Salem, Oregon', We'dnesiJaJr, December 12, 1956 THE CAPITAU JO URN AC Section 1 Pa?e 8. t $50,000 PRE-INVENTORY UNLOADING SALE Here is your chance to buy good quality merchandise at very reasonable prices. Many of these items are being sold below wholesale costs. We must unload before inventory time . . . Now is your chance to get some real bargains on all types of quality merchandise-There are many other bargains that we didn't have room to list. Come in and see us, we are in a selling mood. Reg. $33.95 P.I M Dl av rvn Reg. $39.95 Pal PLAY GYM 7 ft. top rail, 2" frame. Steel elider. saieiy swings, flying rings, adjust- if able trapeze bar, 2 horizontal bars, 2 basketball hoop and board, adjust- i 7-ft. top rail, J" frame. Swinj 111 glider and slide. aoie shower. $01 nt 24.95 I Reg. $2.25 1 CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS Set of 8 series type 49c. American made set of 7. Each burns independently, full length cord. Spatial Price $1.39 I Reg. 85c- - 6-FT. LIGHT CORD In colors Free, one 3-way color plug when you buy cord. 53c Reg. $39.95 Hamilton Beach ELECTRIC FOOD MIXERS Model "G" 29.66 1 Reg. $19.50- HAMILTON BEACK MIXETTE 14.95 I Reg. $5.95 1 Revere Ware SAUCE PAN IVi-Quart Size $3.95 Reg. 59c CHRISTMAS CARDS lfi modern, long folder type cards, complete with envelopes. Gay, attractive designs at a cut-slash price. 29c Reg. $6.95 1 DOLLS MARY LU WALKER 18" walking doll, dynel hair that can be comlfrd or brushed, unbreakable plas tic bodv and limbs. 2.99 Buy $10.00 Worth Of Toys And we will give you a $6.95 Mary Lu Waker Doll for only . . . 1.00 Reg. $2.98 Famous Game of SCRABBLE TV Game What's My Line $1.98 ... Reg. $6.95 1 Rocking Horse Hobby Horse 30x23 in. Strongly molded of fiber plastic Legs and rocker of wood. Also one made of all wood. $4.99 Reg. $3.95 1 PEPPERMILL AND SALT SHAKER SETS In maple they sell as high as $9.95 per set. These look just like maple but are made from beachwood. 99c rReg. $3.49 1 RANGE SETS Grease container and salt and pepper shakers made from spun aluminum, $1.49 I Reg. $17.95 i Presto Steam & Dry Irons With each iron we give you a scorch resistant cov er and pad free, also an iron holder. $13.99 ekcoFLINTWARE Triple layer stainless steel Radiant heat core spreads heat evenly, guaranteed for 15 years. Sauce Pan, l'i-qt. $095 Reft. $fi.95 Sauce Pan, 2-qt. ' $495 Re. S7.05 Sauce Pan, 3-qt. $C95 Reg. $8.95 Reg. $24.95 COFFEE MAKER UNIVERSAL Copper chrome plated, fully automatic. Kxclusivc fea tures, flavor selector, redi lite heat sentinel speed perkins cold water pump. $19.95 'Children's Socks TOP QUALITY ALLEN A. BRAND ARGYLES And 100 NYLONS Priced As High As 79e pr. CLOSEOUT 19C pr I Reg. $4.25 SWEAT SHIRTS Quality knit wear with rippers down the front Snus fitting nylon, rein forced collar. CLOSEOUT $1.49 50 Off CLOTHES Anvthing on hand, half price. Plavtex Baby Pan tiesBaby Hats Haines Inderwear and several misc. items. CLOSEOUT 50 Off A timely suggestion-if you would cut out this ad and mark an X with a heavy black pencil in the squares of the merchandise you wish and hand surprised how fast you could get waited en. This ad will be good through the month of December. These prices are good on merchandise now in the store. Phone 3-7957 Salem, I -Reg. $12.95 Wheelbarrow Heavy duty .one-piece tray, bright metallic finish. lOx 250 puncture proof tire strong steel frame. $ 9.49 I Reg. $3.50 PAINT Red Brown Grey All-Purpose Comparable to $3.50 Per Gal. 'Paint 1.49 Reg. 95c WIRE LAWN RAKE Sixteen spring steel tines, rakes lightly without tear ing tod. ' 69c I Reg. $2.69 RAKE Dandelion and crab grass, 26 curved V-shaped teeth, SW wide, 5-ft .handle. 98c Reg. 14c MANILA ROPE " hay rope Non-kink For lots of hard duty use. Selling below replacement cost. 9c per ft. Reg. $2.69 1 RUBBISH BURNER Rust-resistant, zip top, gal vanized steel, prevents fly ing embers. n.66 -Reg. $3.98 GARBAGE CANS Huge 20-gal. capacity, leak proof, rustproof, galvanized can for ashes or garbage. $ 2.98 Reg. $4.85 1 MAGNETIZED SCREW DRIVER SET Screw Driver set. Oxwall 6 magnetized screw drivers and screw holder Plastic, shockproof, unbreakable 77c I Reg. $7.95 METAL IRONING BOARD Pink and charcoal. Sets up automatically, closes simp ly. It's lightweight to han dle, stands solidly for easy ironing. 4.69 Oregon Byron Reg. $14.95 i METAL IRONING B0ARD-RID-JID OR METAL TOP Height adjustable from 24 to 36 inches. Chromed legs, $11.99 Electric Razor Sunbeam Shavemaster mo del YV and model WZ in plastic case. Shaves smoo ther, closer, faster wet or dry self contained cord reel. Formerly $28.50. CLOSEOUT 13.99 And Your Old Razor Reg. $2.89 COTTON RUGS 24"x36" loop twist and shag rugs with rubber ized backs. 1.93 ELECTRIC FAN FORCED HEATERS A Famous Brands TROPIC-AIRE Portable And ARVIN Up to $Q QQ $14.95 Val. O.OO I Reg. $9.95 UTILITY ELECTRIC FANS G. F. weighs only 3 '4 lb. Adjustable, tilts in any an gle, versatile, use it any where, even on the wall 7.77 --20 Off STEP ON CANS Several different kinds and makes. Priced from $2.69 up. 20 Off REG. PRICE PICTURES Helmscene these pictures have a fluorescent light built in them brings pic tures to life three differ ent sizes starting at $6.95, $19.95 and $29.95. Reg. $198.50 i ALUMINUM BOAT 12-ft. runabout, all welded light, weighs f.7 lbs. tight, rigid, one only at this price. 1 49.95 Reg. $2.95 CASTING ROD 5 foot glass rod, strong as steel rod with twice-the-price. Features clear glass shaft. 1.49 We Will Bfe GpM Iwry Night, 'Til 9 Through December 23rd 233 North CommCrCia I St. Cooley, Owner Store Hours from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. through December 23rd -25 Off- FISH NETS All sizes priced $2.00 to $6.00. from 25 Off . REG. PRICE - 30 Off SWIM POOLS Several different sizes, also sand boxes and steel slides 8 ft. Buy now and save. 30 Off REG. PRICE 25 Off COLEMAN LANTERNS All Models On Hand 25 Off REG. MAINTAINED PRICE I Reg. $3.25 PITCHING HORSESHOES Famous Gordons the "spin on" shoes, perfectly balan ced. Used in tournament play. 2.49 FLASHLIGHTS 2-CEU Several different kinds; durable switch, bright col ors, alt metal pre-focused bulb, values up to 79c. 39c GUNS Many famous brand rifles and shotguns. With each gun purchased -we will give you a gun cover value $6.95 one safely gun rest value $2.95 and one box of shells. DUCK DECOYS Moulded pulp price 51.25. Cut-Slash Price fiber, reg. 93( lire, price $1.09. Cut slash price. $49 -Reg. $1.09 CAMP STOOLS Compact, easy to fold, dur able drill fabric, cover on strong oak frame. Good "outing" areessory. 77c SIEGLER OIL STOVES The leader in the oil stove field. Brand new, some slightly damaged by freight handling. We can make you a real buy come In, we will dicker. DEEP FREEZE CHEST I;eonard one only, 15 cu. ft. chest tvpe, reg. $399.95, save $100.00. Spec. $299.95. One onlv 18 cu. ft. upright, reg. $449.95, save $150.00. $34995 TV SETS Used and repossessed These are reconditioned nd we give a 90-day guarantee on all parts. Priced From $AQOO And W J Up FOAM RUBBER In Bulk 1" thick, 18" wide, reg. price $1.65 per ft. CUT-SLASH PRICE 99c per ft. Reg. $5.95 TOILET SEAT COVERS Heavy sprayed white enam el finish on molded hard wood. CUT SLASH PRICE 4.49 Reg. $9.69 BOOTS Insulated paks, air space insulated foot resists below zero tempera turcs. 12" high, sizes 7 to 12. CUT SLASH TRICE 695 Pr 25 Off SEAT COVERS Beautiful plastics, also fib ers For all stock on hand we will give you 25 off from our reg. price. BUG & SNOW DEFLECTORS For Hood of Automobile. Assorted kinds and colors. . Values to 85c 9c each I Reg. $7.39 AUTOMOBILE SAFETY SEAT BELTS Meets rigid specifications, durable nylon webbing, self locking buckle. Kssy to install. CUT-SIASH PRICE f5.66 Reg. $3.00 TURTLE WAX Reg. $2.00 a bottle and a $1.00 can of car wash banded together. CUT-SLASH PRICE $1.33 Reg. $2.95- MEN'S LUNCH KITS With "Keepsit" thermos bottle with polly red top, in black or grey colors. CUT SLASH PRICE 2.23 I Reg. $89.95 DINETTE SET 5-Pc. set for small kitchen 30x40 Inch table leaf ex tends it to full 48 inch (1 only). CUT SLASH PRICE $59.00 Reg. $169.95 1 DINETTE SET Douglas "king ir.e" set 6 foot table, 6 jumbo chairs wide 3" polished chrome apron foam rubber pad ded chairs triple chrome plated chair and table legit. $99 95 (1 Only) 25 Off HASSOCKS Various Siiet 25 Off REG. PRICE Reg. $69.95 PLATFORM ROCKING CHAIRS Foam rubber padded at tractive tapestry up hoi atery with sturdy plastic arms and head rest. 39.95 I Reg. $19.95 NEW ALL-PURPOSE TV SWIVEL CHAIR New wrought iron frame with nullity tweed plastic upholstery. CUT-SLASH PRICE 9.99 Reg. $4.29 YACHT CHAIR CHAIRS For home, lawn, porch or boat strong oak frames and heavy duty fabrics to withstand weather damage. 2.99 Reg. $12.95 i CHAIRS A 1 1 purpose construction rat, washable plastic cover, will fit Into any room. $ 7.95 CLEANERS VACUUM New Westinghouse upright with all attachments. Reg, $124.05. Now $70.00. TANK TYPES With all attachment, reg. sn.r5. $0033 Now ITOISLl Reg. $5.09 STOOL LADDERS 100 steel, self folding 25W high. CUT-SLASH PRICE 3.88 I Reg. 4.98 1 TWIN STEP STOOL 2-wav, use both sides. This strong stool gives you dou ble working area baked $3.66 off- PYREXWARE AND FIRE KING , (1 Table) Some colored casseroles pie plates bake dishes." Vz Off REG. PRICK WHEEL DISCS White rubber or plastic easy to install and clamp on your tires need no ce ment. For 15" or 16" rims even for tubeless tires to match your other side walls. Reg. $3.98 per pair. 2.33 Per Pair 25 Off GARDEN HOSE & SPRINKLER SOAKERS Both rubber and plastic. Buy now and save 25 Off 25 Off MOWERS REEL TYPE And ROTARY TYPE 25 Off REG. PRICE METAL POLISHING CLOTH Polish is right in the cloth, cleans and polishes chrome, nickel, brass, copper, cleans fishing lures and automo bile chrome. Heg. 49c each. Now ft Only jFQ ea. Or 12 per carton for 60c. Reg. $9.95 Rosemount Pattern CHINA DISHES Open Stock Service for 4 NOW ONLY $3.93 Reg. $249.951 DELUXE IR0NER ABC-Brand New. A steal for someone. (1 only). f'l'T SLASH! PRICK $1 66.00 ytwr mltit cbrk. You would be First come, first served. 20 Off TABLE LAMPS PIN-UP LAMPS TV LAMPS ONE TABLE FULL 20 Off ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES All Varieties 20 Off OUR ALREADY LOW PRICES - Price TOYS OF ALL KINDS One Table Vi Price Jewelry, Pins, Earrings Cuff links, tie clasps, from 98c to $4.50. 50 Off Plus Tax '' -Reg. $2.35- SWEDISH COFFEE HOTTER $I66 I Reg. $12.95 i BURGESS JIG-SAW Safe and constructive elec tric saw just plug It in and it goes to work. Sealed In motor. $ 9.33 Reg. $3.98 Electric Irons Streamlined design, gleam ing chrome finish extra wide beveled sale plate for long life, dependable heat ing element, genuine wal nut handle. $2.66 SPONGE RUBBER MATS Values to $3.00 Approx. size 18"x30" 99c Reg. 99c ICE CREAM SERVING SCOOP Solid cast aluminum, can not rust, ideal for serving vegetables, (re cream, des derts, potatoes, salads, rice and etc. 66c