Jk 89Se'ction 8 THE CAPITAL JOURNAC Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 13, 1956 Wife Admits Slaying, But Hubby Guilty She's Acrusrcl After Court Confession, Jury Verdict DALLAS, Tex., Mrs. Eugene Hague, stunned Ihe courtroom at her husband's murCrr trial yes terday by sobbinc out from the witness ftand she was the one who had done the killing. But the jury convicted Hague and sen tenced him to 37 years in prison. Mrs. Hague. 4i. was arrested and charged with murder as soon as she finished her testimony All Dressed Up and Here U'iv: A, . 7 ' 'A Tie Jurys verdict loll a legal , j. 7 . J V, t V , )- tangle. No one would undortakcl I f ' .. .yf V?" f-Jf---i4 t -4 ' lo tay immediately what would I f - ',: A. . :;.. . t&.J!..';' W j I happen to the murder charge I f. .-wrV i,kt ,fc.J ..1 '.'- 4 against Mrs. Hague. Si" is in pil.i ." .,(,' - . ' V r-slXi.-tjr V '; ' Hague. 43. was on Irial lor the B . - " f. v k : slaying of Krnest Allbrite. 27. lie f of,1" " e A' C , . was shot to death Aus. M al ai jyS.V-r J J),' V - TiA'JTT-. ' "i party attended by Ihe H.ijuos. the: jf .ye : ' I I '. nsfSTv' . Allbrites and two other cuin'cs al r-v J, ' if : . most V-' i- t . ,-.(e ... - l the home of Charles Tibbs. An i f w j. , 4 V"l 1 i ' argument broke out. Hague had i M 4. . if, if . .; i . Ji I un. L' ' f ' 1 ' t? '"t ' I ' " i ' "Mri. Allbrite slapped my hui I ftf i , ' ' TW iStt , I band and they fell to the floor1 jV -1 f ' . ' ' ' i -3 i 1 ! '. scufning." Mrs. Hague testified I I TiiriS-f f li i ' 1 v . a. , -Both Allbrites had my husband 'y7 -r" ' j 'i f ' m e t f '4 ' f " f Tt f'l,' ,1 "Mv husbaod's sun was lying II f i I ? f i'l' ' I , S 1 1 on the floor. Allbrite reached tori II Ah .M A M . i - ( t li I',' f s J . J 1 2-5 Inch Snow Hits Midwest; Mercury Skids By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A storm that dumped 2 to 5 inches of snow over wide areas of the Midwest headed into the eastern Great Lakes today. It was cold in Ihe north central region. Chilly weather extended over a V-shaped area from Texas northeastward through the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley into north ern New Knland and northwest ward through the central and northern Jains. Tr.mr1.r!tMr..: in thn frioi.l vr.no ranged from near zero to 10 below I from western Wisconsin to the Dnkotas and up to around 30 in north central Texas. The heaviest snow belt stretched' from South Dakota to northern I Missouri and northeastward ! through southern Wisconsin, north ern Illinois, northern Indiana and into Lower Michigan. Falls di minished during the night. The cold air was expected to spread over the Ohio Valley south ward to the Gulf Coast and south westward through Oklahoma and Texas. Snow was in prospect from parts of Kentucky northward through Michigan and northeast ward into the Atlantic Coast states. Heavy falls were forecast in western New York and north western Pennsylvania. Bicyclist Finds Baggage the gun but I grabbed it. He tnli me: 'I'll kill you. I shot him. Hi kept coming at me. I shot hin again." hie started when "Allbrite told my husband Tibbs had said some thing about me." She said Hague and Tibbs had a few words in a hen room htil apparently came to an under standing. The state did not present any witnesses who testified he had seen Hague shoot Allbrite. Mrs. Allbrite previously testified she pushed Hague but was nut of the room when the shots were fired Hague did not lake the stand. A signed statement attributed to him said: "I was so drunk I don't know what happened. I remember some shooting and I left." These two Uny rrfugers appear prepared for any eventual)!) as they nrrlvrd yesterday aboard the American President l.lnrr "President Cleveland." The boys Wan Liang Chung, 4'a, and his brnlhrr Shlng I.iang Chun?, 3'i, were part of a group of 100 refugees coming Into Ihe United Slates under Ihe refugee art (AP Wirephntn) A count of 3.000 votes showed Ihey dropped from six to three; costing them the major- Ann Sheridan Faces Arrest MEXICO CITY (Up)-The dis trict attorney's office issued a1 warrant for the arrest of actress Ann Sheridan Wednesday in con nection with an adultery charge lodged against her by the es tranged wife of Mexican actor Itodolfo Acnsla. n formal charges filed more than a month ago, Jeanine Cohen Acosta asserted her husband and Miss Sheridan shared a "love nest" in a swank Mexico City apartment building. The district attorney's office said the warrant was issued he-1 cause Miss Sheridan failed to ' answer several subpoenas request ing her to appear to testify on the charge. , RcIh Slip in Voting In It-ilv t;... im.,.,1 " " " seats .uiwri. nary .ji - i ommun.sts ily lhoy had heW in ,hc stcwards. and extreme left Socialists suf- .. r, fered a 50 per cent loss in shop cmmc'1' Chns1,an niocrals and steward elections held here Wed-1 moderate Socialists won the coun- nesday in the Michelin tiro plant.! cil's majority. I ILA Asked to Halt Bed Ban NKW YOltK ifl-The Stale De partment has asked the Inter national Longshoremen's Assn. lo halt an unnflicinl ban on handling baccage belonging In diplomats from Russia and other Iron Cur tain countries. The request was made yester day during a conference between Mate Department and ILA offi cials. William V. Bradley, ILA presi dent, asked that Ihe department submit a formal request in the form of a letter. He promised to present the letter to a meeting of the union's Wage Scale Committee scheduled for next Monday. OKLAHOMA CITY Silvia Emlla Cura de Huarte. 3.1-year-old Argentina senortla on a cross-continent bicycle trip, was "ali smiles" today after recovering her missing luggage at the local bus depot. Her bicycle trip from Ruenoi Aires to Montreal, Canada, was hailed here by cold weather and the missing lug gage, but she will leave later this week. The luggage was shipped from Albuquerque. (AP Wlrephoto) Senator Urges Biparty Attack On Filibusters WASHINGTON' Sen. Thye (R-Myinl proposed today that Re publican and Democratic Senate leaders "get behind an all-out ef fort" to change the Senate rule which permits filibusters. Thye, who said he wants pas sage of civil rights legislation, said in an interview he anticipates failure for a move by 10 senators to get new debate-limiting rules adopted at the opening of Con gress next month. "The Senate is a continuing body and its rules stand from year to year," Thye said. "The only way to get the present de bate limitation rule changed is for leaders of both parties to get behind an all-out effort to change it in the regular way." Thye indicated he had in mind a possible bipartisan effort to wear out a filibuster by Southern Democrats against any effort to adopt a talk-curbing rule. Under present rules, debate may be limited only by the af firmative vote of 64 of the 96 senators. ROSE PARADE TIIK.VE SET PORTLAND HIP) Theme of the floral parade in the 1957 Rose Festival, scheduled fnr .tune IS will he "Melodies in Flowers." Mriiny Would Let in 100,000 Hungarians NEW YORK UV-AFL-CIO Presi dent George Meany says the United States should admit at I least 100.000 Hungarian refugees. I Meany, addressing the Over-: seas Press Club yesterday, added: that such a rise from the present quota of 21,500 would not disturb! the nation's economy. j The labor chief said the average : Hungarian escaping from Commu nist oppression is between 25 and 40 years old, in "his most pro ductive period." The United Steelworkers, he said, is sponsoring 1.000 refugees and will help place them in jobs in the steel industry. Court Upholds Youth's Claim To Insurance PORTLAND (UP) A Federal Court jury ruled yesterday that a 19-year-old youth who was acquit ted of a manslaughter charge in connection with his father's death was entitled to collect life insur- i ance policies totaling 110.000 oni Ihe life of the father. I The jury made the ruling (or Harvey Biswell. who was 16 when his father was killed with a base ball bat at Burns, Ore., about three years ago. His grandmother, Mrs. Lissie Grindstaff Biswell of Nampa,- Ida., claimed she, as contingent bene ficiary, was entitled to the insurance. Tanker Safe Off Formosa .,nr.r cmn. m The tanker Savina, which fveloped , engine trouble in Formosa Strait, Thursday and broadcast a distress! call later informed a rescuing! American warship it no longer j needed help. The Savina. about 13.000 tons, and flving the Liberian flag. called for help about 12 miles off; Communist-held Pingtan Island southeast of Foochow. I The U. S. destroyer Chandler reached the scene, but led when the Savina said it could make. necessary repairs. 10th Refugee Plane on Way 1 1 MUNICH. Germany U.S. Ambassador James B. Conant got the airlift lo America off to its third day Thursday by telling Hun garian refugees the operation was his country's answer to Soviet brutality. Conant spoke in a drizzling rain to refugees massed before a big U.S. Air Force transport, which afterward flew off for New Jer sey. It was the 10th plane to leave Munich on the project called "Op eration Safe Haven." Seven more flights were to leave Munich Airport during the day carrying around 500 Hungari an men, women and children. GIFT TO RAF CHURCH LONDON An American gift of 25,000 pounds ($170,000) was handed to Britain's Royal Air Force Thursday to help re store a London church shattered by wartime German bombing. The money was contributed by U. s. servicemen and civilians all over the world. It will be used to pro vide an organ for St. Clement Danes, the RAF church. j l'ttu ran Irarn to play a j Hammond Chord Organ j in only 30 mlnnlrs Two Picked for Rhodes Finals PORTLAND it) Oregon com-' i petitors for the Northwest dis-i ; trict's Rhodes scholarships will be i Robert W. Richie, Portland, and John E. Moore. Lake Tahoe, j Calif, poth are students at Port- j land s Heed college. They will compele with 10 other! students from the Northwest areai at Spokane Saturday for the re-1 gion's four four-year scholarships' to Oxford University. Charles A. Sprague, editor and publisher of the Salem Oregon Statesman, headed the Oregon se lection committee. This is your invitation to viMt our studio and try for your telf the molt revolutionary nuticil instrument ever in rented ... the Hammond Chord Drsan. Anyone can play it without taking a lesson or mowing a note of music. Sounds unbelievable, doesn't it? You can play beautiful mu sic in your home Christmas morning. Come In and try the marvelous Hammond Chord Organ. You'll be amazed to find you can ac tually learn to play it in a half hour. Ask about a tree home demonstration . . , Open Monday I Friday 'til 9 p.m. s &tone HAHO COM f A N y : 1280 Stole St. Ph. 25281 j mamsnmimsimsmm E3SFBSSIK3 Penn Open Every Night Til 9 Except Saturday tA Penhep ifTour Santa! Envoys Take 5 Weeks Off In Marathon GK.NKVA. Switzerland if American Ambassador II. Alexis Johnson and Red Chinese Ambas sador Wang Ping-nan agreed Thursday on a five-week Christ mas recess in their secret meet incs. The two ambassadors have been meeling al one or two week in tervals since Aug, I, IMS. In ne gotiate the release of American ci vilians imprisoned in China anil a possible Communist renuncia tion of force against Nationalist, held Formosa, Their three-hour meeting Thurs day was the Mid ol the scries. Canada Mslimalcs lM)re Slocks al 22.) Million Tons OTTAWA The government announced Thursday that Cana da s known reserves of uranium ore are estimated al 2l',i million tons This is the first lime Canada's reserves of uranium have hrcn made public. The announcement means that Canada has vast quan titles of material available for ue in its atomic energy power pro gram and fnr export In other countries. Coal Sliiirtaf-e (ripple Kal (iri tiian l.ciiniiiiM BERLIN if Communist Fa'sl Germany, suffering (or mnnlhs from a sranty furl supply, mid Thursday a "serious"' shortage nl soft coal still is hampering in economy. Neues Deulschland, the official Communist Parly nrwspaprr, re ported that the "fuel supply situ ation Is as serious as it was he fore " It blamed had weather, in efficient management and failure In give miners proper political indoctrination. tO BKF.RS COST line. PROVIDF.NCE. R.I. mH cost David H. Hargreaves is a glass for the beer he drank He pleaded no contest to a charge of driving a car under the Influence of al rohol alter police said he admitted having about 3) beers. District Court) Judge Luiji De PasqWle IneiThim $100. I , " " ' If II I S 1T -m.T T 1 rpenney's rlv:rt r?1s,5ffia'3eTO5 I 1 1 rill v I I IB g ri"vTimaK aan'S:- b m.m tt at, a-ji .a imn . g r- v. 1 V. , rT' g V JI a AJ W Better Holiday Wx Now Reduced ( p iv ll,,,lre,U ! TM :"r ' FrOM J ; N j J I iliili $099 t $099 tfeLJLf.MMll fin rW ZJL to A ori-uTi ( ' hi T" Jf I Full-fashioned K 'flSvtM .. t. sweater classics l I lUjl Jn.r., Misse,, Half S,,.. . . . j . r V g . ; 1 A Stmt V1 n t..- nrl Stvles lor Your Choice . . . . i .rv. VV 5 il 1 !' U 'LXU SECOND FLOOR-DRESS DEPT. - OH U 1 P 1 .A'fS L..... r Fnll Dresses O f..SC short si-e sijMM .98 1 A '- S"&& I IV .... DmilslairS More . S I , Kx.rt color coordination! IV I Ijifv I'lOlll Hie I"'""' J Its yours at Penneys budg- 1 I 1 v " tVil I " " " """"" p' prices! Full-fashioned I i V fjidl CCi.-A c""w ncc eaters knit of ll II 1 V r'iy - -- -',"-1 hich bulk turbo Orion! Slim- VI I s jkv ovbJr" S Cv I ! lme n' of rich " W00' r If I ' A F. n. ' ' tH. I ; j SECOND FLOOR FOR GIFTS WONMRfUL WAY UYONO THtIR PRICE TAG! 1 .""rn I For Tfml f, j I WOOL j Tailored I SKIRTS I What a buy, gals . . . thriftv Penney price and no clean ing bills ever! Our wool flan nel skirts hand wash, press like new. keep their propor tioned to-fit size thru it all! Inner seat lining to retain this sleek slimline silhouette! SECOND FLOOR Special Feature!! Washable Orion Wool Plaid Skirts Now Onb 88 Sizes 10 to II eu'M c'ear-colcred pia;ds with bo p:eats ,tllch,H ,a tre h.D lme. cut generously full. They're a a. .'yle. that you can wash in your m,ch,n, eJ ' o t K wool. S zei 10 to 18. Urlon' 35 4 SECOND FLOOR 1 1 ' " s) O .