Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 10, 1956, Page 7, Image 7

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Oapan Movies
59 Years Old,
Very Popular
flint It Still Takes Half
Hour for the Hero to
Clobber Villain
'iiUrd Prcsi Staff Correspondent
as come a long ways in making
i'ckcrs. but it still lakes a half
ntir for the hero to clobber the
Harry Keith, chief of the U.S.
nformation Agency's Japanese
in section, told me a thing or
,vo about Nippon's movie indus-
Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 10, 1956
n n
nWn 1 nl
a a j i . a a -mi m m
Harry himself is a flat-nosed,
td-bitten character who grew
Bp in Manhattan, was used to al-
fights, and still looks as
tjiough he could take care of him
aflf against a regiment of Marlon
,He said the flicker deal over
there has been running along for
58 years. Today, six companies
Wake 90 per cent of the feature
jfjlms, wilh 70-odd independents
sharing the rest of the business.
I Harry, who has learned a bit
0( the Japanese tongue, ripped off
(icw, until he lost me. Shochiku,
two, daici, and sounds like that.
"According to Harry, the Japan
eje have, wonderful writers and
wonderful directors but they "do
not seem to get the actors to get
off their haunches fast enough."
Movie costs run up fast when the
actors stall.
i' There is a certain code of de
cency when it comes to woman
hood," my new friend told me.
"There is very little of the show
ing above the garters."
A good bit of the movies show
an all-male cast, with huskies
playing the parts of women. But
in a publication of the Japanese
industry, which I have at hand,
there is a picture of a lovely Jap
anese actress with a bare calf
and somebody balancing a glass
of something or other on her knee.
Japanese are avid moviegoers,
now that they have adjusted their
eyes to the flickers. There are a
lot of films that go back to the
knights of old, with the foot sol
diers coming in to rescue the fair
lady from the old lords.
"The knight always wins," Har
ry said. "There would be may
hem among the audience if he
Keith quoted figures to show
that Japan has more than 5,000
rMnilil Vinltrna nf mUii! TA Ann)
play up Japanese films.
.- Annual attendance, he said, Is
calculated at 885 million meaning
that every man, woman and
Joungun in Japan sits in the mov
ie house an average of 10 times
a year.
i Gross income during '55 was
(185 million.
Turkey Award
C. Lamb of Canby was awarded
the Hamilton - Lyons - Mitchell
. award for contributing the most
'to the Oregon turkey industry in
liifi as a hion'1-'-' of the Turkey
-show in McMinnville.
Lamb is a ., r member of
the Oregon State College experi
mental station where he special
bed in poultry husbandry.
The grand champion torn was
an adult bronze weighing 29
pounds owned by D. R. Cooper of
Parkdale. Grand champion hen.
an adult bronze w e i g h i n h 29
pounds, was owned by Loren
Johnson of Scappoose. The cham
pion torn other than bronze and
champion hen other than bronze
both were displayed by Gath
Brothers of Salem. All these were
in the dressed division.
In the live division, the grand
champion torn was a heavy young
bronze weighing .17 1-2 pounds dis
played by D. R. Cooper and grand
champion hen was a heavy young
bronze weighing 21 1-4 pounds al
io displayed by Cooper.
The champion other than bronze
vas an adult large while torn
weigning w pounas aispiavvu
by the Gath Brothers, and the
champion hen other than bronze
was a young large white weighing
18' pounds displayed by Smith
and Davis of McMinnville.
Tied for the junior division
award were Bruce Johnson of
Scappoose and Caroline Bell of
There's nothing more giftsble, different and downright
pleasing to wear than e handsome shirt or robe of
English Viyella flannel. Luxurious blend of 55 lambs
wool and 45 Egyptian cotton, Viyella has all the
warmth of wool-yet is so light you hardly know you're
wearing it. Washable, never mats, shrinks or fades.
Hathaway tailored with all the masterful care it deserves.
Men's Viyella sport shirt
This fine shirt has sturdy single needle tailoring through
out, extra length, king-size ocean pearl buttons, perfect
fitting collar. Solid red, blue, gray, green, yellow,
browns. Small to extra large sizes.
Tattersall checks, $16.95
Scotch plaids in Campbell Dress, Lindsay, Dress Douglas,
Black Watch, MacPhearson and Montgomery ....$17.95
Also Viyella sport coats In solid colors or brown or
navy Black Watch plaid $55
Mail nnrf phone orders'
Boys' Viyella Sport Shirts
sizes 6-1210.95
sizes 14-20 11.95
Every young fellow will welcome one of these fine
sport shirts. Viyella gives the easy-wearing comfort
he'll enjoy plus long-wearing durability. Clan plaids and
ivy stripe patterns.
. Mail ami phone orders'
Farm Support
Costs Given
WASHINGTON Wi-Farm price
support operations cost the gov
ernment more than 1O0 million
dollars a month for the four
months ended Oct. 31.
The Agriculture Department put
the figure yesterday at 5426.245.
685. compared ,'ith a net loss of
$240,514,022 for the same period
of 19.i5. For the fiscal year which
ended June 30. the loss was com
puted at S974.767.365.
Spanish Warship
Visits California
For perhaps the first time m a
century. a Spanish man o' war
stood at anchor today off Santa
The cruiser Jucar arrived yes
lexlay for a visit which will last
idrtll xt week.
Tito) l S. Navy said It was the
first'Qme in 114 years that a Span
ish warship has been known to
tail tttjsf wa&rs.
Lady Hathaway Viyella5 shirts
Perfect gift for the woman who loves sportswer. So
flattering in style and colors. The luxury of its light
weight warmth is sure to please. Convertible collar;
white, blue, red solid colors. Sizes 10-18.
Mail and phone orders'
Tim shipping rost In arras outside
our regular truck delivery routes.
S t f f I 1 I !r i, l. f. f T I til
MM 'V' M M' M II irm f I 1 I 11 I .- Mr .f
r v. FWfFIiTO " Kit mm 1
l " $B2.50 V
yAl tt fY f An aristocrat of the robe family. Luxurious jrV
. rl'V'rt Viyella in checks, plaids, stripes or paisley Xi
I 'W$W Uj mislVX wl7 designs, blue, gray, tan or red. Comfortable, JA.AV
Mll&'J ill 11 'TSS'r'tTl durable, completely washable. Small to extra mTUX I V
ym M I! Mail and phone orders' X'V'C '''fl
rrtf aiss
HbP V1"!) 1 women' Viyella robe fCVril l
jT W (?fe'l A dreamy beauty in luxurious Viyella, wrap ' '.f A
jr ,' I'l TUT' ) ri styled and perfect fitting. She'll love its light- ' m. t $ V
J- Sk.!F '' jf' ''A I weight warmth, its easy washability. Dainty blue, ' I
y'iStmi " ':' f 1 f pink or white plaid with contrasting satin edg- ; I '' I ' ' I '
' lf V ' I I f-' ing. Sizes 12 to 18. ' '" "i "'
Ve''' !, V'' ' y f Mail and phone orders' S A