Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 14, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 1 Page 11 FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS Ex-Dictator of Haiti Goes Into Jamaican Exile Maploire Forced Out of Nution by Stubborn Sitdown Strike POnT AU PRINCE, Haiti Ijp Former President Paul .Magloire today began his exile in Jamaica after being forced out of Haiti by a determined sitdown strike. Macloirc and nine members of his family reached Kingston after a flight from Port au Prince in a Haitian army plane. The ex-prcsi-dent declined to make any state ment on his arival in Jamaica, saying only that his plans were indefinite. Magloire was the first president In Haiti's history named directly by the people. His term ended Dec. 6 but he tried to continue in power as "chief of state." The nation reacted promptly with three days of sitdown strikes that brought all normal activity virtually to a halt. Wednesday night Magloire gave in to the "cold revolution" and stepped down as chief of state. The strike continued until his plans to leave the country were announced. That word touched off a wild celebration. A radio announcement also said Magloire had resigned as an army general at the demand of both offi t cers and enlisted men. As provided in this little Carib bean republic's constitution, the president of the Supreme Court, Joseph Nemours Pierre - Louis, took over the office of .the presidency. 2 Cons Sneak Out of Texas Radio Station HOUSTON m Two convicts from a state prison farm sneaked away from a broadcasting station yesterday, kidnaped a Houston man for two hours and disap peared. They were members of a prison band brought to KPRC and KPHC TV to record a program for the penal system's weekly series "Be hind Prison Walls." Guards watched one entrance but the two left their trombone and saxophone in the station's cof fee shop and walked out another door. Prison officials identified them as Owen McDonnel, 23, serving a 50-year sentence for robbery, and Paul Everett Myre, 25, serv ing a five-year term for robbery. A few blocks from the station they flagged down Joseph G. Ken nedy, driving a telephone service truck. Kennedy was released un harmed on a rural road. His truck was found later near a wooded area in northeast Houston. Police sealed off the district and brought in bloodhounds but could find no further trace of the two men immediately. NBC to Step Up Color TV MIAMI BEACH, Fla. ifi - The president of the National Broad casting Company says his network aims for at least two color pro grams nightly next year, and hopes soon to have the bulk of its nighttime schedule in color. Robert W. Sarnoff said NB would continue emphasis on live telecasts and development of color which he characterized as "the booster charge for our fourth decade. NBC is observing its 30th anni versary. Sarnoff also said that the NBC next year will provide the first live programing produced specif ically for educational television stations on a national basis. The programs, Sarnoff said, will consist of three 30-minute presen tations weekly and will be provid ed at no charge to educational stations. They will embrace in struction in mathematics, the hu manities and government, and will run for 26 weeks. They are scheduled to begin in March for 13 weeks and to resume for 13 additional weeks in October Battleship on Final Vovajre To Mothballs NORFOLK. Va. (L'Pi-The mass ive battleship New Jersey turned her back on the naval base here today and headed north on her final voyage to mothballs. The 45.00O-ton battleship, nearly three city blocks long, pulled up anchor and steamed out of the Vir ginia harbor which has often been her home during her illustrious 14-year history spanning two wars. She will arrive in New York Friday where, on Jan. 14. she will undergo preparations for return ing to the inactive fleet. EDDIE BRACKEN ROBBED DETROIT Ifl Actor Eddie Bracken, 40, reported to police that someone tok s99 from a trouser pocket while he was asleep in his hotel room yesterday. He is starring here in "Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?" WlV-fcter. Dccner Comfort hi MUSCLE PAIN Put" MUSTEROLE SMXUBD 1 AY7T) WlJliliWJ rrnnym 1h6OT W WW """"Si nil I THE ' - V,- "" ' ' I -n JWium.himip I j RTS HATHAWAY Superfine broadcloth, exact fitting, ocean pearl buttons these are some of the Hathaway quality features. 1. No. 19 Modified spread collar, slotted stays, French cuffs. Sizes 14-17, sleeves 32-35. 2. No. 21 Regular shape collar, slotted stays, button cuffs. Fine imported fabric. Sizes 14ls-17, sleeves 32-35. 3. No. 62 Medium point collar, slotted stays, French cuffs. Fine imported fabric. Sizes 14)2-17, sleeves 32-35. MEN'S FURNISHINGS - STREET FLOOR Mail and phone orders' 5.95 5.95 8.95 f1:r Ml!' J 1MB ARROW Made of fine combed cotton yarns and "featuring the Mitoga " form fitting cut. Arrow shirts are famous for quality and convY fortable fit. Sanforized, of course. .t ARROW l.DART Regular fused collar, barrel cuffs, sizes 14-18, sleeves 31-36. 2. DREW Medium point fused collar, button cuffs, sizes 14-18, sleeves 31-36. 3. PAR Modified spread collar, slotted stays, button or French cuffs. Sizes 14-18, sleeves 32-36. 4. ARDEN Short point fused collar, barrel cuffs, sizes-14-18, sleeves 32-36. 5. DALE FC Super count broadcloth, regular fused collar, French cuffs, sizes 14-18, sleeve 32-36. 3.95 3.95 :.'iif. :.:k 6. DORSET FC Super count broadcloth, short point fused col lar, French cuffs, sizes 14-18, sleeve's 32-3 J. - Mm' and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS - STREET FLOOR 3.95 3.95 '5.00 '5.00 t - A4 tin' ;'4 ih -irtt fhi S-1" - hi ' kf'in. HviLe UK NO-IRON COTTON SHIRT We introduce this exclusive Sonic'S shirt that will revolutionize the men's shirt industry. This is the answer for men who want iron-free shirts but won't wear synthetics. Here, for the first time in Oregon, marvelous wash-and-wear shirts that have been favorites with fas tidious Britishers for months. Tests prove that these specially treated cotton shirts dry in about two hours end look as smooth and wrinkle-free (without ironing) el the average broadcloth shirt with ironing. Impeccable tai loring, including ocean pearl buttons and the new convertible French cuffs. White in sizes 14VJ-17, sleeves 32-35. G MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR Had and phone orders flVanHensenl " I y7p? VAN HEUSEN Famous Century shirts with the soft collar that won't wrinkle , ever. It will look just as fresh when you take it off as when yeu- put it on in the morning. 1. CENTURY 100 Regular shape collar, button or French cuffs, sizes 14-17'i, sleeves 32-36. 2.CENTURY 200 Modified spread collar, button or French cuffs, sizes 14-17'j, sleeves 32-35. $ 3. CENTURY 300 Short pointed collar, button cuffs, sizes 14'j 17'j, sleeves 32-35. 4. CENTURY 301 Round eyelet collar, French cuffs, sizes 14'a 17, sleeves 32-35. 5. OXFORD BD Regular shape button down collar, button cuffs, sizes 14'i-17, sleeves 32-35. 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 5.00 Mail and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS - STREET FLOOR I Mfirr ti Frank'n Salem. Sakm, Ore. Quart. I Brand! ' Style I Size Sleeve Cuff I Price i a'r-i J L Name SStn City Zone State Chars O C. 0. D. Remit. Enc. O Tins shipping cost lo areas outside our reeular truck delivery routes.