Page 10 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 14, 1958 Many Refugees Young, Eager For Education Couldn't Go to Hungary Universities Unless i They Were Reds Br HERB ALTSC1IULL MUNICH, ttermany wi manyj Hungarian refugees headed for a : new, life in the United States arej between 18 and 23 and are thirst-1 ing to attend an American uni-1 versity. A striking tmng about ine now of refugees in the big airlift is the number of young men. Nearly all want to go to school. They have had enough of commu nism and dictation about who can go to what school and why. This correspondent spoke with half a dozen such young men. none of whom wanted his name published. Take one young man, who can be called Endre. He is 18. tall, sandy-haircd and ruggedly hand some as are most of the young Hungarians here. He is going to Philadelphia, where his uncle lives. ! "I want to he a veterinary sur geon," he said. There was no chance for him to study at a Hungarian university because his father used to be a lawyer. "Unless you join the Communist party," he said, "you do not go to a university in Hungary if you are of bourgeois background." In other words, your family must have a long working class tradition. When the students began dem onstrating in Budapest Oct. 23, he and his friends at a high school tried to storm Radio Budapest. Dozens were killed, "including my best friend," said Endre. At that point, he decided that if the Communist government were not overthrown he would attempt to flee to America. The Russian tanks moved in Nov. 4 and Endre lit out for the Austrian border. He left behind him his family and a German camera, which he used to take LEGXLS . " NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Martin Petersen, administrator of tha titate of Soren Petersen. De ceased, will at 310 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, on and aft er 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon n( tht 2fith day of December. lf)5fi, ie at private sale for earn the interest of Soren Petersen In and In the fol lowing described real premises, to wn: An undivided ope-hnlf Interest In and to the following described real premises, to-wlt: Lot 1 and the Southerly one-hnlf ef Lot 0, Block 1, North Limits Addition to Salem. Marlon Coun ty, Ore-iton (tee Volume 11. pnfe 17, record of Town Plata for laid county ami state). eat In the premises beginning at tht northwesterly corner of Lot 7, Block 2. North Limits Addition to (h City of Salem. Marlon County. Oregon; thence Westerly along trie northerly line of said Lot 7, it ex tended, 40 feet; thence Southerly parallel to the Westerly line of aald Lot 7, 50 feet; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of aald Lot 7, If extended Westerly 40 feet to the Southwesterly corner of Mid Lot 7; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of mid Lot 7, M feet to the place of beginning. And also, an undivided one-half Interest In the Southerly one-hnlf of the premises beginning at the Northwesterly cornrr of l-ot . Block 2, North Limits Addition to the City of Salem. Marlon County. Oregon: thence Westerly along the Northerly line of snid Lot . If ex tended. 40 feet; thence Southerly parallel to Ihe Westerly line of aald Lot 6, 50 feet: thence Ksterlv along the Southerly line of said Lot 6. if extended Westerly, 40 feet 1o the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 0: thence Northerly along the Westerly line of snid Lot '. 50 feet to the place of be ginning. Said sale Is to be made in pursu ance ol an order nf the Honorable Val D. Sloper, ludpe of the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon lor Marlon County, in proceeding prnd Ing therein entitled "In thr Mailer ot the Estate of Soren Peterien. De censed." Clerk's regiMrv No lfl.'Wi. Dated and firit published this 2.lrd day of November. IS.Vi. . MARTIN PETERSEN, Administrator of the Estate of Soren Petersen. Decerned BHOTEN. RHOTEN Ar SPKERSTRA. 310 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Administrator N.23.30.D.T.14. NOTICE TO (' ItKIMTOHS NOTICE IS HEREBY CllVEN that the Circuit Court nf Marlon Cmintv, Oregon, Probate Department, ha ap pointed the undcrMKnrd administra tors of the esUte of Clair Cobb, de ceased. All rlaims of permtn against said estate must be presented to uiid administrators at 130 W. 1st Avenue, Albany. Oregon, or at Cnbb Manufac turing Company. Jefferson. Oregon, within six months from date hereof with proper vouchers. DATED and first published the 10th day of Novrtnher, l!Ml 111. EN COMB rex conn Admlnlstrntors WEATHER FORD & THOMPSON Albany, Oregon Attorneys for Administrators Nov ao,Dec.7,l4.21 NOTICE OP EXECI'TRIX SALE OF RliAl. lMKH'tllTY NOTICE HEREBY IS tJIVKN th.t pursuant to an order of Hie Circuit Court of the State of Orrnn for Ihe County of Marion, tn Probate, m.irie and entered on the 12th tl.iv of De cember, I'.'M. in the Matter of the Eilale of FRANK F TURNER De ceased, the under.' i sued, as Fei-u-trix of the aforesaid estate, will pro ceed to sell, at private sale, from and after the Hth day of January. I;57. at 211 Pioneer Trust Building. North Commercial Street, Salem, Million County, Oregon, to the lntheM hid der on terms heretnnlter mentioned, such sale to be reported to md Court and to be subtect to resale and re. quire confirmation by said I'miit, the following described real property of said estate, to-wil: Lot 8. Block M. in the Citv of Sa lem. Marlon County. Oregon. iSee Vol. 1. pagr 2. Itei-orri i! Town Plata for said count v aiid state i ; save and excenl therefrom 4i 0 feel Of land otf the eatei Iv end thereof hi runhefme tme t .1 hv Nathanlai Croan to A K Turner by deed recordrd on p.ige Vol. liO. Deed Records Mar am County, Oregon. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Or SALE: Cash, lawful money of the United States, or on credit with one third 01 more of the purchase pi tie fatd at time of execution of a con ract. The undersigned, as said executrix, hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids for said real prop erly. Dated this 14th day of December. 19M. AI ICE MAY Hl'ST, Executrix afotesaid 211 Pioneer Trust Building lem, Oregon PEERY T BURFN Attorney for Executrix 211 Pioneer Trust Building talera. Oregon pictures "of animals and nature." As far as Endre is concerned, "communism is finished in Hun gary. " He describes the Russians in Budapest as "frightened ani mals who keep looking over their shoulders to see who is following them." Endre has no fears about plung ing into a new worm. U.S. Taxes at $447 a Person WASHINGTON U-r"cdera1 lax collections averaged a record $447 for every person in the country The Communists were always ' ur,ng ,lhe ,''sca year enrted last trying to run America into the mud," he said, "but the people just don't believe It." Fired Santa Arrested June 30, the Internal Revenue Service said today. This was an increase of about $46 over the previous year, and $11 greater than the peak average in fiscal 1953. g r.. ... . inc ll!cm average o irir Ull ShOjllJllIlK Lhrge above the $313 in fiscal 1945 at the WEST PALM BEACH. Fla. end of World War II. When Matthew J. Stina, 50, was1 The report covers a 90-year discharged as a department store period during which the low point Santa, he told youngsters "sorry, , in average individual collections kiddies, but Santa has to go back was in 1S35. That year, the rev to the North Pole." jenuc service said, the per capita City detective Tom Morris said 'iKurc was I'-9 " 13,1 collections that instead of heading for the totolline $112,421,0110. pole, the ex-Santa strolled through The 1956 average was based on another store and shoplifted o record collections of $75,112,649, musical clock. Morris charged 000 from a population totaling Stina with petty larceny. 1 168,091,000. j Peruvian Indians Like Iowa Corn LIMA, Peur Peru's Indians have found that Iowa corn makes a good variety of chicha, and they feel better about things. Chicha, a potent fermented i drink made from corn, has been a j favorite of Peru's 'Indians since ! the days of the Incas. Because of a severe drought, Peru is short of com and the United States has been supplying needs with grants in aid. It tastes a bit different than j Peru's own. HIS JOB DID HIM IN TAMPA, Fla. The Tampa Junior Chamber of Commerce decided to cancel its Dec. 27 meet ing. The program chairman ob served that this could be done conveniently, since the scheduled speaker had quit his job. His topic was to have been: "My job and what It does for me." Bank 'Client' Pulls Stickup SOUR LANE, Tex. W-A dark, 200-pound man ended a business conference yesterday with E. A. Luce, president of the Sour Lane State Bank, by shoving a pistol at him and robbing the bank of $25,211. Luce said the man had been around Sour Lane two or three days using the name "Rankin." He came into the bank just before closing time and talked for an hour about plans to build a can ning factory. Suddenly he pulled the gun and forced five employes to lie on the floor while Luce complied with his orders to gather up all the small denomination bills from the tel lers' cages. Then he herded every one into the vault. Police threw up roadblocks in a wide area of east Texas. Christmas Unites Estranged Couple LOS ANGELES (JV-In the spirit I of Christmas, William C. Nichols and his estranged wife, Ilene, put 'aside their differences and went 1 shopping for presents for their three children. They agreed on all the gifts. Her lawyer, E. Loyd Sanders, told Judge Elmer D. Doyle there wasn t anything for him to do. H said he will rebate his $175 fee if they reconciled before Christmas. Portable TV 10-Inch Start Lew As $89.95 vwiinrfwuTMts Open Every Night 'Til 9 P.M. Capitol Shopping Center Phone 2 8708 FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS wmnrnfMEssy j J AM W WW (THTFhQD reg $16.98 deluxe doll carriage $(0j J The doll carriage every little girl dreams aboul , . . . reproduction of the famous Welch baby carriage . . , beautifully styled, constructed with all the important safely features. Lift out the "boodle" ... it becomes a bassinet. Front of carriage drops down to make a de luxe doll stroller. Two-tone combination in ivory with lur quoise or blue. Mail and phone orders reg. $2.98 shooting arcade Loads of action wtih this game of $ CO skill; variety of moving and suspend- JmW ed targets; automatic pistol. Fun for the whole familyl Mail ami jthonr orim reg. $1.98 'Confucius Say' game A brand new magnetic quiz game Q for young and old alike; features twelve different categorfes of ques tions from 'A to Z. Mail ami vhonr orders' reg. $9 nail and peg desk 6.95 " ' ""t !mA f"!l''Vii"'i"'i"Uj Fun and variety in this sturdy combina tion! Hammer-nail, peg and writing desk with attached saddle seat. Hammer, nails, eraser, pegs. Ji7 and phone orders' reg . 2. 98 Bingo-ma tic Complete Bingo outfit for family fun, clubs, etc. with an automa tic number selector . . . each turn of the handle eiects a num. ber, making it simple to operate. TOYLAND - SECOND FLOOR .in ami phone orders'. Flu. shipping eosl lo areas outside our regular truck delivery mules. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS ( VVtV protset precious ft growing feet 4LV SIMPLEX f FLEX-EZE l' Comfort and proper fit are of the ut- ft I most importance in shoes always . . . m II '( . but never more so then with your chiU f II li dren'i active, growing feet. And Sim- l ft pl.x Flex-En it made ever scientific I ff V ' 1 'w,y of tht finest, top leather!. I' P h . Rugg.d styles to appeal to your son or 11 P. ifeughter. r If ' I t Ten s9 white leather $Q AE 111 . I 1 saddle in sizes 3'j to 10. 77if (!rww5Si-S Teen age white buck $ft Q g j-'Vt' j' I 3. Smoke and tan saddle $Q QC 1 vlnrt4$ '. i in teen age sizes 3Vj to 10. jr Jr ? I '-HHSf ' loafer in desert sand, i iiCt itr J Ltfl red ' brown; teen sizes $-T A j WVt m to 10 ' ii 3tXfizv$f W 5- Boys' ru99ed ox,ord in $Q C A IX tZZ 1 W izes 8A to 1 2 0.3U f Hfeji iw jy M Sizes MVi to 3 -..$9.50 fi. yAj'l5!Mlr f I 4 SMittlifiar - ' tl Sizes 3'j to 6 $10.95 it ft Mail and phone orders. Plus shipping IH ' cos' ' areas outside our regular Jjjl 1 MB 'ruc'c delivery routes. CHILDREN'S AND TEEN SHOES STREET FLOOR tS VrA & Dst.lUUI.UMJan t.lSJI o o