T n Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 10, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 3 Page 7 Church Women To Plan Gifts The board of directors of Sa lem's United Church Women will discuss plans for providing gifts and services for state institution ing will be held at Jason Lee Meth odist church. The agenda will include a report by Mrs. J. R. Smart. United Church Women vice-president and general chairman on plans for the UCW January meeting to be held in Salem. i Mrs. Sidney VanDyke, UCW president, will conduct the bus iness session and Mrs. Carl Gies, patients during a conference to be'Z.ZZ f0" Lie Hom: Kasch, held at 10 a.m. Tuesday. The meet-1 the services! 8 SPARK .... the finest Oil Burning Heater Efficiently burni lowest cast diesel oil. Payi for itself thru fuel savings, Modern console styling. k On-the-floor heat. As low ai 5IJOO per month n fPL UMBINS -HE A TWO Fined $10,000 For Failure to Pay Overtime PORTLAND Ifl Howard L. president of the North Coast Manufacturing Co., has been lined $10,000 and ordered jailed until he paid. Federal Judge Gus Solomon as sessed the fine and ordered the jailing because, he said. Kasch was "playing fast and loose with secret renm of the kins this court" in failing to pay over- "Oh. dear," cried the princess, time wage claims of his employes. "Whoever has gone in that room Last February Kasch pleaded ' wilh him has ncv" come "'" guilty to having failed to pay some 19.000 in overtime to W em ployes. At that time he was fined $900 and put on probation. Last month the judge revoked the parole and Friday when Kasch came up for sentencing his attor ney said the claims still were un- Daid. It Uat thfn Ihn inHim nr. dered the unusual nrovision of iail i can'1 have " 'he fun. until navment of the fine. An add.: adventure, too. and this ed $2,000 was assessed against the like southing I'd hale to miss. company, which manufactures furnaces and septic tanks. 1 ' ! . n rfotv li It it ) 4TrsS J4air5tule i iS Ws, I Yes." said Santa. "We must . Sail V-f B 1 X I Synopsis: Santa took us in and heard our story about t h e strange king and the secret room. He said we must go and see for ourselves what the king did in that room. go and have a look it this strange We'll go in when he isn't there." said Santa. Calhoun McGillicuddy jumped up from the rug where he'd been curled in front of the fire. "This sounds dangerous. After all, I'm your errand elf. Send me rn your place. i Oh. no, said Santa. You I I like 1 sounds . McGillicuddy sighed and threw himself down again. But hardly had his head touched the rug when he popped up again and shook his finger under Santa's nose. Agree to Work "You can't go! What about Christmas? Who's going to get the last toys finished and the sleigh loaded and all those things? "You and 1 are, "And the princess and Alexander. And all the workers in Santa Land. We'll start in the morning and work through the day-. By to morrow midnight we'll have my bags loaded and be on our way." "But it's not Christmas eve protested McGillicuddy We worked all day until every doll and top was ready. There we worked all the day until every doll and lop was ready. Then we helped to load them into Santa's bags. All Ready lo Co The elves carried the bag to The next thing I knew Santa was shaking us all. "Come on, time for work!" Rcfore Mrs. Clans would let us out of the house she made us all boomed Santa, have cocoa and cinnamon buns. Then Santa led us to the toy shop gtyet! "No matter," said Santa. "I'll have everything wilh me in case such toys in the world. w here the Santa Land w orkers Santa's sleigh and packed them in. were hammering and sawing and j Then they lifted the princess and sewing. me and packed us between the A Mountain of Toys ha- Finally Santa climbed in and In the middle of the shop was w0 wcr rciuy ' Bi a mountain of toys. My mouth "Away, away," called Santa, fell open and I just stood there ! cracking his whip over the eight because I never knew there were 1 reindeer. And away we went, sing- Princeton Gets New President Kobrrt Gohrcn Third Youngest Loader Of Institution PRINCETON, N. J. (A A quick-minded 37-year-old profes sor here is to be the new presi dent of Princeton University the third youngest in the school's 210-year history. He is Robert F. Go'von, India born father of six, who was named yesterday to succeed lJr. Harold V. Dodds when he retires next June at age 67. The surprise choice of the as sistant classics professor from Princeton's own ranks came alt er a year and a hall of canvassing possible presidents among the na tion's outstanding educators. Harold W. Helm, chairman of the executive committee of the board of trustees, said in an nouncing Goheen's appointment yesterday that the board was un animous for him. Goheen will be Princeton's youngest president since 17.il) when Samuel Davies, 36, was named to head the institution. He also is only the third president who was not a minister Ihe others being Dodds and Woodrow Wilson. Aurora Phone Permit Given AURORA (Special) A 20-year franchise was granted to the Aur ora Mutual Telephone comnan" lo School Shops Studied By Industrial Croup DALLAS (Special)-Hosls to the Mid-Willamette Area Industrial Arts association Thursday evening were instructors from Dallas schools, John Barnes, Russell Par- mcntrr, both of the high school install and maintain, telephone Industrial arts and shop courses lmes an(1 facilities in tnc jica and Wendell Long of the Dallas 1 ",nl;0,T)'il?onv'1'e in clatkamJ . . . . . . : county. The franchise was granted junior high shop. , by ,he Clackamas county court. Following a ham dinner at the 1 The permit will enable the corn First Christian church the group nany 10 install service within toured the new and modern shops cl!ukamas county for the area , n.,n. hi 1. 1 1 ncar "s headquarters at Aurora, at Dallas high school. ; Dial s(,rviceHha(. p,anncd ,or J"hr. Fes"i of the Oregon Slate the Aurora area, aprf it tx reported Deaf school i.i Sal jii csiile... t;.i i.P'?icw"sorvice will be in of tiie association. i operation by July ot 19o7. After his many years of catering to the Fastidious Women of New York, here is what Mr. Erich has to say: The birth of a new hair style is conceived at an informal consultation which permits the study of personality, facial structure and features. Only THEN is the all-important shaping and cutting done for the FOUNDATION of the new style, i However None of us can visualize the perfect creation which, so far, exists only in the mind of the artist. To complete the picture requires that the hair be shampooed and coiffured. Then and ONLY then, have you had a satisfactory hair styling. Our salon is a complete beauty institution. Call tomorrow for an appointment for that needed permanent wave or a shampoo and finger wave. All work personally supervised by Mr. Erich. I decide to stay a few days with the king. Now. get to bed, 'one and all. And sleep tight because you don't know when you'll sleep again." i The princess didn't need Santa to tell her to sleep because during . all the fuss she'd curled up on Santa's Wishing Pillow and was i already having her second dream. I just snuggled down beside the i princess and at once I was asleep, I too. There were little stoves with real turkeys in their tiny ovens. There were jumping skates meant to be bounced instead of rolled. Santa said. "Alexander, you finish the tops and the princess can finish the dolls.' He gave the princess a pot of red paint and he gave me a pot of blue. Princess Anne put a rosy splash on the cheek of every doll and I put a blue zigzag around every musical top. ! ing and laughing into the sky. But as we left Santa Land my happiness faded away. I wondered what was ahead of us in -the secret room of the king. Tomorroi The Secret Room Controversy Rages in Soviet Over Novel on Bureaucracy By THOMAS P. WHITNEY NEW YORK Wt A major pub lic controversy is raging inside the Soviet Union today about a novel which is such a hot potato that the Communist party leader ship isn't quite sure how to handle it Davirs Have Girl MOUNT ANC.KL (Special) -From Seattle comes the news of the birth of a daughter, their first child, horn lo Mr. and Mrs. Robert William Davis (Farrell Williams). The infant borr. Nov. 22, weighed seven pounds, eight ounces, and Is named Suzanne Marie. The little girl is the first grandchild of Dr. and Mrs. O. .1. Williams of Mount Angel, and Mrs. Margaret Davis of Salem, and the first great grandchild of Mrs. Olio Schaubel, Salem, Mrs. Dan Thorp, Mount Angel, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 1.. Williams of Alhambra. Calif. ip " NOT 1M Pay Only $1.25 Per Wk. VACUUM CLEANER ascetic, determined idealist and Drozdov is exceedingly adriot and ruthless political climber. Invents Machine Lopatkin invents a new import ant machine. Drozdov first wishes to work things out so that he gets credit for the invention, but find- NO MONEY WORRIES in later years when you plan to retire with a regular income provided by Life Insurance. Tak if over with the Man from Manufacturer!. 45-5 The Kremlin's difficulty arises 'S it impossible to force Loplakin CWh d-t J, Phone 3-3921 or 4-4481 for Appointments Liftman's beauty salon, third jttmr .sseaaa. i loium not. stoiV jl from the fact that the logical ircv plications of the novel are exceed ingly dangerous for the entire rul ing class of the V. S. S. il. The hook, titled "Not By Bread Alone" by young author V. Dud intscv, is a talented and bitter expose of the Soviet bureaucracy and its methods of operation. Amuses Interest It has aroused tremendous in terest aiming Soviet intellectuals, particularly young people. Its con clusion leaves the distinct impres sion that careerists in the Soviet bureaucracy who resorted to criminal suppression of idealistic heroes standing in their way still sit in their high places and con tinue to advance themselves. This ; conclusion apparently struck a oeep cnora 01 response among ine Russian intelligensia. The hero of Dudintsev's book is a brilliant inventor named Lnpat kin and the villain an industrial executive named Drozdov. Al lo permit this, he brings to bear against Lopatkin the entire weight of the Soviet bureaucracy. I.opatkin fiphts a bitter and lone ly battle for his invention. Finally Drozdov crushes him by arrang ing his arrest and exile. But under Ihe new post-Slalin 2 regime I.opatkin returns. Me con- $ tinues his fight and is ultimately successful in getting his machine w accepted. Drozdov 's wife leaves j Drozr'nv for love of Kopatkm. Hi't ft Drozdov himself is promoted to J5 become a deputy minister in Mos- m cow. K This ending, which leaves the $ conflict between the Kopatkins and the Drozdovs unsettled, disling- ji uishes the novel. K Aniiis" Cmiimrnl )f It was printed in the Soviet lit- J3 erary journal Novy Mir as a serial $ this fall. It immediately aroused wide interest and comment. The latest development is a re- t? view in the official government 5 r Earl A. Gooch Supervisor - Salem District Telephone - Salem 3-3314 NO MONEY DOWH S&H GREEK SUMPS OPEN MON & FR1 N1TE TILL 9 P. M. MUSTEK 365 N. COMMERCIAL At Christmas Time. . . a Woman's Place is in Man's Store! FREE PARKING WITH VALIDATION WE GIVE Z'M" GREEN STAMPS ready these two names hac he-: nrmP ipcr "m"a- mu-mng Ihe come bvwords with the Soviet nl'','"11 Government line on Ihe reading "nuhlir. Lnn.ilkin is all work- This, in effect, manages In ONLY AT KAY TYPEWRITER UNBELIEVABLE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! NATIONALLY ADVERTISED IN LIFE AND POST Both For ONLY .tyf ONLY 3 INCHES H,GH A EXPOUNDS condemn it with faint praise. The review mentions the intense inter- ft est in the book obliquely. Said the "The unhealthy fuss which has begun over this novel arouses alarm for the creative fate of the writer." Some observers of Soviet af fairs consider that "Not For Bread Alone" is probably one of the im portant reasons why the Kremlin decided recently to put its tough est hatchet man, V. M. Molotov, in charge of the artistic and lit erary front. s New Royal Portable New Helbros Wristwatch 74.50 29.75 Reg. $104.25 $77(5)50: u u Tix Included COMPLETE SERVICE SAVE $24.50 LIMITED QUANTITY Mud on License . . Plate Leads to Perk of Trouble BALTJMORK W-A spot of mud srew inlo a peck of trouble for lames . Palmer of Bnltimorr. Police stopped the 32-vrar-o'd Negro motorist because his h cenve plate was obscured hy mud Police said they checked furth er and found; Me was driving on a license ssued in Washington, and was wanted for reckless driving, fail ure to give right-of-way, going through a stop sign and making an improper left turn. They added charges of driving on a revoked license and operat ing undT a foreign license. It's our businatt lo know what mon likt to wr. So . . . why not make it your butinett to shop here for men's gifts that are sure to get a warm reception. FREE PARKING OPEN 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. EXCEPT SATURDAY SPORT SHIRTS Ivy League colors and styles. Largest selection cf Fine Sport Shirts in Salem. Sizes Small, Medium, large and Extra Large. NO DOWN WE GIVE ZtC greeh stamps PAYMENT bala"cv H IS 24 months. SALEM'S MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF PORTABLES KAY TYPEWRITER COMPANY 429 COURT ST. (New location) PHONE 3809 SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Kinds Ttumm, Abdominal Support. Hastie B'Hierv fcjpert frtttfTti Privitr tilting "Al our Doctor' pJet Pruq Store 3 l5 Stall- Slrrre ( ornpr of l.lhrt ')t' (irffr Stamps st" Capitol Shopping ( (I I TONS HOOI.K.NS SII.K ( OTTOS lll.KNDS (,AIK & I.AKt' .. (,l!K,QIl AitlUrtV' From" 9 Center Plus Aflditional Savings With l'vvl'n Slumps i M