Page 6 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 13, 1956 UNEF Soldiers View Wrecked Road .... n tv DEPUTIES HIT BOSS' CAR, ' ALBL'QUKRQUE, KM. OB It was just one of those nights for two sheriff's deputies here. Denu ty Le;ter Hay and a fellow officer hacked a pel ce czr auay frcm the court house and ran into a parked car. damaging the head light and grill on the parked car. It belonged to their boss, Sheriff Harold Hubbcll. Peak Mailing Seen Monday '. Cancellation of letter mail at the Calem post office Is showing a Heady Increase over the pre-holi-day rush of a year ago, reports Postmaster Albert C. Grass. There were 106.105 cancellations Wednesday, compared with 97.000 on the same date in 1935. These cancellations do not include par-' eel post or metered matter. The peak letter mailing came on Dec. 19, a year ago when 270.000 p:eces were stamped by the can celling machines. The postmaster believes the high water mark will come Monday, Dec. 17 this year, i Although not too many persons i look advantage of the late closing ; of the parcel post and stamp win- dows Wednesday night, they will continue to be kept open until 8 p.m. each night throuch Doc. 19. : ptxppl Saturday and Sunday, Closing time Saturday is 5 p.m. i Yugoslav troops with the railed Nations Emergency Force stand on lorn up road on the Slnal Peninsula In Egypt yesterday. Knatl was plowed up by Israeli forces when they withdrew from the area. (AP Wlrephoto via radio from Cairo) BOY QUIZICS SANTA MIAMI. Fla. 11 Askins Snnta Clause lor a golden bugle "or nything you can." 0-year-old Bussell Kdcar Drlnach added in a tinstscript: "Would you send thisl back with your signature right here. Ispaco provided complete with line). And tell me if you are real, sign yes or no right here," (shorter space provided). For 'HIS' J 'HIS' riaillf HANOI-DU L Unbreakable burjund hordes to detr plutic cue. After Shire .on oo and Cologne Deodorant. mn't fln ulCft tolUtrltt 'HIS' Plastic HANDI-TRIO After Shave Lotion, Cologne Deodorant and Balanced Talcum. 'HIS' CAVAUIR Travel Salt Rich butRunilj- plutic kit include four J-w. bottles of 'HIS' divine live toilet? iei. Pocket for other iceeisotiei. Ban Man) ithtr 'HIS' Gift Sm It Suit Yeur Tuili tnj Budgit Capital Drug Store 405 Slat (Corner of Lib.rty) Wo Givo Green Stamps Governor Names Wendel to Term On Stale Board Harold Wendel, Portland, was reappointed a member of the State Sanitary Authority today by Gov. Elmo Smith. Wendel has been a member of the authority since 1939. His new term Is for four years. Mason L. Bingham, Portland, was reappointed for a four-year term as a member of the Multno mah County Tax Supervising and Conservation Commission. Gale K. Powell, Condon who was recently elected district attor ney for Gilliam county, was named to fill the unexpired term i of William A. Bennett Jr. who re ! signed Dec. 10 as district attorney. Waller B. Freeman, Cave Junc tion, was appointed to succeed his wife as a member of the Joseph ine County Public Welfare Com mission. Mrs. Freeman asked to be relieved because of teaching 'duties. 1 SANTA CLAL'S SWIPED j AKRON. Ohio Somebody swiped Santa Claus a 10-foot one that J. S. Hartenstein told police he spent three weeks of spare time building out of ply wood. He said someone took the jolly St. Nick right out of his i J u.k it u se cut-round- iruni jdiu .line . ed by gay Christmas lights. i GIRL BELTS THIEF DALLAS IJB Marcla Ellis. H, was standing at a corner waiting for her bus. She told police a man grabbed her purse containing only 50 cents. She dropped her school, books, gave chase, landed the cul. prit with a shoestring tackle and socked him right on the nose. Hi dropped the purse and ran. mvm main siifif, umm woolen: Wash them with White King Soap! IT'S THI SAFE, PROVEN WAY TO KEEP BLANKETS, SWEATERS AND SOCKS SOFT AND FLUFFY Millions of housewives have preferred White King Soap over everything else for washing their costly woolens. And no wonder! For this modern miracle sonp washes with a gentle, yet thorough, action that helps keep them soft as the day they're hought. So, why take costly chances. Trust your woolens only to White King Soap from the day you buy them. Get a package today. Jvf II 83? W af T JkkJ YOU'LL FIND SPORTING GOODS GIFTS FOR EVERYONE ... AT SEARS give the A sSEhWirMi nw7 C Wk 3-SPEEDCONrW) UlYt V.. 4p St& 1 Coast, climb or. pood. fe I Jr ' -SivtetT VT. ' Ld J"" 'l'l 'ho handlo- ri ft HIGGINS! 20" Balloon Tire 41.95 Cactus Carbine Set With 1,350 BB's! J. C. Higgins 7.98 Lever-acirtn 68 carbint with wal let load, 9 piki of BB I . . . 1.350 In all I Antml tr$eti ... 50 of themr plus a canteen! Basket Ball Set Outdoor Ball, Goal and Net J. C. Higgins 5.59 Official tiza and waigKt fubbar eovartd ball takaa reughait eu door play, rigid 16 Inch atael goal. Bots' and Girls'. 24" Balloon Tire Bays' and Girls'.. 42.95 (5)95 $4 DOWN A breeze to ride. Pedalling's made easier with 3-speed gears. Riding's made more comfortable by mat-trets-type saddle. Safer, with hand brakes, chain guard. oy' Flamboyant Rod; Girl's-Magonti 26" Balloon Tire Boys' and Girls'.. 43.95 24" Balloon Tire Fully Equipped.. 47.95 Cushioned Sidewalk Roller Skates Pair 2.69 Btii rWt yttl Rubber shock ab sorbers make rolling smoother. Bill bearing action wheals. Form fit toe clamps. Table Tennis Set Fun for Family or Friendi 2.99 4 Paddle Set .... Exciting . . . fasti Complete with rubber faced paddles; metal clamp on brackets and 5S-in. net. 2 belli. Instructions. wiAN-aiaitD TcT LIGHTWEIGHT. EASY TO HANDLE J.C. Higgins 4-Star Duck Hunting Coat Save 2.07 On "500" Spin Reel Jw1.6.95 14.88 Exclusive rear brake control line tension. Automatic anti-rev)ne 9 full bail, adjustable lLft& J SAFER Must Be 7. ' ! gjr '22 CAHBER SINGLE SHOT RIFLEj lfv'to J ,Jt WZgSSr , , Sites 36-54 0.77 I lAT.r?v- I iaPr . .... . , Regularly 13.50 ... NOW duck. IMn JVlllt f VT- Built-in dependability. Unusually light- .t bioodproof jama baj. shoulder a I '1117' 1 - - weigni ... easy io carry ana Tire. Muiomanc iryy cumion. runy unea yor inn teiieeck eisction. Rirh walnut tnrlt. WW warmth. .pool. V. MAKE SEARS HEADQUARTERS FOR Mx Sjifts m dad" i tP l CRAFTSMAN POWER TOOLS FOR ' -rrJL I Craftsman 3-w h . . I band taw 12-in. throat. 61.9S Craftsman 8-inch Tilting Arbor Bench Saw Sid. .xt.ntieni txtra 51.95 Adjustable Power TOOL BENCH H,e- 14.95 For almost all power roolv Adivstable h.ioM. Craftsman wood lath-9-frich swing. 3-9191 550 N. CAPITOL o OPEN TONIGEiT til 9P.AS.