Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 13, 1956 Page 2 Section 5 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL : - V':r Last:Minute Fruit Cake Recipes Given on Request Once again calls have come for J degrees for 2 hours and 40-50 min the "last minute" fruit cake from utcs This cake will store well, some of those busy souls who Warp in foil. have not had the !me to make Anc( nnw for a bjt different ver .theiM earlier. This time w give sion wi(h whjtc cake mix. jiuo rccipes-ine oin rename wun Lam-Minute Fruit Cake and new : cake packaged cake mix, one out this year: Cake Mix Fruit Cake - 1 package all purpose mix 4 pkjjs, unbeaten cup water 2 level teaspoons of salt 2 teaspoons lemon extract Combine cake mix, I egs, wa ter, salt and flavoring. Beat until smooth. 'There may be a ques tion on the amount of lemon ex tract, but it is nredrd. Add 3 P2ss, V; 1 package white cake mix 3 tablespoons shortening 2 toiispoon cinnamon 2 cup boiling water 2 eggs 2 tablespoons cold water lbs. prepared mixed candied fruit 'i lb. white raisins J? Ib. cut-up nuts 'about two ctips Kmpty white cake mix into a 4-quart mixing bowl. Add shorlen- ftHHitinn nf - Jh f h. . boiling water and stir until ingred- addition of each of the eggs. For the fruit mix: 1 pound walnut meats, or other nuts, filberts, etc. I pound while raisins baiter. Grnase pans well and line with Iwo layer pans to three coffee cans. Place shal with one inch of water Cranberry Catsup Is Different Here is .something new in cran berry cookery. A catsup which is just right for service with pork, turkey, duck, chicken, veal or ham. And you'll probably be serv ing one or all of them sometime in the next four weeks. Cranberry Catsup i 34 pound fresh cranberries 1-3 cup cider vinegar i cup water 34 cup light brown sugar l4 teaspoon ground cloves 4 teaspoon ground ginger 4 teaspoon paprika 4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1-16 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter or margarine Wash cranberries and cook with vinegar and water in a covered saucepan 5 minutes or until soft and tender. Strain through a sieve. Add brown sugar, spices and salt. Simmer until mixture begins to ients are moistened. Let stand about 30 minutes. Line two 1 -quart handy-pans with wax paper. Pre pare nuts. Beat cake batter vig- pound whole candied cherries ' u riili, aT" ' - o " ui? 4 pound candied pineapple, cut. coId wa(ci; . bc. , u V.n 11 n more minutes. Stir in prepared ; thicken, about 3 minutes. Stir in rnmhinf ?I j 'mixed candied fruit, white raisins; butter or margarine. Pour into Combine nuts, fruits and flour , , ., ,i(1 iinu, lij. anit tAPO at and blend well, and mix with cake ! -u" DT" ' T " Z in! H'oi'u jvaun. iJoivc inu y...r . , slow oven 300 degrees F. until pour into sterilized canning jars triple thickness of uaxod paper. IT. .P., ' . . . lou may use one 10-inch tube pan. i " . . r rar-lf llnmnvo nanfr I a lit mav - l pound(. . rtni- 't-rAj 9 ,n i'riTRTARn tip irAnbc in mAllnm Mnl-nr i,i'n IK 1 A Vint u'fftr hath nrPVAntc rnc. in it in;""" . r;, .j; botlom of oven. Bake cake at 275!1?5- "ar T" " Cereal Mix Popular for Snack Bowl A mack bur is always waiting with cheese on band. Cheese Stars at Holiday Parties By MARIAN I.OWRV FISCHKR Capital Journal Foods Section Kditor Cereal mixes for snacks and nib bles rnc popular during the holiday r ilertaining period. These are the i)Jd reliable recipes for these ce real bowls, nothing especially new, hut aro given again following rc i; lists. I creal Snack-Mix i j cup.i oat cereal J 'a cups shredded rice bile size l'a cups shredded wheat, bite size 2 cups slim pretzel sticks 1 -cup salted peanuts, skinless cup butler or margarine 4 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce ? ;tu 1 teaspoon garlic salt 1 teaspoon onion suit 1 teaspoon celery salt . . . . , .ft , , western h Mix the dry ecrenh. tic pri'Uc ' lIUlhi m)d i e sailed peanuts in a large, ob-J.-,tg baking pan or a roasting pan. heat the butter or margarine unlil Melted; stir in the Worcestershire While cheese is a year-around food, it really slars during the holiday entertaining period, as well as being a big item in making la.sly dishes from leftovers. A welcome and common sight during holiday entertaining is the cheese tray or board, combining slices or cubes of various cheeses with bright red apples (whole, cor ed and cut crosswise in thin slices, or in wedges', with the fresh pears that are featured during holiday lime, or with slices of turkey, ham and beef, and of course with all kinds of crackers and breads. You do not have lo go far away for some of the world's finest cheeses-lhey arc right here in the west, right in the stale of Oregon. Some of I he popular western varieties are the Oregon Tillamook cheddar, California Camcmberl, Western Swiss from Wyoming and Oregon and Washington blue-vein cheese, as well as the northwest foreign-type cheese, prepared mustard. Toast under broiler until golden brown. Keep hot in oven (ill needed. In the meantime, quickly cook seasoned hamburger-or lumburger putties on (riddle or under broiler. Ar range, on each nun halt a crisp lelluce leaf, onion rings or thinly sliced tomato, a spoonful of hot baked beans- any or all as fancy as tasle dictates. Top each with a hot hamburger patty. Place on each : A slice of Cheddar, or a spoonful of mixture of blue cheese, 4 cup, mixed with L cup softened butter, and 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce, or a spoonful of Vi cup garlic-flavor cheese food mixed with 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, if desired. Place Low under broiler until cheese is bubbly, browned and melted. Serve al once. Have the hot butler-toasted bun tops bandy io ciap on the sandwich, it von like, but this creation is more easily eaten wild a fork than as bahy l.oucfa. a portable meal. Serve wttb Itemember, with any cheeses fn 'lushes and potato salad. This is a nnH e..UBm..n,. iw ..r : he cut, pmvidp a knife for each ; fine idea for a Kitchen Harhecue. cereal mixture and mix well, '.'r -',":,c 111,11 i.A:A in . rn-nn CUUi Will IKlt be lllixfd. .i stirring every 10 minutes orl An 0,d favorite cheese idea with .or about a hall hour or until the fl'n''"S dish is Hlnktum Ditty. lenity browned. One cup of oven- Rinkium wily I asled rice cereal may be added arrvingsi h. the ingredients if desired. Cool 1 ran condensed tomato soup iKiore serving. Yield: 2 quarts. 1 tablespoon minced onion ...Itbler'B Drllglil 2 tablespoons catsup 6 tablespoons butler or mar- teaspoon dry mustard ; garine '.i pound sharp-aged natural l'i teaspoons garlic or onion salt Cheddar cheese, shredded 3 dashes Tobasro sauce 1 cg beaten 2. teaspoons Worcestershire pepper sauce . dash of Worcestershire and 2 teaspoons caraway seed Tahnscn sauces if desired 4 cups crisp corn pufls Crisp hot toast or hot buttered 2 cups oven-toasted rice cereal rusk 2cups slim pretzels, broken in Combine all ingredients in chnf ; half ing dish or lop of double boiler, t cup salted nuts, if desired except egg. When mixture is hot Combine butter or margarine, and the cheese inched, stir some gacljc or onion .salt, Tobasco'ol mixture into the beaten egg. .uuo, Worcestershire sauce, and j then add lo the melted cheese and t raay seed in saucenan. Ileal tomato soup. Stir until well blended : '. iwly until butter is melled. Stir, j and cook a ininule or two. Serve cereals. preUcls. ami mils in ladled piping hot over hot toast or ' ito deen hakinc nan. Pour metl-: ruk b.ihes. Tun with n snoonlol of i seasoned butter over cereals. I India relish if desired. Serve with ! Tut key-Cheese Sanilnlrliei lllce Cheese Almond Casserole (Serves fi) cup canned mushrooms, stems and pieces 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion '4 cup coarsely chopped almonds 1 tablespoon butter li cup uncooked rice 2 tablespoons finely chopped paisley i cup grated Cheddar cheese l'j teaspoons salt Dash of pepper 1 teaspoon meat extract l'a cups boiling water and mushroom liquid Drain mushrooms; save liquid. Lightly brown mushrooms, onion and almonds in butler. Add rice, par.'.ley, and grated cheese. Hlcnil lightly. Place mixture in buttered baking dish. Add salt, pepper and meat extract lo water and mush room liquid combined, anil pour over nee mixture. Cover. Hake at :!."(! dcg. F., lor I hour. Cheese-Topped Hash Delicious Main Dish Canned corned beef hash is handy product to have on the pantry shelf. Here is it combined with cheese topping for a main dish, Cheese-Topped Hash 1 can 11 lb.) corned beef bash 1 teapoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce M teaspoon onion salt 2 tablespoons catsup W Ib. American cheese Mix hash, mustard. Worcester shire sauce, onion salt and catsup with a fork. Put in individual shal low baking dishes. Bake in a hoi oven 1400 degrees', until hash be gins to brown, about 15 minutes. Cut cheese into four squares and put one in the center of each dish. Continue baking about 5 min utes, until cheese is partially melt ed and hash is browned. Four servings. For Lamb Chops Here's a delicious accompani ment to broiled lamb chops. Spread well-drained canned pine apple rings uitli soft butler or margarine and sprinkle lightly with ground nutmeg. Put the pine apple rings under the broiler about five minutes before the lamb chops, are finished. Barbecued . Corned Beef With Pastries An interesting dish for a late evening supper or snack to serve with coffee or tea is this Bar becued Corned Beef Hash with Cheese Pastries. Barbeii red Corned Beef Hash With Cheese Pastries (Makes 6-8 servings) 1 cup chopped onion cup butter a-i cup ketchup 2 8-oz. cans lomafo sauce 2 teaspoons Worchestershire sauce j 4 teaspoons cider vinegar 2 tablespoons sugar 2 1 -Ib. cans corned beef hash cheese Pastries Saule onion in butler until del icate brown; arid ketchup, tomato sauce. Worchestershire sauce.1 vinegar and sugar. Add lo corned beef hash: mix well. Put into 12x7-1 V2X2" casserole. Bake in moderate oven, 375 degrees F., 30-40 min-! utes. To make Cheese Pastries: l.i cup grated American cheddar cheese ! 1 package pie crust mix Add cheese lo pastrv mix: mix well. Add waler according to dir ections on package. Roll out thin. Cut in diamond shapes. Cut sev eral diamonds in half, leave re mainder whole. Place on cookie sheet; bake in hot oven 425 de grees F.. 10 minutes or until brown. Place half diamonds around edge of casserole. Serve I whole diamonds on separate j sheet. 1 Two Washday Favorites! Sfa-Puf Miracle Sfa-Flo Liquid RINSE STARCH W 77' 1-4 ' Quar ; A, I W-TTtA I ff-T; Full 'us, well. Bake in stow own 1 too t l until Imhtly browned, about ' minutes. Stir every 5 to A inin i vs. Yield: about 2 quarts. Two Ways With New Beans in Tomato Sauce Alter the tug IcaM. um' some of the turkey for sandwiches. Make the sandwiches lo toast on one side bread t buttered on un loaded side' and slices of roasl turkey. Cover each sandwich with a slice of Cheddar cheese. Place under broiler until cheese is melt- crisp relishes-celery curls, carrot I strips, dill pickle lingers. 1 j For the hungry young folk dur ing their vacation period, serve these cheeseburgers: Open-Flier Cheeseburger (Or rinsed if ynu like!) Place on cookie sheet the lower 1 halves of large round buns, spread led. Serve hot. plain or which mush Here are two inlerrsling ways liberally ulh miller, mixed with i mom sauce, to irerve the new canned beans - - in Inmato satire: HMfly tlenn Salad Combine ' cup minced parsley 1 cup chopped celery, 3 table s'mons minced green onions. ci'p chopped green pepper. 2 tea spoons prepared mtiMaul. cup! these tins ua salad dressing. I taMrspimn Mile- ! pound ol bulk V'.ir, 1 can 01 neatis in tomato nu, ch.iW.ed and sailed to t..le Chill ! llu'S' ,u 1 tl"' 'I'l'ed S.'t'vv on salad greens. Kecipe cooked upruut lo 2 cans of pork hialii's 6 sennits and beans. Hake in a moderate l iiink ami Bean ChimnYr luu. 1:17;, degrees F until healed oioiuoe 1 can eooucoscu oean t about M'iiJ, diluted with equal quantity ; miiKs ii waler, I can of beans in lo-1'- matn sauce. 5t rup milk, 3 frank- lurttrs. thinly sliced; lt cup each e( "jnincrd grren pepper and 1 niced celery. 2 tablespoons nurfted onion. Simmer 2 muMitcs ltfejpe makes 4 In ft serMtis. j Beans With Nuggets j Onions With Oomph ; Sausage and the fruity flaor of ( Christmas dinner calls for onions apricots are pleasing additions to in some form ami lure's a good pork and beans ou simply l;x.ay lo serve them Take about 2 Siiape aitotu j l"'. u! small white e:uor.s which .. ..... ...1.. .,., 11 'l,lu' " f'oked. Put litem III a and brown in a skillet. Add hour. Makes casi-eiole thru (tour on a sauce made wilh I cm ol condensed tiv.uu nt soup blended mill S iiijt ol iitiini ami 1 : up tit chopped u.ilmiis Sprinkle on about '4 1 up ol shredded cheese. Hake in a nunlerale o en ';t,.o decrees K. tor about ;:o imnutes. Makes (i servings. NEW HOT CEREAL WITH Fine Fish Fillets Fish ftllrls are a good and easv ri1 nfter dih and a quick uav to prrpaie them is heal two table .'105:1 of jhve oi! in a frvim; ran. t in add a thinly sliced onion, a 0 at-ler-tup of chopped Muffed cli s. a small etht-oiMice can ol ti'trwto sauce, salt and pepper. 1 Bring lo the bubbling slane, stir-j rini; constantly, pour the hot sauce n($ a pound of the fillets, and 1 h.iite at 4"K degrees F. in a greasrj J oveji di-h for thirty minutes. Serve j wi'h corn bread and a tossed green saiid. I complete WHOLE WHEAT nourishment Here's ft cereal with the complete nourishment of natuml whole wheat ! Nothing's "burned out" of this one - o(f the B vitamins and all the octn r protein i lh kind you can't get from any cold cereal old or new ar left mlat-seale in by a special low heat process. 9 s ftmtoxrt, eeily to serve in trftPOi' Aatf your family will lovt tta f0 like whole wheat flavor. Get some today! m WAY MARKET M.AI AIHHTIOS .'Cild diced leflov er ookrd pnrk to fc Waldorf salad: tilery, apple jnd mayonnaise. G CARNATION INSTANT WHEAT (,' Qwakfy PrA( t CnNO Com, o n m to I I lo O O o u 73 D m m m Broadway and Market Sts. Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a PRICES GOOD FRI., SAT., SUN. . STORE HOURS: 8 A.M TILL 8 P.M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS Half Aged Cheese SLAB BACON pure round Bee' SAt Armour'.Star J, Q ' 3 lb,. $1.00 g Any Site Piece Lb. C J C 3 JC Ib. Our Famous Cheese . . Caponized Fryers You Hove Tried the Res, 5TEAK5 Beet KOUSt Now Try the Best u.s. Good Grade Blade or Arm 3Q ti Each Rib 55c 2-lb. everoge weight I rm Round a obc U.S. Good Grade potatoes Big Orange Sale! T Bone . 69c WE GOT A BIG CAR LOAD OF GrODefrUlt 1 TREE-RIPENED NAVEL ORANGES. c r. . . 10 lbs 29C BY THE CARTON, DOZEN ... BUY NOW FullofJu.ce FOR CHRISTMAS 4 V Netted Gems 1 JL?B Instant Maxwell House , ,0' Texas rinks f A r p r r t- EGGS 1 U I" I" C C Krispy Crackers AA Large, doi. 59c 129 Mb- . Large Sue Jar AA Med , doi. 49C RITZ - m. Cake Mixes 29 CRA,C0KERS Guaranteed J? 8 f Oronge, White, Choc, Yellow O- Pillsbury's Angel Food "T3rC i il p Large Assortment of . " Candies, Nuts AVY O OK MARGARINE BEANS lbs. 63 c sioo For Christmas U fc-VI Jibs. I u CQ UI Q Q O O O D to ui y dm o z LOW PRICES EVERY DAY U. S. GOOD GRADE BEEF STOCK UP NOW FOR THE HOLIDAYS NAMELESS Is The Place To Stretch Your Budget 1940 Mission St. Phone 2-7661 l-Big '10' Admiral TV Set Portable-Complete with Aerial 1-Front Quarter Locker Beef-Cut and Wrapped to your Specification 10-Gallons Carnation Ice Cream 1-Waring Electric Portable Mixer Drawing Will Be Held 7 P. M. December 22, 1956-No Purchase Necessary Come In Get Your FREE TICKETS BEEF IS THE BUY NOW BEEF ROAST BLADE CUT BEEF SHORT RIBS BEEF RIB STEAK BEEF T-BONE STEAK BONELESS Sirloin Tip Steak 49' TENDER New York Steak 59 TEEUSCIOUS Tenderloin Steak " 99' BONELESS ROLLED RUMP ROAST 59' IOWA SLICED BACON 39' Vi OR WHOLE SMOKED HAMS 49' TURKEYS -38' LOCKER BEEF H or Whole 19 . Front i Hind 19 . 23 . FREE COFFEE Buy 8-100-Watt Westinghouse light Bulbs at regular price and receive a Mb. tin of American Royal Coffee Valued at 93c FREE! MB. BAG CITRUS SALE GRAPEFRUIT 49' Doz. SWEET NAVEL ORANGES TANGY FRESrl " LEMONS CRISP GREEN CELERY Doz. 35' lb. 9'