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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 12, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 1 Page 11 Kids Dive i6r Mothers in YMCA Class if,' ' 0 -:.':'ipn ft ::y ...... This line of small children had plenty of confidence about going Into the VMA's instructional pool Tuesday. Each one had their mothers to catch them as a molherynunjzster swimming class opened its first session. Class Instructor Mrs. Robert Smith is dnirn at the other end of the pool. (Capital Journal Photo) Christmas Spirit Strikes Kcizer KEIZER (Special) There's Christmas in the air, and time to hear the old carols sung by chil drcn. This is only a part of the the program to he presented at the next Kcizer TTA meeting. Thurs day at 7:30 p m. Mr. Shrllon will direct the Kcizer school chorus in a few of the familiar Christmas soncs. Airs. Norman Young will be there to inform the parents and teachers how the PTA welfare committee works and what it does for the school and community, also how the PTA members can help. And for the parents who haven't stopped learning. George D. Por ter, supervisor of the adult educa tion classes in Salem, will outline a few of the many adult classes at the high school. There will be a group discussion of the problems of the intermediate grade children. Blood Flood for Alhanv Reserve ALBANY (Special) Albany area blood donors turned out in force Monday at the Elks club and deposited a total of 205 pints to the Red Cross blood bonk. Six persons made their 16th do nation, reaching the two gallon mark. They were Louis Knowles, Lyle Wachsnicht, Vern Gray, Har old MacHugh, Joyce Mclnois and Howard Atkcson. Joining the "Gal loneers" club with their eighth do nation were Charles Killins, Mrs. Esther Mallon, Mrs. James Ken agv, Donald Banta, Gerald Wen dell, Philip Nicburs, Andrew Dan- iclson and Mark Wright. Temi-Agrrs Fined For Liquor Parly ALBAXY (Special) - Five teen agers, whose wine drinking spree was tntenipted by the arrival of two Albany city patrolmen, plead ed guilty to charges of heing mi nors in possession of liquor in mu nicipal court here Monday. The five were fined $25 each and costs. An appeal from a previous con viction of driving while under the influence of liquor against Arthur Olc Solum, 39. Portland, was dis missed. The previous judgment of $175 fine and 90 days license sus pension was ordered reinstated. Forger Sentenced ALBANY (Special) -Harold S. Gourley was sentenced Monday to serve three years in the Oregon state prison for forgery, on which he was convicted by a jury In cir cuit court last Wednesday. Gourley was accused of forging a $10.00 check March 27, 1954, using the Dwight Glassey Dies at Albany ALBANY (Special! Dwight Alexander Glassey. 54. RFD 4. Al bany, died at the Mennnnite Home for the aged Monday following a long illness. Thp funeral will be at the Fortmiller-Fredericksen Funer al home at 11 a.m. Saturday. Bur ial will be in Willamette Memorial park. A resident of Albany for the past 29 years, Mr. Glassey was born at Grand Junction, la., on Sept. 28, 1902 and had resided near Jef- ftrsnn for nine years before com ing to Albany. Surviving are two brothers, Ar chie Reginald Glassey, Albany; Theodore William Glassey, Sweet Home. Mr. Glassey haa been en gaged in farming. name of Louis Marin as payee and D. L. Johnston, Tangent, as the payor. make travel a family affair. Leave Monday, Tuesday, Wednet day or Thursday, en CITY OF PORTLAND 22 TO CHICAGO ri 1 1 Pi. CM or unit: UNION PAClflC FRED UNGENFEIDER Gansral Pauangar Agtnt Phona CApitol 7-7771 751 Pittotk Block Portland J, Oragon "CIDDYUP" PONY ONLY $10188 t 1 1 HJTK0iCra( c r i i it a r 'HT.-M-i.-i.-L-i .i-.-.-a.. r.mti-vtwr.j u mr i-xrm mi & SAM Sl " Sa . a F ?aJI -IVK r t Easy Budget Terms PARK FREE I While Shopping at Our Store OpenFri. Nite 'Til 9 11 ' for the holidays ahead ' OKI EXXTTIM OT-D-ID-II. nylon priscillas Reg. 7.98 120x81 in. Size to Pair LoltolfO I Pair "Charge It" en SRC. The widest curtain we have ever offered made with an extra wide 8-in.,' ruffle. , So sheer, so easy to drape, they stay permanently crisp. So easy" to wash and iron! REG, 17 98-220x81" size to pair ... P,r REG. 27.98-320x81" size to pair . 3" W REG. 34.98-400x81" size to pair .. Ig" EXTRA WIDE HARMONY HOUSE LUXURY LINED READY MADE DRAPERIES FOR W-D-E)-E !Af-D--E ItfDNDQirJS BUY THEM TODAY! Enjoy them Tomorrow! winTow, ' jj (0j (0l BRING IN YOUR Up to 44 I II mi mi NtAiUKtMtWIi IneheiWlde U LJ TODAY! Traverse Rod to fit 2.39 LJ "CHARGE IT" ON SRC Exclusive prints styled and fabricated by foremost designers. Wide selec tion of prints ond solids in the latest decorator colors. FULLY LINED-FACTORY FRESH! would sell for 2S.M . . custom made, is low as I 13 88 pr. up to 72" wide Traverse Rod to fit 3. .19 would sell for 34.35 . . rustom made, as low as 17 88 pr. up to 9K" wide Traverse Rod to fit ..-4.3!) would sell for M.M ... If Jfc i $ ? 3 tRstrJi f & ruatom made, as low as paSjjjyJ 'rSly gC Traverse Rod to fit ...... B.3S Z . GREATEST ASSORTMENT EVER! FULLY LINED DRAPERIES! i 111 WW ADD-A-WIDTH RAYON Reg. 6.98 88 LENGTH rprfpet wiflthi for any window . . . Just honk several pain tngrthcr. limm : ; 4 It. V it r V "". ADD-A-WIDTH m COTTON RAYON Reg. 9.98 LENGTH Dramatic rlnsisn on texturfri Raynn and Acrtatr. Buy nnw! ill li 111 ADDA-WIDTH COTTON Barkcloth Reg. 16.95 to 21.95 LENGTH Custom made, vat dyed preshrunk; 2 to 3 heavy wpisht cotton Bark-cloth. HAMILTON FURNITURE CO. 130 CHEMEKCTA SALEM. OREGON v uxrwzZ Til ' ' WWW' cCTm Chromefast Acetate BEDROOM ENSEMBLES Harmony house beauty with s flair for quiet eleganca ' Print coverlet twin or full Chfomefmf lexturtd badroom mcmbloi ttut blnd g'iciouily Into Ihi basuty of any .Hint). Coordlrurt your own tnm ble uung lh tjjtotic Ttmpla ftlli print, Htr mony Hoi;i lolid colori , , , Bronzt Oretn, Wmg Hut, Froiry Pink, plct Brown, Ftdtral Gold , . . tnd whitt with Lurtx. 14 95 print draperies print or solid cafes 7.A.1 solid color dust ruffles .95 ' .3.95 fosm rubber pillows 3.98 Practical, Charming Woven Cotton Bedspreads GIFT PRICED Exnuitittly ttilortd Harmony Houta gift bed Iprtad) iptciatly finnhtd to lbd d'rf ind wnnkltt! Cboict of tbrtt pttftmi In tn irray of dtcorator colon. Frtthrunk. Twin and full litti. GIFT PRICED CHENILLE BEDSPREADS as low at 4.98 til 9 p. Hi! 3-9191 550 N. Capitol