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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Monday, Lebanon Couple Married Recently LEBANON Special)-Miss Bev erly May Lott was married to Thomas A. Williams Jr. at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clarence Gilliam. Saturday. She is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lott and the bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams, both of Lebanon. Dr. Harvey J. Schmidt read the,! couDie ring service before the .andle-Iighted fireplace, which was 'eorated w ith silvered evergreens tippcj with pink. The bride wore lavender brocade street length dress with a pleated panel in back, a Juliet cap of white lace and lace mitts. Her corsage was pink and white rosebuds. Maid of honor was Miss Bessie Gilliam, wearing a taupe faille dress with a rosebud corsage. Duane Anderson was best man. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Lott wore a dress of champagne brocade with a blue shimmer cor sage. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy blue suit with a cor sage of pink shimmer. A reception was given at the home of the bride's parents after the ceremony, with the bride's three sisters assisting. Mrs. Wil liam Shannon cut the cake, Mrs. Clarence Middlcstadt poured and Mrs. Clarence Gilliam was in charge of the guest book and gift table. Guests Included the bride groom's grandmothers, Mrs. Blanche Cook of Portland and Mrs. Elizabeth Cornelius of Taft; the bride's grandfather, J. A. Lott; a great uncle and aunt of the bridegroom. Mr. and -Mrs. Peter Stuart of Portland; and an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Cook, also of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil DePiero, Mr. and Mrs. Jeno DePiero, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hudlow, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bab cock, Miss Norma Seiber and Gene Jungwirth. The couple is at home at 333 Williams street, after a short trip to the coast. Mrs. Cole Honored LEBANON (Special) Mrs. Frank Cole was guest of honor at a farewell bridge party Thursday at the home of Mrs, Charles Lang mack. Mrs. Cole's mother, Mrs. Fred Knowlen, was co-hostess. Mrs. Cole and her children, Tom my and Melissa, will leave Wed nesday to join Capt. Cole at Cleve land, where he is stationed with the Air Force. Previously they were stationed for three years in London. Guests were Mrs. C. E. Conner, Miss Ruth-Lofstrom, Mrs. C. Hps Ion Walter whom the Coles enter tained in London last summer, Mrs. Ralph Scroggin, Mrs. Harry How and Mrs. J. C. Zimbrick. Farewell Party Given EAST SALEM (Special) A fare well party was given for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt (Nancy Jo Jayne) at the Charles Jayne home on Lancaster Drive last week. Mr, and Mrs. Schmidt are leaving by plane for Hawaii on December 7 to begin a three-year term of missionary service under the aus pices of the Nazarene church. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Berhorst and Tommy; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Miles and family, Mrs. Glen Rolofson, Miss Ellen Shep herd, Mrs. Darcy Drennan and Kerry Lee; Miss Elma Shepherd, Mrs. C. B. Jayne, John and Mary Beth Jayne and the honored guests. if! i V for the New ! New . . fJ I prices 0fm 1 Automatic Blanket wifh famous G-E S. Your lever cold never toe K warm witk G-E. Autem- g tie Blanket. S3 K DOUIll IED j factory authorized exchange center fr IdefierallVB General Electric Blanket! 8 tytfGreen Stamps-No Money Down Dfaewi6e 10? 19i ftKft.AU.. :l) -ivi- tions are in the mail fr the wed ding of M'iss Janice Weaver and Richard Pankratz, Saturday eve ning, December 22 at 8 o'clock in St. Paul's Episcopal churh, Ore gon City. The bride-clet is the daughter of Mrs. Wayne Sawtell and Mr. Pankratz is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pankratz. She is a sopho more at Oregon State college and the bridegroom-elect attends a trade school at Eugene. Annual Party Planned MOUNT ANGEL (Special)-The annual rhrislmnc nnrf lftth birth day parly of the Mount Angel Gar- uen ciuo win De weancsaay eve ning, at B o ciock, at tne country home of Mr. and Mrs. RprnnrH Schicdler. Annual election of officers will take place during a brief business meeting which will precede the festivities. Durinff the pvnnincr Iho mnnLn will make wreaths, swags and Christmas decorations and ar rangements for their own homes. Hftctpccnc fnr th n-i-t m1I k the officers, Mrs. George Schmidt, president; Volna J. White, vice resident nnrt Mrc Viln irnfrnn secretary-treasurer, and Mayor Ja- cuo oercnioia, Mr. ana Mrs. Ber nard Schiedler, Mrs. Volna J. White, Mrs. Henry Annen, Mrs. Ed Bickler, Miss Juliana Dehler, Miss Loretta Dehler, and other mem bers who have not served on a' hostess committee during the past year. Mrs. Doty Is Speaker LEBANON (Special) Rural members of the Business and Pro fessional Women's club expressed appreciation of local store cata logs at a public affairs program last week. E. V. Doty, Chamber of Com merce manager, answered ques tions about local business prob lems. Biggest local business problems, Mr. Doty said, is keeping Leb anon's potential 23 million spend able dollars in Lebanon. Retail volume decreased a million and a half last year from an estimated 17 million, he said. Winners in a store-listing con test were Mrs. Mirl Vawtcr and Mrs. Dnrnthv AnrWcnn Ire f... elyn Downing was in second place. Williams-Flesher LEBANON (Special)-The mar riage of Miss Colleen Joyce Flesh- er .inH Rnhnrl Willinmc rnPmnrl of Salem, took place last week at neicna, Montana. Mr. Williams is employed in the Oregon State Em ployment office here. Miss Flesher is a granddaughter of Mrs. Fidelia Geiger of Helena and the bride groom is n snn nf Mri Puninn UNI. liams, also of Helena. The bride attenaea scnool at Bozeman, Mon tana, and at College Place, Wash ington. The couple is now at home at 1441 South Main street. Surprise Party Given Aurora Mrs. James (Emma) Smith, was surprised recently, on her birthday, when a group o f friends and members of Una tem ple, Pythian Sisters honored her with a no-host luncheon. Present were Mrs. Smith, Mrs. P. 0. Ottaway, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneider, Mrs. Fran Thiel, Mrs. George Wurster. Miss Hilda Beiserk, Miss Orletta Kraus, Mrs. Ben Netter, James Smith, Mrs. Richard Thiel and Mrs. Ernest Snyder. v n Mi famous Sleep - Guard No $4A95 19' W'l'T 7WIfi t forma Antttfm&rtr At Club Maii9 WOODBURN (Special) Mrs. Don Barrett, vice president, .was the presiding officer at the Wood burn Woman's club last week. Mrs. Percy Seely led the opening exercises. Guests were Mrs. Ralph Seely, Mrs. George Timm and Mrs. Lester Keller. Mrs. Ralph Seely and Mrs. Timm acted as judges for the flow er arrangements on display with Mrs. Frank Purday's arrangement declared the winner. Mrs. 0. E. Mcisenheimer was the winner in the drawing for a Madonna. The club voted to assist the Jay cees in the Christmas basket proj ect. Decorations were made for gifts to the MacLarcn school and each member is to send an indi vidual gift to the Chemawa Indian school, a project sponsored by the Oregon Federation of Woman's clubs. It was also voted to send $5 to Miss Vera Bulcao of Argen tine, a Pan American student at the University of Oregon, also sponsored by the Oregon Federa tion. A donation of $6.85 was made to the Children's Farm Home near Corvallis and $5 was donated as a Christmas gift to a member in a local nursing home. The Woodburn club will bo host ess club for the third district Ore gon Federation of Women's clubs for the spring conference which will be at the MacLaren school. A musical program was given, directed by Mrs. Joann Meyer, and Included number by the high school chorus, the girls' trio, and a vocal solo by Miss Betty Lou Burt. Mrs. L. B. Detweiler and Mrs. R. L. Anderson presided at the attractive tea table, decorated in the Christmas motif. Hostesses were Mrs. Percy Seely, Mrs. Wal ter Schuler, Mrs. Joe Walker Sr., Mrs. E. C. Peyton, Mrs. Henry Scheidegger, Mrs. Leonard Fuller and Mrs. Frank Purdy. The next regular meeting will be January 2, which will be "past presidents' day," beginning with a no-nost luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Dur ing the meeting Wednesday, a Christmas party with exchange of gifts was conducted and cake mix es were brought for state institu tions. CDA Christmas Party LEBANON (Special)-Gifts for patients at the Oregon state hospi tal will be brought to a Catholic uaugnters meeting Wednesday at a p.m. in tne parish nail of St. Edwards Catholic church. On the Christmas party commit tee are Mrs. Richard Wctherell, Mrs. Robert Meyer. Mrs. Ernest Tuma, Mrs. Fred Tuma, Mrs. John Comber, Mrs. Paul Sheridan, Mrs. WILLAMINA (Special) Veter- ar of Foreign Wars auxiliary 4211 celebrated its 10th anniver sary this week, with a party at their hall in Willamina. Awards of five and ten year pins were given to deserving members. Auxiliary Party SILVERTON (Special)-The an nual Christmas party and gift ex change and brief business session of the Auxiliary to the Silverton Lions club was last week at the James avenue home of Mrs. Nor man Nyhus. Hostesses with Mrs. Nyhus included Mrs. Vester Scy dell. Mrs. Ernest R. Ekman, and Mrs. Harlcy DePecl. A letter expressing season's greetings from Mrs. Larry Taylor, a member who has recently moved to Boise, Idaho, was read and a member-signed return card was sent to Mrs. Taylor. Letters ac knowledging receipt of clothing valued at $35 were read from Everett Wilcox of the Oregon State School for the Blind, and from the auxiliary's adopted boy in the school, 12 year old Stanley Notak Irom Alaska who was presented $13 as a personal donation from the club. As a surprise to four compli mented guest members, Mrs.. Ves ter Seydell presented a home baked birthday cake; honoring nirs. union uicKerson, Mrs. Har ley DePeel. Mrs. Ralph Adams. and Mrs. Frank Powell. The members planned the serv ing and preparation of the annual dinner and Kiddies Christmas De cember 19 in co-operation with the members of the Lions club. Agees Are Honored . SHERIDAN (Special)-Mr. and Mrs. Gale Schmitz of McMinn- ville were hosts for a party this week, honoring Mrs. Schmitz's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Agee, on their 40th wedding anni versary. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Norman Agee and family. Mr. ana Mrs. Raymond Agee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Randall Ta tom and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Mefvin Agee and family. The honored guests were pre sented with a gift from their chil dren. HUBBARD (Special) The De cember meeting of the St. Agnes Altar society has been postponed from its regular meeting date of December 4 to Tuesday, December 11 at -2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Joe Pirkl. There will be a gift ex change as part of the program. Ray McGowan and Mrs. Benjamin uuerr. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Mrs. Meyer Elected By Pythian Sisters SILVERTON ( Special) - Of ficers of Home temple No. 21, Pythian Sisters, nominated and elocted at the regular meeting last week include: Most excellent chief, Mrs. Earl Meyer. Assisting officers are: Excellent senior, Mrs. Rich ard Nelson; excellent junior, Miss Bernice Langsev; manager, Mrs. Melvin Kaser; secretary, Mrs. Berger Feneide; treasurer. Mrs. Ted Lorenzen; protector, Mrs. Henry Anundson; guard, M r s. Ernest R. Ekman; trustee, Mrs. Carl Specht; pianist, Mrs. Ralph Adams; captain of the degree staff, Mrs. Emil Loe; installing of ficer, Mrs. Sam Stadeli; and press corresponder.:, Mrs. Clarence Mor ley. -Mrs. Emil Loe is to be hostess to the members of the Pvthian club, December 14, Friday, at 1:03, for the regular meeting. A Christmas gift exchange check was sent to the residents of the Oregon-Washington Pythian home as a seasonal cheer feature. During the Thursday evening session, a vocal program was pre sented by the Parent-Teacher-As- sociation mother singers with Mrs. Knute Digerness directing. Mrs. Clint Weiby was accompanist for the singers. In a fun stunt, an "Egg (and I) Walk" was planned by Mrs. Fred Warnock, who gave eggs from her rural "hen-house" as walk awards. Serving during the refreshment hour were Mrs. E. R. Ekman, Mrs. Bert Green,. Mrs. Lena Hamilton and Mrs. Sam Stadeli. The. ceremonial personnel includ ed Mrs. Delbert Iverson, M r s. Al bert Grinde, a past grand chief; Miss Bernice Langsev, Mrs. Rich ard Nelson, Mrs. Earl Meyer and Mrs. Ralph Adams. For the deserving-family Christ mas basket, members are to leave donations, by Saturday, December 22, at the Clarence Morley home, 316 Lewis Street. Party Given INDEPENDENCE (Special) The Friendship council No. 3 of the Sunshine Girls gave a pajama party at tne fytnian hall. Betty Crane royal princess presided over the meeting. The girls are starting on a cheer project to help needy children at Christmas. They will fill cheer baskets with toys, canned food, mittens and scarves. The bas kets will be taken to the elemen tary school for distribution by Mrs. Worthington. They also will meet for their cooked food sale December 22 at the Chamber of Commerce building. Mrs. Anna Fisher will have charge of the food sale. EVERYTHING.. .TO MAKE HIM "A MOST I HAPPY FEELA" Wherever you find those well-taflbred clothes by Hart Schaffner & Marx, you will discover scores of the newest gift-accessories that most men hope to find under the Tree gifts as Christmasy as mistletoe and tinsel! Come early to our Men's Christmas Shop for the best selection of gifts-to-wear in our exciting Christmas collection for men. SWEATERS in luxurious cashmere or lambs wool: 1 slipovers and sleeve styles. Soft grays, blue, brown, heather. From 7.95 TARTAN ROBES Warm and dashing in popular Blark Watch and Campbell plaids. Roll collar; roomy pockets. 12.95 up PAJAMAS, pencil strip, broadcloth. Loungers, jacket and short models. From 3.95 LOAFERS with Moccasin vamp and soft-padded sole. Rich tan saddle leather, chamois lining. 5.95 up SPORT SHIRTS in bold plaids and background checks of fine-combed cotton. Washable. From 4.95 up SPORTCOAT by Hart Schaffner tc Mane. Of rugged yet lightweight Pan American tweed. 55.00 SLACKS of luxurious flannel; grays, tans. Tall tapered styling. 12.95 up Send him a GIFT CERTIFICATE H It's lotag to be Mart SehaMner & Man suit or outerwaV Remember ... A woman's smartest accessory is Propaganda of Reds Eyed by House Probers SAN FRANCISCO un A House Un-American Activities Subcom mittee Monday resumes hearings designed to help investigators learn about bales of Communist propaganda being delivered into the United States. Richard Arens, counsel for the subcommittee, told a news con ference Sunday that subversive material enough to fill three warehouses daily is aimed at setting up a clamor for repeal of security provisions of ithe McCar-ran-Walters Immigration Act and other security legislation. He said it was deliberately fun nelled by the Communists to schools, churches, and civic groups. . "The Reds have done a good job of misrepresenting what the McCarran-Walters Act provides," Arens said. He called the law "the most libera! immigration act the country has ever had." Arens said 20 witnesses would be called. He named only one, Louis Goldblatt, secretary-treasurer of the International Long shoremen s and Warehousemen s Union. Goldblatt was unavailable for comment. The Northern California chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, through its executive direc tor Ernest Besig, labeled the hearing "grossly unfair.. .a waste of the taxpayers money..." Besig said the ACLU feels the hearings "will have the effect if not the intention of branding all opposition to the McCarran-Walt ers Act as being Communist inspired." MOLALLA (Special) Mr. and Mrs. John Howitt are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Judy Browne to Martin Stipp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stipp, all of Molalla. Both young people were gradu ated in the class of 1955 of Molalla union high school and she is cm ployed in Portland. Mr. Stiff is at tending Oregon Technical Institute at Klamath Falls. No date has been set for the wedding. TALBOT (Special) Invitations arc out for the wedding of Miss Teresa Margaret Weber of Albany and James D. Gross of Talbot. Saturday December 22, at 3 p.m. at the First Presbyterian church in Albany. oshop's Cooks Vieing For $100,000 NEW YORK W-The big "bake off" started Monday to determine the winners of $100,000 in prizes. One hundred finalists from all sections of the nation and Alaska are taking part in the eighth Grand National Recipe and Bak ing Contest (sponsored by Pills bury Flour). Contestants range in age from 12-year-old Irene Korrell of Fred erick, Md., to 67-year-old Prof. Charles Richard Kinison. who teaches graphic attr. a' Ohio Uni versity, Athens, Ohio. Prizes will be awarded at a luncheon Tuesday. REP. MANN 1IOSPITAU7.F.D PORTLAND (UP)-Irvin Mann, Adams rancher and state repre sentative, was reported in fair condition at a Portland hospital today where he was undergoing treatment for a back injury. Mann recently was elected minority floor leader for the next session of the stato Legislature. Honeywell's ' newlydesigned... ELECTRIC CLOCK THERMOSTAT lowers temperature for sleeping, raises it for waking automatically! provides touch ol modern home elegance! Call for free estimate today) 79 H CQMMl$KiAL r00 a well iresed mii ffucl&ori& ff L UMB ING -HE A TING Si Death Claims Weyerl meuser At Age of 57 TACOMA (UP) John Philip Weyerhaeuser, 57, president of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., died from leukemia Saturday in a hos pital hero. A company spokesman said the timber executive died after a "sudden and severe intensifica tion" of the disease. Weyerhaeus er was admitted to tho hospital iOV. a. Besides heading the timber company, he was president of both Weyerhaeuser Steamship Co. and American Forest Products In dustries, Inc., and a member of I give him Good Grooming by YARDLEY SHAVING BOWL AFTER SHAVING LOTION gift boxed for wt m tk$ aMy YARDLBY Wi Us! lulsnnb rwi QuistN&lw coitNep COUI1 I COMMllOAi m Ltlll MtDICAl CfNTtt IMNCH iu oiiai min mm mist YirdUy produeu for Amiriei n trasud la EnfUnd and tiUM la tfca UJX from tha oriilnil Enillih formula. MnUlnlns Imported and domaiUc tniradlaatft Section 3 Page 3 the board of directors of the Boe ing Airplane Co. ' Among the survivors are George H. Weyerhaeuser, Eugene, Ore.i John Philip Weyerhaeuser III and -Frederick K. Weyerhaeuser, both of St. Paul, Minn. The latter is president of Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. Now Modem Rub Formula MADE ESPECIALLY FOR Misery CHEST COLO Amazing CM-7 (gly col monoialicylatel plus oil of mustard peedi deeper relief to aches, pains, local bronclUai congestion. Alto K3vtu or f jrfr Strong lor dUt MU w Im rMd for rMr MlirH Lhat optratt at aw' Child m ifrSf , STVt b idi t fit s A Itr jl lC EXCLUSIVELY mn & &OYS WEAR nr i w-iri.'iuj Open 9 A, M. to 9 P. M. Daily (Inapt Sshwrfayi) to Om. 3'Hi Salem's Own Store u i ir.T i ' ' 1 ' ' I m i m i w-i urn m m. i 1 m r r ni&b'j a S 365 N. Commercial o fi I OPEN EVERY NITE Till CHRISTMAS trUr 0 Since 1890