Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 13, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 6 Page 5 Cr.ibmcal and cheeseburgers arc casv to Drcnnrc Srrvi- thrm on paper plates to save time on dish washing. A Supper on Christmas Eve By Cecily Brownstone i (AP Newsfealurc) If cooking a big Christmas din ner lies ahead, you may wish to make Christmas Eve supper a simple affair. In this case, crab meat and cheeseburgers are a good choice. i With the burgers you might like a winter salad of finely shredded I green cabbage, lettuce or romaine, j thin celery crescents and small fan shaped pieces of red unpeeled apple. The salad should be tossed with French dressing. The dessert, how about your own Christmas' cookies? We suggest this particular menu because it can, if you wish, be served on paper plates. Go-along coffee or cocoa may be offered in paper cups especially designed for hot beverages. After supper you can go on a tree-trimming and last-minute gift, wrapping without worrying about dishes to be done. Crabmeat and Cheeseburgers Ingredients: 1 can (64 ounces) crabmeat, y cup finely diced green pepper, V cup mayonnaise, 1 tea spoon prepared mustard, finely grated onion (pulp and juice), drained sweet pickle relish, salt, pepper, 6 hamburger buns, butter or margarine, cup grated sharp cheddar cheese. Method: Drain, remove cartilage from crabmeat and flake. Mix lightly with green pepper. Mix mayonnaise, lemon juice and pre pared mustard together; toss light ly with crabmeat mixture, adding grated onion, pickle relish, salt and pepper to taste. Split hamburg er buns and toast lightly; butter cut sides. (Keep tops of buttered toasted hamburger buns warm.) Spoon crabmeat mixture onto bot tom toasted halves of hamhurger buns and top with grated cheese. Broil several inches from source of heat 5 minutes or until cheese melts. Serve at once. Makes 6 servings. Last-Minute Food Gifts How about teaming cans, jars and packages of food for those last minute gifts? Here are suggestions. ror a family A package of pre pared herb stuffing and some nuts 'pecans, walnuts or Brazil nuts.i If the nuts are in their shells, a nut-cracker could be included. Add directions: make up rich buttery stuffing according to package in structions or favorite recipe; add chopped shelled nuts to tatse. Use as stuffing for a small turkey or chicken. For cheese addicts a couple of varieties of interesting or unusual cheeses and a box of crackers. For one-burner cooks A can of pears and a glass of mint jelly. Add directions: heat drained pears in a skillet with a little of their syrup; fill pear cavities with mint jelly. Serve with panfried lamb chops or lamb patties. For foreign food fanciers A jar of fine curry powder plus curry accompaniments: a can of moist thinly flaked coconut, a can of salt ed peanuts or mixed nuts, a jar of Indina-style chutney. For snackers A jar of smoked oysters, one of pickled mushrooms and one of imported cocktail-size frankfurters. For spice enthusiasts A pepper mill and two jars of peppercorns one white, one black. Casserole Deluxe With Crab With all thp tmliitnv timo fnnri ana specialties mere are still oc casions for casseroles. This crab one is Klinpr. marlp n hit morn fn. live possibly because of the holiday S Cr.ltl Dol.llvn rnEcnrnljt 4 ounces small macaroni shells or bows iy cups) Hi cups crab meat (6'i-ounce cam lvt cups condensed cream of t mushroom soup (lOVounce can) Liquid drained from crab meat plus milk to make i cup li quid H teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Vi cup blanched almonds, sli vered 1 hard-cooked egg, chopped 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley 2 tablespoons grated Romano or Parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons fine dry bread crumbs tablespoon melted butter or margarine Add 2 teaspoons salt and maca roni to 3 cups boiling water. Boil rapidly, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. Cover, remove from heat and let stand 10 minutes. Mean- Wv 1 , r A - During winter, hearty casserole dishes are especially popular. Foil for Gay Gift Wraps while, drain liquid from crab meat into measuring cup. There will be about to cup. Remove cartilage from crab meat and cut with scis sors into bite-size pieces. Empty soup into large mixing bowl and stir until smooth. Blend in crab meat liquid and milk. Stir in Wor cestershire sauce. Fold in almonds, egg, parsley and crab meat. Drain and rinse macaroni with warm wa- jtcr and turn into greased Hi-quart j casserole. Pour soup and crao meat mixture over macaroni. Mix llightly. Blend crumbs with butter Jor margarine. Sprinkle cheese and i crumbs over top of casserole. Bake in moderate oven 1375' F.I until j mixture is bubbly and crumbs are lightly browned (about 30 minutes). I Makes 4 servings. Fine Onion Soup Make homemade cream of onion soup by cooking some onion in butter, then 1-3 chicken broth and 2-3 milk for the liquid. Season with basil and stir in ripe olive chunks or slices. Elegant and warming on a cold night. TONGUE SAUCE Take your choice of accompani ments for smoked tongue: serve a raisin, cherry, mustard, horse radish or tomato sauce with the meat. FOR GELATINE MOLD Be sure to let air get at i gelatine mold before turning out do this by running the tip of a knue around the edge of the mold. Christmas package wrapping time is upon us, particularly of those packages that must travel. So here are some suggestions util izing our year-round kitchen help er, inexpensive, glistening alumin um foil for packaging and for beautiful Christmas decorations. Foil will dramatize important gifts, make modest ones look im pressive. Aluminum Fell Foibles Aluminum foil is fine as is but it is even more interesting when crushed, pleated or hammer ed for package wrappings and for decorations. For soft effect, crush foil by crumpling very gently first in one direction and then in the other. For pleating, press together, us ing medium hot iron, two sheets of foil with waxed paper between. This gives strength, smoothness and body to foil and makes it easy to use. For pearly effect, press one sheet of foil with waxed paper. Arrange in any width pleat desired. For hand-hammered ef fect, use eraser end of pencil, pressing and twisting gently into foil surface. Good for edging and for design-making. Package Wrapping and Decorating Ideas Cut out foil initials, monograms, silhouettes and paste them on gift boxes. Roll a bottle of toilet water or a lipstick in a piece of foil, bring ends together at top, press firmly, cut ends into fringed tassel. Make pert litlc pouches 1 o r candy, dainty envelopes for hank ies, nylons or gift checks. Spread foil under a lace table cloth it catches the glimmer of candlelight; protects your table, too. Cut cardboard stars, angels, Santa Claus or other traditional Christmas shapes and cover both sides with foil . . . hang on tree or use as window-shade pulls. Arrange gay table centerpiece by using crushed foil either alone or in a shallow bowl. Add greens, colored tree ornaments, candles. Spread shimmering foil under tree. Non-flammable, it molds per fectly into hills, caves. Add greens, artificial snow, figurines. It pro tects the floor and reflects lights beautifully. Make snowflake reflectors for tree lights . . . Fold 3 inch squares of foil in four, cut out hole for center, designs on side. Unfold, place around light socket, press firmly, screw in bulb. Party Time Food For a special dinner or cocktail party, arrange strips of crisp cel ery and carrot, sprigs of water cress and ripe olives in a bowl of cracked ice. Sprinkle lightly with plain or seasoned salt. Luncheon Cocktail Start off a fancy luncheon with chilled canned fruit cocktail mixed with crushed candy cane and some frozen limeade concentrate. Apple Sauce Jellied Salad Good This apple sauce salad, a molded one, will add color and festiveness to your holiday time dinner table. It Is especially good on the menu featuring ham or pork dishes. Jellied Apple Sauce Salad 2 envelopes unflavored gelatine Vt cup cold water cup boiling water 2 cups canned apple sauce lty cups diced celery 2 tablespoons lemon juice U teaspoon salt V. cup sugar 1-3 cup prepared horseradish Red vegetable coloring Mayonnaise 6 maraschino cherries Salad greens Soften gelatine in cold water; add boiling water; stir until dis solved. Add apple sauce, celery. lemon juice, salt, sugar and horse radish; mix well. Tint mixture an attractive red color using a few drops of red vegetable coloring. Pour mixture into individual molds, which have been rinsed in cold water. Chill until firm. Un mold on plate. Top each with a spoonful of mayonnaise and maraschino cherry. Garnish plate with light green celery leaves. watercress or chicory. Yields 6 molds. iSHOPEARIYanl SAVE ' IfF I I si:' if .HJZj. i One of the dessert specialties for United Air Lines is a pumpkin chiffon pie. Pumpkin j Pie a la UAL Route Pumpkin pie continues a favor ite dessert long after Thanksgiv ing. In fact, it shows up at many of the festive Christmas time din ners. Here is the pumpkin chiffon pie featured on the "Red Carpet Flights" of United Air Lines, the recipe developed by Jean Porter, director of the homemaker's bureau of C and H Pure Cane Sugar concern, the pic baked by Frank A. Hurliman, head chef of United Air Lines. San Francisco. Frost-on-the-Punipkin Chiffon Pie 1 envelope unflavored gelatine Vt cup cold water 3 eggs, separated 1-3 cup sugar l' cups mashed cooked or canned pumpkin 'i cup milk t teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon . teaspoon gingcf5 Ja teaspoon allspice J. teaspoon nutmeg U cup powdered sugar (for egg whites i Festive Cream Filling: lto cups powdered sugar 1 cup heavy cream for whipping i teaspoon cinnamon Ja teaspoon vanilla ing: Sift then measure 1 cups; powdered sugar. Whip cream until it stands in peaks (but not too j stith. Add nowdered sucar. cinna mon and vanilla. GeMIy mix or stir until mixture is sun. ei in refrigerator until ready to use. I Beat egg whites until light and fluffy. Add the ( cup powdered ; sugar and beat until stiff, but not dry. Without washing beaters, beat cooled pumpkin mixture until imooth, then gently fold into egg ; whites. Pour about half into gin ger cooky crust: spread evenly. Vnw Heine ahnnt half the festive cream filling, spread a layer ap- j ....m,talu 1." tKiflf nvpr ntimn. kin lavcr. Pile remaining pumpkin filling on top. Chill in rcfrigera-1 tor about 2 hums, uclorc serving, j top with remaining Festive Cream Filling. Ginger Cooky Crust: 14 cups crushed ginger snaps or cookies 4 cup powdered sugar V cup melted butter or margarine Combine cooky crumbs and pow dered sugar: add melted butter or margarine and mix well. Press into bottom and around sides of 10" pie plate. Bake in a slow oven 1350 degrees i 10 minutes. Cool. Marinated Peaches Marinate canned peach halves and serve with baked ham. For1 the marinade mix a little of the noach iuice with light corn syrup. cider vinegar and mixed whole. teaspoon "" 'spices. Simmer before adding tne Make Ginger Cooky Crust 'see: 'Lh h-i tjt ihe waches w-in below1. in tha mnt-innrio in the rp-1 , . simiu in -- - -- i sei i (.iHnF1inr fnr spvpral hours at riu-inA hploW Add gelatine to com water in... i v-. . tricrprainr lur I aside to soften. Beat egg yoiKS,east before serving sliehtlv; add sugar and continue! beating until well mixed. AddiPASTRy TIPS u-hun vnn are ruttinc out oastrv I strips lor a iauice-m pi f'v. a a good idja to use a ruler as a guiae. rjumDkin. milk, salt, cinnamon. ginger, allspice and nutmeg. Mix thoroughly. Cook over medium heat stirring until it bolls. Boil -nntmiiinu tn tir RpO move from heat. Add softened USING PEKI.ER gelatine and stir until dissolved. Use your swivel-blade vegetable Set aside to cool. peeler with its razorlike sharpness ....nb.n mirlura ia rml. fn nff naiwr-thin TOUndS from nilllC lfUll'lltlll IIIWIH.V 1J I."". lu JJ.lll. I , - I t (nrll.-a TO 3 m . 1 i II. I 9 fl II-timhrfT- 1 . Make way for Santa! He'll be here in just a few short days and we hope you'll shop with us so you can save more for all those Christmas presents. It's surprising how much more you can get at Piggly Wiggly for your "loose change." Shop and Save for Christmas at Piggly Wiggly. 1240 N. Capitol STORE HOURS: 8:30 A.M.-10 P.M. Sundiy-9 to 9 Prices Effective Fri.-S.t.-Sun. 14, 15, 16 Free Parking WESTERN Chili Con Carne,.0I.,in VAN CAMP'S . Pork & Beans 8-ox. tin HORMEL Deviled Meat IYNDEN Chicken Giblet Gravy 0" OTTERBROOK GREEN BEANS 2 No. 303 OC tins 9 Derby Tamales 13-01. tin Hudson Houis Fruit Cocktail Hunt's Chili Beans Vh tin n I OLD GOLD CIGARETTES Reg.Size J 73 rMl. VS King 1.83 Size I GHIRARDELLI'S FLICEC-ETTES For Better Baking, Use Flick-ettes DUNDEE 303 Tin PURPLE PLUMS 2 35' 19 Serve for Breakfast or Dinner Dessert No. 214 tin BEST BET EGG NOODLES 12-01. OD Pkg. fiitJ RALSTON Wheal (hex mi Rice (hex Pkg. 22 BEST FOODS BREAD and BUTTER PICKLES 15-oz. OD Jar Green Stamps MtlX & J(lCk'S Mitt. Oreen Slamp. Pan-Ready Fresh FRYERS u 45' Old Fashioned Pure, Fresh Franks,35' ST , 39' Lean Finest of PORK Ato RED QgV JTEAK Lb. SNAPPER Lb. LUXURY Brown-n-Serve RollsPu 30 LUXURY Dressing Bread 29 NABISCO Ritz Crackers Mb. pkg. NABISCO Crackers Triangle Thin.. INSTANT 6-oz. jar Maxwell Hse. Coffee $139 Mil Coffee Reg. or Drip - Mb. tin I 09 CABBAGE Crisp, Solid C Heads-Lb, Pink Grapefruit Sweel, Full of Juice Each 10 Celery Hearts 19' Carnation Tree Center ICE CREAM ot. 55' CALO Dog Food or Cat Food CARNATION EGG NOG 65 Qt. Carton WI GIVE GREEN STAMPS -fhere's no SNO to savings at SAVE ZVC GREEN STAMPS (arnation &4 by CARNATION HOME SERVICE DIRECTOR I never feel that the holiday sea-C son is really under way until I : have my first sip of Carnation- Egg Nog. Only Carnation could.' make It so good-a delicious com--; -blnation of fine, pure ingredientt; touched with Just the right blend. of fragrant spices. -v Gest of all, I've found wondei .' ful new way to enjoy it. Carnation. Egg Nog and fruit cocktail are the. basic Ingredients for a delightful holiday pie. It's delicate enough to top off a rich meal . . . pretty enough to grace any party table. Here's one dessert you'll want to serve often. Fruit Cocktail Egg Nog He (Miktt ont 9-inch pit) 1 2V4 can fruit cocktail 1 tiihlnenn 1 1 envalonet unflavored gelatin i'2 cups CRitriAi ion Luunvra ; teaspoon salt IA tuainnnnt uantlla Vi teaspoon almond flavoring 1 cup Carnation Whipping Cream 9-Inch baked pie shell Drain fruit cocktail. Save 'A cub syrup. Dissolve gelatin in syrupt nlace over hot warar. Stir until . gelatin dissolves. Remove from . heat; mix with egg nog, salt and . flavorings. Chill until mixture spoon. Whip cream; fold into gel atin and V& cups fruit cocktail. Chill 5-10 minutes. Heap into . pastry shell. Decorate with re maining fruit cocktail. Chill 2 to 4 hours. With plenty of Carnation Egg Nog , in my refrigerator I'm always pre. . pared for holiday guests. Every, body loves this rich-tasting drink -Including the children. Put a tree onyourtablel Here's a wonderful way to use extra Christmas tree ornaments. Anchor a knit ting needle In a block of plastic foam and loop the ornaments over it to form a shiny Christmas ball tree. Start with the largest balls at the bottom and work up to the smallest. Makes a perfect centerpiece. tarnation -'COMPANY 2240 Simpson St. Ph. 4-5541 Watch "SheriK of Cochise" Wed., 9 to 9:30 P.M. KLOR-TV, Channel 12 UJ- UldAC MIC liaum vh.m "