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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1956)
Salem, Oregon,' Tuesday, December li, 19S6 1 Page 8 Section 1 HE CAPITAL JOURNAL j Capital Women I ! Edited by MARIAN LOWKY FISCIIKR 1 , TrnrTfTTt i i mmnmrmr-"- r-r-"" m I iff , Campus Duo Announce Engagement ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bennett of Garnctt, Kansas, are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Barbarajean Bennett, to Rich ;md L. Bagger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bagger o Salem. I No date is set for the wedding. ; Miss Bennett, a graduate of Garnett High school, will receive "her B.S. degree in education and business from Midland college, Fremont, Neb., this coming spring, fclie is a member of Phi Omega sorority on the campus and has ung with the Midland choir during 3irr four years in college. ; Mr. Bagger, a graduate of Salem High school, is a sophomore in Midland college, having entered the , department ol geological engineer- j lug alter spending two years wiin the armed forces in Alaska. ' HONORING Bob Williams, New York hair stylist in Salem for a few days, Mrs. Bradley Burkland Entertained at an informal coffee this morning between 10:30 and 12:30 o'clock, inviting some 30 Jrirnds to call. ' son and Mrs. It. L. Berhow and THE WOMEN'S Society of World j Mrs. w. G. Rogers were junior Service of Ihe Englewood Evangr- j winners at Ihe Knights of Colum lical United Brethren church will , bus Bridge club Inst Thursday meet at tne home ol Mrs. wmis Bradbury, 940 Park avenue for Junchoon at 1:15 p.m. Thursday. 'A program will follow. SPIRITUAL Sunflower club is meeting Thursday between II a.m. and 3 p.m. at the First Spiritualist church, 1320 Madison. The no-host luncheon will be at noon. ; SILVER Bell circle. Neighbors Tif Woodcraft, plans a formal meet ing Friday night at 8 o clock at Salrm Woman's club house. ; There will be initiation. On the Tefrcshments committee will be Mrs. Harold Brcsslcr, Mrs. O. B. Long, Mrs. Ramsey Miller, Mrs. 3'hilip Andrcgg. ' ALPHA PHI alumnae met last Evening at the home of Mrs. Law rence C. Mcrriam, Jr., Mrs. Rob 'ert Kriess assisting. The .mem bers brought clothing, food an,l other articles for Ihe family to be assisted at Christmas time. Miss Alene Pcg Phillips was wel comed back by the group follow ing an absence in Washington, D.C., and Portland. I ' TAI1ITHA Missionary Fellow ship of the First Baptist church will meet at the church Thursday at 10 a.m. The group will work .on the white cross until noon, when a sack lunch will be served. - The business meeting will begin 'at 1:30 p.m. All women of (lie ;church arc invited to attend. A SON. Richard Donald, Jr., was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Richard I). I.oe, Saturday. December 8, m Ihe 'Salem General hospital. Also wel coming the baby is a sister, Julie anne. Grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Power of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Richard 11. Lee of Port land. Great grnniLparenls are Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Rich! of Appleton, Wis. ' "'5e'i3f'SSf: "oday's Menu EVENING SNACK '. Nice for now and Christmas lime, too. Cherry Nut Mounds Culler CHERRY NIT MOUNDS Ingredients: 2 cups sifted en riched (lour, 'i cup sugar, h lea spoon salt, 'a teaspoon almond ex tract, 2 egs i separated i, 1 cup liutter or margarine at room temperature1, 2 cups lulled oa(s (quick or old fashioned , 1 cup i chopped nut-meats. 48 candied; cherries. Method: Sift together flour, su- gar and salt into bowl. Add a-l mond extr.-Kl. egg yulks and hut ter: be;it until smooth. Stir in oats Form into 4 doen small halls. lip each ball into slightly beaten van whites; roll in ehnpped mitim-ats. Make a hollow in each ball: place I'alt a candied cherry in each hol low. Hake on creased cook v sheets in slow ;v5 decrees oven 15 to '20 minutes. Mak cookies. 4 doicn I I A W.1 Tells Troll. Miss Bnrbara jciin Bennett, ebove, Garnetl, Kansas, has announced her en gagement to Hichard L. Bagger of Salem. 'Skoglund picture, Fremont, Neb. I Bridge Winners Mrs. K. Haird and Mrs. W. Wil- night. Other winners were Mrs. i E. W. Hughes and Mrs. J. Shoe maker, Mrs. L. J. Marker and Henry Kropp, Mrs. O. E. Mueller and Myrtle Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Archer. Senior winners were I.Mr, and Mrs. A. II. Cramer, Mrs. E. M. Page and Mrs. W. A. j Ranch, Ray Ward and Waller Cline. At open pairs championship senior winners were Mrs. Harry Wiedmer and Mrs. R. McKesson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beyers, Mr. and Mrs. Max Moore, Ed. Lewis and Elmer Berg. Junior, winners were Mrs. George Haley and Henry Kropp, Mrs. O. E. Mueller and Mrs. Myrtle Watson, Mrs. Charles M c E 1 h i n n y and Mrs. E. W. Hughes, Mrs. Martha Harrington and Mrs. F. Nicholls. .,. LICENSED Practical Nurses as sociation of Salem area plans a no-host dinner anil gilt exchange on Thursday nigh1 at 6 o'clock at Ihe annual Christmas parly lor the group. The party will tie at Salem Woman s club, lucre will hc a pro gram and entertainment. The event is for all members, families and friends. ORCHARD HEIGHTS (Special) Tho Orchard Heights Woman's club Christmas party will hc Thurs day night, Dec. 13, at 7:30 o clock, at the home f Mrs. Amnion Grice with Mrs. A. A. Wither and Mrs. Lee Gibson assisting. "Secret pals" will he revealed as well as a gifl exchange conducted. WII.I.A.MINA (Special) - There were 24 in attendance at Ihe De cember meeting of the Civic club Thursday in the sub-auditorium of Emmanuel Lutheran church. Mrs. Earl Richardson presided, at the meeting. Mrs. Ray Morrison, Girl Scouts chairman, reported on the Girl Scouts and their activities. The members are to take sev eral gilts lo Ihe next meeting, on December 211, to hi- sent to Camp White for the veterans, and also lo be given to Ihe Good Cheer club. Maxine Buren of Salem was speaker at the meeting, and told of attending the loth Food Editors conference in New York in Sep tember, and of visiting at the U.N. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Richardson. Mrs. Cliff Rugg and Mrs. Sam Smith. MOLAI.I.A (Special) As Ihe next meeting ol Orchid chapter Order ol Eastern Star, falls on .ew oars day. January I. Hie mcciinii has neon canceled. Ihe, next regular meeting will he lues- day owning, January l.i, reports I Worlhv matron Mi I' l.'..l.. As ,", ,sl ,,, , , tor ():ik Rehekah ),..!,... i: , Christmas dav. I ii h r there probably will be no rcuufar meelini: then, slates the noble Brand. Mrs. Kvelvn OImui. WII.I.AMINA Special - T h c Willamina tiardeii and Civic ihili.s plan their recns sale on Satur day. December 1 . at the Nice Kleetnc Co. building. Sways, dry rraiiemeiHs ami wreaths, aumi; with cake and collce feied (or ale. will he GOT THE IDEA FROM THE NEW ARDEM 'Utwiw pak HALF GALLON! President Named by SWClub Mrs. Orvillo Kannier, Jr., was elected as president of Salem Jun- a i uu ,Uuu, willing to replace .Mrs. Robert Carey who is moving to' Enterprise. Mrs Richard Baltantyne, a director, was elected to replace Mrs. Kan nier as vice-president, and Mrs. 1 Inward Trice was elected as a director. The club voted to qive an addi tional f41 to the Haven school for back payments. They have al ready given MM. A sum of $63 will be given to CARE, for Hun garian relief purposes. Christmas gifts are to be given to patients at Ihe -Tuberculosis hospital, and a contribution will be given to the exchange students scholarship loan fund. A contribution was vot ed to be given to the penny art fund for further education of art students. A sum of $1000 is being j alloted for use at Wallace Marine park. t .Mrs. Richard Allen spoke on the civil defense program. Mrs. How- ard Price announced a Christmas parly to be given bv the Junior Woman s club for Haven school. Friday, December 21, from 1 to .1 p.m. A Santa Claus from Meier & Frank's-Salem will distribute gifts donated by members of the club. following the business session, entertainment was furnished by j iris at Ilillrrest school, undrr the direction of Mrs. Gordon Rrnw nHl, principal. Mrs. Robert How- ells and Miss Janet Phinps. Christ mas carols were sung by Ifi girls. A tan dance, pantomime and baton twirling were presented by three girls and two girls sang solos. Miss Donna Stone from South Salem High school, spoke on "Why We Should Buy Christmas Seals." Refreshments were served by Ihe committee, and Mrs. Carev gave a farewell sn?rch to tho club. MOTHERS . . . club of Willa mette chapter, Order of DeMolay for Boys, plans its Christmas meeting fo, Thursday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Stan ley Rolfsness, 2370 Bluff, with Mrs. J. C. Renault as co-hostess. Plans will be made for the group's part in the comin installation for the DeMolay chapter, and refresh ments will be served. WOMEN ol SI. Mark Lutheran1 church plan their monthly meeting for Wednesday nicht at 8 o'clock in Ihe church. There will he a Christmas Program wilh special I music. New nlficcrs will hc elected. All women of the church are in vited to attend. ROTANA club has arranged Us annual Christmas parly for next Saturday night, December 15, at Salem Woman's club house. A no-host dinner will he served for all members and their husbands and other guests at 6.30 o'clock CHRISTMAS parly for World War I Barracks and auxiliary, dis - trict 3. will be in Veterans of For - eign Wars hall. Wednesday al 6:30 o'clock. The supper will he a no- host one, each attending In take a dish and table service, all auxil- iaries and barracks in the district ocing invited. WOODIU'RN (Special) -Annual R.I.L. dinner and Christmas party for members of Chapter .1. ot Ihe I'.f.o. Sisterhood and Iheir hus bands will he Thursday, Decem ber 13. The turkey dinner will be served at 6:30 pin. in St. Mary's r.piscnpal nail. Ihe committee in charge includes Mrs. Carl Magnu- suu. cnairman, .Mrs. usenr Ulan chard. Mrs. C. K. McNary, Mrs. Jess Kikan and Mrs. Fred Oilgers. The R.I L. committee, which in cludes Mrs. Lloyd Froom. chair man, Mrs. Charles Cormvoll. Mrs. Glen Schwehke and Mrs. George I). Jones, will have charee of the program and exchange of Christ- ,.,s A box for donations of gift items :,n, (,,. (or ,0l..,i nmW ,mm. mil l... ,a a ; n... i. , , . ' ' ..""M U iTnnn 1 r I--, and H1 be presented lo I i I lie ami V Hi Ilin. for I'lirKlinnt IL, ! if Wfi'&$$ Ski I I m ! I WEDNESDAY - DEC. 12 1 f A. m s 1 Appearance of l I R Mr. Bob Williams. R'-fi Appearance of Mr. Bob Williams, Special New York Stylist WAOTY iAtON- SICOND HOOK Open House Set Invitations are out for an open house for which Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Burkland will entertain next Sunday afternoon at their f'andalaria Heights home. The af fair is arranged as a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krickson to Ihe neighborhood. The Kricksons Fffftntlv nnrhnc.H Ihn Ri.rtl-.pH h ,h' T', j U home 'hc. Brkland Planning to go to Idaho in the early winter. Guests are invited to call between 2 and 5 o'clock for the Sunday , PartJ'' ! w?8. mmzmmmpmsmiimiait Mil. AM) MRS. H. O. White ob- served their wedding anniver - sary Saturday. No special observ - ancc was noted. The couple were married by Judge John Scott 55 years ago at the home of Mrs. White's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cox, pioneers in the Silver ton area. They have one grandson, Gordon White, and two great granddaughters living here. Club Aids Needy At Tuesday morning's meeting of Salem Credit Women's Break' fast club, Mrs. Glen Powers re- ported on the family to be taken care of at Christmas by the club. Mrs. Mila Smith and Mrs. Jack Schimberg arc on the committee to buy gifts for the family. All members of the club are asked to bring food for the family to the club's Christmas party next Tucs- cay. Mrs. Chester Cushing presented Ihe new educational lesson on "You." Star Event Salem chapter, Order of East ern Star, met for a dinner and a Christmas bazaar before their reg ular Saturday evening, at the Ma sonic temple. Winter greens and red candles, were used for the dec orations. The regular noon luncheon will be December 19 at the Masonic j temple. Mrs. Harold E. White is ' the general chairman. The committee in charge of the , decorations and refreshments Sat urday included Mr. and Mrs. Don hid Crenshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Calaba. Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Simonson, Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sogge, Mrs. Wayne Kuhl, Mrs. W. D. Claggett and Miss Edith Fanning. WII.I.AMINA (Special) The Bunco club met last week at the home of Mrs. Ray Carlson. Mrs. Lionel Graham won first prize. Mrs. Lorraine Crone second and Mrs. Benny Delker consolation. Olher members attending were Mrs. Violet Kihlstadius. Mrs. Pat Olsen, Mrs. Jessie Trotter and Mrs. Elva Rickard. WII.LAMINA (Special) Mrs. Lorraine Ashwell was hostess last week to the Pinochle club at her home. Mrs. Lillian Ashwell won high, Mrs. Maxine Risseeuw, and Mrs. Dorothy Houston, pinochle; and Mrs. Letha Caligan, low. Oth- ers attending were Mrs. Lila Ash- 1 well. Mrs. Harriet Davis. Mrs. 1 Marie Carter and Mrs. Emma : Koclus. ! ALPHA PSI chapter of Beta i Sigma Phi is not meeting Wednes- 'day. the usual dale, but is meeting instead on Thursday, members ! planning to visit the Salem Garden I 'club Christinas Green show at I Izaak Walton league club house. .ll'ST I.IKEII APPLE PIE ft GRAND RAPIDS. Mich. (UP)- S The thief who broke into the Ilen-! ry Johnson home apparently was; just hungry. The only thing taken ' H was a piece of apple pie. 8 HIM SS V ol Impon.J lin. OISTINCTIVI HtN'S WtAA n CORNER OF SINAIOR HOTEL it st rat i i (a t ma vss ks : S SPORT COATS g f 0. IOUART II K '"3750 O 5i "m S PS Si Betrothal Announced Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. John son announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Claudia Joe Y ., Z .. '. , " of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Tate of Sublimity. No wedding date is announced. Miss Johnson is a graduate of Stayton High school and is now at tending Oregon State college, where she is a Delta Gamma. Mr. Tate is a graduate of St. Boniface school and attended Ore- on s,ate college. f , i Ceremonial, Holiday - Party at White Shrine A ceremonial and Christmas party was given by Friendship shrine of White Shrine of Jerusa lem, Saturday evening at the Scot tish Rite temple. Eugene Morrison, David Walton Phelps, Mrs. David Walton Phelps, Glenn Bowman and Mrs. Glenn Bowman were initiated into the order. A gift was presented during tne evening to the worthy high priestess and watchman of shep- ; herds, Mrs. David D. Phelps and air. rneips. Alter the ceremonial a Christmas party was given in the dining room. Santa Claus was played by William D. Conner and Christmas carols were played dur ing the evening by Miss Mary Ann Hogan. Mrs. Williar.. Stewart was in charge of the decorations in the shrine room. Mr. and Mrs. Ola Jorgensen were the chairmen of the refresh ment committee, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Duncan, Mrs. Alice Le Soine, Mrs. Lucy McDowell, Miss Lola McFarlane, Mrs. Jessie Rush Mickelson, and Mrs. Eugene Mor rison. Visitors for the evening included Mrs. Albert Rasmussen. district deputy, Mrs. Frances Lightner, worthy high priestess of Willam- elle shrine, Wayne Henry, Albert I Rasmussen, Mrs. Myra Ward, ' llrs- Lucia Keyt, Mrs. Flossie . neuweii. an ot Willamette shrine, and Mrs. Marie Conner and Mrs. Laura Gosney of Cedars of Leba non shrine. WOODBURN (Special) Belle Passi chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, has set its Christmas party a week earlier than previously scheduled. Mem bers will meet Thursdav. Decern- ber 13. at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Mark Thompson in Wood burn for a dessert. A Christmas program and exchange of gifts is planned, the gifts to be 25-cent items. Nuts and sugar for the an nual donation to the Chemawa In dian school are also to be brought to this meeting. SILVERfON (Special) Attend ing the 82nd birthday anniversary of Walter Larson at th Salem home of Mr. and Mrs. Larson for a dinner were relatives from Sil verlon including Mr. and Mrs. Al- vrn Legard, their son, Harold Lc gard, and the exchange student guest for the year, Terje Strom of norway. Miss Althea Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Larson, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larsen. the complimented guest was born in Culver, Kansas, and has been a local resident and also of Salem for the past 35 years. , ' ,j V. . 1 ?01? inree ol his sons were not able ri A ". 'i 1 1. , ,. T ' Jaclt n"i0rlal' lmn ln Washington. I A GIFT FOR HER I 8 NEW 1957 PORTABLE GENERAL a ELECTRIC DISHWASHER 07 nly 8 Give Her a Gift to Be Enjoyed 1000 Times Each Year and Every Year NO PLUMBING REQUIRED LARGE CAPACITY ANYONE CAN USE IT E. Dishwashers As Low As $172.50 N Mney Dewn imwt.iar.mjt:K j 36S N. COMMERCIAL OPEN MONDAY IHBU' -rBIDAT Miss Paulson Is Bride Nov. 24 KE1ZER (special) Miss Janice Paulson and Willis Mack Fitzpat- rick, Jr. were married Sunday afternoon, November 25, at a 4 n'nlnlr .,.,MId in tho Pnith 1 .It. theran church at Keizer, the Rev. Warrcn Peckman officiating at a dnuhle ring ceremony. The bride wore a traditional wedding dress of net over satin, trimmed with seed pearls, and styled with full train. A pearl en crusted crown held the chapel length veil of illusion net. The bride carried a bouquet of r e d roses. Matron of honor for her sister was Mrs. Glenn A. Lem'aster, who wore pink net over satin and car ried a bouquet of white carnations. Miss Nancy Howard was brides maid, and wore a blue chiffon. ballerina length frock, and carried pink carnations. The bride s niece, Angela raw- son. was the flower girl. She wore a floor length dress of blue net over saun anu carneu a uasnci ui red rose petals. Vocalist was Mrs. Ray Boucher. Organist was Miss Shirley Bagger. Mrs. Paulson chose a beige suit with brown accessories for her ! aaugmer s weuuing. ane aisu wore a corsage of gardenias. The bride groom's mother, Mrs. W. M. Fitz patrick, Sr. wore a blue dress with white accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Candles were lighted by t h e bride's brother, Marvin Paulson, and her nephew, Robert Paulson. Serving as best man was Lawr ence Baldwin. Ushers were Otis Anderson, Orville Paulson and Robert Stebbcns The reception following the cere mony was in the church parlors. Cutting the cake was Mrs. Joe Boucher, aunt of the bride. Pour ing were Mrs. Lawrence Baldwin and Miss Patty Howard. Allen Paulson passed the guest book For 6inl! away, the bride donned a gray suit and corsage of orchids. Alter a honeymoon at the Oregon cast, tne couple will reside at 441 Pine Street. SILVERTON (Special)- Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Towe entertained at their Mill street home Saturday evening at an annual Scandinavian supper as a surprise birthday an niversary complimenting Mrs. F. M. Powell. Lutefisk and lefse were the spe cial supper features. A social hour was enjoyed during the evening. Places were made at the table for Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Powell. Mrs. Minnie Ovcrlund, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Towe. Willamina PTA Dinner Planned WILLAMINA (Special) Feb ruary 22 was set for the annual P.T.A. dinner, by the members meeting last week. This dinner is the annual money raising project of the P.T.A. Mrs. Carl B o e h 1 e r reported another Den Mother is needed for the Cub Scouts. Mrs. Golda Ramcy's second grade class had the highest per centage of parents attending. The Ministerial Association was i n charge of the program. J. L. Turnbull. assistant state superintendent of schools will speak January 8 on "Why the high cost of Education." Green Stamps SIS 111 9 P.M. Till CHRISTMAS 8 2 I i Dancers Election New officers were elected for he Mid-Willamette Valfcy Dancers association at their recent month ly meeting, at the West Salem City hall. Jim- Shindler is president: Deb White, vice president; Bill Parrish, secretary-treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. James Goin were appointed as a state clearance committee for jamborees and spe cial area dances. Callers for the evening were Jim Shindler, Wallace Baltzell, Chuck Rowan and Keith Rabes. A bejinners square dance jam boree will be Saturday, January 12, at 8:30 p.m. at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall in Salem. Program committee for the jam boree includes: Jim Shindler, Deb White, Mose Van Dell, Rosemary Wiles and Wallace Baltzell. The next meeting of the Mid Willamette Valley Dancers associa tion will be Wednesday, January at g piD1, at the YMCA, Club Sets Meeting WOODBURN (Special) Wood- burn Rural Woman's club plans its regular meeting Thursday, De cember 13, beginning at 10 a.m in the Woodburn Methodist church and will feature a "Luncheon is served" at noon in the church din ing room. .Mrs. Lester Henn is chairman of the ticket sales com mittee which includes Mrs. Malin Hammond, Mrs. Charles Yuraken, Mrs. Albert Rheinholdt and Mrs. Clara Stange. Tickets also will be available at the door. During the club meeting names of "secret pals" will be revealed in the exchange of gifts and new names for the coming year will be drawn. Hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Joe Uphoff, Mrs. Perry Mc Gaffee, Mrs. Delia Pillsburv. Mrs. Jennie Earl, Mrs. W. W. Sporal sky, and Mrs. O. J. Rudi. EAST SALEM (Special) - Mrs. William Hartley was hostess for the December meeting of her birthday club at her home Satur day night. Following the 6:30 dinner cards were played. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Peffer, Mr. and Mrs. William McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hcin, Mr. and Mrs. John Hcppner. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lar- kins, Mrs. Laura Pangle and the nosiess. HAVE YOU HEARD . . . that the favorite meet ing place for women of Ihe Salem area is Meier & Frank's-Salem each Thursday morning from 9:30-10:30 at COFFEE AND" TIME . . . a "come as you are" coffee hour for women , . . featuring informal .modeling of daytime and sports clothes in a friendly "over the coffee cup" atmosphere. EVERYONE HAS FUN . . . and so will you, when you join your friends for "Coffee And" time this Thursday at Meier & Frank's Salem. P.S. Facilities are available at "Coffee And" time for your own coffee parties. Call 3221 1 -Ext. 291 for reserva- OREGON ROOM g lions 2 2 Tea Thursday A tea will be given Thursday af ternoon honoring Mrs. Stanley Ker zel, a first grade teacher at Hoo ver school who will soon be leav ing to join her husband. He is in the army stationed at Ft. Stewart, Ga. Mothers of first grade students are arranging the affair at 3 p.m. at the school. Hostesses are Mrs. Arthur Cav anuagh, Mrs. Adam Dcibert, Mrs. Wilfred Opager, Mrs. Louis Wirtz, Mrs. Chester Fenton, Mrs. Earl Clark, Mrs. George W. Dewey Jr., Mrs. Charles Paeth. MRS. DONALD WELLS will be hostess to members of her bridge club Wednesday evening, for des sert and cards. Grand Officer at Rainbow Meeting DALLAS (Special) Miss Ann Metsker, grand worthy adviser of the grand assembly ol uregon, paid her official visit to Naomi as sembly. Order of Rainbow for Girls, recently. The closed meeting was con ducted by 'Mary Ellen McCleary, worthy adviser of Naomi assem bly. Becoming members of the or der by initiation were Misses Le anne Salisbury, Kay Taylor, Karen Edwards, Iris Esau, Nina Norberg, Loretta Barry, Louclla French, Marilyn Barry, and Kathy Prater. Among those introduced and es corted were Mrs. R. S. Kreason and Art Woods, worthy matron and patron of Naomi chapter. Order of Eastern Star, and Miss Mcrlea Le- Fors, a grand representative of the grand chapter of Oregon. Following the meeting members of the bow gave a degree in honor of Miss Matsker by giving her the letters to form Rainbow and pres ent of money to go toward the grand worthy adviser's project for one year, purchase of bath lifts for the Masonic and Eastern home at Forest Grove. Refreshments were served by the Rainbow Mother's club. At the regular meeting of Naomi assembly, last week, plans were made for the post-Christmas dance December 29. Committees appoint ed were: Program, Miss Karen Johnson; hall, Miss Pat Lantis: decoration. Misses Judy Page and Nancy Aelley; refreshments, Miss es Karen Casey and Carol Woods. Theme of the dance will be "Sil ver Starlight." The group voted to donate their nickel drill money to the Christ mas cheer fund. It was decided following the next meeting the members would go Christmas car oling. WAKE UP C10CK-MDJ0 S1 $4195 This beautifully styled C E clock-radio wakes you to music (or a buzcr alarm if you need it) and a convenience outlet on the back saves you precious morning minutes b starting your coffee maker or other home appliance-automatically! It lulls you to sleep with soft music at night - then gets you off to a smiling start in the morning! Includes phono-jack for record player with audio magic switch and Dial-Beam tuning. Choice of three colors: Mahogany, Ivory, Pink. Price includes 90 day written warranty on parts and labor. 3695 This beautifully styled G-E dock-radio wakes you to music (or a buzer alarm if you need it) and a convenience outlet on the back saves you precious morning minutes by starting your coffee maker or other home appliance automatically! It lulls you to sleep with soft music at night then gets you off to a smiling start in the morning! Mahogany and Antique White. Red and Antique White. Champagne and Antique White. NO MONEY DOWN ZtK green stamps I ftl H 7 J, ' J I M 3 IV l.ll I 1 4 111 r . T I I . t i j i tj I 365 N. Commercial OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Til 9 P. M 'Til XMAS Lafayette Women Organize New Club LAFAYETTE (Special 1 The Banner club of Lafayette met lnt week at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Blough. The club will be disbanded and a new neighborhood club will be organized under the name, "The Friendly Club." The new or ganization will start with 14 mem- ' bers, with their first meeting to be in the home of Mrs. Vanna Bryan on January 2. Two visitors were present for the final meeting. They were Miss Frances Sampson and Miss Su zanne Johnson. The group played games and visited, with Mcsdamcs Edna Rector, May Fitch, Leva Quayle, and Sophia Hills winning in the games. Refreshments were served to Mcsdamcs Sue Thair, Vonna Bryan, Edna Rector, Leva Quayle, Myrtle Blough, Cora Hod gins, Arie Wiles. Clara Prosser, May Fitch, Sophia Hills Bcrnice Johnson and Helen Williamson, in addition to the visitors. SOUTH Salem WCTU plans Its regular meeting for Friday after noon at 1:30 o'clock in the parlor of the Leslie Methodist church. !Sa:!3S:rsyIS!:SS --S:.'VJ; j S Ji Tor a i WXMASI l PRICES $36.95 UP f ALSO TR1KES WAGONS R REBUILT BICYCLES $ HARRY W. SCOTT St (EASY TERMS - TOP TRADES 2 1!3aajs.- aiti5 MODEL 911 Pay Only $1.25 per wk. MODEl 940 Pay Only $1.25 per wk. . I I I I l r K . I , am I Sim w 2 IE g Long Kemembered ,'! BICYCLES B See Oregon's Largest K Ijj Selection of Bicycles g at hc SBisiraiiasniHiaiaNWEinisniiaiaii I I O O O n