Page 10 Section 1 Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, December 11, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Riesel Attack Mastermind's Trial Delayed Judge Orders 4-Monlh Deferment to Let Anger Subside NEW YORK Itf-Tria! of Johnny Dio, who the government contends Half of State's Land Used for Freeze Costs Farms, Chamber Speaker Says Nevada City's Water Supply Agriculture Second Largest Industry In Oregon CARSON CITV, Fifty per cent of Oregon la;.d is used for agriculture, including range and pasture lands, and, listed between lumber and tourist business,., it is (he state's second mnctorminHrH thd an iri. Mi nrKntt nf lamest industrv. Dean Karl Price labor writer Victor Riesel, has; of Oregon Stale College (old a ! terms, hriAn nncinnnnH until nnvi enrinrf : farmer d;iv audience at the L'harrv Kn.tinn f i..-.. ,.,nB u hnr nf f'nmmnrvn mnntino at tholCCnt Of the DODulation WCrfi DfO WUdY, i.tmnuu J I nit i .iiuiiuoj. - I " Federal Judge William B. nor lands yesterday ordered adjourn- agricultural production, and that it is possible if this keeps up that the nation may some day find it hard to produce enough food and iiuir iur u Mpiuijr growing pop- Charies Russc nas "It is a patter for serious thought," he saiu. Close Interlocking Unlike the condition that ruled in former times he said that there close interlocking of the the city and the consum- Country Very Portland OKs R"?dWlr,crcII.S. Expansion 111 JAIAV-B. I PORTLAND CD A $1,575,000 Of) The remodeling and expansion pro Negro Officer Given HD for Tipsy Driving WASHINGTON Wt VANCOUVER. B.C. rugged, snow-eovered mountains gram fo the city s high schools Force has decided to give an hon xt.. rn i near iiuiiiwacK, d.v,. wnere aiiwcu uj mc i un oraDJC aiscnarge to ui. tnus n AmAienA !r C01 CIH.T5 Ull lUUKIIIg IW It IIUftSIIlK lJVIIUUI uuai u .'lunuaj n.S..i GLLiariQ Vir- . . . ,. . . c.. I Ur LM..,ot.Hc j Saunders, a reserve officer who 6 Votes Okay Paris Budget PARIS Ufi Premier Guy Mol U' nWirit hnHi'et for 1957 has The A,r been approved by six separate bal lots in the rrcnen national As sembly. . In its final ballot lasi nignt, me g.nia City an emergency area as J"s5"' A"hm NArt,h' A JLllm".. .' resi,I?ed ,.lisreeme"' Assembly approved 215-184 tl the! f Ik. n.n..l..i:nn ......... IIIC IIUIIIV3. the Department iho rirci i..n in twiner (ndfral Slar wlln 62 persons aboard have warned that enrollment prospects a 1!l54 conviction on a drunken ; r(,,.nl.H aii.irilljon-franc ($12,857, aid to halt the historic town's bc:n known 10 hold their sccrels lncale ,lhc nt'cd '"r a tn' hl. driving charge. 1 166.000) budget for metropolitan "'y- ?Y when Saunders chose to resign : France. An additional Jiu Diiuon fourteen years ago, on Dec. 20, : northeast districts won. He sad; Aj Forcc sajd hefrancs ($865,715,81101 probably will 1942. residents of the Chiliiwack Jefferson and Grant high schools . j , gcnera, iis-! bo approved for Algeria and mil area heard an airplane droning arc cro vded now and that enre!l- ,, honorable ! itarv operations against the na- 1 I a i "V j ""7 Z iT ,, .conditions, but it is less desirable pitch darkness, fog and cloud as capacity hy 1962 honorable discharge. me pnoi vainiy iriea io una nis towards was instructed by ine o.r.l!lrv i the Air Force board to consult with the City . Quares announced late yesterday that Saunders, a Negro, is oeing week-long water crisis. The wooden flumes carrying water from a mountain reservoir froze because severe cold weather came ahead of snow cover to in- If of Interior bearings. The head of Iho de-' responsibility of producing enough approves the governors omccj Nine months later a search ' Planning Commission on nariment at the rnllepe s.-iiri also food and fiber for the population sa!a Ar 'orcc Base will be plane spotted the wreckage of a tion, possibly a site for that the more than 54.500 farms j anc nave enougn icii io sen io lor- - lu ui'jp Jill luu.ic me lie. I "Citv limits." he said, "are no And Federal funds would he mnl nf lhA trial until A nril 94 over b'ilter objections of defense '" ln" latl! y',M ! income cisn. countries. ..... nf nu JlO millinn i CltV Hill S counsel on me couris own moiion,"' " "" ' :Ii ,j .;. u t. ,, b the Deak of 7.200-foot Ml. William land that is dropping away from boundary. I hey are only a tax vcr uiy ana American riais. SOlU' new Canadian Pacific Airlines Lock- school in the area. It would be heed Lodestar which had crashed the city's fourth post-war high with 13 persons aboard. It was on school. for adjournment. Herlands said the four-month delay was ncces- narv for Din and three niher in : agriculture in the nation gel a fair trial. The judge said ho I whole should be viewed with some wanted public emotions to simmer I concern. He said about a million down. acres a year are dropping out of The government took no position I on adjournment. S2.1.000 Soil all t Herlands' ruling, which came nt ! ' . a pretrial hearing, surprised both defense and prosecution counsel. Riesel, whose column is syndi cated nationally, was permanently blinded by a thug who threw acid In his face outside a Broadway i fections and $25,000 damages has restaurant April 5. Three other been filed in Marion county cir- men were given prison sentences cuit court. last week as conspirators. I Thc pnintif in the litigation is The government charges thc at- Carl J. Benson, who charges liob- lacx on Hiescl was aimed at in- ert Chidester as being responsible tlmidating him in connection with ! for divorce proceedings which In Alienation of Affections Suit A suit involving alienation of af- boundary. j In the meantime, many Virginia Changes In Mrthod I City residents go to Carson City Dean Price mentioned the j to take baths and bring home changes in agricultural methods ' buckets of water. The water com- with the coming of irrigation and pany is helping by trucking mechanized farming and said the i water in. main change is taking place west Knight, 73 miles southeast of Van couver. None of the 13 bodies ever was brought out. A cabin and plaque marks thc spot where the wreck age was scattered. RKSCCE TRUCK BOUGHT a rackets investigation into thc garment and trucking industry. Dio, whose real name is John Dioguardi, jumped up and ran over to talk to his attorney, Wil liam Kleinman, when Herlands made his announcement of ad journment. The others accused1 with Dio, 41, of Point Lookout, N. V., are Theodore (Teddy Ray) Rig. Margaret H. Benson instituted. The divorce was granted. The couple was married Nov. 30, 1947. CITY ENGINEER RESIGNS HOOD RIVER UH Hal Puddy. ,' Hood River city engineer the past four years, has resigned effective I Dec. 31. He will return to thc General Construction Co., Port land, as assistant dredge super- of thc Cascades. There was a large turnout of farmers for the meeting, many of them invited guests of chamber members. Special guests were members of thc Oregon Holstein ! , j .....i.ti.. ,..kil. t.w , !- " lug its annual meeting at the Fjelland, Pendleton civil defense hotel. j director, reports. Although owned Dean Price was introduced by by thc city it will be available Marion County Agent Ben Newell, i for use throughout the county. New Road to Reduce Mileage Lv .3 Miles given an honorable discharge af ter study of his case by a Dis charge review board. Saunders has said the Air Force was pressured by Sen. Stcnnis (D-Miss) to get rid of him a contention disputed hy Stennis and the Air Forcc. At his home in DcKalb, Miss., Stennis said he had tionalist rebellion in that North African area. It is estimated that the total will mean a deficit of nearly 683 billion francs ($2,828,567,000). The Socialist Premier made all six ballots votes of confidence in his government. FIREMEN ELECT LYONS (Special) Firemen elected Marshall Powell fire chief, Al ironson, secretary-treasurer: Raluh Hurst, Chet Grimes and Chester Boy assistant chiefs. tStop in for a FREE LESSOX on Hammond L .Organ 5t HATCHERY MEET NEAHS PORTLAND m The Western division of the American Poultrv 1 tion. PENDLETON m A disaster and Hatchery Federation will j Frank Morgan, division engi and rescue truck, bought with meet here Wednesday and Thurs-ineer for the Oregon Highway city, state and federal funds, is d3? w'm discussions of improved ; Commission, said Monday the new January Arlo manageineni inemuus anu new . section wuuiu ue upenea early in nnccDiiun in Tha rtmirin iiiwhwai diinn heiwnnn linse-lno comment on the new action burg The Air Forcc has maintained it followed normal procedure in tell ing Saunders he had to resign or be dropped from the service be cause of his conviction on a drunk en driving charge in Mississippi. and Myrtle Creek will be reduced thrc miles by a new sec tion of the route nearmg comple- , j , , '"' i intcndenl, a position he held on Charles Tuso and Charles Salva- Lomine here. No nuccessnr has tort Carlino, I been named. I I A I "fc 90Mff ' li 1' VTfV1 c H Large economy jars k JPJI lljPV&r- For Generous Servings jLJC i r I We Mail Any- MELMN-YOUR MOUTH JAMS AND BERRY SYRUPS FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING CM 1-3585 r 1-7036 0y or vi. lor Informolion and Frto Color Folder RonandflinorBLUNPELL tm SALiM.OHKOH B j r --T not loo hot. . . not too bland ! Slow-simmered for just-right home-kitchen flavor You don't I nred an ! S anpoinimrnt You owe it to yourwlf to try a private lesson with no obliga tionon the Spinet Model Hammond Or pan. You'll rarcely believe that it's really yourself producing cuch glo rious music. The Spinet Model It easy to play. Even if you know only a little about music, atop in to ee it aoon PIANO COMPANY 1280 State St. Ph. 2-5281 (WS Hfillf fflffllffl Miff DINE IN THE OREGON ROOM Open for dinner each evening Monday through Friday from 5 to 8 P.M. . OREGON ROOM STREET FLOOR 14 FREE STrRE-SBBE DAE1KDNG FR 1OO0 ACIS 'iv w - vi.? v-'' t 1 Tr,- - - ' . 0 o