Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tues., Dec. WANT AD "We're Riving much foster service since we got (hem through Classified. They were offered real cheap by a disbanded circus." 450 IMercliandine 158 Musical Instruments PIANO & ORGAN SALE Closing out four brands New Spinels, $395. New Blondes, Reg. 11015. Now $550. Grands, reduced SO-. Electric organ special, $550. Electric piano. Make an offer. SO pianos to choose from. Terms. THE MUSIC CENTER 493 Center St. Ph. 2-5371 Eve. Ph. 4-4746 TROMBONE, almost new4-9024 or 423 S. 45lh after 3;30. 1 GALANTI accordion like nevvT Phj-76. WE pay top cash pric for pianos. Used Mdse. Mart 270 S Llbety. Ph. 4-6371. PIANOS! PIANOS! PIANOS! Largest selection Lowest nrtccs on new A; used pianos. Variety nf styles St finishes. Budget plan designed for you. Why waltl B1H Court ZOBEL'S Ph. 4-6232 KIMBALL m Jinn. 501 E. of Keizcr Sch. Ph. SPINET PIANO. Beautiful hogany case. Save over $350 off nationally advertised price. Tallman's big Xmit Piano Sale. ;ra S. I2th, near S.P. de pot. Open every eve. MUST sell professional model accordion, make offer. 2U55 Argyte ur. KNABE GRAND PIANO. TcrriT 1c reduction at Tall-nan's Tre mendous Xmas Piano Sale. 395 S. 12lh. near S.P. Depot. Open every eve. 462 Wanted Hshld Goods f 1 0,000 CASH To spend for High grade Used Furniture At Appliances. Ph. 3-5110. Paving Tup Prices for Belter Grade. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer "CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FUHN. CO. Ph. 2-7472 "CASH FOR CHRISTMAS yjt PAY TOP CASH PniCE FOR FUHNiTURE, APPLIANCES, At MISCELLANEOUS ARTI CLES. USED MDSE. MART. 170 S. LIBERTY t PH. 4.6.171. MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. 3-6008. 464 Sports Equipment WALTER Hagen reg. matched set of fl irons, S5o. Ph. -I -4H.W Sun., after 7 Won. St Tues. CASH paid for used gunsTmod ern and antique. Cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway. 465 Photography LSICA III F Camera with case. lens hood, flash gun Ac one case I. All like new. Ph. 4-1533. SlENDKLSOtWSpcedgiin-"for double-action shutter Kodaks. Ph. 2-2879. 466 Bicycles REBUILT like new) Boys At girls' bicycles. Harry W. Scott 147 S Com'l. GIRL'S 20" J)ike. $2o7Vh4-4aiL GIRL'S 26" Schwtnnblke. $25' child's pedal tractor S10. 410 E. Judsun. Ph. 3H079. BOY S English bike. good.rpr hoy's shoe rnllrr ik.ites. ti. 13 and case. Excel, cond. Ph. 4-1)148. BOYS English bike good cond.3 speed gears. Ph. 4-U743. FULL sue Schwinn bike." Good hape. Ph. 3-6341. 468 For Rent, Misc. TOR RENT nr lease Ise. ware house tpate t cmeiii floor bru-k bldg.. downtown In quire H. L. Stiff Furn. 3-6185. 470 Building Materials STEFL Garage Doors, complete with hardware. $43 50. In stalled. $53 50 Mrlal eaves trough. 13'jc. built-in 4 hum er range. $82 70 Toilet. $24.50. S-ln vent fan. $19 115. EPP1NG LUMBER CO 1740 Silverton Rd. Ph 4-6123 ELF.CTItic wall "r7eatn 2Vi off 52 gal eler watci neater $65. !:-3 wire. 4c ft in rolls. l.igrti iixturrs reduced 3 tc bath set. $120 Built-in ranges bath set. $120. Built-in ovens At 4 burner inula 1H5 Outlet boxes. 25c. M-2 wire. 4c ft. in rolls. Apex Electric A' Plumb ing. 1410 Broadway Pn 2-lHfi. CISIISHERE? (N0-RI T WE'VE GOT THE SPIRIT!:) ... u "-" 'K loh. iri) tirei truck and iasi.grr little joh niMde or out "It Ru sell trade t vti. tik neie somewtiere' ". 36 ... ... - birch plvwood $3 15. Mboihl'w "ox sPting ami inner- 18c FOOT. PING PONG lops (kind vnu win on'l , $7.98. $8 98, J4 $! 08. Table legs $1.2 ea. 1IODF.RN Tapered wooden legi ft" to 2H". Iron legs $: 75 set. ReJ doors for tables $.( '.5 PLYWOOD (panel or UKW uses! 4x8 int and ext Cut to tir ( no cnarget "Littler" ones at "Littler" prices' Tremendous selection. Imported wood pan ellngs, 20 different woods. 67 designs! I (quality at Its bcstH DOORS and doors, birch $' 05 up Mahog. toot Oak. pecan and even birch fig., all at real savings l KAILS 110 25 keg. Paint $2 50 gal GOSH-rome M-e visit apend time Our pleasure He-, n-odeling1 36 mo.. Nntmng Down AND a gfod ob done!! Try us won't von? We'ie as I near as your phone Open All Day Saturday PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD SMS Portland Road Phone 4-4433 1 WHOPPERS 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials INDEPENDENCE (All materials for sale in our Salem yd.) Old fashioned lUle blackboard 25c ft. Steel fct-h. seats with wide arm rests $2 30ea. 1x4 used V.G. flooring (45 per M 3x10, 3x12 No. 1 dry Joists $55 per M 8 ft. Fluorescent lights $20 ea. AL.MJ Many other bldg. bargains SSiESJUERUO. 8740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-S3II 4 mi. norm or saiem. 'j mi, North of Totem Polr Open all day Saturday 500.000 FEET New fresh-milled old At second growth lumber 2x4 to 2x12 In 8 to 24-foot lengths. Delivered prices Satem. $30 per thou, minimum Ted Muller 4-0523 WF. INSTALL plastic wall tile. eormica counter lops. Mr & Birch cabinets. It us give vmi . a free t stimate on your re modeling now Montgomery Ward St Co. Ph. 3-.'il!iL USED huilding materials for I snle at Ul)2 Shipping, Sat & Sun.only. Ph41233 eves. WHOLESALE Mulino Sash & Door Prehung door, wood windows. Dale vogler, 4-8720 472 Plumbing & Heating OIL-GAS & WOOD Furnaces Installed SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Free Estimates & Surveys MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. rilONE3-)!)!)8 474 Floor Covering INLAID linoleum SI 70 per sq yd R u Lifstroni Cj, 26u s Liberty VINYL floor tile. 10c each R L. Elfstroin Co 260 S Liberty 480 For Sale Miscellaneous 6 Yft. crib with mattress, pad & ronton r sheets. $:V Hi -chair. $. Pol iv chair. $2. All like new. Portntile ;rMng ni.uhlnr reconditinncd. M, 207 N. Hlh alter 5.3(1 pin. KLKCTHIC cook stove & ht ing mai-liinc. 2442 Lee. Ph. 4 517!i. FOLLOWING Items, top omdi- inm. snow iii c very little (riiiinj;uui n.UHl Mill lamp St rod tiihle. i-.upct imeeper. 2 buiv's black l) rioiu coats. Me 12 & 14 Taf feta hniivcroat, Mr 12. nr-vor worn. 2 l.ui s tailored suits .V 1 dress all Me II. Plu tn.-.ul flnth suit, sir 12. Man's I'.iir lisli ruling iMHitn. isir R. A; rul ing nants man', tun r..m ak.. used hat. See at 1.MB , Park FOR SALE ; gy. baby :i-;im). Folding B.ihv bug. tenda Dallas MA PORTABLE 3 apeeri plionoKrnph" It. ( Allen adding mai-liire Del .nal ii'ilknm ina. h . nr.irlv llf H17 tin....) ilk. cm i umt v. NEW 9 x 1 (len Womtr DARK brown Northern bark Muskrat (ur coat Siie H-16 Good cond, re..i. Pn 2-BlKW. $15 A MONTH rielirrs complete hnuteliuhl ol lurniture anrj ap pliances. nc (.r used, at ti.r Moie thai saves ou nune . f.ten Wnodn, ltin.1 N Summer ROLKX n ie ramera. ? ft Poitab'e elec. leu, heater, fj. Ph .LtiOhil, NEW Mm : N Glen , 1940 FORI) pickup Slioprnastrr Jig-saw. Pli r-flii; e llfiW Woorir Summrr IfioS N VAC cle 1321 N rs. all makes, $i; so, apilol. 3 nuti7. (IHr 1. 2 ttlll- P.,K H flfl NEW l,,rn "tinny, ,N. Sunnnei Et'HEKA ,ic cleaner '15 l.i:i N Capitol. 3.7iW7. Dir. 1 YPFWRriFns adil - m" ler- dupli- calois. ilck. ,'lil( f-ies, Ho 4.S6 Co; rt ;i-r 3. 1 SALEM'S Pcl M.i, Glen Woodry Eu CEUAK tent-e post good qu.intv" Treated or untreated. Poles Ph. 4-3081. nAniO-phonograph! like new Also bird cage, Mand 2 apifr luma with reflectors 4 itm even. Pit linn tlwl PH 4-4747 REPOSSESSFDmo-ter Hi Iron rite St Health chair Ttke oxer bank p.tvmts $13 56 prr rnn Salem Ironrile Co., 1)17 So Com'l. Ph. 4 5758. 0en eve RADIO-PHONO, comb. Baby buggy, $5. Ph. $5073. 11, 1956 430 Merchandise 480 For Sale Miscellaneous 4 OIL barrels, good cond, $2 50 ea, Cement dbl. laundrv lurw. $7. Very good cond. Ph. 2-7258. 481 For Rent Miscellaneous FOR RENT: Hospital bed. Ph 3-8617. 482 Trade Miscellaneous TRADE lumber, 200'. 2 x 4's, Swiss watch, Ju s.t cleaned, good cond.; G K. deep-fry cooker, new, for 2 x 6 i. Pti. 4-0326. 483 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED several thousand cords of wood, all species. Ph. 3-7721 Nights 4-5633. 484 Miscellaneous Cigarette Bums Repaired We can repair those unsightly burns on any woodn surfaces In your home or office. LEE BROS. 4020 Stale St. Phone 2-7001 FOR SALE: Black Western sad dle with chrome trim, match in breast collar, bridle, bit. All in A 1 cond. (1)5. See at 8;t0 N. Comjl St. KA-V-K-S"f-R-6UGHS State Roofing Service Pn 2-7629 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMI.ER. Dentist Adolph Bldg. State A- Com'l Sts. SALEM PH. 3-3311 486 Machinery & Tools SEVERAL used welders. Set at 790 Stewart St. Ph. 4-7544, 490 Fuel SOMETHING new for sawdust users. We have a Chip Mi fuel. Capitol Fuel Co. 1420 Broadway. Ph. 3-7721. CAPITOL FUEL CO. Drv oak. ash At manle wood. Choice slab At block wood mixed, dry or green. Dry mill 1420 Broadway Ph. 3-7721 Clean Dry Wood Old growth slab At block wood $12 cord. Also oak wood. Cut any length Prompt delivery. Ph. Salem 2-9444. WEST SALEM FUEL Dry green wood Tube or pushout sawdust 1520 Edgcwater Ph. 2-4031 HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST At WOOD 3-6444 ANDERSON'S slahwood, 2i-unlt load ya. Ph. 2-77SI. FOR SALE 2 units Presto Logs, 7 cnits each. 107! 7th St, Ph. 3-3226. DRY 10" Fir wood. Pick up at farm or we del. cord lots. Ph. 4-30BI. WANTED: Several thousand cords of bark-free wood, fir or hemlock. Ph. 3-7721; nights S00 Bus. & Finunce 510 Money to Loan COLONIAL Investment Co. Real Property Loans Contracts Purchased. 687 Court. 4-2283. lnteresl.Ph. 2-0794. PRIVATE money to loan. Interest. Ph. 2-07H4. Now A New LOAN SERVICE Money for all worth-while pur. foses for Personal Loans onsotldate Bills New Pur chases. Home owned - home onerated IHtm Fairgrounds Hoari. Salem. Ore. Call 2-7032. Flee I'ark Ing Lot. LOANS SfiOOO to $1.500 00 Bviy What You Nerd Consolidate your lulls. Finance WILLAMETTE C It EDIT COMPANY 1R2 S. Church St, Ph. 2-2457 SEASONAL CASH IN A SINGLE TRIP Get cash for shopping needs or oint-r seasonal cmiciim'n in one visit to oftuel Phone Beneficial, give a lew facts, then come nil Exclusive! Nationwide Credit Card piesented to everv cus tomer U"od at ovrr l.iinO f-ficp-l lenrflciai likes to sav "Vest" Phone tor a I - trip unif or fnrnr m today LOAN'S CP TO 11.54)0 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. I Personal Finance Co 1 Pn - J-m 105 S. Hlgn $25 to $25(10 -- i J ' "UA1;llVfl;. , 515 Investments PRIVATE monev to loan cash for contracts & mtg's B. M M.non or W B Minler, 341 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-B84L (00 Kmplovmcnt 602 Help Wonted ERS COMMERCIAL PkH-rment Atrncy Since 1348 Specialist In Office IMnccnuMits 404 State Si nil Ort Bldg ) Phone 4-3351 CAPITAL KMPl.OYMKXT ACKNl'Y SoeciatiM 'e personnel Hl.l adi PtenMt 354 N Winter r future l ll'l'l H A 1 II lS .r on taken (nr tstes:ijii oeins rotitrt severs "outrs vll' he open Applicants must be sc com pan led t theit parents or have Pieir written permis sion Anpl at the Clrrulattnn Oepsrtment of the S'atetm ao- O04 Help Wnnteff, M. en HKLP WANTKD, MALK AIRLINKS XKKD MO UK MK See Our Ad Under ( j-yifieation 6111 NorlVKesl Air Collef 600 Employment 604 Help Wonted, Men AUTO mechanic, tune-up St clec. exp. preferred, full time job, fuar. ct nnpsi wonting cona nq. Gene Teague Chevrolet, may ion. OFFICE machine mechanic wanted nv Remington Hand Agent. Must he canine manage shop. Write Box 5.10, Baker, Oregon, giving exper lence and previous employ - EXP. Insurance Adiuster. Sale, A- vicinity. Salary open. State eaucauon. adjustment exp.. ir 1st letter In own handwriting Replit-s confidential. Box 445 aia teaman-Journal. 606 Help Wanted, Lady HELP WANTED, WOMEN AIRLINES NEED MORE WOMEN See Our Ad Under Clarification 618 Northwest Air College WOMAN for hswk, and child care in Christian Hume. Ph. PART time waitress, nite shift, Apply In person after 5 p.m. except Tues. 62'j N. Com'l. INVOICE Clerk experienced in lumber and plywood. Must be ame io itosenurg area. State full particulars in reply. Statesman-Journal Box 4:i7. STEWARDESSES Overs ear Routes. Write us for career m formation. PAN AMF.HICAN WORLD AIRWAYS, Seattle Tacnma International Airport, Seattle 88, Washington. 610 Soles Help Wonted NATIONAL concern wants young College graduate under 30 yrs. nf age with agricultural train ing selling plant food and agri cultural Chemicals. Automo bile furnished. Salary plus commissions. Many additional personal benefits (group and ii hjii in insurance, pain vaca REAL Estate Salesman wanlcri good commissions, established office. See Joe L. Bourne, Realtor. M40 N. Capitol. MAN 21-40. to deliver&ptck up Fuller Catalogs, lion wk. comm. to start. Ph. 3-8357. Chevrolet Salesman Very attractive salary and com mission ror experienced man who wants to work. See Allen Johns or Emerson Teague at Emerson Teague Chevrolet, Independence, Ore. Ph. 65. SALESMAN, have car. No exp. Kirby Co. MAN with car for outside sales work. Electrolux Corp., 107& ttroaenvay, 612 Work Wonted, Men JOB wanted during Christmas rush as stock clerk or delivery iicipri, rn. nnyume. JOURNEYMAN welder needs nets. Ph. 3-4713, LOU'S tree service, topping, prune, cabling. 4-6501. CARPENTER WORK, day or ontract 2-1842 PAINTING Inter, good brushei. juii or nr. itens. j-.nua. CARPENTER work the way YUU wont It. Ph. 4-82H5. Carpenter & Repair Work Ph. 21459 CARPENTER, repair or remo- aenng ay nr. or contract, no job too small 3-4785. HOUSE PiuntlnsT In Ac out. Charlie Greene. 4-7198. FREE estimates on floor cover ings or drainboards. R. L. Eli strom Co.. 2fiQ S Liberty. Painting At raperhanging Any Bizc job Free Est. Terms. Ph. Nelson 3-8493 614 Work Wanted, LoJy IRONING At hswk. by nr. Ph. --.';ui aner n p.m. CARE for children, "before At aft EXPERT rhild care mv home. 2274 N. 34lh. Ph. 2-4!ili!. RELIABLE lady wishes house keeping. Adults, live in. Statesman-Journal Box 446. HOUSE work by lir. or ilnv. Own transportation. Phi. 2-6618. CARE for .1 children mv home SI da. 4 Comers. 2-7828. GENERAL CLEANING MY 1111. I'll. 2-1118 IRONING. MY HOME. 1173 2nd, W. Salem IRONING, mv home. Enelewood dist. Ph.3-858ll. CHILD care. 1st $1 day. rest 5c, hr. 2lc. 4 Corners. 2-3572. DRESSMAKING alterations. all types. Mrs. Day Ph. 4-7156. RELIABLE habv sitter mv home day or night. Ref Ph. 3 8H5fl CHILD care, mv home. West Salem. Ph. 3-5677 MIMEOGRAPHING, tvplng, Mrs. Poc, Hl5 N. 16th. Ph. 3-31143. CHILD care mv home 4 Corners Ph. 3-6349. 25c hr. day or night. 615 Situations Wanted CEILINGS INSl'LATED I'll. 4-24t;:i ATTENTION. Roof lrnk Heroof now save I repair work, gutters denied. Also will beat all competition KINGS ROUE CO. Ph. 4 3722. EA1HYLAND Kindergarten & Nursery, now rehearsing Christinas Prod am; those In terested Ph. 2-7658 or 2-8147. Care of all agrs 25c hr. 1 to 11 p.m. 855 Mission. SCHAHFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers. Septic Tanks. Drain Fields. Power Ditching. Backfill. Ph. ;..VKR or 3-5U72. SMALL carpenter Jobs, good work, reasonable. Ph. 4-14:4. LIGHT crawler grading. 3-7042. ofer. leveling, L. Kurth. 618 Education NORTHWEST AIR COLLEGE, INC. AIRLINES NEED MEN AND WOMEN v are now tnterviewinc men and women. It to M, married nice new j rm apt, or mgle to train for high lt ent. Ai bath. frpl. WH ,N. gt ade public relations posi- Church. turns a j Airline Reservation- CLEAN furn 3rm apt. nTs lt. Radio Operators. Ticket iein, JrtV Ph. 2 !13 St.ttlon Agents, Stew antes., Con. munlcat ions, etc If von are a V S. Citien. high school gr.iduate , or equivalent, and hav e a good person lit , d.'ti't nni this onpori.imtv GoihI satai ". r.ipul pro-notion, f're tr.el rcunty Get full infoi -lutlon and ev if vo.i can qtiali t See or c.U tr Kerrera a' tie Sen t tor H tcl on lP'h aid lim of Pec On'v. or write Ro No 412. States-man-.i'iirni-l AIRLINE TRAINING DIVISION Northwest Air College ill Gifts for Mom"llr. Urimmminggj'fnmily Gifts Efel'GiftsforAII 'SSjfl NORGE automatic washer. Al $139. H5. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 s. L,ioeny. I'h. 4-e.n New Hotpolnt Automatic CLOTHES DRYER Regularly $198.95 $149.95 Nothing down on approved credit THE PHILLIPS CO. 355 Center St. Ph. 3-3139 G.E. Electric Irons $7.95 & $9.95 TIATDORF'S HflMT Jb Airrrt 200? Fairgrfunds Rd pE' 515?? o5 Fairgrounds Bd. Ph 3-7455, - ----- -' Home Gifts I Wedgewood Type Porcelain Hie unusual gift. Ac ceramic gifts. DeSarts Ceramics. 2-7140 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Pedigree Roller Canaries Reasonably priced. Ph. 2-789S Treasured Keepsakes for the nuNie, snap aaiem a Early American Store: Triveta. Brass at iopper Novelties. Spoon racks, wall shelves. Spice Cabi neta. Radios. Milk Glass, Pic tures, 'amps galore. Erme Colonial Furniture Open every night 'til 0 2745 S. Commercial. OIL PAINTINGS Christmas gifts Ph. 3-4246. TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 600 Employment 618 Education U. S. CIVIL SERVICE JOBS I Many now open I Start high as $340 month. Qualify NOW. Experience often unnecessary. Get FREE 36-page book show ing jobs, salaries, tests, re. quirementa. WRITE today: Franklin - Institute, Dept. 1471-F. Rochester, N.Y. CAPITAL REAL ESTATE SCHOOL , A COURSE designed to: Prepare you tor me aiaie examination and to start selling real estate. .Enroll now for course begin ning Dec. 18. Classes held two evenings per week. Tues. A: Thursdays! Tuition $25.00. Register at ROY TODD REAL ESTATE Office: 2319 State St., Salem. Phone 2-851)1. ADULT education & citizenship preparation classes, O. J, Sig urdsun. Ph. 4-9513. 620 Day and Contract, 4. 'ii 3 I'd. shovel, crane, hoe dig. line. 25-ton mobile cranes. D-4, D-7 cats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit prier. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 14U5 N. Front St. Ph. 2-2461 '00 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board WILL care for elderly woman In i.v home. Ph. 4-178S. NICELY turn hskoK rm. 20 mci. uui. o:o so. imn NEWLY dec. light hkp. rm. verv comfortable, lady, 2 blks. M&E. 2j.Pi. 2-7B3U. NICK Ik7 rm. at the Chaletvith board, 360 N. Capitol. 4-3043. Pi.rwu.AiVl rm, for gentleman ATTRACTIVE Irg. clean rms. reas. close in. Pvt. ent.. 4-7Ht7 WANTED Man to room and hoard. 1880 Center. TV. clean, nicely furn. sleeping rm.. men (5 wk. Ph. 2-7U20. MAN slpfi. rm.. 1'V. priv. enL I5i5 N. Capitol 4-61.H NICELY furn. room, also pynt. apt., close in. 53d N. Winter. HOME awav from home. Men. TV. Pack lunches. 1095 N. 5tn. 705 Apartments For Rent KI RN. COTRT APT. d'oc.te'mSelv ,S ed Ftil.tV Si l,S !lS bdrm . kitchen, w.isher A drvcr. Close to 740 r t. K n Y lrg. 3 bedroom re spite offices, telephone office, dec. unfurn . clo. in. heat & Memorial hospital Attractive. water, Adults. Ph. 4 0015. j V pVi I10. 5,0llKR1A AIMS . IU8 LeMie St. lo in- apect ph. Ralph Eyre 3-6124. . CO M PORTABLE 3 rm Urn. apt near 17th it Center $ 15 3 .UHXi. Ph. 3 7146 or 3 6444. i-1 RM furn. apts. 686 S. Summer. 2-345 ! NEAR Capitol, turn. 3 rms. St ' Kiln, .uluits. 330 S. 14th. NICELY furn apts. Th e Am ti.t,idor Apts. 5j0 N. Summer Tl'ItNKlt. Oregon 2 bdrm. furn apt. $15 mo. Ph. 4-8-72 NICELY furnished 3 NEW bdrm apt . North J65 110 West Coa-t ReaM. Pi; 2-764: Mr Carpenter. 3- 66411 ev e. or Mr. S11 miner. 4- ..J4 ee G aRA(TIVEJ rm. apt. Ph 2 7945 furn t A : RM. aptY"lean. r!oi 1 l: So. ChurcV Ph. 378!i7 !oe in. IVFRY nice ciom ta 1 bdrm. Apt. Ph. $ 633. Daffy fir CHRISTMAS Trees. 300 Choice trees. 1435 N. Capitol. CHRISTMAS Holly for sale, 10c. ipray. 12 sprays 11. Ph. 4-0408 CHRISTMAS Trees. wreaths, green boughs At Hollv. South 12th at Oxford. Ph. 4-6340 after 6 p.m. 1000 CHOICE trees, 300 white fir. Cor. Shipping Ac Capitol. L. W. Caudle. CHRISTMAS trees, all sizes at No. Capito At Norway. Igle heart At Mitchell. HOLLY for decorating & gffts. nasu zeu. m. l. Hox aiVi. ur- cnard Hgts. Rd. Ph. 4-1087. NICE, fresh Christmas trees. 4B55 Center. Ph. 4-3203. CHRISTMAS TREES Fir. Pine. Cedar. Holly, Mistle toe, urcen boughs. Large trees to order, fresh cut. Reas. i.m state St.. or 1070 Lancas ter ur. 4-7U43. HOLLY At Oregon greens mailed anywhere. Bulbs, shrubs, hse Diants. Heh's tiarrten Centpr. 40M Portland Rd. Ph. 4-7857. STEIN ERS NURSERY Rose busnes. Dwarf trees, plants, Xmas Holly. Sturdi-built green houses. 3160 Market. 2-1046. FLOWERS Wreaths Gifts JARY FLORIST. Ph. 4-3391. Capitol Shopping Center. CHOOSE k Cut Christmas Trees. Eld red Caster, Scotts Mills. CHRISTMAS trees for sale any amount, all sues, 2673 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-6688. HOLLY Wreaths $1.50 up. Spravs lots of berries. Open eves. 1860 N. Summer. 3-9314. Pet Gifts M A K.C. RKG. ENGLISH Springer Spaniels, $35. 49992 BIRDS, Trop. Iisti. all Tupplles deposit will hold. Bird Para dise. .1180 Livingston. 2-1842. BOXER PUPS Call 4-8371 eves, or weekends. WHY not have your dog trim med & bathed for the hn days? For app't. call 3-6H5U, Ring I and Kennels. LOVELY pink apricot canaries, exc. singers, 1340 Chemeketa 3-4385. 700 Rentals 705 Apartments For Rent LARGE well furn. 2 rm. apt. nr., gas sioves, &w mo. Washinz f.icllltlps. No nel adults pfd. Hefs. required. 2164 nirfijm Ave. rn. d-Ulf. 1 RM. & kitchenete $25. 1st fir. priv. bath, entr, 2-0763. CLOSE in mod. furn. 3 rm. apt. Ph. 3-8490 except Sat. LARGE St convenient 3 Hm. furn. & carpeted apt. 1053 Edge water. 3-ROOM furn. apt., priv. bath. 7t)5 J.LibertPh:2-8947. 674 N. CHURCH 2 rm. furnTApT. lnc'l.Util. $35. 4-7583. 2 RMS. furn. pvt. bnth,cnt.. utiT pd.,J25. 1820 Ferry.4-8157. 2 RM. furn. $15 mo. Elderly gentleman. Ph. 3-5276 eves. SM. FURN. APTAT 549N1COTTAG E NEWLY decor, nicely furn. 1 rm. apt. Lady.$25 Ph. 2-7830. SUBURBAN 3 bdrm." apt7on mam fir. water & garbage furn., close to bus. $50. Ph. 2-31101 or see at 3205Moody. NICELY furn. 1 brlrm."aptT420 So. 20th. Ph-11875. LG. 3 RM. up, clean, furn. or not. $55995 N. 5th. 2-7763. 1 BDRM. court apt.,-$45 mo. Ph.2-62fitLF.L. Knapp, Bttr. 3 RM. furn. apt., $40rNearBua 2600JN. Front. REAS. Attract, gr. fir7ftirn!"apt. util pd Close In. 2-7481. CLEAN 2 rms.. partly fiirn". $32.50. Priv. entr. srtwr. 3-7433. THE LEE SALEM'S Most Distinguished Address One-bdrm. units, unfurnished. Available now, $4 and $Ui5 mo., include all utilities ex.-eot elec. Elec. range and refrig. furnished. 585 N. Winter. ATTRAC. newlv dec. 2 rm.'furn. apt. Twin bods, nice app'l. All uni. except t;.is, gr s fir , 2 blks. M&E. $45.Ph. 2-7830. FUHN. or unfurn. 2 bdrm. court. Near North Hi. 812 N. Hlh. 1 A- 3 rm. furn. apt. front. All UUl. furn. 597 N. Liberty 3-7695. ROOMY 2 bdrm. furn. apt. Ph. 3-643 FURN. 1 bdrm apt. 2i38Falr"- grounds Rd. $55 mo. i'h. 2-95U0 after 5 p.m. rUHNr3-rmsr"uti.itleTpdH 140 mo. after 6 p.m. 365 S. 16th. 2 rm. furn. apt. $5o. iors Madf- 13 Rm. furn. pvt. bath, entrance. I $37.50. Ph. 3-5833 or 2-2583. ONE At 2 bdrm." Apts. rinn" . '"I" J! COURT apt . evtra nice. furn. 3 rms h;ih xv UundrVi pjirk. ing mvaiL inq U4g j; ,h CI KAN 1 bdrm. ar-t Refrig A; stoves furn., also util. Th. 3-7145. 2 RM. bm'taptprtvrbath. $35. 11J N. 19th. 3-7641. FCRN. 3 rms . washing faclN . itie. phone, itin ni 4-MU61 inn. small apt close in. Ladv. 645 Ferry. 3-4527 J.WSSKN'COI'RT ! Apt , clean good loc F. (.'tn St.. near cent A: bus. Apts. Fl'RN. 3 rm. priv h.ith. cloe sl.ite bldg s . parking space. 3-7310 moinings A eve. THE CKNTl HY. 16t CENTER. New- irg dix. 2 bdrm. Apts l.E MAR COl'RTS 1 bdrm unfurn . rarer, refrig., some util. Adults Trade. MoHllN Furnisr-ecl Court 1 Proroom w et Mlem till 4-675 evenings call 2-8743 Fl'RN court, kitchenette ft iv rm hedrm Kith $45 : Trade Ph 4 7472 FRONT m f;irn apt . unit V t- chen Lid;. 32 S. I-4U4J. Capitol, MAKES LY0UR CgSg J!0PP1NG the latist lift FOR YOUR SERVICEMAN The closest thing to being home is YOUR LOCAL NEWSPA PER ! All the hometown news, views At pictures. A gift that will really be appre ciated every single day of the year. Ph. 4-6611 and 85k for Circulation, Its that easy. MARBLE-TOP coffee "table. $14 5. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. DRESS UP THE BATHROOM Sliding glass tub enclosures. Now only $59.95. See our display. lerms. 'S 279 N. Com'l. "45" Record Players RCA Victor Slide-o-matie $7.95 S&H Green Stamps Marr Radio and T.V. 2140 So. Com'l. Ph. 3-9201 BEAUTIFUL vanity. Walnut. $24.93. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. RCA Victor TV Console. Mahog. 21 In. New picture tube, Rea sonable. Ph. 4-7962. CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE! Al pianos go regardless of price. New spinets from $389. Huge stock, all styles. EZ terms. Payments, begin Feb., 1957. Tallman Piano Stores, 395 S. 12th. near S.P. Depot. ACME cowboy boots for the en tire family. $3.95 up. Army St Navy Surplus. 223 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-4343. Religious Gifts 0k BIBLE BOOK HOUSE 341 FERRY - PH. 3455ft. Gifts. Bibles. Xmas Cards. TRADE tn your old" radio or record player on a new Hi-Fi phonograph. Columbia, RCA1 Victor or Webcor. Easy terms. Salem Record Shop, 428 Court 700 Rentals 705 Apartments For Rent 3 RM. furn. gr. fir. 3 rm. furn. 2nd. fir. Re-dec. reas. 280 N. 18th. Ph. 2-6787. CLEAN furn. 1 rm. apts. Close in. 633 Ferry. NEWLY decor. 3 rm. furn. pv't. ent., bath. Util. pd. 419 S, 19. 706 Duplexes NEAT clean furnished upstairs duplex, north, $40. car port, water furnished. See Joe L. Bourne Realtor at 1140 N. Capitol for details. 706 " 2 BDRM. range, refrig., util. pd. 1062 7th. 3-7212. FUHN. large 2 bdrm. close to hospitals. Ph.2-6775. SPACIOUS Cln. 3 rms! furn. Adults, 375 Market 3-7226. ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm., stove & relng$76 mo.Ph.4 -1976. CLEAN, warm 2 rm. apt., close in. Jady645 Ferry Ph. 3-4527. NEW 2 "bdrm., car port. TV. ant., garbage & water. 1435 N. Summer. 2 BDRM., very nice, brand new, water, garbage, draw drapes furn$65. JnqMISS Portland Rd REAL nice 4 rm. lower flat, unfur.. firepl., bmt.. garage. No children or pets. You'll like this. Only $65. 1873 Court. 3 FURN. rooms. Adults. $40. 2441 State St. Ph. 4-4351. NICELY furn. mod. duplex, So. Couple only. Ph. 3-5765. FURN. 'l-bdrm7diiplex, 2 blocks from State House. 462 N. Winter. 707 Houses For Rent RENTAL SERVICE WE HAVE 27 RENTALS Houses - Duplexes Apts. 1-4 btlrms. - S30 - $145 Call us for detail?.. No charge to renter. CENTER ST. REALTY 1748 Center 4-6631 eye. 2-7812. NICE 1 bdrm.' hse" Close in. Stove ft reing. Optional elec. heat. I'h. 4-46T.9 or 3-371". VERY nice 2 bdrm. unfurn. house North. St. Vincent Dist. Inq. 10!t0 Donna Ave. 3 HDHMS . garage, automatic heat, wired lor washer 8c dry er. nr.Jjus, sch'l St store. 2-6176 3 BDRM. house, bmt.Tnr'schls' church St hus. $75 mo. Shown by appt. Ph. 3-7H38. 3 "BDR M. house" $50 mo. 1607 S. Cottage. Ph. 4-4122. $42 50. 2 BDRM. Keizcr. E A. McGlauflin Acent 335 N. High 2-H611. 3-6612 " .' SMALL mod. home f arTtS i . rwmMblecnuple. Ph 3-3326. 1', HDRMS. for 2 or 3. Knott; pine liv, rm. nh lg. picture mdow. Quiet, private loca tion. Clean, cov A cute. Part lv furn. Ph. 4-15RO FINE 3-bedroom 2410 State. $W: - .l-berinxitii 331 Mission 155. Ramsey Reaity.Ph.4 ,i;wi 1 bdrm. furnished im court. $35 2 bdrm. spacious 1 10 yr. old). $65 2 bdrm. furnished . $H0 ALLEN C. JONES. HFHI.TOH 2.11 N. High. Ph. 3-.WM Eves. Ph. 4-IMS. 2-1W48 1 BPRMS . F A. oil full i oasenieni. pnvea street, ciose to scnooi. jw per month, AR15AMS A SKINNER 411 Mason it. BUtg. 1 nnRM w CLOSE-IN. 1164 12th St Stove 1 tne tail 2-3.28 (ornspection. ' CHILDREN welcome 4 bdrm. airier he. Frplc. oil heat. Ige. Mrd. $65. Ph. 4-Wor 2355 ' FOR RENT 3 bdrm. bouse, gar . oner out mugs. 4 corners Suburban living I Po-esion 2 wks. $.-5 mo. Pn. i-vvi-rv - wir-., y. u-rvt (or rin,r f43 rh 3.7!Vr7 ,ft P'"- S.ROOM ?e.. Part I v furn 115 Pn. 2-121$ CABINS Partlv furn 3 rooms". STperwk We'fare reomsHinns accepted by mo. 3.W7 Williams Ave 1 1 BPRM . oil furnace. w;re for ; drj tr. $44. Sorenaon, 4-12S3. STOREY Ac Clark spinet piano. .Manogany. l-ikc new. ra. fit90. sell $B00. Ph. 2-0443 REPOSSESSED Motorola 21" Cabinet TV. Under full war ranty. Balance $249.90. As sume contract, $13.50 per mo. Modern Appliance Center, 1141 So. Com'l., Ph. 4-S353. THE perfect gift for Christmas a Family Portrait by KENNELL-ELLIS Open Mon. Ac Frl. Eves. 520 State St. Ph. 3-7830 CHRISTMAS GIFTS Fa-rt service, reas. prices on Im printing Christmas cards, book plates, bo-jk matches, stationary. Hallmark cards Si gift wrapping. View Masters, $2. Reel packets. $1. Flash camera sets, $9.23 up. MeEWAN PHOTO SHOP Hollywood Near Post Office XMAS. Cards. Aprons, gifts. Mrs. 1-.. a. McL-nniic, 1349 Marion. 'HOLLY" Jackson Jewelers, a Salem owned, personally oper ated tax paying, community building store. And topping that we sell -dam good depen dable Jewelry. World renown Omega watches, Art Carved Diamonds, Kirk. Wallace & In ternational Silver. Remember it's Jackson's 225 N. Liberty. PERSONALIZED Christmas t-aras. uraer now. commercial Book Store. 141 N. Com'l Ph. 3-3163. PHOTO GREETING CARDS Made from your favorite snapshot or photograph. COBURN CAMERA SHOP 174 N. Commercial Ph. 2-1841. FOR direct delivery of Christmas presents out of state contact BEDSAUL BROS. 1728 Center St. Ph. 2-9872 Zobel's Christmas gift to you, 25'"o off on any new Baldwin piano In stock until Christ mas. 519 Court ZOBEL'S Ph. 4-8252 SLEEPING BAGS. Large selec- miu ai mwvbi prices. b.VD op. Army St Navv Surplus. 223 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-4343. 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent REDEC. older 3 bdrm. unfurn. house, oil circulator, at 2060 Breyman. $50, Ph. 2-5744. 2 BEDROOM "home. 214VRaynor Call 4-8484. 27' TRAILER house $25 1565 Candlewood Dr. mo. FURNISHED 5 unit motel in Sa lem area. Contact Property Management Dept., State Highway Commission. State Highway Building,Sa lem. VERY nice 1 bdrm. court, un furn. except for refrig. & stove. 2445 Market Ph. 2-1958. NEARLY new2bdrm.. fireplT, 3381 Duncan Ave. Avail. Dec. 15th. Inq. at 3385 Duncan Ave. or Ph. 3-5716. NICE warm 2 bdrm. house, nut & fruit trees, garden spot. 2410 Blossom Dr. Ph. 4-1730. 2 BDRM. cottage, part furn.. ga rage. $70. No pets. 631 Jason. Ph.2-2707! MOD. 2 bdrm., N. on 1 A., $65. New 3 bdrm. S., $85, oil heat. Ph. 2-1490 eves. 2 BDRM. hse., 860 Rosemont St., W. Salem. Ph. 2-1534. NICE 2 bdrm. hse., unfurn., South. Attch. garage. $65. Ph. 2-1994 eve. or wkends. FAif'MOi'VT Lit" built 3 rm. range. $35. 3-9968. SMALL 2 bdrm. hse. Elec. heat, conipletelyredecorated. 3-7381. 3 BDRM. house, Havesville Dist, $60 per mo. Ph. 3-3136. 7 RM. house 5FK) N. 17thSt. Inq. 1595 N. 5th St. Ph. 3-9574. 3 BDRM.. full bsmt., oil furnace", firepl., gar. Close to schools St Hollywood Center. Ph. 3-3161. 1 BDRM. unf urn . , f enced yC srage. Ph. 2-3543. t BR. unfurn. except stove St re f n nq. 1815 Lee after t p.m. I BDRM home, garage, water fur., $45. 947 Mill. Ph. 4-4009. 707-a Furnished Houses 3 RM. furn. house, vard fenced. Ph. 2-6618. JJ165 Highway Ave. NICELY furn. 3-rm. hse.. clean, comfortable, well located. $:i5. BNLMason,Rlt.Ph. 3-8841. $50. 1 bdrm. all electric. Rm stop, nice for steatblv em ployed. Ph. 4-3648 alter 3 p.m. or Ph. Staylon 8074. 1 BDRM. partly furn. all elec. Adults. Inq. 3845 Portland Rd. 714 Business Rentals STUCCO building 40'x con crete floor, large doors, 13' ceiling for Warehouse storage or shop. Inq. 1516 S. 13th. DOWNTOWN office space, storo rms A narehouse 3-4114 18 Convalescent Homes THE Landing Nursing Home has 1 vacancy. 2210 Lansing. 3-3617. Moving & Storogt low cost storage. H. L. Stiff furniture Lo 39185. Larmer Transfer It Storage i Complete moving ser-ice. Also agents for BEK1NS Nation- Wide Movers. Ph. 3-3131. ! I ROft R.,1 l?c ' an B bwi Bunnell WpporTUri. - POSSIRIUTIKS FOR SOME ONK WITH FORKSIGHT Lot 55x39!. surrounded bv bus iness property, wrh a nice bungalow-style ho-v.e. 2 bed rooms up and 2 tijwn. Bath, living room, dining and kitch en combination. plentv of built-tns. Oil heat, basement, garage CALL r.FORCC REED Eves 2irUJ9 Don DcMficOK RTALTOH Mis Siisiirai Gifts for ioyssj BICYCLES NEW & USED Trades Terms. Ph. 2-1423 SHROCK'S. 1375 Highland GET your noy with a paper route a Quickly Motor Bike. It's Safel Scott's, 315 Mission. $5 FIRESTONE $5 THIS COUPON IS WORTH $5 Toward the purchase of any Firestone bicycle at regular price wnnoui iraae-m. uniy one coupon accepted on a single purchase. $5 $5 AT "YOUR DOWNTOWN" FIRESTONE STORE 395 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-2491 Gifts for Girls gJ FOR THE LITTLE GIRL A real Singer Sewing Machine Just like Mother's, only S9.9S. SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-3512 3-Speed Portable Electric Record Player 122 95 Valu. FOR $17.88 BATDORFS HOME & AUTO 1420 State St. Ph. 3.!:,R2 2095 Fairground. Ph. 3-7455 D.-11-Yomelf GiftsJ Genuine Candle Glow Wax Wicks, glitter & books. Farmers Union Co-op. 3615 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-3768. Auto Gifts Hollywood Type Mufflers. Be lond, Douglas, Smltty. EXHAUST Specialties St Parts 1395 State St.. Ph. 4-0997 800 Real Estate 801 Buslnesi Qpportun. SMART INVESTMENT OPPP0RTUN1TY Lot 50x150 !n business zone. Has small 3-bedroom home! Owner would consider larger home In trade. CALL FAYE SEAL Eves. 45594 Don Doackt&K OPPORTUNITY BEYOND comparison if you can hum ui y. rn, -aioi ior appi APT. House, good Income prop erty, excel, loc. Sell or trade for home. Ph. 4-3271. FOR LEASE tavern. For Infor mation call 16X5 Turner. LICENSED Salem Nursing Home, well equipped, excel lent reputation. $6,500 down. Particulars, experience, etc. first letter. Write Box 440, Statesman-Journal. SELF OPERATING APTS. Well planned like new bldg. No vacancy lo.Ks. low oper. exp. Nice laundry and garages, e.xpand,$40.000. 3-8347. FOR RENT, fully equipped res" taurant $100 per month. Allen C. Jones. Realtor. 231 N. High. Ph. 3-5838. Eve. 2-9848. FOR LEASE: Shell Station, good loc. Inventory investment re quired. Ph. 2-9198. 803 Suburban won best Buys SUBURBAN Attractive 2-bedroom home with fireplace, garage, utility, large workshop, greenhouse, oodles o' berries, shrubs, flowers, trees, on "i acre good soil NE. IPs yours for onlv $7950. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. pn. 4-5O20. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 322 North Cnurch St. Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7820 806 Houses For Sale $500 DOWN and $55 per mo. will buy this good solid 2 bedrm. house with new wall heater, range, fireplace, oak floors, bus 61 market close bv, onlv $.":'50. Call G. A. Walters, Real". torPh. 2714 or 4-6365. $3!50 TWO BEDROOMHOME with bathroom St utilitv. lg. lot 89 x 222 ft. good black soil, small chicken house, extra good well, paved st. N E , good terms. Call G. A. Wal ter. Realtor. Ph. 3-6714 or 4-6365. FOR SALE or rent very com fortable 5 yr. old 3 bdrm. home. Wall to wall carpeting, auto, washer included. $;iXt mo applies on purchase price $12,900. 578 Kingwood Dr. A .uidble now . Call lor appt. 3-W75 or 4-5iHU. BY OWNER 3 "bdrm house, bsmt.. West Salem choice lo cation $; fcoo. Terms. Shown by appt Ph. 3-7a38. $100 DN. $S5 a mo. neaTVMrrrv home with lawn, shrbhs St fenced in yard with small cot tage in back. Price $10,000. Ph. 4-8272. IMMEDIATE possession. 3 bdrms.. fireplace, birch cabi nets., hardwood firs . forced air oil heat, plastered garage attache! . 1 jr. oid. city limits. r'n. J-!'.vao. THIS IS IT AI MOST NEW S-bdr hon-e on ir$ lot. hdwd floors. 0:1 nea ittcfi garage Clne to a l cunventencct list Sa'em . $-.500 st (73 o. with nth:rr dwn. o 5on down A- $0 rro.. or $1,000 down 9e $40 o . 1 or $1,500 dn it nan your I own terms. Ph. 1-J71. Christmas Caski CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 2480 S. Com'. Ph. 4-8431 FOR CHRISTMAS JUST CALL 4-2203 Pacific Finance 118 S. Liberty CHRISTMAS CASH Extra Christmas Cash can b yours quickly by calling 4-8811 and placing a fast action want ad on those no longer used items. Gifts for Him; German Beer Steins SALEM VINTAGE STORE 593 Court St. ANTIQUE Guns, accessories. nice selection. 4-3&1U lor ap pointment only. TACKLE BOXES 18" Kennedy, two shelves. 18 compartments, large storage. Were $12.35, now $7.75. GIL WARD 280 Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-2470 A GIFT for the car this Christ mas. Pacific Auto. Sup. 355 N. Liberty. Spinning Outfits $9.95 CASCADE MERC Sporting Goods 1230 Broadway Ph. 3-593S 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sol OH! WHAT A WONDERFUL FEELING TO GET THAT (!?) GRAND PIANO in a room that's BIG enough I Try this one for size ... 17 wide by 25' long. And practically all VIEW. too. Of course there's a house goes with it. New. in SOUTH SALEM. with 2 full baths, 2 fireplaces, at $11,500. See it? Call 4-67fi6 or Eve.: Marjo rie Fanning 4-6098. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2W N. HIGH PH. 4-6766 $500 DOWN r $80 a"month.S bdrm. home, tile bath, frpl., birch kitchen, forced air heat, Ronaldo lights. Ph. 2-8148. FAMILY IlnAfir i Located north near parochial nu uraur scnooi uwner DUlit this lovely home about twenty years ago. Spacious grounds. Basement. Two baths. Double garage. FHA terms. Jim Brasher, Eves. 4-7386 Don Ooujokbjft OPEN HOUSE New Fairway Park Add Nearing completion. 3140 Ches ter Ave. City water & sewer, close to schools, built-in oven Si range. 3 bedrooms St family rm. J2.0nn down, balance $11. 9.t0 at $89 per mo. Drive by and look, doors are open. Ph, 4-3632 or 4-6212. Very Good Buy Neat bungalow nestled well back from the street, and ad joining Englewood park. 3 bdrms . den. living room with fireplace, separate din. room, modern kitchen with nook, all on 1 floor. Auto, oil heat to all moms Price reduced to $11,000 with terms. Call Mr. Bourne. Eve. Ph. 37217. $6500 Grandma wants to Join the children. Solid 2-bdrm. home in Bush Dist. on corner lot 50x 100. will qualify for G.I or FHA. Call Ruth Morrison, Eve. 41644. Joe Bourne Realtor 1140 S, Capitol Ph. 38218 CAN'D.M.ARIA SWEETHEART None finer, none nicer, Just trunk. haven't vo.i bevn drean;ir;? of a lovelv home in t'dr.da:.-.r'.a. w:t- a beautifu'ly lanci-raperi laree corner 1 -t, daylight basement, restful view. 2 bedrooms on firt flf-or. and one in the basement, spacious party room and two e'.s of plumbing. We ir.vite you to see this gracious home. Priced at only $18 500. Call Don DoueMcn. Now. Eves. 4-1414 Don Douqktcrtt. 2 f-irt Ph. 4-4M HERTZRENT-ATRUCK Fh. 2-6061 j 1