Page 4 Section 3 Hungarian Actor a Refugee Here THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 13, 1956 NEW YORK Sanrfnr StaUa, Hungarian stnjce and irrrrn ilai, Main with his wifr, art rem Katn Rarrzy, and thrlr rhlldren, Balau. 13, and liarna, 15, right. In a Now York aparlmnrt Inst night. Thry fled Hungary lalp In November and are cn route to Prorldfnre, R.I. (Al W'lrrphotn) Petition Seeks To Limit Power Of Tax Group An initiative petition that would limit to advisory only the powers of the State Tax Commission in the valuation or assessment of property was Riven a ballot title and descriptive summary today by the attorney general's office. At the same time, the State . Elections Bureau Kent cut the first petitions or circulation to Frank I. Kinney, Eugene, sponsor of the Initiative. County assessors now assess property under supervision of the State Tax Commission. Kinney must obtain 3ft..riM signa (urea before July KWfl in order to get the measure on the 11)58 gen eral election ballot. The proposed measure, titled "Limiting Powers of State Tax Commission'" was described: "To limit supervisory powers of State Tax Commission over county tax officials in the valuation and assessment of property, in secur ing, uniformity of assessment and equality of taxation, to advising and assisting such officials. Re peals joint state - county property tax re-appraisal program. Repeals procedure for state administrative and judicial review of ads and omissions of property lax officials. Father, Son Sent to Jail Stolen Gems Mailed Bach Smitli Urges Residents -to Use Vaccine Gov. Elmo Smith today Joined President Eisenhower and federal health authorities in urging Orc gonians to take advantage of the present plentiful supply of Salk polio vaccine. The State Board of Health re cently announced that the number of polio cases reported in Oregon so far this year was 62 per o'ut less than during the same period a year ago, the governor pointed j out. At the same time, the depart ment urged that all children arid adults up to age 45 receive the full series of three inoculations of Salk vaccine at recommended intervals to provide protection be fore the start of the W57 polio season. The governor said adequate supplies of the vaccine were on and. He added that sufficient funds were available through the national polio vaccine assistance act for almost 325,000 inoculations in Oregon before next July 1. "I urge that private physicians and public health departments use this supply to assure (hat no one in Oregon be denied the protection j of Salk vaccine for financial rtu- Mins, the governor said. They Take Gravy and Cake for West Coast KEY u-iRDEX Anns M'.n CHICAGO (UP)- The assistant CASHES COSTLY CHECK DKNVER (UP)- Delmer RoubU ..j.. rnlt fmintv jail. Hans deaux, 43, received a check for Reindeer Can't Stand Crouds . W. Mattick. added a new key - .... .... v P.v , hi, collection today. He was, from S.oux tribal land enter awarded a Phi Beta Kappa key by prises on the .Rosebud Rcserv.. . .1 - -i : '.. ' tinn in Cniith rtalcnla H met Unit. the Illinois chapter oi me ":' ' , , ,, ' " top scholastic society. bidcaux a dime to cash the check. Dice Clatter In Courtroom PITTSBURGH HV-Otlo and Hel- ga, two genuine Lapland reindeer, are at the Highland Park Zoo to day and have a couple of stand- for the Christmas season iwo nunc ucer. m . , ,,,. i.m.. Oto and Ilelga were brouglitl.o,- .ui;, -i,,-OM i here bv the Mellon Bank which " " " , " planned to display them through j Municipal Court the judge picked the Christmas season in the bank : up the dice police had seized and seven. OMAHA Wl When James S. MII.'lltAV OAL'C filif l Mrs. Sally Schwartz' received her rnJa. But one day was enough roned Christmas delivered present early. It was the mail yesterday. for the reindeer. Crowds made i them i "Seven is your number.' Judge NEW YORK Natalie J. Kiggin, 15-year-old Olympia, Wasli., farm girl, feeds her "Hoot Owl" cookies to Mrs. llildreth H. Halhe way, of Santa Barbara, Calif., at the eighth annual Pillsbury Bakeoft here today, Mrs. Hallieway woo grand prize of $25,000 and title of "Cook of the Year" for her Califorina casserole of meat, gravy and dumplings. Natalie won second grand prize of $10,000 for her cookies. (AP Wireplioto) CI.0VIS, N. M. OP-Uist. Judge E. T. Jlensley Jr. sent J. B. Mar tinez and his lti-year-old son both to jail because of the youth's re peated run-ins with the Jaw. j nervous, so tney were placed 0.Bri.n tuUi lavnes. "We'll roll The sender didn't include a return "1 !nm:1 t . 1 u" . them aifain. If we hit seven you're address, lie simply placed :to 11111 (U'er lou l,l,'ir V-' l ll,lf ! eoinK to jail for tiO days." cents postage on the package and mailed it. Mrs. Schwartz opened it to find $3,700 woi tti of jewels. They were hers. They were stolen from her bank. FISH GET ALCOHOL MAYSVH.E. Ky. (-'rhe life The judge also ordered six other! home Uec. 4 while .she was at- of a fish is not necessarily an un- boys and their parents locked up tending the funeral of her hi is- happy one. About J 5.000 gallons of for brief periods Tuesday until hand, composer Jean Schwartz. ! grain alcohol sank in the' Ohio they had paid court costs and who wrote "Chinatown," ninong River near here when a tug made good S24 worth ot stolen; other hits. , rammed a barge. The tug was un produce. Included with the jewels was damaged. Barge owners said they 1 grounds of cruelty after 38 years private firms, Martinez and his son were sen- a newspaper story of the theft, j would try to recover the craft. j of marriage and 15 children. tenepd to 10 days in jail in con I'hc dice clattered in a silent courtroom and came up ten. "Twenty-five dollais and costs," said the judge. nection with a theft. Judge Hens y said while in the same cell they could discuss their relation ship and try to reach Rome under standing for the future. The judge Raid a new law gives him the power to lock up both the oifcndcr and parent in juvc ! nile cases. Kotarian Dinner Due Ex-Poslnien Seven former employes of the Salem post office wjo have re tired since October ;il. will be honored by fellow workers at a dinner to be held at 6:30 Friday night at the American Legion club house. Combined service of the seven men totals 258 years. Those being honored are: Carrol L. McDonald, supervisor with 3fi years experience; Ferd E. Bar nick, 42 years; I.. J. Rock, 41 years; and Carroll K. Hamlin, 30 years, all city carriers; Luther I). took, 33' years; and rlovd C. Crnhtrce, 41 years, rural carriers. and William H, Fast, 35 years, clerk. The men will be presented with service record certificate by Postmaster Albert C. dragg. Jiuhe Bob Ctnim, in of Mr. miii Mrs. Will t.atrs, 1011 Howard St., who was named stmt nil Rn tartan for January at Souin Kalem high nrhnnl (hit week. Hp t rninr Has prrtirfrnt. Orders Jail, Haircut l.ONt; HKACH, Calif. Con victed of slugging a fellow drau racer, Lou Dale Wanek, 18. w ill serve a 24 hour jail sentence Sat urday and as a condition of three years probation he'll have to fore- ;o his Klvis Presley haircuts, W ancle had the long sideburns shaved off and when he returned to court Superior Judge Ralph K. Pirrson commented: "You look a lot belter. There's going to lie mme of this bobtail, curls ami t m i: Iris Mull while you're on probation. A person s appearance gem-rally rnlecls. hts iiiuaid ttioughts." Wanek was convicted ir striking 17 year-old F.dward Dohi msky with a chain when he refused to nicept a challenge for a nice. 15 CHILDRKN ENOIT.II LAWKKNCK, Mass. m Mrs. Lena Ouelelte has sued her hus band. David, for divorce on A SUBWAY SCHOOGE NEW YORK (UP) Five sub way workers serenaded rush hour crowds with Christmas carols Wednesday in a burst of under ground seasonal spirit. Most scur rying riders in Grand Central Sta tion liked it, but one commented: "What we need is good lights and clean trains not this kind of baloney." - three days. Despite a union plea, telephone employes walked off their jobs Tuesday night in a 24 hour protest for higher pay. FOR i WH,M t BANTAMAC g jj( Imported Ziphyr & 8 SWEATER VESTS I $7.50 J BLDCK. 5-FOR GIFTS THAT COST SO LITTLE . . . LOOK SO LOVELY lLJ KIQD. Free Gifts-Coffee SB ''sm ' " Turkey Ham Snacks or lmmm murs luwhc AfPiiAM 4 boot FuimssiB SALEM - OREGOW CITY J 260 5t SI. Ph 3-9U8 f I STItlKES HIT ITALY ROME i.n Two strikes hit Italy at home and in her world communications today. Gas workers went on strike against shutting off sim- plies in homes and hospitals for T was s to v $ ' Corner of Senator Hotel g OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. SATURDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. for the Kiddies at MEIER & FRANK'S-SAIEM DOG SLED RIDE Patio Shop-Second Floor Thai's right an actual dog sled ridel Actual "working Sam oyed dogs from the Yukon kennels of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Christensen of Jefferson, Oregon. These dogs have been shown all over the Northwest and in Alaska and have been winners many times. Take the kiddies on an exciting and thrilling, never-to-be-forgotten dog sled ride on wheels, only 15c. Friday, December 14 7:30 P. M. TO 8:30 P. M. . M iraiHiysE r etc s 176 N. Liberty St. OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY NIGHTS til 9-SAT. Til 5 30 UNTIl CHRISTMAS OFF REGULAR PRICE PLUS A BIG TRADE ALLOWANCE 8 260 Stata St.--Ph. 3-9148 No Money Down On Approved Credit Make Your First Payment in Feb.' 57 Fr Parking-Fre Delivery Open N,l.i Til 9 til Christmas (Eicepl Sat. and Christmas Eve) 1t WILLAMETTE YALLET'J LEADING APPLIANCE i HOME FURNISHE&S 5ALEM OREGON CITY