Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 10, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Sectioii 3 Page J Capital Women 1 Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER I Milium mmu nmnrm-m-m mm Little Furs Top Christmas Want List Couple Wed Sunday at Roseburg A wedding of interest to Salem friends was at the First Methodist church in Roseburg, Sunday, De cember 9, at 3 p.m., when Miss Lonoita Irene Kelley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harl Kelley. Rose burg, was wed to Donald Hjalmar Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis of Salem. The Rev. Ellsworth Tilton offi ciated HI me Service. JUISS 3USA-U,ar;rtr iiTnnDnp r,,.on nnH snn 1 ...uiju.j .ins,..,, Mrs. Schmidt Hostess Mrs. John Schmidt will be host ess to members of her piano class for a Christmas Musicale, Mon day evening at 7:30 p.m. at her home. The students will play a solo and a Christmas number. Gifts will be exchanged. Sherry Ault and Joanne Cooley will as sist the hostess in serving refresh ments. Members of the class are: Shar on and Martha Dixon, Donna Becker, Joanne Cooley, SJierry Ault, Laina Hurd, Vickie Palma son, Johnnie Morrow, Judy Mc Clellan, lrma Jean Harmon, Nancy and Vicki Kinton, Laurie Johnson, JoAnne Doerkscn, Vicki Mills, Marsha Robertson, Bob Friescn, annc Davis, sister of the groom, sang, and was accompa nied by Mrs. Myrtle Burr, organ ist. Christmas decorations 'were used in the church. The altar was decked with baskets of fir boughs sprayed white, and the windows also were flanked with boughs centered with candles and the pews were marked with boughs lied with white bows. The bride wore a dress of white heavy antique silk. H was made princess style, with lace bodice trimmed in seed pearls, and the floor length skirt extended to a chapel length train. The fingertip length veil fell from a pill box type hat, trimmed in seed pearls and sequins. The bride carried a nosegay of white chrysanthemums centered with an orchid. Mr. Kel ley gave his daughter in marriage. Miss Bette Carson was honor at tendant, and bridesmaids were Misses Shirla Kaye Archibald, Carol Aikcr, Marlenc Jewell and Jayne Tcague. The attendants were dressed identically in white satin brocade sheath dresses, dra Kuper, Judy Dahl, Scott Con verse, hugema Margosian, Rod ney, Kathleen and Gloria Schmidt. Alumnae Plan Party Kappa Delta alumnae plan their annual Christmas party and gift exchange Turesday night at the home of Mrs. George Bagnall with Mrs. Floyd Colburn as co-hostcss. Instead of presenting the usual special prize, the group is contri buting the money to the Haven school for Christmas. The meeting will be at 8 o'clock. Christmas Musicale 3 "P V ? I 7 I . K 1 " Pytftiaf) thfMs Elect New Officers New officers for Centralia tem ple, Pythian Sisters, elected at the meeting last week are as follows: Most excellent chief. Miss Elsie Snook; excellent senior, Mrs. Ruth Koth; excellent junior, Mrs. Leon Hansen; manager, Mrs. Ralph Willcox, secretary: Mrs. Al Pos schl, treasurer, Mrs. Glen Oatman; protector, ' Mrs. Tom Romainc; guard, Mrs. Lennie Irvine; trustee, Mrs. A. W. Rockafellow; pianist, Mrs. Robert Wickman; press cor respondent, Mrs. Earl Burk; de gree staff captain. Miss Betty Jean Bergner; past chief, Mrs. Howard Smith. Several members of Centralia temple attended a joint Initiation ceremony at Independence Thurs day. Those from Salem being In itiated were Mrs. Alice Nash, Mrs. Pearl Strobeck, Mrs. Ger trude Alfredson and Mrs. Roberta Hover. Grand officers present were Mrs. Armin Brown, grand chief of Dal las and Miss Betty Jean Bergner, grand junior of Salem. Others attending from Salem were Mrs. Howard Smith, Mrs. Grace Thomas, Mrs. Clifford Schultz, Mrs. Harry Wilson, Mrs. Al Posschl, Miss Elsie Snook, Miss Betty Jean Bergner, Mrs. Herman Bergner, Mrs. Lula Fuller, Mrs. Ruth Roth, Mrs, Leonard Hixson, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Decatur and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Gatts. ' HOSTESS to her bridge club for luncheon and the afternoon Thursday will be Mrs. C. Lester Newman. Grand Officers to Visit Cherry Court Mrs. William C. Pritchard of Portland, grand royal matron, and Orra B. Cole, Cannon Beach, grand royal patron of the grand court. Order of the Amaranth, will pay their last official visit of the year to Cherry court No. 19, Wed nesday, at 8 o'clock at the Scottish Rite temple. The grand officers will Inspect the ritualistic work, with M r s. Paul R. Shafcr, royal matron, and James H. Turnbull, royal patron, of Cherry court, presiding. Mem bers of Cherry court holding grand court offices are Mrs. Charles W. McCabe, grand assistant lecturer and Mrs. Russell D. Bright, grand representative to Kansas. A special addendum will be con ferred in honor of Mrs. Pritchard and Mr. Cole, and they wfQ re ceive honorary memberships fette) Cherry court. It will also be friendship night with guests expected from many out-of-town courts. The entertain ment will Include musical and vocal presentations. Following the meeting, there will b social hour and refreshments will be served with Mrs. Ray Johnson past matron. In charge. - Mrs. Evert G. Givens is in charge e( decorations. ; CHRISTMAS PARTY for Salem Zenith club will be Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Vera Kitchell. There will be a gift ex change. Committee for the evening includes Mrs. Ralph Atwood, Mrs. Sam C, Campbell, Mrs. John Gun dcrson. Mrs. L. G. Falk, Mrs, Fred Joehnke, Mrs. Ted Jenny.;- ' Little Stole Norwegian blue fox in soft moonlit tones; flat tering, budget-priced. Matched Pair This sophisticated black bucket cocktail hat and giant matching muff, both trimmed with velvet, are made of Southwest African Persian lamb, a new fur favorite. Christmas Musicale Set for Next Sunday A Christmas musicale will be given by the piano students of Mrs. Genevieve Mickenham on Sunday. December 16 at her home 1025 Fir St. The program will be A Christmas musicale was pre-Li.: ', ii, j iu sented by piano students of Doris i ,,, i.: , .ini. SALEM Federated Music Teach-1 QpfjstmaS Program ers plan their monthly meeting j . . jjDA Wednesday, December 12 at 10,'Or Christian DrW a.m. in the Wills Music company j "Christmas in Many Lands" Is auditorium. Mary Craig, state pre-. the theme for the December din- sident, will speak at the meeting and Mt and Mrs. Vernon Wiscar- George Hale, Sunday afternoon at her Center street home. Patricia Hale Allport, soprano, was guest soloist. Students taking part were Nan- matching head-dresses and shoes, Icy Donaldson, Brian Eisner, Billy j Humphi ililU jJCdH dliu iijiiicaiunc tailing, i kiiiiei, rini i-ai uici , iaiui lhey carried nosegays oi wnue ; urcene. Pamela ones, lam Hale group playing at 4 o'clock. A tea hour will follow each pro gram. Students taking part are: Ivan Schectman, Margaret O'Day, Lin da Kautz, Roddy Kautz, Beth rey, Shirley Burton. Jim Hamilton, J i m Schulz, Walter Winslow. Janice Akerson, Sharon chrysanthemums centered with red j Joan Howser, Mary Howser. Lylc Fultoni 'Francos Hamilton. Judy and Larry and Suzanne Zeller. 20. with Mrs. Arthur Hagen sisting the hostess. A Christmas dance with a midnight supper will be given by Mrs. Bessie Loomis, December 22, at the Salem Heights Community hall. The group is sending records to the Children's Farm Home near Corvallis as a Christmas charity. poinsettas. Best man was Bob Luther. Ush ers were Tom Moore, Jeff Walton, Herb Singleton and Bill Kelley. A reception in the church par lors followed the ceremony. Red poinsettas decorated the bride's ta ble, and white fir boughs were about the room. Cutting the bride's cake were Mrs. Mac McCombic and Mrs. Russell Yockey. Pouring were Mrs. A. J. Ellison and Mrs. Floyd Wilson. Assisting were Misses Delores Sherlund. Dorothy Williams, Dorothy Brodersen, Clarice and Claudia Waters, Mar cia Maple, Roz Summers, sorority sisters of the bride. Passing the guest book was Miss Elaine Scuckler. and at the gift table was Miss Diane Meyers. For a wedding trio to the coast, the bride wore a black and white tweed suit with white fur collar, white velvet hat, black accessories and orchid corsage. After January 23, the couple will be at home at Ft, Monmouth, N.J. Recital on Sunday Piano students of Mrs. Jack Morrison presented their annual Christmas recital on Sunday, at tne sione nam. anquiq. j Mrs. Howard Price, mnsimas music . ! Orville Kannier, Jr ana iwo picuu aiiu uuu were featured. Appearing were Robin Gale. Scott Berdcll. Janis Glennie, Kay Bergen, Joyce and Sharon Kin kaid. Dennis Smith. Merrie Lynn Conder. Jeanne Buchanan. Marilee Foote, Skippy and Marilyn Ale shire, Linda Kay Whittakcr, Brent Heppner. Gerry Ewing, George Nelson, David Nebel, Marilyn White. SfTndra Hummel, Evelyn Taylor. Connie and Sara Mayers, and Helen Willis. Morris, Gregg Morris, Dick Nopp ;Scmriz; Gle obinnet' BSP Chapter to Meet Regular meeting of Beta Omi cron chapter. Beta Sigma Phi, will be Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. Anna Riecel. Other activities of the chapter to attend, include the no-host dinner and Christmas party to be at the home UW rfiricfmac P3ru of Mrs. Thomas Kay on December YY YY ' nnsimas rariy Nell Gil man, Margaret Guman, Rachael Vancel. Mary. Olson ,Judy Mans field, Danny Cadmus, Kathy Cad mus, Neeley White, Judy Robin son, Buddy Knapp, John Knapp, Sue Turner. David Mickenham, Norma MacCallister, Barbara Mickenham. The interested public is invited Surprise Party A surprise housewarming was given for Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen at their home on Holiday drive, Saturday night. A no-host supper was served and an infor mal evening enjoyed. In the group calling were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hansen. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. INVITATIONS were received the Mr. and Mrs. 'past weekend for an open house George Jones, Mr. and Mrs. for which Mr. and Mrs. Edwin George Meter. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Keech will entertain on Sunday. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Robert December 23. Guests arc invited No-host dinner and Christmas party for Veterans of World War I, Barricks No. 113 and auxiliary, will be at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall Wednesday. Dessert will i be furnished by the committee, with Mrs. Merrill Emery as chair man. A short business meeting will be followed by a program which in cludes all district auxiliaries, Al bany, Corvallis, Mulino, Stayton and Salem. Members are asked to bring canned goods and other non perishable foods for the Christmas baskets to be delivered by t h e auxiliary to the needy. Veterans of World War I, their families, mothers, widows and sisters are invited to attend. son will be host to the teachers at a Christmas Coffee. Toastmistress Event Mrs. B. L. Trelstad won the speech award at the meeting of Chemeketa Toastmistress club Thursday evening, at the Golden Pheasant. Other speakers were Mrs. Edward Shuholm and Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Mrs. A. B. Thomas was general evaluator; Mrs. Helene Hansen, Mrs. H. LaSoine and Mrs. K. W. Hillstrom. individual cvaluators; Mrs. J. W. Tindall, toastmistress; Mrs. Charcls Lowe, table topics; Mrs. C. E. Jaqua, invocation and Mrs. A. S. Tussing, timekeeper. A report was given on the joint meeting with Salem Toastmistress club recently, and plans were made for a future joint meeting, The Christmas party will be at the home of Mrs. B. L. Trelstad ner meeting of the Christian Busi ness and rrotcssional women s council to be Tuesday at 6: IS p.m. at Nohlgrcn's new banquet room. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor of the First Baptist church, will show slides of the Holy Land, tak en on his recent visit. Mrs. Hay Laccy will present the special fea ture, the display of foreign dolls from the Doll House at Oceanlake. Myra Freisen, vocalist and student at Willamette university, will pre sent Christmas music. All women are invited to attend, and reservations may be made with Mrs. Abbott, 3-8829. PLE and F Club Meets PLE and F club will meet for a Christmas party Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. 0. C. Harris. 1157 North Capitol street. There will be a gift exchange and election ot officers. Mrs. Leonard Hixson, Mrs. Hu December 20, at 7:30, when mom- bert Gatts and Mrs. Donald Harris bers arc to exchange gifts. arc co-hostesses. jvans Slippers Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Simp son, Mrs. Nellie Packer, William L. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Slick of Oregon City William Ferguson. to call between 3 and 6 o'clock. Party for Clink Doctors of Salem clinic and their wives are giving a dinner and Christmas party Thursday night at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Dowd for all members of the clinic staff and their wives or husbands. The dinner will be at 7 SALEM Toast mist recss club is Mr. and Mrs. meeting next Friday night, De cember 13, instead of on the usual Thursday, the dinner to be at 6 o'clock at the Golden Pheasant. WOMAN'S SOCIETY of Christ ian Service of the Jason Lee MfttrmHict rhnrrh will meet for business session at 10 a.m. next ' o'clock. Thirty-two will attend the Wednesday. "For All Children" party. will be the subject of the program, ... as prepared bv Mrs. Roy Lively. W EST SALEM Woman s club Mrs Gordon Black will lead thei'". mect (or no hosl ?inncr and devotions ;Christmas party. Thursday, at 6:30 ' , , , ... . . p.m. at the Kingwnod hall. A short Mrs. Ernest Goulder will lead Christmas film wi be shown and tne singing oi .nriMi.i.i .ui.-,, wj be communilv sinEing. following the 12:15 noon luncheon ; Mcmbcrs are ,0 DrjnC gif.s for ox. to be served by members of Helen Kim circle. Wrapped gifts for a man, wom an or child are to be taken to the meeting, to be distributed to one of the state institutions. change, and items for a box for a needy family. - MISSOLRI club is meeting for Us annual Christmas party on Tuesday, a no-host luncheon to be served at 12 30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C R. Osborn, 4240 State street. There will be an exchange of Christmas gifts and "secret IN ROSEBIRG this past week end were Mr. and Mrs. Harrv W. i , i j t ttr;i 1 ; BCOll ana jir. aim in. ntuioin K. Kimsey, the men attending lhe P"'" ' remembered mid-winter session of the state Lions club council. MRS. H. C. MAISON will be hostess at a Christmas party for members of her bridge club next Tuesday evening, at her home on Hnlliday drive. DEGREE of Honor Protective association has set its Christmas party at Salem Woman's club house on Wednesday night, a no host supper to be served at 6:30 o'clock, lodge session following at 8 o'clock. NO-HOST luncheon for Missouri Ladies auxiliary will be Tuesday. at 12 30 p m. at the home of Mrs. i C. R. Osborn, 4240 Slate street. ' Gifts are to be exchanged. i SOl'TH S.M.EM (Special) A Christmas greens workshop will be conducted on Tuesday when the Wee Weeders Garden club meets at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Daven port on South Winter street. The workshop will ben at 9 o'clock and a no-host dner will ho served at the noon hour. There U1 be an rvchanse of gifts and "tccrct pals'' will be r(cd. ( T A I.I.M A VS C'll It ISTM AS PIANO SALE All Pianos Reduced In Price! r New Spinels $389 up All Makes, Slvles, Largest Stock In N. W.! E Z Terms Pyts. Begin Feb. Open Every Evening TALLMAN PIANO STORE 195 S. 12th. Near S. P. Depot I GOT THE IDEA FROM THE NEW ARDEN k HALF GALLON! 1 AK A M 7.95 Open Ev.ryNighl Til 9 P.M. r.W,l ylrjnWONOSRfUfyWAT Except Saturday K BEtONDlTHilltlPRUBlTAQl Penmys isrfbur SmfoJ J'y fix 1 u- ; Jt 7 iiiei llm?vi I'll if ir !'' : FOR MEN WHO THINK THEY HAVE EVERYTHING ! No man really has everythinjr until he enjoys the un eiualed comfort in a pair oE trlove-soft Evans Slipptrs. We tr.rrj the world's most famous Bm in slippes Kvans. Why not writ "Ktjwu Slip ptrs" on your eift ttf W Smart men find relaxation in Imns bVppcrt 1ft FAMILY SHQt on : 0. . 'STORE Men's Den - Mai. flnor G 148 N. LIBERTY BETTER because they're knit of PENNY'S OWN LAM -FUR the softest, richest fur blend yet! BETTER STILL smoothest fit in sweaters . . budget! They're prized-quality fur fiber-nylon. Looped crew shape. Scads of rich Fall colors. our classics are FULL FASHIONED for the Penney-priced with your . , made of lambs' wool-, necklines always keep in Sizes 34 to 42. S90 O iJ SHORT T Jbr SLEEVE SLIPON SECOND FLOOR LONG SLEEVE CARDIGAN 790 I d , 17 1 1 d Feature! M. Washable Orion Wool Plaid Skirts (V Only Sizes 10 to 18 Eeau'iful'cle-ir-colored plaids with box pleats stitched to the hip line, cut generously full. They're all side-zipper styles that you can wash in your machine. 65 Orion, 35 wool. Sizes 10 to 18. SECOND FLOOR 0 0