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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 13, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ' Section 8 Page 5 Appraisal of School Costs FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS Due Tonight A complete appraisal of the figures involved in the construc , n tion oi me proposed two new jun ior high schools will be undertaken by the Salem school board dur ing its meeting at 7:30 Thursday 6M wemo ingiu ai me administration build ing. Although construction was tenta tively agreed upon a week ago following a conference between Claude Post, contractor, and Wil liam I. Williams, architect, it later developed that building costs had nnt hpon tnffirMAntli, to come within the scope of the muum oi money avauaole. Superintendent Charles Schmidt WOUld not hazard a nroriirtinn to what would be the result of to- mgnts deliberations. If a contract is signed with Viesko & Post, low bidders on the two schools, it probably will be on a "change order" basis. Albany to Buy New South End School Property ALBANY ' (Special) - The Al bany District S school board voted Tuesday night to buy approxi mately 12 acres of land near the south end of Chicago street, for a tchool site. Although no formal action was taken, several members of the board expressed the opinion that construction of a school on the site should start early in 1958. The school, when built, is ex pected to take some of the pres sure off Waverly and Sunrise schools. The board voted to exercise its option to buy the site from A. J. Jacobs, Lebanon, for $16,000. A. E. Palmer, district superin tendent, reported that the 1956 school census showed a total of 3943 persons between the ages of 4 and 19. This is an increase of about 10 per cent over the 1954 total. University Sings Mozart Requiem Willamette university's chorus and orchestra presented Mozart's Requiem to an audience of sev eral hundred persons Wednesday evening in the Fine Arts auditori um. The Requiem is a Latin com position, honoring the souls of the departed from this life. In harm ony with the theme the singers Wore black. Willis Gates was the director. The soloists were Clorinda Top ping, soprano; Marjorie Elmgreen Stapp, alto: Malvin H. Geist, tenor, and Don Gleckler, baritone. Missionaries Speak SCIO (Special) Mr. and Mrs. L. Wagner Russell, returned mis sionaries from Japan, who were engaged in Child Evangelism work there were guest speakers at the Scio Baptist church Sunday morn ing. Eva Paul, returned missionary from Japan, was the evening speaker. She also works among children in Japan. File Business Name ALBANY (Special) Assumed business name certificates have been filed with the Linn county clerk for the Zumwalt Logging Co. by Amel Zumwalt, RFD 3, Al bany, and for Zumwalt's Repair shop by the same registrant, and for the Wimer Logging Co., Don-' aid Wimer bein j added to the part nership which previously consisted of Lyle and Mariann Wimer. REBEKAH YULE PARTY LAFAYETTE (Special) The Rebekah Lodge Christmas party will be Wednesday evening, Dec. 19, in the lodge rooms at 7 p.m. A -gift exchange will be held. 4-II News AMITY (Special) The 4-H Live stock club "Willing Workers," met Saturday for the regular meeting in the home economics room at Amity high school. President, Dick Burns presided at the business meeting. Plans for a dance in the high school gymnasium Jan. 26, were discussed. Reports were made by members on the list of words encountered in 4-H work, which was a previous assignment made by Marvel Smith, leader. This was followed by ques tions and a review on problems dealing with livestock and crops. Refreshments prepared by Mrs. Marvel Smith were served by sen ior girls at the close of the meet ing. AMITY (Special) Amity 4-H club members received checks from the Oregon state fair this week for a total of $142 80. Prize money is distributed by the Danish or point, and each point ,u ri Mntc IS WUIIII I" v-,,u. Janet Jones and Carol Jean Kelchnar each receivea cnecKS ior j-B0, Sharon Smith, $19.60 and a 4-H summer school scholarship worth RO. . . Others from Amity receiving checks were Randy Briley, S4.90; z-i.-u r,,i!r ii 5n: Kennv Dixon. $- Gene Dixon, $4.90: Roy Free man Jr., $8 40; Judy Jones, $14 00: Marilvn Corum, $5.60; Cheryl Stephens. $7: Norma Jean Steph ens. $4.20 and Mary Elaine Bar rett, $1.40. ontr.linimAY MARKETS cnnTi AND up The North Portland Livestock Market will be nn n the Mondays Deiore BH pw Year's Day Tk. oriii he no trading on either of the holidays which this KLLTUBBJ aiALBOLUAJU Tfmmrmmn nrnrmrwr- 0 (J A D VIII MM CAMffiffi of VuMma BERNHARD1AL JfL&Z&H W-' "(T ItfW- V?l Sf , lfJ& W .fj1 Y W$P J Please send me the following Bernhard Altmann Cashmeres: i K A f4TO TJk Style I Color Size Quantity Total w $ AhiS I'Wf ffrWI 4 r l''VD 'cHZone V"'Ti fJWV VVyt'!' jim. j'YJ if ) yl ' j 'Plus shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck So what if she does have diamonds, minlc and a Cadillac . . you can still give her the ultimate in luxury ... an imported Bernhard Altmann cashmere sweater. And we have the loveliest collection everl More than a rainhow of colors . . . come see and you'll succumb to the beauty of at least one of them. All In iiz 86 to 40. ' I. Long sleeve cardigon with V-neckline.v $3C ff Purple, gold, blue, pink, wffire J J,JJ 2. Three-quarter raglan sleeve cardigan with $2Q OCT pointelle design. Light blue, beige or gold 3. Short sleeve cardigon with ribbed yoke. $TQ QC Beige, purple, shrimp, white, aquo, light blue. . . . S, y J 4. Two-ply, three-quarter sleeve cardigan in $3CT Cf blue, yellow, purple or white Jj VVS 5. Three,-quarter raglan sleeve cardigan with $DC ff mock turtle neck. Avocado, blue, shrimp JjJJ 6. Two-ply collared cardigan in blue, white, CC gold or red tmtjJ 51 .. . i Vt V .r Mir A ft 4 .'U - i 3 year fall on Tuesdays.