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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 12, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page 5 Two All-American Roses Shown ta Tthfj' i ' ,i t -ntut in. ?', sa v - ' jut'"".' s a Tun spectacular roses, Golden Showers dell) and While Bouquet are the winners ol the coveted All-American Rose Selections award for 1957. The award Is the highest in the flower world and brines the total of number of rose varieties to 45. Every entry in the AIl-American trial Is ' tested for two years In 25 trial garden located in various sections of the country. Golden Showers Is the first pillar and climbing rose to win the award in many years while White Bouquet Is a white floribunda. Questions Answered By MARK M. TAYLOR Can I propagate my roses by It taking cuttings, if so, how? R. L. Yes, but the favored method is budding to establish under stock. Cuttings may be taken by selecting cuttings about seven Inches long, wintering them over In fine soil outdoors or a propa gating bed lndcors. The buds on the cuttings will put out roots which may be carried along in pots or In the open ground. Roses, however, propagated from cuttings, known as "own root roses," are never as vigorous as bushes started by budding, or grafting, to ragged robin, shatter or multlflora understock. It's fun to experiment, but do not forget that many of the named varie ties of roses in your garden are protected by plant patents that prohibit propagation by either of these methods. The safest, and cheapest method in the long run, of Increasing your rose plantings is to buy new plants from your dealer. You can be sure of quality and no Infringe . merit on the rights of others. Shouldn't roses be pruned now? Mrs. C. M. No pruning is advisable at this time unless there are damaged or diseased branches which should be removed. The pre ferred pruning time for roses is in February, to Insure good bloom in late May and June. When is the proper time to prune ihrubs and trees? V. R. There Is no hard fast rule applicable to all shrubs and trees. However, spring blooming thrubs or trees should be pruned Immediately after flowering In stead of now. Generally, sum mer and fall blooming shrubs and trees are best pruned in win ter. Evergreens may be pruned at nearly any time of the year. RIGHT PAINT FOR TRIM When buying white paint for the outside trim of your house, tell the dealer what material is used on the exterior. A self-cleansing type of white paint should be used only when the siding of a house is painted white. Unpainted ma sonry or stained shingles call for a non-chalking paint on the trim. oiu. mole. rnj. WITH SOAP Of WAX m WAX OR SOAP makes a screw easier to drive. But it's easy to misplace a chunk of such lubri cant in the tool box. A shallow hole drilled in the end of a ham mer handle will hold wax or soap where you can find it. Since a screw is usually started with a tap from a hammer, you'll al ways have the lubricant handy. I GOT THE IDEA FROM THENEWARDEN Vtwim rakHALF GALLON! L ji a nt a (prefers to 0hip v.qSb3Q&C53 c P i S. Ry- FREIGHT SCHEDULE PS Sarin makes just or big shipment year am) he cant take chances iih a late delivery. The Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway offers fast dependable service, careful handlinj and convenient schedules to all major points in the United States. So whether you ship once a year or every day, ship via S. P. 4 S the railway thai gives you personalized servic. for information call: R. C. TETZLAFF OrOQja Electric Freight Dopal 'ft' Qmnmral Orrtw fcmnrfwo Bor Blda., forthmA Or SPOKANE. FOMIAXD oad SEATTLE All-America Choices Ideal Gifts for Rose Fanciers By MARK M. TAYLOR Capital Journal Special Writer For the rose hobbyist, there is no better remembrance at Christ mastime than the best of the new in roses to add to his collection. The two outstanding roses for 1957, worthy of the coveted All American Rose Selection make admirable gifts for the rose lover on your Christmas list. White Bouquet is a white flori bunda with fragrant, gardenia-like flowers up to live inches across. The intriguing quality of this rose variety lies in the fact that blooms are produced singly and in clust ers on the same plant. The plant is bushy to 18 or 24 inches mak ing it an ideal rose for bedding or foundation planting as well as for specimen use. The foliage is a lus trous, dark green. Golden Showers Climber Golden Showers is a Dillar and climbing rose, a type seldom rat ing the All American award. The blooms are large and a deep yel low, blooming repeatedly from spring through fall. The foliage is large, leathery, glossy and dark green and very resistant to mildew, a problem in this area. The use of Golden Showers as a climber attached to a trellis or trained on a fence, or as a speci men pillar rose, makes this new All American winner a desirable plant for planting on the home grounds. Great Demand Expected If past . experience repeats itself, these two new All American roses will be in great demand through out this season's and the spring planting season. Gardeners arc urged to make their selections early to avoid disappointment. These roses are, by on means, the only desirable roses to use for Christmas giving to that favored friend. However, a rose bearing the AARS (All America Rose Selection) label assures the pur chaser of a rose that has been thoroughly tested in gardens throughout the country and that will perform well in this locality. Past Selections These past All-America Selec tions are still "tops" in the rose gardening world and deserving of a place in any home garden. Peace (canary, buff & apricot hybrid teat, Helen Traubel (apri cot - pink), Charlotte Armstrong (carmine red, Mojave (sunset orange), Chrysler (red-red), Forty niner (red and yellow), Sutter's Gold (fragrant yellow), Nocturne (dark-red), Lowell Thomas (canary-yellow), Taffeta (pink, copper and orange), Tnllyho (pink, & crimson) and Mmc. Chiang Kai shek (pale lemon yellow). The foregoing are all hybrid teas of accepted beauty. Among the choice floribundas that have received the All Amer ica' Award in past years, that are still outstanding in home plantings are: Fashion (coral-peach). Flora dora (orange - scarlet) Lilibet (dainty pink). Ma Perkins (pink & gold), Vogue (cherry coral), Jiminy Cricket (coral-orange) and Circus (red, yellow, orange and pink). Anodized Aluminum Colorful; Anodizcd aluminum is now bring used to add comfort to homes. This is aluminum that is given a color change by an electro chemical process which differs greatly from the well-known busi ness of adding granular pigments to paint. The color of the aluiiii num itseir is changed from its usual brilliant silver appearance to copper, greenish blue, gold, pink, cornl. Where does the comfort come in? Well, that comes in because the aluminum doesn't lose its high heat reflective value by changing its hue to suit you. So you can have a thin alumft num electric heating panel, witty a natural finish of a soft gray placed on your wall to toast your shins and warm the whole room without having to stare at a shiny and glaring contrivance. You can parat the asphalt! shingles on your roof a cobalt blue or flamingo pink, for example, and get all of the cooling reflective qualities of aluminum without worrying that your sun blinded neighbors might inquire about your ,. "tin hat." KEY TO SIMPLICITY CHICAGO tfl A staggering load of 12'i million pounds of keys is toted around every day by all of the people of this country. Leon Koteh of Yale & Townc told the National Locksmiths' convention that this load could be cut by far by resetting all locks in a house and in the family car to work with a single key. DIVIDEND NOTICE The Board of Directors of STATE FINANCE CO. hot declared the 37th consecutive semi-onnual regular cash dividend on the Prefered Stock. This dividend ii payable on or before December 31, 1956, to the stock holders of record at the close of business December 20, 1956. ERNEST H. MILLER, Vice-President .J. . ' i . .i .i . , AT WOODRY'S ... SO. COMMERCIAL ST. Purchased Expressly With Your Holiday Dining Pleasure in Mind Plus Free! $24.95 Console Serving Table Our Special Chrstmas Gift to You! soon SAVE 60 PIECE DINING ENSEMBLES in beautiful woodgrain finishes 2 life . lii 8 24 vuf mauoso rft Qi3S!QqB9fflB JjL J Just $5 Down Delivers jj r 8 PC DINING ENSEMBLE includes the following 60" TABLE Big, beautiful, finished io woodgrain Micalite. Defies scratches, stains. 6 CHAIRS Contour-shaped forcomfort. Covered in washable Duran. CONSOLE SERVER Adds real elegance to your dining area. F YOU GET ALL THIS FOR LESS THAN THE REGULAR PRICE OF TABLE 4 CHAIRS ALONE CONSOLE SERVER, a Elegant Console Server So practical too Finally a place to put serving dishes The ideal place to carve roasts, turkeys, etc A LARGE SELECTION OF SETS TO CHOOSE FROM TAX TABLE TOPS Choice of Luxurious Woodgrain Finish CHAIR COVERS Choice of Latest Decorator Colors IS Special Courtesy Nighti for your shopping convenience, Woodry's will be open 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Monday through Friday fr- - J 'rrrrr-wsrJ" sr' I ll I rfe--rf - w - -f a i mm iw S t " - - r .j mZ2mszti&m. i i i vmmn YTT-v. bout Mocha Aiurt Whttf Cat TV V Honu W I P"v.- j r , W rt Liptluk Mint Bluih '-ml If VvV?.'Aii.tYWi railway smm 1 .'.rf 0 o