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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 12, 1956 TH6 CAPITAL JOURNAL Miss Little To Be Wed On Dec. 23 Miss Myrna Little, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Little, will be wed to Jay Marvin Headrick son i of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Head rick, all of Stayton, on Sunday December 23, at 7 p.m at the First Methodist church in Salem Dr. Brooks H. Moore is to offici- LishtinP lha A1 ...mi . 1- w . vanuica Will De Misses Marjone and Margaret Yo- u. ndwaii wno are students at Orpenn rnllann r-j . r - ... -6c ui Luucauon. Soloist will be Mrs. Denise Re- uccu, iwunmoum. Maid of honor will be Miss Beverly Boyle, Crabtree. and bridesmaids will be Miss Lila Mae ?,'neVEugcne; Mrs- John Wills, Mill City: Miss Marilyn Cooksley, Los Angeles. Janet and Joan Mur ray, Vancouver, Wash., are to be flower girls and ring bearer will be Jimmie Rice, Sweet Home. Best man will be Bruce Head rick, brother of the bridegroom. Groomsmen will be Richard Schaeffer, Aumsville; Donald Mis ner, Albany, and Dick Fedranti, Stayton. Ushers will be Bob Ha gen, Stayton, and Mack Williams Fort Monmouth, N. J. Miss Little was honored with a bridal shower last week, when Mrs. Harold Wodtly, Mrs. Jerry Towle, Mrs. Kenneth Abbott, Mrs. Carl Shower, Mrs. Robert Miller Mrs. D. George Cole and Miss . nuumi eiuenainea at the 'if church narlnm nf th c;-c odist church of Stayton. Christmas scenes were used in decoration with a red and white color scheme. Since the bride elect is a teacher in Stayton grade school, the centerpiece for the Jace-covercd table featured a slate, a McGuffey reader and a hand bell. A honeymoon cottage and other bridal scenes were used about the room. Gifts were pre sented from a wishing well. Mrs. Towle poured coffee, and Mrs. Miller presided at the punch bowl. Games were introduced. Mrs. Ralph Harold was presented the prize for the first contest, while Marlene Richardson won the sec ond contest. Present were Mrs. George Lit tle, mother of the bride-to-be: Mrs. Marvin Headrick, mother of the bridegroom-to-be; Mrs. Joe Zwick, Mrs. Roy Richardson, Mrs. Ralph Harold, Mrs. Al Murray, Mrs. Ben Cole, Mrs. Lyton Rice, Mrs. Bob VVod, Mrs. J. K. Mc Call, Mrs. Vt.non Choate, Mrs. John Wills, Mrs. Harry Kale, Mrs. John Nightingale, Mrs. L. E. Spraker, Mrs. 'red Camp, Mrs. Lawrence Lierman, Mrs. Lloyd Leach, Mrs. Rose Broadley, Mrs. Ted Boehme, Mrs. Alex Harold, Mrs. Frieda Coates, Mrs. Ken Far well; Miss Beverly Boyle, Miss Lctha Lierman, Miss Richardson, Miss Nancy Wodtly, Thomas Henne. Mrs. Don Carey. Mrs. George Neal, Mrs! Ken Williams, Mrs. Glen Ling, Mrs. Olive Purdy, Mrs. Fred Hunt, Mrs. A. N. Arnold, Mrs. Dolly McNeer, Mrs. Ray Killin, Mrs. Fannie McMorris, Mrs. A. M. Harrison. Mrs. Ross Hughes, Mrs. Max Stayton, Mrs. Joe Spencer, Mrs. Nellie Jones and Mrs. Irvin Parberry. DONALD GILES YOUNG, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Young of Portland, will be chris tened Sunday at 3:30 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal church, the Rev. Christmas Centerpiece A skater made of foil may dec orate the holiday table. Wedding Sunday Wed at a simple service at the Liberty Garden home of Mr. and Mrs. Ressel M. Griffin, Sunday, December 9. were Mrs. Griffin's mother, Mrs. Rena N. Weersing of Ben oaraens, Lain., to Martin J. Weering, Grand Rapids, Mich. The Rev. Gerald Sawyer officiated at the rites. The bride wore a rose lace over taffeta dress, a rose halo hat and matching mitts, and corsage of pink roses and white carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Shearer, Cornelius, brother-in-law and sis ter of the bride, attended the couple. Serving at the reception table following the service was the bride's other daughter, Mrs. George Heller of Bell Garden, Calif. ' i After a trip in Oregon and Cali fornia, the couple will be at. home at Grand Rapids, Mich. LEBANON (Special) Honoring Miss Bessie Gilliam last week were Mrs. Don Thoma and Mrs. Richard Bateson. Friends gathered at the Thoma home for a linen shower, presented by means of a treasure hunt. Christmas and wed ding bells decorated the rooms Guests were Mrs. Glarence Gil liam and Sheri, Sheree Marie Thoma, Mrs. Frank Yechout, Mrs. Gene Davis, Mrs. Alfred Ander son, Mrs. Carol Kemper, Mrs. Jay Miles, Mrs. Emma Ant -son, Mrs. Lon Seiber, Mrs. John Thoma, Mrs. John Tyner and son Eddie, Mrs. Monte Sprague, Mrs. Kenneth Anderson, Miss Karen Gundersen Miss Carol Anderson, Miss Carol Tyner, Miss Marcia Davis, Reane Yechout, and Lmda Anderson. George H. Swift to officiate. Following the service, the baby's grandmother, Mrs. Donald A, Young, will be hostess for a family dinner at her home on Rio Vista Way. In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. Young, and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McWaters, Portland, grandparents of the baby, Mr. and Mrs. William Giles, his great grandparents, David McWaters, his uncle, who is home from Claremont college, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Healey, his uncle and aunt, and the Rev. and Mrs. George H. Swift. Holiday Party For Chapter WOODBURN .Special-A Christ mas party, which followed the regular meeting of Evergreen chapter No. 41, Order of the East ern Star, was the outstanding fea ture of the evening Monday night at the Masonic temple. Previous to the opening ceremony a Christ mas legend was read by Mrs. Leif Peterson, worthy matron. During the meeting an invita tion was read and accepted to be guests at the joint installation of woodburn Lodge No. 106, A.F. & A.M. and Woodburn Chapter No. 29, Royal Arch Masons, on the evening of December 17. the instal lation to be at 8:15 p.m., following the regular meeting of the Ma sonic lodge. An invitation was also read to visit Zenith chapter at Brownsville the evening of Jan uary 7, The chapter then recessed and Mrs. Frank Wright, a member for 33 years, was chosen to repre sent those sitting on the sidelines She was introduced, giving a friendship degree, and escorted to the east, a complete surprise to the honored member. Reports were given of the "luncheon is served" by the so cial club by Mrs. Layman Maird. Announcement was made of the Willamette Valley Matrons and Patrons association meeting Dec 13, and the visit of the "bloodmo- bile" to Woodburn January 2: sponsored by the Masonic bodies. Members were reminded that can ned food and gifts are to be taken to the Masonic and Eastern Star home this week. Under "good of the order" Mrs, Vera Bogard Wolfe, a former resr dent of Woodburn now living in Alaska, gave a talk on that coun try and Eastern Star work there. Mrs. Wright also spoke in appre ciation of the honors of the eve ning. Mrs. Lester Henn gave report on a recent visit to Ra mona chapter of Silverton. After the close of chapter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Richards were honored in observance of their golden wedding anniversary which will be December 24. They were introduced, escorted to a place of honor and were showered with cards of congratulation. Many members told of amusing incidents in the lives of the honored couple whom they had known for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Richards each spoke in appreciation of the honors conferred upon them. A program was given which in- eluded a Christmas reading by Mrs. Leslie Paulson and a trumpet duet of Christmas music by Misses Jean Hayes and Marilyn Bond accompanied by Miss Lynn Hig- ginbomam, from the nigh school Members gathered around the lighted Christmas tree and were led in group singing of Christmas songs by Don Tabler with Mrs. Lester Keller at the piano. Santa Claus (Claire MacMillan) sudden ly appeared and distributed gifts to every one. Refreshments were served in the dining room by the officers with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Handy as chairman of the serving committee. LAFAYETTE (Special)-An ab sentee shower was given recently, by Mrs. May Rowland and Mrs. Margaret Stellflug, honoring Mrs. Shirley Glick and baby daughter who now live in California. They are formerly of Lafayette. Games were played and refreshments served. Guests brought gifts and wrapped them for mailing at the party. 14 i J Small and Intimate Typical of this year's Edwardian table theme is this green felt cover designed by Carole Stupell for the Yule repast. State President Will Visit Rebekahs Plans were completed for the official visit of the state president of Rebekah lodge, Mrs. Ethel Gibbs, at the meeting of Salem lodge, Monday evening. The greet ing committee was appointed to include: Mrs. La Verne Lapschies as chairman; Mrs. Ora Moore, Mrs. Marjetta Anderson, Mrs. Wil lard Wincgar, Mrs. Harold Corwin asd Mrs. Charles McElroy. Ladies auxiliary to Patriarch Militant will meet for the Christ mas party Thursday evening at the temple. Three Links club will meet at 2 p.m. Friday afternoon, for its holiday party. FL club will meet Thursday eve ning, at the home of Mrs. Ben Salchenberg, 2465 Bluff street. Following the business meeting, a program for families was en joyed, with Mrs. Lora Groves in charge. Mrs. Nettie Larson played a Christmas carol on the piano. The Treble Triad from Parrish Junior High school sang. Refresh ments were served. Penney ,, iii h mi i i nil inn ii frnnnn'i milllllf l 9g OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS EXCEPT SATURDAY TO 5:30 P. LEBANON (Special) Chairman of the Junior Woman's club an nual doll benefit, Mrs. Maynard Kirkelie, placed the doll and its wardrobe, made and donated by club members, on display Monday in a downtown Ccntwise store win dow. The doll will remain in the window until December 22. The club's annual children's Christmas party will be Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. in the civic room. Guests will be members' children. Mrs. Richard D. Johnson is chair man. GERVAIS (Special) Miss Geor gia Walter, daughter of Mrs. Percy Moore of Gervais and a 1955 graduate of South Salem High school, was recently auditioned and accepted into the Portland Symphonic choir. Miss Walter has been employed in Portland during the last year, where she also has been studying voice. Miss Bahr Bride at Lutheran Rites Here Miss Claudia Bahr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Bahr was wed to Merwin A. Howe, son of Lloyd Howe, Estacada, Friday, December 7, at the Good Shep herd Lutheran church at 8 p.m. The Rev. 0. W. Ebright officiated. Soloist was Geraldine Rose. Candlelighters were Misses Glynda Brown and JoAnne Brown, who worea quacr ystaletted resses.' The bride wore a white lace over crystalctte floor length dress, styled with boat neckline and long sleeves. The fingertip length veil fell from a scalloped lace head piece trimmed with sequins and pearls. The bride carried a bou quet of pink roses and white car nations. Maid of honor for her sister was Miss Donna Lee Bahr. She wore a pink crystalctte ballerina length dress, and pink ribbon headpiece, and carried a bouquet of pink and white chrysanthemums. Best man was Floyd Jones. Usher was Marvin Foster. The bride's mother wore a brown and gold silk dress, white hat, and orchid corsage. A reception in the church par lors followed the ceremony. Pink and white chrysanthemums were arranged about the rooms. Mrs. Max Clevenger cut the bride's cake, . Mrs. Robert Bingham poured coffee, and Mrs. Eldon Brotherton served the punch. I he couple are now at home in Salem. MOLALLA (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ray of Molalla are announcing the engagement of their daughter. Miss Donna Mae Ray,, to David DcFrates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude DcFrates, formerly of Molalla and now in Mill City. Mr. DeFrates is em ployed by Weyerhaeuser , Timber company in Molalla and Miss Ray is employed in the First National bank, Oregon City branch. He was a graduate from Molalla high in the class of 1954 and she was in the class of 1956. A spring wed ding is planned. MOLALLA (Special) Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wise are announc ing the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Jane Wise, to Ronald Schoenborn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nolen Schoenborn, all of Molalla. No date has been set for the wed ding. Miss Wise is employed in Lonnett Insurance agency and Mr. Schoenborn is employed by Crown- Zcllerbach corporation, Molalla. He was graduated from Molalla high in 1953 and the bride-elect in 1956.' UNION HILL (Special)-A bri dal shower was given Mrs. Arlenc West at the home of Mrs. James Gilham, Salem, on Saturday eve ning. Games were enjoyed by the group during the evening. Refresh ments were served to Mrs. West, Mrs. G. E. Mills, Mrs. Julius Krenz, Mrs. William Krcnz, Mrs Myra Fischer, Mrs. Marion Fis cher, Mrs. Mert Gilmour, Mrs Clarence Jones, Mrs. George Lov- ett, Mrs. John Doerfler, Mrs. Rob ert Humphreys, Mrs. Verny Scott, Mrs. Guy Scott, Mrs. Robert Lier man, and the hostess Mrs. James Gilham. Mrs. West is the bride elect of Richard Krcnz of Victor Point. Business Women's Party on Tuesday Annual Christmas party followed the meeting of Salem Business and Professional Women's club Tues day evening, at the Capital Busi ness college. Guests were Mrs. Lu Verne Hardwicke, Mrs. Louise Clauson, Mrs. Albert H. Wilkins, Mrs. J. P. Hughes. Miss Mildred Yetter, chairman of recreation, arranged the pro gram. Mrs. Lucille Wardle, ex change teacher in England last year, talked on Christmas m Eng land. Miss Eleonor Roberts read 'A Christmas Story for a Lady." The group sang Christmas carols led by Mrs. Margery Rickard, mu sic chairman. Miss Claudia Peter son from South Salem High school talked on Christmas seals. Miss Nell McCue, director of the Capital Business college, was in charge of the decorations. The rooms were decorated in frosted fir boughs, red and green orna ments. The tables were decorated in holly and red candles. Mrs. Lillyan Bristow and Mrs. Louis Neuman served the refreshments. florists' design school last week in the Multnomah hotel in Portland. About 100 people attended from all over Oregon and Washington. WOODBURN (Special) Mr. and Mrs. George Timm attended a YARDLEY Perfumed Soap Chest Section I Page 7v She'll love you for giving her this beautiful assortment of luxury Perfumed Soaps (075) pint 101 J Ya'tflty ffoducti fof America art cinM hi England and firmhd in the U. S. A. I'O lh original Engliih (ormutaf, CM tn filng Imported and dome (tit fngredlenlt. Have Perspiration Stains Ever Ruined Your Dress? New ARRID with Perstop Stops Perspiration Stains - Stops Odor DRAMATIC STEAM BATH TEST SHOWS HOW This woman wet put in a teambath it 104 degrees. ARRID with Perstop whs rubbed into her forehead. Fif teen minutes later . . . . . . she was dripping with per spiration - but ARRID with Perstop kept her forehead dry. ARRID will do the umi for your underarms, too. Juit rub ARRID in -nib per. spiral ion out-Rub ARRID in nib odor out. When the cream vanishes you know you're safe even on hot, sticky days I hi . Vh. Li LI U -L-) M. AKRIDOith Perstop. utd daily, keeps your clothes safe fsfrom ugly stains, kept your underarms dry, soft and sweet. Carter Product! trademark for sulfonated hydrocarbon surfactants. ARRID with Pentop is IVi times as effective as all lead ing deodorants tested against perspiration and odof So . . . don't be half-safe. Re completely safa. Uie new ARRID with Perstop to be sura. 43 plus Uz. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS SLw (jWj) C to it's 'slipping' around OOMPHIES time Take a look at the calendar . . . take a look at your gift list, then peek at this sampling of our Oomphies slipper collection. Bet you can match up several names to a couple of pair of these delightful styles. 1. "Harem Lady" in velvet with multi-color jewel trim. N or M in sizes 4'j to 9. 4 45 2. "Petitpoint" multi-color embroidered black satin; N or M in sizes 4'j to 10. $g 3. "Harem Tears" in black or red velvet; jewel trimmed; N or M in sizes 4V2 to 9. 95 4. "Balinese" black velvet with jewel trim; N or M width in sizes AV2 to 10. tp5 Mail and phnne nrilcn. Plus shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. WOMEN'S SHOES STREET FIOOR 11 iyi '" umJ 1 ' ' ""mmt ' "" ' j y