o Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, December 11, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Pajre 3 m&JB7$, w u TUESDAY OX KOIVTV: (61 4:45 p.m., Cartoon Time "Shop, Look and Listen" starring Little Blabbermouse. 5:30 p.m.. Armchair Theatre "The Broken Cord" starring Lillian Albertson, Jan Shepard, Marguerite Churchill. 6:30 p.m., Sgt. Preston trails a convict in the far snow-covered reaches of the Yukon. 8 p.m., Phil Silvers Bilko sees a newspaper ad stating fortune can be made breeding mink, in "Mink, Inc." 8:30 p.m., The Brothers The spector of imminent marriage threat ens to break up the combination of Harvey and Gilmore. 9 p.m., Victor Borge Show Borge, pianist comedian, will resent new version of "Victor Borge's Comedy in Music" as special, one-hour show. Will follow format of Borge's Broadway success, a record run of 84!) performances, will include both comic and serious piano work. 10:30 p.m., I Led Three Lives Richard Carlson foils a Red plan to "mug" a union leader. 11:10 p.m., Showtime on Six "Return of Rin Tin Tin" starring Don ald Woods, Bobby Blake. TUESDAY ON KPTV: (27) 6:30 p.m.. Cisco Kid Cisco and Pancho. trail a fence who pur chases stolen jewelry from outlaw leaders like Pete. 8:30 p.m., Noah's Ark A beautilul blonde model brings her allergic poodle to all animal hospital and promptly makes a play for young Dr. Noah McCann. Joi Lansing and Paul Burke star. 9 p.m., Jane Wyman Show An attractive Kansas spinster living with a possessive sister and brother-in-law, finds romance a difficult ad venture in, "While There's Life," starring Jane Wyman, Gordon and Vivi Janiss. 9:30 p.m.. Circle Theatre "Search, Seizure and Arrest," dramatiza tion about U.S. Customs officials and their job. John Cameron Swayze fis host. 10:30 p.m., Badge 714 A "hot rod" hit-and-run driver is the object of intensive citywide search, when Sgt. Friday learns that an expectant mother died of injuries sustained in the accident. 11 p.m.. Scarlet Pimpernel The Scarlet Pimpernel's plans to thwart Chauvclin's ruthless scheme of murder are not helped by the ro mantic indiscretions of the "Ambassador's Lady." 11:30 p.m., Tonight Starring Ernie Kovacs. TUESDAY ON KLOR: (12) 4:30 p.m., Jingle Dingle's Christmas Party The puppet Jingle Dingle introduces a program of Christmas carols, cartoons and puppetry. 5 p.m., Mickey Mouse Club "Neath Arizona Skies." p.m., Superman "The Riddle of the Chinese Jade." 6:30 p.m., Fishing and Hunting News Film's of an Indian-guided trip in dug-out canoes down the famous Quinalt River on the Olympic Peninsula for steelhead fishing. 7:30 p.m., Conflict "Stranger on the Road." On the dodge from the law, a shy young man seeks safety on a cattle ranch. 8:30 p.m., Wyatt Earn "Nineteen Notches on His Gun." Wyatt and Bat Masterson disguise themselves as Texas badmen to round up a troublesome trail gang. 9 p.m., Broken Arrow "Cry Wolf." An imaginative boy witnesses a murder. 9:30 p.m.. Theater "Once a Hero." An ex-rodeo king attempts to recapture his son's respect by returning to the scene of his famous triumphs. Ward Bond, Richard Eyer. Ben Johnson. 10 p.m., Ozark Jubilee Emcee Red Foley presents 10-year-old tom boy Brcnda Lee, who sings "I'm Going to Lasso Santa Claus" and "Christy Christmas." 10:30 p.m., Klor Presents "The Mix-up." starring Eunice Gayson, Patrick Holt, Frederick V'alk and Karol Stepanek. 11:15 p.m., Hometown Theater "Bulldog Drummond's Secret Po lice." Drummond searches in an underground labyrinth for a hidden treasure and is trapped in an ancient torture chamber. John Howard, Heather Angel, H. B. Warner. WEDNESDAY ON KOIN-TV: (6) 2:00 p.m. KOIN Kitchen Demonstrates for viewers today. 4:45 p.m., Cartoon Time "The Ants vs. the Black Ants. 5:30 pm., Armchair Theatre "Escape to Nowhere, LaRue. Lowell Gilmore, Lois Hall. 7:00 p.m.. Movie Hour Men who cars at 140 miles per hour, provide Against Speed. By John Robinson, man. Regis Toomey and RicK Jason. Miglia, Italian racing course. 10:00 p.m., Studio 57 The search for the killer of a young actress leads to a resort town and a cat-imd-mousc game between a detective and killer. Dan O'Herlihy slcrs in "Challenge," with Robert Middle ton playing the "olherman." 10:40 p.m., Showtime on Six "Earl Carroll's Sketchbook." star ring Constance Moore, William Marshall, Vera Vague, and Edward Everett Horton. WEDNESDAY ON KPTV: (27) 1:30 a.m., Home Arlcnc interviews Dr. Omer Carmichael, Louis ville, Ky., whose foresightedne.ss in accustoming citizens to school desegregation helped bring accord when the Supreme Court decision was handed down. Lucille Rivers shows quick-to-make Christmas gift. Natalie Core shows gifts for bailment workshop and sports ideas. 12:00 Noon, NBC Matinee Theatre "Love is a Locksmith," light hearted story of a bachelor psychology professor's efforts to use his profession in wooing. 2:00 p.m.. Comedy Time Joan husband of jealous Avife in Alienation of Affections. 3:0 p.m., Northwest Home Barbara makes hors d'oeuvres and easy-delicious dip. 4:00 p.m., Cowboy Serial Time with Buster Crabbc. 4:43 p.m., Playhousp 4:45 "Big Fix," starring iJamcs Brown, Tom Brown, and Sheila Ryan. 7:00 p.m., Willy Art League commissions Emile Pinet to paint Paul Revere: Pinet consents on condition Willy be his date until it is finished in "Willy and L'Affaire Paul Revere." 8:00 p.m., Adventures of Hiram HolMday Wally Cox as Hiram is chased through an Italian carnival by two revolutionary leaders. 8:30 p.m., Father Knows Best Andersons have. long tolerated Al dus Lydom's eccentricities, but when he breaks promise to Kathy they feel he deserves rebuke on "The Good Prospect." 9:00 p.m., Theatre "Teddy Bear," drama of a violent meeting between two foraier prisoners of war in Korea. 10:30 p.m., Mr. District Attorney David Brian as Mr. DA. faces a kidnaping that almost becomes murder. 11:00 p.m., Dateline Europe A voice nobody knows and a man ho thought his friend, put Robert Cannon under suspicion of murder, in "Free Germany." 11:30 p.m.. Tonight Steve and gang go to Miami Beach to help celebrate NBC 30th Anniversary. From Fontainbleau hotel with vio linist Florian Zabach, ventroliquist Clifford Guest and dancers Page and Bray. WEDNESDAY ON KLOR: (12) 12:30 p.m., Mid-Day Matinee "Eight O'clock Walk." starring Richard Attenborough. Cathy O'Donnell, Derek Farr. Ian Hunter. Taxi driver accused of murder of a little girl; wife fights for his cause in court. 19.53. 2:00 p.m.. Life With Elizabeth "Tree in the Freeway," "That First Kiss." "Boy Friends Visit." 2:30 p.m.. Lady of the House Sybil Shearer of the Pacific Lamb council demonstrates new lamb dishes. New hair fashions discussed. j 3:00 p.m., Afternoon Film Festival "The Perfect Woman," star- ! rin? Patricia Roc, Stanley Holloway ad Nigel Patrick. A bachelor scientist invents a mechanical uoman with an emotional sensitive personality. 4:30 p.m., The Range Rider "Rustler's Range." The Ranpe Rider and Dick West find a murdered wrangler and an unconscious girl lying on a lonely trail. 5:00 p.m., Mickey Mouse Club Indian children and pets in new- reel. 6:00 p.m.. Western Marshall "School Teacher," under suspicion for mail robberies, investigated by Steve. 6:45 p.m., Pep-Saddler Fieht 1951 reatherweight championship of the world, the title which Willie Pep lost and regaid from S.ndy Saddler. " 7:00 p.m.. idny Night Firfifc a;;c lay M u middleweight championship on the line against G(e F ullmtr ai Mad ison Square Garien in a 15-rnund title bout. Jack Dre ccoimentator. 8:00 p.m.. Disneyland Fantasylgnd: "Pluto'i Day," entire pro gram of Pluto's adventures. o Q S:00 p.m., Sheriff of Cochise "Lost Mine." 9:30 p.m., Athentures of Ozzfe and Harriet "A Doctor in tne House." Dr. Williams spends a few niehts with the Nelsons; Ozzie develop some unusual pains. 10:00 p.m., Theater-Stars Eddie Bracken and Mona Freeman life becomes complicated fnr i young couple when the husband buvs up a traffic island in front of his house in order to placate his ml UMsVm Hometown Theatrr-'Woman in the Window." starring FduardC Robinson. Joan Bennett. Raymond Massey and Dan Duryea. A rvcMorit ki'! "nan in pe1f-Wwi and tries to hide the body. 1 "Ambrosia Icebox Cake' Fighting 69 'i starring the Red ' starring Jack drive the sleek, powerful racing the drama and suspense in Mm stars Farley Granger, Mona rree American cars on famous Millo accused of having attracted the Part One of "His Brother's Ghost DENNIS THE MENACE Let not tell DAD, A10M. ITU just spoil HIS WHOLE EVENING. OKW.MOM? Ak)M? On Television UHF KPTV (27) VHF KOIN TV (6), KLOR (12), KVAl (13) TUESDAY 5:00 p.m. KOIN Red Dunning KI.OR -Mit'krv Mouse KVAL Roundup 5:30 p.m. KOIN Armchair 5:45 p.m. KVAL News, Wei., Spta. 8:00 p.m. KLOR Superman KOIN Wea.. Spts., News KVAL Little Rascals 6:15 p.m. KPTV Ivan Smith News KOIN Edwards Newt :30 p.m. KPTV Cisco Kid KOIN Sgt. Preston KLOR Fishing-Hunting KVAL Robin Hood 7:00 p.m. KPTV Break the Bank KOIN $64,000 7 KLOR Judge Bean KVAL Football Hilitei 7:30 p.m. KPTV Jonathan Winters KOIN Trust Your Wile? KLOR Cheyenne KVAI PCC Hilitei 7:45 p.m. KPTV National Newi 8:00 p.m. KPTV Big Surprise KOIN Phil Silvers KVAL Big Surprise 8:30 p.m. KPTV Noah's Ark KOIN The Brother! KLOR Wyatt Earp KVAL Celebrity Playhse. 9:00 p.m. KPTV Jane Wyman KOIN Victor Borge KLOR Broken Arrow KVAL. Jane Wvman 8:30 p.m. KPTV Circle Theater KOIN Red Skelton KLOR Theater KVAL Circle Theater 10:00 p.m. KOIN Code Three hi.im uznrK jimnee 10:30 p.m. KPTV Badge 114 KOIN 3 Lives KLOR Adventure KVAL Famous Play 11:00 p.m. KPTV Scarlet Pimpernel KLOR News 11:15 p.m. KOIN Movie KLOR Movie KVAL Movie 11:30 p.m. KPTV Tonight WEDNESDAY KPTV Today KOIN Panoroma Pacific KOIN Fun to Reduce KPTV Tic Tac Dough KOIN Valiant Lady KOIN Love of Life KPTV Could Be You KOIN Search Tomorrow KOIN Guiding Light KPTV Dtng Dong KOIN Stand Up KPTV Home KOIN As World Turns KOIN Miss Brooks KPTV Term. Ernie 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. KOIN House Party i KPTV Matinee Thca. KOIN Bifl Payoff KVAL Matinee KLOR Public Interest KOIN Bob Crosby KLOR Movie KPTV Queen for Day KOIN Brighter Day KVAL Queen for Day KOIN Secret Storm KOIN Fdee of Night KPTV Modern Romances KI. OR Purple Sage Ridrs KVAl, Modern RiAnanccs KPTV Married Joan KOIN Kitchen KLOR Elizabeth KVAL Married Joan KPTV Pru-e Is Right KOIN Strike It Rich KLOR Lady of House KVAL Price Is Right 12:15 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 1:45 p.m. COLOR TV SCHEDULE KPTV-Tu.i., D.c. 11 NBC MATINEE THEATER 11 Noon - 1 P.M. rtak th. 5250,000 Bank 7-7:30 P.M. Noih'i Ark 1:30-9 P.M. SEE AT MARR'S Phone 3 9201 2140 S. Commercial You've A Date With Channel 8! - a x l r V-- - By Ketcham 3:00 p.m. KPTV Telecourse KOIN Carry Moore KLOR Film Festival KVAL Movie 3:30 p.m. KPTV NW Home KOIN Arthur Godfrey 4:00 p.m. KPTV Cowboy Serial 4:30 p.m. KPTV Whittle KOIN Mr. Moon KLOR Range Riden KVAL Guest Book 4:45 p.m. KPTV Movie KOIN Cartoon 5:00 p.m. KOIN Red Dunning KLOR Mickev Mouse KVAL Big Roundup 5:30 p.m. KOIN Armchair 5:45 p.m. KVAL News, Wea., Spts. 6:00 p.m. KOIN Wea., News. Spts. KLOR Steve Donovan KVAL Wild Bill 8:15 p.m. KPTV Smith News KOIN Edwards New 6:30 p.m. KPTV Football Replay KOIN Giant Step KLOR Sports KVAL, To announce 8:45 p.m. KLOR Greatest Fights KVAL Webfoot Feats 7:00 p.m. KPTV Willy KOIN Movie Hour KLOR Boxing KVAL Secret Journal 7:30 p.m. KPTV Eddie Fisher KVAL Sherlock Holmes 7:45 p.m. KPTV World News 8:00 p.m. KPTV Hiram Holhday KOIN Arthur Godfrey KLOR Disneyland KVAL Cochise Sheriff 8:30 p.m. KPTV Father Knows Best KVAL Science-Fiction 8:00 p.m. KPTV Theater KOIN Millionaire KLOR Cochise Sheriff KVAL Theater 9:30 p.m. KOIN Got a Secret KLOR-Ozzte & Harriet 10:00 p.m. KPTV Your Life jmjiin siuaio 31 KLOR Theater KVAL Your Life 10:30 p.m. KPTV Mr. D.A. KOIN Movie KLOR Twenty-One KVAL Twenty-One 11:00 p.m. KPTV Dateline Europe KLOR News KVAL News 11:15 p.m. KLOR Movie KVAL Pendulum 11:30 p.m. KPTV Tonight U. S. Protests, Hungary Reds Restore Lines WASHINGTON Uv-A U.S. pro- lost lo Hungary against a new cutoff of communications with the American legation at Budapest has brought a reply that things should be back to normal today. Tibor Zador, first secretary of the Hungarian legation here, told newsmen after receiving the pro test late yesterday that he was "99 per cent certain that by to morrow everything will be all right." It was the second time since the Oct. 29 Hungarian revolt that communications were severed be tween the Budapest legation and Washington. A State Department note handed to Zador said the second interruption began Sun day and continued for more than 24 hours. Service Is Our Business RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE We are equipped to service nil makes ol TVs, Radios Tape Recorders and Phono graphs. BYER and BECHTEL RADIO & TV Service 2376 State St. Ph. 4-9767 SALEM Starting TV I T INSIDE HOLLYWOOD By BOB' THOMAS HOLLYWOOD UK Carol Mor ris, Miss Universe of 1957,. is em barking on an acting career with her pretty blue eyes wide open. The statuesque beauty from Ot- tumwa, Iowa, has reported to Universal - In ternational t o begin her con tract. Her first role is as a chor ine in Man ot a T.h ou s a n d Faces," and she has a total of one line. Whether or not bob Thomas not her roles get bigger depends on her ability, and she's realistic nK,.t It I knnw tho nrMc nniintt Krtull. 1 tv contest winners' making a as nrtrossoi: " she remark! "Not 1 Vol; many have made it, and I can j associate professor of medicine, sec why. Because a girl is good,"'"' Dr. Archie H. Tunturi, assist looking that's no reason she ant professor of anatomy, can become an actress. I The Atomic Energy Commission "It takes a lot of study and trainine in learn aci ni! Rieht now I m going to classes at the a- "ral. proiessor ano ncau 01 me studio and studying as hard as department of biochemistry and I can. 1 hope 1 can make it. Butllr- E. E. Osgood, professor and if I don't, I'll go back to college i and get my degree." Caro. still seems a bit awed by all that has happened to her since she won the beauty prize last summer. From Long Beach she went to New York for a publicity whirl. In a few days, she clocked 24 TV and radio shows. Then she had a triumphant return to Ottum wa. , I thought at least I would get some rest there," she said. "But I found our house filled with re porters and photographers. One time I walked into my bedroom and there were reporters making notes of everything that came out of my suitcase!" "She had some more touring. then reported to U-I to begin her 1 training as an actress. AF to Pav Part Costs At Portland Airport PORTLAND tfl President W. L. Williams of the port of Portland commission says the Air Force has agreed to pay part of the cost of maintaining the inter national airport in Portland. lie says the annual maintenance payment by the Air Force will amount to a maximum of $25,000. In return the port has leased : land to the government for build- ing a runway connecting Air! Force facilities ot the airport with I a new 8,800-foot runway. I CARRIE CAUSES A Gifts, Cards, Debbie and Eddie's Firstborn By ALINE MOSBY United Press Hollywood Writer HOLLYWOOD (UP) The most disrupting influence in staid Bev erly Hills these days is a blonde beauty named Carrie Fisher, aged six weeks. Carrie, as devotees of America's sweethearts know, is the first born of Debbie Reynolds and Kddie Fisher and has caused cvcn more commotion in the suburb than when the city threatened to chop down the palm trees. The mailman staggers into the Fisher home dairy under a burden of letters, cards and hand-made elaborate presents from doting fans. Fisher also staggers home daily under a burden of presents j for his baby. The sight-seeing buses wait with loads of tourists for the nurse to wheel litle Carrie down the street. When I arrived for an in terview I had to elbow through a group of youngsters waiting hopefully out front for a peck. Halloween Invasion "Halloween night we really got it!" said Debbie brightly as she munched on a sandwich in the liv ing room. "I wrapped candies in Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort PASTEETH, pleasant alkaline (non-arid) powder, nulds falw teeih more firmly. To eat nd talk In more comfort, JUflt sprinkle little FAH TKETH on your Dime No tiimmi, gooey, pany ta.ite or fefllnR. Checks )iit- (xior" (denture brthi net FAUTKETH ftt my drug counter Mondays December 17 IlL Biihop Sheen 9:00 P.M. e State College Gifts, Grants Are $513,064 PORTLAND (UP) The State Board of Higher Education today accepted $513,064 in gifts and grants, including one of $253,000 from the National Science Foun dation. The $253,000 grant will support an academic - year institute for high school 'teachers of science and mathematics during 1957-58 at Oregon State College. The proj ect will be directed by Dr. Stanley E. Williamson, associate professor of science education. The University of Oregon Modi cal School received two grants irOIll me U.S. 1'UOIIC ncailll 31TV' '. louiingwi.M lor researcn Studies by Dr. MontC A. Urccr gave grants totaling mu.ihio to n- nance research airecica Dy ur. t. head of the division ol expen- mental medicine Dr. Francis J. Reithel, profes sor of chemistry, was named head of the chemistry department at the University of Oregon. 'Agribusiness9 Look Urged at y 211111 I IT! Ill Pill PORTLAND (fl The former head of the Commodity Credit Corp. told the Chamber of Com merce Monday that farm and business leaders w ill have to attack farm problems jointly on an "agribusiness" basis. "By this, I mean that the food and fiber phase of our economy must be analyzed in its total setting simultaneously taking in to account the related functions both on and off the farm," John H. Davis said. "In general, leaders of food and fiber phases of our economy have been slow to comprehend the magnitude of iIk evolutionary forces which are converting agri culture into 'agribusiness' and farm problems into 'agribusiness' problems." Davis is director of the program in agriculture and husiness for the Harvard University graduate school of business administration. STIR Letters Deluge waxed paper for the kids but we ran out early." The biggest item in the baby's room is a life-sized stuffed baby elephant from Papa fisher. "A lot of fans sent toys, espe cially musical toys, and stuffed giratfes and teddy bears," said Kddie. "We have enough presents to open a baby shop. It's amazing the way people make gifts with their own hands, such as booties and caps." "Most of the gifts come from; married couples and older peo ple," added his wife. "One 78-year-old woman sent an embroid ered white dress she made." Cards Stored Little Carrie receives thousands of cards from fans. Her mother, who apparently appreciates t h e benehts of being a star, saved them all for her daughter to crfjoy some day. The cards are stored inside another gift, from producer Mike Todd. He sent the baby the huge carpetbag that Cantinflas carries in "Around the World in 80 Days." Tm going to paste the cards a &:. Bifijuun mm m.uw she's a teenager and say, 'Sec all the commotion you caused," " Debbie laughed. Debbie and Eddie fly to New York soon for the premiere of an other "first production," their first movie together, "Bundle of Joy." They'll do another picture if the right script comes along, before Fisher begins his new NHC-TV , show next fall. They plan another jj.jy 0Q - l j43 Hfey LUCRECE HUDGINS BE ALE f WTj Synopsis: We spent all day working in Santa Land and load ing Santa's sleigh. Then we took off for home and the secret room. Chapter Seven THE SECRET ROOM The night was half gone when Santa's reindeer began slowly v scending from the sky. "Are wc there? Are we there?" asked the princess. There was a tremble in her voice. "We must be," said Santa, "The reindeer are always right. All I have to do is tell them where I wish to go and they always got me there." We peered over the sides of the sleigh. There was nothing to be seen except the silent snow far below. Now the reindeer began to circle and suddenly we saw a monstrous shadow on the snow. "Is that it?" asked Santa. "Is that the palace?" "Y-ycs," faltered t h e princess. "I guess it is. But I've never seen it so dark and fearful! There are no lights at the guard posts and none in the yards." "Good," said Santa. "No one can see us." He pulled at the reins. With scarcely a sound the reindeer brought the sleigh to a stop between turrets and chimneys on the roof of the palace. "Now which chimney would lead to the room we're after?" won dered Santa. "I know," said Princess Anne. The room is on the first floor of the crooked tower. There there's the tower and the chimney!" My Magic Word I looked where she pointed. I saw a crooked tower at the corner of the palace. Santa took our hands and helped us across to the tower chimney. "I'll lead the way." he whispered. "But first I'll tell you a secret known to no man on earth. It's my magic chimney climbing word. Remember it now. It's PETRON EENYMO." With that, he climbed into the chimney and dropped out of sight. The princess and I were scared to follow but wc were scared even more to stay behind. We went feet first into that black and spooky hole. t At first we just stuck there and never moved at all and 1 thought we were trapped forever. Then 1 remembered and 1 gasped, l'El RONEKNYMO." Wc Flontrd ItiHtautly I Instantly we floated gently down and a moment later Santa had our hands and we were out of the chimney and In the secret room. The princess' teeth chattered and my knees felt like they had come undone. But Santa boldly pulled out a candle, lit it and held it aloft. I don't know what awful things I had expected to see in this mysterious room but what I saw was a bunch of statues. Behind the statues were shelves loaded with bottles of strange colored coioreu liquids, powders and pills. On the flnnr hnnlc iinrn mloH in lin,nc "Well," said Santa. "There doesn't seem to be anything so strange here. The king comes here to read and admire his sta tues and take medicine for tome ailment." I felt my fears ease away. It had all been the princess' imagin ation, I thought. She had run away from nothing. turned to tell her so. She was standing before a statue of a man. Her eyes were fastened on the eyes of the statue and she was a tremble in her arms and 1 legs. Suddenly she fell to the floor in a faint. - Smooth! Her Hair Santa leaned over her and smoothed her hair. "It's all right," he murmured. "Everything's all right, you sec. There's nothing to fear." At last she opened her eyes. They were filled with awful terror anH th urhienrnH "Vnil'ro urnnff Thcro is something more dreadful wiR-iihcrc ,nan anything I imagined, Santa started to speak but at that very moment we heard footstep-; in the hall and the sound of a scratching at the door. Tomorrow: Mystery Kiplnlned Nobel Prizes Awarded to J STOCKHOLM, Sweden lifl Amid royal splendor, eight men of science received Nobel Prize awards Monday. Five Americans, a Briton, a German, and a Kus sian were honored at the annual ceremony in Stockholm Concert Hall, crov ded to its 2.000 seat ca pacity with royalty, learned pro fessors and notables. King (iu.stav Vi Adolf of Swrd- en personally presented the prizes. How to Reduce Painful Swelling of Piles with home medication IN DOCTOR'S TESTS. NEW STAINLESS FORMULA WITH AMAZING ANESTHETIC ACTION STOPS PAIN INSTANTLY! An amazing new, ctalnle.ss com pound haa been developed to treat torture of simple piles at home. It's stalnleM Pao and does far more to relieve suffering! Doctor's texts prm-e It. In these rllnlrat studies, Pa) brought rrh Internal and ex ternal reliPi! Instant relief for patient after patient! Many who Miflered with piles fnr years n'w enjoy real comfort I No other prepnration otters Mich prooi or prompt reiien MUiiing else oners the same re markabLe benefits 5 won derf ul n V a t a l n I eu Pazo 1 fONLY PILE 7m4nrk a Grt UbwiMM, Sanla pulled out a Husband, the Brute, Won't Let Wife Date Her Ex-Beau By DonOTIIY DIX . PEAR DOROTHY DIX: When wc were married, I thought my husband wns one of the kindest, most 1 find he wants me to give up this boy friend I dated for years before I met him. He thinks I should stay home with him every night and doesn't even want mo to go to the older than I. We had planned to marry before he left tor service, but when , he was called, he said it would be better to wait. 1 thought I understood and agreed (what else could I do?). Mother was furious, , had an argument with him and told him to leave me alone. He departed, and didn't write for six months. ' When I did get a letter, it was a pleasant one asking me to , write but emphasizing that our correspondence was to be strictly on a friendship basis. 1 acrecd. After a few months, his letter changed. He spoke of loneliness, his great desire to come home land see me, even mentioned getting married when he's V , Since then he just about alternates between hot and cold notes. , I don t know which trend to follow. Dnrlcne DEAR DARLENE: Digging guess would be that he's a bit lcary of the bonds ot matrimony, especially after the run-in with your mother. He's a very young mail, -. and the thought of matrimonial responsibilities simply dismays him. When you write, don't dwell constantly on the fun your single crowd is enjoying. Write about the happiness of your domesticated friends, building up the joys of family life. Make him see a picture of marital bliss, rather than one of marital obligation. If he's normal, he'll succumb before 351 DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I'm able to go out when he's asked . . ,k, ,- Z.. LV L ' ' . u. 7. ' ui.ii.uiii iKcu urimiac nv I1H.MIL believe that I like him? Ida DKAR IDA: This is a siluaiion that faces many gals, and for some reason they're usually loalh to admit parental restrictions on' dating. Be frank about it; explain that your parents have just recently lilted the ban. If you have an opportunity for further explanations, tell him you're sorry you hedged, but were afraid lie d think you were a baby. Honesty never hurt! DKAR DOROTHY DIX: I like All the girls flirt with him, ond I don't think he likes it. What can' I do to attract his attention? Lolly DKAR LOLLY: Be different: hope that distance lends enchantment. Send your problem to Dorotiiy I)lt. Or write for her free leaflet 1)17, "The Ideal Husband." In all eases, be sure to enclose a itamnrd. self-addressed envelope, and send paper. ISolcs on "Kuropr may he short of oil, on vodka." This remarkable formula com bines 6 medically-proved Ingre dients, Including Trtolyte, not contained in any otner leading pile preparation. This amazing sub stance has a remarkable untnthftxo action that stops pain and Itching ina.ifiv You get Instant pain relief while the medication goes to work reducing swelling, and pro moting healing! Result guaran tee or money refunded by maker. Ciet sensational new stainle.j Pa.o. Won't slain clothes. Mod STAIN LESSl REMEDY ern suppositories or oint ment are now available at your druggist. 1m. OwtMfit f lappotitevu candle and lit It. considerate persons living. Now movies with this boy Dot DEAR DOT: The brutel Ot course you d be willing for him to escort one of his old girl friendi to the movies, or dancing or what not I Well, Dot, he's abiding by the rules of matri mony and I guess you'll have to .suffer. When the minister said the bit about forsaking all others, he really meant it. Your promise, "I will," should likewise have been in earnest. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: How can a girl tell whether she's wasting her time or not? I'm 22, , and have known Kric for four years. He's a year Should 1 encourage him or stall? . through all possible motives, my crazy about Van, but have never been for a date. Mv parents wouldn't let ... . , . . ' J . 7 '. " ' ?UBM , ne J! fl.lftfU 51 lift?. J1UW can 1 WaKC mm a certain hnv who Is verv nonulnr.- don't flirt with him! Be aloof, and request to her, care of this news- ' I lie News Comrade, but we're running low TAU.MAN'S CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE Ml Pianos Reduced In Price! Maui tnineff OA0 iiwtt rffjiiiwu ywv up All Makes, Stvles, Largest Stock In N. W.! K-Z Terms Pyts. Begin Feb Open Every Evening TALLMAN PIANO STORE 3!'5 S. Hth, Near S. P. Depot