Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 13, 1050 Page 8 Section 5 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL during m$WW J Eggnog-Rice Pudding Is 'Special' Rice pudding, an old standby may become a glamour dessert il a bit of imagination is used in preparing the dish and in the serving of sauces to go with the dessert. This Eggnog Rice Pudding proves the point: Top (Ik.- pudding with one of the scrumptious sauces suggested be low. Erkhcj Rice Pudding 2lj cups dairy eggnog l'i cups milk 6 10 individual molds ' 'j cup rice ij c,.- i-h "ping cream, whipped Mix i..og and milk together in a saucepan. Over medium heal bring to a simmering temperature. Add rice, stirring occasionally, cook carefully over low heat for 1 hour or until the rice is tender. Remove from h?3t and cool. Fold whipped cream into cooled nee ed fill we!l-bu;ie;od molds. Re fngeratf to set One hour before wrung time, dip each mold into hit ater to loosen and turn out on small dessert p!at"s. Thi. j dessert is best served at roim I'.-mperature. Tnp w th one of the fo'iowing $auc:. .Maple Nu: Sauce: )'i cups maple syrup . l4 cup chopped nutmeats Stir chopped nuts into maple syrup ana serve at room temper ature over Jtggnog Rice Pudding -Pineapple Cherry Sauce: 4 cup p.neapple juice drained from pineapple chunks Vi cup maraschino cherry juice cup sugar ' 1 tablespoon cornstarch 'i cup maraschino cherries 'halved) 4 c-n n'w-ippic chunks (halved I U tfa.spt-u.i salt Red food coloring , 1 tablespoon butter 'In a saucepan heat pineapple juice until simmering. Mix cherry juice, sugar and cornstarch to form a smooth paste: add slowly to hot pineapple juice, stirring con stantly Stir in cherries, pineapple and salf and desired amount of red food coloring. Stirring con stantly cook until thickened and clear. Add butter. Remove from heat1 and cool to room temper ature before serving. Cranberry Sauce: 1 package frozen cranberry c-ar-.e i?V- '.. H ai cup waicr U cup sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch cup water In a saucepan heat relish with cup water until simmering. Mix sugar and cornstarch with ' cup water to form a smooth paste; add slowly to hot relish. Stirring constantly, cook until tliickened. Cool and serve over Kggnog Rice Pudding. Orange Fruit Sauce: cup orange juice 1-3 cup sugar 2 teaspoons cornstarch U cup lemon juice li cup mixed candied fruit h cup candied cherries U teaspoon salt -1 tablespoon butter ' In a saucepan heat orange juice to simmering temperature. Mix sugar and cornstarch with lemon juice (o form a smooth paste; stir slowly into hot orange juice. Add candied fruit, cherries and salt. Stirring constantly cook until thickened and clear. Stir in butter. Remove from heal and cool to room temperature before serving. Swedish Cookies Tempting cookies are these Swed ish spice ones. They are nice holi day ones to serve with colfee tea and can be cut into shapes of stars. Sui'dikh Siiler rookies OYpparknkfir) 3'i cups sifted, enriched flour 1 teaspoon baking soda Vt teaspoons ginger 2 teaspoons cinnamon ' teaspoon cloves t teaspoon ground cardamom 'optional 1 , -i cup butler or margarine a4 cup sugar 1 egg i cup light molasses Mix and sift first ti inm-dienls. Garni but tii- ui thai Kinhc. mid sugar gradually while continuing to cream. Add egg and molasses. Stir in dry ingredients, blend thoroughly t"er. t'hil' out night. Roll out 'n-inch thick on floured board about of douwh at a time). Cut into stars. Hake in moderate oven. 375' F.. 8 to 10 minutes. Cool on racks. Urror.ile as desired. Makes about li doen. :Hal Ciz "i hlycmlwypjpjpjpjin(y Porcupine Meat Balls Tasty Dish These porcupine meat halls with rice make a line main dish. Porcupine Mral Hall 1 pound ground beef 1 pound ground pork 2 tcasjMmns seasoned salt 1 egg. beaten ' cuj. milk lt cuj. rice 2 table;.poons salad oil 1 package spaghetti sauce mix 2 8-oz cans tomato sauce 2 cups water Combine meats, seasoned salt, beaten egg, milk and rice. Mix thoroughly. Shane into 18 balls Brown in hot oil In large skillet. Meanwhile, blend spaghetti sauce mix with tomato sauce and water. Simmer 25 miutes. Pour saitie over meat balls. Cover and sim mer about I hour. Meat balls and sauce may he bakt in cover ed casserole al$ 1 hour ft 350 degrees. Recipe scrvi'O to 8. x ; b 7? Happy note yi-w.! . ss,:tvy"t- '-it ii i i f. v: -s& 11 :.l-l'fWB jf.-'',;.tr'sf r II I SmZii'--;tr and s pice 50 nice - I all mixed and r'.Y'--: II V -pa ready to pour Vy OUART - Safeway's getting the jump on Christmas with sensational savings on your food budget. Look over these listings and you agree. You save more on your TOTAL food bill at Safeway! cmmmm - m way Pears Sunnybank Brand slightly salted 00 Floyds of Tomorrow, Reg. 79c 57 Gauge 15 Denier Halves of Pears A real value Pairs for Bel-air "Premium Quality" Your. Choice . . . CUT GREEN BEANS 10-oz. pkg. FANCY STYLE BEANS 10-oz. pkg. CHOPPED BROCCOLI 10-oz. pkg. WHOLE KERNEL CORN 10-oz. pkg. FRENCH FRIES 9-oz. pkg. LEAF SPINACH 12-oz.pkg. CHOPPED SPINACH 12-oz. pkg. EMPRESS Brand Mixed Fruit Jelly k Grape Jelly tV Grape Preserves Orange Marmalade fx)j 3 CANDI CANE Brand Because of the anticipated demand for this wonderful pure cane sugar, we have to place limit on il so everyone can lake advantage of the terrific savings. (Limit One 1 0-Lb. Package) -4 lb. Pkg. VA.v..v..,...'.,..,.W Snow Cloud Brand A real value! Marshmtillows Choc. Dairy Drink Chocolate Chips A Real Holiday Favorite! FRUIT CAKE You'll love the wonderful flavor of Holiday Brandl Each cake is chocked full of tasty fruits and selected nut meats. 3-lb. Tin 98 Coffee Cake Loaf Each 33c No. 22 QIC fins 2 $49 eflCh 3 5pk" 25 ub. )Qc Z 10c lac-Mix brand Rockwood Klnialurei Brocade Soap Frozen Squash Has a lovely Fragrance Bel air Frozen ,0Bjr LQ Pack 0C 2 25c STOCK UP FOR STOCKINGS CHRISTMAS Candies Ass't. Chocolates Satin Mix Roxbury Xmas Stocking Mix Filled Mix bury Chocolate Cherries 2tbx 1.79 Mb. Oft. 07C Solve Your Gift Problems the Easy Way-With SAFEWAY GIFT ORDERS Available Now al All SAFEWAY Stores! More Pre-Holiday Values Now At Your SAFEWAY Store COFFEE MIXED NUTS 5b'ob; 3.49 2X. 59c X 29c pkg pkg! 59c NOB HILL COFFEE V $1.02 bR $2.03 AIRWAY COFFEE 95c i $1.89 EDWARDS COFFEE 'ft $1.07 $2.13 INSTANT COFFEE 60Ijar $1,19 INSTANT COFFEE M"'r" House 6Mj$1.39 BAKING AIDS POULTRY SEASONING -' 17c GROUND SAGE s..ite 19c CAKE DECORATIONS Cr0Kn Co,on) 2 19c VANILLA -'"- 80I.b0Ule 25c KITCHEN CRAFT Ertd- 10,b.HCk 99c BROWNIE MIX B" li0LtH. 37c DATE BAR MIX r-k" Uoi.pkg. 37c ROYAL SATIN shor,",in 31b.tin 83c SEEDLESS RAISINS VinpCr"' :,b pkl(. 39c SUNMAID CURRANTS BUckZ"" u.x.pkf, 23c FRUIT MIX . pU 49c OREGON FILBERTS Picc" OREGON FILBERTS wholc WALNUT MEATS Ch0I",cd SHELLED ALMONDS s&w CASHEWS Nut shf,f MIXED. NUTS Nu,Shf" OREGON WALNUTS c""dt- L"e SOFT SHELL ALMONDS Goifa Bloora MIXED NUTS Colden B,oom BRAZIL NUTS w 4-ot. pkg. 35c 4 oi. pkg. 35c 6-oi. pkg. 49C 5'i-ot pkg. 49C 14-oz. can 89c 14-ox. can 89c Mb. pkg. 55c 14-oz. pkg. 59c 14 oi. pkg. 49c 16 oi. pkg. 49c MISCELLANEOUS SCOTCH TAP! is SNOW FLAWS CIGAREnES "' MARSHKALLOW FLFf Toppi'" POPCORN Each 25C lo-ot 79c U yd Large Doz. JJ Tom-Jerry Batter " 69 Coffee Mugs w 3 - 29 o t in. rt . siif Mhilr or Vrtow $1.73 Vj-oi. Jar 25C I lb. pk. 33c BEVERAGES OLYMPIA BEER "BEST" BEER " 6 $1.17 tpid. 95c c