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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1956)
II Salem, Oregon, Monday, Local Paragraphs Choir Will Sinj-The Salem high I school choir of oO voices will pro- vide the program for the Salem notary club at the Marion hotel ; Wednesday noon. The choir is dir-: ected Dy Wallace Johnson. Disease Itepnrl Fourteen in stances of communicable and re portable disease were registered with the Marion County Depart ment of Health during the week ending Dec. 7. The list included four strep sore throat, three ' measles, two each of virus pneu-1 mnnia ana unspecincd pneumonia . ana one each of hepatitis and non- tmuclcosis. Christmas Parly Chemawa In dian school students will be guests ol the Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce at a Christmas party, Dec. 18 in the Marion hotel. Nunn to Speak An outline of operations in the new state motor vehicle department will be given by Warnc N'unn, director, who will be guest speaker at the East Sa lem Lion club noon luncheon Tuesday in The Chalet. I'F to Elect A new board of dir- ,1 , . I"l7,nll1 nl . ........... .... ,...,.,,, ijumu tit i p.m. lui-suiiy m me ,VF headquarters, 317 Court St. Truck Hits Car A truck loaded with Christmas trees struck a car driven by Orville Allen. Dallas, lit. 2, Box 59, Saturday, according to a report made to Salem police. Allen said the truck driver stopped but then drove away without leav ing his name, the report said. Chrrk Lost Wilbur Davis. 1137 South 12th St., reported to Salem police the loss of a $108.44 city pay- i,h,rrt. Ti, li, C , y dorsed and the bank has been noti fied to stop payment. Trnute Will Speak Foye M. Troute, executive director of the Oregon development commission, will speak to a meeting of the in dustrial division of the Salem Chamber of Commerce Wednesday morning, Jan. 16, at the Marion Hotel. NEW BUILDING MATERIAL NEW YORK uPi-Another new building material, architectural ! nronze, win maKe us aenui on Tark Avenue where it will com pletely sheathe the 38-story Sea gram building now under con struction. Heavy masonry walls have given way to lightweight curtains of glass and metal in several new skyscrapers. Stainless steel was used for the exterior of the Socony-Vacuum building. Various other towers are covered with aluminum. Mid-Valley Births SALEM GENERAL HOSPITAL BECKER To Mr. and Mrs. Or- land Becker, 6375 Silverton Rd., a daughter, Dec. 8. LEE To Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lee, 440 N. 14th St., a son, Dec. 8. ROBBINS To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tlnbbins, 2629 Lansing Ave., a son, Dec. 9. WARD To Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L. Ward, Turner, a daughter Dec. I 9. It's amazing the action power SALEM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ' packed by a few lines in the Class-ALT-To Mr. and Mrs. Richard ified. What's your need ... 7 Dial G. Alt. Gervais, a son, Dec. 9. 4-6811. (adv.) PIERTK Tn Mr and Mr Tin. hert L. Pierce, 3750 Turner Rd., a ' Small holly trees with bright red . Stale Industrial Acridrnt Commis daughter, Dec. 9. j berries. Make your selection parly. I slon: Plaintiff seeks to have claim HALVORSKN To Mr. and Mrs. George F. Halvorscn, 2990 Mendel Ave., a son, Dec. 9. DAVIS-To Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis, Scio, a daughter, Dec. 9. Hi-Fi Players - Portable Record Players lirKwilTJEY-WEATltERS W)t7fU44lC0 Optn Evtry Night Til F.M. Capitol Shopping Center Phone 2-8708 CHRIS' 21st and Market WE DELIVER Phone 2-4140 Fresh Pork Sholder Roast lb.27c Pure Pork Sausage ib.30c Pork Steak ib.39c Sliced Minced Ham n. 39c Celery Hearts .each 15c Cabbage n. 3c Broccoli each 15c Delrich Margarine ib. 19c Arden Cottage Cheese ... Pt25c Golden West Coffee n, 95c COFFEE .nrf fen&mn Ib. 95 C M J B COFFEE ... ,. $1.05 Draft Orsnge Ade 4 ,nr99c Miracle Whip ,.59c '' i1 j " WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO IIMIT Prices Effective Tuesrlav and Wednesday, Dec. 11-12 December 10, 1956 Christ, stork. Christmas stories and recordings 11 form ih .t. .....T, hour at 4 p.m Wednesday in the Fireplace room at the Salem Public library i Shot Breaks W indow - A shot ' from an air rifle broke a kitchen window in the home of William Mack, 2205 North Fifth St Sun day, a police report stated. Police found a 12-year-old bov who ad. milted the prank and the damage will be paid by the boy's father, police said. Vandalism Cherked A rnnnri of vandalism in the bath house at unnger park was investigated Sun day by city police. Juvenile Offi cer Kenneth Seipp. assigned to the case, said he could see little dam age over what occurred last week when the bath house was invaded by vandals. Canvas Recovered Harry Cline, 1086 Eighth St., told city police that a canvas stolen last Wednes day had been recovered. Dog Reported Lost Mrs. F. L. Daws, 2315 Broadway, reported the loss of a gray and brown Scot- ty dog to city police Sunday She 5aia me nog wore no collar. Plan Party Chemekclans clan their annual Christmas dinner and 1 party for next Saturday. Decem ber 15. in American Legion hall. West Salem. The no-host dinnir will he at 6:30 o'clock. Kach at tending is to take an inexpensive, wrapped gift for the exchange. Members are asked to register next door to Greenbaum's and if in need of transportation to indi cate at registration. Treasurer'. Report Marion county had total assets of $.1,244,- m2B as of Nov- 30' according to a report of Countv Treasurer, S. J. Butler. Assets included $1,217, 742.48 in the market road main tenance fund, $77,645.45 in the pub lic assistance fund and $1,277,542. 28 in the general fund. Stew "Scorched" An 'overdone' stew smoked up the kitchen in the home of Margaret Young, 1230 North 21st St., late Saturday, Sa lem firemen reported. Large box choice holly, shipped anywhere in U. S. only $2.95. Jary Florist Ph. 43391. (adv.) GIFT PICKING'S EASY when you select from the handily ar ranged array daily in The Gift Spotter in Classified. (adv.) Will care for elderly lady in my home, 1st fir. bdrm. Ph. 2-8672. (adv.) Thomas Organ. The First Fine Electronic Organ Without a Lux ury Price! Easy to Play; Easier to Own!! See it! Hear it! Buy itl Only $725 Complete. Wiltsey Wea thers Music, Capital Shopping Cen ter, (adv.) For Outstanding Wallpapers With Fabrics k Harmonizing Paints plus Expert Decorating Assistance, visit Clarke's, 220 N. Commercial. (adv.) Castle permanent Wavers, 305 Livesley Bldg. Ph. 3-3663. Perma r.ents $5 up. Ruth Ford, manager. (adv.) Capital Variety open every (adv.) night until 9. 1262 State. Iufcr Landscape Co. Ph. 2-2061. ladv.) For the one on your list who gardens a gift certificate in at tractive Christmas folder irom Iufer Landscape Co. Ph. 2-2061. (adv.) G. L. mac) McCloud formerly with Roberts Bros, is now in yM cJTS:! 467 Court St. iaav.) Apt. for rent, 2 rms. unfurn. Court Apts. Ph. furn. or 3-7440. (adv.) MARKET Theft of Six Hubcaps Told 'o. 5,x nuDcaPs were re- , Pred over the weekend to city ponce. jonn Bishop, Independence, re- nortcd the theft of four hubcaps from his car while it was parked in the 100 block of South High street Sunday. Robert Inman, 1590 State St., told officers that two hubcaps were taken from his car while it was parked on a downtown lot Sunday. Two additional reports from service station operators told of two youths attempting to sell hub- icaPs at ,ne stations. Card Recalls Kindness of Salem Police A depression favor by the Salem police department brought them a Christmas card Monday from a New Jersey man who said he had never fogotten the kindness. Phil Goldaden. Long Branch, N.J., now a police reserve officer, sent the greeting. Written inside was the message: "Dear Sir: Back in 193.1. I'll never fornet the kindnpsc nf lhA police and so wish to send my late thanks It was followed by his name and address and the added notation, "police reserve officer." Officers said he was probahly one nf the many men that the late Chief of Police Frank Minto housed in the "Hotel De Minot" on the third floor of the city hall where transients were given a night's lodging and meal before! being sent on their way. STRAIGHT HOLES Boring a straight hole in the edge of a board, such as a door, is not easy when you trust your eye to keep the bit true. A crafts man offers this tip in the Practi cal Builder trade publication: Clamp two straight cleats on each side of the door with a C-clamp and keep the bit shank in the cen ter of the cleats. News of Record CIRCUIT COURT State v.. Rodney Lee Watts: Charged with furnishing alcoholic liquor to person under age of 21, plea of innocent entered, prelimi nary hearing set for Dec. 17 at 10 a.m. State vs. Bernard Joseph Lulay: Charged with furnishing alcoholic liquor to person under age of 21, pica of innocent entered, prelimi nary hearing set for Dec. 17 at 10 a.m. Slate vs. Benedict Donald Toeuf fcr: Charged with furnishing al coholic liquor to person under age of 21, plea of innocent entered, preliminary hearing set for Dec. 17 at 10 a.m. Ruth E. Huff vs. Donald Ray mond Huff: Defendant to pay $40 monthly for support of minor child with payments to start before Jan. 1, 1957. Case continued for further information. Kenneth J. Kleman vs. Reverly Sue Klrmnn: Divorce complaint charging cruel and inhuman treat ment. Plaintiff asks award of automobile and award of house hold goods to defendant and that name of Leydens be restored to defendant. Charles A. Sappingfield Jr. reopened. Edgar S. Fnrtnrr vs. the I'nitrd ' States National Rank of Portland: Defendants demurrers and plain- tiff's two alternative causes of action overruled. MARRIAGE LICENSES James Dapiel Wilson, 41, Sales man, 1147 South Commercial St., and Minnie Emma Zirgler, 31, at S""lh Cmm,r,i.lSt DR. J. J. COLTON U f '"1 DENTURES r.-r-!-7 ij-T DENTAL PLATES ""I Artistic and scientifically constructed dental plates can restore that natural expression by removing premature wrinkles and build up drooping and sagging muscles. I.ook younger and feel better. Come in tomorrow. LET ME X-RAY YOUR TfETH Hidden Sourcei of Infection May fjp IsjqriuttE To Your Health CREDIT GIAOIY Your Ttrmt Arc My Terms ... on Ao provta Crtdtr. Mho Tout Own Tirol Within Rouen. Artwork From Salem Schools on Display Prowler Tries To Get in Home A prowler turned off the lights helore attempting lo enter one Salem home Sunday evening, city police reported. Mrs. Jennie Parks, 1520 Lee St., tnld officers she had just been home a short time when the lights went out. She heard a noise on the front porch, she said, so looked out the window and saw a man on the porch. He tried the door and then went to the back door and tried it before leaving, she said. Officers said the prowler had re moved the fuses from the switch box to extinguish the lights. They acquired new fuses to replace the missing ones. Plan Shown For Step Stool AP Nrwufrn turps A child's step stool, easily made from a 1 by 8-inch board and a 1 by 2-inch strip, enables the youngster to wash his own hands long before he could otherwise reach the sink. The overall dimensions of the stool shown are 12 inches high, 14 inches wide, and 14 inches deep. 6X II Cut parts to the required sizes. Cut a notch 1 inch deep into the front edge of each long side piece for the bottom step. Join the short and long piece on each side with a pair of 1 by 2- inch strips and eight m-inch No. 10 flat-head wood screws. Stand the sides upright and secure the steps to the sides with 6-penny " ishing nails. The steps can be made flush with the sides or allowed to extend H inch beyond the sides as indi cated in the sketch. The top step overhangs enough beyond the back edges of the sides to cover the diagonal braces. Cut the braces to fit, notch them where they overlap for a tight fit, and attach them with J-pcnny finishing nails. Hound all exposed edges and cor ners, sand the stool, and finish to suit. FLOOR SEALER Penetrating floor sealer of good quality, correctly applied, not only improves the appearance of a hardwood floor but makes scrub bing unnecessary, thus adding life to the wood. Dr. Colton Says: Consult Me Personally IF YOU NEED EXTRACTIONS AND-OR OtA&ONL BCACESCUT Plates ttpaired While You Wait DR. J. J. COLTON f'RKIIIT DKNTISTBV liberty I Court Stl. Phone 20337 NO APPOINTMENT NKKIIF.O O FOR EXAMINATION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Among features of the annual Christmas musicale held Sun day at the First Methodist church by the Salem branch of the American Association of University Women was a display of art work by school children of Salem. Miss Pat Slater, art instructor at North High and Mrs. Mabel Sumpter, Hoover school prin cipal, admire work done hy first, second and third graders from Raker, Hoover, Liberty, Washington and Keizer schools. Too Many Names, Addresses Land Driver A driver with three home towns and even more traffic citations was sentenced to 10 days in jail and fined $100 Monday when he ap peared in Marion county district court on one of the traffic charges. Donald Elmer Flodstrom, who state police said gave them ad dresses in Salem, Corvallis and Philomath, was sentenced by Judge E. O. Sladter Jr. after Flod strom pleaded guilty to a charge of driving while his operator's li cense was suspended. Unander Signs Bond Issues Slate Treasurer Sig Unander was in New York Monday signing $5 million Oregon veterans' welfare bonds and $700,000 Oregon forest rehabilitation and reforestation bonds. The veterans' bonds, bearing in tercst rates of 2 and 3 per cent, were sold to the First National City bank of New York and asso ciates. The reforestation bends, bearing interest rates of 3 per cent, were purchased by Smith, Barney & Co., of New York City and asso ciates. Proceeds of the sale of veterans' bonds will be used In making loans to veterans of World War II and Korean veterans. The forestation bond proceeds will be used for forest rehabilitation and reforestation, largely in the Tilla mook burn. The issuance of the $5 million veterans' bonds will Increase the amount of state bonded indebted ness incurred for that purpose to $57,000,000. The issuance of the $700,000 of reforestation bonds brings the state bonded indebted ness for that purpose to $4,500,000 Youth Struck By Automobile Lonnie Ziebart, 5040 Silverton Rd., suffered apparently minor In juries when struck by a car near Middle Grove school east of Salem Monday morning, city first aid men reported. The boy was en route to school shortly before 9 a.m. when bump ed by the car, first aid Capt. Rob ert Blegcn said. A physician driving by checked the youth and reported no apparent injuries hut advised him to see his family doc tor for a complete check, Blegcn said. Name of the car driver was not reported. $ 50.00 Trade In allowance for your old heating system. If you let us install our modern Electric Base board heat in your home during the month of December. Consider these important factors: 1 Pay nothing down. Your smalt monthly pay ments will not begin until February. 1. AH inetell4iens ere made by our own quali f rod ekftricieevs, experienced in heat opera ten, thereby tevinej yeu time end money. 3. Til it is the safest, cleanest and cheapest of any modern heeling system and with a life lime guaraeteel REMEMBER: Th cit of electricity hi not increned. Plectric Baseboard healers do not Explode. Yen tW set have to tolerate the noise, filth, cold .ftfHitB, maintenance, poor control and increased 3pjtt-.flien cost of your present system. i Let us surround you curtain of warmth. For complete details and SHAW ELECTRIC CO. 1233 tdgewater St. Phone 4-S9S5 in Salem Jail Police said Flodstrom also faces three other charges of driving with a suspended license, one of driving 80 miles an hour In a 45 mile zone and one of failure to drive on the rignt. All the cita tions were made in the last three months, they said. His arrest came as a result of investigation of a reported car- pedestnan accident on North River road near Keizer. A Gervais woman told officers she thought she had hit Flodstrom. Flodstrom denied being hit by the car. Officer Charles Conway became suspicious, he said, when Flod strom gave several names during the investigation. A check revealed that he had some traffic citations on which he had failed to appear. He was booked at the county jail on the charges under bail totaling $634.50. When he will appear on the other charges was not as- ccrtained Monday. Hazel G. Cobb Succumbs Here Hazel Gardner Cobb, a resident of Salem for nearly 20 years, died suddenly Monday morning at Salem hospital. She was 54. Mrs. Cobb lived at 2010 Hazel until she was taken to the hospital Sunday night for removal of a blood clot. Services will be at W. T. Rigdon mortuary. Born in New York Dec. 25, 11)02, Mrs. Cobb came to Oregon in 1011. She lived in Portland until 10.17, when she and her family moved to Salem. She was married to Harry T. Cobb, who died in 1953. One son, Winston W. Cobb, sur vives in Salem, while another. Jack A. Cobb, is with the U. S. Navv. Mrs. Cnhh fllsn leaves four brothers: It. B. Doane and Gordon Doane, Aberdeen, Wash., and Phillip Doane and Dorr Doane, both of Portland. There are also three grandchildren. SIDING WIDTHS CHANGE Random width siding is gaining favor in giving homes a new and different look. Bevel wood siding widths from 4 to 10 inches is used. A 4-inch width of -inch sid ing forms the bottom level with 6. 8 and 10-inch widths following up in that order. The rotation is then started over again with a 4 inch strip. Other effective combinations use only two widths, 4 and 8-inch, or three widths. Some economy works in by using the narrow widths. Random width vertical siding can be equally effective. end your family with Free estimate call today, a f . -I ' -SI u IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS Holt Will Brine 70 More ROK Orphans TOKYO HI Some 70 Korean-' Seoul-Honolulu flishts include American orphans will he flown stops at Tokyo and Wake Island, direct from Seoul to Honolulu and , Definite arranRements are beinc, thence to the United States in j made for 34 boys and 34 girls on time for Christmas celebrations: the airlift. As many as a dozen in their new homes. j more also may go. Pan American Airways said: Holt has been taking Korean Monday Oregon Rancher Harry! American orphans to the United Holt and World Vision, Inc., had States in groups since last year, chartered a PAA DC7C. The flight when he personally adopted eight, will carry only the orphans and , Since then he has found homes for some 20 attendants in addition to nearly 100 more, the crew, a trunkful of diapers The stocky, grizzled rancher is and a case of baby bottles. collaborating with World Vision, Tentatively the plane will arrive! Inc., a religious aid organization, at San Francisco at 8:30 p.m. The orphans in this lift, hy far Dec. 16. I the largest in Holt-World Vision A Pan American spokesman said i operations, range from 18 months It would be the first time a com-! to 5 years old. mercial airliner has flown directly More than half are going to from Seoul to Honolulu. Most homes in California and Oregon. 26 Inducted in Honor Society Twenty-six South Salem High school seniors were inducted into the school chapter of the National Honor society Monday. The induction was the society's first of the year and the last at which seniors will be taken. Selec tion is made by faculty members on the basis of scholarship, lead ership, service and etiaractcr. Tiie new members are: Mar jorio Anderson, Sandra Shorey, Jerry Bartlett, Linda Kendrick, Marlis De Groote, Bill Jacohson, Delores Dallas, Denicc Miller, Julia Quiring, Pat Coe, Chuck Hammerstad, Peggy Hoffman, Peter Krickson. Pan Lindholm, Bill Richter, Jack Moore, Margo lludkins, Bill Ford, Garry Zwick cr, Bcv Bishop, Pat Thor, Brenda Aschcnbrenner, IVd Foxley. Dave Bell, Sara Allen and Bob Gates. 600 Gone From Purse of Woman The loss of $000 from her purse was reported to city police by Cleda Putman, 10M Oak St. The money was believed taken while she was shopping In a 12th street store, she said, apparently when she set her purse down for a few minutes. The wallet containing the money was returned to her purse, she said. -Two dollars was left In it. Wreck Kills 2 (Continued irom Pag 1) Survivors include tht parents: brothers David, Terry and Michael and sister Karen at home; and grandmothers, Mrs. Jennie C. Em mons and Mrs. Walter Puch, both of Salem. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the First Presbyterian church in Albany. Interment will be at Belcrest Me morial Park cemetery in Salem. Donald Ldwnrd Creasy was bnrn in Salem on October 22, 1S26. Me attended Keizer grade and Salem high school and is a veteran of World War II. He was an employee of Bond's Richfield service station, llfll Kdgcwater St.. Salem. I Survivors include a son, Donald, Kdward Creasy, Jr., Salem, father, Harry Creasy, Salem, and mother, Mrs. Juanila Creasy, Huntington Beach, Calif. Funeral arrangements are being handled by the W. T. Rigdon Co. OAI.E KILLS I IN LUZON MANILA IM Typhoon Polly left at least three dead and 32 missing today as it Inslicd across southern Luzon Island in the Philippines with Bfl-mile-an-hour winds. The Bureau of Customs said 32 stevedores were missing after two barges sank in the Pa cific off southeastern Luzon. Hear With 1 ,i CrW art dangling mil N j f. Malco's new dLtNUtK LINt HEARING WITH Motive End deafncee handicap confidentially with nothing in either ear. Hear clearly, comfort ably with powerful 4 transistor aid as part of slender bows. Idcnl for conductive-tvpe deafness. Use your present glasses or select modern frame of your choice. no auixr tows i no tube to iaii Come in for free trial and demonstration, or phone 2-0702 maico SALEM HEARING SERVICE 31 1 State, Salem (Across from ladd 4 Bush Bank) Give A Musical Instrument With lessons For Christmas vWUTSPf-WEATMRS Spen Monday and Friday iNtgnts 'lit 9 p. m. Capitol Shopping Center Phone 2-8708 SHAFER'S Leather Goods 125 N. Commercial Green Stamps HAPPY GIFT For the Whole Family KODAK TUy 135 CAMERA OUTFIT Round-the-clock outfit for. color-ilide making for talon-worthy color slides, critp black-and-white pictures, the new Kodak Pony Camera. Model C, wilh floe 13.5 lent, shutter synchroniied tor flatb Indoors and at night, ipeedi to 1300 for action. PLUS flath older with guard and tait-aclion Atld caie lo protect the camera. What a gift it maketl CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St. We Give iWf." Green Stamps Corner of Liberty I SPECIAL . I 5 REG. 15 95 Now Q95 5 h Whllo Thoy lull ' 8 El U a mmmmmwmmmmmuxmaaiis Your Glasses So tay and ttmffiTtnhlt to mm itir GLASSES ABSOlUTfir fa fk E$r Section 1 Page 6 Jp(n S IP3 52 3 a: s 3 5 -n