Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 13, 1956, Page 54, Image 53

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    Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 13, 195S
imm'r WA
I cmptiiiit mincemeat tai ls arc a dess ert treit Tor any special occasion meal. These are the old
fashioned Kind, made with homemade mincemeat.
Homemade Mincemeat for
Here you Ret two recipes in one.
a homemade mincemeat one, and
another for mincemeat tarts.
Hum' wad" M n '"""":!
1 pound lean beef stew meat
4 cups water
',2 pound suet
fi medium cooking apples
12 pounds seedless raisins
12 cups dried currants
i cup diced candied orange peel
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
teaspoon allspice
h teaspoon cloves
1 cup granulated sugar
There arc varied ways to make soups with meat that go as main
course dishes.
Tasty, Nourishing Soups
Of the Homemade Variety
If in the mood to make your pork and simmer 2 hours longer,
own beef and vegetable soup, then covered, or until meat is tender.
here is your recipe. In addition to
the soup bone, a slice of diced beef
liver gives added flavor.
Beef and Vegetable Srp
1 small soup bone, cracked
2'i pnunds heef ftew meat
2 quarts water
1 slice beef liver, diced
6 medium carrots, diced
4 small onions, diced
4 stalks ccllcry. sliced
3 medium potatoes, diced
2 medium turnips, diced
2 tablespoons snipped parsley
2 teaspoons salt
li teaspoon pepper
Arid meat and bone to wafer;
heat to boiling, cover pan and sim- j table salad for a delectable sup
mer 4'2 hours. Add remaining in-1 per.
gredients. heat to boiling, then
simmer, covered. 14 hours longer
Remove bone. Season soup with
additional seasonings if necessary.
Serve immediately. 8 servings.
Maybe you wish to try other
soups at home.
You'll get a bonus when you
prepare this yellow pea soup with
pork: Xot only is the soup made
extra flavorful by being cooked
with the meat, but when served it
is accompanied by finger sand
wiches made from the meat. Serve
the hearty soup as a main course
in individual casseroles, if you
Yellow Pea Soup with Pork
2 cups dried yellow peas
6 cups hot water
1 tablespoon salt
2 pounds fresh prok shoulder
Wash peas and cover with hot
water. Simmer over low heat 1
hour or until tender. Add salt and
mm ooo
, . , , ,
ipw m price
1 cup brown sugar
2 cup molasses
4 teaspoons lemon juice
1 cup cider
Add beet to water, heat to boil
ing, cover and simmer 2 hours.
Remove meat and reserve stock.
'Approximately 2 Put meat.
suet, and pared and cored apples
through food chopper and place in
a large pan. Add remaining in-
gredients except lemon juice and
cider. Add reserved stock and ,
simmer 1 hour, stirring occasion--
ally. Add lemon juice and cider
munis id.ii a iiuiiuifs ui cutting, j
Remove pork and slice for sand
wiches to accompany the soup.
Season soup with salt and pepper
and serve at once or cool, refrig
erate until needed, and reheat be
fore serving. 6 to 8 servings.
Tiny meat balls, flavored with
mint, are the feature of meat ball
soup. Float the little balls in beef
broth or bouillon, as suggested in 1
the recipe, or use them in any
ihin soup of your choice. A short
stay in the refrigerator before
conking, helps keep the. uniform
shape of the meat balls during
cooking. Serve- the soup with
crusty bread and a tossed vege-
Meat Bull Snup
1 pound ground beef
!2 pound ground lean pork
4 cup bread crumbs
1 tablespoon tomato paste
't cup milk
I egg
1 clove garlic, minced
U teaspoon dried mint
Ttv ln bff and ear-Hn-ih
nmrn'r"! in ih me'
rn-h imw, make th
mn! notirihin(t- mr.l
f!a vorftil rncul nu an
tervt vour familv. Try it!
Ht-rtt conient of
two 15 ounce cans
or on30ounc fn
to bnilinf. Remove
from nrat "nd r
in 'i to 1 cup dairy
ntir crfm. Srvr
ov hoi cooked
fll FlEf IEC1M1
Fnr hndv hint r rrsriv m-0
prpirinnn. writ Home
ferooomirt P-r" Nliy I. Inc.
Tieonn, WufiMfton.
tj VIA up
These Tarts
Yields 1(1 cups. Cover closely and
keep in a cool place. Use about 3 '
tups for a 9-inch pie crust.
Mincemeat Tarts
2 cups sifted flour
1 teaspoon salt
cup lard
S or 6 tablespoons water
Sift Ulour with salt. Wilh n naclru
blender or two knives, cut in half '
the lard until the mixture re-
sembles coarse corn meal; cut in i
remaining lard until mixture is size
of small peas. Sprinkle water over j
mixture, about a tablespoon at a
nine, ana Diena witn a lorK until ;
into a ball and cut in hall. On a
lightly loured board, roll out
aougn into y inch thickness. For
each tart, cut seven 2l4inch- pastry
rounds, nace 1 round in the bot
tom of a 3-Inch muffin pan. Moisten
edge of round and press 4 rounds
to side and bottom of cup. over
lapping edges slightly. Repeat pro
cess with remaining dough. Fill
with mincemeat and place remain
ing rounds on tops. Prick design
into lopping rounds with a fori-, if
you like. Bake IS to 20 minutes in a
425-F. oven. Yields 12 tarts.
Prunes Attraction
A can or jar of prunes is a
real boon in making spur-of-the-moncnt
fruit salads. The rich color
and spicy flavor of the prunes add
pleasant accent to many com
I bmations. Well worth trying is
; Banana Prune Salad. Arrange bite
sue pieces of banana and drained
pitted canned prunes on salad
greens. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
Serve with peanut butler dressing;
peanut butter blended with may
onnaise and a bit of lemon juice.
Oriental Touch
Use cither canned chow mein '
or chop suey to bring an oriental!
loucn to your menus. Lhow Mem ;
with shrimp is an easy dish to1
prepare: Add drained canned
shrimp tn chow mein. Heat, and!
serve over hot canned chow mein I
noodles. Sprinkle with toasted
4 teaspoon sage
1 teaspoon salt
',4 teaspoon pepper
U cup bacon drippings or lard
2 cans condensed beef broth
Mix ingredients except drippings
and soup; shape mixture into balls i
4 inch in diameter. Brown'in hot
fat. Dilute condensed soup with 2 :
cans water and add meat balls,
Simmer 1 hour.
Serve at once. 6 !
to 8 servings
with slow-cooked flavor!
Li &.
n tw - f
Now, enjoy wonderful, through and throiigh
slow-cooked flavor instantly with new, deli,
cious Albers Quick Oats!
The secret is special slow firelcm cooking, he
lore new Albers is packaged! Am exclusive
process that not only "brings out" (! ik rick
whole grain goodness but nlio myites W
Albers instant cooking! Try it today!
new Albers Quick GiatQ
Anotr Quality Csrnitlen Product
For Lamb
An apple sauce stuffing is one :
factor making this shoulder of
lamb a glamorous meat offerine.
Cornmeai and. chestnuts also go
jiiiu punting aiuug wiii inc
apple sauce.
1 .
The roast will come from the
oven brown crusted, tender, and
rich in juices. Served with the pip.
ing hot blended gravy, This roast
pleases family and friends. Com
fortably economical, too, shoulder
being one of the "good buys" in
lamb. Nice with it are carrots and
green beans, and a di&h of celery
and olives.
Shoulder of Lamb
1-3 cup yellow corn meal
1-3 cup cold water
1 cup boiling water
2 cups canned apple sauce
(1 cup for stuffing)
'1 cup for gravy)
1 teaspoon salt
'4 cup chopped onion
U cup butter or margarine
1 cup chopped cooked
1 teaspoon poultry seasoning
4-5 pound boned shoulder of
-In place of chestnuts, 1 cup of
chopped pecans, almonds or celery
may be substituted.
Combine corn meal and 1-3 cud
wateri dd. t boiling water cook
stirring constantly, until thick
ened. Add 1 cup of the apple sauce
and salt. Cook over boiling water
until thoroughly cooked about 20
minutes, stirring occasionally.
Saute onion in butter until light
brown; add to apple sauce mixture
w'tn chestnuts and poultry season
inS- p!ace filling in pocket of
lamb; roll and tie with string,
Season with salt and pepper,
Place on rack in roasting pan.
Roast in slow oven 325 degrees F.,
To make "gravy: To 4 table-
spoons lamb fat and drippings in
Pan. add 4-6 tablespoons flour.
D"'na logeiner. Add remaining
apple sauce (one cup) and about
l'j cups boiling water. Cook until
thickened, stirring constantly. Sea
son with salt and pepper. Yields
6-8 servings.
Yam and Turkey
In Casserole Idea
Off and on through the holiday
period you are likely to be serv
ing turkey. And there will be
some could turkey left.
And along with turkey time, it
is yam time, too, so make the
most of the yam season, too.
Savory Yam and Turkey
( asseroles
(Makes 4 servings) '
2Va cups diced cooked yams
',4 cup finely chopped onion
1 teaspoon salt
2"4 cups turkey gravy
Vi cups diced cooked turkey
1 cup diced cooked green beans
Vh cups diced cooked carrots
Salt and pepper to tasle
Combine yams, onion, and 1 tea
spoon salt; mix well. Turn into 4
greasM individual casseroles.
Combine remaining inprrriipnts !
and nour inlo casseroles Bake i
in hot oven ( 440 degrees F.) 30
h0Hjna uo Onions
vu,""9 UP wn,oni
Roiled onions dressed up with a
thin sauce, accented with wine
and slivered toasted almonds, go
so well wilh all holiday menus.
Slart with canned onions if you're
pressed for time or don't want
to smell up the house with the odor
of boiling onions.
How to flute pie pastry? After
lining the pan, press your index
finger on the pastry rim. then
pinch the dough together using the
thumb and index finger of your
other hand.
because of
Albers exclusive
A stuning featuring applesauce
shoulder roast.
f .. r 1111 A i'
uaaestions tor Ho innv Annetizpr?;
nv-ic cue filmic iiih: 1U103 IUI IMC
appetizers and such food that go
along with holiday time entertain
Sausage Appetizer
1 1-pound can chili con carne
z cup chopped onion
3 4-ounce cans Vienna Sausage
Method: Combine chili and
onion in sauce pan; heat thorough
ly. Put Vienna sausages on tooth
picks and place in hot sauce. Sim
mer slowly until sausages are
heated through. Serves 6.
Appetizer Gourmet
Vi pound Roquefort or
Bleu cheese
1 3-ounce package cream
l'i teaspoons horseradish i
(drained slightly)'
H teaspoon paprika
teaspoon Worcestershire
sauce ,
2 drops Tabasco sauce
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons dry sherry
Method: Cream all ingredients
together, adding sherry little by
little. Chill in small serving bowl j
and serve with fresh vegetable
relishes. Makes approximately 2 ,
Onion Pot Roast
Delicious for Change
Vary your pot roast by fixing
it with onions.
Onion Pot Roast
4-5 pound beef pot roast
lean 'l'4 cups) condensed
onion soup
Brown meat well on all sides
in heavy pan: add onion soup.
Cover; cook over low heat until
meat is done about 3 hours. For
additional gravy, add water and
Good Tasting Salad
For a colorful, extra good tast
ing salad, mold sweetened cooked
cranberries in cherry flavored
gelatine along wilh some chopped
walnuts and sliced celery.
Fill cake pans one-half to two
thirrls full to allow for rising of
the batter. i
for immediate use
always coM-
-always fresh.
and nuts adds much to this lamb,
j o -i.
I IUI3 UlJ. ItfW ItiilUl &Ulla, LI II 1 y
fans, radish roses, cucumber
sticks, broccoli and cauliflower
flowerets are excellent served with
this dip.
Stuffed Celery
4 pint collage cheese,.
small curd
a cup chopped ripe olives
1 tablespoon pickle relish
2 teaspoons grated onion
I tablespoon mayonnaise
Vt teaspoon salt
Dash Tabasco sauce
12 small celery stalks
Method: Combine above ingredi
ents and use for stuffing celery.
Makes enough for 12 small stalks.
Gene s Grocery
I "Alwiyt the Best of Competitive Pricei"
Prices Effective Kri. Sat. Sun. Ph. Turner 265
arm tmdmi'M
No more clutching, (trabbing, slipping, "handy handle" makes lifting easy.
New "handy band" releases twin carton
at the flick of a finger you don't have
to tear them apart.
One quart for immediate use the
right size for pouring ... on quart
to put away just the right size
for storing. thf. maker 0 fnmouJt Arri'n
Sour Cream Sauce
With Canned Franks
This sauce for the canned frank
furts is made with sour cream.
Franks In Sour Cream
12-ounce can frankfurts, cut
into 4-inch pieces
2 tablespoons butter or
i cup chopped onion
1 tahlespoon flour
a cup water
l2 cup commercially soured
i teaspoon sail
l4 teaspoon paprika
Melt butter in a skillet. Add
onion and cook over medium beat
until tender. Stir in flour. Grad
ually add water and cook until
thickened. Stir in sour cream, salt
and paprika. Add franks to sauce
and heat slowly for 5 minutes.
Serve hot.
Bacon-Egg Salad n
Sandwich Tasty One ,
A hearty sandwich for lunch
lime is mis one
cEfi saiad fining.
time is this one with bacon and
i B slices bacon, chopped
4 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
4 cup mayonnaise
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
2 teaspoons finely chopped
8 slices enriched bread
Butter or margarine
4 lettuce leaves
Fry bacon until crisp. Drain.
Add bacon to eggs. Mix mayon
naise, mustard and onion. Add to
egg mixture. Blend well. Spread
bread with butter or margarine.
Spread egg salad on 4 slices bread.
Top with lettuce. Cover with re
maining bread slices.
Makes 4 sandwiches.
40-01. ,
Sunday (1:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Ice Cream