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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1956)
Page 2 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, December 11, 1956 Britain Gets 1.3 Billion MF Credit Pound's Main taincd At 82.30 WASHINGTON' w-fireat Britain h;is been extended credits of $1. 3DO.Mifl.ono by the International Monetary Fund tn help her ride out a financial storm brought on primarily by the Middle Kasl crisis. The action was announced last night by the lio-nation lurid created in 1B47 to help nations. caught in such situations to main tain stable currencies. Of the credit advanced, $"M,- 740.000 is designed In add to Brit ain's monetary reserves, which have sunk below the two-billion-dollar figure, regarded by the Ion- Q Iraqi Troops uit Jordan In Arab Row BAGHDAD Iraq says she is withdrawing her troops from Jordan because the Jordan gov ernment demanded that the Iraqi forces there be put under Kgyp tian command. The dispute appeared lo further isolate Iraq from the rest o( the Arab world. Kgypt and Syria al ready have been directing propa ganda attacks against Iraq for re maining in the Baghdad Pact, which includes Britain. Iraq sent part of her nriny into Jordan under the joint delensc treaty of W47 when Israeli troops knifed Into tho Sinai Penin sula in late October and the Am man government feared they might also attack Jordan. Over the weekend Iraq an nounces she was nulling back at Jordan's request, although the Baghdad government said It felt the Israeli threat was mm grow ing. 7 Negroes Go Peacefully to Tenn. School CLINTON, Tenn. Seven Negro students reported peace fully to classes Tuesday at inte grated Clinton High School. One girl. Minnie Ann Dickey. 15, among the eight Negro students still attending the racially lorn school, was absent because of ill--i ness. . I Only a handful of newsmen w as I don government as a minimum 5 t j I for safe financial dealings. the British government at any time within the next 12 months. Britain will be charged from 2 to 34 per cent interest on the credits, depending on when she repays the money advanced In anticipation of the action, the I .S. Treasury announced last Kri- day it would borrow a billion dollars on short-term bills next month. Some of the U. S. subscription lo the monetary fund is in the form of gold, and some is in the form of Treasury notes which bear no interest. The granting of credit tn Britain means that the fund will call on this country to provide dol lars to match some of tho notes. These dollars will then be placed at "the immediate disposal" of London lo meet current bills. Britain has been hard nressed in the wak- of her joint invasion wiin i- ranee of the Suez Canal area in Kgypt. In addition to Ihe direct expense of that military venture, siie faces for some time greatly increased outlay for oil as a re. suit of the blacking of Ihe canal and a diminished flow of petroleum from Mideastern fields. London has asked the llniip,! States lo waive nearly 82 million dollars in interest payments due Dec. 31. The Kisenhower adminis tration has indicated it will pass this decision on to Congress. The monetary fund advanced is not intended to be used lo meet that obligation. Per Jacnbsson. manasinir dime. tor of the fund, said Britain in tends lo use Ihe credits "to main. tain the rate of the pound sterling at its present parity" equivalent to $2 HO. The British credit was hv fari the largest ever made lo a fund member. Changed His Mind . I , iJ i 12-Month Plan Considered for State Colleges Wilson Sees Liabilities In Move; Might VTork. Better at PSC PORTLAND i I P I The Stale Board of Higher Education, at iis meeting here yesterday, gave OS HUNGARY PI LWI T India Pushes Dag Mission to Soviet tnHia Ovlon and Indonesia ! three weks ago put in a resolu- NATO Chiefs Meet to Close Alliance Ranks PARIS m Loaders of the 15 North Atlantic Treaty nations met nr" let In1 here today to close their Suez- v ohservers to find out what j breached alliance against new and to negotiate with the Kremlin. Indian Delegate V. .K. Krishna i tentative look at a 12-month class Menon was the prime mover be vcar at state schools but was told , hind the new plan as the 79-na-1 that the plan has "definite liabili-, tion General Assembly continued ties." his latest debate on the rebellion Board Member William Walsh ! in Hungary. of Coos Bay asked Dr. O. Merc- Ceylon, Indonesia and Burma dith Wilson, president of the Uni- j joined in sponsoring the Indian versity of Oregon, what he thought resolution urging that Hammar- of a plan that would keep state I skjold be sent to Budapest, ana colleges and the university in I Moscow if necessary, to seek Re operation a full 12 months instead ' sian withdrawal from the battered of the present nine. satellite. Dr. Wilson replied that similar j Some Western diplomats con- operations tried at the end of ! tended the Indian resolution lacked the teeth of a U.S. resolu tion already before the Assembly. By TOM HOGE UNITED NATIONS, N Y. India and her three closest Asian olliao nn.cci.H a dpi, nrnnnsal to-1 u '3W . , .. .... i .;,!,- n-uccinn threats - r--r- uas gome on That resolution guii'- - . day to get Russian troops out of ahJ"-t l0 p.rIurb ,e Russian penetration into the Hungary by U..Y Secre- hire except o p sj.;Middie Kast. on NATO's southern tarv General Dag Hammarskjold Russians whe naa cnun u .. k and lne cbb and row o .. ---- .. linM ., nc, ..;. tral" Asian group on the Hungar- "" an issue mastery lent special urgency to . ' ' , . .... ,u the annual session of the foreign. mere was specu.d.i m d d f mrnisier. .n!er- i. . DAs Parley on Bus, Railroad Desegregation WASHINGTON Ifl Ally. Gen. Browncll has signaled for "vol- KKW YORK Mario Bcllirh. 23-year-old Italian seaman. Is helped by police as he comes down from span of Brooklyn Rritfge after a priest and an Italian-speaking patrolman talked him out of leaping off the structure here today. Bellieh, who deserted a Trieste ship In Boston In 1033, gave his address as S. Ward Street, New Brunswick, N.J. Police said he told Ihem he was due lo be deported to Trieste where he feared he would be shot. He was taken to Bellevue Hospital for observation. (AP Wlrrphoto) Polar Airmen FlyingOutlo Refm Tanks servance of the Supreme- Court's Nov. 13 mandate. The attorney general said in a statement after the conference untary compliance" as a first step: n,,u, "" !"'" toward ending racial segregation in local transportation. The attorney general in eflect PORTLAND in The basement of a north Portland landmark, the old Kenton auction house at N. Denver Ave. and Kilpatrick St., was damaged by fire early Tues day. Firemen received two alarms, 25 minutes apart. They battled the I'nnn m,,ci f ... si u i l,lrt-u '"i more man an nour De buses and trains violates rights cnmm nrrit, to define their -10" ?.olrtro,,inlt il- The firemen sidored at length those measures most appropriate.' He added: "In the application of the Con stitution In seLTrpp.itinn nn nil mm. called on transportation companies mon carrjers primary emphasis generally to go along with a Su- will be placed upon voluntary premc Court decision saying! compliance with the law as enun torced separation of while and I ?al li!P. Supreme Court of Fire Damages Old Landmark World War II in some Gl-crowded schools were not considered en tirely successful, both from stu dent and faculty viewpoints. Dr. J. F. Cramer, president of Portland State College, said the plan might work more profitably at his urban college than at campus-type schools because most of the student body lived in Portland and -held year-round jobs sched uled to fit their classroom programs. Ihe board heard a report that enrollments in summer session courses were on the increase with a registration of 6948 on all state Backed bv 17 nations, it would condemn the Soviet Union sharply for Hungary's plight. Others thought, however, that a roposal from Asian nations Rus sia has been wooing would gain more ground than any step by the West. Mcnon refused to go along with condemnation of the Reds. In stead his resolution "deplores" that the Rtisians have made no L v sh(md ml be ma(je tool of the United States. Knilin initht now favor vention from Asia if it provided a from the NATO naiions. r,r-. n, u-av nut of an incrcas-! w policy trenus as wen as ne- ingly awkward' situation. visions on the 15 countries' 1053 " . .. , ,-v ! niiitarv programs were expected Faced w, h mounting L.V pres- " (rom he (.mlcv sure to get ' o Hungar: y the millers publicly de- Russians have insisted that their h mccliM as "the mrst troops were in Budapest under, . . ... -ATO .,. the auspices of the Warsaw Pact mP s ' " c 1Ar0 and at the urging of the Hungar-I"nch('d (1M'' . , t ians themselves Two main tasks confronted the Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Alli statesmen: Vassily V. Kuznelsov went a step 1. How to rebuild he unity and farther yesterday and demanded efficiency of the alliance, weak that the Assembly condemn the I ened by political squabbles and United States for allegedly inciting ! the economic crisis facing West. the Hungarian revolt Kuznctsov declared that an As sembly resolution last week call ing on Hungary to admit U..N. ob severs by Dec. 7 was an "ulti matum" which no self-respecting government would accept. He called the new 17-nation res olution "shameful" and declared move to get their troops out oi Hungary. As an alternative, Menon pre- campuses. At the University, 7 sented a series of amendments to per cent of the enrollment was the 17-power proposal to bring it school teachers. At Portland State into iine wjth his own resolution, only 25 per cent were school The am(,ndments would have teachers. Hammarskjold open talks at the The board also named Burns, U N wjtn boln Russian and Hun Bear, McNeil k Schneider archi-i ja representatives. If those tects for new physical plant shops I f;ij , , ,.,,, ua .nM h at the University of Oregon Medi- L,b.H ln lrv , ,isi't lh R,,ssia cal School; Church, Newberry & Roehr for a third dormitory at the University; and Robert Keeney of Medford to design a new science building at Southern Oregon Col lege. Members approved the names of Cordley Hall for a new agricul ture building at OSC and Weather- capital to discuss a halt to Soviet intervention in Hungary and rec ognition of the rights of Hungary's citizens. ford hall for the present men's dormitory at the Corvallis campus. ern Kurope as a result of the cut in the supply of oil from the Jlid dlc Kast. 2. How to meet and beat Ihe challenge of post-Stalinist Commu nism, with its shifting methods of force, political subversion and eco nomic penetration on an ever widening front. tic affairs but still allows Soviet troops to be stationed in Poland In nll,i nfHfif,! Tntin sources said Russia has been J and has endorsed the major points sending Prime Minister Nehru re- ovlet 'orcign policy. peated assurances that it intends to withdraw the bulk of its forces from Hungary when relations be tween Moscow and Budapest can be firmly established on the same basis as relations between the So viet and Polish governments. Poland's new "nationalist" re gime has been granted consider able freedom to manage domes- Negro passengers Intrastate the United States. guaranteed by the Constitution. legal rights and responsibilities new .ealand lo fill the Innt. r their mammoth on ion CI24 Globe masters. There won't hi. n,on Christmas trees, but with sum mer just starting in that country they can bask on the bearh for a day or two. The steady depletion of the big tanks at Mc.Murdo Sound will not seriously hamper the job of build ing scientific stations for sludv of this icebound continent during' the 'njfrnalional Geophysical Year A nnn on hand tn see Ihe Negroes enter !, , '! !' , , ' along wilh , while students : , New Three carloads of police palrolled hrenkor filacer Through. Ihe Z- ""Jf .. ....... J "I! ,.-j i, i..'. I Glnhemaslers have .. ' . I I..- " ",Vb k." ... !,hl n ln South iiiiiii.iiik ... .no,. ' . By DON GUV li Tl .r ,' ' ' An'i"'l"('" 'nic M u- s 1trirt attorneys! will he held." : ,,' , i is run-1 from 14 Southern and bonier FL L "nd 75 U"S' Ai1't maintaining segregation r one crewmen are grinning about m., ,r transportation were called . . hero yesterday to confer with 1 untary compliance does not bring instead of a whilp Chrislmns In Browncll on ways lo secure ob- i about desegregation. ......,,., un-y will liv In snnnv ikept flames '-om spreading to a nigm club on the second floor of Rrownell declined to say what other steps the ledcral govern ment may lake if Ihe call for vol- the frame structure. Completely Remodeled centrally located BANQUET FACILITIES Group Meetings From 10 to 100 People 440 State MM PHONE 3-5016 I HOLLYWOOD 1 STORES I Open Evenings! Til 9 P.M. I Hollywood Jf Business Ass'n. r jj FIRST RUN! i yj M-G-M pi.Mnti 'fe.1 suipense-shocket! 1 1 1A 1 Doris DAY ouisJOURDAN Barry SULLIVAN CrinuFinY a 1 1 aim lu.uv An Arwift rreowww jg Side-Splitting Comedy "DOCTOR AT SEA" rrsatinnif-ts on white Rnptist minister who rsrortfd sx o( the Nrcrnrs tn classes. Meanwhile, a bin 1or.i1 b;ittle is shapiiiR up for the trial of 14 men and two women accused of inter. erinR with peaceful integra tion of the school. The trial will open .Ian. 2R before II. S. Hist, .Indue Robert L. Tavlor In Knox . ville. Thomas Ciore, Nashville lawyer representiiiE them, told Taylor the Attorneys general of at least three soul hern states mm other law yers would be associated with him in defense nf the accused. Sounht Poslon Farm Croup icMiI)orisoi PKNOt.KTON UTt-Sen H ard I.. Neuberner said here yes terday he has nffen-d t j reMi;n from the Senate I'oblic S in k-. (trninittrc if w can ! jpnmri-il instead lo tin- Ai;i u tilliu c Cuiu nut!'f . ' I jin tiol at all Mite it can be Winked mil,"' he added NeiiheiK'T was in IVmllcUin to meet with farm leader-. lamlieo. irrigation and reclamation otli nals to get recommendations on (he soKind nf their problems "! think Orej;on farmers ha e (differed a creat drop in income and for that reason I am willing In sacrifice the public work- com mittee assignment to sen e on agriculture and try and tackle the farm problem," the junior Oregon senator said. been Pole Jinn miles from here, to airdrop build ini; material for a I' S. base. Kach trip consumes 6,000 gallons of gasoline, Completely Remodeled-in Beautiful Swedish Style! ALL YOU nc CAN EAT VV A lO.Mri.KTK MKAL lunch and Dinner Daily From Noon on Sundays Organ Music every Evening Your Guest Check Dinner lor Dad 99 Dinner lor Mont 99c Dinner lor Jimmy . 49 (Inilcr 10) Dinner lor Janel . . 49e diiilrr 10) Dinner lor Donald 49e U'mlc-r 10) Total for t it Family nf S 440 State-In Salem 8440 Interstate In Portland WINS TIIK KASV MAY DKTHOIT HP - Hlindfoldcd. nnsAlyn Oepaulu reached into a jar coi.tainmj,; about l,(Ki names to draw the name nf a raltte win ner. She pulled nut her own name and won a totter. INSTRUMENT SALE Accordion Saw up l 50S Bind Inifrwmonti Ssvo up t 40 X Fin Old V.lmi-ty vp MS THE MUSIC CENTER 4l C.-I.r II. f07 (ftl?asODLSX2B u ;: 4 ; roebuck and ca JJ H WJ k x ) SALEM W Sfc .h-t 1 KX( i i'i sati itn.vvs I US ' iirr 9.3I) A M T0 5:3) M j f Hortman Bros. V n tkt 'WehKfe! i lent at tnritl It Ittert, di tnMe4. 0'T tf"M' ! hevltl rsl( tWI IM Mt It pr"n Intl. H4. r WEAR A BULOVA see the JACKIE GLEASON SHOW CBS-TV EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 'U . ! 1 Mil "The Diamond Store of Salem Wl),kIJ1MlI HARMAPROS. f STATE AND LIBERTY Spctitl Ordr Setting lnrtmf Rmdlittf ENDS TONITE "ATTACK" "MANFISH" STARTS WEDNESDAY In The Living legondt Of A Turbulent' River Era. m WIDE SCREEN... ...TECHNICOLOR i -"hi wm itttuno f . k m f. . ill 1 1 MIA j1 '.7,T.- I ma KoincKing Advenluns of WALT DISNEYS TO mwm 11 PLUS m Q-Tl Kjcitrmcnt In mTSrt The Oil Fields t I "Boom Town" J 7 A S'Cl . Spencer Tracy - jgHedy LaMarr 'j Ends "POWER AND PRIZE"! Tonile "STAR OF INDIA" WEDNESDAY UMlSAL-tuuixnoKi. 'a fj 5 TV I MAU1N0W JOHN FORSYTH r 1 MORF: AROl'T HYPNOTISM Kill" I 1 V y '"-IL UWISNOWDrt j ,S J J' .1 V AMD KAROWfi mUcmVi "Mt Utrf . . . Wr Dmnh " COMING SOON-'GIANT'-DEC. 25