Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 13, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL A German M-M-M Here's Truly the Finest! Deep Smoked Just Cook 'N Serve Type Gooky Piteffcrnuesse Is a German type cooky that retains its freshness for a long period. It also is not too rich, nor is it too spicy to wear out its welcome. . Pftrffernuease '-4 cup butter or margarine 1M cups granulated sugar ' 1 cup brown sugsr '' 3 eggs S cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking power 1 teaspoon cinnamon Vi cup milk ' ,,i 2 teaspoons anise flavoring V. cup chopped citron "t V cup chopped candied cherries Cream butter. Add sugar. Beat eggs until light and add to butter and sugar. Sift together dry in gredients. Add to dough, alter nately with milk, beating well after C fe-lvC C o ciUvV..'-'! em Hk- , or vour tV i7i 45c Sb. 55c r- .b. 79c , Beef lb. IS, Ib. 15c l ib. 19c I "SfijSrv. 1 ib. 49c ib. 70C falg-j urns Li- ..'. U-fc Haiti' lerrific money saving valut on these wonderful sugar-cured picnics featured now at your Safeway strre. Perfect for any occasion. Buy several of these budget savers at your Safway Average 4 to 8 Pounds Every Guarantee guaranteed 100! money back without quibble. Per Ib. "Choice" Beef, Blade Cut Ib. "USDA Choice "Choice" Beef Full cut, Bone in Choice" Pot Roast Beef Rump Roast Round Steak Standing Rib Roast Boiling Beef Leg '0 Lamb Breast of Lamb Shoulder Lamb Rib Lamb Chops Lamb Chops CUT-UP FRYERS "Choice" Plate Cuts Lean Roast Tender Meaty Square Cuts A real value Manor House fresh frozen chickens fry to a golden brown everytimel Buy several now at this low price. ea. 79 MANOR HOUSE Center cut Loin Just Heat 'n serve. BEEF CHICKEN TURKEY MEAT PIES n 8-oz. $i oo " Pies Mk Pork Sausage Armour Star Brand JQ' 1-Pound Rolls Ib. J3 Pork Steak ,.. 49' Tender, Lean Pork Guaranteed Fish Slicks Capfain's Choice Fresh Frozen 3 8-oz. $ 00 Pkgs. 1 SAFEWAY'S Sweet V Juicy-SUNKIST M-m-m here's the finest, fancy quality oranges money can buyl Grown in the sunny orchards of California and picked at the peak of their sun- ripened goodnes. Large Size ORANGES ORANGES Sweet 'n' 5-!b. iQ Grown in 4t Juicy Bag 4 Florida Ib. I U Medium Size OV2C Ib. I Zb Excellent Quality BROCCOLI TANGEL0S CRANBERRIES POTATOES POTATOES Packed Solid With Juice md Heat Every One li Red Rip U.S. Ko. 1 Economy U.S. No. 2 Netted Germ 1 Pound Cello Bsgi 10 lb. Sag 25 lb. lag 15' 17' 45' 49' 79' 35-lb. Box $3.49 TANGERINES Sugar-Sweet Beauties 11 lb. 3Mb. Box $4.59 Ib. SWEET POTATOES O 8 Perfect for the Holiday Season GRAPEFRUIT Arizona Marsh, Seedless lbs. Ib. 15 29 69 Pries In this advertisement are in effect through Sunday, De cember 16th at Safeway in Salem. We reserve the right to limit. (j, Be sure you notice the exciting displays of fresh fruits and vegetables in Safeway's beautiful "Garden Room." ArW.W.VJ s n i r y' rv r" Light and airy and flavorful is this grape pic. Grape Chiffon Pie One With Glamour . . . A crape chiffon pie in Ernhams cracker crust is a colorful dessert, and ci distinctive one. It is made with the new grape flavored Gelatine. Grape Chiffon Pie 3 ess yolks, slightly beaten 1 cup water Vt cup sugar 1 package grape-flavored gelatine Vt cup pineapple juice 3 tablespoons lemon juice 3 esg whites Dash of salt 4 tablespoons sugar 1 baked 9-inch graham cracker crumb crust Sweetened whipped cream Pineapple tidbiLs Combine egg yolks, water and 4 cup sugar in saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture coats a silver spoon; then cook 1 minute more. ilf mixture curdles, beat with egg beater.) Remove from heat. Add gelatine Land stir until dissolved. Add pine apple juice and lemon juice. Chut until slightly thickened. Beat egg whites and salt until foamy throughout. Add sugar. 2 tablespoons at a lime, beating after each .addition until well blended. Then 'continue beating until mix ture will stand in peaks. Beat gelatine mixture slightly. Fold in to meringue and again beat mix ture very slightly. Chill a few min utes, until mixture begins to hold its shape. Spoon into cold crust. Chill until firm. Just before serving, garnish with whipped cream and pieapple tid bits or grape clusters, if desired. each addition. Stir in flavoring citron and cherries. Roll in small balls. Place on greased baking; sheet. Allow to dry 10 hours. Bake, in moderate oven 1325 degrees F. 15 minutes. Note: Roll cookies' may be rolled in powdered sugar immediately after removal from, oven. Yield: 7 dozen cookies. j El Ml II ,11111 t Mil I I U A tine dish for a late supper or snack is this barbecued corned beef, hash with pastries. Canned Corn One Of Standbys One of the versatile canned vege tables popular throughout the win- or cream stylo corn Place chicken in kettle; add boil- Cut salt port in Mi -inch cubes and Ing water to half cover, salt and brown in large saucepan. Kemove pepper. Cover and simmer until cubes; reserve. Add onion to pork chicken is tender, about 1 hours: ABOUT SMOKED PORK A two pound smoked boneless nork butt may be roasted or rack in an open pan; it will need about an hour and a quarter in a moderate oven. FOR POTATO PIE Baby-food strained sweet pota toes may be used for a Southern- style sweet potato pie. fat and cook until tender, but not brown. Add potato, green pepper, celery and water; cover and cook until potato is tender, about 10 to 15 minutes. Add salt, evaporated tcr season is canned corn. It is an milk, corn and reserved salt pork item that can be used to make cubes. Heat lo serving tempera just ahout cvcrythinR in the way of tasty dishes, from soup to souffle. Corn Chowder V pound salt pork 1 medium onion, sliced 1 medium potato, diced V cup diced green pepper lh cup diced celery cup water Vi teaspoon salt 4 large soda crackers 1 tall can m cups) evaporated milk 1 can (1 pound whole kernel Model Food Market 275 N. High St. Frea Delivery On $2.00 Orderi Phone 3-4111 Weekly and Monthly Accounts GOOD GROCERY BUYS FOR THE HOLIDAYS Hershey Breakup Chocolate mgn,'y....ib. 55c Hershey Bars PiainerM,t box 95c Centennial Popcorn Sc" 2 ,, 29c Best Foods Mayonnaise ,t. 69c 16-01. 95c 85c Local Walnut Meats. ."... 49c Local Filbert Meats 8i. 45c Blanched Almonds 5 M 65c Tree Top Apple Juice ...its. 2 for 45c Extra Large Pilled Ripe Olives P. 35c S&W Maraschino Cherries 4oi. 35c 8ni. 65c S&W Mincemeat 28-01. 59c S&W Fruit Cake Mix ,.,. r 49c S&W Spiced Peaches 2.4. 49c Fancifood Crab Apple Pickled Jit. Jar 45c Candied Cherries ib. 75c Candied Pineapple Rings 2 tint 25c Red, Green, Natural Oregon Cheese $2.85 t $6.10 California Fancy Pack Fruits $1.25 , $5.95 Oregon Large Prunes 5 ib. wooden box $1-65 Oregon Large Walnuts tnbleatned .. 39c Our Own Make Fruit Cakes ,b. $1.00 MODEL QUALITY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Large Avocados... , r,ch 19c Emperor Grapes 2 ib,. 35c Celery Hearts bunch 19c Salad Cabbage ,b. 4c ERNIE'S QUALITY MEATS Meat for Loaf W ,.,b. 39c Leg of Lamb lb 69c Beef Pot Roast ,. 49c ture. To serve, place a cracker in each soup bowl bctore chowder. Yield: 4 scrvinss. Creole Chicken Gumbo 1 3-pound broiler, cut in pieces 1 quart boiling water (about) 1 teaspoon salt V teaspoon pepper 2 medium onions, sliced 1 can (20 ounces! tomatoes 1 can (6 ounces) tomato paste 1 can 20 ounces) okra teaspoon chili powder Remove chicken from stock; cooL and cut meat from bones. To stock,' add onions, tomatoes, tomato paste, okra, chin powder, herbs and bouilt Ion cubes. Simmer uncovered 4S minutes. Add corn and chicken pieces; simmer 15 minutes longer. Yield; 6 servings. adding Southern Corn Pudding 1 can u pounai cream scyia corn S eggs 2 tablespoons melted . butter 2 cups warm milk , l'i teaspoons salt '-. V. teaspoon pepper " 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion Combine corn, well beaten eggs and the remaining ingredients. Mix well and put in a greased casserole. teaspoon each marjoram and 1 Set in a shallow pan of warm water "as" and bake in a moderate oven (350" 3 boauyilloCn cubes abf 1 h(our "d l1' lean U pound) whole kernel r t inserted knife bladt or cream style corn (comes out clean. Yield: 6 servings. Olives and Walnuts Feature in Stuffing "California Stuffing" for turkey gets its western flavor from the ripe olives and walnuts. You can count on them to add extra good ness to many a dish. California Muffin 1 cup ripe olives cup walnuts 4 cup chopped onions cup butter or margarine 3 quarts soft bread crumbs 4 teaspoon salt 'i teaspoon black pepper teaspoon sage V teaspoon marjoram lk to cup broth from giblets Cut olives into laree pieces. Chop walnuts. Cook onion slowly in but ter until tender and golden. Pour over bread crumbs, tossing to blend. Sprinkle seasonings, olives and walnuts over bread mixture and toss lightly. Sprinkle with broth 'or hot water) to moisten crumbs. Knough stuffing for 12 lo 14 pound turkey. barely Winter Shortcake A favorite wintertime shortcake is made with pastry rounds spread with raspberry jam and put to gether with canned peach slices betwren and on top. Garnish with whipped cream. These Crisp Cookies Delicious; Wheat Germ Added in Ingredients ' These cookies have wheat germ added to ingredients. These art simple to make and delicious. Christmas Crisps t, (Makes 5 dozen cookies) i cup butter or shortening 2li cups brown sugar 1 2 eggs, beaten 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder ' U teaspoon salt t Vi cup wheat germ cup chopped pecan meats j pecan halves Cream butter, sugar; add eggs; heat well. Add flour sifted with salt and baking powder, Stir in wheat germ and chopped .pecans. Drop from teaspoon onto greased cookie sheet. Place pecan half la center of each cookie. Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees) 12-15 minutes. Light and Dark Get In a supply of both light and dark raisins for your holiday cooking. Many cooks prefer to use golden raisins with candied fruits in light cookies and cakes. When poultry is tagged "ready- to-cook" it has been fully drawn (eviscerated) and cleaned inside and out. I GOT THE IDEA FROM THENEW ARDEM twim pak HALF GALLON! crrArdenJVm I r- 1 o