY 4:30 D.m. KPTV-Whltllt KOIN Mr. Moon KLOR Supermm KVAL lt'i net 4:45 p.m. KPTV-Movle KOIN Certoon Ttmt KLOR Noah'i Ark 5:00 p.m. KOIN Red Dunning KLOR Mickey Mouse KVAL Bis Roundup 5:30 p.m. KOIN Movie 5:45 p.m. KVAL News. Wei., Spts. 6:00 pjn, KOIN We.. Newi. Spu. KLOR Annie Oakley KVAL Olympics 6:15 p.m. KPTV Ivan Smith News KOIN Edwards News 6:30 p.m. KPTV Pro Ball Hihtes KOIN My Friend Flicka KLOR Headline KVAL Sports Club 6:45 p.m. KVAL Fishing Ncwi 7:00 p.m. KPTV Boxing KOIN Newscene KLOR Sen. Morse KVAL Boxing 7:30 pjn. KOIN Person-Person KLOR Rln Tin Tin 7:45 p.m. KPTV World News KVAI Sports Album ' 8:00 p.m. KPTV Crunch A: Des KOIN West Point KLOR Jim Bowie KVAL Crunch A- Des 8:30 p.m. KPTV Walter Winchell KOIN Zane Grey , KLOR Crossroads KVAL Highway Patrol 8:00 pjn. KPTV Dinah Shore KOIN Crusader KLOR Treasure Hunt KVAL Dinah Short 8:30 p.m. KPTV Big Story KOIN-Playhouse KLOR Mickey Rooney KVAL Crossroads 10:00 pjn. KPTV Sherlock Holmes KOIN Line-up KLOR Ray Anthony KVAL Walter WtncheU 10:30 p.m. KPTV Mystery Thea, Kuir, wrestling KVAL Zane Orev 11:00 pjn. KPTV Secret File USA KLOIt NCWS KVAL Lets See 11:15 p.m. KLOR Movie 11 :30 p.m. KPTV Tonight jtuin Movie SATURDAY 8:15 a.m. KOIN RFD 8:45 a.m. KOIN Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 .m. KPTV Fury 9:30 a.m. KPTV Cowboy Theatra 10:00 jn. KPTV Howdy Doody . KOIN Might V Moum 10:30 a.m. KPTV Married Joan 11:00 a.m. KPTV Fury KOIN Pro Football 11:30 a.m. KPTV Pro Basketball KVAL Pro Basketball 1:30 pjn. KOIN Olymplca KVAL Movie 1:00 p.m. KPTV Breadbasket KOIN Lone Ranger KVAL Movies 3:33 p.m. KPTV Country Campus KOIN Movie KLOR Big Plx J:O0 p.m. KPTV Movie KOIN Wild BUI KLOR Learning 4:00 pjn. KPTV Mr. WUard KOIN Sky King KLOR Movie KVAL Mr. Wizard 4:30 pjn. KPTV Live and Learn KOIN Mnm'a Showlima KVAL Finder 5:00 p.m. KPTV Monte Crlsto KOIN Tex. Rangers 5:30 p.m. KPTV Troubled Youth KOIN Finder KLOR Bishop Sheen KVAL Disneyland 8:00 D.m. KPTV Bll Picture KOIN Soldiers of Fortune KLOR Joe Palooka 8:30 pjn. KPTV Playhouse KOIN Buccaneers KLOR Tomorrow'! Stars KVAL Rln-Tln-TIn 7:00 pjn. KPTV Death Valley KOIN Ole Opry KLOR Movie KVAL Lawrence Welk 7:30 p.m. KPTV People R Funny KOIN High Finance 8:00 pjn. KPTV Perry Como KOIN Jackie Gleason KVAL Guy Lombardo . KGW Dedication 8:30 p.m. KVAL Grand Ole Opry KGW Movie 9:00 p.m. KPTV Sid Caesar KOIN Oh. Susanna KLOR Lawrence Welk KVAL Sid Caesar 9:30 D m. KOIN Hey. Jeannlel 10:00 p.m. KPTV George Gobel tuii itunimose KLOR Masouerade Party 10:30 pjn. KPTV Hit Parade Kuin latent bcouu KLOR Bowling KVAL Hit Parade 11:00 pjn. KPTV Movie KUIN Movie KVAL Mnvle 11:30 p.m. KLOR NOPD SUNDAY 10:00 a m. KPTV Christophers KVAI Wrestle 10:30 l.m. KPTV Faith Frontiers 11:00 p.m. KPTV Building America KVAL Bowling 11:30 p.m. KPTV American Forum KOIN Faith Today 12:00 noon KPTV News Roundup KOIN Lamp KVAL The Painting 12:30 p.m. KPTV The Life KLOR Town Hall KVAI l.ishted Window 12:45 p.m. KOIN Olympics 1:00 p.m. KPTV-Pastor KLOR Transition KVAL Oral Roberta 1:15 p-m. 1:30 pjn. 1:45 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 pjn. 4:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. S CO p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 pjn. 11:00 pjn. KPTV One Person KOIN Bobby Grayson KLOR Christian Science KPTV-Falth Today KOIN Pro Football KLOR Building America aval unrisuan acience KVAL Pastor KPTV Church In Home KLOR Lighted Window KVAL Movie KPTV Bowling KLOR Cluistooherf KLOR Allen Revival KVAL Top Tunes KPTV-Zoo Parade KLOR Circus Time KPTV Wash. Square KVAI Wash. Souart KOIN Concert Hall KOIN The Painting KLOR Medical Horizons KPTV-Topper KOIN City Del. KLOR Reporters R'ndup Ki' i v capt. uanant KOIN Telephone Time KLOR Oral Roberts KPTV Meet the Press KOIN Air Power KLOR Pioneer Playhse. KVAL Meet the Press KPTV Roy Rogers KOIN Lassie KVAL Roy Rogers KGW Talent Showcase KPTV-Bengal Lancers KOIN Jack Benny KLOR You Asked tor It KVAI. Bengal Lancera KPTV Hall ot Fame KOIN-What'a My Line? KLOR Amateur Hour KVAL Hall of Fame KPTV Sieve Allen KOIN Ed Sullivan KVAL Steve Allen KGW Movie KLOR Press Conference KPTV Dinah Shore KOIN Theater KLOR Omnlbua KVAL 3 Lives KOIN-Hltchcock KVAL Wyatt Earp KPTV Loretta Young KOIN S64.0O0 Challenge KPTV -Bowling KOIN Miss Brooks KLOR Movie KVAL Movie KPTV Movie KOIN Movie FURLOUGH ENDS ILLAHEE (Special) PFC Richard Grim left by plane Sat- uraay tor Camp Pendleton after a two weeks furlough spent with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Grim. Moles on the News r it i i v ,i i i-j-tu1 "The new emphasis on lo:tg range planning must mean the world won't be blown up after all." Safety Mark Topped By Pilot Rock Plant PENDLETON Ifl - The Oregon Fibre Products Co. of Pilot Rock, with 300,000 man hours without a lost-time accident, has bettered the mark of the National Safety Council's national safety winner this year. But it is not eligible because it isn't a member of the council. The firm has just completed 276 consecutive working dnys without lost-time or serious accident, according to plan manager O. II. Eustis. This compares with the Eraser River Paper Mill com- pany's winning record of 250,000 hours without a lost -time accident. Umatilla Will Vote Again on Hospital UMATILLA W The board of directors of the Umatilla City hospital has voted to have anoth er election to Issue a $50,000 gen eral bond Issue Jan. 15. ' The bond issue was approved, 299-257, Nov. but a suit filed in circuit court Nov. 27 by several Umatilla County residents alleged that only three, of six clieihle pre cincts voted in the election. SCOUTS Sc-LL 1KEES MOLALLA (Special) The Boy Scout troop No. 183, sponsored by Methodist church, will have Christ mas trees for sale after Saturday. Trees will be secured as part of a conservation project in cooperation with Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. 5 HURRYI QUANTITIES i LIMITED I GENERAL ELECTRIC DRYER 8 1 MODEL DA52M NOW $ ONLY 149" Adjustable Heat Alltnmnti" Tim mm 6 N0 MONEY DOWN Green Stampt 3 MASTER K 365 N. Commercial 8 S Open Mon. Thru Frl, I Til 9 P. M. 711 Xmas i FROM OUTER SPACE ... I THE MEN FROM MARR51 BRING SALEM'S GREATEST TV BARGAIN!! RCA WOOWl PELTOE SERVICE STATIONS. INC. r" .1 111 III. I .?- . Wt I 4t f at rrom rne worm ueaaer trirsr riace in television iaies tor the Last U 10 Years) You Expect and Get the Best. This Is The Finest Television $ 9 ' Set RCA Victor Ever Built. 017 1 Asfo tryl iff One Year Picture Tube Warranty One Year all Parts Warranty One Year Service Contract (All, Labor, Your Home or Our Shop) AT NO EXTRA COST And Remember All RCA Victor 21" Sets Have POWER TRANSFORMER k Super Sensitive Cascode Tuner ir All Channel UHF Tuner (no strips) -A- Safety Glass SILVERAMA Picture Tube At Cherry City CHRISTMAS SPECIAL No Payment Til January COLOR TV SCHEDULE .,, Ox. 14-KPTV NSC Mttianee Theater 11 Noen I P.M. Walter Wiethell Shew 8 10-8 tM. SEE kJADD'C IVIMII J AT Phone 1 9201 2140 6. Commercial TTTv r AT 8 amAA 9"n rniuv 8 1 1 wj v . 9 19S7 Portable 1 JUT ' V k All RCA Victor Quality Features Plus 3 Speaker Panoramic Sound System 2 Stage Video Drive 165 Volt Video Drive k Continuously Variable Tone Control 30 Tube Functions ir Magic Monitor Chassis it Special Tuner Shielding it Window Channel Indicator v5 The Extras That All Add Up to 8. $ - Marrs Christmas Bonus FREE Deluxe 10 foot Antenna Completely Installed FREE 3,895 .." Grpen Stam 8 55 The Brightest Sharpest Picture in Television History Buys Brand New 1957 Portable When you buy either a Norge jj range, refrigerator, freezer or jj washer jj AT I CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC tMO .V. Capitol Ph. 4-6161 OPES TIL S TIL CHRISTMAS ft A ?! 8 OPEN TILL 9 P.M. TILL CHRISTMAS SFRVICE TILL MIDNIGHT fWARITS GRFEN STAMPS 2140 S. COMMERCIAL-PH. 3-9201 FOR SPHY-FPr-iCIFNT SFRVICF-TRY US! ' If