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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1956)
Sr.lem, Oregon, Thursday, December 13, 1956 LYandka Says Actors' Guild Could Irairovc Scgart's TaJent! , Bl !', Er':0S"'. I Franciosa has no fear of prod Ix'lcd Press I.eH.vwcod Hrlter dins the middle-ascd stars oil the HOLLYWOOD Tpi Holly- !-ddcr ahcad f him, for he al v?oo's vetcrr.n K -.-s siuh as' rcai" nas established a nil rime 1 mr'ircy Eogail and J u i. n . on . Broadway in "A Hatful of r. -re poke fun at the new-style i Rain' " He a,s0 won a nicne . l. -. I.... ... I th 0iBc'n Knhimn. h.. k.!.. 1:1.J -i.iuu Etiur. , out one or tnem, . v y ucmg mmeu :-.ony Franciosa. fought bnckiii! ,', his c6star in the play, snelley Winters, a romance he u mutr m laiK anoui. But New York-born Tony THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ti-j "Ticy eouH be better actors rnnou-ccd Tony at 20 paces. if !, DUI ivew Tit-born Tony r.- h".i .1.. frankly siiDes At Hie nlH.t'ma car Amors' S'.uciio." system in Hollywood which he The New York studio has turned mJ" "" ov such lcrriin? exponents of the; .. ' realistic sf'e of actin" . ,Publlc"Jr Creates Stan Mnrlon B' '.lames Dean"1 1sl movle slars were ma(,e V a M-.rie S-in!. Karl MaKen' ta Wbm. through the old I'i Frmcicsa and even Pl,bllcll-V machine." he said. "Stu til? ncv-stvle Mnrilvn Monroe d"!s,. constanllv bombarded the To itmi,t v.-a.'n. .j ii publ,c '"h ,hpir Pictures. It's o-lL Kre e SM. LaTe"8 ,hal " - lilL1.?'' 1Holly:ood sense' "Now movies arc in competl- staqe-brcd. serious youn ti,, with Tv. The product has to actors are mumble rs. buck be better. Acting ha, to be better f-.ratchers. nose-twitrhcrs and fol- Actors who knock the Aelors: lowers of the torn T-shirt school studio method are saving that 01 amS- i only out of fear and insecurity Talent Not Developed in themselves." "Well Finnan rmil.l hr. k... . Added Tonvi "I think lhi noiv j better actor if he'd studied at the ,rend acting is very healthy i gart has much more talent than .Ton-v is co-starring with Jean i he has ever shown. Gary Cooper simmons and Paul Douglas in ' is the ideal movie actor a mo- 'GM's "This Could Be The bile kind of face. As far as Night." n ayne is concerned, 1 v on t even ff ciscuss mm. Rep. Mann in 1 Fail-Conditio, PORTLAND (UP)-lmn Man sla'e representative from Adan and elected minority leader of tl State House of representative was reported to be in mo-lerate improved condition at a Portlar hospital today. Irvin Mann, Jr., the legislator' son. said his father's conditio earlier had been very serious ar still remained serious, aithou? attendants had reported modera improvement. The elder Mann was hospita ized for treatment ot a back it jury. His son said the injury wa sustained several years ago an that it had been aggravated th: summer. Section 2 Pajre 5 JURY TAKES ATTORNEY'S WORD JERSEY CITY, X. J. (UP) -Westinyhouse Electric Corp. em pioye Philip Madison won nomina damages of six cents today in his suit against a union worker who allegedly called him a "jail bird" during a strike. Madison had sought $50,000. Defense Attor ney Jesse Moskowitz told the jury "nominal damages could mean as little as six cents." The jury took him at his word. Mount McKinley in Alaska Is solid granite beneath an overlay ing layer of black slate. Oregon Auto Wreck Kills 2 By UNITED PRESS " Traffic accidents claimed two lives in Oregon yesterday after noon, one near Roseburg and- the other in Portland. Mrs. Amalha Heicrle, 50, Banks was killed and her 16 - year - old daughter, Thinna Elaine, was in jured critically in a one-car acci dent on the Roseburg by-pass sec tion ot Highway 93. They appar ently were thrown from a pickup truck driven by Julius Ernest Hoierle who said he lost control of the vehicle. It hit curbs on both sides of the highway before turn ing over. Portland recorded its 38th traf fic death of the year in a two-car collision whicli claimed the life of Max Linton Smith, 64. Mrs. Maude jarown anu ner iwu-year-oiu neicc, jvi Debora Brown, were injured. UignmHHHiHWHl it:r!Oi!tnaas PGR KIOQD Free Gifts-Coffee Turkey or Ham Snacks mmm valley's King kttukmisomvmm 1 SALEM - OREGON CITY J 260 State St. Ph. 3-9148 r NEW! 5-Way Portable Phono-Radio It's An rife, $170 IO Emerson s II I I I l I 1 .See JrH! J kll ' 1 1T) 3 RADIO I i ra i- 1 i nuniin n ' i rnunu ;-lt .... r. 44- TV WJI rf -- 4i 01 USE III CAR OR BOUT miUKiimiintMMi rttuut taiiMK inKixiiif y t a BliBV Model 123? i Huge 21" diagon al picture screen. Top front tuning, full screen focus. 00 Model 1200 Priced At Only Use Weisfield'i Low Easy Terms Now you can enjoy television, radio, and records everywhere you go. The three-in-one Emerson packs ell three forms of entertainment into this tiny, featherweight portable cabinet. You get the Emer son precision-engineered "Future" TV chassis (not a stripped-down chassis) . . . Powerful full-toned redio .... a convenient phonejack with switch .... a complete package of entertainment that is designed to go with you on outings, vacations or anywhere you want to go. Wiierever you look... tJwre's Ifrierson 305 N. IIBERTY, SALEM Open NighW 'til 9 fcP SMu FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR 1,000 CARS USMB QBGMW3 mum aommams. m. uttKm L 171 Vw 1 I i vg w (tHTThOD MAYSELLA llffi 8T5' ' .r' T !" Here's a super gift idea marvelous Maysella shirts and robes! Maysella is a soft luxury blend of 55 Australian wool and 45 Egyptian cotton, loomed in Belgium by master weavers and is hand washable," wonderfully warm, yet light weight and durable. Patterns are rich and lasting. You'll be a loved Sanla when you give Maysella! & IIS mpn's Mav$ella robe $I5.95 Roomy wrop model in outhentic Tortan" ploids, lux uriously warm and comfortable. He'll be set for a cold winter in this" perfect fitting robe. Greens, blues, reds. Small to extra large sizes. Other robes $19.85 $35 Mail and phone orders' MEN'S CLOTHING STREET FLOOR OIL, men's M"sella shirt women's Maysella Robe M5.98 She'll love it's luxury suftnejs ond coxy warmth . , . appreciate it's easy-care washability. Wrap style, cut for flattering fit. Choice of three rich ploids in blue, red or green. Sizes 10 to 18. Mm' anil plume orders' ROBES STREET FLOOR $ 9.95 A handsome sport shirt that will mark him best dressed in ony company. Full cut, tail ored with fine detail, a pleasure to wear. Glen or Tartan plaids, verticol stripes. Blues, groys, browns. Small to extra large. Mail ami phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR ' o Meier & Frank's Salem, Salem, Oregon Please send me the following- Ouan. Hem Plaid Color Size Price Name Street City Zone Remit. End. 0 'Pint stripping rmf fr nrrat outside our rrwdtir Inn k ileliifri routes. boy's Maysella fobe $1295 Cut and styled with a young man's comfort in mind. Maysella gives the durability he needs plus luxury softness and warmth. Red, green or blue plaids. Sizes 8 to 20. Mail and phone orders BOYS' SHOP-STREET FLOOR boy's Maysella shirt A warm plaid Maysella shirt is sure to please boyi of any age. Blue, green or red combinations. Sizes 8 to 20. Mail and phone orders' BOYS' SHOP-STREET FLOOR MWIitHiHIWWH'