if ; I l '- 5 6 7i I 3i 4 i 9. K 6: 7 8 1 0 3 4 5 6 Vaze 6 Section 2 RADIO PROGRAMS IILM 13. KOCO MM. BOAT UK. FRIDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 KSLM Bob it Ray dob St Bay KOCO News Rumpus Room KfllN Ed. R. Murrowi News-Weather ROW Mus-M'AnuIty Mus-M'Anulty KFX Nrws-BlscKDn Bab Blarkb m Sl.M Dinner News Bill Brundaae KOTO Newt iSorifi Siind'wn Song Sund'wn'Sonfi Stmrl'wn KOIN Sports-News i.oill fhomai' Amoi it Andy Amos it Andy Knw timer fcicrs n music REX Bod BlacKtmrn Bob Blackburn Gabriel Healer iSilver Serenade News .Humpua Room Melody Fifhis Mel Allen Meioay Fifhls fleacber N S.-Dallaa RumDUi Room N S. -Dallas News Rnbt Q Lewis Worli .ui Boh Aflkins Ns7Dal.ai New Tune Tb IRobt. Q Iwit 1 Man a Famiiv Boo Adkins jNS. -Dallas Rumpus Room !Tune Table F.-ed Winnf Fred lw.:na; R.b tli"l S SMrMma New ? 5 Si:r Tini! R cr.ltc 3irt Newt Imn Adkins 5 S -McMinn Humoui Kiom S vrt Dtk iir.iP r tr Jes Mason RSLM l.-terS Koco S lent Counter Spy KOIN CitvC!-b ICtvCIuh Kfllf Dare Iit- p . lime REX Danreiartd Danceland 7KSI.M KOCO KOIN KC.W KRX 8KILM KOCO KOIN Kf.W KFX 9 K Sl.M KOCO KOIN KC.W KIX 1K1I.M KO( t KOIN OKC.W KFX SATURDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 iftSLM KGAY KOIN SOW KIX N.WI Farm iS'twf N.-Am.r. Bo... Clooney I-Xp im Mut Timnor Selut. To 61L KOIN KliKH Monitor Keep flmt K8LM Heminrwav Break Cam KOCO Go lo Town Tunes it Time koay Carre Comm. salute TO aau KOIN KOIN Klock News KG IT Monitor Monitor KEX Sews Keep Time KSLM kKOCO Bible Hour Sport Sbota Siilute 'lo Sat Story Master Monitor Keep Time Vh Show News-Sporta Salute To St Story Master A20 Revue Nn School Music Local News Salute 'In hat. Itobt. Q. Lewis Monitor Keep Time Farm & Home Oil KOIN KOIV KIX KSLM Tunes it Time JKt A Y IKOIN FKfiW I KSLM KOCO ' KCiAY i KOIN f KOW KEX Newt News-Sporta Camera Club Story Master McAnuity Mus. Stars Tomor'nw IKJL.M Music IMuslC KOCO News-S porta H!0 Tune SL KGAY Salute 'lu HaU Salute To SaL IKOIN Story Muter IGuest Stan KGW MeAnultv Mus McAnultv Mue KEX Russ Conrad IRuit Conrad KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX Top Trades World News KGAY Newa News Farm A- Home Russ Conrad News Sat Matinee Sat. Hits iWeather IFarm Ar Home IRuss Conrad KSLM OCO Records Newi-S porta Sat. Hit Newspaper 82f) Revue Rues Conrad I Records Sat Matinee Sat. Hits INewspaper S?i Revue Russ Conrad I HOAY I KOIN KC.W KEX .KSLM Music Music ' News-Sporta Sat Matinee Sat. Chase Sat. Chase CUv Hospital JL'ily Hospital MrAnulty Mus. IMtAiuilly Mill. Ruts Conrad Rusa Conrad Merry-Round Merry-Hound News-Sporta flat. Matinee Sat. lilts .Sat. Hits Man Bites Rec. Man Bitea Rec. McAnuity Mus McAnuity Mue, RusaCnnrntl Rust Conrad Guest Star News I v)( O r KG AY ' KOIN "K C. W KRX KSLM K(k:o KG AY KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO Jrnv. inio J tt. Jrny. Into J77. ,Irny Into Jats Jrny Into Jan Pond. RounduplPend. nnunduplHat. lilts KGAY News KirKrtam mvw DanRcr AhenU fAlan Rites Rec. Mao Biles Htc. Monitor (Monitor Monllnr JMnnllor News.Blkhrn Bob Hickburn ,Boh HUrkburn Rob Blackburn Newa Country style Jack kl?7lah JackKlrrlah IKC.AY KON KEX ; K Sl.M HfKOCO hporis jrop Tunes .sat. Hits Sign Off New-Wea!her II. N. Record ' Snorts (Snorts kKf. AY KOIN LfKGlT KFX l.ona Hawfl Calls Rob Blackburn Hawaii Calls .KSLM r Km o 'ws nn i'nne Entertainment lEntertnlnment B':i) Revue b. it tievue Bob Blarkhiirn Bub BUckDtirn KOIN KGW KEX KKIVT KOCO Ikoin KGW KKX IKSLM KO( O KOIN KGW KFX )kslm" KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Word of Lift RhvtnmMtres FBI 2n Revue Word of Life nbvthmmrei FBI M0 Revue iResources Sclioojs iResources N S.-MrMInn S S.-Mc.Minn News-sptirtt Danre M.trty Gil Henry (Gil Henrv Heck Haiper Heck Haiper Wnd. Weekend Wnd. Weekend N S.-McMinn N S -McMinn s-Sm Danre 1'nriy (Tune Table S2t Revue Wild. Weekend Tune Table, !2fl Revue Wnd Weekend News New-Kpnrti Sl. Final Dance Time News Dunce Ptirty News-Sports Mu Midnight Dance Ttnit Dnnreland KSI.M Knco KOIN KC.W KEX KSLM KOI O KOIN KGW KEX iDance Party Oat i Sports Denk uancr i imt 'Danceland Dime Party Dance I'art? IMus. Midnight Danceland Danceland SUNDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 KG W : Jtt Church Hymi KOIN I 1ft churrh "at lheAlr 7K J KSI.M Melody Journ'viMelodv Jonrn'TiMuile Chuich Bella KOIN F.. Power Biggs F. Power Hlgs Chuicli of Air Cliurch ol Air KGW han.o Pulpit Hailio Pulpit Chun h li.Miuis Another Chance KEX Game Com. .tcm Navy Heiet to Vela tnouirv KSLM Cons'v Rsottit Slm And. 81 KOCO Never Know 4-H Club Naiarena Ser Mus for Sun KGAY Waflfe Club Waflre Club Wallte Cluu KGAY News KllIN nv. lo Lrain Inv lo Learn Salt lake Tab. Salt Lake Tab. KGW Voice Piophecy Voire Prophecy Dr Barnhouie Dr Barnhouse KTX Faitti in our TFaim in our TFailh in our TFatth in our T KSI.M Bible Clan Rihle Plata 9 KOCO KI.M KOIN KGW KEX KOCO Mus for Sun. Mui for Sun KI.AY Rnbetlt Orsan Roberta Onan KOIN Jewish Faith St. Francis KGW Scanrtinav Hr V-enrtmav Hr Parade of Hits Parade of Hits KSLM Newa Christian Sel. KOCO wrtivterlan Preshviar an KGAY Hll Review Hit Review KOIN Storv Matt"- Art Mueum ROW Music for Sun. Munc fr Sun. KEX News-Weekend Weekend RSLM Join Nav? Concert Mln'tr KOCO F;-st Rap:t First Rapnit KGAY Calvarv Rantlst Calvary lliptli! KOIN Smphonelte Smphoneite KGW Thurch Service Church Service KEX News -Weekend Weekend KSI.M .sews Mimic KOCO World News Sun Matinee KG Y KGAY Newt Serenade KOIN N Y. Philharm N. Y. Philharm KGW Newa-Mnmtnf n-i 1 KEX News-Weekend Weekend i KSLM Sun Serenade Siin Serenade KOCO Ain. Matinee Sun. Matinee KG4Y Sun. Serenade Sun Serenade Percv faith Hr Percy Faith KGW M.initrtt M on ;lor KEX News-Weekend Weekend KSLM Sun. Serenade Sun Serenade KOCO Sun Matinee Sun Matinee KGAY Run Scende Sun Se'nde Phtla. Orch. IPfiila. Oreh. KGW Monitor Monitor KEX News-Weekend Weekend KSI.M Sun Serenade Sun Serenade KOfll Teenage Timet Teenaie l unes KGAY Stanley Butler Siaole- Roller KOIN News t'niv. Fp. Rf.iy Monitor Ron ( uitudine KEX News-Weekend Weekend KSLM Sun Serenade Sgn Serenade KOCO Teensce Tunes Teensga Tunes KGAY G t'wn Forum G I wn FoiUt KOIN Juke Box Jury Juke Km 'Jury Monitor m iomoi KEX News-Weekend Weekend KILM News Mujir ROTO Teenae Tunti Teenae Tuna KGAY KGAY News Sign Off KOIN Muuc Hall Music Hall KGW News. Monitor Moo-ior KEX News-Weekend Weekend KKIU U'.lt IIMnl.l Ronf rWy KO.l1 Tnrte Tun frnu p Tii w I'J.i IHTlCHTTTrr ,T : , ( c I O' en 1 8 COIN . BOW IU. KEX I1M F.M. 00:30 00:45 Bob it Ray Sports Srope Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Tom Harmon Frank Goss Mus McAnul. Nws Rob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bldf. Ore ton Sam Hayes music Music Bob Biackburn Boo Blackburn (Music '.Music Rumpus Room Rt-rnpus Room hid croioy Look to skies S30 Revue ,620 Hevue 'Bob Adkina IBoi Adkins N.SDalias JN.SDallas Humous Jloom Ruinmis I loom (World Tonitt Wirld TonHe H'Mi Hup Hub I.olj iua Atlkina Bri Adkint JS.SMrMinn S SMcMlnn iliiiroui Room Rumpus Mourn So Tin Sjv So Tliey Sav illinir Jin-.t iDance Ilme Jtirni Fidter ildw P Morgan !S S.-McMinn iMusle Rutiwms Mown Rumpus Room (Good F.vening Good Evening Darue i ime Dame 'lima IDanreland Danceland , Melodies IMelodles IMnilc Dancelantf FDanra Time (Music Danre Time Danrelrnd m 00:30 00:45 Mui llmkor. ift.wj S.lula To SU KGAY KOIN Klocic KOIN Klotk Mnnitnr Monitor Keep Tlnr Keep Tim. Rrcakf Gani News Tunes tt Time Tunes it Time salute To sat. kuay Mwi (inn News Cniiiuin News Wtlir-Monitor Monitor Keep Time Keep Time illaven of Rest Haven of Rett 'limes. A lime Tunes St lime Salute To Nat. KGAY News Kubt. Q Lewis HuM. Q Lewis Monitor M mil tor Kerp 'lime Keep Time I'asturs Call Bar.,aiii Counter .Tunes & Time Junes it Tuna Salute To Sat. Salute To SaL Kt.'AY News News Kriinsmnko IGunsmoke 1620 Revue (820 Revue A0 Hevue No Sellout No School No School Music Music (Miitlc HW Tune St. iH'm tune St 14!o iune St. Salute To SaL Salute To SaL KGAY Newa IGalen Drake iGalen Drake Galen Drake McAnuity Mm (MrAnmtv Mus.. McAnuity Mus.i Stars Tnmor'owiStart Tnmor'ow Stars Tomor'ow 2 Mutlc Muaic M90 Iune SL 1496 Tune St Salute To SaL Salute To SaL IVn Glister IDonG-lasser . MrAnutty Mut. (McAnuity Mui. IRusa Conrad IRuss Conrad Music Sat Mattnee Sat. HK!i Garden Facta 120 Revue IRusa Conrad Music Sat Mattnee KGAY New IFarm Facta 1620 Revue , IRuss Conrad IMusle 1M title Sat Mattnee Sat Mattnee Sat Unit iKGAY News IWalter Ginger Walter Ginger lUU Hevue 6Hi Hevue I Huii Conrad Huj C'uiirad News Music Sat Matinee Sit Matinee Sjt. Chase iTieauiy Show JWav for Youth Wu lor Yuulli (McAnultv Mul.iMi Anult r Mue. IRuss Conrad Russ I'uurail Merry-Round Merry-Hound" Sat. Matinee Snt. Matinee il'end. Rounditpfl'end. Roundup Mau Rites Hc. IMan Rltei Hec. Monitor Munltor Hums Conrad Huat Curad Show' Boat"" tMushj " Pop Tunes WalJy'e S porta Harmon Sots. Frank Gos (Monte Ballon iMontr Rallou Boh Blackburn' Bob Blackburn Western Ser. I Western Ser. Rhyihmairea Rliythmairea Rnmance Roiimi-r 620 Revue Basin St. Jar Boh Hlackhurn Hm. bntiKomn (West Serenade West. Serenade Dance Part Danre Peru Jimmy Wakely (Jlmmv Wakely r;rand 01 Opiy Grand Ol Dpi v Wnd Weekend Wnd. Weekend N S.-McMInn N S -McMtnn Dance Party Dance Party Gil Henrv (Gil Henry Heck Harper Hfck llaiper Wnd. Weekend Wnd. Weekend INewa IMusle D.inre Gil Henrv Danc Time Cliild Revond Djme Party GH Henrv Dai-ce Time Child Beyond Dame Party Dance Party t if Pun Danre Part Goori Evening (Good Evening Dance l ima Dance I inn Darreland Danceland Dim-e Paity Dance PaUy Dance Part Dance Part IMus Midnight Mus Midnight Dance Ttme Danre Time Dance Time Danrelsnd 00:30 00:45 H.rk In ClA HW i" Volea of Prooh Veiee td Prnnh Mus for Sun. Mils lor Sun Hit Rviu' Kcav Kt.t Foreicn Affairs Sunday Newa Sranrtinav Hr irarsttna Hr Parade of Hitt Parade of Hit Frank it Ern'tPMusie Manh Mel .nngi lo Hem H t Revew KGAY Newt 9etenadt 'Jack Sterling Fternei Light Eternai Light Weekend Weekend Firit .let hat st Firtl Method's! r:rt .t-t'i Fti Bsntlsl C. arv Piptist Calvarv Raptist N Y. Philharm N. Y. Philharm Ciu'rh Servt Chinch Serve Weekend Weekend Mennonitet Sun Matinee .enad N Y. Philharm Monitor Weekend Mennonitet Sun Matinee VGY .ii N. Y. Philharm. Monitor iWeekend Sun Serenade Sun Serenade 'Sun Matinee Sun MULnee Sun Serenade KGAY m Hr Percv faith Hr P-mv r.tth it. ,i.(i'lt.i Monitor Weekend Werkend Sun, Serenade Sun Matinee Sup Serenade IPhlla Oreh. Monitor Sun. Serenade Sun Mattnrt KGAY Ni tJiymplri Monitor Weekend Werkend Sun Serenade Sun Serenade Teenage ( ones t eenae e i mM iRound n Rounn'Round n Round I tun ei sauoii l u i . nu Weekend U eekend sndsv Con - "-iv Con Teenife Tunee Teenife ruvee AuPme An Time Radio W'rksnop Radio Workshop Mfinnor Moniiw Weekend Weekend Lutheran Hour Ham Tnaea Tunee Hi. There I Teensee Pune CPS Newsroom CBS Newiwom Hi. There HI. There Weekend Weekend Newi (Newa !eenV wtfl eer -enai .eh (Jack Benae- KSLM Muste iMusle KOIN Svispense suspense KftW Music esnvai music r esiivn KEX Argmnt. In Ore.'Argmnt. In KSLM ...i. News-Musle KGW Calnont nr. KEX Musie IMusle , Catholic Hr. Music MONDAY HOUR 00:00 00:1b KSLM Val Fsrmcast Vel. Farmcast KGAY Farm Newa Morn. Mag. KOIN Newa America ,fH - K !! K(W Newa Vanderhoo( KEX he..-Kp Time .i eu lime KSI.M Hemingway KOCO News u'ltx Newa IDave Hose Valley IMusle Kills Mitch Miller iMttch Miller Trees. Show Trees. Show kgw Muoe Festival Music Festival Mumc Fuaiival Music Festival KEX Hi-Fi Tune Ht-Fi Timt Hi-Fi Tune Hi-F. Time KSLM llrToTDeclslon Hr. of Decltlonlu-lc ''tmic KOIN bun NitL' nn Mus- Memop. Face the Nat'nIFace the Nat'n KGW Rirh Reporter Vt News u l ucisiuu id ( UeClSJCin A KEX News-Sports Music Music Music Mk'f'st Gang B'kf'it (Jang West Jubilfo Wet JutnU M(U n Mug. Men n M&K-' "'i'1"1 Newt' 'i ' KGAY Mui ll. MSg. KOIN KOIN KluclC KGW News K KX s o Vanderhoof KSI.M KOCO Cliff Engle Family Altar News (Tunes it tune Heib s Show Herb i Show f'li'-Kitni. Newa ' 'Me News Vanderhoof Keep Time Krcp liin KGAY ktll.N KGW KEX KSI.M KOCO News (News News .ctarine calling Herb's Show Herbs Show KGAY KOIN KGW KEX l1. end- ,Vrrtn Hii'v'"1 "n Breakfast club Breakfast club Newa Keep Time News fTllo Test I KSLM I KOI O News iCIaune Calling " KGAY OKOIN KGW KEX Herb' Show Nor Drake Chef Gino Col lee lime CCA Itiarry uyer ria Perki!i Girl Marries Ruts Conrad IKSLM KOtO KGAY IKOIN KGW KEX Iks'lm KO( O KGAY 2 KOIN KGW KKX ksi.m" 1KIM O ki; y KOIN HIIIV KE (Queen for Day News 'Cianne Calling Limner winner uinner winner Hnnini Mrs P'trtnn True Story Newa True Story Russ Conrad News Wond Newt KGAY NKWS Ni-wi Weather Mit- hell Itpts. News Paul I la ive v .U,,1('U.V Willi New Mat. Witl'm'Me Mat K.av Show Kollie't Records Jlollie i "ill ivy Iune ' ".t I""ih News (Meiry-Go-Hnd . Conrad ( Ctniu KHI.M Will'm'tte Mat. ' Wlll'm tte Mat Koco News - Sports Marine Calling KGAY New Easy Show KOIN "odfrey Time r'wirri-v T'me kg News Merry-Go-Rnd KEX -u .- Conrad H.o Ihmko fou'll be Thanked Again and Again i fur a real holiday spirit and it's to eaay and inex- pensive. Keep a aupply of Wrigley's Spearmint Gum A cm hand, to treat your family and friends, especially 2r nt this time of venr. Hero's a ttliat everybody appreciates. WISHING WELL Rrgiil.r.d U. S. Petent OAic. S827835T28 F g W P C A A 1 T N O S A 5 3 6 f 3 S2 5 638 I 1, S E N T R Y O t O A O 1 3 54682 783 5 46 tr V K M R R R W C C T S M T 8 7 2 5 73 8B4 852 J l) p K O RKOSNDTir 5" .1 8 7 4 8 8 2 5 1 4 . 6 8 H W N O S S ELI S H T S - i 8 3 5 87 842 387 T T S OKA P O K R R L B "7 6 1 1 4 8 3 ? 5 8 2 7 KOPIIENKTKOPY HERE is a pl.mnt little time that will five you a message every diy. It Is a numerical puiile designed to spill out your fortune. Count the Utters In your Arit name. K the number of letters Is 8 or more, subtract 4. If the number Is less than t, add 1. The result is your Uy numbtr. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rec Unile and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the menage the letters under the checked figures give you. O MM. r Wllll.m J. Mllkr, Dlatrl.IlM tr KIM rrllyiw llMkw, lur. l2l ACROSS 1. Residences . Hard shelled fruit . Water resort 12. Aftersong 13. Moral 15. Begin again 16. Precious stone 17. Jap measure H.Todo 19. Egyptian sinking girl 20. Feline 21. Meeting place 23. Attention 21. State of ideal perfec tion 28. Children's game 28. Danger 29. Beer 33. Favorite 35. Woman 38. Stupid person 39. Parts in a plav 41. Allow 42. Endure 44. Golf gadget 45 Z,g- 46 Short melodv 48. Fusible substntn-e 60. Sweets 51. Sphere of action 52. Outfit 53. Previi.r 54. Imbecile, slang 1 I Is I Is 116 17 IS g) 1 10 lu n H it m ii it . $s a i , 5 K 16 I -Si 'i7 ps IS RtTil 2 !4 - pi Ukit rfe--iL my! . 3 i'l J 3 40 IP 41 ST 4T Sa w- is-"---"" 1 yl 1 f T fu ruu v mm. iMusle iMusle Miicn Miner Minn Miner music imiivii music t eauvai Ore.lLook to Sky Sports Music CUv Council Music A.M. 00:30 00:45 Val Fermcatt Mum. Mug. Newa KGAY News KM!-' K I Vanderhoof cij i.n.e News-& Weath Wr-4. Jubilee KGAY Newa -f ,,w Vanderhoof nr.' Kl-.ck Vanderhoot (Vanderhoof Bible Inst. Hible Inst. Tunes it Time Tunes & Time Herb's Show KGAt Newa ei'- -'-n. '"-'a. Vanderhoof Vanderhoof mt) i in. , i (Pastor's Call Bargain Counter cianne Calling ciarine caning Herb Show KGAY News V' v 1ri "rirn ' Wl Breakfast club (Keep Time Wingt of Sonef tBreakf.ist club Keep Time Wings of Song Cianne Calling Cianne Calling riern snow koay re Dr. Melnne iA-.t vi-r I ABC News (Russ Conrad itt'hiperin? SU, Huss Conrad Queen for Day Queen for Day Clarlnc Calling Ctarine Calling uucKy i i.ui-Ky 5lrlk- ! R'-h nt Bitt'--arn IKonnie Worth Konnic Worth Kms Conrad jlluss Conrad News set riK,- snop Vail S'orecaat Kasy Show -Kasy Show F.asv Show Hullia'a HccordslTrnvn Crier KGAY Newi .e It "(ine Il(.M-e MerryGo-Itntl f Merry-Co-Rnd Wlll-upAMe Mat .VIII;tmHe Mat Kav Show Kasv Show Hecordsi Hoi lie's Records' K(i AY Newi "miiic ' r-nrT-i- I Merry-Go-Rnd (Merry-Co-Rnd ttu l nutatl itm i "iiijtu Good News Matinee Ciarine Calling t laruie Calling F.anv Show Easy Show Ruth Ahton 'New'-'Vn'er Merry-Go-Rnd Merry-Go-Rnd iIm- ' unrud Ku Cnnru Buoiia Visla Storc Sold lo Schirinans BUENA VISTA i Special -John Schirman has sold his general store in Ruena Visla to John Church of Rallslon. The Schirmans have owned and operated the store for seven years. They plan a two-month trip to Texas and southern points before moving to Salem where they own apartments. The Churches have operated a store In Ballston for some time and are taking possession of the store here soon. Dure, wholesome treat Get some today. Solution of Vetttrdiy's Puule DOWN 1. Pronoun 2. Treat surgicall) 3. and Mernmae 4. British P.M. 5. Use needle and thread 6. Poor 7. Greatest 8. Article 9. Gamut 10. Hal. reli gious painter 11. Shrub 14. Biblical ruler 18. Intoxicating pepper plant 10. and saucer 21. Masonic doorkeeper 22. Stories 25. Apple seed 27. School of whales 30. Stnped cotton cloth SI. Fine 32. Steep 34. Shake 35. Payment for service 36. Backward 37. Caravan sary 33 Godly person 40. Hire 4 Cf:e 4.Cier 4F. ?avUD 4ft aev an AMESllRH0Po"iRKl G I L aIIe ElNlId BQ El eTq i Ffilc eHI rIi lc! a PLliu ERfTgic rTCSI JElPlfItbBFRANiC!E a Lgasl CQtjj L N as C OiEiDglStADHSlElAlS a p r i aTfl"1 ' FTCf";b" LIeInIsIlIsPS ' M l A'N WTtTr an!Ta ta'-,,I C A P O'VipA BO;lV:E o vIeTri i il LrtRiEiE q W AlRDlJO!KlfZU I TiEA THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Fire Auxiliary Sets Yule Plans DALLAS (Special) Mrs. Gary Radke was hostess to the Dallas Firemen's auxiliary at their reg ular monthly meeting Monday eve ning, wnen they met at her home. Mrs. Dave Thompson reported on the Civil Defense meeting held in Salem In November. The group voted to assist the firemen's Christ mas program of distributing toys to needy children, by purchasing games to be given to older chil dren. Members also decided to pay the lunch lees at Morrison elementary school for a needy family for the remainder of the year. Mrs. Paul Palmer conducted the meeting. For entertainment, Marge and Marjie Yosuda of Hawaii, who are attending Oregon College of Edu cation, presented an interpretive Hawaiian dance. BIXBY DOLNG BETTER HONOVER, N. H. W George Bixby of Dartmouth twice broke the school's varsity mark with the 35-pound weight throw against Brown. He had tosses of 54 feet 5 inches and 54 feet 9 inches. In 1955 his best mark was 52 feet 6tt inches. Use Remnants. Contrasts are gay fashion! And thrifty, too use remnants of checks or plaid n plain for this crisp little school dress. It's easy to sew jiffy to embroider. Pattern 7173: Children's Sizes 2, 6, 8, 10. Tissue pattern, embroi dery transfers. State size. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern adr1 6 cents for each pattern or lst-class mail ing. Send to Capital Journal. Household Arts Dcpt , P 0. box 168. Old Chelsea Station. New York 11. f V. Print , -nly NAME. ADDRESS, ZONE, AND PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed in our ALICE BUOOKS Needle craft book stunning designs for you. our readers! Dozens of I I other designs to order all easy, fascinating hand-work! Send 25 cents for your copy of this won derful book right awayl Easier to cut Sew and fit 9323 sasj-io Printed Pattern Easier to Cut. Sew and Fit Our new PRINTED PATTERN for the little miss! You'll sew d.nish- ter a whole wardrobe from this one easy pattern just vary neck line and sleeves, add ribbon nm for party versions. Empire-princess lines are s-o-o pretty! Printed P.ir.ern 9323: Children's Sizes 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Size 6 takes 2li yards 35-inch fabric. This easy-to-use pattern gives oertect fit Complete illustrated tiew Chart shows you every step Send 35c in coin 'no stamps please lor Pattern with Name. ittldAt) Style Number and Size drcss PATTERN BIKF.AU Capital Journal Box 42 Old Chel sea Station. New York 11 NY Fer first el mall Include aa eitra cents per pattern. 12' IT STEVE, WELCOMS iBZOUOMTMECiirHEKEj PtZIVB-ll. ! THE CAK COM AFTElt CEAECH F02 THE 1 ; A TO UOru LAMP! UMikK rni.c .-aaa ny -. . , Tuc'iSLCT 6111 VHO iltntv I I I l ' ViV' r-d r r 4ANl7WICM I I'fc-C .-i jC7C--- r nil N V ..i-ITA .All mc Tiuc !'.-JTO-i.Ui , I'ft-; ' ' i'?? TH' CLOCK IS (SoSPlLEO fe-;5 yTiS5i's-'4. seconds of licovuffo, J ' s ljj . -nSsS1 UraJ I PQSSONS N&PIHKUMOIL ' YOU've POUg VDii?6l WOUP. ISUTAT THAT ?ATg, 1 9O0 MOMmiS , I , COBSgB, 1WT I T coim-iAeTMnwt,m a champion-! cwt ) i wJ&tZp&ftWMVW I j1asl!iiia.aJiH I NOW FOR A CHEAP ROOM- 1 I gfiHTTHBR DAV ANOTHER TWENTY 'wfSi I If JUST A BUM AND HIS DOQ- 1 E 1 J AND FIND A TELEPHONE B I MILES-RUNNIN' OJT O' EATIN' ffVJ I II GOOD -NOBODVrL GIVE US 3i infeS . WITH NO EAVESDROPPERa- I E MONEY-PRETTY SOON I QOTTA 1 I La SECOND LOOK- jBajaapjgjjfaBiaiitaasargs 6rTARTTN1lF0R rt pf-x - M A stop th' Moosicr.M 1 1 6HoF;fr X ) E&IKS? ( THIS IS TH MOMENT WE ALL BIN cMOMroj-r I scofamimMV ib TH fcEw'TEW WAITIN'FO'-WHEN WE PAUSES ) A (C fggr, I "S1 NJ J EKTERHIriATOrJ )"-su rr ft T TO INJOV ' DVIN' screams o' A . ..'Sr, " f t Ajjirr Y v"( done FAILED 7zi A 6REAT fcS NO I PAINTED 1 13 THE NOSE IS W. WHV ) U I L-'t fiWT ) I j jtt f" ' I r rr FOB TOO, MISS LOCX.O I EfiWH.l I immH I I' l .rft&CHE! 6HE' TAKEN 1 e. WILLIAMS I CALLIN&, en. -Jl 'OJ f f ITf SHE AND THAT FR1EMSI JH I SSSSSt ' ' I I i f' 1 1 I 1 UUI I LUCKY Wj!yC0MT SlSILLVlHtS 1 I V.A8t ThAT ALL HE TO ) jov wmmmummt 1 III, IHJW. V- ,-- ... ju?T KMNE TM YOUI-..8UT I 5URL WISH HE'D C?S COMMON. us STOVtB.'...H'S I JLr-L A MOUSE PCS..' L0O AT ME THE WAY HE WAS l ALL AP. JT h.m! hA.PENS TO BE A CliENT T7 . VsX, CCUT Of TMt CA1 1 J5?Sl Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 14, 1956 THEVB6 STIU-'HUNTlNO'it rCC THE ACTCS PUViNO A UWCN ilNJSCf WJO SlWfp AS UU-IAN WHUEO BY IN BIRTH Of A HATICN IN 1913.' IT WAS PROBASty P.W.GBIFFITH HIMSELF ALL THE 7WE.1