Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 14, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page 3 PLANES OUT OF CAS South Pole Has a Real Pole; Yule Tree Drop Is Doubtful By DON GUY I amjd the vast expanse of white a refueling cache about midway MCMURDO SOUND, Antarctica ",';'s a he to be tried oyon the 800-mile flight from Mc-W-The South Pole now really has MMurdo camp commander M d , th a pole, but ts white ChrUtmuc Davld Canham Jr. , . ., , mav nnt h ,i l. tn"sas . I The Christmas ma for the 420 f " gr.aced by a tree- Jla hop" Pum? alrJ Americans at various stations in ne poies pole a heavy length i." " ,' Ir L l m"CS "'Antarctica arrived here yesterday of bamboo striped with black and hse leading from a now-empty b ni , N Zealand yellow paint, was dropped to the fuel tank 10 thc airstriP hne- Hej Dy , P. "?m " "aiana. 24-man American polar party flRures ,nere is "e ., But whether the polar party gets uuj.. n... .1..' f hnseif it nn k. i j ...i i. its Christmas tree or not. it al- t0 us unrisimas iree or noi, u ai-1 at ready has gratefully acknowl edged one portion oi a cargo arop Wednesday. Rut thai n,.. m-i.. ' hose if it can be forced out was thc last until the Navy Air make one more carg0 dr0P Force. Santa flnns - k.j.. the pole. fnmoc i,n ...iu ivtutuuuj n:u j i. . made this week. Lt. Richard A. L"P Wllh some more nation, 'he flight is made. Christmas Bowers of Harrisburg. Pa., head w ' i. , ' ma" drop the the construction crew at the it it c" gn e distribution to Polar base and on the six loneliest j pole, reported his men were de- m nu p Frcczc Sroups are men in the far-flung Deep Freeze lighted to find a load of beer had eignt Christmas trees flown in operation. The six are camped at been parachuted down safely, trom Orpenn. fln ... u. dropped at the pole. How to get it there is the problem. A new supply of airplane fuel is aboard the tanker Ncspelen. 1,000 miles away from this antarctic base. An icebreaker will have to clear part of its path to McMurdo. The arrival date is uncertain. The 24 men at the South Pole most of them Seabces, are build ing a scientific base for observa tions during the International Geophysical Year. Their best hope for a spot of Christmas greenery Thomas Fry's Rites Today ' AMITY (Special) Funeral services for Thomas Fry, 72, who passed away in Amity at the Faith House Convalescent Home Sunday, were in the chapel of Macy and Son Friday afternoon. Mr. Fry was born Oct. 18, 1884 in Dorchester, Wis. As a young man he traveled to Oregon with his parents, where they established their home in Whiteson. Fry made his home with his parents until their death. Mr. Fry had been in ill health for several years. In 1952 he en tered the Veterans Hospital in Portland, where he remained for 15 months. Feb. 11, 1954, Mr. Fry entered Faith Home, where he re mained until his death. Thomas Fry was a World War I veteran, a member of the Masonic and Elk lodges. He is survived by a nephew in California. Interment was in the Sheridan Masonic Cemetery. Chamber Bills WU Professor "How America Appears to Free Asia" will be thc subject of an address at the Chamber of Com merce foruin luncheon at the Marion Monday noon by Dr. Theo dore Shay, visiting professor at Willamette University. Dr. Shaw has done research work in India relative to the na tionalist movement there and is I familiar with the attitudes of its leaders towards America and the other nations of the world. Tha moalind Afnnrlov will Ka . . ,,vi..b ..... i I the last forum luncheon session of the year and recognition will be given the Chamber's leaders of the last year. President Elmer Berg will preside for the last time, and at the following meeting, Jan- Coin Collectors Elect Doucetle The Numismatic society elected William Doucette president at the meeting Thursday night of t h e Salem coin collecting group. Mem bers met at the Hotel Senator. Other oilicers elected include Norman Shaw, first vice president; Mrs. Patricia Wittenberg secre tary and Mrs. Etta Schendel, treasurer. Two year directors elected were Ronald Bolan and Mark Kent. William Stein, Ken neth Shaw and Leo H. Johnson will serve as one year directors. uary 7, the new president, Claude Miller, will be the presiding of ficer. Dr. Shay will be introduced by Seward P. Reese, head of the College of Law at Willamette. Betty Starr Anderson will sing. Keizer PTA Plans Event Plans for a Country Fair night January 18 at ummings school in Kciser are well underway, ac cording to Leo Johnson, president of the school's PTA. The fair and annual Christmas pageant scheduled Dec. 18 were discussed at a recent meeting of the group. Parents and teachers plan to decorate the school and have a regular country fair atmosphere for the January event, Johnson said. All proceeds will go towards items for the school. Principal George Wright told parents that students have been practicing for the Christmas pa geant since Dec. 1. A varied pro gram is planned, he said. $20 Million Bond Issue by Idaho Power Given OK The Oregon Public Utilities Com mission today approved sale by Idaho Power Company of $20 mil lion of its first mortgage bonds. Proceeds from the 30-year bonds will be used to discharge short term note obligations, to reim burse the company treasury and to construct, extend, maintain and improve its operating facilities. The bonds will be due in 1987 and will be sold at competitive biddings. cember current population survey, at the request of the U.S. depart ment of agriculture. Information to be collected will cover days worked, earnings from farm and nonfarm work, number of different farms worked on dur ing the year and how farm wage work was obtained. Migrant farm workers will be asked additional questions to determine how far from home these workers went to do farm work. Current population survey in formation will be collected locally by Opal Nieswander of Salem, and Mary McClurg of Albany. Ted Williams tops active major leaguers with a .348 lifetime bat ting average. Stan Musial shows a Farm .Workers to Receive Queries Special questions on farm wage workers will be asked in the De- DIVIDEND NOTICE The Board of Directors of STATE FINANCE CO. hat declared the 37th consecutive semi-annual regular cash dividend on the Preferred Stock, This dividend it payable on or before December 31, 1956, to the stock holders of record of the close of business December 20, 1956. ERNEST H. MILLER, Vice-President (I D UU. New Finance Firm LEBANON (Special)-A branch of the City Finance Co. opened Monday at 868 Main street. Glenn E. Blue is manager, moved here from Ohio. Valley Dates DALLAS (Special) The Bridge port Community club will meet this Friday evening at the school. New officers of the club, who will con- j duct the meeting, include Charles ! Baker, Sr. president; Jesse Payne, vice president; Mrs. Charles Bak er, secretary; and Mrs. G o y Hicbenthal, treasurer. The Bridge port School Christmas program will be at the school Tuesday, at 8 p.m. WOODBURN (Special) The motion picture "Seventeen', will be shown at the Washington school in Woodburn Saturday at 7:30 p.m. The local presentation is sponsored by Woodburn Area Evangelical Fellowship. WOODBURN (Special) Christ mas arrangements and door swags will be offered for sale during the annual Christmas sale sponsored by the Woodburn Jaycee-ettcs Sat urday. Baked goods, homemade cookies and candies also will be sold. The sale will be in the Scheidegger building next door to Eadcn's bakery on Front street and will start at 9 a.m. SILVERTO.N (Special) Silver - ton lodge No. 45, A. F. and A. M. will have a public installation of officers in the Masonic hall, Satur day night at 8 o'clock MOLALLA (Special) The parish Christmas party for St. Williams church is slated for Sun day in the parish hall, with a pot luck dinner at noon. A Christmas film will be shown and Santa will present bags of nuts, candies and fruits to the children. There will be a general cleaning of the church Thursday. Dec. 20 starting at 9:30 p.m. A crib installation and decorations will be taken care of Dec. 23 in the church. GERVA1S (Special) The Ger vais Farmers' Union will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the Gervais Union High School. Following the election of officers a Christmas musical program will be presented. Myron Harper will be in charge of the entertainment. Mrs. Ralph Harper and Mrs. .Myron Harper are co-hostesses for refreshments. MOLALLA (Special) Monday is the date set by Molalla Grange No. 310 for the annual Christmas party and program in the Grange hall. The fea'.ure of the evening will be the Rural Del! community chorus, under the direction of Ed win Eyman. LEBANON (Special) Santiam chapter of DAR will meet Mon day, with Mrs. John Pearl on Cas cade Drive at 2 p.m. Mrs. Ivan Ayers is program chairman. LEBANOS (Special) Cub master Frank Gallagher announced that committee and pack meetings for Pack 9i will be a -ck early this mon:h. Committee members will meet Monday, at the home of Mrs. Rav Townsend at 8 p m. Cub sVit will have, their pack meet t Tue; Oeal- o W S& " WE (i HS2 am mm sg mmm Creditors' Statement For Financial reasons all assets of the White house Furniture Co. has been assigned to this committee for liquidation. This includes in ventory, office fixtures, display cases and delivery equipment. The first offering of this furniture inventory will be made to the general public. On completion of public sale, all remaining stock will be sold by bids to other retail stores. I ONE LOCATION I ONLY! 735 EMEWATEB St I WESTSMEM 1 Public Notice This liquidation for the benefit of all creditors terminates the Whitehouse Furniture Co. We mean business. We definitely and positively have closed THIS STORE FOREVER. Shop this once-in-a-lifetime Sale TODAY and see for We Mean Business DO NOT EXPECT THIS SALE TO BE JUST AN OTHER GIMMICK. THIS IS THE REAL THING. Office Equipment For Safe Building For Rent Or Lease ALE STARTS T0-PAV FRIDAY ML U AT 6 p.m. COMPLETE STOCK SOLD WITHOUT RESERVATION This large West Salem Furniture Store, carrying America's Finest Furniture, offers tremendous savings in every department during this Creditors Liquidation Sale Come in and Jfond face-to-face with our price tickets. Then, and oniy then will you realize WE MEAN BUSINESS in offering this fine stock without reservation. SALE CONTINUES DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. So that we may better serve you during this stupen dous Creditors Liquidation Sale we will be OPEN EVERY NITE 'TIL 9 P.M. SUNDAY STORE HOURS 12-6 P.M. We want to give you, Mr. & Mrs. Homemaker, every opportunity to shop TOGETHER dur ing this unusual sale. Remember, this store's regular Credit Policy remains In effect dur ing this complete liquidation. GENUINE SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT This is not a Wild Advertising "COME ON." All items in our huge, select stock have been drastically reduced to force immediate sale. We must move this huge furniture stock quickly and have priced EVERYTHING with that paramount thought in mind. SHOP OUR REAL, DOWN-TO-EARTH VALUES. CREDIT TERMS EASILY ARRANGED OR A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR SELECTION. IMPORTANT STATEMENT ON CREDIT TERMS This Stores usual Carrying Policy remains in effect during this Creditors Liquidation Sale. Buy your furnture needs NOW! Take as LONG AS YOU LIKE TO PAY. Do not let money stand in the way of these savings. Remember this store is OPEN EVERY NITE 'TIL 9 P.M. SHOP EARLY, SHOP TODAY WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE See for yourself we mean business. This inventory MUST BE SOLD FOR WHATEVER IT MAY BRING! f REMCnM Time (mflSmiv ! LblMVIM III U.?l VIIIIVI for Creditors' Committee of Defunct JJ Jj WHITEHOUSE FURNITURE CO. fawafieir Si PHONE 4-9310