for CALL Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily? ACCOUNTING SE RV1CE Leon A. Fiscus Ph. jl-5285. 1509 4th St. ADDING MACHINES BH? ",you rent- A1lakp"s Rnen -Type writers. 456 Court Ph. 3-6;3. APPLIAN C E S " WESTING HOUSE Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So. Com'. pn. 4.2m S Ac T Gas Conversion Burners. Repair gascontrols. Ph. 4-4685 bedding' CAPITOL BeddtnMaUrcTs- novators New mattresses 3-4069 BRICK & 'block mason" BRICK" and block. " Work guar anteed. Ph. 4-6435. C A1I1NETS Kitchen remodeling, cahmets lazy daisies. lormica top 4-4253 CARPENT e r-c ontk A C TO R Bui!dinB Re-mndelirTg will Build, or help vou build Ralph M. Scheidel. Ph. 2-0701. C EM E NT JCONTRACTO R Contractor 10 yrs. exp. rompt Service. E. Drake 4-6330. CORSETTIERE CHARIS " CORSETTTERiF" 2.180 Lansing Ph. 2-9519 CRANE WORK 23-ton Lorain moto crane Sa ernSandA:G ravel Co. 2-2461. TO PLACE AD INTHIS GUIDE PH. 4-6311 800 Real Estate too Houses For Sale" BREATHE AGAIN! GET YOURSELF A LIT TLE DUPLEX, and let the OTHER guy make the payments for you I It's new. and nice too. Each unit has 2 bed rooms, utility, birch kit chen and garage. If you have a small house, the owner misht even take that. $12,500. Call 4-87R8 for hetfl, or Eve.: Dick Olson 4-4183. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2fi0 N. HIGH PH. 4-6766 SEE THIS For only $12,500 you can buv this new 3 bedroom ranch home. 2 baths, dining room. flus breakfast nook, over 1300 t. of floor space. New subdi vision with paved streets. 2 car garage, loo. Call Bon Cleary Eves. 3-89.19 Don Dcmldcm Near So. Salem High t" rw. Bal. MS mo. 2 bdrm. horn, with Inside uttlttv. mas tered. H w. fir,. Thl. Is a real buy at $7.0(50 or partly furn ished at IS. 450. Allen C. Jones Realtor 1 No. Hifh Ph. S-38."8. Eve. 4-16W1. 2-SA4H FOR LARGE FAMILY Check These Plus Features 4 Fed rooms Den in Base ment Hotpoint dishwasher Reautiful drapes Enclosed back yard Fruit Trees Close to school St bus Low upkeep. Plus many other money-saving advantages including. 4,j'"r Mortgage $70 Monthlv payments Total Puce Only $10 950 For Sale By Owner Call 2-6765 for appointment St details. West Salrm SMATJ. house $3,950, $150 Down. $50 a month. South Krizer SM ALL house. $3,500. $150 Down Wl a nionln. E. A. McGlauflin. Rltr. US V High EM. 2-RG11 EM. 3-Ml 2. Balsnee tfl rM t $58 per mo.. Inch taxes St ins.. 2-bdrm , with citv watrr loreo1 mil Dallas Rd. to 155 College Dr. Drive bv and look ai'ur is open If interested. Ph. 4-61M2 or 4-.'lS32. NEW LOW PRICE ARE YOL' TRYING to squeeze the very mol out of vour ho-.ise iron ev? $1950 down 'possi bly even lei put? yoj In a home That wil! dr ltght vou BRAND NEW. buill w:th an eye lo please, you will find your 3 hrdroons l;i frath, douhle Krage, m INs new ne'Chborhond. for onlv 111 S.VT We sug gest vou call 4-S7,w or Eve.: "Walt Jones 4.7IU2 to inh e your houe problem once and for all. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2fi0 N HIGH PH. 4-6766 SALE or trade 4 bdrm. home, good location, full hasement, small down pvmt Will carrv enntrart. Th. 4-1976. IN C-3 7-one North. 90 '.00 cor ner Int k adj. 50 x 100 lot Each lot ha a 3 bdrm. h"ue ith eonere:e bjn't. EC. ren tal record Fine dbl gar . suit, a'.e for shop on Corner t2 (Wi Reav rin. pvrrt Ph. 4-246 k. ends or after 5 .V p m. BYBlJlLDER He1 3 bdm ruTom built l-Tre, eh-itce loranon Ph 2-7071 rav t tvr 1" v"'i" furfl. W tppliuees. Ph. I-5K0. Save tine -Save money the Best Professional Service! II EXCAVATING EXCAVATING & Grading. Ditch wg, Earth Moving a specialty. Ben Qtjen St Son. operated by Mrs. Ben Otgen St Kmil Otjrn. 818 E. Rural Ave. Ph. 3-3080. FLOOR COVERINGS NORHIS WALKER PaintCo". Floor-covering Division Quali fy installations Linoleum. As phalt & Rubber Tile. Wall tile Free Estimates 4-2279. GRADING & DOZING BULLDOZING, grading & land clearing. Elmo W. Locker, owner Sc operator. Ph. 2-4613. BULLDOZING 85.50per nr Ex cavilling, trencning. tile lay ing, septics. etc. fcnoch ' I. Ma en. Ph. 4-3517 alter 9 a. m Bulldozing, leveling, land clear ing. Dean Robinson. 2-8797. DOZING & LEVELING Ph. 2-0952 D. PANTOVICH BULLDOZING clearing " roads". ponds. D-4 D-6 carryall. V. H u s key. Ph. 2-3146. PLUMBING PLUMBING. Remodel St new construction He. plumber 2-9596 TREE pruning, topping, also shrubpruning. Free est. 4-9352. RECORDING STUDIOS ALL types of muste or speech recorded by Connelly. 2-7821. ROTO-V ATI NG " Rnto-Vator work wanted, Vincent Kremer 2-3180 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sate $850 Down LOCATED on Abrams Avenue. Close to Washington Grade School and Waldo Jr. High. 2 bedrooms. L.R., kitchen and dinette, bath with shower, utility room, breeieway to ga rage. Elec. heat, paved street, close to bus and stores. $8,500. Walnut Park LOCATED walking distance to State Hosp. and Capitol Build ing. Hot water radiant heat, fireplace, wall to wall carpet ing throughout, drapes and elec. range Included. 2 bed rooms, large living room, din ing room, kit., utility room, large attic storage room, cov errd patio, back yard privacy, $13,000 with 20-", down. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING. Real Estate Mortgage Loans Insurance Office S-9217 Eves. I-4J09, 3-73S6 LOVER OF TREES? WE LIKE "EM TOO, so we're always glad when we have a home with large or unusual trees. To top It all off, this particular home is a new one. and is actually one of the KEENEST homes we have had in a long ' time! WE MEAN IT. TOO. There are 3 bed rooms and a roomy fam ily room. We're mighty proud of this one for , only $14,750, and we're sure vou'll be pleased too. Call 4-67HR. Eve.: Cordova Stephenson 4-6149. Ted Morrison, Realtor 200 X. HIGH PH. 4-6766 WE HAVE moved to the country so owner says sell this nice 3 year old 3 bedroom home, on paved corner, on city bus, close to grade school:- Enjoy the many shrubs and bricn work in fenced back yard. A quiet St. Vou will like it. Sefr To-Dav. $11,500. Terms. Call Bill Fidler, eve. ph. 4-7448. A MAN'S HOME IS HIS CAS TLE Here's a ten acre build ing site, fit for a king. Exotic view of Salem, with all the pu.-Mbiltics for country living and for convenience No other can compare for alue or beauty. Only $7,000 2'y , down and contract bal ance. Call Ejstridge, eve. pn. 3-6522. B I Y NOW Build later. 12 9 acres lenced. All in cultiva tion, good building site. well, barn, poultry hse , , close in. Smith Yoi.r chance 'for a fine acrciEc. Call McFarlane, eve. ph. 4-3818. YOI' D be proud to live in thi new 3 hPfirooir home, close in ea.'t. Ircc bdrms . living A dmii'C roo:i beauWi:! kitr-" s para te utility room, brick planter, owner has to sell n.i a) onlv $10 500. Savs take of fer. Call Gene Pedwell. IDEAL hon. f- an eMerlv couple, an excellent value. 2 hea room.-, 1 1 vine rm., kiloieu. tile bat);. brreeway to Ga rage, beautiful yard with out door firenbe", lots o frui' V nut trees, lot size 12fl x 142, only '( .'u0 C,:lJ Frnk Gra ham. cw.t Ph. 4-4.48. REAL ESTATE 116 N. CI. lih li St Ph. 4-6871 CLOSE IX $5300 2 HKDHOOMS and ha-ement. 34 ft ruuii. djning riv-i'i Planer-Mi. Il.ird-wm-d .liMii Dandv Ntsti'-n MrK r.e d.str:.'t ' N V le'ior r-"'inT. New rrof ( ratr (all Johnson. Eve. i'n. 3-.lf.i8. i DRIVE BY 1 T M hioc Frar 2 Lvin EDI ATE posse'ven. 4 m r.ortri of Mf ier A- , ik. 3 nerfrooms. f J rt floor ! nfirisi-.ed upitairs, iflre! g aid dining room, hard-; rf floor, fireplace, 2 fi-Il hatement. sadut hat.i jv re-drr Total price 2 -H XO tin. W5 per monln, V Stn. Call Lucas. Eve. 3-MM. pn. INCOME PROPERTY Dl'PI EX sr.d .ne:e dwelling on one b g lot Ir. ev.-e:ier.t ronoi. t:on E5t Ca:: R:c" D Be.- REIMANN REAL ESTATE Salom Heiphts Dist. Pa. 4 -8. P'.'-'t v ... jV . eWHRL.NK l WW ROOFING PAY-LESS ROOFING NEVER Knowing! v underbid. Repairs. Ph. 4-2615. SAND 4 GRAVEL SALEM SAND & GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and top soil. 1405 N. Front St. 2-2461. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL I 1625 McCilchrist Crushed quarry rocks and gravel. All size for roads, driveways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE. Garden sand, bull-dozing. shovel and dragline work. 3-9249. VALLEY SAND St GRAVEL CO. Crushed A- round gravel sand At con. mix. 2-4002. SEPTIC SERVICE Hamel's septic tanks cleaned. line service. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404 or 3-5072. HOWARDS Roto-Rooter sewers, septic tanks cleaned 3-5327. MIKESSeptic" service. Tanks cleaned. D' rooter cleans sewers drains. Phone 3-9468. TELEVISION TV Service, 13 50 per call at home. No tix. no eng. 2 0817. TfcHMlTKS Salem's oldest home owned Co. Hundreds ot local references. free inspection. Ph. 2-0781. WALL" CLEANING RESULTS perfect. Save paint. Modern Wall Cleaners, 2-4287. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole IF ITS spacious rooms you want for familv convenience, then this will satisfy. Lg. living rm. 17x28 L. dining rm. 10x15 spacious kitchen with nook. 3 lg. bdrms. Full basement with 3 rooms. F.A. oil furnace, Hdw. llrs., fireplace. Dbl. plumb. Dbl. garage. Beautiful lot with trees, shrubs, fire place, etc. Check this home lo cated in Englewood Dlst. for comlortable living, for par ticulars ask for Ed Schreder, 3-B236. Evenings: 3-7825. 17 ACRES about 8 acres In cul tivation. Balance pasture and wooded area. Low taxes. Creek, school bus by door. Tractor and misc. machinery go with place. Older type 2 bdrm. house. For particulars ask for Phil Murray. ' Ph. 3-9236 Evenings Dallas MA 3-2633. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Church St. Ph. 3-9236 ADDITION New 3 hdrm., fam. rm., frptc., birch cahinets, util., dbl. gar. Near school, all new home dist. Trees. Jtift N. of Clover Leal. Or will huild to suit. Call 4-3517 or 4-767. SOUTH BEAUTIFUL v.iw .1 bdrm. play room, dbl. plastered garagt;, 2 fireplaces. seis oi piuinuniR, lots of built-ins. Price $16.9011 Uill take contract, second mortgage as down pymt. Ph. 4-B27.;. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all. May a part of that joy pome witn the home you boueht. and we are hoping that others will find the home they want and need. We submit these for your In vestigation. A TESTIMONIAL by Santa Clans: Friends I have been down many chimneys in many homes, and as sure as there's snow tn the Arctic, this Is the best Old English home in this price bracket. This home is sound, solid, comfortable and attractive. Firenlace. 3 bedrooms. 2 tiled bath, ba-ement. Near Bush Park. Only $11,500. "Santa" says See it! RUDOLPH? No! Santa wouldn't need Rudolph to find his way to this lovely home in a beautiful West side neighborhood. From its spacious 22 loot living room, fireplace, fimil y - kitchen, modernized kitchen, this home Is value fill. 3 bed rooms, 2 bathrooms, base ment. 2 car garage. 820,500. See it now. LET "JOLLY OL ST. NICK" iinne down our chimney CiriMmas eve. in your own home. Here's a value in a laiger view home 3 bed rooms, daylight basenen. wall to wall carpeting. View porch looking over Salem and Mountains. Price 122, ooo Your home taken in trade. WHAT COULD BE SWEET ER thin a home for Christ mas for the Mrs.? This rozv cottage Is Just right. Lo cated South. f250 down Total price M.750 LOOK AT IT FOR IT'S A DANDY. THERE IS A SANTA CLAt'S for the handyman who wants to do s little work and really turn tins into a very pleat ant home. Living room. din. looms and bath. Attached;i e. paved .St. Price i.5O0. 1'ussiLile iiWJ down. SANTA CI.Al'S li coming to town Per 1,4 p j lie 11 urup )uu a bint about tins 8 Twin , liuiiie Hicated in EdMinure IjiiU 3 Bedroom. IjkhIv nu:ti tireuhirt. ONLN ViU i!.,vwi. DON T Ll-rr SOMK (jNE ELSE fiHAH THIS XMAS PACKAiK FROM VOf. FILL YOl'R STOCKINGS I v. :th Y'uir Savings Yes, i v.'-i will he atile tn aceumu ja'.e avmgs bv owning ten rnmfortani 3 bdroom ho-re Ait'i living room dirinr rf-o-n. It tr t the bet hon e in tr.e wnrH - h -t vu uill like it fnr l'-.5.V H.OfO don makfi U.e buy. PEACE ON EARTH and petre and contentment in jojr rieart wnen nu live in vour own nome. This is a very rood home for the larcr family, living room, dining room, 4 bedrooms, ceramic tile kitchen and bain. 2P-xQ foot basement, patio, garage On Nortn 4th St. Prite 111.500. JP-W down. WE NEED YOT'R XMAS LIST INGS NOW To nake early salei for you tn 1&57. EVFNINO PHONES WELLS 2-IT: COI.RATH 4-4H77. ANDERSON 4-2714. I 800 Real Estate 806 Housei For Salt WELL WORTH LOOKING INTO Eastern owner really wants to sell this attractive 2 bdrm. home with Gin. rm. North Salem. Must be all ca?h. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY 113 ACRE CUT OVER LAND Approx. 10 ml. South of Sa lem. Fenced. Has spring, also small creek. Ideal tree farm. Price of $8,500. includes 40 sheep, hay truck, bulldozer. Terms. CALL O. V. HUME GOING TO BUILD? Here's an Ideal spot overlooking the val ley and mountains. 80 by 160 feet, paved county road. Com munity water at lot. ideal for daylight basement. $2,100. CALL J. X. LAW SUBURBAN EAST Very neat name, Deautliui landscaping. Large workshop and green house. Poultry house, garden area, fruit and berries. Price $10,500. CALL H. K. LAYMON 1& GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 180 SOUTH LIBERTY ST. PH. 2-2471 Evenings Se Sundavi call Salesmen H. K. Laymon 4-5507, J. E. Law 3-3113, O. V. Hume 2-5208, Ron Hudkins 3-8712, Mrs. Richardson 4-8988, Ralph Bruce 2-6981, Walt Socolofsky 3-8835. IS EXTRA NICE RUSTIC STVLE New 3-bedroom home In Manbrln Gardens shake roof, fit your early Am erican . furniture Into this home. It's perfect. 2 fire places, built-in applianc es, excellent workman ship. See this home now. Price 117.000. Call Lmiia Lee Ohsnart Lorenx. UT Calaea MOTHER KNOWS BEST She knows the clean country air Is best for the family. She knows an oversized lot planted with lovely shrubs St flowers and separate garden house will bring hours of happiness. She knows a clean and well-maintained home will save on future repair bills SO phone Adrienne Sercombe to aes this attrac tive suburban home, listed at $11,600, CLOSE TO SERRA HIGH SCHOOL 3-Bedroom home, very spacious and In A-l condition, large lot, would go GI or FHA, Priced at $12,800. See Henry Torvend. Will consider small 2-bedrooin home In trade. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Why rent when you can own your own home with less thah $1000.00 down and balance just $70 per morth. Nice 2-hedrnom home, located In suburban area Northeast. Full price Is 8250.00. Call Ralph Maddy. LISTINGS NEEDED QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU 477 Court St. Eve: Louts Loreni 35590 Henry Torvend 33832 C. V. KENT & CO. LLOYD KEENE, REALTOR OWNER MUST LEAVE his charming home to follow his job. If you are looking for more room, good location, nice neighbors, quality built at a frice you can afford, this Is Tl Price $11,250. Best terms. BUSINESS BLDG. St APT. house: Located on fast devel oping South 12th St. Corner lot with 172 ft frontage on South 121 h by 100 ft. deep. Owner will take in house on trade, or make offer on down payment. 458 N. CHURCH (GREYHOUND BLDG.) PHONE 4-2203 EVE.: SORENSON 4-2233: KIGGINS 4-5494; KEENE 2-8078: I CUSHfNG 2-5048; LEAVENS 3-4735 REALTORS OWNER HAS OUTGROWN THIS beautiful 3-bedroom home with daylight basmt. Lfvlng-dln.-kit. , with nook. 2 fireplaces, oil heat, 4 yrs. old. lawn A- shrubs. , C!oe to McKtnley School. A wonderful buy. Only lla.500. Good terms. Call Andy Halvorsen. LOCATED IN GROWING WASHINGTON DISTRICT i To those who have large families with shortage of space, we have a ft-bedrm. home, lg. liv din. A; kit. Full basmt., shake exier- 1 lor. plaster interior. Approx. age 6 yrs. Price 1 12,500, Murl FranU will be glad to show. : IF YOU ARE LUCKY AND GET HERE IN TIME we have a buy that only happens once in a lifetime, a 3-hedrm. home in line repair, all rooms nice size. I1 plumbing, himt. S 4 with new oil FA furnace, new plumbinr. right bv Fngie wood School, bin by door. 1750 down, (65 00 per mo. Full price : s ".850. Call 11. Peck. ft ncuuur.u ; Price reduced $1,000 for quick sale. 3 bedrm. home In Hoover dist . bath, FA oil heat, lot fenced in redwood. Priced low at ILL- 750. Call Curt Kinin. TO SELL YOl'R HOME IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Eve. A; Stin. Salesmen: Andv Halvorsen 3-71B3, Murl Fran!" 1-8043. H. Peck 3-5413, Curt Kinin 4-IW20, Roy Ferns 2-M11. Joe HimmH 2-5122 1,1.1 SOUTH LIBERTY H At F PHONE 4 44 rail. YOUR TERMS Out of town owner says SELL 1 I This fine home in granons Englewood. 3 bdrms . 2 com plete bath, terrific storage I pace. Located on a lovely j corner lot. fHA anpralseo tor SLUM, selling tor S12.0UO. Var.Mil Move I'K'it in. He settled for Christina. Salem Properties .JOHN J. DAW. RLTR V,- N High St Ph 2-l.Vl.t. 4-14S2 Eves r Biauhck A-TW tiku 2-7401. Mkon 2 -!.!. Kiang 2-Z2U2 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION In this, economical 2-bidroom home with super Inrition for shopping and n!v b.i Pip-d (or eas and wired t'ir eler tr'cit v Low. low down pay ment will har.dle. Price J it f.'l.r.jO. Foi appt rail: DON BELLINGER. 4-33ft4. office; 4-04t2, home. 1190 Talrpouna W. BY BUILDER 10', DOWN MOVES YOU IN TODAY -OR R'.'H D TO SUIT FD FISCHER. PH. 4-5833 fft QM "t.Df.R ' Kd-T -ome near State Cap tol. 11.500 dn W) Statrtman St. QUALITY Him " Built To please. W e w ill build to fit vour famiiv A voyr budget As Iw 2 prt dn p'u rioting rjts (C. r I HAMILTON BLDR PH .V8082 'Member of Salem rfwe B;drs. Asin $500 DN-on 8 rm. house pir'Iv i (urn. on $ ecre, $4$ mo. 4 $"09 KB 800 Real Estate 806 Housei For Sale t i YOUR OWN BOSS Drive-in Ice Cream Restaurant. Central location. Good year around business. 10 year lease This I is a rronev maker Could be I a family affair will take ' trade. CALL RON HUDKINS IDEAL FOR RETIREMENT IN V ESI ME NT $'1''9. Income per mo. Price $22,700. This Is real close in. 5 nice apts. on a val i uablr corner lot on S. Com mercial. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON CLEAN AS A PIN. THIS ONE BDRM. HOME Has a large 9 ft. built-in clothes closet for ample storage. 12 x 15 liv ing room. Cute kitchen with built-ins and handy bath. This little home certainly has warmth and charm sitting in the middle of two lots with trees in a quiet zone. Also has garage with workshop and fruit cellar. Price only $5,500. FOR TERMS CALL RALPH BRUCE Phone 24118 - 24118 Adrienne Sercombe 49082 Ralph Maddy 23488 CUTE COURT: 3 cute houses on 2 lots. Live in one and rent the other two to supplement your retirement Income. Near Bush Park, schools, St bus. Only $14,000 with good terms. WHY LOOK FURTHER: 10 acre tract with a 3 bedroom home.; A good barn, gaiage, chicken house, plus a small Filbert grove. &ome rumny rruit. Best of soil. Located on Ht way 99-E, North. Priced at only $14,300. MAGNIFICENT IS THE WORD si you watch the beaiitiful riv er flowing just beyond the garden ol thU qvnet home. Enjoy the thrill of living you sit in I he In i ft wan--ltd loom, dmigned to bring the fbUlOiiui a in. Dei Mj.itf (1 'wilh exquiat'e taste bv soii'eone who cared. ould write a boo", about thi' one, but we lnv itr your liiMei tiou. 117.:-0. Call 4-tT.M ur E . e 1 -d Mori nun 2-46. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2U X. If Kill I'll. 4;67r,fi $100 down' SET this attractive new 3 bed room, basement home. 2 fire places, a liar hed garage, bal ance lllii rent. $300 DOWN ! REDECORATED 2 bedroom home, small but neat A- ro-n-fortable. H'jue 4 vear o'd plaitere! i, a r d w o d floor-, l-.- n'-ft Sort i f - ''a- -1 street, balar.'e at pr ill o run. PHONE 4-11.14 Ron Jones, Realtor 1MJ Fa. rgr!indi R1 Evening Prion' ' S'eeve 3-11".1 or Oreeg 2-V2 JOE' HUTCHISON. RFALTOR. It u solve vour hi-ne need's. ! To Buv, Sell nr Pent - Call PK 4-VO '211 Edge'S'r fa. 4-7l7t S'lO to. Co mm 1- 1800 Real Estate 1 806 Houses For Sale SANTA ONE OF THESE HOMES COULD BE YOUR XMAS PRESENT: 1. A Redwood finished 3 BR. Ranch stvle home. It has a fire place, inside utility and lots of built-ini. It s landscaped down to a creek. Is In excellent condition. Asking price, $10,930. 1. This is different. A brand new home with built-in range and oven, stainless steel sink, P'i baths, large, paneled fam ily room, 3 PR's., LR and double garage. Located on a nice corner lot In a new addition. South. Price $14,000. Terms. 3. Liberty Gardens a 3 BR. home with separate dining room, e:iting area in kitchen. Inside utility, a nice living room with fireplace. 1', baths and double garage. Corner lot. Price $13,000. Terms. 4. This one is older but has an excellent location in F.nglewood. Beautifully landscaped lot all kinds of roses, other (lowers and shrubs. 2 BRs., I.R., DR., and kitchen possible 3 BR. up stairs. ." down payment. Asking $8,450. 5 A two-year-old home Just waiting for an occupant Located: North. This has a charming kitchen, good sired living room, bath with shower and tub. Attached garage. A low down pay. ment will buy this $0,250 home. 8. Owner transferred. Has left this lovelv home for someone to: take advantage of. 3 BR.. DR.. LR-, kitchen with eating area. li baths, inside utility, double carafe. Corner lot with lawn. shrubs and oak trees for summer shade. Make an offer on this $1,4.200 home. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR 1S1 S. High Evenings call: Helen Lewis, 2 Mr. Hoover, 3-8810. HIGHLAND DISTRICT. Owner has dropped price $1,500 for quick sale. Older type. 8 bedrooms, clo5e to schools it shopping. Good bus service. Has large lot St good garane. Variety of fruit trees. Low down payment. Price $5,000. Call Mrs. Gra ham. NEAT J BEDROOMS. Located east. 15x21 living. 10x12 dining. Breakfast nook, utility, fireplace. Well built. 5 yrs. old. Lot 70x150 with shrubs St variety of fruit trees, Att. garage. $10. 500. Call Mr VanMeter. LUCKY NEW OWNER, must have both Judgment and eash. 10 unit apartment court with two utility rooms. $373. mo. In. come. Just over the bridge in W. Salem. $30,000, with terms at 8. Call Mr. Elling. DO YOU WANT DUPLEXES OR TRIPLEXES? Why not build to your own specifications. We have two Ige. lots on sewer St city water In R-2 Zone. Good rental district. Lota hava over 22.000 sq. ft. Both for $3,250. Call Mr. Hicks. FULLY EQUIPPED GARAGE. This Is a first class garage St doing a good business. Reasonable rent. Equipment it stock at In ventory. Call Mr. Hicks, ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 1319 State St. Phone: t-Bftftl Eve.: VanMeter 4-8500: Hicks 4-4930: Elling 4-8514; Allison 4-3214; Mrs. Graham 4-4748; Todd 2-1731. RETIRE IN THIS COZY COUNTRY HOME. Surely has good duck hunting grounds here. Seasonal work near by Hat 3 bdrms. i Large lot for outdoor activity, patio, Onlv 20 mln, from down town. $8,750. Call Echo Yeater, Eve. 3-4672. YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A SMALLER HOME SOUTH. AREN'T YOU? Here's a dandy 7 yr. old home with 3 bdrms., that will In terest you. On 70x210 lot on paved street. Town bus and school bus. Only $7,500. Call Dorothy Deal, Eva. 4-8632. AN OLDER SUBSTANTIAL HOME with 3 bdrms. and den. base ment and double plumbing. All the rooms are large and amply healed by good oil furnace. Located on N, Church at. ciose 10 i ran i sen. sb.wo. can NICE, OLDER HOME SOUTH IN GOOD REPAIR. Has 2 bdrms. and den on main floor and upstairs suitable for 2 bdrms. If you are looking for economical heat in a larger home this Is it. Has sawdust burner in basemt. Close to all grades of school. Only $9,750. Call Clyde Foulk, Eve. 2-3826. YOUR FAMILY DESERVES A HOME LIKE THIS. Why make them walk so far to school this home only 2 blks. from Les lie, So. High. 8 bdrms. with room to stretch out Owner will trade for smaller home, $13,750, Call Edith Anderson, Eve. 2-7849. NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS 1500 S; Comm.rclal Ph. I-3MI 900 Display Clasg. CAPITOL CHEVROLET-CADILLAC CONTINUES ITS' , j SEE OR CALL These i , i ; ;T :s .-4 I f i CHEVROLETS 1. IB.'jfi BEL AIR 4 DR. HDTP. W V-8, Poweigltde. radio, heater. J. 1958 DEL RAY COUPE 17! S 8 cvl. overdrive, heater, tinted g!a-. J. IBM BEL Ain 2 DR SDN. . 127M Radio, heater, overdrive, 6 cyl. tint ed glMSS. 4. s O L D 8 cyl.. heater, tinted 8 cyl., heater, timed glass. sn-i-i) Rarin heater, underenated. Radio, heater, powergllde. 10. S-O-L-D 11. 1M1 DELUXE CI II CPE. Heater, uridri mated, pow 12. 1U51 SPECIAL 4 DH Seat co ers 13. 1919 UKLCXF 4 DR SDN. I'lM Heater, fog lights. J4. S-O-L-I) IS. 1958 SPECIAL ro.W Radio, hea'er, dvna. 16. 17. S - O - S - O - U 18. 1H2 SUPER HDTP. CPE 'i'A Radio, hrater. tinted g!t, dyna. IS. 1949 SUPER STHAN $158 Radio, heaier, seat covers. FLASH! 55. 19M CHF.V ROLKT V-8 Bel At 4 Dr. Rad 58. 1935 CHEVROLET VI Delray Coipe. Rad, h'r, p-' 57. P35 CHEVROLET V-8 . $30'A C dr. Station Qgligon, rad. htr., pow erflide 58. I95 CHEVROLET V-8 $?nw Bel Air hardtop troupe. rd . htr., powerglide, 800 Real Estate 806 Housei For Sale SAYS - 7504; Phone 2-8829 K. Beckett, 3-4501: unei Kelson, Eve. 2-lJW. 900 Display Class. END OF THE YEAR THE ACCEPTANCE WITH THE WEAT Here's To Better Weather Salesmen - "POP" FLATHERS Night Ph.: 1-3510 20. IH.VI 21. 1355 22 1955 1.1. 1959 24. 1954 fl. 1853 28. 1953 27. 1982 28 1950 2!l I8M . 11758 glass. 11058 11058 $'158 rgllde 1158 30. 31 32. ID - IJ X. 54. 39. TRADE-INS , Mr. - $2458 powergllde. 58. 80. 1 1 ft.M .erglide. 11. 12 IS. Capital 800 Real Estate 810 Forms For Soli 30 Acres Impaled Land SELL or trade 42 acres In alt. This is one of the finest farms we have ever listed and in cludes a beautiful 5 yr. old 3 bedroom home with D. R., H.W. fir. St F.A. oil furnace. 3 A. strawberries, 3'j A. IS'ec tar berries, 4'j A. filberts, 3'i A. walnuts. Price of $31,500 Includes irne. duiud St eauln. Tractor and attachments. Bain 40ti0 and outbuildings. Will Like Rood home up to $11,000 in trade. For appt. call Geo. P.itiny witli Allen C. Jones Realtor. 231 No, High. Ph. 3-M:t. Eve. 4-ltSHS. ONE ACRE. NICE TREES, excel, location A- drainage on new paved street A State. Plenty room for children, hobhies. or subdivision. 8 room home with laree util. room. dbl. gar. Priced to sell. 43.15 State or Ph. 3-4001 anytime but Sun. JUST "West N River Rd. i Acre. Price Sl.fioo 00 See W. G. KRl'EGER REALTOR Ph. 3-4728 147 N. Commercial 812 Exch. Rear Estate WANTED I Have party wilh new 3 bedroom home suburban. Will trade for 2 bedroom near shopping and bus, for inform ation call Dale Rayburn 4-8873 cr Sun. and Eve. call 2-2045. RAWLINS REALTY 605 CHEMEKETA Phone4-fla751 3 BEDROOM house In Independ ence will trade for or on coast property, value $4,000. Statesman-Journal box 438. 8l8 Wonted, Reol Ettote 850 Automotive B52 Uied Con For Sole 530 HOOD ST. PH. 4-0909 56 VOLKSWAGON RADIO, heater, leather uphol stery, low miles, like new, just 11605. 51 ENGLISH Rover Sdn. 4 Speed trans., good gas mile- age. $459 with $150 Down. Aynbee Motors, 840 Union. "55 FORD 2 dr. sedan, good condition, good rubber. $1,350. Will finance.Ph.4.7210 eves. 46 FORD Club Cpe. Runs tood $180 wilh $80 Down. Aynbee motors 94u union. 36 MERCURY Montclair Hard top. Radio, heater. Mercoma tic. low mites, heautlful vellow 8t black. Warner Motors 678 S. 12th. FOR SALF. or trade. 1SSS Oldi Super BR 4 dr. hardtop. Loaned. Full power. Sav. $1400. Term,. 2208 Wlndaor. Ph. 3-5383. TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 900 Display Gum. '56 WITH WARREN E7.ELL ROY TROUTT 2-8541 4-8234 fi2 4 Dn SEDAN J44.'.8 Radio, heater, full power, 8 way seat. 80 SPECIAL 4 DR f.TIM Rdio. heater, power steering, brakes. COUPE DE VILLE 8.1958 1 owner. 2.1,000 miles. 82 COUPE 8.19M Radio, heater, power steering, brake. 82 COUPE DE VII. LF WftM Full power St air conditioning. 82 COUPE I21M Radio, heater, very clean, wire wheel caps, 80 SPECIAL 4 Dn IWM Radio, heater, power steering, St windows, COUPE DF VILI.F I18M Rdio, heater, power steering, win dow . (11 4 I) ft SEDAN 11058 Radio, lie.iter. hydra, overhauled. S--U-i,-) 1955 V-8 1 1 DTP. COUPE R(U heater, power ake 1952 CHIEFTAIN 4 DR SDN H ;k1 if), henter, visor, undei 1947 5 PASS COUPE Radio, heater, seat covers S-O-ID S O-L-D JUST IN AT REAL 19M BUICK V-8 $14M Special 4 dr., ridlo, hester. 1'tSI PACKARD . IH'4 ("lipper 4 dr., rad , htr., ultramatie trans. IVjO CHEVROLET . Deluxe 4 dr., rad IftM) FORD V-8 . . , htr , powerghde. h'r, overdrive. 4 dr . Rdn red . 1M MERCURY $2 & pass, coupe, radio Ac heater. Journal, Salem, Ore., 850 Automotive 852 Uicd Can For Sole SI FORD V-8 Custom 4 Door, radio, heater, Fordomatic. clean $4!)S. Warner Motors 678 S. 12th. 34 FORD4DrCresUineIm. maculate condition, radio, heater, o'drlve. low mileage. Spevial price 812U5. Moen Mo- tori 888 S. J2th. 1951 J?ONTlAC $450 For sale or trade. Will allow $150 for older model. Ph. 4-8755. 53 MERCURY Montclair Sporl Cpe. Leather Inlenor, yellow k black, white tires, radio, heat er. Mercomalic. 30,000 actual miles $1303. Moen Motors8R8 S. 12lh. 48 CAD. ""2"-Sedanel Jet black St really sharp. Today only $fi95 Quality Used Cars 3110 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7264 B53 Auto Portt & Ropoiri CHEV. transmission. "41 Chev. convert, top Ph 3-6341. Used Auto. Parts Bales & Brady Ph. 2-4513 Chev'i. from Fords w .'48 to SI .'48 to '52 '52 .'48 to (5H mZZl'4!) '31 '50 '4ft Butck Ply. 6 cyl. M Kaiser Chrysler 8 cyl. Ford Console Mere. Packard Olds. "88" - B54 Truckt, Trail, for sale 1 WHEEL TRAILER $20. Ph. 3-5367. '47 FORD Truck long wheel base tag. axlePh. MAyfair 3-2784. 81 G.M.C. flaf-bcd truck. 2 speed. 3.117 Hamel. Ph. 2-9510. "34 FORD PICK-UP Ph. 4-9974. 31 FORD , ton pickup lU Alio ,( L.M.i.. mowr idn i-an dlewood Or. FOR SALE: 'S2 G M C 2 T. truck, valvea Juat ground, new king nine A batt. red hed with 3R" box, 2 ipeeri rear axle. .1222 M.yfleld Place N. Salem. '37 Chev. pick-up, 125. PH. 2-2508 856 Winled, Cm, Trucks WANTED to buy: Old wrecked car. It trucka. Ph. .-4108 days, .2411 nllea. 862 House Trailers WANTED 1838 car In trade on New 4V trailer. Javhawk trailer aaie,. TRAILER TOWING JAYHAwK TRAILER SALES 2640 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8043 B64 Heavy Equipment TOR RALE: Crawler tractor T.D. 8. Some trade. Ph. M Ay fair 3-2784. 900 Display Class. SALE EVEN BETTER VALUES RAY GRAY BUDD READY BERT 4-3023 2-1815 3 27. 1950 CHRYSLER TLB CPE $158 Rid in, heater, seat covers. y ' 29. 1IM STUDE. CHAMP. 4-Dn. $158 , Healer, overdrive. ,( 40. 1951 STUDE. CHAMP. 4 DR). $458 Healer, auto, trans. - 41. 1919 Pl.YM. SPEC. DLX 4-DR. $1M Radio, heater, defroster, - 42. 194P PLYMOUTH 2 DR $258 , Radio, heater, seat coven, tf 43 1950 FORD 8 CLB CPE. $258 Radio, heater, coni kit. ' 44. 1850 FORI) 8, 3 PASS. CPE, $258 Heater, seat covets. ; 4... s-o-L-D y 48. II9 HUDSON CONV. $1M V COMMERCIALS 47, laM CHEVROLET $2538 ton, vanette, heater. py 48 1955 CHEVROI ET 8 $1458 '.j ton. pickup, radio, heater. w 4!t. SO l-D . M. Vl0-ID 51. 151 CHEVROLET .. - $ 2 Ion. flat bed. 2 speed. t steering. 1758 52 1981 FORD V-8 'i ton, pi-kup, heater, 5.1 Ifl.W CHFVRflLFT Sedan delivery. 54. S-O-LD 81. 1!38 INTERNATIONAL S 18" $48M Diri'p ttiuk, htr. St defroster. 2 sp. e, 8 d box. 83 ID'S CHEVROLET 8 .. . $2511 Dump truck, htr. A; defroster, 2 sp. axle. 4-5 yd box. $8 19(8 CMC . $14541 Dump truck, htr. St defroster. 2 sp. axle, 4-5 yd. box. IT. IBM STUDERAKER . $558 j ton pick-up. heater, overdrive. Tues,, Dec. 11, 1956 850 Automotive 852 Used Cart For Sal Safety-Tested L '55 DODGE ST A. WAGON Hadio, healer, power flite, white walls, tutone paint, ' low mileage $34Dl '53 BU1CK HARDTOP Radio, heater, dynaflow, tu tone painl, low mileaee, clean $1231 51 OLDS SR8 4 DOOR Radio, heater, hydra., walls, tutone green motor Is in top cond A nice family car for ition. onlv $899 50 OLDS 9ft 4 DOOR Heater, hydra., seat covers, tutone paint, motor just overhauled, 138 h.p. Rocket engine. Only ....$505 49 FORD V-8 'Custom 4 Door, heater, food hre and motor, clean $238 "The Lot With a Lot" New car ihnwrnom open Frl. ti Mnn. Evening! See or Call G10II. MR. ' 2-7973 MR. L0DER LODER BROS, CO. No. High St. Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY 1'srd Cart Commercial St Chemeketa Ph. 4-5711 '55 Ford Fair lane clb. sdn. Tord omatic, tu-tone. 12.400 miles. Like new. 2-03JO. '47 MERC, radio, heater. 8179, Call alter & p.m. 3-3587. 1040 CHF.V. 4 d. aedan, heater, seat covers. Very good connt tion. good rubber, 8225. Ph. 2-7258. FOR SALE, reasonable. '52 Dodge 2 dr. Way fare, good nnri n.ui tlr Ph l.iail I eve. 900 Display Class. TALTYN BILL SHRIVER - B084 4-4059 sm's MISCELLANEOUS SAVINGS Tf I I