3 .3 a Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 12, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page 9 House Probers Identify 6 as RedFronters Denaturalization Action Vrcd Ajjainst Stan ford Art Prof By LEIF ERICKSO.V SAN TRAN'CISCO lf In two days g! San Francisco hearings. a House suticommiltee on un American activities identified six leaders of the American Commit' tee for Protection of the Foreign Born as Communist party monv bers. Rep. Clyde Doyle (D-Califl, subcommittee chairman, said the ACPFB's purpose was to wipe out the safeguards against Communist conspiracy operations provided by Ihp nation's security laws. The subcommittee flies today to Seattle to conduct hearings there tomorrow and r riday. The subcommittee recommend ed at the close of (he hearings here last night that the Depart ment ol Justice start denaturali zation action against Victor Ar- namoff, Stanford University art professor since 1937, on the ground that he has been identified as a Communist. The artist, who said he is on sabbatical leave, was identified as an active sponsor of the foreign born group. Arnautoff muttered. "I still re sent the pumpkin papers" when a photograph of his painting of Vice President Nixon holding pumpkin and titled "Dick Mc- Smear was entered in evidence Norman Leonard, his attorney, jerked ArnautofCs sleeve and the artist slopped. 1 es. 1 made that piclure, per iod. Arnautolf then testified. He declared he was not paid by Ihe Communist party, for painting the picture. Rep. Gordon Scherer IR-Ohio) described it as express ing Arnautoff's and the Commu nist party's resentment of Nixon's uncovering of Alger Hiss with dis covery of the "Pumpkin papers." Nixon was a committee member when the first Communist dis closures against Hiss were made. SEATTLE A House Un American Activities subcommit tee opens a two-day hearing here Thursday on Pacific Northwest Communist-front activities aimed at the nation's security laws. Twenly-five witnesses have been subpoenaed to appear before ' Ihe subcommittee. About one-third of those, according to a suhcom- .' mittee spokesman, will be from tha Portland area. Weyerhaeuser I Board Elects TACOMA (fl The Board of Directors of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. Tuesday elected F. K. Weyerhaeuser of St. Paul, Minn., as president of the firm. Weyerhaeuser succeeds his brother, J. P. Weyerhaeuser, who died of leukemia last Saturday. The new president of the com pany, which has vast timber hold ings in the Pacific northwest, is a former chairman of the board of the timber company and is president of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. The board also named Charles Ingram, general manager of the timber company, as executive vice president. He will retain his duties as general manager. Carload e IVORY FLAKES lirgt p Brffifi IV0RY reffl SN0W Kg' 35c This year give a carton of oranges for a most welcome Christmas gift, and charities. A gift for the whole family. Solve your gift problem for your friends APRICOTS Nop,dtiRnTs1 MDTmi tc a ok re Bbck 1.1 r I VII I EH DHyj MIXED NUTS BRAZIL NUTS 48 1 lb. bag 3 or$l .B,65 59' CALIF. SMALL SIZE MEDIUM SIZE Seedless Navel 4 2 ORANGES $ LaaaaV MWKhl A f Jai Doz. "U Carton 144 DASH for AUTOMATIC WASHERS 91b. 13 oi. Pkg. 249 , Camay C&n Soap KIT Doz. 69 Carton 110 LARGE SIZE Doz. 49 1 lb. bag 49 ALL SPECIAL LOW PRICES EFFECTIVE AT EQUALLY FOODLINER IN WOODBURN Carton 88 111 A m m t j I aS m M 1U. " U Avocadnt 10 I Mm mm . r... jm. mm mhbhmhhhhi roaoes -397 Vb&izix I Yellow II m " I II Protex Deodorant Onions 3 ia II p- 3.69 lifjjf WWiziT 4 Pie ii topi with men. Bui o brand new eggnog pie with tresh flavored. Holiday "trimmings" that comet out ol a can ol IGA Fruit Cocktail ii tops with every, one during the coming Holiday season. Come in lodav. lor your recipe on Fruit Cocktail Eggnog Pie I Extra Fancy or Del Monte Fruit Cocktail 303 tin 21c - . IGA l l.l 5 23 Knox GELATINE Mayflower EGG NOG Quart $ Prices Effective Thurj., Fri. and Sat., Dec. 13-, 14 and 15 Pretax Deodorant IGA Table-Rile VA to 3fc Pounds Whole Drawn FRESH J)C Sg Soap ' Zee Towe's , 20c jT ZEE Wax WX paoer ioon.20c I BETTY CROCKER HOMO iPic Crust Mix Senators Seek Channel Cash WASHINGTON un The Bu cau of the Budget Tuesday was asked to allocate money to deepen ; the Columhia River channel he-, tween Vancouver, Wash., and The Dalles, Ore., a distance of 85 miles. ! Democratic Sens. Morse and; Neuberger of Oregon and Mac-i nuson and Jackson of Washington j joined in the request, sayins the i present 15-foot depth of the chan-( nel would soon be inadequate in view of heavy industrial develop-1 nient along the river. The four senators said funds should he included in next year's ' hudcet to deepen Ihe Columbia's channel between Vancouver and The Dalles to its authorized 27 feet. Yellow Appears Best Color for Hunter Safety FT. LEWIS. Wash. i - A third series of color tests to increase rnnters' safety will be held to de termine vhic'' can be seen easiest red or vellow bats, says Col. V F. Sloan of the National Rifle Assn. This series will he held in country with a predominence of yellow foliage and vegetation Tests held here last week showed yellow to he six times more visible to men with normal vision than red. while yellow showed up 8ft times better for men with color blindness. A similar experiment, carried out at Ft. Ord. Calif., last year, also resulted in a preference for yellow over red. Col. Sloan said. Exact location for "the third series of tests has not been announced. I SERVE THE Season's BEST NO-COOKENG HOLIDAY CANDIES GET RECIPES AT IGA STORES! IIP YOU'LL NEED: RAISINS Sn: COCONUT NESTLES 1nlCT Miniature 8 oi. Pkg. Dromedary ... Large Morsels - Pkg. Marshmallows I'kK. INSTANT PET Nonfat Dry Milk . Large . Pkg. 39c 29c 39c 29c 79c Sunshine Hydro Matolj COOKIES SALAD OIL IGA PUMPKIN BISQUICK 12 oi. Pkg, 2 Full Quart No. 2', tins 12-in-l Mix Urge Pkg. 39' 39c 69c 25c 39c Cut-up Pan Ready Fresh Fryers a lb 39 Dubuque Country Maid SLICE r M Zee Sandwich Bags if L 21 a"" A ZEE Napkins Asst. Paper U.S. Good Grade Ste-r BEEF Blade Cut ROAST Hormel Cooked CANNED PICNICS 4 lb. Tin Borteleu Skinless Gp9 Each Order Your Fresh Christmas Turkey Early for Better Selection PINK VEL Liquid Detergent Gunt iOv Can W M FLORIENT Daodorint l,cr 89 km NUBORA S0APpWner Giant lf uli Sin U7L 3-lb. 7C SM,- can Ull XS 7QC 'jJ' BABYMEAtC5,,M, II II -fS 1Bd I 1 GERBER'S BABY " " noodles V CEREAL . 19c ' Devil. Food-White CT (gr XX Mr V S - ' fTjJS'' Spice Yellow Tl lljl 'aJ' Marble-Choe. Malt XS V 20 oi. Pkg. y 4 mwyA Purex N I , i i an raSTann toothpaste m I : Beads of Bleach SHOP.and SAVK at Thee InrlepenHendy Owned and If i I 8 1 I I Combmalion W HJI J i ' 1 ' O.ed.OA STonK.S II- JH jS IA g ff U , 8 0I. I I.AHIT. .Mi.y. oecurr, V3 US VSi Ii V U Ro3 4" E"h M ii - J IC Mt.k.l IGA Martial IGA Foodlm' IGA M.rk.l 116110 lClSiyClll J0U S. Con.1. "50 '" W.Hg.i. SKoppIng 4JOO N In,, rt. I f IOUAU-S fOOO.lNEt, W.orJbv... Or.j.n a f' IGA Stores Reserve the Right le Limit Quantities ) Uk U VI U XJ U M Vl M ii llS? Pg(;( WW IGA Sno-Kreem SHORTENING IGA Enriched FLOUR Betty Crocker CAKE MIXES Purs All Vegetable Reg. 83c Save 4c All-Purpose Reg. 89c, Save 10c ROMAN MEAL 35' Whole Wheat Large Pkg. fasl RELIEF for LVt lib's l lcx Wi Ortftl - ft Wl Utt $km R-Me Ekii0 l.iri ei It . - . CSHTAINI CEREAL ROHAN MEAL m i ...j