f Pap 12-Seflea 1 Saleiri, Oregoff, Friday, DeiJeffiBef 1?, 1956 A THE CAPITATJ JOURNAE Drive for Hungarian Relief lade hefore Salem'a elvle end Organization Pt Up To Help Collect Marion Goal $300 Collected in Red Cross Plans Made for Salvage Store (Safety Group : Organization of the special Red Cross drive for Hungarian relief In Marion county is rapidly being formed and contributions of ap proximately 1300 have been re ceived, James . Keys, chairman hat announced. Marion county's Red Cross chapter has been given a goal of $3,011 as a part of the national drive to raise $5 million to pro vide food and shelter lor some 80,000 Hungarian refugees now in Austria. Robert Shepherd of the state highway department has been named by Keys to handle contri butions from state employes. Gov ernor Elmo Smith has given of ficial approval of the plan and his office has been informed that em ployes of the motor vehicle de partment plan to make donations to the relief fund I his Christmas instead of exchanging gifts. Walter Penk, Salem correspond ent for the Oregon Journal, was named publicity chairman for the drive. Keys said, while the Salem Toastmasters club had designated Roy Hozine as its representative to shape up oral appeals to be I made before Salem'i fraternal organizations. Keys was Informed Thursday the Oregon Committee for Hun garian Refugees in Portland had raised $15,000 in fund drive to raise $2.1.000 to provide transpor tation for refugees from Camp Kilmer, N.J. to Oregon. No word has been received by the committee on the time of ar rival of the next trarnload of refu gees, Keys was told. Oregon Youth Council Formed Sixteen teenagers from Portland, Salem and other mid-Willamette Valley areas met in Salem Thurs day to organize an Oregon Youth Council, under sponsorship of the governor s (Sate Committee on children and Youth. The council will Include repre sentatives from all state - wide youth organizations. Its purpose is to meet periodically to discuss youth problems and to present Its views to the legislature and Other governing groups. Next meeting of the Youth Council will boin Salem Jan. 10 when officers will be elected. I I' Jtuvt' . ilu ..jr-w.., 100 Flee Blaze In Astor Hotel ASTORIA Wl A fire on the top floor of the eight-story J. J. Astor Hotel drove some 100 guests and employes into the street Wednesday. Operation of a new St. Vincent de Paul Salvage Store In Salem Is being dlscuved by the above officers of the newly-organized St. Vincent de Paul Particular Council. 'The store, to open soon for sales. Is now open at 343 N. Commercial St. only to aecept dona tions of clothing and household items. Shown above are D. J. McLellan, council president, and members Carlos T. Lagerfeld, Gordon Burke and Karl Barr, all members of St. Vincent and St. Joseph Catholic parishes. Studies Change I In Drunk Test j The Oregon. Traffic Safety com- I mission may ask the 1957 legisla ture io amena me jaw reigung iu chemical tests for persons suspect ed of driving automobiles while un der the influence of liquor. Under the present law. pased in 1955, written consent must be given by the accused before such a test can be made. This require ment, police officials say, has seri ously handicapped drunk driving enforcement. Earlier this year the Oregon As sociation of City Police Officers urged adoption of the so-called "implied consent" plan already in effect in New York, Idaho, Kansas and several other states. Under the present law, passed pected of driving while intoxicated is presumed to have given consent to a chemical test at the time he applied for a driver's license. Re fusal to undergo the test would be grounds for suspension of the man a driver s license. Members of the commission spent several hours Thursday af ternoon debating the subject and plan to come to a definite decision at its next meeting, just prior to the opening of 1957 legislature. Jose Iturbi Concert Enjoyed By Near-Capacity Audience By FRED ZIMMERMAN, Capital Journal writer A near capacity audience that came to hear the renowned pi anist, Jose Iturbi, play a well-balanced concert In Willamette uni versity's Fine Arts auditorium Thursday night was not disap pointed. The Spanish-horn musician, play ing with the ease and finesse that one associates with a well-trained artist, divided his program into two parts. The first was devoted to the works of Mozart, Chopin and Brahms. Following the Intermission Iturbi turned to the compositions of fel low countrymen as well as Ravel and Labar. Chopin Selections Liked With the artist played each di vision of his concert with equal fa cility, the four selections by Cho pin, were by far the more pleasing from the standpoint of pure un adulterated melody. Perhaps for the reason that a majority of the listeners were more familiar with them. However, one should not gloss over Iturbi's performance in Filip Lazar's unusual Marche Funebre. It must certainly was different. The three-part selection from "Iberia" by Isaac Albeniz, that closed the scheduled program was a, most pleasing performance. One distracting Incident occur red at the very start of the eve ning that indicated that the pi anist has grown accustomed to the unusual. It was the preienc. of a photographer on the stage who took two shots of the audience. Iturbi sat patiently waiting for the photographer to get through with his assignment before plung ing into Mozart's Sonata in F Ma jor. Some artists would have literally "blown their tops" over such a scene. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18TH IS THE VERY LAST DAY That We Can Get An Order Out For Christmas Oa Personalized WROUGHT IRON NAME PLATES 8 tit TIME 51 Hi E mm All TYPES SIGNS HANGING . . . WALL . . , RURAL MAIL BOX Rust Proof Black Wrought Iron Finish. Many Ornaments to Choose From 1 M3lr on Works kl NEW ADDRESS, 1225 S. 20th Salem 4-8441 8 (mi) Mil i3 ) L 0 r n LbL! L CHRISTMAS DINNER! ,i WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY SEARS MAJOR APPLIANCE! 1 Bunch Carrots YOU'VE SEEN OTHERS ADVERTISED FROM 35995 TO 37995! BUT ONLY AT SEARS CAN YOU BUY A... Here's What You Get! 10 lb. Turkey 3 lbs. Potatoes 2 lbs. Yams 1 Stalk Celery 1 Bunch Parsley 2 Pkgs. Frozen Peas 1 Pkg. Tea Rolls KENMORE 30-IN, DELUXE RANGE I 9.M f" 1 Can Cranberry Sauce 1 Pkg. Dressing Mix 1 Pumpkin Pie KENMORE (- mmdsmsssim. m FOR ONLY n Save m o gs Reg. 239. 19995 PLUS FREE CHRISTMAS DINNER! 24-in. Oven Microtube Top Units COLDSPOT 36-IN. GRILL TOP Reg. 279.95 22995 Down i tS-2 NAJ 10.0C Down PLUS FREE CHRISTMAS Big 20-in, Oven Use Griddle for oil your frying COLDSPOT w 8.3 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR 1 13.6 CU. FT, REFRIGERATOR Reg. 1(9.95 14995 JUST $5 DOWN! Like 2 Washers in One! SVKV.O IT IP FOR RECl'I.AR WASH! Srparalr washinK and spin drv spped for rrRular fabrics. Atitnmalirallv, vnu Kfl par klinc rlran nd brlshl clolhcs. SLOW IT DOWN FOR MODERN FABRICS! Set (hp dial for dt'licatp fabrirs do hand nashtne atito maliially, separate, ilower ablator and spin dr.vinn sperd, 5 rinses. 5 I I SAVE M 520! -J 5.00 Down PLUS FREE CHRISTMAS DINNER! 26-lb. Freezer Chest Convenient Chiller Troy $40! 1-, Reg. 289.95 249" 10.00 Dowa PLUS FREE CHRISTMAS DINNER! Fully Auto. Defrost Servi-Shelf Doo Storag MAKE IT A WHITE CHRISTMAS ! Civ Hr the Kanmore Coldfp?t Apptince of her Choice! Suds Savor Saves Water and Detergent Sudt vtr Herat yowr hat ludiy Wlttr htr tht wtthinq tvtl. Hnrurn It te tht wttriar fur yeur nl lad of flrtthv tan ttrwtlly py It rHlf COLDSPOT 20 CU. FT. FREEZER k Only 9-lb. 2-ipd tuic mf ic w tw in An' -ici to ttl ! thri low Vnoiout. yit gntl 6 vn tqilitor tt'on ihji qoi tlair-it tuilly cUm Seil, linrl and ludi-icum ara thotowflhly ramavad wtth A tp'y rtntai. 1 dap rim. Saltd goat cm f uaran ofd (ivo ytirt; Ae.' ab't owtomt" - OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 P. M. 3-9191 550 N Capitol u x - COLDSPOT DELUXE 14.2 Cu, Ft. Upright Freezer Reg. 349.95 319" Peg. 359.95 79995 Mm M M 10.00 Don PLUS FREE CHRISTMAS DINNER a mm ff 1 ESS 10.00 Dowi PLUS FREE CHRISTMAS DINNER! . Holds 497 lbs. Easy clrin Porcelain Enamel Interior Lowest Price Ever for Quality (oldspol Upright!